Esempio n. 1
bool SSurface::PointIntersectingLine(Vector p0, Vector p1, double *u, double *v)
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
        Vector pi, p, tu, tv;
        p = PointAt(*u, *v);
        TangentsAt(*u, *v, &tu, &tv);
        Vector n = (tu.Cross(tv)).WithMagnitude(1);
        double d = p.Dot(n);

        bool parallel;
        pi = Vector::AtIntersectionOfPlaneAndLine(n, d, p0, p1, &parallel);
        if(parallel) break;

        // Check for convergence
        if(pi.Equals(p, RATPOLY_EPS)) return true;

        // Adjust our guess and iterate
        Vector dp = pi.Minus(p);
        double du = dp.Dot(tu), dv = dp.Dot(tv);
        *u += du / (tu.MagSquared());
        *v += dv / (tv.MagSquared());
//    dbp("didn't converge (surface intersecting line)");
    return false;
Esempio n. 2
bool SSurface::ClosestPointNewton(Vector p, double *u, double *v, bool converge)
    // Initial guess is in u, v; refine by Newton iteration.
    Vector p0 = Vector::From(0, 0, 0);
    for(int i = 0; i < (converge ? 25 : 5); i++) {
        p0 = PointAt(*u, *v);
        if(converge) {
            if(p0.Equals(p, RATPOLY_EPS)) {
                return true;

        Vector tu, tv;
        TangentsAt(*u, *v, &tu, &tv);
        // Project the point into a plane through p0, with basis tu, tv; a
        // second-order thing would converge faster but needs second
        // derivatives.
        Vector dp = p.Minus(p0);
        double du = dp.Dot(tu), dv = dp.Dot(tv);
        *u += du / (tu.MagSquared());
        *v += dv / (tv.MagSquared());

    if(converge) {
        dbp("didn't converge");
        dbp("have %.3f %.3f %.3f", CO(p0));
        dbp("want %.3f %.3f %.3f", CO(p));
        dbp("distance = %g", (p.Minus(p0)).Magnitude());
    return false;
Esempio n. 3
void SSurface::EdgeNormalsWithinSurface(Point2d auv, Point2d buv,
                                        Vector *pt,
                                        Vector *enin, Vector *enout,
                                        Vector *surfn,
                                        uint32_t auxA,
                                        SShell *shell, SShell *sha, SShell *shb)
    // the midpoint of the edge
    Point2d muv  = (auv.Plus(buv)).ScaledBy(0.5);

    *pt    = PointAt(muv);

    // If this edge just approximates a curve, then refine our midpoint so
    // so that it actually lies on that curve too. Otherwise stuff like
    // point-on-face tests will fail, since the point won't actually lie
    // on the other face.
    hSCurve hc = { auxA };
    SCurve *sc = shell->curve.FindById(hc);
    if(sc->isExact && sc->exact.deg != 1) {
        double t;
        sc->exact.ClosestPointTo(*pt, &t, false);
        *pt = sc->exact.PointAt(t);
        ClosestPointTo(*pt, &muv);
    } else if(!sc->isExact) {
        SSurface *trimmedA = sc->GetSurfaceA(sha, shb),
                 *trimmedB = sc->GetSurfaceB(sha, shb);
        *pt = trimmedA->ClosestPointOnThisAndSurface(trimmedB, *pt);
        ClosestPointTo(*pt, &muv);

    *surfn = NormalAt(muv.x, muv.y);

    // Compute the edge's inner normal in xyz space.
    Vector ab    = (PointAt(auv)).Minus(PointAt(buv)),
           enxyz = (ab.Cross(*surfn)).WithMagnitude(SS.ChordTolMm());
    // And based on that, compute the edge's inner normal in uv space. This
    // vector is perpendicular to the edge in xyz, but not necessarily in uv.
    Vector tu, tv;
    TangentsAt(muv.x, muv.y, &tu, &tv);
    Point2d enuv;
    enuv.x = enxyz.Dot(tu) / tu.MagSquared();
    enuv.y = enxyz.Dot(tv) / tv.MagSquared();

    // Compute the inner and outer normals of this edge (within the srf),
    // in xyz space. These are not necessarily antiparallel, if the
    // surface is curved.
    Vector pin   = PointAt(muv.Minus(enuv)),
           pout  = PointAt(muv.Plus(enuv));
    *enin  = pin.Minus(*pt),
    *enout = pout.Minus(*pt);
Esempio n. 4
Vector SSurface::NormalAt(double u, double v) {
    Vector tu, tv;
    TangentsAt(u, v, &tu, &tv);
    return tu.Cross(tv);