Esempio n. 1
void BucketRepository::deallocate_bucket(Bucket *b)
  ThrowAssertMsg(b != NULL,
                 "BucketRepository::deallocate_bucket(.) m_buckets invariant broken.");

  const unsigned bucket_id = b->bucket_id();
  const EntityRank bucket_rank = b->entity_rank();

  ThrowAssertMsg(b == m_buckets[bucket_rank][bucket_id],
                 "BucketRepository::deallocate_bucket(.) m_buckets invariant broken.");

  m_buckets[bucket_rank][bucket_id] = NULL; // space will be reclaimed by sync_from_partitions
  m_need_sync_from_partitions[bucket_rank] = true;
  delete b;
Esempio n. 2
typename FieldTraits<FieldType>::data_type*
field_data(const FieldType & f, const unsigned bucket_id, Bucket::size_type bucket_ord, const int knownSize) {
  ThrowAssertMsg(f.get_meta_data_for_field()[bucket_id].m_bytes_per_entity >= knownSize, "field name= " << << "knownSize= " << knownSize << ", m_bytes_per_entity= " << f.get_meta_data_for_field()[bucket_id].m_bytes_per_entity);
  ThrowAssert(f.get_meta_data_for_field()[bucket_id].m_data != NULL);
  return reinterpret_cast<typename FieldTraits<FieldType>::data_type*>(f.get_meta_data_for_field()[bucket_id].m_data + knownSize * bucket_ord);
Esempio n. 3
  void internal_check_size_invariant() const
#ifndef NDEBUG
    size_t sum = 0;
    for (size_t i = 0, e = m_buckets.size(); i < e; ++i) {
      sum += m_buckets[i]->size();
    ThrowAssertMsg(sum == m_size, "Inconsistent sizes, bucket sum is " << sum << ", m_size is " << m_size);
Esempio n. 4
bool Entity::update_relation(
  const RelationIterator        ir ,
  const bool                    back_rel_flag) const
  const Relation::RelationType relType = ir->getRelationType();
  ThrowAssert(verify_relation_ordering(internal_begin_relation(relType), internal_end_relation(relType)));
                 "update_relation should not be called for STK-managed relations");

  Entity & meshObj = *ir->getMeshObj() ;

  const Relation::RelationType backRelType = back_relation_type(relType);

  ThrowAssert(verify_relation_ordering(meshObj.internal_begin_relation(backRelType), meshObj.internal_end_relation(backRelType)));

  // Create the corresponding back relation to ir
  Relation backRel_obj(const_cast<Entity*>(this), backRelType, ir->getOrdinal(), ir->getOrientation());
  RelationIterator backRel_itr = meshObj.find_relation(backRel_obj);

  const bool exists = backRel_itr != meshObj.internal_end_relation(backRelType) && *backRel_itr == backRel_obj;

  if (exists && !back_rel_flag) {
    // Remove back relation and increment the counter


    //ThrowAssert(sierra::Fmwk::get_derived_type(meshObj) != Entity::ELEMENT);

  else if (!exists && back_rel_flag) {
    // Insert back relation

    const unsigned k = backRel_itr - meshObj.internal_begin_relation(backRelType) ;

    meshObj.reserve_relation(meshObj.aux_relations().size() + 1);

    meshObj.aux_relations().insert(meshObj.aux_relations().begin() + k, backRel_obj);

    //ThrowAssert(sierra::Fmwk::get_derived_type(meshObj) != Entity::ELEMENT);


  ThrowAssert(verify_relation_ordering(meshObj.internal_begin_relation(relType), meshObj.internal_end_relation(relType)));

  return true;
Esempio n. 5
void BucketRepository::sync_bucket_ids(EntityRank entity_rank)
  BucketVector &buckets = m_buckets[entity_rank];
  unsigned num_buckets = buckets.size();
  std::vector<unsigned> id_map(num_buckets);

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_buckets; ++i)
    ThrowAssertMsg(buckets[i] != NULL,
                   "BucketRepository::sync_bucket_ids() called when m_buckets["
                   << entity_rank << "] is not dense.");
    id_map[i] = buckets[i]->bucket_id();
    buckets[i]->m_bucket_id = i;

  m_mesh.reorder_buckets_callback(entity_rank, id_map);
Esempio n. 6
void ScratchViews::create_needed_field_views(const TeamHandleType& team,
                               const ElemDataRequests& dataNeeded,
                               const stk::mesh::BulkData& bulkData,
                               int nodesPerElem)
  const stk::mesh::MetaData& meta = bulkData.mesh_meta_data();
  unsigned numFields = meta.get_fields().size();
  fieldViews.resize(numFields, nullptr);

  const FieldSet& neededFields = dataNeeded.get_fields();
  for(const FieldInfo& fieldInfo : neededFields) {
    stk::mesh::EntityRank fieldEntityRank = fieldInfo.field->entity_rank();
    ThrowAssertMsg(fieldEntityRank == stk::topology::NODE_RANK || fieldEntityRank == stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, "Currently only node and element fields are supported.");
    unsigned scalarsDim1 = fieldInfo.scalarsDim1;
    unsigned scalarsDim2 = fieldInfo.scalarsDim2;

    if (fieldEntityRank==stk::topology::ELEM_RANK) {
      if (scalarsDim2 == 0) {
        fieldViews[fieldInfo.field->mesh_meta_data_ordinal()] = new ViewT<SharedMemView<double*>>(get_shmem_view_1D(team, scalarsDim1));
      else {
        fieldViews[fieldInfo.field->mesh_meta_data_ordinal()] = new ViewT<SharedMemView<double**>>(get_shmem_view_2D(team, scalarsDim1, scalarsDim2));
    else if (fieldEntityRank==stk::topology::NODE_RANK) {
      if (scalarsDim2 == 0) {
        if (scalarsDim1 == 1) {
          fieldViews[fieldInfo.field->mesh_meta_data_ordinal()] = new ViewT<SharedMemView<double*>>(get_shmem_view_1D(team, nodesPerElem));
        else {
          fieldViews[fieldInfo.field->mesh_meta_data_ordinal()] = new ViewT<SharedMemView<double**>>(get_shmem_view_2D(team, nodesPerElem, scalarsDim1));
      else {
          fieldViews[fieldInfo.field->mesh_meta_data_ordinal()] = new ViewT<SharedMemView<double***>>(get_shmem_view_3D(team, nodesPerElem, scalarsDim1, scalarsDim2));
    else {
      ThrowRequireMsg(false,"Only elem-rank and node-rank fields supported for scratch-views currently.");
Esempio n. 7
 /** \brief  Query the i^th entity */
 Entity operator[] ( size_t i ) const {
   ThrowAssertMsg( i < m_entities.size(), "Index " << i << " is out of bounds");
   return m_entities[i];
Esempio n. 8
Entity declare_element_to_entity(BulkData & mesh, Entity elem, Entity entity,
        const unsigned relationOrdinal, const PartVector& parts, stk::topology entity_top)
    stk::topology elem_top = mesh.bucket(elem).topology();

    std::vector<unsigned> entity_node_ordinals(entity_top.num_nodes());
    elem_top.sub_topology_node_ordinals(mesh.entity_rank(entity), relationOrdinal, entity_node_ordinals.begin());

    const stk::mesh::Entity *elem_nodes = mesh.begin_nodes(elem);
    EntityVector entity_top_nodes(entity_top.num_nodes());
    elem_top.sub_topology_nodes(elem_nodes, mesh.entity_rank(entity), relationOrdinal, entity_top_nodes.begin());

    Permutation perm = mesh.find_permutation(elem_top, elem_nodes, entity_top, &entity_top_nodes[0], relationOrdinal);

    OrdinalVector ordinal_scratch;
    PartVector part_scratch;

        mesh.change_entity_parts(entity, parts);

    const stk::mesh::ConnectivityOrdinal *side_ordinals = mesh.begin_ordinals(elem, mesh.entity_rank(entity));
    unsigned num_sides = mesh.count_valid_connectivity(elem, mesh.entity_rank(entity));

    bool elem_to_side_exists = false;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < num_sides; ++i)
        if(side_ordinals[i] == relationOrdinal)
            elem_to_side_exists = true;

        mesh.declare_relation(elem, entity, relationOrdinal, perm, ordinal_scratch, part_scratch);

    const unsigned num_side_nodes = mesh.count_valid_connectivity(entity, stk::topology::NODE_RANK);
    if(0 == num_side_nodes)
        Permutation node_perm = stk::mesh::Permutation::INVALID_PERMUTATION;
        Entity const *elem_nodes_local = mesh.begin_nodes(elem);
        for(unsigned i = 0; i < entity_top.num_nodes(); ++i)
            Entity node = elem_nodes_local[entity_node_ordinals[i]];
            mesh.declare_relation(entity, node, i, node_perm, ordinal_scratch, part_scratch);
        ThrowAssertMsg(num_side_nodes == entity_top.num_nodes(),
                "declare_element_to_entity: " << mesh.entity_key(entity) << " already exists with different number of nodes.");

    return entity;
STKUNIT_UNIT_TEST(UnitTestingOfThrowMacros, testUnit)
  // Setting assert handler to NULL should cause exception
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(stk::set_assert_handler(0), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that Throw*Msg works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that Throw* works
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(false), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(false), std::runtime_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(false), std::invalid_argument);

  // Check that macro interacts appropriately with if statements
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(), std::logic_error);
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(check_interaction_with_if(false), std::logic_error);

  // Check that usage of ThrowRequireMsg/ThrowAssertMsg does not change program
  // semantics. Code blocks that are not contained within braces seem to be
  // the most likely to be problematic.

  bool expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");
    expected_execution_path = true;

  expected_execution_path = false;
  if (false)
    expected_execution_path = true;

  // These next four statements are to check compilation success

  if (false)
    ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)
    ThrowAssertMsg(false, "test");

  if (false)

  if (false)

  // Check that do-while still works, again, we are mostly checking compilation
  // success here.

  do ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  do ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test");
  while (false);

  // Check that message with put-tos compiles

  int temp = 0;
  ThrowRequireMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");
  ThrowAssertMsg(true, "test: " << temp << " blah");

  // Check that assert behaves as expected (throws in debug, not in opt)
#ifdef NDEBUG
  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_assert(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that ThrowErrorMsg works

  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(test_no_expr_error(), std::runtime_error);
  // Check that setting handler for asserts works.

  stk::ErrorHandler orig = stk::set_assert_handler(test_assert_handler);

  ThrowRequireMsg(false, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_require_trigger(), std::logic_error);

  // Check that setting handler for errors works.

  orig = stk::set_error_handler(test_error_handler);

  ThrowErrorMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_error_trigger(), std::runtime_error);

  // Check that setting handler for invalid args works.

  orig = stk::set_invalid_arg_handler(test_invarg_handler);

  ThrowInvalidArgMsgIf(true, "test");



  STKUNIT_ASSERT_THROW(force_throw_invarg_trigger(), std::invalid_argument);
Esempio n. 10
int get_num_bytes_pre_req_data(ElemDataRequests& dataNeededBySuppAlgs, int nDim)
  /* master elements are allowed to be null if they are not required */
  MasterElement *meSCS = dataNeededBySuppAlgs.get_cvfem_surface_me();
  MasterElement *meSCV = dataNeededBySuppAlgs.get_cvfem_volume_me();
  const int nodesPerElem = meSCS != nullptr ? meSCS->nodesPerElement_ : 0;
  const int numScsIp = meSCS != nullptr ? meSCS->numIntPoints_ : 0;
  const int numScvIp = meSCV != nullptr ? meSCV->numIntPoints_ : 0;
  int numBytes = 0;
  const FieldSet& neededFields = dataNeededBySuppAlgs.get_fields();
  for(const FieldInfo& fieldInfo : neededFields) {
    stk::mesh::EntityRank fieldEntityRank = fieldInfo.field->entity_rank();
    ThrowAssertMsg(fieldEntityRank == stk::topology::NODE_RANK || fieldEntityRank == stk::topology::ELEM_RANK, "Currently only node and element fields are supported.");
    unsigned scalarsPerEntity = fieldInfo.scalarsDim1;
    unsigned entitiesPerElem = fieldEntityRank==stk::topology::ELEM_RANK ? 1 : nodesPerElem;
    if (fieldInfo.scalarsDim2 > 1) {
      scalarsPerEntity *= fieldInfo.scalarsDim2;
    numBytes += entitiesPerElem*scalarsPerEntity*sizeof(double);
  const std::set<ELEM_DATA_NEEDED>& dataEnums = dataNeededBySuppAlgs.get_data_enums();
  int dndxLength = 0, gUpperLength = 0, gLowerLength = 0;

  // Updated logic for data sharing of deriv and det_j
  bool needDeriv = false;
  bool needDetj = false;
  for(ELEM_DATA_NEEDED data : dataEnums) {
      case SCS_AREAV: numBytes += nDim * numScsIp * sizeof(double);
      case SCS_GRAD_OP:
        dndxLength = nodesPerElem*numScsIp*nDim;
        needDeriv = true;
        needDetj = true;
        numBytes += dndxLength * sizeof(double);
      case SCV_VOLUME: numBytes += numScvIp * sizeof(double);
      case SCS_GIJ: 
        gUpperLength = nDim*nDim*numScsIp;
        gLowerLength = nDim*nDim*numScsIp;
        needDeriv = true;
        numBytes += (gUpperLength + gLowerLength ) * sizeof(double);
      default: break;

  if (needDeriv)
    numBytes += nodesPerElem*numScsIp*nDim * sizeof(double);

  if (needDetj)
    numBytes += numScsIp * sizeof(double);
  return numBytes*2;
inline void parallel_sum_including_ghosts(
  const BulkData                        & mesh ,
  const std::vector< const FieldBase *> & fields )
  if ( fields.empty() ) { return; }

  const int parallel_size = mesh.parallel_size();
  const int parallel_rank = mesh.parallel_rank();

  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fe = fields.end();
  const std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fb = fields.begin();
        std::vector<const FieldBase *>::const_iterator fi ;

  // Sizing for send and receive

  const unsigned zero = 0 ;
  std::vector<unsigned> send_size( parallel_size , zero );
  std::vector<unsigned> recv_size( parallel_size , zero );

  const EntityCommListInfoVector& comm_info_vec = mesh.internal_comm_list();
  size_t comm_info_vec_size = comm_info_vec.size();
  for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
    const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

    for (size_t i=0; i<comm_info_vec_size; ++i) {
        if (!mesh.is_valid(comm_info_vec[i].entity))
            ThrowAssertMsg(mesh.is_valid(comm_info_vec[i].entity),"parallel_sum_including_ghosts found invalid entity");
      const Bucket* bucket = comm_info_vec[i].bucket;

      unsigned e_size = 0 ;
      if(is_matching_rank(f, *bucket)) {
        const unsigned bucketId = bucket->bucket_id();
        e_size += field_bytes_per_entity( f , bucketId );

      if (e_size == 0) {

      const bool owned = comm_info_vec[i].owner == parallel_rank ;

      if ( !owned ) {
         send_size[ comm_info_vec[i].owner ] += e_size ;
      else {
          const EntityCommInfoVector& infovec = comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map;
          size_t info_vec_size = infovec.size();
          for (size_t j=0; j<info_vec_size; ++j ) {
              recv_size[ infovec[j].proc ] += e_size ;

  // Allocate send and receive buffers:

  CommAll sparse ;

    const unsigned * const snd_size = & send_size[0] ;
    const unsigned * const rcv_size = & recv_size[0] ;
    sparse.allocate_buffers( mesh.parallel(), snd_size, rcv_size);

  // Send packing:

  for (int phase = 0; phase < 2; ++phase) {

    for ( fi = fb ; fi != fe ; ++fi ) {
      const FieldBase & f = **fi ;

      for (size_t i=0; i<comm_info_vec_size; ++i) {
        const bool owned = comm_info_vec[i].owner == parallel_rank;
        if ( (!owned && phase == 0) || (owned && phase == 1) )
            const Bucket* bucket = comm_info_vec[i].bucket;

            if(!is_matching_rank(f, *bucket)) continue;

            const unsigned bucketId = bucket->bucket_id();
            const size_t bucket_ordinal = comm_info_vec[i].bucket_ordinal;
            const unsigned scalars_per_entity = field_scalars_per_entity(f, bucketId);

            if ( scalars_per_entity > 0 ) {
              int owner = comm_info_vec[i].owner;

              if (f.data_traits().is_floating_point && f.data_traits().size_of == 8)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<double>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_floating_point && f.data_traits().size_of == 4)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<float>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_integral && f.data_traits().size_of == 4 && f.data_traits().is_unsigned)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<unsigned>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
              else if (f.data_traits().is_integral && f.data_traits().size_of == 4 && f.data_traits().is_signed)
                  send_or_recv_field_data_for_assembly<int>(sparse, phase, f, owner, comm_info_vec[i].entity_comm->comm_map, scalars_per_entity, bucketId, bucket_ordinal);
                  ThrowRequireMsg(false,"Unsupported field type in parallel_sum_including_ghosts");

      if (phase == 0) { sparse.communicate(); }

  copy_from_owned(mesh, fields);