Esempio n. 1
void xxxMNRecomputeBarIfNeeded(
    PWND pwndNotify,
    PMENU pMenu)
    int cxFrame;
    int cyFrame;

    UserAssert(!TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP));


    if (!TestMF(pMenu, MFSYSMENU)
        && ((pMenu->spwndNotify != pwndNotify) || !pMenu->cxMenu || !pMenu->cyMenu)) {
        int cBorders;

        cBorders = GetWindowBorders(pwndNotify->style, pwndNotify->ExStyle, TRUE, FALSE);
        cxFrame = cBorders * SYSMET(CXBORDER);
        cyFrame = cBorders * SYSMET(CYBORDER);

        cyFrame += GetCaptionHeight(pwndNotify);

        // The width passed in this call was larger by cxFrame;
        // Fix for Bug #11466 - Fixed by SANKAR - 01/06/92 --
        xxxMenuBarCompute(pMenu, pwndNotify, cyFrame, cxFrame,
                (pwndNotify->rcWindow.right - pwndNotify->rcWindow.left) - cxFrame * 2);
Esempio n. 2
// ============================================================================
//  GetMenuItemRect()
// ============================================================================
BOOL xxxGetMenuItemRect(PWND pwnd, PMENU pMenu, UINT uIndex, LPRECT lprcScreen)
    PITEM  pItem;
    int     dx, dy;



    if (uIndex >= pMenu->cItems)

     * Raid #315084: Compatiblity with NT4/Win95/98
     * WordPerfect does a long complex way to calc the menu rect
     * by calling this API. It calls GetMenuItemRect() with the app's
     * window.
    if (pwnd == NULL || TestWF(pwnd, WFWIN50COMPAT)) {
        pwnd = GetMenuPwnd(pwnd, pMenu);

     * If no pwnd, no go.
     * IMPORTANT: for MFISPOPUP we might get a different pwnd but we don't lock
     *   it because we won't call back
    if (pwnd == NULL) {
        return FALSE;

    if (TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP)) {
        dx = pwnd->rcClient.left;
        dy = pwnd->;
    } else {
        xxxMNRecomputeBarIfNeeded(pwnd, pMenu);

        dx = pwnd->rcWindow.left;
        dy = pwnd->;

    if (uIndex >= pMenu->cItems)

    pItem = pMenu->rgItems + uIndex;

    lprcScreen->right   = pItem->cxItem;
    lprcScreen->bottom  = pItem->cyItem;

    OffsetRect(lprcScreen, dx + pItem->xItem, dy + pItem->yItem);
Esempio n. 3
void MNPositionSysMenu(
    PWND pwnd,
    PMENU pmenusys)
    RECT rc;
    PITEM pItem;

    if (pmenusys == NULL) {
                "Invalid menu handle pmenusys (NULL) to MNPositionSysMenu");


     * Setup the SysMenu hit rectangle.
     */ = rc.left = 0;

    if (TestWF(pwnd, WEFTOOLWINDOW)) {
        rc.right = SYSMET(CXSMSIZE);
        rc.bottom = SYSMET(CYSMSIZE);
    } else {
        rc.right = SYSMET(CXSIZE);
        rc.bottom = SYSMET(CYSIZE);

    if (!TestWF(pwnd, WFMINIMIZED)) {
        int cBorders;

        cBorders = GetWindowBorders(pwnd->style, pwnd->ExStyle, TRUE, FALSE);
        OffsetRect(&rc, cBorders*SYSMET(CXBORDER), cBorders*SYSMET(CYBORDER));

     * Offset the System popup menu.
    Lock(&pmenusys->spwndNotify, pwnd);

    if (!TestMF(pmenusys, MF_POPUP) && (pmenusys->cItems > 0)) {
        pItem = pmenusys->rgItems;
        if (pItem) {
            pItem->yItem =;
            pItem->xItem = rc.left;
            pItem->cyItem = rc.bottom -;
            pItem->cxItem = rc.right - rc.left;
        // BOGUS -- MF_POPUP should never be set on a MENU -- only a MENU ITEM
Esempio n. 4
* GetMenuPwnd
* This function is used by xxxGetMenuItemRect and xxxMenuItemFromPoint
*  which expect a pointer to the  menu window for popup menus.
* In 4.0, apps had to go the extra mile to find the menu window; but this
*  is bogus since menu windows are an internally thing not directly exposed
*  to applications.
* 08/19/97  GerardoB    Created
PWND GetMenuPwnd (PWND pwnd, PMENU pmenu)
    if (TestMF(pmenu, MFISPOPUP)) {
        if ((pwnd == NULL) || (GETFNID(pwnd) != FNID_MENU)) {
            PPOPUPMENU ppopup = MNGetPopupFromMenu(pmenu, NULL);
            if (ppopup != NULL) {
                UserAssert(ppopup->spmenu == pmenu);
                pwnd = ppopup->spwndPopupMenu;
    return pwnd;
Esempio n. 5
int xxxMenuBarCompute(
    PMENU pMenu,
    PWND pwndNotify,
    DWORD yMenuTop,
    DWORD xMenuLeft,
    int cxMax)
    int size;
    /* menuHeight is set by MNCompute when dealing with a top level menu and
     * not all items in the menu bar have the same height.  Thus, by setting
     * menuHeight, MNCompute is called a second time to set every item to the
     * same height.  The actual value stored in menuHeight is the maximum
     * height of all the menu bar items
    DWORD menuHeight = 0;


    size = xxxMNCompute(pMenu, pwndNotify, yMenuTop, xMenuLeft, cxMax, &menuHeight);

    if (!TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP)) {
        if (menuHeight != 0) {

             * Add a border for the multi-row case.
            size = xxxMNCompute(pMenu, pwndNotify, yMenuTop, xMenuLeft,
                    cxMax, &menuHeight);

         * Right justification of HELP items is only needed on top level
         * menus.

     * There's an extra border underneath the menu bar, if it's not empty!
    return(size ? size + SYSMET(CYBORDER) : size);
Esempio n. 6
int xxxMenuItemFromPoint(PWND pwnd, PMENU pMenu, POINT ptScreen)

     * If no pwnd, no go.
     * IMPORTANT: for MFISPOPUP we might get a different pwnd but we don't lock
     *   it because we won't call back
    pwnd = GetMenuPwnd(pwnd, pMenu);
    if (pwnd == NULL) {
        return MFMWFP_NOITEM;

    if (!TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP)) {
        xxxMNRecomputeBarIfNeeded(pwnd, pMenu);

    return(MNItemHitTest(pMenu, pwnd, ptScreen));
Esempio n. 7
* xxxItemSize
* Calc the dimensions of bitmaps and strings. Loword of returned
* value contains width, high word contains height of item.
* History:
*  07-23-96 GerardoB - fixed up for 5.0
BOOL xxxMNItemSize(
    PMENU pMenu,
    PWND pwndNotify,
    HDC hdc,
    PITEM pItem,
    BOOL fPopup,
    LPPOINT lppt)
    BITMAP bmp;
    int width = 0;
    int height = 0;
    DWORD xRightJustify;
    LPWSTR lpMenuString;
    HFONT               hfnOld;
    int                 tcExtra;



    if (!fPopup) {

         * Save off the height of the top menu bar since we will used this often
         * if the pItem is not in a popup.  (ie.  it is in the top level menu bar)
        height = SYSMET(CYMENUSIZE);

    hfnOld = NULL;
    if (TestMFS(pItem, MFS_DEFAULT)) {
        if (ghMenuFontDef)
            hfnOld = GreSelectFont(hdc, ghMenuFontDef);
        else {
            tcExtra = GreGetTextCharacterExtra(hdc);
            GreSetTextCharacterExtra(hdc, tcExtra + 1 + (gcxMenuFontChar / gpsi->cxSysFontChar));

     * Compute bitmap dimensions if needed
    if (pItem->hbmp != NULL)  {
        if (pItem->hbmp == HBMMENU_CALLBACK) {
            xxxMNGetBitmapSize(pItem, pwndNotify);
        } else if (pItem->cxBmp == MNIS_MEASUREBMP) {
            if (TestMFS(pItem, MFS_CACHEDBMP)) {
                pItem->cxBmp = SYSMET(CXMENUSIZE);
                pItem->cyBmp = SYSMET(CYMENUSIZE);
                if (pItem->hbmp == HBMMENU_SYSTEM) {
                    pItem->cxBmp += SYSMET(CXEDGE);
                     * Chicago/Memphis only stretch the width,
                     * not the height.  NT Bug 124779.  FritzS
                 //  pItem->cyBmp += SYSMET(CXEDGE);
            } else {
                if (GreExtGetObjectW(pItem->hbmp, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&bmp)) {
                    pItem->cxBmp = bmp.bmWidth;
                    pItem->cyBmp = bmp.bmHeight;
                } else {
                     * If the bitmap is not useable, this is as good a default
                     * as any.
                    pItem->cxBmp = SYSMET(CXMENUSIZE);
                    pItem->cyBmp = SYSMET(CYMENUSIZE);
        width = pItem->cxBmp;
         * Remember the max bitmap width to align the text in all items.
        pMenu->cxTextAlign = max(pMenu->cxTextAlign, (DWORD)width);
         * In menu bars, we force the item to be at least CYMNSIZE.
         * Fixes many, many problems w/ apps that fake own MDI.
        if (fPopup) {
            height = pItem->cyBmp;
        } else {
            height = max((int)pItem->cyBmp, height);
    } else if (TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW)) {
        // This is an ownerdraw item -- the width and height are stored in
        // cxBmp and cyBmp
        xxxMNGetBitmapSize(pItem, pwndNotify);
        width = pItem->cxBmp;
        // Ignore height with menu bar now--that's set by user.
        if (fPopup) {
            height = pItem->cyBmp;
            // If this item has a popup (hierarchical) menu associated with it, then
            // reserve room for the bitmap that tells the user that a hierarchical
            // menu exists here.
            // B#2966, t-arthb

            UserAssert(fPopup == (TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP) != 0));

            width = width + (gcxMenuFontChar << 1);

    if ((pItem->lpstr != NULL) && (!TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW)) ) {
        SIZE size;

         * This menu item contains a string

         * We want to keep the menu bar height if this isn't a popup.
        if (fPopup) {
            /* The thickness of mnemonic underscore is CYBORDER and the gap
             * between the characters and the underscore is another CYBORDER
            height = max(height, gcyMenuFontChar + gcyMenuFontExternLeading + SYSMET(CYEDGE));

        lpMenuString = TextPointer(pItem->lpstr);
        xRightJustify = FindCharPosition(lpMenuString, TEXT('\t'));

        xxxPSMGetTextExtent(hdc, lpMenuString, xRightJustify, &size);

        if (width) {
            width += MNXSPACE +;
        } else {
            width =;

    if (fPopup && !TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW)) {
         *  Add on space for checkmark, then horz spacing for default & disabled
         *   plus some left margin.
        if (TestMF(pMenu, MNS_CHECKORBMP) || !TestMF(pMenu, MNS_NOCHECK)) {
            width += gpsi->oembmi[OBI_MENUCHECK].cx;
        width += MNXSPACE + MNLEFTMARGIN + 2;
        height += 2;

    if (TestMFS(pItem, MFS_DEFAULT)) {
        if (hfnOld)
            GreSelectFont(hdc, hfnOld);
            GreSetTextCharacterExtra(hdc, tcExtra);

     * Loword contains width, high word contains height of item.
    lppt->x = width;
    lppt->y = height;

    return(TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW));
Esempio n. 8
void MBC_RightJustifyMenu(
    PMENU pMenu)
    PITEM pItem;
    int cItem;
    int iFirstRJItem = MFMWFP_NOITEM;
    DWORD xMenuPos;
    DWORD  yPos;
    DWORD  xPosStart;
    DWORD  xPosEnd;
    int    cItemEnd;
    int    cItemStart;
    BOOL   bIsWin95;

    // need to compensate for MDI menus.  need to do all here as Win31/Hebrew did
    // this.  also screwed up computation, anything non-text was not moved.
    if (pMenu->cItems == 0)

    pItem = (PITEM)&pMenu->rgItems[0];
    cItemStart = 0;

    if (TestMF(pMenu,MFRTL)) {
        bIsWin95 = TestWF(pMenu->spwndNotify, WFWIN40COMPAT);

        while( cItemStart < (int)pMenu->cItems ) {
            if (bIsWin95) {  //(not time critical)
                // deal with fake MDI dude.
                if (!cItemStart && IsMDIItem(pItem))
                    goto StillFindStart;

            if( TestMFT(pItem, MFT_BITMAP) ) {
                if ( pItem->hbmp > (HBITMAP)HBMMENU_MAX )
                    goto StillFindStart;

            if (!TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW) )

            pItem = pMenu->rgItems + cItemStart;
        // anything before cItems should be left where it is! Now need to find
        // the last item to fool with.
        cItemEnd = pMenu->cItems - 1;
        pItem   = pMenu->rgItems + cItemEnd;

        while( cItemEnd > cItemStart ) {
            if (bIsWin95) {
                // fake mdi dudes
                if (IsMDIItem(pItem))
                    goto StillFindEnd;
            if ( !TestMFT(pItem, MFT_BITMAP) && !TestMFT(pItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW) )
            cItemEnd --;
            pItem = pMenu->rgItems + cItemEnd;

        yPos      = pMenu->rgItems[0].yItem;
        xMenuPos  = pMenu->cxMenu ;
        xPosStart = xMenuPos;              // for 2nd row onward
        xPosEnd   = pMenu->rgItems[cItemStart].xItem ;

        for (cItem = pMenu->cItems-1; cItem > cItemEnd; cItem--) {
            // force any MDI dudes back to the top line again.
            pItem        = pMenu->rgItems + cItem;
            xMenuPos      =
            pItem->xItem = xMenuPos - pItem->cxItem;
            pItem->yItem = yPos;

        for( cItem = cItemStart; cItem <= cItemEnd; cItem++ ) {
            pItem = pMenu->rgItems + cItem;
            if (xMenuPos - pItem->cxItem > xPosEnd) {
                xMenuPos -= pItem->cxItem;
            } else {
                xMenuPos = xPosStart - pItem->cxItem;
                yPos     += pItem->cyItem;
                xPosEnd  = 0;
            pItem->xItem = xMenuPos;
            pItem->yItem = yPos;
    } else {
        // B#4055
        // Use signed arithmetic so comparison cItem >= iFirstRJItem won't
        // cause underflow.
        for (cItem = 0; cItem < (int)pMenu->cItems; cItem++) {
            // Find the first item which is right justified.
            if (TestMFT((pMenu->rgItems + cItem), MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY)) {
                iFirstRJItem = cItem;
                xMenuPos = pMenu->cxMenu + pMenu->rgItems[0].xItem;
                for (cItem = (int)pMenu->cItems - 1; cItem >= iFirstRJItem; cItem--) {
                    pItem = pMenu->rgItems + cItem;
                    xMenuPos -= pItem->cxItem;
                    if (pItem->xItem < xMenuPos)
                        pItem->xItem = xMenuPos;
Esempio n. 9
int xxxMNCompute(
    PMENU pMenu,
    PWND pwndNotify,
    DWORD yMenuTop,
    DWORD xMenuLeft,
    DWORD cxMax,
    LPDWORD lpdwMenuHeight)
    UINT         cItem;
    DWORD        cxItem;
    DWORD        cyItem;
    DWORD        cyItemKeep;
    DWORD        yPopupTop;
    INT          cMaxWidth;
    DWORD        cMaxHeight;
    UINT         cItemBegCol;
    DWORD        temp;
    int          ret;
    PITEM        pCurItem;
    POINT        ptMNItemSize;
    BOOL         fOwnerDrawItems;
    BOOL         fMenuBreak;
    LPWSTR       lpsz;
    BOOL         fPopupMenu;
    DWORD        menuHeight = 0;
    HDC          hdc;
    HFONT        hOldFont;
    PTHREADINFO  ptiCurrent = PtiCurrent();
    BOOL         fStringAndBitmapItems;


     * Whoever computes the menu, becomes the owner.
    if (pwndNotify != pMenu->spwndNotify) {
        Lock(&pMenu->spwndNotify, pwndNotify);

    if (lpdwMenuHeight != NULL)
        menuHeight = *lpdwMenuHeight;

     * Empty menus have a height of zero.
    ret = 0;
    if (pMenu->cItems == 0)
        return ret;

    hOldFont = GreSelectFont(hdc, ghMenuFont);

     * Try to make a non-multirow menu first.
    pMenu->fFlags &= (~MFMULTIROW);

    fPopupMenu = TestMF(pMenu, MFISPOPUP);

    if (fPopupMenu) {

         * Reset the menu bar height to 0 if this is a popup since we are
         * being called from menu.c MN_SIZEWINDOW.
        menuHeight = 0;
    } else if (pwndNotify != NULL) {
        pMenu->cxMenu = cxMax;

     * Initialize the computing variables.
    cMaxWidth = cyItemKeep = 0L;
    cItemBegCol = 0;

    cyItem = yPopupTop = yMenuTop;
    cxItem = xMenuLeft;

    pCurItem = (PITEM)&pMenu->rgItems[0];
     * cxTextAlign is used to align the text in all items; this is useful
     *  in popup menus that mix text only items with bitmap-text items. It's
     *  set to the max bitmap width plus some spacing.
     * Do this for new menus wich use string AND bitmaps on the same item
    fStringAndBitmapItems = FALSE;
    pMenu->cxTextAlign = 0;

     * Process each item in the menu.
    fOwnerDrawItems = FALSE;
    for (cItem = 0; cItem < pMenu->cItems; cItem++) {

         * If it's not a separator, find the dimensions of the object.
        if (TestMFT(pCurItem, MFT_SEPARATOR) &&
                ( !TestMFT(pCurItem, MFT_OWNERDRAW) ||
                  (LOWORD(ptiCurrent->dwExpWinVer) < VER40)) ) {
            * If version is less than 4.0  don't test the MFT_OWNERDRAW
            * flag. Bug 21922; App MaxEda has both separator and Ownerdraw
            * flags on. In 3.51 we didn't test the OwnerDraw flag

            // This is a separator.  It's drawn as wide as the menu area,
            // leaving some space above and below.  Since the menu area is
            // the max of the items' widths, we set our width to 0 so as not
            // to affect the result.
            pCurItem->cxItem = 0;
            pCurItem->cyItem = SYSMET(CYMENUSIZE) / 2;

        } else {
             * Are we using NT5 strings and bitmaps?
            fStringAndBitmapItems |= ((pCurItem->hbmp != NULL) && (pCurItem->lpstr != NULL));
             * Get the item's X and Y dimensions.
            if (xxxMNItemSize(pMenu, pwndNotify, hdc, pCurItem, fPopupMenu, &ptMNItemSize))
                fOwnerDrawItems = TRUE;

            pCurItem->cxItem = ptMNItemSize.x;
            pCurItem->cyItem = ptMNItemSize.y;
            if (!fPopupMenu && ((pCurItem->hbmp == NULL) || (pCurItem->lpstr != NULL))) {
                pCurItem->cxItem += gcxMenuFontChar * 2;

        if (menuHeight != 0)
            pCurItem->cyItem = menuHeight;

         * If this is the first item, initialize cMaxHeight.
        if (cItem == 0)
            cMaxHeight = pCurItem->cyItem;

         * Is this a Pull-Down menu?
        if (fPopupMenu) {

             * If this item has a break or is the last item...
            if ((fMenuBreak = TestMFT(pCurItem, MFT_BREAK)) ||
                pMenu->cItems == cItem + (UINT)1) {

                 * Keep cMaxWidth around if this is not the last item.
                temp = cMaxWidth;
                if (pMenu->cItems == cItem + (UINT)1) {
                    if ((int)(pCurItem->cxItem) > cMaxWidth)
                        temp = pCurItem->cxItem;

                 * Get new width of string from RecalcTabStrings.
                temp = MNRecalcTabStrings(hdc, pMenu, cItemBegCol,
                        (UINT)(cItem + (fMenuBreak ? 0 : 1)), temp, cxItem);

                 * If this item has a break, account for it.
                if (fMenuBreak) {
                    // Add on space for the etch and a border on either side.
                    // NOTE:  For old apps that do weird stuff with owner
                    // draw, keep 'em happy by adding on the same amount
                    // of space we did in 3.1.
                    if (fOwnerDrawItems && !TestWF(pwndNotify, WFWIN40COMPAT))
                        cxItem = temp + SYSMET(CXBORDER);
                        cxItem = temp + 2 * SYSMET(CXEDGE);

                     * Reset the cMaxWidth to the current item.
                    cMaxWidth = pCurItem->cxItem;

                     * Start at the top.
                    cyItem = yPopupTop;

                     * Save the item where this column begins.
                    cItemBegCol = cItem;

                     * If this item is also the last item, recalc for this
                     * column.
                    if (pMenu->cItems == (UINT)(cItem + 1)) {
                        temp = MNRecalcTabStrings(hdc, pMenu, cItem,
                                (UINT)(cItem + 1), cMaxWidth, cxItem);

                 * If this is the last entry, supply the width.
                if (pMenu->cItems == cItem + (UINT)1)
                    pMenu->cxMenu = temp;

            pCurItem->xItem = cxItem;
            pCurItem->yItem = cyItem;

            cyItem += pCurItem->cyItem;

            if (cyItemKeep < cyItem)
                cyItemKeep = cyItem;

        } else {

             * This a Top Level menu, not a Pull-Down.

             * Adjust right aligned items before testing for multirow
            if (pCurItem->lpstr != NULL) {
                lpsz = TextPointer(pCurItem->lpstr);
                if ((lpsz != NULL) && (*lpsz == CH_HELPPREFIX)) {
                    pCurItem->cxItem -= gcxMenuFontChar;

             * If this is a new line or a menu break.
            if ((TestMFT(pCurItem, MFT_BREAK)) ||
                    (((cxItem + pCurItem->cxItem + gcxMenuFontChar) >
                    pMenu->cxMenu) && (cItem != 0))) {
                cyItem += cMaxHeight;

                cxItem = xMenuLeft;
                cMaxHeight = pCurItem->cyItem;
                pMenu->fFlags |= MFMULTIROW;

            pCurItem->yItem = cyItem;

            pCurItem->xItem = cxItem;
            cxItem += pCurItem->cxItem;

        if (cMaxWidth < (int)(pCurItem->cxItem))
            cMaxWidth = pCurItem->cxItem;

        if (cMaxHeight != pCurItem->cyItem) {
            if (cMaxHeight < pCurItem->cyItem)
                cMaxHeight = pCurItem->cyItem;

            if (!fPopupMenu)
                menuHeight = cMaxHeight;

        if (!fPopupMenu)
            cyItemKeep = cyItem + cMaxHeight;


    } /* of for loop */
     * Determine where the strings should be drawn so they are aligned
     * The alignment is only for popup (vertical) menus (see xxxRealDrawMenuItem)
     * The actual space depends on the MNS_NOCHECK and MNS_CHECKORBMP styles
     * Multicolumn menus don't get aligment (now that we have scrollbars, multicolum is out)
    if (!fStringAndBitmapItems || (cItemBegCol != 0)) {
        pMenu->cxTextAlign = 0;
    } else if (TestMF(pMenu, MNS_NOCHECK)) {
        pMenu->cxTextAlign += MNXSPACE;
    } else if (TestMF(pMenu, MNS_CHECKORBMP)) {
        pMenu->cxTextAlign = max(pMenu->cxTextAlign, (UINT)gpsi->oembmi[OBI_MENUCHECK].cx);
        pMenu->cxTextAlign += MNXSPACE;
    } else {
        pMenu->cxTextAlign += gpsi->oembmi[OBI_MENUCHECK].cx + MNXSPACE;
     * Add the left margin
    if (pMenu->cxTextAlign != 0) {
        pMenu->cxTextAlign += MNLEFTMARGIN;

    if (cItemBegCol && pMenu->cItems &&
        TestMFT(((PITEM)&pMenu->rgItems[0]), MFT_RIGHTJUSTIFY)) {
        // multi-column, if we are in RtoL mode, reverse the columns
        pCurItem = (PITEM)&pMenu->rgItems[0];

        for (cItem = 0; cItem < pMenu->cItems; cItem++) {
            pCurItem->xItem = pMenu->cxMenu -
                              (pCurItem->xItem + pCurItem->cxItem);

    GreSelectFont(hdc, hOldFont);

    pMenu->cyMenu = cyItemKeep - yMenuTop;
    ret = pMenu->cyMenu;

    if (lpdwMenuHeight != NULL)
        *lpdwMenuHeight = menuHeight;

    return ret;