Esempio n. 1
File: ERP.cpp Progetto: Crisil/praat
Table ERP_tabulate (ERP me, bool includeSampleNumbers, bool includeTime, int timeDecimals, int voltageDecimals, int units) {
	double voltageScaling = 1.0;
	const wchar_t *unitText = L"(V)";
	if (units == 2) {
		voltageDecimals -= 6;
		voltageScaling = 1000000.0;
		unitText = L"(uV)";
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my nx, includeSampleNumbers + includeTime + my ny);
		long icol = 0;
		if (includeSampleNumbers) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"sample");
		if (includeTime) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"time(s)");
		for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
			Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, Melder_wcscat (my channelNames [ichan], unitText));
		for (long isamp = 1; isamp <= my nx; isamp ++) {
			icol = 0;
			if (includeSampleNumbers) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), isamp, ++ icol, isamp);
			if (includeTime) Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), isamp, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (my x1 + (isamp - 1) * my dx, timeDecimals));
			for (long ichan = 1; ichan <= my ny; ichan ++) {
				Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), isamp, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (voltageScaling * my z [ichan] [isamp], voltageDecimals));
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Table.");
Esempio n. 2
Table RealTier_downto_Table (I, const wchar_t *indexText, const wchar_t *timeText, const wchar_t *valueText) {
	iam (RealTier);
	Table thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my points -> size,
		(indexText != NULL) + (timeText != NULL) + (valueText != NULL)); cherror
		long icol = 0;
		if (indexText != NULL) { Table_setColumnLabel (thee, ++ icol, indexText); cherror }
		if (timeText != NULL) { Table_setColumnLabel (thee, ++ icol, timeText); cherror }
Esempio n. 3
autoTable ResultsMFCs_to_Table (OrderedOf<structResultsMFC>* me) {
	try {
		long irow = 0;
		bool hasGoodnesses = false, hasReactionTimes = false;
		for (long iresults = 1; iresults <= my size; iresults ++) {
			ResultsMFC results = my at [iresults];
			for (long itrial = 1; itrial <= results -> numberOfTrials; itrial ++) {
				irow ++;
				if (results -> result [itrial]. goodness != 0)
					hasGoodnesses = true;
				if (results -> result [itrial]. reactionTime != 0.0)
					hasReactionTimes = true;
		autoTable thee = Table_create (irow, 3 + hasGoodnesses + hasReactionTimes);
		Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), 1, U"subject");
		Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), 2, U"stimulus");
		Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), 3, U"response");
		if (hasGoodnesses)
			Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), 4, U"goodness");
		if (hasReactionTimes)
			Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), 4 + hasGoodnesses, U"reactionTime");
		irow = 0;
		for (long iresults = 1; iresults <= my size; iresults ++) {
			ResultsMFC results = my at [iresults];
			for (long itrial = 1; itrial <= results -> numberOfTrials; itrial ++) {
				irow ++;
				Table_setStringValue (thee.get(), irow, 1, results -> name);
				Table_setStringValue (thee.get(), irow, 2, results -> result [itrial]. stimulus);
				Table_setStringValue (thee.get(), irow, 3, results -> result [itrial]. response);
				if (hasGoodnesses) {
					Table_setNumericValue (thee.get(), irow, 4, results -> result [itrial]. goodness);
				if (hasReactionTimes) {
					Table_setNumericValue (thee.get(), irow, 4 + hasGoodnesses, results -> result [itrial]. reactionTime);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (U"ResultsMFC objects not collected to Table.");
Esempio n. 4
autoTable RealTier_downto_Table (RealTier me, const char32 *indexText, const char32 *timeText, const char32 *valueText) {
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my points.size,
			(!! indexText) + (!! timeText) + (!! valueText));
		long icol = 0;
		if (indexText) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), ++ icol, indexText);
		if (timeText ) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), ++ icol, timeText);
		if (valueText) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.get(), ++ icol, valueText);
		for (long ipoint = 1; ipoint <= my points.size; ipoint ++) {
			RealPoint point = my [ipoint];
			icol = 0;
			if (indexText) Table_setNumericValue (thee.get(), ipoint, ++ icol, ipoint);
			if (timeText)  Table_setNumericValue (thee.get(), ipoint, ++ icol, point -> number);
			if (valueText) Table_setNumericValue (thee.get(), ipoint, ++ icol, point -> value);
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Table.");
Esempio n. 5
Table RealTier_downto_Table (RealTier me, const char32 *indexText, const char32 *timeText, const char32 *valueText) {
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my numberOfPoints (),
			(indexText != NULL) + (timeText != NULL) + (valueText != NULL));
		long icol = 0;
		if (indexText != NULL) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, indexText);
		if (timeText  != NULL) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, timeText);
		if (valueText != NULL) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, valueText);
		for (long ipoint = 1; ipoint <= my numberOfPoints (); ipoint ++) {
			RealPoint point = my point (ipoint);
			icol = 0;
			if (indexText != NULL) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ipoint, ++ icol, ipoint);
			if (timeText != NULL)  Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ipoint, ++ icol, point -> number);
			if (valueText != NULL) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ipoint, ++ icol, point -> value);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Table.");
Esempio n. 6
Table Spectrum_downto_Table (Spectrum me, bool includeBinNumbers, bool includeFrequency,
	bool includeRealPart, bool includeImaginaryPart, bool includeEnergyDensity, bool includePowerDensity)
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my nx,
			includeBinNumbers + includeFrequency + includeRealPart + includeImaginaryPart + includeEnergyDensity + includePowerDensity);
		long icol = 0;
		if (includeBinNumbers) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"bin");
		if (includeFrequency) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"freq(Hz)");
		if (includeRealPart) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"re(Pa/Hz)");
		if (includeImaginaryPart) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"im(Pa/Hz)");
		if (includeEnergyDensity) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"energy(Pa^2/Hz^2)");
		if (includePowerDensity) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, L"pow(dB/Hz)");
		for (long ibin = 1; ibin <= my nx; ibin ++) {
			icol = 0;
			if (includeBinNumbers) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, ibin);
			if (includeFrequency) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, my x1 + (ibin - 1) * my dx);
			if (includeRealPart) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, my z [1] [ibin]);
			if (includeImaginaryPart) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, my z [2] [ibin]);
			if (includeEnergyDensity) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, ibin, 0, 1));
			if (includePowerDensity) Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), ibin, ++ icol, Sampled_getValueAtSample (me, ibin, 0, 2));
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Table.");
Table TableOfReal_to_Table (TableOfReal me, const wchar_t *labelOfFirstColumn) {
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my numberOfRows, my numberOfColumns + 1);
		Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), 1, labelOfFirstColumn);
		for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
			wchar_t *columnLabel = my columnLabels [icol];
			thy columnHeaders [icol + 1]. label = Melder_wcsdup (columnLabel && columnLabel [0] ? columnLabel : L"?");
		for (long irow = 1; irow <= thy rows -> size; irow ++) {
			wchar_t *stringValue = my rowLabels [irow];
			TableRow row = static_cast <TableRow> (thy rows -> item [irow]);
			row -> cells [1]. string = Melder_wcsdup (stringValue && stringValue [0] ? stringValue : L"?");
			for (long icol = 1; icol <= my numberOfColumns; icol ++) {
				double numericValue = my data [irow] [icol];
				row -> cells [icol + 1]. string = Melder_wcsdup (Melder_double (numericValue));
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, ": not converted to Table.");
Esempio n. 8
Table Formant_downto_Table (Formant me, bool includeFrameNumbers,
	bool includeTimes, int timeDecimals,
	bool includeIntensity, int intensityDecimals,
	bool includeNumberOfFormants, int frequencyDecimals,
	bool includeBandwidths)
	try {
		autoTable thee = Table_createWithoutColumnNames (my nx, includeFrameNumbers + includeTimes + includeIntensity +
			includeNumberOfFormants + my maxnFormants * (1 + includeBandwidths));
		long icol = 0;
		if (includeFrameNumbers)     Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, U"frame");
		if (includeTimes)            Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, U"time(s)");
		if (includeIntensity)        Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, U"intensity");
		if (includeNumberOfFormants) Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, U"nformants");
		for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= my maxnFormants; iformant ++) {
			Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, Melder_cat (U"F", iformant, U"(Hz)"));
			if (includeBandwidths) { Table_setColumnLabel (thee.peek(), ++ icol, Melder_cat (U"B", iformant, U"(Hz)")); }
		for (long iframe = 1; iframe <= my nx; iframe ++) {
			icol = 0;
			if (includeFrameNumbers)
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, iframe);
			if (includeTimes)
				Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (my x1 + (iframe - 1) * my dx, timeDecimals));
			Formant_Frame frame = & my d_frames [iframe];
			if (includeIntensity)
				Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (frame -> intensity, intensityDecimals));
			if (includeNumberOfFormants)
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, frame -> nFormants);
			for (long iformant = 1; iformant <= frame -> nFormants; iformant ++) {
				Formant_Formant formant = & frame -> formant [iformant];
				Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (formant -> frequency, frequencyDecimals));
				if (includeBandwidths)
					Table_setStringValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, Melder_fixed (formant -> bandwidth, frequencyDecimals));
			for (long iformant = frame -> nFormants + 1; iformant <= my maxnFormants; iformant ++) {
				Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, NUMundefined);
				if (includeBandwidths)
					Table_setNumericValue (thee.peek(), iframe, ++ icol, NUMundefined);
		return thee.transfer();
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": not converted to Table.");