void stellaris_timer_early_init(void) { uint32_t clock_rate = SysCtlClockGet(); tick_rate_mhz = clock_rate / 1000000; #if 0 SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER0); /* configure the timer as a 64bit up counting tick at syslock rate */ TimerConfigure(WTIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP); TimerLoadSet64(WTIMER0_BASE, ULONG_MAX); TimerEnable(WTIMER0_BASE, TIMER_BOTH); #endif }
//***************************************************************************** // // This example application demonstrates the use of the timers to generate // periodic interrupts. // //***************************************************************************** int main(void) { // // Enable lazy stacking for interrupt handlers. This allows floating-point // instructions to be used within interrupt handlers, but at the expense of // extra stack usage. // FPUEnable(); FPULazyStackingEnable(); // // Set the clocking to run directly from the crystal. // SysCtlClockSet(SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ); // // Enable processor interrupts. // IntMasterEnable(); // // Initialize the UART and write status. // ConfigureUART(); ConfigureXBeeUART(); ConfigureUARTSensores(); ButtonsInit(); inicializa_motores(); // // Enable the peripherals used by this example. // SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER1); // // Configure the two 32-bit periodic timers. // TimerConfigure(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); TimerLoadSet(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_A, SysCtlClockGet()/200000); // // Setup the interrupts for the timer timeouts. // IntEnable(INT_TIMER1A); TimerIntEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); // // Enable the timers. // TimerEnable(TIMER1_BASE, TIMER_A); // Configure a wide timer for timing purposes SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_WTIMER0); TimerConfigure(WTIMER0_BASE, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC_UP); TimerLoadSet64(WTIMER0_BASE, (((long long)1) << 60)); TimerEnable(WTIMER0_BASE, TIMER_A); int counter_verify_no_ar = 0; while(1) { SysCtlDelay(SysCtlClockGet() / 1000); checkButtons(); readPackage(); counter_verify_no_ar++; if (counter_verify_no_ar == 1000) { counter_verify_no_ar = 0; if (no_ar) { enviaNoAr(); no_ar = false; } if (no_chao) { enviaNoChao(); no_chao = false; } } } }
void joystick_init(void) { // Register Joystick button isr GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(JOY_PORT, JOY_MASK); GPIOPadConfigSet(JOY_PORT, JOY_MASK, GPIO_STRENGTH_4MA, GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPU); GPIOIntTypeSet(JOY_PORT, JOY_MASK, GPIO_BOTH_EDGES); GPIOPortIntRegister(JOY_PORT, button_handler); GPIOPinIntEnable(JOY_PORT, JOY_MASK); // // The ADC0 peripheral must be enabled for use. // SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_ADC0); // // Select the analog ADC function for these pins. // GPIOPinTypeADC(GPIO_PORTE_BASE, GPIO_PIN_0); GPIOPinTypeADC(GPIO_PORTD_BASE, GPIO_PIN_3); // Use sequences 0 and 1 for x and y. ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, ADC_TRIGGER_PROCESSOR, 0); ADCSequenceConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 1, ADC_TRIGGER_PROCESSOR, 0); // Single ended sample on CH3 (X) and CH4 (Y). ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 0, 0, ADC_CTL_CH3 | ADC_CTL_IE | ADC_CTL_END); ADCSequenceStepConfigure(ADC0_BASE, 1, 0, ADC_CTL_CH4 | ADC_CTL_IE | ADC_CTL_END); // Enable the sequences. ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 0); ADCSequenceEnable(ADC0_BASE, 1); // Register ISRs. ADCIntRegister(ADC0_BASE, 0, x_handler); ADCIntRegister(ADC0_BASE, 1, y_handler); ADCIntEnable(ADC0_BASE, 0); ADCIntEnable(ADC0_BASE, 1); // Trigger the first conversion (auto-center) ADCProcessorTrigger(ADC0_BASE, 0); ADCProcessorTrigger(ADC0_BASE, 1); // Configure timer SysCtlPeripheralEnable(SYSCTL_PERIPH_TIMER3); TimerConfigure(JOY_TIMER, TIMER_CFG_PERIODIC); // //Register Jog Z buttons // GPIOPinTypeGPIOInput(JOG_Z_PORT, JOG_Z_MASK); // GPIOIntTypeSet(JOG_Z_PORT, JOG_Z_MASK, GPIO_BOTH_EDGES); // GPIOPortIntRegister(JOG_Z_PORT, jog_z_handler); // GPIOPinIntEnable(JOG_Z_PORT, JOG_Z_MASK); // GPIOPadConfigSet(JOG_Z_PORT,JOG_Z_MASK,GPIO_STRENGTH_2MA,GPIO_PIN_TYPE_STD_WPD); // Create a 10ms timer callback TimerLoadSet64(JOY_TIMER, SysCtlClockGet() / 500); TimerIntRegister(JOY_TIMER, TIMER_A, joystick_isr); TimerIntEnable(JOY_TIMER, TIMER_TIMA_TIMEOUT); IntPrioritySet(INT_TIMER3A, CONFIG_JOY_PRIORITY); TimerEnable(JOY_TIMER, TIMER_A); }