void go(void) { GFLW_LIBRARY::Initialise(); GFLW_LIBRARY::EnableLZW(GFL_TRUE); GFLW_FORMAT format; GFL_ERROR ret; format.FindByName("jpeg"); PrintInfo(format); format.FindByFilename("toto.tif"); PrintInfo(format); format.FindByIndex(10); PrintInfo(format); ret = GFLW_FORMAT::FindFirst(format); while ( ret == GFL_NO_ERROR ) { ret = GFLW_FORMAT::FindNext(format); PrintInfo(format); } GetInfo( DIR"test1" ); TestFile( DIR"test1", DIR"test1.bmp", -1 ); GetInfo( DIR"test1.bmp" ); TestFile( DIR"test2", DIR"test2.bmp", -1 ); GetInfo( DIR"test2.bmp" ); GetInfo( DIR"test3" ); TestFile( DIR"test3", DIR"test3.bmp", GFLW_FORMAT("jpeg").GetIndex() ); GetInfo( DIR"test2.bmp" ); TestFile( DIR"test4", DIR"test.bmp", -1 ); Test2File( DIR"test2", DIR"test4.bmp", GFLW_FORMAT("bmp").GetIndex() ); GetInfo( DIR"test4.bmp" ); Test3File( DIR"test2", DIR"test5.bmp", GFLW_FORMAT("bmp").GetIndex() ); GetInfo( DIR"test5.bmp" ); Test4File( DIR"test2", DIR"test6.jpg", GFLW_FORMAT("jpeg").GetIndex(), 5 ); Test4File( DIR"test2", DIR"test7.jpg", GFLW_FORMAT("jpeg").GetIndex(), 80 ); Test5File( DIR"test2", DIR"test10.gif", GFLW_FORMAT("gif").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_BINARY, GFL_MODE_FLOYD_STEINBERG ); Test5File( DIR"test2", DIR"test11.gif", GFLW_FORMAT("gif").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_64GREY, GFL_MODE_PATTERN_DITHER ); Test5File( DIR"test2", DIR"test12.gif", GFLW_FORMAT("gif").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_64GREY, GFL_MODE_ADAPTIVE ); Test5File( DIR"test2", DIR"test13.gif", GFLW_FORMAT("gif").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_216COLORS, GFL_MODE_PATTERN_DITHER ); Test5File( DIR"test2", DIR"test14.gif", GFLW_FORMAT("gif").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_216COLORS, GFL_MODE_ADAPTIVE ); Test5File( DIR"test10.gif", DIR"test15.jpg", GFLW_FORMAT("jpeg").GetIndex(), GFL_MODE_TO_RGB, 0 ); Test6File( DIR"test1", DIR"test16.png" ); Test7File( "jpeg" ); Test8File(); GFLW_LIBRARY::Exit(); }
void TestLargeImagePerformance() { TestFile("test/rgb8bit/artificial.ppm", 17, Size(3072,2048), 8, 3); TestFile("test/rgb8bit/bridge.ppm", 17, Size(2749,4049), 8, 3); TestFile("test/rgb8bit/flower_foveon.ppm", 17, Size(2268,1512), 8, 3); //TestFile("test/rgb8bit/big_building.ppm", 17, Size(7216,5412), 8, 3); // TestFile("test/rgb16bit/bridge.ppm", 19, Size(2749,4049), 16, 3, true); }
void TestPerformance() { TestFile("test/bad.raw", 0, Size(512, 512), 8, 1); // RGBA image (This is a common PNG sample) TestFile("test/alphatest.raw", 0, Size(380, 287), 8, 4); Size size1024 = Size(1024, 1024); Size size512 = Size(512, 512); // 16 bit mono TestFile("test/MR2_UNC", 1728, size1024, 16, 1, true); // 8 bit mono TestFile("test/0015.raw", 0, size1024, 8, 1); TestFile("test/lena8b.raw", 0, size512, 8, 1); // 8 bit color TestFile("test/desktop.ppm", 40, Size(1280,1024), 8, 3); // 12 bit RGB TestFile("test/SIEMENS-MR-RGB-16Bits.dcm", -1, Size(192,256), 12, 3, true); TestFile16BitAs12("test/DSC_5455.raw", 142949, Size(300,200), 3, true); // 16 bit RGB TestFile("test/DSC_5455.raw", 142949, Size(300,200), 16, 3, true); }
static bool TestCombinedFile(const std::string& inputPath, ETargetVersion version, bool checkGL) { std::string outname = inputPath.substr (0,inputPath.size()-7); std::string frag_out, vert_out; if (version == ETargetGLSL_ES_100) { vert_out = outname + "-vertex-outES.txt"; frag_out = outname + "-fragment-outES.txt"; } else { vert_out = outname + "-vertex-out.txt"; frag_out = outname + "-fragment-out.txt"; } bool res = TestFile(VERTEX, inputPath, vert_out, "vs_main", version, 0, checkGL); return res & TestFile(FRAGMENT, inputPath, frag_out, "ps_main", version, 0, checkGL); }
int TestDirectory(char *dir, char *picoc) { char pattern[MAX_PATH]; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE h; int errorCount = 0; int dirLen = (int) strlen(dir); // Make sure the dir has a trailing slash, then add "*.*" to it. strcpy(pattern, dir); if (pattern[dirLen - 1] != '\\' && pattern[dirLen - 1] != '/') { strcpy(pattern + dirLen, "\\*.*"); ++dirLen; } else { strcpy(pattern + dirLen, "*.*"); } // Go through all the files in the directory h = FindFirstFile(pattern, &findData); if (h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { do { // If we find a subdirectory, recurse into it if ((findData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0) { if (findData.cFileName[0] != '.') { strcpy(pattern + dirLen, findData.cFileName); errorCount += TestDirectory(pattern, picoc); } } // Else (not a subdirectory) else { // If it's a .c file int fileNameLen = (int) strlen(findData.cFileName); if (_stricmp(findData.cFileName + fileNameLen - 2, ".c") == 0) { // Run it through PicoC and check the results strcpy(pattern + dirLen, findData.cFileName); errorCount += TestFile(pattern, picoc); } } } while (FindNextFile(h, &findData)); FindClose(h); } return errorCount; }
int main() { std::string word; std::vector<std::string> WordVector; std::vector<std::string> ReversedWordVector; //Reverse the initial text file std::ifstream input_file("TheReverseWordTest.txt", std::ios_base::binary); std::ofstream output_file("TheReverseWordTest_reversed.txt", std::ios_base::binary); std::istreambuf_iterator<char> input_begin(input_file); std::istreambuf_iterator<char> input_end; std::ostreambuf_iterator<char> output_begin(output_file); std::vector<char> input_data(input_begin, input_end); std::reverse_copy(input_data.begin(), input_data.end(), output_begin); input_file.close(); output_file.close(); //Construct a vector of words std::ifstream TestFile("TheReverseWordTest.txt"); while (TestFile >> word) { WordVector.push_back(word); } TestFile.close(); //Construct a vector of reversed words std::ifstream ReversedFile("TheReverseWordTest_reversed.txt"); while (ReversedFile >> word) { ReversedWordVector.push_back(word); } ReversedFile.close(); // Allocate space for intersection std::vector<std::string> IntersectionVector; // Sort as required by std::set_intersection std::sort(WordVector.begin(), WordVector.end()); std::sort(ReversedWordVector.begin(), ReversedWordVector.end()); // Compute the set intersection std::set_intersection(WordVector.begin(), WordVector.end(), ReversedWordVector.begin(), ReversedWordVector.end(), std::back_inserter(IntersectionVector)); std::ofstream myfile; myfile.open ("uniquepairs.txt"); for (std::string n : IntersectionVector) myfile<< n << std::endl; myfile.close(); return 0; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { int algo, arg, verbose; char *filename; /* Check arguments */ if( (argc < 3) || (argc > 4) ) { Help( argv[ 0 ] ); return 0; } arg = 1; /* Check for options */ verbose = 0; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "-v" ) == 0 ) { verbose = 1; ++ arg; } /* Get algo */ algo = 0; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rle" ) == 0 ) algo = 1; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "huff" ) == 0 ) algo = 2; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice8" ) == 0 ) algo = 3; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice16" ) == 0 ) algo = 4; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice32" ) == 0 ) algo = 5; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice8s" ) == 0 ) algo = 6; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice16s" ) == 0 ) algo = 7; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "rice32s" ) == 0 ) algo = 8; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "lz" ) == 0 ) algo = 9; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "lz_f" ) == 0 ) algo = 10; if( strcmp( argv[arg], "sf" ) == 0 ) algo = 11; if( !algo ) { Help( argv[ 0 ] ); return 0; } ++ arg; /* Get file name */ filename = argv[arg]; /* Initialize timer */ InitTimer(); /* Test file */ TestFile( filename, algo, verbose ); return 0; }
static void TestRead() { mitk::NavigationToolReader::Pointer myReader = mitk::NavigationToolReader::New(); mitk::NavigationTool::Pointer readTool = myReader->DoRead("TestTool.tool"); MITK_TEST_OUTPUT(<<"---- Testing navigation tool reader with first test tool (claron tool) ----"); //Test if the surfaces do have the same number of vertexes (it would be better to test for real equality of the surfaces!) MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(dynamic_cast<mitk::Surface*>(readTool->GetDataNode()->GetData())->GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries()==m_testSurface->GetSizeOfPolyDataSeries(),"Test if surface was restored correctly ..."); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(readTool->GetType()==mitk::NavigationTool::Fiducial,"Testing Tool Type"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(readTool->GetTrackingDeviceType()==mitk::ClaronMicron,"Testing Tracking Device Type"); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(readTool->GetSerialNumber()=="0815","Testing Serial Number"); std::ifstream TestFile(readTool->GetCalibrationFile().c_str()); MITK_TEST_CONDITION_REQUIRED(TestFile,"Testing If Calibration File Exists"); }
static KpBool_t TestFileCB(KpfileDirEntry_t FAR *fileSearch, Limits_t *Limits) { SpCallerId_t CallerId = Limits->CallerId; SpSearch_t *SearchCriterion = Limits->SearchCriterion; SpProfile_t *profileList = Limits->profileList; KpInt32_t listSize = Limits->listSize; KpInt32_t *CurrentIndex = &(Limits->CurrentIndex); KpBool_t Result; SpStatus_t *RetStatus = &(Limits->RetStatus); KpInt32_t GetALL = Limits->GetALL; /* This call back is for a search of profiles in the directory. */ Result = TestFile(fileSearch, CallerId, RetStatus, SearchCriterion, profileList, listSize, GetALL, CurrentIndex); return Result; }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { if ( argc < 2 ) { printf("Usage: test_binaries <FILENAME>\n" ); } else { char fileName[2048], dir[2048]; if ( !Q_ExtractFilePath( argv[1], dir, sizeof( dir ) ) ) { strcpy( dir, "" ); } else { Q_FixSlashes( dir, '/' ); int len = strlen(dir); if ( len && dir[len-1] !='/' ) { strcat( dir, "/" ); } } WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; HANDLE hFind = FindFirstFile( argv[1], &findData ); if ( hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) { printf("Can't find %s\n", argv[1] ); } else { do { sprintf( fileName, "%s%s", dir, findData.cFileName ); TestFile( fileName ); } while ( FindNextFile( hFind, &findData ) ); FindClose( hFind ); } } return 0; }
static bool TestFile (TestRun type, const std::string& inputPath, ETargetVersion version, unsigned options, bool checkGL) { std::string outname = inputPath.substr (0,inputPath.size()-7); const char* suffix = "-out.txt"; if (version == ETargetGLSL_ES_100) suffix = "-outES.txt"; else if (version == ETargetGLSL_ES_300) suffix = "-outES3.txt"; else if (options & ETranslateOpEmitGLSL120ArrayInitWorkaround) suffix = "-out120arr.txt"; if (type == VERTEX_FAILURES || type == FRAGMENT_FAILURES) { return TestFileFailure(type, inputPath, outname + suffix); } else { return TestFile(type, inputPath, outname + suffix, "main", version, options, checkGL); } return false; }
/*---------------------------------------------------------------------- | main +---------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char** argv) { // setup debugging #if defined(_WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(UNDER_CE) int flags = _crtDbgFlag | _CRTDBG_ALLOC_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_DELAY_FREE_MEM_DF | _CRTDBG_CHECK_ALWAYS_DF; _CrtSetDbgFlag(flags); //AllocConsole(); //freopen("CONOUT$", "w", stdout); #endif // check args if (argc == 2) { TestFile(argv[1]); return 0; } TestRegression(); TestComments(); TestCdata(); TestWhitespace(); TestAttributes(); TestAttributeNormalization(); TestNamespaces(); TestSerializer(); TestMakeStandalone(); TestCanonicalizer(); TestFinders(); TestWriter(); TestBadInput(); return 0; }
void WriteOutputFile (const char* outputFilePath, OSType dataFormat, Float64 srate, MusicTimeStamp sequenceLength, bool shouldPrint, AUGraph inGraph, UInt32 numFrames, MusicPlayer player) { // delete existing output file TestFile (outputFilePath, true); OSStatus result = 0; UInt32 size; CAStreamBasicDescription outputFormat; outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame = 2; outputFormat.mSampleRate = srate; outputFormat.mFormatID = dataFormat; AudioFileTypeID destFileType; CAAudioFileFormats::Instance()->InferFileFormatFromFilename (outputFilePath, destFileType); if (dataFormat == kAudioFormatLinearPCM) { outputFormat.mBytesPerPacket = outputFormat.mChannelsPerFrame * 2; outputFormat.mFramesPerPacket = 1; outputFormat.mBytesPerFrame = outputFormat.mBytesPerPacket; outputFormat.mBitsPerChannel = 16; if (destFileType == kAudioFileWAVEType) outputFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked; else outputFormat.mFormatFlags = kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsBigEndian | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsSignedInteger | kLinearPCMFormatFlagIsPacked; } else { // use AudioFormat API to fill out the rest. size = sizeof(outputFormat); require_noerr (result = AudioFormatGetProperty(kAudioFormatProperty_FormatInfo, 0, NULL, &size, &outputFormat), fail); } if (shouldPrint) { printf ("Writing to file: %s with format:\n* ", outputFilePath); outputFormat.Print(); } FSRef parentDir; CFStringRef destFileName; require_noerr (result = PosixPathToParentFSRefAndName(outputFilePath, parentDir, destFileName), fail); ExtAudioFileRef outfile; result = ExtAudioFileCreateNew (&parentDir, destFileName, destFileType, &outputFormat, NULL, &outfile); CFRelease (destFileName); require_noerr (result, fail); AudioUnit outputUnit; UInt32 nodeCount; require_noerr (result = AUGraphGetNodeCount (inGraph, &nodeCount), fail); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < nodeCount; ++i) { AUNode node; require_noerr (result = AUGraphGetIndNode(inGraph, i, &node), fail); ComponentDescription desc; require_noerr (result = AUGraphNodeInfo(inGraph, node, &desc, NULL), fail); if (desc.componentType == kAudioUnitType_Output) { require_noerr (result = AUGraphNodeInfo(inGraph, node, 0, &outputUnit), fail); break; } } { CAStreamBasicDescription clientFormat; size = sizeof(clientFormat); require_noerr (result = AudioUnitGetProperty (outputUnit, kAudioUnitProperty_StreamFormat, kAudioUnitScope_Output, 0, &clientFormat, &size), fail); size = sizeof(clientFormat); require_noerr (result = ExtAudioFileSetProperty(outfile, kExtAudioFileProperty_ClientDataFormat, size, &clientFormat), fail); { MusicTimeStamp currentTime; AUOutputBL outputBuffer (clientFormat, numFrames); AudioTimeStamp tStamp; memset (&tStamp, 0, sizeof(AudioTimeStamp)); tStamp.mFlags = kAudioTimeStampSampleTimeValid; int i = 0; int numTimesFor10Secs = (int)(10. / (numFrames / srate)); do { outputBuffer.Prepare(); AudioUnitRenderActionFlags actionFlags = 0; require_noerr (result = AudioUnitRender (outputUnit, &actionFlags, &tStamp, 0, numFrames, outputBuffer.ABL()), fail); tStamp.mSampleTime += numFrames; require_noerr (result = ExtAudioFileWrite(outfile, numFrames, outputBuffer.ABL()), fail); require_noerr (result = MusicPlayerGetTime (player, ¤tTime), fail); if (shouldPrint && (++i % numTimesFor10Secs == 0)) printf ("current time: %6.2f beats\n", currentTime); } while (currentTime < sequenceLength); } } // close ExtAudioFileDispose(outfile); return; fail: printf ("Problem: %ld\n", result); exit(1); }
static int AppendFile(Directory *d) { FILE *f; char pathName[PATHNAMESIZE], newPathName[PATHNAMESIZE], buf[BUFSIZE]; int i, j; int oldIndex, newIndex, iFlag; if (verbose) printf("AppendFile called with directory '%s'\n", d->DirPathName); if ( (oldIndex=FindExistingFileName(d, pathName)) == -1 ) { printf("AppendFile: failed to get a file to append to\n"); return -1; } else if (oldIndex == -2 ) { printf("AppendFile: found a flaw in the filing system\n"); return 0; } printf("AppendFile: appending to file '%s'\n", pathName); /* Having selected a file to append to, we now have FINDUNUSEDFILETRIES */ /* goes at finding a name that we can rename it to, having appended */ /* to it, such that the new name and the file size match (the number */ /* of blocks is encoded in the name), and the new size is greater than */ /* the old - as it must be, of course, since we're appending. */ newIndex=-1; iFlag=0; for (i=0; i<FINDUNUSEDFILETRIES; i++) if ( (newIndex=FindUnusedFileName(d, newPathName)) > oldIndex ) { iFlag=1; break; } if (!iFlag) { printf("AppendFile: failed to find a suitable new name for file %s\n", pathName); return 1; /* Don't request a filesystem check, this is tedious. */ } /* Open file in "r+" mode, so we can overwrite the 2nd header word without */ /* losing the rest of the file's contents. */ if ( (f=fopen(pathName, "r+")) == NULL ) { printf("AppendFile: failed to open file '%s'\n", pathName); return 0; } /* Move file pointer to the 2nd word, & change it to correspond to the */ /* file's new name. */ fseek(f, 4, SEEK_SET); if ( !fwrite(&newIndex, sizeof(int), 1, f) ) { printf("AppendFile: failed to modify header byte of file '%s'\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( fclose(f) == EOF ) printf("AppendFile: failed to close file '%s'\n", pathName); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1 ) printf("AppendFile: couldn't delete file '%s'\n", pathName); return 0; } /* Now move the file pointer to its end and append the new blocks on to */ /* the end. */ fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); for (i=oldIndex; i<newIndex; i++) { for (j=0; j<BUFSIZE; j++) buf[j]=(unsigned char)i; if ( !fwrite(buf, 1, BUFSIZE, f) ) { printf("AppendFile: failed to append a block to file '%s'\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( fclose(f) == EOF ) printf("AppendFile: failed to close file '%s'\n", pathName); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1 ) printf("AppendFile: couldn't delete file '%s'\n", pathName); } } if ( fclose(f) ==EOF ) { printf("AppendFile: couldn't close file %s\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1 ) printf("CreateFile: couldn't delete file %s\n", pathName); return 0; } /* Having appended to the file, give it its new name & check its validity */ #if 0 if (verbose) #endif printf("AppendFile: renaming file '%s' to '%s'\n", pathName, newPathName); /* There's a bug in the posix 'rename' function, so use one of my own */ /* devising instead. */ if ( !RenRRD(pathName, newPathName) ) { printf("CreateFile: failed to rename file '%s' as '%s'\n", pathName, newPathName); printf("CreateFile: errno is %d\n", errno); return 0; } if ( TestFile(newPathName, d->DirLevel) ) return 1; else { printf("AppendFile: new file '%s' is corrupt!\n", newPathName); return 0; } }
int main (int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf ("USAGE: hlsl2glsltest testfolder\n"); return 1; } bool hasOpenGL = InitializeOpenGL (); if (!hasOpenGL) printf("NOTE: will not check GLSL with actual driver (no GL/GLSL)\n"); clock_t time0 = clock(); Hlsl2Glsl_Initialize (); std::string baseFolder = argv[1]; size_t tests = 0; size_t errors = 0; for (int type = 0; type < NUM_RUN_TYPES; ++type) { printf ("TESTING %s...\n", kTypeName[type]); const ETargetVersion version1 = kTargets1[type]; const ETargetVersion version2 = kTargets2[type]; const ETargetVersion version3 = kTargets3[type]; std::string testFolder = baseFolder + "/" + kTypeName[type]; StringVector inputFiles = GetFiles (testFolder, "-in.txt"); size_t n = inputFiles.size(); tests += n; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::string inname = inputFiles[i]; //if (inname != "_zzz-in.txt") // continue; const bool preprocessorTest = (inname.find("pp-") == 0); bool ok = true; printf ("test %s\n", inname.c_str()); if (type == BOTH) { ok = TestCombinedFile(testFolder + "/" + inname, version1, hasOpenGL); if (ok && version2 != ETargetVersionCount) ok = TestCombinedFile(testFolder + "/" + inname, version2, hasOpenGL); } else { ok = TestFile(TestRun(type), testFolder + "/" + inname, version1, 0, hasOpenGL); if (!preprocessorTest) { if (ok && version2 != ETargetVersionCount) ok = TestFile(TestRun(type), testFolder + "/" + inname, version2, ETranslateOpEmitGLSL120ArrayInitWorkaround, hasOpenGL); if (ok && version3 != ETargetVersionCount) ok = TestFile(TestRun(type), testFolder + "/" + inname, version3, 0, hasOpenGL); } } if (!ok) ++errors; } } clock_t time1 = clock(); float t = float(time1-time0) / float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if (errors != 0) printf ("%i tests, %i FAILED, %.2fs\n", (int)tests, (int)errors, t); else printf ("%i tests succeeded, %.2fs\n", (int)tests, t); Hlsl2Glsl_Shutdown(); CleanupOpenGL(); return errors ? 1 : 0; }
INT_PTR CALLBACK DialogProc(HWND hwndDlg, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { WORD wCode, wId; DWORD dwThreadId; switch(uMsg) { case WM_CLOSE: if(g_hScanProc) TerminateThread(g_hScanProc, 0); FreeLists(hwndDlg); FreeFonts(); EndDialog(hwndDlg, 0); break; case WM_COMMAND: wId = LOWORD(wParam); wCode = HIWORD(wParam); switch(wId) { case IDC_BROWSE: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) GetFilename(hwndDlg); break; case IDC_SCAN: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) g_hScanProc = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (PTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)ScanProc, hwndDlg, NULL, &dwThreadId); break; case IDC_FILENAME: if(wCode == EN_CHANGE) TestFile(hwndDlg); break; case IDC_VIEW: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) ViewPointer(hwndDlg); break; case IDC_DEFAULT: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) SetHotkey(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_HOTKEYS), SET_DEFAULT); break; case IDC_UNBIND: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) SetHotkey(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_HOTKEYS), SET_UNBIND); break; case IDC_ASSIGN: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) SetHotkey(GetDlgItem(hwndDlg, IDC_HOTKEYS), GetHotkey(hwndDlg)); break; case IDC_SETFIXED: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) { if(SelectFont(hwndDlg, g_szFixedFont, &g_lFixedSize, &g_bFixedBold)) SetFixedWidthFont(hwndDlg, g_szFixedFont, g_lFixedSize, g_bFixedBold); } break; case IDC_SETPROPORTIONAL: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) { if(SelectFont(hwndDlg, g_szProportionalFont, &g_lProportionalSize, &g_bProportionalBold)) SetProportionalFont(hwndDlg, g_szProportionalFont, g_lProportionalSize, g_bProportionalBold); } break; case IDC_SAVE: if(wCode == BN_CLICKED) SaveINI(hwndDlg); break; } break; case WM_INITDIALOG: Init(hwndDlg); break; default: return FALSE; break; } return TRUE; }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void TUtilities::FileDiagnostics(AnsiString Input)//test function { std::ofstream TestFile("TestFile.csv", std::ios_base::app); TestFile << Input.c_str() << '\n'; TestFile.close(); }
static int CreateFile(Directory *d) { int fileNum, i, j; char pathName[PATHNAMESIZE], buf[BUFSIZE]; FILE *f; if (verbose) printf("CreateFile called on directory '%s'\n", d->DirPathName); if ( (fileNum=FindUnusedFileName(d, pathName)) == -1 ) { if (verbose) printf("CreateFile: FindUnusedFileName failed\n"); return 0; } printf("Creating file %s\n", pathName); if ( (f=fopen(pathName, "wb")) == NULL) { printf("CreateFile: failed to open file %s\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); return 0; } if ( !fwrite(&(d->DirLevel), sizeof(int), 1, f) || !fwrite(&fileNum, sizeof(int), 1, f) ) { printf("CreateFile: error writing header of file %s\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( fclose(f) == EOF) printf("CreateFile: couldn't close file %s\n", pathName); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1) printf("CreateFile: couldn't delete file %s\n", pathName); return 0; } for (i=0; i<fileNum; i++) { for (j=0; j<BUFSIZE; j++) buf[j]=(unsigned char)i; if ( fwrite(buf, 1, BUFSIZE, f) == 0 ) { printf("CreateFile: error in writing contents of file %s\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( fclose(f) == EOF ) printf("CreateFile: couldn't close file %s\n", pathName); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1) printf("CreateFile: couldn't delete file %s\n", pathName); return 0; } } #ifndef DEBUG if (verbose) #endif printf("CreateFile: created file %s\n", pathName); if ( fclose(f) ==EOF ) { printf("CreateFile: couldn't close file %s\n", pathName); free(safetyBlock); ReleaseMem(); if ( unlink(pathName) == -1) printf("CreateFile: couldn't delete file %s\n", pathName); return 0; } if ( TestFile(pathName, d->DirLevel) ) return 1; else { printf("CreateFile: new file '%s' is corrupt!\n", pathName); return 0; } }
//===================================================================================== // Fonction : main // Entrees : <loc_s32_argc<: nombre d'arguments // <loc_pps8_argv<: tableau de pointeur de chaque argument // Sortie : rien // Auteur : CM - 09/09/2009 - // Description : PROCESSUS TEST //===================================================================================== int main(int loc_s32_argc, s8sod *loc_pps8_argv[]) { printf("Debut processus Test... \n"); //----------------------------------------------- //Initialisation propres à ce processus //----------------------------------------------- InitModule_ExecTest(); InitModule_TestWifi(); InitModule_RdProcNet(); InitModule_TestMac(); InitModule_TestSwap_App(); InitModule_TestFile(); InitModule_SetCountryID(); //----------------------------------------------- //Test des arguments passés //----------------------------------------------- if(loc_s32_argc < 2)//CONDITION: nombre d'argument insufisant { ; //pas assez d'arguments } else { if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-w")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_WIFI; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-mac")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_MAC; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-route")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_READ_PROC_NET_ROUTE; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-swap_app1")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_SWAP_APP1; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-swap_app2")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_SWAP_APP2; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-file")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_FILE; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-perso")) { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_PERSO; } if (0 == strcmp(loc_pps8_argv[1],"-setcountryid")) { if(loc_s32_argc < 3)//CONDITION: nombre d'argument insufisant { ; //pas assez d'arguments } else { u8_mode_test = MODE_TEST_TOOL_SETCOUNTRYID; } } } if(MODE_TEST_TOOL_AUCUN == u8_mode_test) { proc_Usage((s8sod *)loc_pps8_argv[0]); exit(1); } //----------------------------------------------- //Initialisation des modules de la librairie system //----------------------------------------------- InitModule_LibrarySystem(); SetConfig_LibrarySystem(AddMsgDbgLog); //----------------------------------------------- //Initialisation des modules de la librairie bdd //----------------------------------------------- InitModule_LibraryBdd(); //----------------------------------------------- //Initialisation des modules de la librairie Network //----------------------------------------------- InitModule_LibraryNetwork(); //----------------------------------------------- //Initialisation des modules de la librairie Wifi //----------------------------------------------- InitModule_LibraryWifi(); switch(u8_mode_test) { case MODE_TEST_TOOL_WIFI: //Extraction info BSSID sur l'accès Wifi TestWifi_ExtractBSSID(); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_MAC: TestMAC_LanInterface(); TestMAC_WLanInterface(); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_READ_PROC_NET_ROUTE: TestLecture_ProcNetRoute(); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_SWAP_APP1: TestSwap_App(MODE_BOOT_APP1); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_SWAP_APP2: TestSwap_App(MODE_BOOT_APP2); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_FILE: TestFile(); break; case MODE_TEST_TOOL_PERSO: { S_STRUCT_SYST_FILE loc_ps_tab[NB_MAX_CERTIFICATS]; u8sod loc_u8_i; for(loc_u8_i=0;loc_u8_i<NB_MAX_CERTIFICATS;loc_u8_i++) { RazSystFile(&loc_ps_tab[loc_u8_i]); //INIT } if(FALSE == u8CmdSystem_ListFileInDirectory(PATH_DIR__ETC_CERTIFICATS,&loc_ps_tab[0],NB_MAX_CERTIFICATS)) { printf("Resultat:KO\n"); } else { printf("Resultat:\n"); for(loc_u8_i=0;loc_u8_i<NB_MAX_CERTIFICATS;loc_u8_i++) { if(0 != strcmp(loc_ps_tab[loc_u8_i].ps8_nom, "")) { printf("%s size=%lu\n",loc_ps_tab[loc_u8_i].ps8_nom,loc_ps_tab[loc_u8_i].u32_sizeoffile); } } } break; } case MODE_TEST_TOOL_SETCOUNTRYID: SaveCountryID(loc_pps8_argv[2]); break; default: break; } return 0; }/*main*/
int main (int argc, const char** argv) { #ifndef __S3E__ if (argc < 2) { printf ("USAGE: glsloptimizer testfolder\n"); return 1; } #endif bool hasOpenGL = InitializeOpenGL (); bool hasMetal = InitializeMetal (); glslopt_ctx* ctx[3] = { glslopt_initialize(kGlslTargetOpenGLES20), glslopt_initialize(kGlslTargetOpenGLES30), glslopt_initialize(kGlslTargetOpenGL), }; glslopt_ctx* ctxMetal = glslopt_initialize(kGlslTargetMetal); #ifndef __S3E__ std::string baseFolder = argv[1]; #else std::string baseFolder = "." ; #endif clock_t time0 = clock(); // 2.39s // ralloc fix 256 initial: 1.35s static const char* kTypeName[2] = { "vertex", "fragment" }; size_t tests = 0; size_t errors = 0; int type = 0 ; // vertex std::string testFolder = baseFolder + "/" + kTypeName[type]; static const char* kAPIName[3] = { "OpenGL ES 2.0", "OpenGL ES 3.0", "OpenGL" }; static const char* kApiIn [3] = {"-inES.txt", "-inES3.txt", "-in.txt"}; static const char* kApiOut[3] = {"-outES.txt", "-outES3.txt", "-out.txt"}; static const char* kApiOutMetal[3] = {"-outESMetal.txt", "-outES3Metal.txt", "-outMetal.txt"}; int api= 0 ; // OpenGL ES 2.0 printf ("\n** running %s tests for %s...\n", kTypeName[type], kAPIName[api]); std::string inname = "ogre-inES.txt"; std::string outname = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-strlen(kApiIn[api])) + kApiOut[api]; std::string outnameMetal = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-strlen(kApiIn[api])) + kApiOutMetal[api]; const bool useMetal = (api == 1); #ifdef __S3E__ // with s3e we wont perform GLES check hasOpenGL = false ; #endif bool ok = TestFile (ctx[api], type==0, inname, testFolder + "/" + inname, testFolder + "/" + outname, api<=1, hasOpenGL, false); if (!ok) { ++errors; } // for __S3E__ we normally wont test Metal if (useMetal) { ok = TestFile (ctxMetal, type==0, inname, testFolder + "/" + inname, testFolder + "/" + outnameMetal, api==0, false, hasMetal); if (!ok) { ++errors; } } ++tests; clock_t time1 = clock(); float timeDelta = float(time1-time0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (errors != 0) printf ("\n**** %i tests (%.2fsec), %i !!!FAILED!!!\n", (int)tests, timeDelta, (int)errors); else printf ("\n**** %i tests (%.2fsec) succeeded\n", (int)tests, timeDelta); // 3.25s // with builtin call linking, 3.84s for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) glslopt_cleanup (ctx[i]); glslopt_cleanup (ctxMetal); CleanupGL(); return errors ? 1 : 0; }
int main (int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf ("USAGE: glsloptimizer testfolder\n"); return 1; } bool hasOpenGL = InitializeOpenGL (); glslopt_ctx* ctx[2] = { glslopt_initialize(true), glslopt_initialize(false), }; std::string baseFolder = argv[1]; clock_t time0 = clock(); static const char* kTypeName[2] = { "vertex", "fragment" }; size_t tests = 0; size_t errors = 0; for (int type = 0; type < 2; ++type) { std::string testFolder = baseFolder + "/" + kTypeName[type]; static const char* kAPIName[2] = { "OpenGL ES 2.0", "OpenGL" }; static const char* kApiIn [2] = {"-inES.txt", "-in.txt"}; static const char* kApiIR [2] = {"-irES.txt", "-ir.txt"}; static const char* kApiOut[2] = {"-outES.txt", "-out.txt"}; for (int api = 0; api < 2; ++api) { printf ("\n** running %s tests for %s...\n", kTypeName[type], kAPIName[api]); StringVector inputFiles = GetFiles (testFolder, kApiIn[api]); size_t n = inputFiles.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::string inname = inputFiles[i]; //if (inname != "ast-in.txt") // continue; std::string hirname = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-strlen(kApiIn[api])) + kApiIR[api]; std::string outname = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-strlen(kApiIn[api])) + kApiOut[api]; bool ok = TestFile (ctx[api], type==0, inname, testFolder + "/" + inname, testFolder + "/" + hirname, testFolder + "/" + outname, api==0, hasOpenGL); if (!ok) { ++errors; } ++tests; } } } clock_t time1 = clock(); float timeDelta = float(time1-time0)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; if (errors != 0) printf ("\n**** %i tests (%.2fsec), %i !!!FAILED!!!\n", tests, timeDelta, errors); else printf ("\n**** %i tests (%.2fsec) succeeded\n", tests, timeDelta); // 3.25s // with builtin call linking, 3.84s for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) glslopt_cleanup (ctx[i]); return errors ? 1 : 0; }
int main (int argc, const char** argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf ("USAGE: hlsl2glsltest testfolder\n"); return 1; } bool hasOpenGL = InitializeOpenGL (); clock_t time0 = clock(); Hlsl2Glsl_Initialize (); std::string baseFolder = argv[1]; static const char* kTypeName[2] = { "vertex", "fragment" }; size_t tests = 0; size_t errors = 0; for (int type = 0; type < 2; ++type) { printf ("testing %s...\n", kTypeName[type]); std::string testFolder = baseFolder + "/" + kTypeName[type]; StringVector inputFiles = GetFiles (testFolder, "-in.txt"); size_t n = inputFiles.size(); tests += n; for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { std::string inname = inputFiles[i]; printf ("test %s\n", inname.c_str()); std::string outname = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-7) + "-out.txt"; std::string outnameES = inname.substr (0,inname.size()-7) + "-outES.txt"; bool ok = TestFile (type==0, testFolder + "/" + inname, testFolder + "/" + outname, false, hasOpenGL); if (ok) { ok = TestFile (type==0, testFolder + "/" + inname, testFolder + "/" + outnameES, true, false); } if (!ok) { ++errors; } } } clock_t time1 = clock(); float t = float(time1-time0) / float(CLOCKS_PER_SEC); if (errors != 0) printf ("%i tests, %i FAILED, %.2fs\n", tests, errors, t); else printf ("%i tests succeeded, %.2fs\n", tests, t); return errors ? 1 : 0; }