Esempio n. 1
void MOCRelief::CalcImpulse(MOCTrans &trans, double dTime)
    double dK = m_tranData.GeTransY(dTime,m_dKOrCv,trans.StartTime());
    dK = GetK(dK);//k= -1 表示无穷大
    else if(1==ReliefStatus())

Esempio n. 2
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    enum {ArraySize = 10};

    static LALStatus       status;
    static REAL4Vector *x;
    static REAL4Vector *y;
    static REAL8Vector *xx;
    static REAL8Vector *yy;

    SInterpolateOut sintout;
    SInterpolatePar sintpar;
    DInterpolateOut dintout;
    DInterpolatePar dintpar;

    int i;

    ParseOptions (argc, argv);

    LALSCreateVector (&status, &x, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALSCreateVector (&status, &y, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDCreateVector (&status, &xx, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDCreateVector (&status, &yy, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

    if ( verbose )
        printf ("Initial data:\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("y = P(x) = 7 - 8x + 2x^2 + 2x^3 - x^4\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("-----------------\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("x\ty\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("=================\n");
    for (i = 0; i < ArraySize; ++i)
        REAL4 xi = x->data[i] = xx->data[i] = i*i;
        y->data[i] = yy->data[i] = 7 + xi*(-8 + xi*(2 + xi*(2 - xi)));
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("%.0f\t%.0f\n", x->data[i], y->data[i]);
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("-----------------\n");

    if ( verbose )
        printf ("\nInterpolate to x = 0.3:\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("---------------------------------\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("order\ty\t\tdy\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("=================================\n");
    sintpar.x = x->data;
    sintpar.y = y->data;
    dintpar.x = xx->data;
    dintpar.y = yy->data;
    for (i = 2; i < ArraySize; ++i)
        sintpar.n = i;
        dintpar.n = i;
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, 0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &dintout, 0.3, &dintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", i - 1,
                    sintout.y, sintout.dy, dintout.y, dintout.dy);
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("---------------------------------\n");

    if ( verbose )
        printf ("\nExtrapolate to x = -0.3:\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("---------------------------------\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("order\ty\t\tdy\n");
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("=================================\n");
    sintpar.x = x->data;
    sintpar.y = y->data;
    dintpar.x = xx->data;
    dintpar.y = yy->data;
    for (i = 2; i < ArraySize; ++i)
        sintpar.n = i;
        dintpar.n = i;
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &dintout, -0.3, &dintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("%d\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\n", i - 1,
                    sintout.y, sintout.dy, dintout.y, dintout.dy);
    if ( verbose )
        printf ("---------------------------------\n");

    LALSDestroyVector (&status, &x);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALSDestroyVector (&status, &y);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDDestroyVector (&status, &xx);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDDestroyVector (&status, &yy);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

    LALCheckMemoryLeaks ();

    LALSCreateVector (&status, &x, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALSCreateVector (&status, &y, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDCreateVector (&status, &xx, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDCreateVector (&status, &yy, ArraySize);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG

    if ( ! lalNoDebug )
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nCheck error conditions:\n");

        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nNull pointer:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, NULL, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, NULL, -0.3, &dintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Null pointer check passed.\n");

        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nNull pointer:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, NULL);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &dintout, -0.3, NULL);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Null pointer check passed.\n");

        sintpar.x = NULL;
        dintpar.x = NULL;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nNull pointer:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &dintout, -0.3, &dintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Null pointer check passed.\n");

        sintpar.x = x->data;
        sintpar.y = NULL;
        dintpar.x = xx->data;
        dintpar.y = NULL;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nNull pointer:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        LALDPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &dintout, -0.3, &dintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ENULL), 1);
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Null pointer check passed.\n");

        sintpar.y = y->data;
        sintpar.n = 1;
        dintpar.y = yy->data;
        dintpar.n = 1;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nInvalid size:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_ESIZE), 1);
        dintout.dy = XLALREAL8PolynomialInterpolation (&(dintout.y), -0.3, dintpar.y, dintpar.x, dintpar.n);
        if (xlalErrno == XLAL_ESIZE)
            xlalErrno = 0;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Invalid size check passed.\n");

        x->data[1]  = x->data[0]  = 2;
        xx->data[1] = xx->data[0] = 2;
        sintpar.n = 3;
        dintpar.n = 3;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("\nZero divide:\r");
        LALSPolynomialInterpolation (&status, &sintout, -0.3, &sintpar);
        TestStatus (&status, CODES(INTERPOLATEH_EZERO), 1);
        dintout.dy = XLALREAL8PolynomialInterpolation (&(dintout.y), -0.3, dintpar.y, dintpar.x, dintpar.n);
        if (xlalErrno == XLAL_EFPDIV0)
            xlalErrno = 0;
        if ( verbose )
            printf ("Zero divide check passed.\n");

    LALSDestroyVector (&status, &x);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALSDestroyVector (&status, &y);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDDestroyVector (&status, &xx);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);
    LALDDestroyVector (&status, &yy);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

    return 0;
tcu::TestStatus RandomOrderExecutor::executeInner(TestCase *testCase, const std::string &casePath)
    TestLog &log = m_testCtx.getLog();
    const deUint64 testStartTime = deGetMicroseconds();

    m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_LAST, "");

    // Initialize, will return immediately if fails
        m_caseExecutor->init(testCase, casePath);
    catch (const std::bad_alloc &)
        return TestStatus(QP_TEST_RESULT_RESOURCE_ERROR,
                          "Failed to allocate memory in test case init");
    catch (const TestException &e)
        DE_ASSERT(e.getTestResult() != QP_TEST_RESULT_LAST);
        log << e;
        return TestStatus(e.getTestResult(), e.getMessage());
    catch (const Exception &e)
        log << e;
        return TestStatus(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, e.getMessage());

    // Execute
    for (;;)
        TestCase::IterateResult iterateResult = TestCase::STOP;


            iterateResult = m_caseExecutor->iterate(testCase);
        catch (const std::bad_alloc &)
                                    "Failed to allocate memory during test "
        catch (const TestException &e)
            log << e;
            m_testCtx.setTestResult(e.getTestResult(), e.getMessage());
        catch (const Exception &e)
            log << e;
            m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_FAIL, e.getMessage());

        if (iterateResult == TestCase::STOP)

    DE_ASSERT(m_testCtx.getTestResult() != QP_TEST_RESULT_LAST);

    if (m_testCtx.getTestResult() == QP_TEST_RESULT_RESOURCE_ERROR)

    // De-initialize
    catch (const tcu::Exception &e)
        log << e << TestLog::Message << "Error in test case deinit, test program "
                                        "will terminate."
            << TestLog::EndMessage;

    if (m_testCtx.getWatchDog())

        const TestStatus result =
            TestStatus(m_testCtx.getTestResult(), m_testCtx.getTestResultDesc());
        m_testCtx.setTestResult(QP_TEST_RESULT_LAST, "");
        return result;
Esempio n. 4
   testStatus_ = TestStatus( TestStatus::passed );
   assertionType_ = abortingAssertion;
static int
CheckDetector(LALStatus *status, LALDetector *cachedDetector)
  LALDetector          constructedDetector;
  LALDetectorType      type = cachedDetector->type;
  LALFrDetector        frDetector = cachedDetector->frDetector;
  INT2                 i, j;

  printf("  Name is \"%s\",\n",;[1] = '?';

  printf("  Changing to \"%s\",\n",;

  LALCreateDetector( status, &constructedDetector, &frDetector, type );
  TestStatus( status, CODES(0), DETECTORSITETESTC_EFLS );

  printf("  Enum'ed type is %d (LALDETECTORTYPE_IFODIFF=%d)\n",
         constructedDetector.type, LALDETECTORTYPE_IFODIFF);

  for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
    printf("  x[%d]:\n    cached: %.15g calc: %.15g diff: %g\n", i+1,
           cachedDetector->location[i] - constructedDetector.location[i]);
    if ( cachedDetector->location[i] - constructedDetector.location[i]

  for (i=0; i<3; ++i)
    for (j=0; j<3; ++j)
      printf("  d[%d,%d]:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n", i+1, j+1,
             - constructedDetector.response[i][j]);
      if ( cachedDetector->response[i][j]
           - constructedDetector.response[i][j] >= DETECTORSITETESTC_RESTOL )

  printf("  Latitude:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.vertexLatitudeRadians -

  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.vertexLatitudeRadians !=

  printf("  Longitude:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.vertexLongitudeRadians -

  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.vertexLongitudeRadians !=

  printf("  X Arm altitide:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.xArmAltitudeRadians -

  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.xArmAltitudeRadians !=

  printf("  X Arm azimuth:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.xArmAzimuthRadians -

  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.xArmAzimuthRadians !=

  printf("  Y Arm altitide:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.yArmAltitudeRadians -
  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.yArmAltitudeRadians !=

  printf("  Y Arm azimuth:\n    cached: %g calc: %g diff: %g\n",
         cachedDetector->frDetector.yArmAzimuthRadians -

  if ( cachedDetector->frDetector.yArmAzimuthRadians !=

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  static LALStatus              status;

  INT4                          i,j,k,l;

  UINT4                         numDetectors=0;
  FILE                         *fpcohSNR;
  REAL4                         theta,phi,vPlus,vMinus;
  REAL4                         x,y;

  UINT2Vector                  *detIDVec;
  DetectorVector               *detectorVec;

  CoherentInspiralInitParams   *cohInspInitParams = NULL;
  CoherentInspiralFilterParams *cohInspFilterParams = NULL;
  CoherentInspiralFilterInput  *cohInspFilterInput = NULL;
  CoherentInspiralBeamVector   *cohInspBeamVec = NULL;
  CoherentInspiralZVector      *cohInspZVec = NULL;
  InspiralTemplate             *tmplt = NULL;
  CoherentInspiralEvent        *cohInspEvent = NULL;

  char namearray[6][256] = {"0","0","0","0","0","0"};
  char namearray2[6][256] = {"0","0","0","0","0","0"};

   * parse options, allocate memory, init params and set values

  ParseOptions (argc, argv);

  /* override numSegments if outputting coherent SNR */
  if ( cohSNROut )
      numSegments = 1;
      numTmplts = 1;
      fpcohSNR = fopen ("cohSNR.dat", "w");

  /* read in the network detectors */
  for (l=0;l<6;l++)
      if(caseID[l] == 1)

  fprintf(stdout, "You have specified %2d  detector(s).\n",numDetectors);
  fprintf(stdout, "The caseID is: %d %d %d %d %d %d (H1,H2,L1,GEO,VIRGO,TAMA) \n",caseID[0],caseID[1],caseID[2],caseID[3],caseID[4],caseID[5]);

  if (numDetectors > 4)
    fprintf(stdout, "Too many detectors specified - exiting. \n");
    goto cleanexit;
  if (numDetectors == 0)
      fprintf(stdout, "You must specify data filename(s) for 1 to 4 detectors - exiting. \n");
      goto cleanexit;

   * allocate memory to structures

  /* fill the init params structure */
  cohInspInitParams = (CoherentInspiralInitParams *)
    LALMalloc (sizeof(CoherentInspiralInitParams));

  cohInspInitParams->numDetectors            = numDetectors;
  cohInspInitParams->numSegments             = numSegments;
  cohInspInitParams->numPoints               = numPoints;
  cohInspInitParams->numBeamPoints           = numBeamPoints;
  cohInspInitParams->cohSNROut               = cohSNROut;

  /* Create input structure for coherent filter code */
  LALCoherentInspiralFilterInputInit (&status, &cohInspFilterInput,
  TestStatus (&status, "0", 1);
  ClearStatus (&status);

   * information for calculating chirp time

  /* inspiral template structure */
  tmplt = cohInspFilterInput->tmplt = (InspiralTemplate *)
    LALMalloc (sizeof(InspiralTemplate));
  memset( tmplt, 0, sizeof(InspiralTemplate) );

  /* generate dummy template parameters */
    REAL4 m1 = mass;
    REAL4 m2 = mass;
    tmplt->mass1     = m1;
    tmplt->mass2     = m2;
    tmplt->totalMass = m1 + m2;
    tmplt->mu        = m1 * m2 / tmplt->totalMass;
    tmplt->eta       = tmplt->mu / tmplt->totalMass;

  /* fill the params structure */
  LALCoherentInspiralFilterParamsInit (&status, &cohInspFilterParams,
  TestStatus (&status, "0", 1);
  ClearStatus (&status);

  cohInspFilterParams->numDetectors            = numDetectors;
  cohInspFilterParams->numSegments             = numSegments;
  cohInspFilterParams->numPoints               = numPoints;
  cohInspFilterParams->numBeamPoints           = numBeamPoints;
  cohInspFilterParams->deltaT                  = 1/((REAL4) sampleRate);
  cohInspFilterParams->cohSNROut               = cohSNROut;
  cohInspFilterParams->cohSNRThresh            = cohSNRThresh;
  cohInspFilterParams->numTmplts               = numTmplts;
  cohInspFilterParams->fLow                    = fLow;
  cohInspFilterParams->maximiseOverChirp       = maximiseOverChirp;

  detIDVec = cohInspFilterParams->detIDVec;

  /*assign detIDs to the coincident detectors in the network */
  for ( i=0 ; i < 6 ; i++) {
    detIDVec->data[i] = caseID[i];

 /* create and fill the DetectorVector structure of detector IDs*/

  detectorVec = cohInspFilterParams->detectorVec;

  for ( j=0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
    /*    if (((j != 5) && caseID[j++])) { */
    if ( caseID[j] ) {
      detectorVec->detector[i++] = lalCachedDetectors[j];

  if (caseID[5]) {
    detectorVec->detector[numDetectors-1] = lalCachedDetectors[0];

  /* Now read in all the filenames and store them in arrays */
  /* This will keep the files in the order:
     H1(0), L1(1), VIRGO(2), GEO(3), TAMA(4), H2(5)*/






  if (caseID[5])

  /* create and fill the CoherentInspiralBeamVector structure of beam-patterns*/
  cohInspBeamVec = cohInspFilterInput->beamVec;

  for ( j=0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
    if ( caseID[j] ) {
      /*      for (l=0;l<numDetectors;l++) { */

      fp2[l] = fopen(namearray2[j], "r");
	  fprintf(stdout,"The file %s containing the coefficients could not be found - exiting...\n",namearray2[j]);
	  goto  cleanexit;
      for ( k=0 ; k<numBeamPoints ; k++)
	  fscanf(fp2[l],"%f, %f, %f, %f",&theta,&phi,&vPlus,&vMinus);
	  cohInspBeamVec->detBeamArray[l].thetaPhiVs[k].data->data[0] = theta;
	  cohInspBeamVec->detBeamArray[l].thetaPhiVs[k].data->data[1] = phi;
	  cohInspBeamVec->detBeamArray[l].thetaPhiVs[k].data->data[2] = vPlus;
	  cohInspBeamVec->detBeamArray[l].thetaPhiVs[k].data->data[3] = vMinus;

   * CREATE the multi-z data structure;
   * the z=x+iy data from multiple detectors was read above along with
   * the beam-pattern functions
  cohInspZVec = cohInspFilterInput->multiZData;

  /* First, the files will be tested for length consistency
     and then the z-data for multiple detectors will be read in */
  for ( j=0 ; j < 6 ; j++ ) {
    if ( caseID[j] ) {
      fp[l] = fopen(namearray[j], "r");
	  fprintf(stdout,"The file %s does not exist - exiting...\n",
	  goto cleanexit;
      for (k = 0; k < numPoints; k++)
	  fscanf(fp[l],"%f %f", &x, &y);
	  cohInspZVec->zData[l].data->data[k].re = x;
	  cohInspZVec->zData[l].data->data[k].im = y;

  /*Do the filtering and output events */
  cohInspEvent = NULL;

  LALCoherentInspiralFilterSegment (&status, &cohInspEvent, cohInspFilterInput, cohInspFilterParams);
  TestStatus (&status, "0", 1);

  if ( cohInspEvent )
	  fprintf( stdout, "\nEvents found in segment!\n\n" );
	  while (cohInspEvent  )
	      CoherentInspiralEvent *thisEvent = cohInspEvent;

	      cohInspEvent = thisEvent->next;

	      fprintf( stdout, "event id                              = %d\n\n", thisEvent->eventId+1 );

	      fprintf( stdout, "coherent SNR                         = %.2f\n", thisEvent->cohSNR );

	      fprintf( stdout, "'network' timeIndex                   = %d\n", thisEvent->timeIndex );

	      fflush( stdout );

	      LALFree( thisEvent );

	  fprintf( stdout, "\nNo events found in segment for mass = %.4f solar mass template!\n", mass );
  /* outputting coherent SNR */
  if ( cohSNROut )
      for ( i = 0; i < cohInspFilterParams->cohSNRVec->data->length; ++i )
	  fprintf( fpcohSNR, "%d\t%e\n", i, cohInspFilterParams->cohSNRVec->data->data[i] );


  fclose( fpcohSNR);

  /* Destroy params structure for coherent filter code */
  LALCoherentInspiralFilterParamsFinalize (&status, &cohInspFilterParams);
  TestStatus (&status, "0", 1);
  ClearStatus (&status);

  /* Destroy input structure for coherent filter code */
  LALCoherentInspiralFilterInputFinalize (&status, &cohInspFilterInput);
  TestStatus (&status, "0", 1);
  ClearStatus (&status);

  LALCheckMemoryLeaks ();

  return 0;

} /* end main */
Esempio n. 7
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
  const int size = 8;
  COMPLEX8Vector *z1 = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *z2 = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *z3 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *x1 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *x2 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *x3 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *y_1 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *y2 = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *y3 = NULL;
  static LALStatus   status;
  INT4            i;

  ParseOptions( argc, argv );

  LALCCreateVector(&status, &z1, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALCCreateVector(&status, &z2, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALCCreateVector(&status, &z3, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x1, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x2, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x3, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &y_1, size/2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  y2         = (REAL4Vector *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL4Vector));
  y2->data   = NULL;
  y2->length = size;
  y3         = (REAL4Vector *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL4Vector));
  y3->data   = (REAL4 *)LALMalloc(size*sizeof(REAL4));
  y3->length = 0;

  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    z1->data[i] = 1 + i;
    z1->data[i] += I * (2 + i*i);
    z2->data[i] = 3 + i + i*i*i;
    z2->data[i] += I * (4 + i*i + i*i*i);
    x1->data[i]    = 5 + i + i*i;
    x2->data[i]    = 6 + i + i*i + i*i*i;

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALCCVectorMultiply(&status, z3, z1, z2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf("(% 6.0f,% 6.0f) x (% 6.0f,% 6.0f) = (% 6.0f,% 6.0f)\n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),
        crealf(z2->data[i]), cimagf(z2->data[i]),
        crealf(z3->data[i]), cimagf(z3->data[i]));

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALCCVectorMultiplyConjugate(&status, z3, z1, z2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf("(% 6.0f,% 6.0f) x (% 6.0f,% 6.0f)* = (% 6.0f,% 6.0f)\n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),
        crealf(z2->data[i]), cimagf(z2->data[i]),
        crealf(z3->data[i]), cimagf(z3->data[i]));

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALCCVectorDivide(&status, z3, z1, z2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf("(% 6.0f,% 6.0f) / (% 6.0f,% 6.0f) = (% 9.6f,% 9.6f)\n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),
        crealf(z2->data[i]), cimagf(z2->data[i]),
        crealf(z3->data[i]), cimagf(z3->data[i]));

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALSCVectorMultiply(&status, z3, x1, z1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf("% 6.0f x (% 6.0f,% 6.0f) = (% 6.0f,% 6.0f)\n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),
        crealf(z3->data[i]), cimagf(z3->data[i]));

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALSSVectorMultiply(&status, x3, x1, x2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf("% 6.0f x % 6.0f = % 6.0f\n",
        x1->data[i], x2->data[i], x3->data[i]);

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG
  if ( ! lalNoDebug )
    LALSSVectorMultiply(&status, x3, x1, NULL);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALSSVectorMultiply(&status, x3, y2, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALSSVectorMultiply(&status, y3, x1, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESIZE), 1 );
    LALSSVectorMultiply(&status, x3, x1, y_1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESZMM), 1 );

  LALCDestroyVector(&status, &z1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALCDestroyVector(&status, &z2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALCDestroyVector(&status, &z3);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x3);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &y_1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  x1 = x2 = x3 = y_1 = y2 = y3 = NULL;
  z1 = z2 = z3 = NULL;

  LALCCreateVector(&status, &z1, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x1, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x2, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSCreateVector(&status, &x3, size);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    z1->data[i] = (12.0 + i) *cos(LAL_PI/3.0*i);
    z1->data[i] += I * (12.0 + i )*sin(LAL_PI/3.0*i);

  if (verbose) printf("\n");
  LALCVectorAbs(&status, x1, z1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf(" Abs(% f,%f)  = %f \n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),

  LALCVectorAngle(&status, x2, z1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf(" Angle(%f,%f)  = %f \n",
        crealf(z1->data[i]), cimagf(z1->data[i]),

  LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, x3, x2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
    if (verbose) printf(" Unwrap Phase Angle ( %f )  = %f \n",

  LALSCreateVector(&status, &y_1, size/2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  y2         = (REAL4Vector *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL4Vector));
  y2->data   = NULL;
  y2->length = size;

  y3         = (REAL4Vector *)LALMalloc(sizeof(REAL4Vector));
  y3->data   = (REAL4 *)LALMalloc(size*sizeof(REAL4));
  y3->length = 0;

  if (verbose) printf("\n");

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG
  if ( ! lalNoDebug )
    LALCVectorAbs(&status, x1, NULL);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAbs(&status, NULL, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAbs(&status, y_1, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESZMM), 1 );
    LALCVectorAbs(&status, y2, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAbs(&status, y3, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESIZE), 1 );

    LALCVectorAngle(&status, x2, NULL);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAngle(&status, NULL, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAngle(&status, y_1, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESZMM), 1 );
    LALCVectorAngle(&status, y2, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALCVectorAngle(&status, y3, z1);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESIZE), 1 );

    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, x3, NULL);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, NULL, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, y_1, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESZMM), 1 );
    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, y2, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ENULL), 1 );
    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, y3, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESIZE), 1 );
    LALUnwrapREAL4Angle(&status, x2, x2);
    TestStatus( &status, CODES(VECTOROPSH_ESAME), 1 );

  LALCDestroyVector(&status, &z1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x2);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &x3);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  LALSDestroyVector(&status, &y_1);
  TestStatus( &status, CODES(0), 1 );

  return 0;
static void FUNC ( void )
  CreateArraySequenceIn input;
  UINT4Vector dimLength;
  UINT4 data[] = { 2, 3, 2 };
  UINT4 dataBad[] = { 2, 3, 0 };
  static LALStatus  status;
  static VTYPE  *sequence;
  static VTYPE   sstore;

   * Test ordinary behavior.

  dimLength.length = 3; = data;
  input.length = 2;
  input.dimLength = &dimLength;

  CFUNC ( &status, &sequence, &input );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  memset( sequence->data, 0, sequence->length*sequence->arrayDim*sizeof( TYPE ) );

  DFUNC ( &status, &sequence );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );


   * Test error codes.

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG

  if ( ! lalNoDebug )
    input.length = 0;
    CFUNC ( &status, &sequence, &input );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_ESLENGTH ), 1 );

    input.length = 2;
    input.dimLength->data = dataBad;
    CFUNC ( &status, &sequence, &input );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EALENGTH ), 1 );

    CFUNC ( &status, &sequence, NULL );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EINPTR ), 1 );

    DFUNC ( &status, NULL );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    input.dimLength->data = data;
    CFUNC ( &status, NULL, &input );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    DFUNC ( &status, &sequence );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EUPTR ), 1 );

    sequence = &sstore;
    CFUNC ( &status, &sequence, &input );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EUPTR ), 1 );

    DFUNC ( &status, &sequence );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( SEQFACTORIESH_EDPTR ), 1 );

  printf( "PASS: tests of %s and %s\n", STRING(CFUNC), STRING(DFUNC));

Esempio n. 9
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  const UINT4 n  = 65536;
  const REAL4 dt = 1.0 / 16384.0;
  static LALStatus status;

  static REAL4TimeSeries         x;
  static COMPLEX8FrequencySeries X;

  static REAL4TimeSeries         y;
  static REAL4FrequencySeries    Y;

  static COMPLEX8TimeSeries      z;
  static COMPLEX8FrequencySeries Z;

  RealFFTPlan    *fwdRealPlan    = NULL;
  RealFFTPlan    *revRealPlan    = NULL;
  ComplexFFTPlan *fwdComplexPlan = NULL;
  ComplexFFTPlan *revComplexPlan = NULL;
  RandomParams   *randpar        = NULL;

  AverageSpectrumParams avgSpecParams;

  UINT4 srate[] = { 4096, 9000 };
  UINT4 npts[] = { 262144, 1048576 };
  REAL4 var[] = { 5, 16 };

  UINT4 j, sr, np, vr;

  /*CHAR fname[2048];*/

  ParseOptions( argc, argv );

  LALSCreateVector( &status, &, n );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCCreateVector( &status, &, n / 2 + 1 );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  LALCCreateVector( &status, &, n );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCCreateVector( &status, &, n );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  LALCreateForwardRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwdRealPlan, n, 0 );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCreateReverseRealFFTPlan( &status, &revRealPlan, n, 0 );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCreateForwardComplexFFTPlan( &status, &fwdComplexPlan, n, 0 );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCreateReverseComplexFFTPlan( &status, &revComplexPlan, n, 0 );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  randpar = XLALCreateRandomParams( 100 );

   * Try the real transform.

  x.f0 = 0;
  x.deltaT = dt;
  x.sampleUnits = lalMeterUnit;
  snprintf(, sizeof( ), "x" );
  XLALNormalDeviates(, randpar );
  for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) /* add a 60 Hz line */
    REAL4 t = j * dt;>data[j] += 0.1 * cos( LAL_TWOPI * 60.0 * t );
  LALSPrintTimeSeries( &x, "x.out" );

  snprintf(, sizeof( ), "X" );
  LALTimeFreqRealFFT( &status, &X, &x, fwdRealPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCPrintFrequencySeries( &X, "X.out" );

  LALFreqTimeRealFFT( &status, &x, &X, revRealPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALSPrintTimeSeries( &x, "xx.out" );

   * Try the average power spectum.

  avgSpecParams.method = useMean;

  for ( np = 0; np < XLAL_NUM_ELEM(npts) ; ++np )
    /* length of time series for 7 segments, overlapped by 1/2 segment */
    UINT4 tsLength = npts[np] * 7 - 6 * npts[np] / 2;
    LALCreateVector( &status, &, tsLength );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCreateVector( &status, &, npts[np] / 2 + 1  );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    avgSpecParams.overlap = npts[np] / 2;

    /* create the window */
    avgSpecParams.window = XLALCreateHannREAL4Window(npts[np]);
    avgSpecParams.plan = NULL;
    LALCreateForwardRealFFTPlan( &status, &avgSpecParams.plan, npts[np], 0 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

    for ( sr = 0; sr < XLAL_NUM_ELEM(srate) ; ++sr )
      /* set the sample rate of the time series */
      y.deltaT = 1.0 / (REAL8) srate[sr];
      for ( vr = 0; vr < XLAL_NUM_ELEM(var) ; ++vr )
        REAL4 eps = 1e-6; /* very conservative fp precision */
        REAL4 Sfk = 2.0 * var[vr] * var[vr] * y.deltaT;
        REAL4 sfk = 0;
        REAL4 lbn;
        REAL4 sig;
        REAL4 ssq;
        REAL4 tol;

        /* create the data */
        XLALNormalDeviates(, randpar );
        ssq = 0;
        for ( j = 0; j <>length; ++j )
>data[j] *= var[vr];
          ssq +=>data[j] *>data[j];

        /* compute tolerance for comparison */
        lbn = log(>length ) / log( 2 );
        sig = sqrt( 2.5 * lbn * eps * eps * ssq />length );
        tol = 5 * sig;

        /* compute the psd and find the average */
        LALREAL4AverageSpectrum( &status, &Y, &y, &avgSpecParams );
        TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
        LALSMoment( &status, &sfk,, 1 );
        TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

        /* check the result */
        if ( fabs(Sfk-sfk) > tol )
          fprintf( stderr, "FAIL: PSD estimate appears incorrect\n");
          fprintf( stderr, "expected %e, got %e ", Sfk, sfk );
          fprintf( stderr, "(difference = %e, tolerance = %e)\n",
              fabs(Sfk-sfk), tol );


    /* destroy structures that need to be resized */
    LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &avgSpecParams.plan );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    XLALDestroyREAL4Window( avgSpecParams.window );
    LALDestroyVector( &status, & );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALDestroyVector( &status, & );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

   * Try the complex transform.

  z.f0 = 0;
  z.deltaT = dt;
  z.sampleUnits = lalVoltUnit;
  snprintf(, sizeof( ), "z" );
  { /* dirty hack */
    REAL4Vector tmp;
    tmp.length = 2 *>length;   = (REAL4 *)>data;
    XLALNormalDeviates( &tmp, randpar );
  for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j ) /* add a 50 Hz line and a 500 Hz ringdown */
    REAL4 t = j * dt;>data[j] += 0.2 * cos( LAL_TWOPI * 50.0 * t );>data[j] += I * exp( -t ) * sin( LAL_TWOPI * 500.0 * t );
  LALCPrintTimeSeries( &z, "z.out" );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  snprintf(, sizeof( ), "Z" );
  LALTimeFreqComplexFFT( &status, &Z, &z, fwdComplexPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCPrintFrequencySeries( &Z, "Z.out" );

  LALFreqTimeComplexFFT( &status, &z, &Z, revComplexPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCPrintTimeSeries( &z, "zz.out" );

  XLALDestroyRandomParams( randpar );

  LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwdRealPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &revRealPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALDestroyComplexFFTPlan( &status, &fwdComplexPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALDestroyComplexFFTPlan( &status, &revComplexPlan );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  LALCDestroyVector( &status, & );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALCDestroyVector( &status, & );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  LALCDestroyVector( &status, & );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
  LALSDestroyVector( &status, & );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  return 0;
static void FUNC ( void )
  static UINT4   dims[3]    = { 1, 2, 4 };
  UINT4Vector    dimLength  = { 3, dims };
#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG
  static UINT4   dbad[3]    = { 1, 0, 4 };
  UINT4Vector    badLength1 = { 3, NULL };
  UINT4Vector    badLength2 = { 0, dims };
  UINT4Vector    badLength3 = { 3, dbad };
  static LALStatus  status;
  static VTYPE  *array;
  static VTYPE   astore;
  static TYPE    datum;

   * Test ordinary behavior.

  CFUNC ( &status, &array, &dimLength );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  memset( array->data, 0, dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]*sizeof( TYPE ) );

  /* resize up */
   *[0] *= 2;
   *[1] *= 3;
   *[2] *= 4;
  dims[0] *= 2;
  dims[1] *= 3;
  dims[2] *= 4;
  RFUNC ( &status, &array, &dimLength );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  memset( array->data, 0, dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]*sizeof( TYPE ) );

  /* resize down */
  dims[0] /= 2;
  dims[1] /= 3;
  dims[2] /= 2;
  RFUNC ( &status, &array, &dimLength );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  memset( array->data, 0, dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]*sizeof( TYPE ) );

  /* resize down again */
  dims[2] /= 2;
  RFUNC ( &status, &array, &dimLength );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  memset( array->data, 0, dims[0]*dims[1]*dims[2]*sizeof( TYPE ) );

  DFUNC ( &status, &array );
  TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );


   * Test error codes.

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG

  if ( ! lalNoDebug )
    CFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    CFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength2 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1 );

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength2 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1 );

    CFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength3 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1 );

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength3 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1 );

    DFUNC ( &status, NULL );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    CFUNC ( &status, NULL, &dimLength );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    RFUNC ( &status, NULL, &badLength1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1 );

    DFUNC ( &status, &array );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EUPTR ), 1 );

    array = &astore;
    CFUNC ( &status, &array, &dimLength );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EUPTR ), 1 );

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EVPTR ), 1);

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength2 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1);

    RFUNC ( &status, &array, &badLength3 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_ELENGTH ), 1);

    DFUNC ( &status, &array );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EDPTR ), 1 );

    array->data = &datum;
    DFUNC ( &status, &array );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( AVFACTORIESH_EDPTR ), 1 );
    ClearStatus( &status );

  array = &astore;
  array->data = &datum;

  printf( "PASS: tests of %s, %s, and %s\n", STRING(CFUNC), STRING(RFUNC), STRING(DFUNC));

Esempio n. 11
void privStartTest(const char* file, int line)
	status = TestStatus(file, line);

Esempio n. 12
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  static LALStatus  status;
  SFindRootIn    sinput;
  DFindRootIn    dinput;
  REAL4          y_0;
  REAL4          sroot;
  REAL8          yy0;
  REAL8          droot;

   * Parse the command line options

  ParseOptions (argc, argv);

   * Set up input structure and function parameter y_0.

  y_0             = -1;
  sinput.function = F;
  sinput.xmin     = 1e-3;
  sinput.xmax     = 2e-3;
  sinput.xacc     = 1e-6;
  yy0             = -1;
  dinput.function = FF;
  dinput.xmin     = 1e-3;
  dinput.xmax     = 2e-3;
  dinput.xacc     = 1e-15;

   * Check to see if bracketing and root finding work.

  if (verbose)
    printf ("\n===== Check Root Finding =====\n\n");

  if (verbose)
    printf ("Initial domain: [%e,%e]\n", dinput.xmin, dinput.xmax);

  LALSBracketRoot (&status, &sinput, &y_0);
  TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

  if (verbose)
    printf ("Bracket domain: [%e,%e]\n", sinput.xmin, sinput.xmax);

  if (sinput.xmin > 1 || sinput.xmax < 1)
    fprintf (stderr, "Root not bracketed correctly\n");
    return 1;

  LALDBracketRoot (&status, &dinput, &yy0);
  TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

  if (verbose)
    printf ("Bracket domain: [%e,%e]\n", dinput.xmin, dinput.xmax);

  if (dinput.xmin > 1 || dinput.xmax < 1)
    fprintf (stderr, "Root not bracketed correctly\n");
    return 1;

  LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, &sroot, &sinput, &y_0);
  TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

  if (verbose)
    printf ("Root = %e (acc = %e)\n", sroot, sinput.xacc);

  if (fabs(sroot - 1) > sinput.xacc)
    fprintf (stderr, "Root not found to correct accuracy\n");
    return 1;

  LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, &droot, &dinput, &yy0);
  TestStatus (&status, CODES(0), 1);

  if (verbose)
    printf ("Root = %.15e (acc = %e)\n", droot, dinput.xacc);

  if (fabs(droot - 1) > dinput.xacc)
    fprintf (stderr, "Root not found to correct accuracy\n");
    return 1;

   * Check to make sure that correct error codes are generated.

#ifndef LAL_NDEBUG

  if ( ! lalNoDebug )

    if (verbose || lalDebugLevel)
      printf ("\n===== Check Errors =====\n");

    /* recursive error from an error occurring in the function */

    if (verbose)
      printf ("\n----- Recursive Error: Code -1 (2 times)\n");

    LALSBracketRoot (&status, &sinput, NULL);
    TestStatus  (&status, CODES(-1), 1);
    ClearStatus (&status);
    LALDBracketRoot (&status, &dinput, NULL);
    TestStatus  (&status, CODES(-1), 1);
    ClearStatus (&status);

    /* one of the arguments is a null pointer */

    if (verbose)
      printf ("\n----- Null Pointer Error: Code 1 (10 times)\n");

    LALSBracketRoot (&status, NULL, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);
    LALDBracketRoot (&status, NULL, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);

    LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, NULL, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);
    LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, NULL, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);

    LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, &sroot, NULL, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);
    LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, &droot, NULL, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);

    sinput.function = NULL;
    dinput.function = NULL;

    LALSBracketRoot (&status, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);
    LALDBracketRoot (&status, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);

    LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, &sroot, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);
    LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, &droot, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_ENULL), 1);

    /* invalid initial domain error for BracketRoot() */

    if (verbose)
      printf ("\n----- Invalid Initial Domain: Code 2 (2 times)\n");

    sinput.function = F;
    sinput.xmin     = 5;
    sinput.xmax     = 5;
    dinput.function = FF;
    dinput.xmin     = 5;
    dinput.xmax     = 5;

    LALSBracketRoot (&status, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EIDOM), 1);
    LALDBracketRoot (&status, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EIDOM), 1);

    /* maximum iterations exceeded error */

    if (verbose)
      printf ("\n----- Maximum Iteration Exceeded: Code 4 (4 times)\n");

    y_0             = 1; /* there is no root when y_0 > 0 */
    sinput.xmin     = -1e-18;
    sinput.xmax     = 1e-18;
    yy0             = 1; /* there is no root when y_0 > 0 */
    dinput.xmin     = -1e-18;
    dinput.xmax     = 1e-18;

    LALSBracketRoot (&status, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EMXIT), 1);
    LALDBracketRoot (&status, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EMXIT), 1);

    y_0             = -1;
    sinput.xmin     = 0;
    sinput.xmax     = 1e19;
    sinput.xacc     = 2e-38;
    yy0             = -1;
    dinput.xmin     = 0;
    dinput.xmax     = 1e19;
    dinput.xacc     = 2e-38;

    LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, &sroot, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EMXIT), 1);
    LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, &droot, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EMXIT), 1);

    /* root not bracketed error in BisectionFindRoot() */

    if (verbose)
      printf ("\n----- Root Not Bracketed: Code 8 (2 times)\n");

    sinput.xmin     = -5;
    sinput.xmax     = -3;
    sinput.xacc     = 1e-6;
    dinput.xmin     = -5;
    dinput.xmax     = -3;
    dinput.xacc     = 1e-6;

    LALSBisectionFindRoot (&status, &sroot, &sinput, &y_0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EBRKT), 1);
    LALDBisectionFindRoot (&status, &droot, &dinput, &yy0);
    TestStatus (&status, CODES(FINDROOTH_EBRKT), 1);



  return 0;
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
  static LALStatus status;

  RealFFTPlan    *fwd = NULL;
  RealFFTPlan    *rev = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *dat = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *rfft = NULL;
  REAL4Vector    *ans = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *dft = NULL;
  COMPLEX8Vector *fft = NULL;
  /* The test itself should pass at 1e-4, but it might fail at
   * some rare cases where accuracy is bad for some numbers. */
  REAL8           eps = 3e-4;
  /* very conservative floating point precision */
  REAL8           eps = 1e-6;
  REAL8           lbn;
  REAL8           ssq;
  REAL8           var;
  REAL8           tol;

  UINT4 nmax;
  UINT4 m;
  UINT4 n;
  UINT4 i;
  UINT4 j;
  UINT4 k;
  UINT4 s = 0;

  FILE *fp;

  ParseOptions( argc, argv );
  m = m_;
  n = n_;

  fp = verbose ? stdout : NULL ;

  if ( n == 0 )
    nmax = 65536;
    nmax = n--;

  while ( n < nmax )
    if ( n < 128 )
      n *= 2;

    LALSCreateVector( &status, &dat, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSCreateVector( &status, &rfft, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSCreateVector( &status, &ans, n );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCCreateVector( &status, &dft, n / 2 + 1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCCreateVector( &status, &fft, n / 2 + 1 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCreateForwardRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwd, n, 0 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCreateReverseRealFFTPlan( &status, &rev, n, 0 );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

     * Do m trials of random data.
    for ( i = 0; i < m; ++i )
      srand( s++ ); /* seed the random number generator */

       * Create data and compute error tolerance.
       * Reference: Kaneko and Liu,
       * "Accumulation of round-off error in fast fourier tranforms"
       * J. Asssoc. Comp. Mach, Vol 17 (No 4) 637-654, October 1970.
      srand( i ); /* seed the random number generator */
      ssq = 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        dat->data[j] = 20.0 * rand() / (REAL4)( RAND_MAX + 1.0 ) - 10.0;
        ssq += dat->data[j] * dat->data[j];
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\n", dat->data[j] ) : 0;
      lbn = log( n ) / log( 2 );
      var = 2.5 * lbn * eps * eps * ssq / n;
      tol = 5 * sqrt( var ); /* up to 5 sigma excursions */
      fp ? fprintf( fp, "\neps = %e \ntol = %e\n", eps, tol ) : 0;

       * Perform forward FFT and DFT (only if n < 100).
      LALForwardRealFFT( &status, fft, dat, fwd );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      LALREAL4VectorFFT( &status, rfft, dat, fwd );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      LALREAL4VectorFFT( &status, ans, rfft, rev );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      fp ?  fprintf( fp, "rfft()\t\trfft(rfft())\trfft(rfft())\n\n"  ) : 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t%e\n",
            rfft->data[j], ans->data[j], ans->data[j] / n ) : 0;
      if ( n < 128 )
        LALForwardRealDFT( &status, dft, dat );
        TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

         * Check accuracy of FFT vs DFT.
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "\nfftre\t\tfftim\t\t" ) : 0;
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "dtfre\t\tdftim\n" ) : 0;
        for ( k = 0; k <= n / 2; ++k )
          REAL8 fftre = creal(fft->data[k]);
          REAL8 fftim = cimag(fft->data[k]);
          REAL8 dftre = creal(dft->data[k]);
          REAL8 dftim = cimag(dft->data[k]);
          REAL8 errre = fabs( dftre - fftre );
          REAL8 errim = fabs( dftim - fftim );
          REAL8 avere = fabs( dftre + fftre ) / 2 + eps;
          REAL8 aveim = fabs( dftim + fftim ) / 2 + eps;
          REAL8 ferre = errre / avere;
          REAL8 ferim = errim / aveim;
          fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t", fftre, fftim ) : 0;
          fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", dftre, dftim ) : 0;
          /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\t", errre, errim ) : 0; */
          /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", ferre, ferim ) : 0; */
          if ( ferre > eps && errre > tol )
            fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result from forward transform\n", stderr );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", errre );
            fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", ferre );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
            return 1;
          if ( ferim > eps && errim > tol )
            fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result from forward transform\n", stderr );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", errim );
            fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", ferim );
            fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
            return 1;

       * Perform reverse FFT and check accuracy vs original data.
      LALReverseRealFFT( &status, ans, fft, rev );
      TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
      fp ? fprintf( fp, "\ndat->data[j]\tans->data[j] / n\n" ) : 0;
      for ( j = 0; j < n; ++j )
        REAL8 err = fabs( dat->data[j] - ans->data[j] / n );
        REAL8 ave = fabs( dat->data[j] + ans->data[j] / n ) / 2 + eps;
        REAL8 fer = err / ave;
        fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", dat->data[j], ans->data[j] / n ) : 0;
        /* fp ? fprintf( fp, "%e\t%e\n", err, fer ) : 0; */
        if ( fer > eps && err > tol )
          fputs( "FAIL: Incorrect result after reverse transform\n", stderr );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tdifference = %e\n", err );
          fprintf( stderr, "\ttolerance  = %e\n", tol );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tfrac error = %e\n", fer );
          fprintf( stderr, "\tprecision  = %e\n", eps );
          return 1;

    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &dat );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &rfft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALSDestroyVector( &status, &ans );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCDestroyVector( &status, &dft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALCDestroyVector( &status, &fft );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &fwd );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );
    LALDestroyRealFFTPlan( &status, &rev );
    TestStatus( &status, CODES( 0 ), 1 );

  return 0;