void writeDataBackgroundHistosForModel(const std::map<TString,TGraph*>& m_bkgds,
				       const std::vector<TH1D *>& vchans,
				       TFile  *allHistFile)
  for (std::map<TString,TGraph*>::const_iterator it = m_bkgds.begin();
       it != m_bkgds.end();
       it++) {
    const TString& name = it->first;

    // determine binning from the signal histogram for this channel
    // - (sigh) have to find it first...
    TString channame = name.Copy().Remove(0,strlen("Bckgrndtot_"));
    TH1D *sigh=(TH1D*)0;
    for (int ichan=0; ichan<NUMCHAN; ichan++) {
      sigh = vchans.at(ichan);
      if (strstr(sigh->GetName(),channame.Data()))
    assert (sigh);

    // for variable binning - all histos must have the same binning per channel
    TAxis *xax = sigh->GetXaxis();

    TVectorD xbins   = TVectorD(sigh->GetNbinsX(),xax->GetXbins()->GetArray());

    int lobin = xax->FindFixBin(sumwinmin);
    int hibin = xax->FindFixBin(sumwinmax)-1;
    int nbins = hibin-lobin+1;

    TVectorD xwindow = xbins.GetSub(lobin-1,hibin);
    printf("Booking TH1D(%s,%s,%d,xwindowarray)\n",
    TH1D *h = new TH1D(name.Data(),name.Data(),nbins,xwindow.GetMatrixArray());

    for (int ibin=1; ibin <= nbins; ibin++)
		       * h->GetBinWidth(ibin)


}                                            //  writeDataBackgroundHistosForModel
Esempio n. 2
    bool TProtoSerial::operator() (TVectorD& v, int protoField) {

        switch (Mode) {
            case ESerialMode::IN:
                const NGroundProto::TVectorD* vecProto = GetEmbedMessage<NGroundProto::TVectorD>(protoField);
                v = TVectorD(vecProto->x_size());
                for (size_t vecIdx=0; vecIdx < v.size(); ++vecIdx) {
                    v(vecIdx) = vecProto->x(vecIdx);
            case ESerialMode::OUT:
                NGroundProto::TVectorD* vecProto = GetEmbedMutMessage<NGroundProto::TVectorD>(protoField);
                for (const auto& val: v) {
        return true;
Esempio n. 3
File: portfolio.C Progetto: Y--/root
TVectorD OptimalInvest(Double_t riskFactor,TVectorD r,TMatrixDSym Covar)
// what the quadratic programming package will do:
//  minimize    c^T x + ( 1/2 ) x^T Q x
//  subject to                A x  = b
//                    clo <=  C x <= cup
//                    xlo <=    x <= xup
// what we want :
//  maximize    c^T x - k ( 1/2 ) x^T Q x
//  subject to        sum_x x_i = 1
//                    0 <= x_i

  // We have nrStocks weights to determine,
  // 1 equality- and 0 inequality- equations (the simple square boundary
  // condition (xlo <= x <= xup) does not count)

  const Int_t nrVar     = nrStocks;
  const Int_t nrEqual   = 1;
  const Int_t nrInEqual = 0;

  // flip the sign of the objective function because we want to maximize
  TVectorD    c = -1.*r;
  TMatrixDSym Q = riskFactor*Covar;

  // equality equation
  TMatrixD A(nrEqual,nrVar); A = 1;
  TVectorD b(nrEqual); b = 1;

  // inequality equation
  // - although not applicable in the current situation since nrInEqual = 0, one
  //   has to specify not only clo and cup but also an index vector iclo and icup,
  //   whose values are either 0 or 1 . If iclo[j] = 1, the lower boundary condition
  //   is active on x[j], etc. ...

  TMatrixD C   (nrInEqual,nrVar);
  TVectorD clo (nrInEqual);
  TVectorD cup (nrInEqual);
  TVectorD iclo(nrInEqual);
  TVectorD icup(nrInEqual);

  // simple square boundary condition : 0 <= x_i, so only xlo is relevant .
  // Like for clo and cup above, we have to define an index vector ixlo and ixup .
  // Since each variable has the lower boundary, we can set the whole vector
  // ixlo = 1

  TVectorD xlo (nrVar); xlo  = 0;
  TVectorD xup (nrVar); xup  = 0;
  TVectorD ixlo(nrVar); ixlo = 1;
  TVectorD ixup(nrVar); ixup = 0;

  // setup the quadratic programming problem . Since a small number of variables are
  // involved and "Q" has everywhere entries, we chose the dense version "TQpProbDens" .
  // In case of a sparse formulation, simply replace all "Dens" by "Sparse" below and
  // use TMatrixDSparse instead of TMatrixDSym and TMatrixD

  TQpProbDens *qp = new TQpProbDens(nrVar,nrEqual,nrInEqual);

  // stuff all the matrices/vectors defined above in the proper places

  TQpDataDens *prob = (TQpDataDens *)qp->MakeData(c,Q,xlo,ixlo,xup,ixup,A,b,C,clo,iclo,cup,icup);

  // setup the nrStock variables, vars->fX will contain the final solution

  TQpVar      *vars  = qp->MakeVariables(prob);
  TQpResidual *resid = qp->MakeResiduals(prob);

  // Now we have to choose the method of solving, either TGondzioSolver or TMehrotraSolver
  // The Gondzio method is more sophisticated and therefore numerically more involved
  // If one want the Mehrotra method, simply replace "Gondzio" by "Mehrotra" .

  TGondzioSolver *s = new TGondzioSolver(qp,prob);
  const Int_t status = s->Solve(prob,vars,resid);

  const TVectorD weight = vars->fX;

  delete qp; delete prob; delete vars; delete resid; delete s;
  if (status != 0) {
    cout << "Could not solve this problem." <<endl;
    return TVectorD(nrStocks);

  return weight;
void writeSignalHistosForModel(std::vector<TH1D *>& vsd,
			       const TString& sigmodel,
			       TFile *allHistFile)
  for (int ichan=0; ichan<NUMCHAN; ichan++) {
    TH1D * sdh = vsd[ichan];

    // Find limit window from gaussian fit to signal peak.
    double wid  = sdh->GetRMS();
    double mean = sdh->GetMean();

    //TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas(s,s,300,300);
    TFitResultPtr r = sdh->Fit("gaus","QNS","",mean-2.5*wid,mean+2.5*wid);

    cout<<" mean= "<<mean<<", RMS= "<<wid<<", Fit sigma= "<<r->Parameter(2)<<endl;
    //cout<<r->Parameter(0)<<" "<<r->Parameter(1)<<" "<<r->Parameter(2)<<endl;

    TAxis *xax = sdh->GetXaxis();

#if 0
    int lobin = xax->FindFixBin(r->Parameter(1)-2*r->Parameter(2));
    int hibin = xax->FindFixBin(r->Parameter(1)+2*r->Parameter(2));
    sd.sumwinmin = xax->GetBinLowEdge(lobin);
    sd.sumwinmax = xax->GetBinUpEdge(hibin);
#elif 0
    int lobin = xax->FindFixBin(140);   sd.sumwinmin=140; // 1 bin  left,
    int hibin = xax->FindFixBin(170)-1; sd.sumwinmax=170; // 2 bins right
    int lobin = xax->FindFixBin(sumwinmin);
    int hibin = xax->FindFixBin(sumwinmax)-1;
    int nbins = hibin-lobin+1;

    // for variable binning - all histos must have the same binning per channel
    TVectorD xbins   = TVectorD(sdh->GetNbinsX(),sdh->GetXaxis()->GetXbins()->GetArray());
    TVectorD xwindow = xbins.GetSub(lobin-1,hibin);


    // Copy contents to window-restricted signal histogram
    // and write to output file.
    TString name = Form("Signal%s_%s",sigmodel.Data(),channames[ichan]);
    printf("Booking TH1D(%s,%s,%d,xwindowarray)\n",
    TH1D *signm = new TH1D(name.Data(),

    // make copies of the histograms that are restricted to the
    // bin range lobin-hibin
    for (int ibin=lobin; ibin<=hibin; ibin++) 

    if (!sigmodel.CompareTo("wh"))


  } // channel loop
}                                                     // writeSignalHistosForModel