Esempio n. 1
void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::MarkAndTestForScan(PolyWord *pt)
    if (TestForScan(pt))
        PolyObject *obj = (*pt).AsObjPtr();
        obj->SetLengthWord(obj->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
Esempio n. 2
// This gets called in two circumstances.  It may be called for the roots
// in which case the stack will be empty and we want to process it completely
// or it is called for a constant address in which case it will have been
// called from RecursiveScan::ScanAddressesInObject and that can process
// any addresses.
PolyObject *RecursiveScan::ScanObjectAddress(PolyObject *obj)
    PolyWord pWord = obj;
    // Test to see if this needs to be scanned.
    // It may update the word.
    bool test = TestForScan(&pWord);
    obj = pWord.AsObjPtr();

    if (test)
        if (obj->IsByteObject())
            Completed(obj); // Don't need to put it on the stack
        // If we already have something on the stack we must being called
        // recursively to process a constant in a code segment.  Just push
        // it on the stack and let the caller deal with it.
        else if (StackIsEmpty())
            RecursiveScan::ScanAddressesInObject(obj, obj->LengthWord());

    return obj;
Esempio n. 3
// This is called via ScanAddressesInRegion to process the permanent mutables.  It is
// also called from ScanObjectAddress to process root addresses.
// It processes all the addresses reachable from the object.
void RecursiveScan::ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *obj, POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)
    if (OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(lengthWord))

    while (true)
        ASSERT (OBJ_IS_LENGTH(lengthWord));

        // Get the length and base address.  N.B.  If this is a code segment
        // these will be side-effected by GetConstSegmentForCode.
        POLYUNSIGNED length = OBJ_OBJECT_LENGTH(lengthWord);
        PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;

        if (OBJ_IS_CODE_OBJECT(lengthWord))
            // It's better to process the whole code object in one go.
            ScanAddress::ScanAddressesInObject(obj, lengthWord);
            length = 0; // Finished
        ASSERT(! OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(lengthWord)); // Check - remove this later

        // else it's a normal object,

        // If there are only two addresses in this cell that need to be
        // followed we follow them immediately and treat this cell as done.
        // If there are more than two we push the address of this cell on
        // the stack, follow the first address and then rescan it.  That way
        // list cells are processed once only but we don't overflow the
        // stack by pushing all the addresses in a very large vector.
        PolyWord *endWord = baseAddr + length;
        PolyObject *firstWord = 0;
        PolyObject *secondWord = 0;

        while (baseAddr != endWord)
            PolyWord wordAt = *baseAddr;

            if (wordAt.IsDataPtr() && wordAt != PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0))
                // Normal address.  We can have words of all zeros at least in the
                // situation where we have a partially constructed code segment where
                // the constants at the end of the code have not yet been filled in.
                if (TestForScan(baseAddr)) // Test value at baseAddr (may side-effect it)
                    PolyObject *wObj = (*baseAddr).AsObjPtr();
                    if (wObj->IsByteObject())
                        // Can do this now - don't need to push it
                    else if (firstWord == 0)
                        firstWord = wObj;
                        // We mark the word immediately.  We can have
                        // two words in an object that are the same
                        // and we don't want to process it again.
                    else if (secondWord == 0)
                        secondWord = wObj;
                    else break;  // More than two words.
            else if (wordAt.IsCodePtr())
                // If we're processing the constant area of a code segment this could
                // be a code address.
                PolyObject *oldObject = ObjCodePtrToPtr(wordAt.AsCodePtr());
                // Calculate the byte offset of this value within the code object.
                POLYUNSIGNED offset = wordAt.AsCodePtr() - (byte*)oldObject;
                wordAt = oldObject;
                bool test = TestForScan(&wordAt);
                // TestForScan may side-effect the word.
                PolyObject *newObject = wordAt.AsObjPtr();
                wordAt = PolyWord::FromCodePtr((byte*)newObject + offset);
                if (wordAt != *baseAddr)
                    *baseAddr = wordAt;
                if (test)
                    if (firstWord == 0)
                        firstWord = newObject;
                    else if (secondWord == 0)
                        secondWord = newObject;
                    else break;

        if (baseAddr == endWord)
            // We have done everything except possibly firstWord and secondWord.
            if (secondWord != 0)
                // Put this on the stack.  If this is a list node we will be
                // pushing the tail.
        else // Put this back on the stack while we process the first word

        if (firstWord != 0)
            // Process it immediately.
            obj = firstWord;
        else if (StackIsEmpty())
            obj = PopFromStack();

        lengthWord = obj->LengthWord();
Esempio n. 4
// This is called via ScanAddressesInRegion to process the permanent mutables.  It is
// also called from ScanObjectAddress to process root addresses.
// It processes all the addresses reachable from the object.
void MTGCProcessMarkPointers::ScanAddressesInObject(PolyObject *obj, POLYUNSIGNED lengthWord)
    if (OBJ_IS_BYTE_OBJECT(lengthWord))

    while (true)
        ASSERT (OBJ_IS_LENGTH(lengthWord));

        // Get the length and base address.  N.B.  If this is a code segment
        // these will be side-effected by GetConstSegmentForCode.
        POLYUNSIGNED length = OBJ_OBJECT_LENGTH(lengthWord);

        if (OBJ_IS_WEAKREF_OBJECT(lengthWord))
            // Special case.  
            ASSERT(OBJ_IS_MUTABLE_OBJECT(lengthWord)); // Should be a mutable.
            ASSERT(OBJ_IS_WORD_OBJECT(lengthWord)); // Should be a plain object.
            // We need to mark the "SOME" values in this object but we don't mark
            // the references contained within the "SOME".
            PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;
            // Mark every word but ignore the result.
            for (POLYUNSIGNED i = 0; i < length; i++)
            // We've finished with this.
            length = 0;

        else if (OBJ_IS_CODE_OBJECT(lengthWord))
            // It's better to process the whole code object in one go.
            ScanAddress::ScanAddressesInObject(obj, lengthWord);
            length = 0; // Finished

        // else it's a normal object,

        // If there are only two addresses in this cell that need to be
        // followed we follow them immediately and treat this cell as done.
        // If there are more than two we push the address of this cell on
        // the stack, follow the first address and then rescan it.  That way
        // list cells are processed once only but we don't overflow the
        // stack by pushing all the addresses in a very large vector.
        PolyWord *baseAddr = (PolyWord*)obj;
        PolyWord *endWord = baseAddr + length;
        PolyObject *firstWord = 0;
        PolyObject *secondWord = 0;
        PolyWord *restartAddr = 0;

        if (obj == largeObjectCache[locPtr].base)
            baseAddr = largeObjectCache[locPtr].current;
            ASSERT(baseAddr > (PolyWord*)obj && baseAddr < ((PolyWord*)obj)+length);
            if (locPtr == 0) locPtr = LARGECACHE_SIZE-1; else locPtr--;

        while (baseAddr != endWord)
            PolyWord wordAt = *baseAddr;

            if (wordAt.IsDataPtr() && wordAt != PolyWord::FromUnsigned(0))
                // Normal address.  We can have words of all zeros at least in the
                // situation where we have a partially constructed code segment where
                // the constants at the end of the code have not yet been filled in.
                if (TestForScan(baseAddr))
                    if (firstWord == 0)
                        firstWord = baseAddr->AsObjPtr();
                    else if (secondWord == 0)
                        // If we need to rescan because there are three or more words to do
                        // this is the place we need to restart (or the start of the cell if it's
                        // small).
                        restartAddr = baseAddr;
                        secondWord = baseAddr->AsObjPtr();
                    else break;  // More than two words.
            else if (wordAt.IsCodePtr())
                // If we're processing the constant area of a code segment this could
                // be a code address.
                // Check that this is actually an address.  If we have had a bad pointer
                // earlier we may treat some length fields as values.
                ASSERT(gMem.SpaceForAddress(wordAt.AsCodePtr()) != 0);
                PolyObject *oldObject = ObjCodePtrToPtr(wordAt.AsCodePtr());
                // Calculate the byte offset of this value within the code object.
                POLYUNSIGNED offset = wordAt.AsCodePtr() - (byte*)oldObject;
                wordAt = oldObject;
                bool test = TestForScan(&wordAt);
                // If we've changed it because we had a left-over forwarding pointer
                // we need to update the original.
                PolyObject *newObject = wordAt.AsObjPtr();
                wordAt = PolyWord::FromCodePtr((byte*)newObject + offset);
                if (wordAt != *baseAddr)
                    *baseAddr = wordAt;
                if (test)
                    if (firstWord == 0)
                        firstWord = newObject;
                    else if (secondWord == 0)
                        restartAddr = baseAddr;
                        secondWord = newObject;
                    else break;

        if (baseAddr != endWord)
            // Put this back on the stack while we process the first word
            PushToStack(obj, length < largeObjectSize ? 0 : restartAddr, length);
        else if (secondWord != 0)
            // Mark it now because we will process it.
            secondWord->SetLengthWord(secondWord->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
            // Put this on the stack.  If this is a list node we will be
            // pushing the tail.

        if (firstWord != 0)
            // Mark it and process it immediately.
            firstWord->SetLengthWord(firstWord->LengthWord() | _OBJ_GC_MARK);
            obj = firstWord;
        else if (msp == 0)
            markStack[msp] = 0; // Really finished
            // Clear the item above the top.  This really is finished.
            if (msp < MARK_STACK_SIZE) markStack[msp] = 0;
            // Pop the item from the stack but don't overwrite it yet.
            // This allows another thread to steal it if there really
            // is nothing else to do.  This is only really important
            // for large objects.
            obj = markStack[--msp]; // Pop something.

        lengthWord = obj->LengthWord();