void YieldPolynomial::computeYieldFunction(int n){ //solves for polynomial that perfectly fits yield curve.  Note that this method may have computational difficulties
  //int n=yield.size();
  int m=yield.size();
  if(m<n || n<1){
  Eigen::MatrixXd HoldParameters(n, n);
  Eigen::VectorXd ThetaEigen(n);
  Eigen::VectorXd yieldValues(n);
  Date currDate;
  int k=0;
  double tt=0;
  for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){ //n needs to be greater than 2..
    HoldParameters(i, 0)=1;
    HoldParameters(i, 1)=yield[k].date-currDate;
    yieldValues(i)=yield[k].value*HoldParameters(i, 1);
    if(HoldParameters(i, 1)>maxMaturity){
      maxMaturity=HoldParameters(i, 1);
    tt=HoldParameters(i, 1)*HoldParameters(i, 1);
    for(int j=2; j<n; ++j){
      HoldParameters(i, j)=tt;//pow(HoldParameters(i, 1), j);
      tt*=HoldParameters(i, 1);
  ThetaEigen=HoldParameters.jacobiSvd(Eigen::ComputeThinU | Eigen::ComputeThinV).solve(yieldValues);
  for(int i=0; i<n; ++i){
    std::cout<<"Theta: "<<theta[i]<<std::endl;
Esempio n. 2
void Gelman_Rubin_diagnostic(TStats **stats_arr, unsigned int N_chains, double *R, unsigned int N) {
	// Run some basic checks on the input to ensure that G-R statistics can be calculated
	assert(N_chains > 1);	// More than one chain
	unsigned int N_items_tot = stats_arr[0]->get_N_items();
	for(unsigned int i=1; i<N_chains; i++) { assert(stats_arr[i]->get_N_items() == N_items_tot); }	// Each chain is of the same length
	std::vector<double> W(N, 0.);		// Mean within-chain variance
	std::vector<double> B(N, 0.);		// Between-chain variance
	std::vector<double> Theta(N, 0.);	// Mean of means (overall mean)
	// Calculate mean within chain variance and overall mean
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<N_chains; i++) {
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; k++) {
			W[k] += stats_arr[i]->cov(k,k);
			Theta[k] += stats_arr[i]->mean(k);
	for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; k++) {
		W[k] /= (double)N_chains;
		Theta[k] /= (double)N_chains;
	// Calculate variance between chains
	double tmp;
	for(unsigned int i=0; i<N_chains; i++) {
		for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; k++) {
			tmp = stats_arr[i]->mean(k) - Theta[k];
			B[k] += tmp*tmp;
	for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; k++) { B[k] /= (double)N_chains - 1.; }
	// Calculate estimated variance
	for(unsigned int k=0; k<N; k++) { R[k] = 1. - 1./(double)N_items_tot + B[k]/W[k]; }
Esempio n. 3
VecDoub Actions_HarmonicOscillator::angles(const VecDoub& x, void *params){
    VecDoub Theta(3,0);
    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        Theta[i] = atan(-x[3+i]/Om[i]/x[i])+(x[i]>0.?PI:0.);
    return Theta;
Esempio n. 4
 void Round (u32 const * const k,u32 * const a,u8 const RC1,u8 const RC2)
  a[0] ^= RC1;
  a[0] ^= RC2;
}  /* Round */
void Round (u32 const * const k,u32 * const a,u8 const RC1,u8 const RC2)
/* The round function, common to both encryption and decryption
/* - Round constants is added to the rightmost byte of the leftmost 32-bit word (=a0)
  a[0] ^= RC1;
  a[0] ^= RC2;
}  /* Round */
Esempio n. 6
  m_cov_manually_set = false;

  if (P()>0){
    //NOTE: only dE is used for Cov calculation!
    Double_t dp = E()/P()*dE(); // error propagation p=sqrt(e^2-m^2)
    Double_t dpt = sin(Theta())*dp;

    m_cov_transversal(0,0) = pow(cos(Phi())*dpt,2);
    m_cov_transversal(1,1) = pow(sin(Phi())*dpt,2);
    m_cov_transversal(0,1) = sin(Phi())*cos(Phi())*dpt*dpt;
    m_cov_transversal(1,0) = sin(Phi())*cos(Phi())*dpt*dpt;

Esempio n. 7
SimplePropertySet<string, double> propertylist() 

	SimplePropertySet<string, double> result;

	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Option Value", Price() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Delta",Delta() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Gamma",Gamma() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Vega",Vega() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Vega",Theta() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Rho",Rho() ) );
	result.add (Property<string, double> ("Cost of Carry",Coc() ) );										// Cost of carry
	cout << "counbt " << result.Count();
	return result;

Esempio n. 8
SoilWater::MaxExfiltration (const Geometry& geo, const size_t edge,
                            const Soil& soil, const double T) const
  const size_t n = geo.edge_other (edge, Geometry::cell_above);
  const double h0 = h (n);
  const double K0 = soil.K (n, h0, h_ice (n), T);
  if (max_exfiltration_gradient > 0.0)
    return K0 * max_exfiltration_gradient;
  const double Cw2 = soil.Cw2 (n, h0);
  const double Theta0 = Theta (n);
  const double Theta_surf = soil.Theta_res (n);
  const double delta_Theta = Theta0 - Theta_surf;
  const double z0 = geo.cell_z (n);
  // Darcy formulated for Theta between middle of node and soil surface.
  return - (K0 / Cw2) * (delta_Theta / z0);
GeometryRefPtr buildTerrain(Vec2f Dimensions, UInt32 XSubdivisions, UInt32 YSubdivisions)
    GeoUInt8PropertyRefPtr type = GeoUInt8Property::create();        

    GeoPnt3fPropertyRefPtr  pnts  = GeoPnt3fProperty ::create();
    GeoVec3fPropertyRefPtr  norms = GeoVec3fProperty ::create();
    Real32 ZScale(8.0);
    for(UInt32 i(0) ; i<XSubdivisions ; ++i)
        for(UInt32 j(0) ; j<YSubdivisions ; ++j)
            Real32 Theta(5*3.14159*(static_cast<Real32>(i)/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions))),
            // the points of the Tris
            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+i*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-j*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(Theta)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));
            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+i*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-(j+1)*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(Theta)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));
            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+(i+1)*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-j*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(ThetaNext)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));

            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+i*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-(j+1)*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(Theta)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));
            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+(i+1)*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-(j+1)*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(ThetaNext)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));
            pnts->addValue(Pnt3f(-Dimensions.x()/2.0+(i+1)*(Dimensions.x()/static_cast<Real32>(XSubdivisions)),  Dimensions.y()/2.0-j*(Dimensions.y()/static_cast<Real32>(YSubdivisions)),  ZScale*osgCos(ThetaNext)));
            norms->addValue(Vec3f( 0.0,0.0,1.0));

    GeoUInt32PropertyUnrecPtr lens = GeoUInt32Property::create();    

    GeometryRefPtr Terrain = Geometry::create();
    Terrain->setTypes    (type);
    Terrain->setLengths  (lens);


    return Terrain;
Esempio n. 10
void testEigenMap()
  Vector_t theta;
  theta.setZero(4 * 5);
  for (int i = 0; i < theta.size(); ++i)
    theta(i) = i;

  std::cout << theta << std::endl;

  Eigen::Map<Matrix_t> Theta(theta.data(), 4, 5); // reshape

  std::cout << Theta << std::endl;

  Vector_t theta2(Eigen::Map<Vector_t>(Theta.data(), 5 * 4));

  std::cout << theta2 << std::endl;

Esempio n. 11
Movement1D::tick (const Soil& soil, SoilWater& soil_water, 
                  const SoilHeat& soil_heat,
                  Surface& surface, Groundwater& groundwater,
                  const Time& time, const Weather& weather, 
                  const double dt, Treelog& msg) 
  const size_t edge_size = geo->edge_size ();
  const size_t cell_size = geo->cell_size ();


  // Cells.
  std::vector<double> S_sum (cell_size);
  std::vector<double> h_old (cell_size);
  std::vector<double> Theta_old (cell_size);
  std::vector<double> h_ice (cell_size);
  std::vector<double> h (cell_size);
  std::vector<double> Theta (cell_size);
  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
      S_sum[c] = soil_water.S_sum (c);
      h_old[c] = soil_water.h_old (c);
      Theta_old[c] = soil_water.Theta_old (c);
      h_ice[c] = soil_water.h_ice (c);
      h[c] = soil_water.h (c);
      Theta[c] = soil_water.Theta (c);

  // Edges.
  std::vector<double> q (edge_size, 0.0);
  std::vector<double> q_p (edge_size, 0.0);

  for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
      q[e] = soil_water.q_matrix (e);
      q_p[e] = soil_water.q_tertiary (e);
  tick_water (*geo, soil, soil_heat, surface, groundwater, 
              S_sum, h_old, Theta_old, h_ice, h, Theta,
              q, q_p, dt, msg);
  soil_water.set_matrix (h, Theta, q);
Esempio n. 12
// X es la matriz de datos ([m casos] X [n features + BIAS])
// X ya se supone normalizada, y con la columna de BIAS agregada.
// Y es la matriz de respuestas ([m casos] X [c categorias posibles])
fmat SGD(const fmat& X, const fmat& Y, double alpha) {

    int m = X.n_rows; // Filas = casos
    int n = X.n_cols; // Columnas = features + BIAS
    int c = Y.n_cols; // Categorias posibles
    double lambda = 4.0;

    fmat Theta(n, c);
    fmat reg(n, c);
    fmat gradient(n, c);

    int its = m/SGD_N;
    fmat subX, subY;
    double loss;

    for (int i = 0; i < GD_IT; i++) {
        // SGD. Debería modularizar un poco esto. Quizás con un define.
        // cout << "iterancion " << i << endl;
        for (int j = 0; j < its; j++) {
            subX = X.rows(SGD_N*j, SGD_N*(j+1)-1);
            subY = Y.rows(SGD_N*j, SGD_N*(j+1)-1);
            Theta = gdStep(Theta, subX, subY, alpha, lambda);
        // Tomo las filas que faltan.

        subX = X.rows(its*SGD_N, m - 1);
        subY = Y.rows(its*SGD_N, m - 1);
        Theta = gdStep(Theta, subX, subY, alpha, lambda);

        cout << "terminada la iteración: %d" << i;
#ifndef NDEBUG
        if (i % 10 == 0) {
            loss = logloss(predict(X, Theta), Y);
            cout << " logloss %G" << loss;
        cout << endl;
    loss = logloss(predict(X, Theta), Y);
    cout << "Logloss final: " << loss << endl;

    return Theta;
Esempio n. 13
VecDoub Actions_Isochrone::angles(const VecDoub& x, void *params){
    VecDoub Sph = conv::CartesianToSphericalPolar(x);
    VecDoub Theta(3,0);
    double E=H(x), L_ = L(x), Lz_ = Lz(x);
    double c=GM/(-2*E)-b;
    double e=sqrt(1-L_*L_*(1+b/c)/GM/c);
    double r = Sph[0];
    double eta=atan2(r*Sph[3]/sqrt(-2.*E),b+c-sqrt(b*b+r*r));
    double OmR=pow(-2*E,1.5)/GM;
    double Omp=0.5*OmR*(1+L_/sqrt(L_*L_+4*GM*b));

    double psi = PI/2.;
    if(fabs(Sph[5])>1e-10) psi=atan2(cos(Sph[2]),-sin(Sph[2])*r*Sph[5]/L_);
    double a=sqrt((1+e)/(1-e));
    double ap=sqrt((1+e+2*b/c)/(1-e+2*b/c));


    double LR=Lz_/L_;
    double sinu = LR/sqrt(1.-LR*LR)/tan(Sph[2]);
    double u = 0;
    else if(sinu<-1.)
        u = -.5*PI;
        u = asin(sinu);

    for(int i=0;i<3;i++){
        while(Theta[i]<0.) Theta[i]+=2.*PI;
        while(Theta[i]>2.*PI) Theta[i]-=2.*PI;
    return Theta;
Esempio n. 14
//EAP estimates used in multipleGroup
RcppExport SEXP EAPgroup(SEXP Rlogitemtrace, SEXP Rtabdata, SEXP RTheta, SEXP Rprior, SEXP Rmu,
    SEXP Rfull, SEXP Rr, SEXP Rncores)

    const int ncores = as<int>(Rncores);
    const int full = as<int>(Rfull);
    const vector<int> r = as< vector<int> >(Rr);
    const NumericMatrix logitemtrace(Rlogitemtrace);
    const IntegerMatrix tabdata(Rtabdata);
    const NumericMatrix Theta(RTheta);
    const vector<double> prior = as< vector<double> >(Rprior);
    const vector<double> mu = as< vector<double> >(Rmu);
    const int n = prior.size(); //nquad
    const int N = tabdata.nrow();
    const int nitems = tabdata.ncol();
    const int nfact = Theta.ncol();
    vector<double> scores(N * nfact);
    vector<double> scores2(N * nfact*(nfact + 1)/2);

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){

        vector<double> L(n, 0.0);
        for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            for(int i = 0; i < nitems; ++i)
                if(tabdata(pat, i))
                    L[j] = L[j] + logitemtrace(j, i);

        vector<double> thetas(nfact, 0.0);
        double denom = 0.0;
        for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j){
            L[j] = exp(L[j] + log(prior[j]));
            denom += L[j];

        for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){
            for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                thetas[k] += Theta(j, k) * L[j] / denom;
            scores[pat + k*N] = thetas[k];

        int ind = 0;
        vector<double> thetas2(nfact*(nfact+1)/2, 0.0);
        for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i){
            for(int k = 0; k < nfact; ++k){
                if(i <= k){
                    for(int j = 0; j < n; ++j)
                        thetas2[ind] += (Theta(j, i) - thetas[i]) * (Theta(j, k) - thetas[k]) *
                            L[j] / denom;
                    thetas2[ind] += (thetas[i] - mu[i]) * (thetas[k] - mu[k]);
                    scores2[pat + ind*N] = thetas2[ind];
                    ind += 1;

        const int NN = std::accumulate(r.begin(), r.end(), 0);
        NumericMatrix fullscores(NN, nfact);
        NumericMatrix scoresmat = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact);
        int ind = 0;
        for(int pat = 0; pat < N; ++pat){
            for(int j = 0; j < r[pat]; ++j){
                for(int i = 0; i < nfact; ++i)
                    fullscores(ind, i) = scoresmat(pat, i);
    List ret;
    ret["scores"] = vec2mat(scores, N, nfact);
    ret["scores2"] = vec2mat(scores2, N, nfact*(nfact + 1)/2);

Esempio n. 15
UZRectMollerup::tick (const GeometryRect& geo,
		      const std::vector<size_t>& drain_cell,
		      const double drain_water_level,
		      const Soil& soil, 
		      SoilWater& soil_water, const SoilHeat& soil_heat,
		      const Surface& surface, const Groundwater& groundwater,
		      const double dt, Treelog& msg)

  daisy_assert (K_average.get ());
  const size_t edge_size = geo.edge_size (); // number of edges 
  const size_t cell_size = geo.cell_size (); // number of cells 

  // Insert magic here.
  ublas::vector<double> Theta (cell_size); // water content 
  ublas::vector<double> Theta_previous (cell_size); // at start of small t-step
  ublas::vector<double> h (cell_size); // matrix pressure
  ublas::vector<double> h_previous (cell_size); // at start of small timestep
  ublas::vector<double> h_ice (cell_size); // 
  ublas::vector<double> S (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_vol (cell_size); // sink term
  ublas::vector<double> S_macro (cell_size);  // sink term
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size, 0.0); // matrix-> macro -> drain flow 
  std::vector<double> S_drain_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // For large timestep
  const std::vector<double> S_matrix (cell_size, 0.0);  // matrix -> macro 
  std::vector<double> S_matrix_sum (cell_size, 0.0); // for large timestep
  ublas::vector<double> T (cell_size); // temperature 
  ublas::vector<double> Kold (edge_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum (edge_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kcell (cell_size); // hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Kold_cell (cell_size); // old hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> Ksum_cell (cell_size); // Hansen hydraulic conductivity
  ublas::vector<double> h_lysimeter (cell_size);
  std::vector<bool> active_lysimeter (cell_size);
  const std::vector<size_t>& edge_above = geo.cell_edges (Geometry::cell_above);
  const size_t edge_above_size = edge_above.size ();
  ublas::vector<double> remaining_water (edge_above_size);
  std::vector<bool> drain_cell_on (drain_cell.size (),false); 

  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above_size; i++)
      const size_t edge = edge_above[i];
      remaining_water (i) = surface.h_top (geo, edge);
  ublas::vector<double> q;	// Accumulated flux
  q = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);
  ublas::vector<double> dq (edge_size); // Flux in small timestep.
  dq = ublas::zero_vector<double> (edge_size);

  //Make Qmat area diagonal matrix 
  //Note: This only needs to be calculated once... 
  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Qmat (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
  for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Qmat (c, c) = geo.cell_volume (c);
  // make vectors 
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
      Theta (cell) = soil_water.Theta (cell);
      h (cell) =  soil_water.h (cell);
      h_ice (cell) = soil_water.h_ice (cell);
      S (cell) =  soil_water.S_sum (cell);
      S_vol (cell) = S (cell) * geo.cell_volume (cell);
      if (use_forced_T)
	T (cell) = forced_T;
	T (cell) = soil_heat.T (cell); 
      h_lysimeter (cell) = geo.zplus (cell) - geo.cell_z (cell);

  // Remember old value.
  Theta_error = Theta;

  // Start time loop 
  double time_left = dt;	// How much of the large time step left.
  double ddt = dt;		// We start with small == large time step.
  int number_of_time_step_reductions = 0;
  int iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;

  int n_small_time_steps = 0;
  while (time_left > 0.0)
      if (ddt > time_left)
	ddt = time_left;

      std::ostringstream tmp_ddt;
      tmp_ddt << "Time t = " << (dt - time_left) 
              << "; ddt = " << ddt
              << "; steps " << n_small_time_steps 
              << "; time left = " << time_left;
      Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_ddt.str ());

      if (n_small_time_steps > 0
          && (n_small_time_steps%msg_number_of_small_time_steps) == 0)
          msg.touch ();
          msg.flush ();
      if (n_small_time_steps > max_number_of_small_time_steps) 
          msg.debug ("Too many small timesteps");
          throw "Too many small timesteps";
      // Initialization for each small time step.

      if (debug > 0)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	  tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      int iterations_used = 0;
      h_previous = h;
      Theta_previous = Theta;

      if (debug == 5)
	  std::ostringstream tmp;
	  tmp << "Remaining water at start: " << remaining_water;
	  msg.message (tmp.str ());

      ublas::vector<double> h_conv;

      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell)
        active_lysimeter[cell] = h (cell) > h_lysimeter (cell);

      for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size ; ++edge)
          Kold[edge] = find_K_edge (soil, geo, edge, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
          Ksum [edge] = 0.0;

      std::vector<top_state> state (edge_above.size (), top_undecided);
      // We try harder with smaller timesteps.
      const int max_loop_iter 
        = max_iterations * (number_of_time_step_reductions 
                            * max_iterations_timestep_reduction_factor + 1);
      do // Start iteration loop
	  h_conv = h;

          std::ostringstream tmp_conv;
          tmp_conv << "Convergence " << iterations_used; 
          Treelog::Open nest (msg, tmp_conv.str ());
          if (debug == 7)
            msg.touch ();

	  // Calculate conductivity - The Hansen method
	  for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              Ksum[e] += find_K_edge (soil, geo, e, h, h_ice, h_previous, T);
              Kedge[e] = (Ksum[e] / (iterations_used  + 0.0)+ Kold[e]) / 2.0;

	  //Initialize diffusive matrix
	  Solver::Matrix diff (cell_size);
	  // diff = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  diffusion (geo, Kedge, diff);

	  //Initialize gravitational matrix
	  ublas::vector<double> grav (cell_size); //ublass compatibility
	  grav = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  gravitation (geo, Kedge, grav);

	  // Boundary matrices and vectors
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);

	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq); //for calculating drain fluxes 

	  //Initialize water capacity  matrix
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double> Cw (cell_size, cell_size, 0, 0);
	  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
	    Cw (c, c) = soil.Cw2 (c, h[c]);
          std::vector<double> h_std (cell_size);
          //ublas vector -> std vector 
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std.begin ());

          for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size ; ++cell) 
              S_macro (cell) = (S_matrix[cell] + S_drain[cell]) 
                * geo.cell_volume (cell);

	  //Initialize sum matrix
	  Solver::Matrix summat (cell_size);  
	  noalias (summat) = diff + Dm_mat;

	  //Initialize sum vector
	  ublas::vector<double> sumvec (cell_size);  
	  sumvec = grav + B + Gm + Dm_vec - S_vol
            - S_macro

	  // QCw is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw
	  Solver::Matrix Q_Cw (cell_size);
	  noalias (Q_Cw) = prod (Qmat, Cw);

	  //Initialize A-matrix
	  Solver::Matrix A (cell_size);  
	  noalias (A) = (1.0 / ddt) * Q_Cw - summat;  

	  // Q_Cw_h is shorthand for Qmatrix * Cw * h
	  const ublas::vector<double> Q_Cw_h = prod (Q_Cw, h);

	  //Initialize b-vector
	  ublas::vector<double> b (cell_size);  
	  //b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Qmatrix * Cw * h + Qmatrix *(Wxx-Wyy));
	  b = sumvec + (1.0 / ddt) * (Q_Cw_h
				      + prod (Qmat, Theta_previous-Theta));

	  // Force active drains to zero h.
          drain (geo, drain_cell, drain_water_level,
		 h, Theta_previous, Theta, S_vol,
                 dq, ddt, drain_cell_on, A, b, debug, msg);  
          try {
            solver->solve (A, b, h); // Solve Ah=b with regard to h.
          } catch (const char *const error) {
              std::ostringstream tmp;
              tmp << "Could not solve equation system: " << error;
              msg.warning (tmp.str ());
              // Try smaller timestep.
              iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

	  for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++) // update Theta 
	    Theta (c) = soil.Theta (c, h (c), h_ice (c)); 

	  if (debug > 1)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Time left = " << time_left << ", ddt = " << ddt 
		  << ", iteration = " << iterations_used << "\n";
	      tmp << "B = " << B << "\n";
	      tmp << "h = " << h << "\n";
	      tmp << "Theta = " << Theta;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());
          for (int c=0; c < cell_size; c++)
              if (h (c) < min_pressure_potential || h (c) > max_pressure_potential)
                  std::ostringstream tmp;
                  tmp << "Pressure potential out of realistic range, h[" 
                      << c << "] = " << h (c);
                  msg.debug (tmp.str ());
                  iterations_used = max_loop_iter + 100;

      while (!converges (h_conv, h) && iterations_used <= max_loop_iter);

      if (iterations_used > max_loop_iter)
	  if (number_of_time_step_reductions > max_time_step_reductions)
              msg.debug ("Could not find solution");
              throw "Could not find solution";

          iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	  ddt /= time_step_reduction;
	  h = h_previous;
	  Theta = Theta_previous;
          // Update dq for new h.
	  ublas::banded_matrix<double>  Dm_mat (cell_size, cell_size, 
                                                0, 0); // Dir bc
	  Dm_mat = ublas::zero_matrix<double> (cell_size, cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double>  Dm_vec (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Dm_vec = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> Gm (cell_size); // Dir bc
	  Gm = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  ublas::vector<double> B (cell_size); // Neu bc 
	  B = ublas::zero_vector<double> (cell_size);
	  lowerboundary (geo, groundwater, active_lysimeter, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, msg);
	  upperboundary (geo, soil, T, surface, state, remaining_water, h,
                         dq, Dm_mat, Dm_vec, Gm, B, ddt, debug, msg, dt);
          Darcy (geo, Kedge, h, dq);

          // update macropore flow components 
          for (int c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
              S_drain_sum[c] += S_drain[c] * ddt/dt;
              S_matrix_sum[c] += S_matrix[c] * ddt/dt;

          std::vector<double> h_std_new (cell_size);
          std::copy(h.begin (), h.end (), h_std_new.begin ());

	  // Update remaining_water.
	  for (size_t i = 0; i < edge_above.size (); i++)
	      const int edge = edge_above[i];
	      const int cell = geo.edge_other (edge, Geometry::cell_above);
	      const double out_sign = (cell == geo.edge_from (edge))
		? 1.0 : -1.0;
	      remaining_water[i] += out_sign * dq (edge) * ddt;
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (edge)));

	  if (debug == 5)
	      std::ostringstream tmp;
	      tmp << "Remaining water at end: " << remaining_water;
	      msg.message (tmp.str ());

	  // Contribution to large time step.
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (dt));
          daisy_assert (std::isnormal (ddt));
	  q += dq * ddt / dt;
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));
          for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dq (e)));
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q (e)));

	  time_left -= ddt;

	  if (iterations_with_this_time_step > time_step_reduction)
	      iterations_with_this_time_step = 0;
	      ddt *= time_step_reduction;
      // End of small time step.

  // Mass balance.
  // New = Old - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error =>
  // 0 = Old - New - S * dt + q_in * dt - q_out * dt + Error
  Theta_error -= Theta;         // Old - New
  Theta_error -= S * dt;
  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Theta_error (c) -= (S_matrix_sum[c] + S_drain_sum[c]) * dt;
  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      const int from = geo.edge_from (edge);
      const int to = geo.edge_to (edge);
      const double flux = q (edge) * geo.edge_area (edge) * dt;
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (from))
        Theta_error (from) -= flux / geo.cell_volume (from);
      if (geo.cell_is_internal (to))
        Theta_error (to) += flux / geo.cell_volume (to);

  // Find drain sink from mass balance.
  std::fill(S_drain.begin (), S_drain.end (), 0.0);
  std::vector<double> S_drain (cell_size);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < drain_cell.size (); i++)
      const size_t cell = drain_cell[i];
      S_drain[cell] = Theta_error (cell) / dt;
      Theta_error (cell) -= S_drain[cell] * dt;

  if (debug == 2)
      double total_error = 0.0;
      double total_abs_error = 0.0;
      double max_error = 0.0;
      int max_cell = -1;
      for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
          const double volume = geo.cell_volume (cell);
          const double error = Theta_error (cell);
          total_error += volume * error;
          total_abs_error += std::fabs (volume * error);
          if (std::fabs (error) > std::fabs (max_error))
              max_error = error;
              max_cell = cell;
      std::ostringstream tmp;
      tmp << "Total error = " << total_error << " [cm^3], abs = " 
	  << total_abs_error << " [cm^3], max = " << max_error << " [] in cell " 
	  << max_cell;
      msg.message (tmp.str ());
  // Make it official.
  for (size_t cell = 0; cell != cell_size; ++cell) 
    soil_water.set_content (cell, h (cell), Theta (cell));
  soil_water.add_tertiary_sink (S_matrix_sum);
  soil_water.drain (S_drain_sum, msg);

  for (size_t edge = 0; edge != edge_size; ++edge) 
      daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q[edge]));
      soil_water.set_flux (edge, q[edge]);

  soil_water.drain (S_drain, msg);

  // End of large time step.
Esempio n. 16
* Computes the value of the threadId-th component of the function
* F(t) = (f1(t), ..., fn(t)) and stores it in the memory pointed by f
 * @param  int   threadId      Identifier of the calling thread.
 * @param  Real  x             Value of the time in which the system is solved
 * @param  Real* y             Initial conditions for the system: a pointer to
 *                             a vector whose lenght shall be the same as the
 *                             number of equations in the system.
 * @param  Real* f             Computed value of the function: a pointer to a
 *                             vector whose lenght shall be the same as the
 *                             number of equations in the system.
 * @param  Real* data          Additional data needed by the function, managed
 *                             by the caller.
void computeComponent(Real x, Real* y, Real* f, Real* data){
    Real r, r2, theta, pR, pR2, pTheta, pTheta2, b, b2, q;
    Real sinT, cosT, sinT2, cosT2;
    Real _R, D, Z, DZplusR, rho1, rho2, rho3;

    // Parallelization of the retrieval of the input data (position of the ray,
    // momenta and constants), storing it as shared variables. Furthermore,
    // some really useful numbers are computed; namely: the sine and cosine of
    // theta (and their squares) and the square of the constant b.
    // Each thread retrieves its data and make the corresponding computations,
    // except for the thread 2: the corresponging value of this thread should
    // be ray's phi, but this value is not used in the system; as this thread
    // is free to do another calculation, it retrieves the constants b,q (not
    // directly associated with any thread) and compute b**2

    r = y[0];
    r2 = r*r;
    theta = y[1];
    sinT = sin(theta);
    cosT = cos(theta);
    sinT2 = sinT*sinT;
    cosT2 = cosT*cosT;
    b = data[0];
    q = data[1];
    b2 = b*b;
    pR = y[3];
    pTheta = y[4];

    // Parallelization of the computation of somec commonly used numbers, also
    // stored as shared variables; namely: R, D, Theta (that is called Z) and
    // rho (and its square and cube). These four numbers let one thread free:
    // it is used in the computation of the squares of the momenta: pR and
    // pTheta.
    _R = R(r, r2, b, q);
    D = Delta(r, r2);
    Z = Theta(sinT2, cosT2, b2, q);
    rho1 = rho(r2, cosT2);
    rho2 = rho1*rho1;
    rho3 = rho1*rho2;
    pR2 = pR*pR;
    pTheta2 = pTheta*pTheta;

    // Declaration of variables used in the actual computation: dR, dZ, dRho
    // and dD will store the derivatives of the corresponding functions (with
    // respect to the corresponding variable in each thread). The sumX values
    // are used as intermediate steps in the final computations, in order to
    // ease notation.
    Real dR, dZ, dRho, dD, sum1, sum2, sum3, sum4, sum5, sum6;

    // Actual computation: each thread computes its corresponding value in the
    // system; namely:
    //      Thread 0 -> r
    //      Thread 1 -> theta
    //      Thread 2 -> phi
    //      Thread 3 -> pR
    //      Thread 4 -> pTheta
    f[0] = D * pR / rho2;

    f[1] = pTheta / rho2;

    // Derivatives with respect to b
    dR = dbR(r, r2, b);
    dZ = dbTheta(sinT2, cosT2, b);

    f[2] = - (dR + D*dZ)/(2*D*rho2);

    // Derivatives with respect to r
    dRho = drRho(r, r2, cosT2, rho1);
    dD = drDelta(r);
    dR = drR(r, r2, b, q);

    DZplusR = D*Z + _R;

    sum1 = + dRho*pTheta2;
    sum2 = + D*pR2*dRho;
    sum3 = - (DZplusR*dRho / D);
    sum4 = - (dD*pR2);
    sum5 = + (dD*Z + dR) / D;
    sum6 = - (dD*DZplusR / (D*D));

    f[3] = (sum1 + sum2 + sum3)/rho3 +
                  (sum4 + sum5 + sum6)/(2*rho2);

    // Derivatives with respect to theta (called z here)
    dRho = dzRho(r2, sinT, cosT, cosT2, rho1);
    dZ = dzTheta(sinT, sinT2, cosT, cosT2, b2);

    sum1 = + dRho*pTheta2;
    sum2 = + D*pR2*dRho;
    sum3 = - (D*Z + _R)*dRho / D;
    sum4 = + dZ / (2*rho2);

    f[4] = (sum1 + sum2 + sum3)/rho3 + sum4;
Esempio n. 17
SEXP e_step_theta(SEXP _W, SEXP _P, SEXP _zeta, SEXP _probz, SEXP _Theta) {

	// the following parameters are inputs and are not updated
	NumericMatrix Theta(_Theta);

	// the following parameters serve both as input, but will be updated in M step as output
        NumericMatrix W(_W);
	NumericMatrix P(_P);
	double zeta = as<double>(_zeta);
	NumericVector probz(_probz);
	// extract the dimensions
	int I = P.nrow();
	int S = P.ncol();
	int K = W.nrow() / S;
	int J = probz.size();

	double _LOW = 1e-10;

	// the following quantities are outputs
	NumericVector b_mean(I);
	NumericVector Z_mean(J);
	NumericMatrix W_max(K * S, J);
	NumericMatrix predZ(I, J);

	// iterators
	int i, j, k, s;//, likid;

	// Intermediate matrices
	NumericVector TP(I);
	NumericMatrix TW(I, J);
	NumericMatrix Zcond(I, J);
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++){
		TP(i) = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			TW(i, j) = 0;
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++){
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
				if(Theta(k, i + I * s) > 0){
					TP(i) += log(P(i, s));
					for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
						TW(i, j) += log(W(k + K * s, j));

	for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++)
				W_max(k + K * s, j) = 0;
	for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
		Z_mean(j) = 0;

	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++){
		// b_mean

		double exp1 = 0;
		if(zeta > 0) {
			exp1 = log(zeta) + TP(i);
		double exp2 = log(1 - zeta);
		double maxexp = TW(i, 0);
		for(j = 1; j < J; j ++)
			if(maxexp < TW(i, j))
				maxexp = TW(i, j);

		double tmp = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			tmp += probz[ j ] * exp(TW(i, j) - maxexp);
		exp2 += log(tmp) + maxexp;

		if(zeta > 0) {
			if(exp1 > exp2)
				b_mean(i) = 1 / (1 + exp(exp2 - exp1));
				b_mean(i) = exp(exp1 - exp2) / (1 + exp(exp1 - exp2));
		} else {
			b_mean(i) = 0;

		// predZ

		double tmpexp[ J ];
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			tmpexp[ j ] = log(probz[ j ]);
			if(TW(i, j) > TP(i) && zeta > 0)
				tmpexp[ j ] += log((1 - zeta) + zeta * exp(TP(i) - TW(i, j))) + TW(i, j);
				tmpexp[ j ] += log((1 - zeta) * exp(TW(i, j) - TP(i)) + zeta) + TP(i);

		maxexp = tmpexp[ 0 ];
		for(j = 1; j < J; j ++)
			if(maxexp < tmpexp[ j ])
				maxexp = tmpexp[ j ];

		double total = 0;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++)
			total += exp(tmpexp[ j ] - maxexp);

		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			predZ(i, j) = exp(tmpexp[ j ] - maxexp) / total;
			Z_mean(j) += predZ(i, j);

		// Zcond
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			exp1 = predZ(i, j) - probz(j) * b_mean(i);
			if(exp1 < _LOW)
				Zcond(i, j) = _LOW;
			else if(exp1 >= (1 - _LOW))
				Zcond(i, j) = 1 - _LOW;
				Zcond(i, j) = exp1;

			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
				for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
					if(Theta(k, i + I * s) > 0){
						W_max(k + K * s, j) += Zcond(i, j);


	if(zeta > 0) {
		zeta = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < I; i ++)
			zeta += b_mean[ i ];
		zeta /= I;
		if(zeta < _LOW)
			zeta = _LOW;
		else if(zeta > 1 - _LOW)
			zeta = 1 - _LOW;
	for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
		Z_mean(j) /= I;
		if(Z_mean(j) < _LOW)
			Z_mean(j) = _LOW;
		else if(Z_mean(j) > 1 - _LOW)
			Z_mean(j) = 1 - _LOW;

	for(k = 0; k < K; k ++)
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++){
			double total = 0;
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++)
				total += W_max(k + K * s, j);
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++){
				if(total == 0)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = 1 / S;
				else if(W_max(k + K * s, j) < _LOW * total)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = _LOW;
				else if(W_max(k + K * s, j) > (1 - _LOW) * total)
					W_max(k + K * s, j) = 1 - _LOW;
					W_max(k + K * s, j) /= total;
	Rcpp::List ret = Rcpp::List::create(
					    Rcpp::Named("zeta") = zeta,
					    Rcpp::Named("probz") = Z_mean,
					    Rcpp::Named("W") = W_max,
					    Rcpp::Named("b_prob") = b_mean,
					    Rcpp::Named("Z") = predZ,
					    Rcpp::Named("Zcond") = Zcond
Esempio n. 18
Vector<double> graph( string& sensitivity_type,  string& property,
					 Vector<double> parameter_range)
		curr = &T;		// Default x axis is time T

		if (property == "r")
			curr = &r;
		if (property == "sig")
			curr = &sig;
		if (property == "K")
			curr = &K;
		if (property == "T")
			curr = &T;
		if (property == "U")
			curr = &U;
		if (property == "b")
			curr = &b;

		// Save the value in the 'current' property 
		double memento = (*curr)();

		Vector<double> result (parameter_range.Size(), parameter_range.MinIndex());

		if (sensitivity_type == "Price")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Price();


		if (sensitivity_type == "Delta")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Delta();

		if (sensitivity_type == "Gamma")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Gamma();

		if (sensitivity_type == "Vega")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Vega();

		if (sensitivity_type == "Theta")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Theta();

		if (sensitivity_type == "Rho")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Rho();

		if (sensitivity_type == "Coc")
			for (int i = parameter_range.MinIndex(); i <= parameter_range.MaxIndex(); i++)
				result[i] = Coc();

		// Now restore the old value of the property

		return result;

int main()
	clock_t start,finish;
	double totaltime;
	time_t nowTime=time(0);
	struct tm* nowTimeStruct=localtime(&nowTime);//打印系统时间
	// output<<"系统当前时间:"<<1900+nowTimeStruct->tm_year<<"."<<nowTimeStruct->tm_mon+1<<"."<<
		// nowTimeStruct->tm_mday<<"  "<<nowTimeStruct->tm_hour<<":"<<nowTimeStruct->tm_min<<":"<<nowTimeStruct->tm_sec<<endl;
		// output<<">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>数据区<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"<<endl;
		// output<<">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>/数据区<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<"<<endl<<endl;
		IloNumExpr Cost(env);//目标函数			
		for(IloInt w=0;w<NW;++w)
		IloObjective min(env,Cost,IloObjective::Sense::Minimize,"min");
		IloObjective max(env,Cost,IloObjective::Sense::Maximize,"max");	
		// Master_Model.add(IloMaximize(env,Cost));//目标函数二选一

		IloNumExpr expr1(env),expr2(env);//功率平衡约束
		for(IloInt i=0;i<NG;++i)
		for(IloInt w=0;w<NW;++w)
		for(IloInt i=0;i<NG;++i)//机组可调节范围
		IloNumExprArray detaP_node(env,Node-1),detaPw_node(env,Node-1);//安全约束,实际上安全约束影响不大
		IloNumExprArray Theta(env,Node);
		for(IloInt b=0;b<Node-1;++b)
			IloInt i=0;
				detaPw_node[b]+=detaPw[ Sw[b] ];
		for(IloInt b=0;b<Node-1;++b)
			for(IloInt k=0;k<Node-1;++k)
		for(IloInt h=0;h<Branch;++h)
			IloNumExpr exprTheta(env);//莫明其妙的错误
		if (Master_Cplex.getStatus() == IloAlgorithm::Infeasible)//输出结果
			output<<"Master Problem Have No Solution"<<endl;
			goto lable2;
		// output/*<<endl<<"Min:"*/<<Master_Cplex.getObjValue()<<endl;
		if (Master_Cplex.getStatus() == IloAlgorithm::Infeasible)//输出结果
			output<<"Master Problem Have No Solution"<<endl;
			goto lable2;
		// output<<endl<<"常规机组出力调整量:"<<endl;
		// for(IloInt i=0;i<NG;++i)
		// {
			// output<<Master_Cplex.getValue(detaP[i])<<"  ";
		// }
		// output<<endl<<"风电机组出力调整量:"<<endl;
		// for(IloInt i=0;i<NW;++i)
		// {
			// output<<Master_Cplex.getValue(detaPw[i])<<"  ";
		// }
		// output<<endl;
	catch(IloException& ex)//异常捕获
		output<<"Error: "<<ex<<endl;
		output<<"Error: Unknown exception caught!" << endl;
	output<<"totaltime: "<<totaltime<<"s"<<endl<<endl;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 20
SEXP MADBayes( SEXP _b, SEXP _clusterLabels, SEXP _Theta, SEXP _Mu, SEXP _D,
	       SEXP _Gamma, SEXP _Y, SEXP _lambdap, SEXP _lambdaw, SEXP _lambda) {

	// The following values are 1updated in MCMC iterations
	IntegerVector b(_b); // length I
	IntegerVector clusterLabels(_clusterLabels); // length I
	IntegerMatrix Theta(_Theta); // K by I
	//NumericMatrix W(_W); // KS by I + 1
	//NumericMatrix P(_P); // I by S
	NumericMatrix Mu(_Mu); // N by S
	IntegerVector D(_D); // Length N, valued in {0, 1, ..., K-1}
	double lambda = as<double>(_lambda);

	// The following values are piror parameters and are fixed
	double lambdap = as<double>(_lambdap);
	double lambdaw = as<double>(_lambdaw);

	// The following is the external information.
	NumericMatrix Gamma(_Gamma); // N*S by I
	NumericMatrix Y(_Y); // N by I

	// extract the dimensions
	int I = b.size();
	int S = Mu.ncol();
	int K = Theta.nrow();
	int N = D.size();

	// The following will be computed
	NumericMatrix W(K * S, I + 1);
	NumericMatrix P(I, S);

	// iterators
	int i, j, k = 0, s = 0, n, i1;//, likid;
	double loss;

	double _LOW = 1e-10;

	int ClusterSize[I + 1];

	for(i = 0; i < I + 1; i ++) {
		ClusterSize[i] = 0;

	// Compute J

	int J = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		if(J < clusterLabels[i]) {
			J = clusterLabels[i];
		ClusterSize[clusterLabels[i]] ++;
	J ++;

	// Update W
	for(j = 0; j < J; j ++) {
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
			double tmp[S + 1];
			tmp[S] = 0;
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
				tmp[s] = _LOW;
				tmp[S] += tmp[s];
				W(s * K + k, j) = 0;
			for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
				if(b[i] == 0 && clusterLabels[i] == j) {
					tmp[Theta(k, i)] ++;
					tmp[S] ++;
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
				W(s * K + k, j) = tmp[s] / tmp[S];

	// update P
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		double tmp[S + 1];
		tmp[S] = 0;
		for(s = 0; s < S; s++) {
			tmp[s] = _LOW;
			tmp[S] += _LOW;
			P(i, s) = 0;
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
			tmp[Theta(k, i)] ++;
			tmp[S] ++;
		for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
			P(i, s) = tmp[s] / tmp[S];

	// update b
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		double tmp = 0;
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
			tmp += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, Theta(k, i)));

		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
			tmp -= 2 * lambdaw * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, clusterLabels[i]));
		if(tmp < 0)
			b[i] = 1;
			b[i] = 0;

	loss = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
			k = D[n];
			s = Theta(k, i);
			loss += (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i)) *
				(Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i));

		if(b[i] == 1) {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, Theta(k, i)));
		} else {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, clusterLabels[i])) * lambdaw;
	loss += lambda * (J - 1);

	//printf("b, Loss function = %3.3f, number of clusters = %d\n", loss, J);

	// update Theta
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
			double tmp[S];
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
				// initialize
				tmp[s] = 0;
				for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
					if(D[n] == k) {
						tmp[s] += (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i)) * (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i));
				if(b[i] == 1) {
					tmp[s] += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, s));
				} else {
					tmp[s] += 2 * lambdaw * (1 - W(s * K + k, clusterLabels[i]));
			// Assign new values
			Theta(k, i) = 0;
			for(s = 1; s < S; s ++) {
				if(tmp[s] < tmp[Theta(k, i)])
					Theta(k, i) = s;

	loss = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
			k = D[n];
			s = Theta(k, i);
			loss += (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i)) *
				(Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i));

		if(b[i] == 1) {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, Theta(k, i)));
		} else {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, clusterLabels[i])) * lambdaw;
	loss += lambda * (J - 1);

	//printf("theta, Loss function = %3.3f, number of clusters = %d\n", loss, J);

	//update clusters
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		// do not update cluster if this is a singleton
		if(b[i] == 1)

		int oldState = clusterLabels[i];
		ClusterSize[clusterLabels[i]] --;
		double tmp[J];
		double mintmp = lambda;// cost of starting a new cluster
		int newState = J;
		for(j = 0; j < J; j ++) {
			tmp[j] = 0;
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				tmp[j] += 2 * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, j)) * lambdaw;
			// assign the minimum cost
			if(tmp[j] < mintmp) {
				mintmp = tmp[j];
				newState = j;

		clusterLabels[i] = newState;
		ClusterSize[newState] ++;
		if(mintmp >= lambda) {
			// a new cluster is formed
			if(J != newState) {
				printf("Error: new state is not J = %d.", J);
			for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
				for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
					if(Theta(k, i) != s) {
						W(s * K + k, J) = _LOW;
					} else {
						W(s * K + k, J) = 1 - (S - 1) * _LOW;
			J ++;
		if(ClusterSize[oldState] == 0) {
			// an old cluster should be removed
			W(_, oldState) = W(_, J - 1);
			for(k = 0; k < K * S; k ++) {
				W(k, J - 1) = 0;
			for(i1 = 0; i1 < I; i1 ++) {
				if(clusterLabels[i1] == J - 1)
					clusterLabels[i1] = oldState;
			ClusterSize[oldState] = ClusterSize[J - 1];
			ClusterSize[J - 1] = 0;
			J --;

	loss = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
			k = D[n];
			s = Theta(k, i);
			loss += (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i)) *
				(Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i));

		if(b[i] == 1) {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, Theta(k, i)));
		} else {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, clusterLabels[i])) * lambdaw;
	loss += lambda * (J - 1);

	//printf("z, Loss function = %3.3f, number of clusters = %d\n", loss, J);

	// update mu
	for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
		double denom = 0, numer = 0;
		for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
			denom += Gamma(n + s * N, i);
			numer += Y(n, i);
		for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
			Mu(n, s) = numer / denom;
		for(s = 0; s < S; s ++) {
			denom = 0;
			numer = 0;
			for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
				if(Theta(D[n], i) == s) {
					numer += Y(n, i);
					denom += Gamma(n + s * N, i);
			if(denom > 0) {
				Mu(n, s) = numer / denom;

	// calculate the loss function

	loss = 0;
	for(i = 0; i < I; i ++) {
		for(n = 0; n < N; n ++) {
			k = D[n];
			s = Theta(k, i);
			loss += (Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i)) *
				(Y(n, i) - Mu(n, s) * Gamma(s * N + n, i));

		if(b[i] == 1) {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * lambdap * (1 - P(i, Theta(k, i)));
		} else {
			for(k = 0; k < K; k ++) {
				loss += 2 * (1 - W(Theta(k, i) * K + k, clusterLabels[i])) * lambdaw;
	loss += lambda * (J - 1);

	//printf("Loss function = %3.3f, number of clusters = %d\n", loss, J);

	Rcpp::List ret = Rcpp::List::create(
					    Rcpp::Named("Theta") = Theta,
					    Rcpp::Named("clusterLabels") = clusterLabels,
					    Rcpp::Named("b") = b,
					    Rcpp::Named("W") = W,
					    Rcpp::Named("P") = P,
					    Rcpp::Named("Mu") = Mu,
					    Rcpp::Named("loss") = loss
					    //,Rcpp::Named("oldlik") = oldlik
	return( ret );

int main()
	// Set all ranges
	Range<double> X(Xfrom,Xto);
	Range<double> T(Yfrom,Yto);
	// Declare all TwoVarDFunctions
	TwoVarDFunction<double,double,double> Sigma(*sigma);
	TwoVarDFunction<double,double,double> Mu(*mu);
	TwoVarDFunction<double,double,double> Forcing(*forcing);
	TwoVarDFunction<double,double,double> B(*b);
	// Declare all AtomicDFunctions
	AtomicDFunction<double,double> Ic(*IC); // Change from Call<->Put
//	AtomicDFunction<double,double> Bcr(*BCR_Topper_p11);
	AtomicDFunction<double,double> Bcr(*BCR);// Change from Call<->Put
	AtomicDFunction<double,double> Bcl(*BCL);// Change from Call<->Put
	// Declare the pde
	ParabolicPDE<double,double,double> pde(X,T,Sigma,Mu,B,Forcing,Ic,Bcl,Bcr);

	// Declare the finite difference scheme
//	ParabolicFDM<double,double,double> FDM(pde,XINTERVALS,YINTERVALS,THETA); // V1
	int choice = 3;
	cout << "1) Explicit Euler 2) Implicit Euler 3) Crank Nicolson ";
	cin >> choice;

	//OptionType type = AmericanCallType;
	OptionType type = EuropeanCallType;

	ParabolicFDM<double,double,double> FDM(pde,XINTERVALS,YINTERVALS,choice,

	// compute option prices
	// Retrieve and store option prices
	Vector <double,long> result = FDM.line(); // Does include ENDS!!


	Vector<double, long> xArr = FDM.xarr();
	Vector<double, long> tArr = FDM.tarr();

	double h = xArr[2] - xArr[1];
	double k = tArr[2] - tArr[1];

	cout << "h " << h << endl;

	// Create and fill Delta vector
	Vector <double,long> DeltaMesh(xArr.Size()-2, xArr.MinIndex());
	for (long kk = DeltaMesh.MinIndex(); kk <= DeltaMesh.MaxIndex(); kk++)
		DeltaMesh[kk] = xArr[kk+1];

	Vector <double,long> Delta(result.Size()-2,result.MinIndex());
	for (long i = Delta.MinIndex(); i <= Delta.MaxIndex(); i++)
		Delta[i] = (result[i+1] - result[i])/(h);

	// Create and fill Gamma vector
	Vector <double,long> GammaMesh(DeltaMesh.Size()-2, DeltaMesh.MinIndex());
	for (long p = GammaMesh.MinIndex(); p <= GammaMesh.MaxIndex(); p++)
		GammaMesh[p] = DeltaMesh[p+1];

	Vector <double,long> Gamma(Delta.Size()-2, Delta.MinIndex());
	for (long n = Gamma.MinIndex(); n <= Gamma.MaxIndex(); n++)
		Gamma[n] = (Delta[n+1] - Delta[n])/(h);

	/*// Create and fill Theta vector
	Vector <double,long> ThetaMesh(tArr.Size()-1, tArr.MinIndex());
	for (long m = ThetaMesh.MinIndex(); m <= ThetaMesh.MaxIndex(); m++)
		ThetaMesh[m] = tArr[m+1];

	long NP1 = FDM.result().MaxRowIndex();
	long NP = FDM.result().MaxRowIndex() -1;

	Vector <double,long> Theta(result.Size(), result.MinIndex());
	for (long ii = Theta.MinIndex(); ii <= Theta.MaxIndex(); ii++)
		Theta[ii] = -(FDM.result()(NP1, ii) -FDM.result()(NP, ii) )/k;

		printOneExcel(FDM.xarr(), result, string("Price"));
		printOneExcel(DeltaMesh, Delta, string("Delta"));
		printOneExcel(GammaMesh, Gamma, string("Gamma"));
		printOneExcel(FDM.xarr(), Theta, string("Theta"));

	catch(DatasimException& e)

		ExcelDriver& excel = ExcelDriver::Instance();

		long y = 1;
		excel.printStringInExcel(e.Message(), y, y, string("Err"));

		list<string> dump;

		excel.printStringInExcel(dump, 1, 1, string("Err"));

		return 0;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 22
int main()
	clock_t start,finish;
	double totaltime;
		IloNumExpr Cost(env);
		for(IloInt w=0;w<NW;++w)
		IloNumExpr expr1(env),expr2(env);
		for(IloInt i=0;i<NG;++i)
		for(IloInt w=0;w<NW;++w)
		for(IloInt i=0;i<NG;++i)
		IloNumExprArray detaP_node(env,Node-1),detaPw_node(env,Node-1);
		IloNumExprArray Theta(env,Node);
		for(IloInt b=0;b<Node-1;++b)
			IloInt i=0;
				detaPw_node[b]+=detaPw[ Sw[b] ];
		for(IloInt b=0;b<Node-1;++b)
			for(IloInt k=0;k<Node-1;++k)
		for(IloInt h=0;h<Branch;++h)
			IloNumExpr exprTheta(env);//莫明其妙的错误
		if (Master_Cplex.getStatus() == IloAlgorithm::Infeasible)//输出结果
			output<<"Master Problem Have No Solution"<<endl;
			goto lable2;
	catch(IloException& ex)//异常捕获
		output<<"Error: "<<ex<<endl;
		output<<"Error: Unknown exception caught!" << endl;
	output<<"totaltime: "<<totaltime<<"s"<<endl<<endl;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 23
MovementSolute::secondary_flow (const Geometry& geo, 
                                const std::vector<double>& Theta_old,
                                const std::vector<double>& Theta_new,
                                const std::vector<double>& q,
                                const symbol name,
                                const std::vector<double>& S, 
                                const std::map<size_t, double>& J_forced,
                                const std::map<size_t, double>& C_border,
                                std::vector<double>& M, 
                                std::vector<double>& J, 
                                const double dt,
                                Treelog& msg)
  const size_t cell_size = geo.cell_size ();
  const size_t edge_size = geo.edge_size ();
  // Full timstep left.
  daisy_assert (dt > 0.0);
  double time_left = dt;

  // Initial water content.
  std::vector<double> Theta (cell_size);
  for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
    Theta[c] = Theta_old[c];

  // Small timesteps.
  for (;;)
      // Are we done yet?
      const double min_timestep_factor = 1e-19;
      if (time_left < 0.1 * min_timestep_factor * dt)

      // Find new timestep.
      double ddt = time_left;
      // Limit timestep based on water flux.
      for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
          const int cell = (q[e] > 0.0 ? geo.edge_from (e) : geo.edge_to (e));
          if (geo.cell_is_internal (cell) 
              && Theta[cell] > 1e-6 && M[cell] > 0.0)
              const double loss_rate = std::fabs (q[e]) * geo.edge_area (e);
              const double content = Theta[cell] * geo.cell_volume (cell); 
              const double time_to_empty = content / loss_rate;
              if (time_to_empty < min_timestep_factor * dt)
                  msg.warning ("Too fast water movement in secondary domain");
                  ddt = min_timestep_factor * dt;
              // Go down in timestep while it takes less than two to empty cell.
              while (time_to_empty < 2.0 * ddt)
                ddt *= 0.5;

      // Cell source.  Must be before transport to avoid negative values.
      for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
        M[c] += S[c] * ddt;

      // Find fluxes using new values (more stable).
      std::vector<double> dJ (edge_size, -42.42e42);
      for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
          std::map<size_t, double>::const_iterator i = J_forced.find (e);
          if (i != J_forced.end ())
            // Forced flux.
              dJ[e] = (*i).second;
              daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dJ[e]));

          const int edge_from = geo.edge_from (e);
          const int edge_to = geo.edge_to (e);
          const bool in_flux = q[e] > 0.0;
          int flux_from = in_flux ? edge_from : edge_to;
          double C_flux_from = -42.42e42;

          if (geo.cell_is_internal (flux_from))
            // Internal cell, use its concentration.
              if (Theta[flux_from] > 1e-6 && M[flux_from] > 0.0)
                // Positive content in positive water.
                C_flux_from = M[flux_from] / Theta[flux_from];
                // You can't cut the hair of a bald guy.
                C_flux_from = 0.0;
              i = C_border.find (e);
              if (i != C_border.end ())
                // Specified by C_border.
                C_flux_from = (*i).second;
                // Assume no gradient.
                  const int flux_to = in_flux ? edge_to : edge_from;
                  daisy_assert (geo.cell_is_internal (flux_to));
                  if (Theta[flux_to] > 1e-6 && M[flux_to] > 0.0)
                    // Positive content in positive water.
                    C_flux_from = M[flux_to] / Theta[flux_to];
                    // You can't cut the hair of a bald guy.
                    C_flux_from = 0.0;

          // Convection.
          daisy_assert (std::isfinite (q[e]));
          daisy_assert (C_flux_from >= 0.0);
          dJ[e] = q[e] * C_flux_from;
          daisy_assert (std::isfinite (dJ[e]));

      // Update values for fluxes.
      for (size_t e = 0; e < edge_size; e++)
          const double value = ddt * dJ[e] * geo.edge_area (e);

          const int from = geo.edge_from (e);
          if (geo.cell_is_internal (from))
            M[from] -= value / geo.cell_volume (from);

          const int to = geo.edge_to (e);
          if (geo.cell_is_internal (to))
            M[to] += value / geo.cell_volume (to);

          J[e] += dJ[e] * ddt / dt;

      // Update time left.
      time_left -= ddt;

      // Interpolate Theta.
      for (size_t c = 0; c < cell_size; c++)
          const double left = time_left / dt;
          const double done = 1.0 - left;
          Theta[c] = left * Theta_old[c] + done * Theta_new[c];
Esempio n. 24
RcppExport SEXP nsem3b(SEXP data,  
		      SEXP theta,
		      SEXP Sigma,
		      SEXP modelpar,
		    SEXP control
		    ) {   

  //  srand ( time(NULL) ); /* initialize random seed: */
  Rcpp::NumericVector Theta(theta);  
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix D(data);
  unsigned nobs = D.nrow(), k = D.ncol();
  mat Data(D.begin(), nobs, k, false); // Avoid copying
  Rcpp::NumericMatrix V(Sigma);  
  mat S(V.begin(), V.nrow(), V.ncol()); 
  S(0,0) = 1;
  mat iS = inv(S);
  double detS = det(S);

  Rcpp::List Modelpar(modelpar);
  // Rcpp::IntegerVector _nlatent = Modelpar["nlatent"]; unsigned nlatent = _nlatent[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny0 = Modelpar["nvar0"]; unsigned ny0 = _ny0[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny1 = Modelpar["nvar1"]; unsigned ny1 = _ny1[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _ny2 = Modelpar["nvar2"]; unsigned ny2 = _ny2[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred0 = Modelpar["npred0"]; unsigned npred0 = _npred0[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred1 = Modelpar["npred1"]; unsigned npred1 = _npred1[0];
  Rcpp::IntegerVector _npred2 = Modelpar["npred2"]; unsigned npred2 = _npred2[0];
  Rcpp::List Control(control);   
  Rcpp::NumericVector _lambda = Control["lambda"]; double lambda = _lambda[0];
  Rcpp::NumericVector _niter = Control["niter"]; double niter = _niter[0];
  Rcpp::NumericVector _Dtol = Control["Dtol"]; double Dtol = _Dtol[0];

  rowvec mu0(ny0), lambda0(ny0);
  rowvec mu1(ny1), lambda1(ny1);
  rowvec mu2(ny2), lambda2(ny2);
  rowvec beta0(npred0); 
  rowvec beta1(npred1); 
  rowvec beta2(npred2);
  rowvec gamma(2);
  rowvec gamma2(2);  
  unsigned pos=0;
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny0; i++) {
    mu0(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny1; i++) {
    mu1(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny2; i++) {
    mu2(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<ny0; i++) {
    lambda0(i) = Theta[pos];
  lambda1(0) = 1;
  for (unsigned i=1; i<ny1; i++) {
    lambda1(i) = Theta[pos];
  lambda2(0) = 1;
  for (unsigned i=1; i<ny2; i++) {
    lambda2(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred0; i++) {
    beta0(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred1; i++) {
    beta1(i) = Theta[pos];
  for (unsigned i=0; i<npred2; i++) {
    beta2(i) = Theta[pos];
  gamma(0) = Theta[pos]; gamma(1) = Theta[pos+1];
  gamma2(0) = Theta[pos+2]; gamma2(1) = Theta[pos+3];

  // cerr << "mu0=" << mu0 << endl;
  // cerr << "mu1=" << mu1 << endl;
  // cerr << "mu2=" << mu2 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda0=" << lambda0 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda1=" << lambda1 << endl;
  // cerr << "lambda2=" << lambda2 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta0=" << beta0 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta1=" << beta1 << endl;
  // cerr << "beta2=" << beta2 << endl;
  // cerr << "gamma=" << gamma << endl;
  // cerr << "gamma2=" << gamma2 << endl;
  mat lap(nobs,4);
  for (unsigned i=0; i<nobs; i++) {
    rowvec newlap = laNRb(Data.row(i), iS, detS,
			  mu0, mu1, mu2, 
			  lambda0, lambda1, lambda2, 
			  beta0,beta1, beta2, gamma, gamma2,
    lap.row(i) = newlap;

  List  res;
  res["indiv"] = lap;
  res["logLik"] = sum(lap.col(0)) + (3-V.nrow())*log(2.0*datum::pi)*nobs/2;
  res["norm0"] = (3-V.nrow())*log(2*datum::pi)/2;
  return res;
Vec3f CylinderDistribution3D::generate(void) const
    Vec3f Result;

    case SURFACE:
            std::vector<Real32> Areas;
            //Min Cap
            Areas.push_back(0.5*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta())*(getOuterRadius()*getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()*getInnerRadius()));
            //Max Cap
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + 0.5*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta())*(getOuterRadius()*getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()*getInnerRadius()));
            //Inner Tube
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + getInnerRadius()*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) * getHeight());
            //Outer Tube
            Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + getOuterRadius()*osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) * getHeight());

            bool HasTubeSides(osgAbs(getMaxTheta() - getMinTheta()) - 6.283185 < -0.000001);
                //MinTheta Tube Side
                Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + (getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()) * getHeight());

                //MaxTheta Tube Side
                Areas.push_back(Areas.back() + (getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()) * getHeight());

            Real32 PickEdge(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0));
            if(PickEdge < Areas[0]/Areas.back())
                //Max Cap
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                    + (getHeight()/static_cast<Real32>(2.0))*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[1]/Areas.back())
                //Min Cap
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                    + (-getHeight()/static_cast<Real32>(2.0))*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[2]/Areas.back())
                //Inner Tube
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result =  getCenter().subZero()
                    + getInnerRadius()*osgSin(Theta)*getTangent()
                    + getInnerRadius()*osgCos(Theta)*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(PickEdge < Areas[3]/Areas.back())
                //Outer Tube
                Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result =  getCenter().subZero()
                    + getOuterRadius()*osgSin(Theta)*getTangent()
                    + getOuterRadius()*osgCos(Theta)*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(HasTubeSides && PickEdge < Areas[4]/Areas.back())
                //MinTheta Tube Side
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(getMinTheta()))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(getMinTheta()))*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
            else if(HasTubeSides && PickEdge < Areas[5]/Areas.back())
                //MaxTheta Tube Side
                Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
                Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
                Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
                Result = getCenter().subZero()
                    + (Radius*osgSin(getMaxTheta()))*getTangent()
                    + (Radius*osgCos(getMaxTheta()))*getBinormal()
                    + Height*getNormal();
                assert(false && "Should never reach this point");
    case VOLUME:
            //To get a uniform distribution across the disc get a uniformly distributed allong 0.0 - 1.0
            //Then Take the square root of that.  This gives a square root distribution from 0.0 - 1.0
            //This square root distribution is used for the random radius because the area of a disc is 
            //dependant on the square of the radius, i.e it is a quadratic function
            Real32 Temp(osgSqrt(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(0.0,1.0)));
            Real32 Radius(getInnerRadius() + Temp*(getOuterRadius() - getInnerRadius()));
            Real32 Height(RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(-getHeight()/2.0,getHeight()/2.0));
            Real32 Theta( RandomPoolManager::getRandomReal32(getMinTheta(),getMaxTheta()) );
            Result = getCenter().subZero()
                   + (Radius*osgSin(Theta))*getTangent()
                   + (Radius*osgCos(Theta))*getBinormal()
                   + Height*getNormal();

    return Result;