Esempio n. 1
void Device::update_attitude() {
  // Update the inertial and calculate attitude
  // Calculate the attitude based on the accelerometer

  static int iBCounter = 0;
  int iBCurTime = m_pHAL->scheduler->millis();
  if(iBCurTime - m_t32Inertial >= 1000) {
    #ifdef __AVR__
    m_pHAL->console->printf_P(PSTR("Benchmark - update_attitude(): %d Hz\n"), iBCounter);
    m_pHAL->console->printf("Benchmark - update_attitude(): %d Hz\n", iBCounter);
    iBCounter = 0;
    m_t32Inertial = iBCurTime;

  m_vAtti_deg.x = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->pitch);
  m_vAtti_deg.y = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->roll);
  m_vAtti_deg.z = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->yaw);
Esempio n. 2
  internal rate controller, called by attitude and rate controller
  public functions
int32_t AP_SteerController::get_steering_out(float desired_accel)
	uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis();
	uint32_t dt = tnow - _last_t;
	if (_last_t == 0 || dt > 1000) {
		dt = 0;
	_last_t = tnow;

    float speed = _ahrs.groundspeed();
    if (speed < 1.0e-6) {
        // with no speed all we can do is center the steering
        return 0;

    // this is a linear approximation of the inverse steering
    // equation for a ground vehicle. It returns steering as an angle from -45 to 45
    float scaler = 1.0f / speed;

	// Calculate the steering rate error (deg/sec) and apply gain scaler
    float desired_rate = desired_accel / speed;
	float rate_error = (ToDeg(desired_rate) - ToDeg(_ahrs.get_gyro().z)) * scaler;
	// Calculate equivalent gains so that values for K_P and K_I can be taken across from the old PID law
    // No conversion is required for K_D
	float ki_rate = _K_I * _tau * 45.0f;
	float kp_ff = max((_K_P - _K_I * _tau) * _tau  - _K_D , 0) * 45.0f;
	float delta_time    = (float)dt * 0.001f;
	// Multiply roll rate error by _ki_rate and integrate
	// Don't integrate if in stabilise mode as the integrator will wind up against the pilots inputs
	if (ki_rate > 0) {
		// only integrate if gain and time step are positive.
		if (dt > 0) {
		    float integrator_delta = rate_error * ki_rate * delta_time * scaler;
			// prevent the integrator from increasing if steering defln demand is above the upper limit
			if (_last_out < -45) {
                integrator_delta = max(integrator_delta , 0);
            } else if (_last_out > 45) {
                // prevent the integrator from decreasing if steering defln demand is below the lower limit
                integrator_delta = min(integrator_delta, 0);
			_integrator += integrator_delta;
	} else {
		_integrator = 0;
    // Scale the integration limit
    float intLimScaled = _imax * 0.01f;

    // Constrain the integrator state
    _integrator = constrain_float(_integrator, -intLimScaled, intLimScaled);
	// Calculate the demanded control surface deflection
	_last_out = (rate_error * _K_D * 4.0f) + (desired_rate * kp_ff) * scaler + _integrator;
	// Convert to centi-degrees and constrain
	return constrain_float(_last_out * 100, -4500, 4500);
Esempio n. 3
Vector3f Device::get_gyro_degps() {
  if(!m_pInert->healthy() ) {
    #ifdef __AVR__
    //m_pHAL->console->printf_P(PSTR("read_gyro_deg(): Inertial not healthy\n") );
    m_pHAL->console->printf("read_gyro_deg(): Inertial not healthy\n");
    m_pHAL->console->printf("read_gyro_deg(): Inertial not healthy\n");
    m_eErrors = static_cast<DEVICE_ERROR_FLAGS>(tiny::add_flag(m_eErrors, GYROMETER_F) );
    return m_vGyro_deg;

  // Read the current gyrometer value
  m_vGyro_deg = m_pInert->get_gyro();

  // Save values
  float fRol = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.x); // in comparison to the accelerometer data swapped
  float fPit = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.y); // in comparison to the accelerometer data swapped
  float fYaw = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.z);

  // Put them into the right order
  m_vGyro_deg.x = fPit; // PITCH
  m_vGyro_deg.y = fRol; // ROLL
  m_vGyro_deg.z = fYaw; // YAW

  return m_vGyro_deg;
Esempio n. 4
AP_DCM_HIL::setHil(float _roll, float _pitch, float _yaw,
		float _rollRate, float _pitchRate, float _yawRate)
	roll = _roll;
	pitch = _pitch;
	yaw = _yaw;

	_omega_integ_corr.x = _rollRate;
	_omega_integ_corr.y = _pitchRate;
	_omega_integ_corr.z = _yawRate;

	roll_sensor =ToDeg(roll)*100;
	pitch_sensor =ToDeg(pitch)*100;
	yaw_sensor =ToDeg(yaw)*100;

	// Need the standard C_body<-nav dcm from navigation frame to body frame
	// Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology / Titterton/ pg. 41
	float sRoll = sin(roll), cRoll = cos(roll);
	float sPitch = sin(pitch), cPitch = cos(pitch);
	float sYaw = sin(yaw), cYaw = cos(yaw);
	_dcm_matrix.a.x =  cPitch*cYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.a.y =  -cRoll*sYaw+sRoll*sPitch*cYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.a.z =  sRoll*sYaw+cRoll*sPitch*cYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.b.x =  cPitch*sYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.b.y =  cRoll*cYaw+sRoll*sPitch*sYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.b.z =  -sRoll*cYaw+cRoll*sPitch*sYaw;
	_dcm_matrix.c.x =  -sPitch;
	_dcm_matrix.c.y =  sRoll*cPitch;
	_dcm_matrix.c.z =  cRoll*cPitch;
Esempio n. 5
// set guided mode angle target
void Copter::ModeGuided::set_angle(const Quaternion &q, float climb_rate_cms, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_rads)
    // check we are in velocity control mode
    if (guided_mode != Guided_Angle) {

    // convert quaternion to euler angles
    q.to_euler(guided_angle_state.roll_cd, guided_angle_state.pitch_cd, guided_angle_state.yaw_cd);
    guided_angle_state.roll_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.roll_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.pitch_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.pitch_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.yaw_cd = wrap_180_cd(ToDeg(guided_angle_state.yaw_cd) * 100.0f);
    guided_angle_state.yaw_rate_cds = ToDeg(yaw_rate_rads) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.use_yaw_rate = use_yaw_rate;

    guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms = climb_rate_cms;
    guided_angle_state.update_time_ms = millis();

    // interpret positive climb rate as triggering take-off
    if (motors->armed() && !ap.auto_armed && (guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms > 0.0f)) {

    // log target
                           Vector3f(guided_angle_state.roll_cd, guided_angle_state.pitch_cd, guided_angle_state.yaw_cd),
                           Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms));
Esempio n. 6
// the _P_gain raises the gain of the PI controller
// when we are spinning fast. See the fastRotations 
// paper from Bill. 
AP_AHRS_DCM::_P_gain(float spin_rate)
	if (spin_rate < ToDeg(50)) {
		return 1.0;
	if (spin_rate > ToDeg(500)) {
		return 10.0;
	return spin_rate/ToDeg(50);
Esempio n. 7
AP_AHRS_HIL::setHil(float _roll, float _pitch, float _yaw,
                    float _rollRate, float _pitchRate, float _yawRate)
    roll = _roll;
    pitch = _pitch;
    yaw = _yaw;

    _omega(_rollRate, _pitchRate, _yawRate);

    roll_sensor  = ToDeg(roll)*100;
    pitch_sensor = ToDeg(pitch)*100;
    yaw_sensor   = ToDeg(yaw)*100;

    _dcm_matrix.from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw);
Esempio n. 8
// set guided mode angle target
void Sub::guided_set_angle(const Quaternion &q, float climb_rate_cms)
    // check we are in velocity control mode
    if (guided_mode != Guided_Angle) {

    // convert quaternion to euler angles
    q.to_euler(guided_angle_state.roll_cd, guided_angle_state.pitch_cd, guided_angle_state.yaw_cd);
    guided_angle_state.roll_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.roll_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.pitch_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.pitch_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.yaw_cd = wrap_180_cd(ToDeg(guided_angle_state.yaw_cd) * 100.0f);

    guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms = climb_rate_cms;
    guided_angle_state.update_time_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
Esempio n. 9
// check for ekf yaw reset and adjust target heading
void Copter::check_ekf_yaw_reset()
    float yaw_angle_change_rad = 0.0f;
    if (ahrs.get_NavEKF().getLastYawResetAngle(yaw_angle_change_rad)) {
        attitude_control.shift_ef_yaw_target(ToDeg(yaw_angle_change_rad) * 100.0f);
static void medium_loop() {
  switch(medium_loopCounter) {
    case 0:
      Serial.print(compas);Serial.print(",   ");Serial.print(yawref);Serial.print(",   ");Serial.println(yaw);
    case 1:

    case 2:

    case 3:

    case 4:
      medium_loopCounter = 0;
      medium_loopCounter = 0;
Esempio n. 11
static void calc_nav_roll()
#define NAV_ROLL_BY_RATE 0
    // Scale from centidegrees (PID input) to radians per second. A P gain of 1.0 should result in a
    // desired rate of 1 degree per second per degree of error - if you're 15 degrees off, you'll try
    // to turn at 15 degrees per second.
    float turn_rate = ToRad(g.pidNavRoll.get_pid(bearing_error_cd) * .01);

    // Use airspeed_cruise as an analogue for airspeed if we don't have airspeed.
    float speed;
    if (!ahrs.airspeed_estimate(&speed)) {
        speed = g.airspeed_cruise_cm*0.01;

        // Floor the speed so that the user can't enter a bad value
        if(speed < 6) {
            speed = 6;

    // Bank angle = V*R/g, where V is airspeed, R is turn rate, and g is gravity.
    nav_roll = ToDeg(atan(speed*turn_rate/GRAVITY_MSS)*100);

    // this is the old nav_roll calculation. We will use this for 2.50
    // then remove for a future release
    float nav_gain_scaler = 0.01 * g_gps->ground_speed / g.scaling_speed;
    nav_gain_scaler = constrain(nav_gain_scaler, 0.2, 1.4);
    nav_roll_cd = g.pidNavRoll.get_pid(bearing_error_cd, nav_gain_scaler); //returns desired bank angle in degrees*100

    nav_roll_cd = constrain_int32(nav_roll_cd, -g.roll_limit_cd.get(), g.roll_limit_cd.get());
Esempio n. 12
  get the rate offset in degrees/second needed for pitch in body frame
  to maintain height in a coordinated turn.

  Also returns the inverted flag and the estimated airspeed in m/s for
  use by the rest of the pitch controller
float AP_PitchController::_get_coordination_rate_offset(float &aspeed, bool &inverted) const
	float rate_offset;
	float bank_angle = _ahrs.roll;

	// limit bank angle between +- 80 deg if right way up
	if (fabsf(bank_angle) < radians(90))	{
	    bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,-radians(80),radians(80));
        inverted = false;
	} else {
		inverted = true;
		if (bank_angle > 0.0f) {
			bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,radians(100),radians(180));
		} else {
			bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,-radians(180),-radians(100));
	if (!_ahrs.airspeed_estimate(&aspeed)) {
	    // If no airspeed available use average of min and max
        aspeed = 0.5f*(float(aparm.airspeed_min) + float(aparm.airspeed_max));
    if (abs(_ahrs.pitch_sensor) > 7000) {
        // don't do turn coordination handling when at very high pitch angles
        rate_offset = 0;
    } else {
        rate_offset = cosf(_ahrs.pitch)*fabsf(ToDeg((GRAVITY_MSS / max((aspeed * _ahrs.get_EAS2TAS()) , float(aparm.airspeed_min))) * tanf(bank_angle) * sinf(bank_angle))) * _roll_ff;
	if (inverted) {
		rate_offset = -rate_offset;
    return rate_offset;
 Function returns an equivalent elevator deflection in centi-degrees in the range from -4500 to 4500
 A positive demand is up
 Inputs are: 
 1) demanded pitch rate in degrees/second
 2) control gain scaler = scaling_speed / aspeed
 3) boolean which is true when stabilise mode is active
 4) minimum FBW airspeed (metres/sec)
 5) maximum FBW airspeed (metres/sec)
int32_t AP_PitchController::_get_rate_out(float desired_rate, float scaler, bool disable_integrator, float aspeed)
	uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis();
	uint32_t dt = tnow - _last_t;
	if (_last_t == 0 || dt > 1000) {
		dt = 0;
	_last_t = tnow;
	float delta_time    = (float)dt * 0.001f;
	// Get body rate vector (radians/sec)
	float omega_y = _ahrs.get_gyro().y;
	// Calculate the pitch rate error (deg/sec) and scale
	float rate_error = (desired_rate - ToDeg(omega_y)) * scaler;
	// Multiply pitch rate error by _ki_rate and integrate
	// Scaler is applied before integrator so that integrator state relates directly to elevator deflection
	// This means elevator trim offset doesn't change as the value of scaler changes with airspeed
	// Don't integrate if in stabilise mode as the integrator will wind up against the pilots inputs
	if (!disable_integrator && _K_I > 0) {
        float ki_rate = _K_I * _tau;
		//only integrate if gain and time step are positive and airspeed above min value.
		if (dt > 0 && aspeed > 0.5f*float(aparm.airspeed_min)) {
		    float integrator_delta = rate_error * ki_rate * delta_time * scaler;
			if (_last_out < -45) {
				// prevent the integrator from increasing if surface defln demand is above the upper limit
				integrator_delta = max(integrator_delta , 0);
			} else if (_last_out > 45) {
				// prevent the integrator from decreasing if surface defln demand  is below the lower limit
				integrator_delta = min(integrator_delta , 0);
			_integrator += integrator_delta;
	} else {
		_integrator = 0;

    // Scale the integration limit
    float intLimScaled = _imax * 0.01f;

    // Constrain the integrator state
    _integrator = constrain_float(_integrator, -intLimScaled, intLimScaled);

	// Calculate equivalent gains so that values for K_P and K_I can be taken across from the old PID law
    // No conversion is required for K_D
	float kp_ff = max((_K_P - _K_I * _tau) * _tau  - _K_D , 0) / _ahrs.get_EAS2TAS();
	// Calculate the demanded control surface deflection
	// Note the scaler is applied again. We want a 1/speed scaler applied to the feed-forward
	// path, but want a 1/speed^2 scaler applied to the rate error path. 
	// This is because acceleration scales with speed^2, but rate scales with speed.
	_last_out = ( (rate_error * _K_D) + (desired_rate * kp_ff) ) * scaler + _integrator;
	// Convert to centi-degrees and constrain
	return constrain_float(_last_out * 100, -4500, 4500);
Esempio n. 14
* \brief Filter Get Acc Roll
*	Returns the calculated roll angle from the acceleration measurements. \n
* \param ---
* \return  accRoll angle
float filter_get_acc_roll(void)
	#endif // FILTER_USE_DCM
	return ToDeg(accRoll);
Esempio n. 15
static int8_t   logAhrsCmd(uint8_t argc, const logMenu::arg *argv){

	while (!_Console->available()){

		//print _Ahrs state
		Vector3f drift  = _Ahrs->get_gyro_drift();
		_Console->printf_P(PSTR("logAhrsCmd :: r:%4.1f  p:%4.1f y:%4.1f drift=(%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f) hdg=%.1f \n"),
						_Compass->use_for_yaw() ? ToDeg(_heading) : 0.0);

		//get new readings

		//delay TODO: non-blocking delay! (scheduler?)


	return 0;
Esempio n. 16
// check for ekf yaw reset and adjust target heading
void Copter::check_ekf_yaw_reset()
    float yaw_angle_change_rad = 0.0f;
    uint32_t new_ekfYawReset_ms = ahrs.getLastYawResetAngle(yaw_angle_change_rad);
    if (new_ekfYawReset_ms != ekfYawReset_ms) {
        attitude_control.shift_ef_yaw_target(ToDeg(yaw_angle_change_rad) * 100.0f);
        ekfYawReset_ms = new_ekfYawReset_ms;
Esempio n. 17
void Device::update_attitude() {

  static int iCounter = 0;
  static int iTimer = 0;
  int iCurTime = m_pHAL->scheduler->millis();
  if(iCurTime - iTimer >= 1000) {
    m_pHAL->console->printf("Benchmark - update_attitude(): %d Hz\n", iCounter);
    iCounter = 0;
    iTimer = iCurTime;

  // Use "m_pInert->update()" only if "m_pAHRS->update()" is not used

  // Calculate time (in s) passed
  uint_fast32_t t32CurrentTime = m_pHAL->scheduler->millis();
  float dT = static_cast<float>((t32CurrentTime - m_t32Inertial) ) / 1000.f;
  m_t32Inertial = t32CurrentTime;

  // Calculate attitude from relative gyrometer changes
  m_vAtti_deg  += read_gyro_deg() * dT;
  m_vAtti_deg   = wrap180_V3f(m_vAtti_deg);
  m_vAtti_deg.z = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->yaw); // Use AHRS for the yaw

  // Use a temporary instead of the member variable for acceleration data
  Vector3f vRef_deg = read_accl_deg();

  m_pHAL->console->printf("Attitude - x: %.1f/%.1f, y: %.1f/%.1f, z: %.1f\n", m_vAtti_deg.x, vRef_deg.x, m_vAtti_deg.y, vRef_deg.y, m_vAtti_deg.z);
  m_vAtti_deg.x = SFilter::transff_filt_f(m_vAtti_deg.x, vRef_deg.x-m_vAtti_deg.x, dT*INERT_FUSION_RATE, Functor_f(&atti_f, vRef_deg.x) );
  m_vAtti_deg.y = SFilter::transff_filt_f(m_vAtti_deg.y, vRef_deg.y-m_vAtti_deg.y, dT*INERT_FUSION_RATE, Functor_f(&atti_f, vRef_deg.y) );
  m_vAtti_deg.x = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->pitch);
  m_vAtti_deg.y = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->roll);
  m_vAtti_deg.z = ToDeg(m_pAHRS->yaw);
Esempio n. 18
 * Reads the current altitude changes from the gyroscope in degrees and returns it as a 3D vector
Vector3f Device::read_gyro_deg() {
  if(!m_pInert->healthy() ) {
    m_pHAL->console->println("read_gyro_deg(): Inertial not healthy\n");
    m_eErrors = static_cast<DEVICE_ERROR_FLAGS>(add_flag(m_eErrors, GYROMETER_F) );
    return m_vGyro_deg;

  m_vGyro_deg = m_pInert->get_gyro();
  // Save values
  float fRol = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.x); // in comparison to the accelerometer data swapped
  float fPit = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.y); // in comparison to the accelerometer data swapped
  float fYaw = ToDeg(m_vGyro_deg.z);
  // Put them into the right order
  m_vGyro_deg.x = fPit; // PITCH
  m_vGyro_deg.y = fRol; // ROLL
  m_vGyro_deg.z = fYaw; // YAW

  return m_vGyro_deg;
Esempio n. 19
// set guided mode angle target
void Copter::guided_set_angle(const Quaternion &q, float climb_rate_cms)
    // check we are in velocity control mode
    if (guided_mode != Guided_Angle) {

    // convert quaternion to euler angles
    q.to_euler(guided_angle_state.roll_cd, guided_angle_state.pitch_cd, guided_angle_state.yaw_cd);
    guided_angle_state.roll_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.roll_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.pitch_cd = ToDeg(guided_angle_state.pitch_cd) * 100.0f;
    guided_angle_state.yaw_cd = wrap_180_cd(ToDeg(guided_angle_state.yaw_cd) * 100.0f);

    guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms = climb_rate_cms;
    guided_angle_state.update_time_ms = millis();

    // log target
                           Vector3f(guided_angle_state.roll_cd, guided_angle_state.pitch_cd, guided_angle_state.yaw_cd),
                           Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, guided_angle_state.climb_rate_cms));
Esempio n. 20
  lateral acceleration controller. Returns servo value -4500 to 4500
  given a desired lateral acceleration
int32_t AP_SteerController::get_steering_out_lat_accel(float desired_accel)
    float speed = _ahrs.groundspeed();
    if (speed < _minspeed) {
        // assume a minimum speed. This reduces osciallations when first starting to move
        speed = _minspeed;

	// Calculate the desired steering rate given desired_accel and speed
    float desired_rate = ToDeg(desired_accel / speed);
    return get_steering_out_rate(desired_rate);
Esempio n. 21
    float Angle(const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2)
        float x = x1 - x2;
        float y = y1 - y2;

        if (y == 0.f)
            if (x >= 0.f)
                return 270.f;
                return 90.f;

        if (x >= 0.f)
            return ( ToDeg( -std::atan(y/x) ) + 270.f );
            return ( ToDeg( -std::atan(y/x) ) + 90.f );
Esempio n. 22
 * Reads the current attitude from the accelerometer in degrees and returns it as a 3D vector
 * From: "Tilt Sensing Using a Three-Axis Accelerometer"
Vector3f Device::read_accl_deg() {
  if(!m_pInert->healthy() ) {
    m_pHAL->console->println("read_accl_deg(): Inertial not healthy\n");
    m_eErrors = static_cast<DEVICE_ERROR_FLAGS>(add_flag(m_eErrors, ACCELEROMETR_F) );
    return m_vAccel_deg;

  // Low Pass SFilter
  Vector3f vAccelCur_cmss = m_pInert->get_accel() * 100.f;
  m_vAccel_deg = m_vAccelPG_cmss = SFilter::low_pass_filt_V3f(vAccelCur_cmss, m_vAccelPG_cmss, INERT_LOWPATH_FILT_f);

  // Calculate G-const. corrected acceleration
  m_vAccelMG_cmss = vAccelCur_cmss - m_vAccelPG_cmss;

  // Calculate roll and pitch in degrees from the filtered acceleration readouts (attitude)
  float fpYZ = sqrt(pow2_f(m_vAccel_deg.y) + pow2_f(m_vAccel_deg.z) );
  // Pitch
  m_vAccel_deg.x = ToDeg(atan2(m_vAccel_deg.x, fpYZ) );
  // Roll
  m_vAccel_deg.y = ToDeg(atan2(-m_vAccel_deg.y, -m_vAccel_deg.z) );

  return m_vAccel_deg;
static void sensors_debug() {
    static int divider = 0;
    if (divider++ == 20) {
        divider = 0;
        float heading = g_compass.calculate_heading(g_ahrs.get_dcm_matrix());

        hal.console->printf("ahrs: roll %4.1f pitch %4.1f "
                            "yaw %4.1f hdg %.1f\r\n",
                            ToDeg(g_ahrs.roll), ToDeg(g_ahrs.pitch),
                            g_compass.use_for_yaw() ? ToDeg(heading):0.0f);

        Vector3f accel(g_ins.get_accel());
        Vector3f gyro(g_ins.get_gyro());
        hal.console->printf("mpu6000: accel %.2f %.2f %.2f "
                            "gyro %.2f %.2f %.2f\r\n",
                            accel.x, accel.y, accel.z,
                            gyro.x, gyro.y, gyro.z);

        hal.console->printf("compass: heading %.2f deg\r\n",
                            ToDeg(g_compass.calculate_heading(0, 0)));
int32_t AP_RollController::get_servo_out(int32_t angle, float scaler, bool stabilize)
	uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis();
	uint32_t dt = tnow - _last_t;
	if (_last_t == 0 || dt > 1000) {
		dt = 0;
	_last_t = tnow;
	if(_ahrs == NULL) return 0; // can't control without a reference
	float delta_time    = (float)dt / 1000.0f;
	int32_t angle_err = angle - _ahrs->roll_sensor;
	float rate = _ahrs->get_roll_rate_earth();
	float RC = 1/(2*PI*_fCut);
	rate = _last_rate +
	(delta_time / (RC + delta_time)) * (rate - _last_rate);
	_last_rate = rate;
	int32_t desired_rate = angle_err * _kp_angle;
	if (_max_rate && desired_rate < -_max_rate) desired_rate = -_max_rate;
	else if (_max_rate && desired_rate > _max_rate) desired_rate = _max_rate;
	if(stabilize) {
		desired_rate *= _stabilize_gain;

	int32_t rate_error = desired_rate - ToDeg(rate)*100;
	float out = (rate_error * _kp_rate + desired_rate * _kp_ff) * scaler;
	//rate integrator
        if (!stabilize) {
		if ((fabsf(_ki_rate) > 0) && (dt > 0))
			_integrator += (rate_error * _ki_rate) * scaler * delta_time;
			if (_integrator < -4500-out) _integrator = -4500-out;
			else if (_integrator > 4500-out) _integrator = 4500-out;
	} else {
		_integrator = 0;

	return out + _integrator;
Esempio n. 25
* \brief Filter Task
*	Process all filter calculations. \n
* \param ---
* \return ---
void filter_task(unsigned long time)
	/* Calculate time elapsed since last call (dt) */
	/* Please note that overflows are ok, since for example 0x0001 - 0x00FE will be equal to 2 */
	dt = (float)(time - lastMicros) / 1000000;	
	lastMicros = time;						
#ifdef FILTER_USE_DCM /* Execute DCM */
#else /* Execute Kalman filter */
	filter_kalman_ars_predict();		// Kalman predict
	filter_kalman_ars_update(accRoll);    // Kalman update + result (angle)
	filterdata->roll = ToDeg(x_angle);
#endif // FILTER_USE_DCM
Esempio n. 26
 * Return true if compass was healthy
 * In heading the heading of the compass is written.
 * All units in degrees
float Device::read_comp_deg() {
  if (!m_pComp->use_for_yaw() ) {
    //m_pHAL->console->println("read_comp_deg(): Compass not healthy\n");
    m_eErrors = static_cast<DEVICE_ERROR_FLAGS>(add_flag(m_eErrors, COMPASS_F) );
    return m_fCmpH;

  // Update the compass readout maximally ten times a second
  if(m_pHAL->scheduler->millis() - m_t32Compass <= COMPASS_UPDATE_T) {
    return m_fCmpH;


  m_fCmpH = m_pComp->calculate_heading(m_pAHRS->get_dcm_matrix() );
  m_fCmpH = ToDeg(m_fCmpH);

  return m_fCmpH;
Esempio n. 27
// check for ekf yaw reset and adjust target heading, also log position reset
void Copter::check_ekf_reset()
    // check for yaw reset
    float yaw_angle_change_rad = 0.0f;
    uint32_t new_ekfYawReset_ms = ahrs.getLastYawResetAngle(yaw_angle_change_rad);
    if (new_ekfYawReset_ms != ekfYawReset_ms) {
        attitude_control->shift_ef_yaw_target(ToDeg(yaw_angle_change_rad) * 100.0f);
        ekfYawReset_ms = new_ekfYawReset_ms;

    // check for change in primary EKF (log only, AC_WPNav handles position target adjustment)
    if ((EKF2.getPrimaryCoreIndex() != ekf_primary_core) && (EKF2.getPrimaryCoreIndex() != -1)) {
        ekf_primary_core = EKF2.getPrimaryCoreIndex();
        Log_Write_Error(ERROR_SUBSYSTEM_EKF_PRIMARY, ekf_primary_core);
        gcs().send_text(MAV_SEVERITY_WARNING, "EKF primary changed:%d", (unsigned)ekf_primary_core);
Esempio n. 28
static int8_t   logCompassCmd(uint8_t argc, const logMenu::arg *argv)
    static float min[3], max[3], offset[3];
    float heading;


	if (!_Compass->healthy) {
		_Console->println("logCompassCmd :: Compass not healthy");
		return -1;

	heading = _Compass->calculate_heading(0,0); // roll = 0, pitch = 0 for this example

	// capture min
	if( _Compass->mag_x < min[0] ){	min[0] = _Compass->mag_x; }
	if( _Compass->mag_y < min[1] ){	min[1] = _Compass->mag_y; }
	if( _Compass->mag_z < min[2] ){	min[2] = _Compass->mag_z; }
	// capture max
	if( _Compass->mag_x > max[0] ){	max[0] = _Compass->mag_x; }
	if( _Compass->mag_y > max[1] ){	max[1] = _Compass->mag_y; }
	if( _Compass->mag_z > max[2] ){	max[2] = _Compass->mag_z; }
	// calculate offsets
	offset[0] = -(max[0]+min[0])/2;
	offset[1] = -(max[1]+min[1])/2;
	offset[2] = -(max[2]+min[2])/2;

	// display all to user
	_Console->printf("logCompassCmd :: heading: %.2f (%3d,%3d,%3d) ", ToDeg(heading),

	// display offsets
	_Console->printf(" offsets : (%.2f, %.2f, %.2f)", (double)offset[0], (double)offset[1], (double)offset[2]);

	return 0;

Esempio n. 29
void loop(void)
    static uint16_t counter;
    static uint32_t last_t, last_print, last_compass;
    uint32_t now = hal.scheduler->micros();
    float heading = 0;

    if (last_t == 0) {
        last_t = now;
    last_t = now;

    if (now - last_compass > 100*1000UL && {
        heading = compass.calculate_heading(ahrs.get_dcm_matrix());
        // read compass at 10Hz
        last_compass = now;


    if (now - last_print >= 100000 /* 100ms : 10hz */) {
        Vector3f drift  = ahrs.get_gyro_drift();
                "r:%4.1f  p:%4.1f y:%4.1f "
                    "drift=(%5.1f %5.1f %5.1f) hdg=%.1f rate=%.1f\n",
                        compass.use_for_yaw() ? ToDeg(heading) : 0.0f,
        last_print = now;
        counter = 0;
Esempio n. 30
  calculate yaw control for ground steering
void Plane::calc_nav_yaw_ground(void)
    if (gps.ground_speed() < 1 && 
        channel_throttle->get_control_in() == 0 &&
        flight_stage != AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF &&
        flight_stage != AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
        // manual rudder control while still
        steer_state.locked_course = false;
        steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;
        steering_control.steering = rudder_input;

    float steer_rate = (rudder_input/4500.0f) * g.ground_steer_dps;
    if (flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF ||
        flight_stage == AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
        steer_rate = 0;
    if (!is_zero(steer_rate)) {
        // pilot is giving rudder input
        steer_state.locked_course = false;        
    } else if (!steer_state.locked_course) {
        // pilot has released the rudder stick or we are still - lock the course
        steer_state.locked_course = true;
        if (flight_stage != AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_TAKEOFF &&
            flight_stage != AP_SpdHgtControl::FLIGHT_LAND_ABORT) {
            steer_state.locked_course_err = 0;
    if (!steer_state.locked_course) {
        // use a rate controller at the pilot specified rate
        steering_control.steering = steerController.get_steering_out_rate(steer_rate);
    } else {
        // use a error controller on the summed error
        int32_t yaw_error_cd = -ToDeg(steer_state.locked_course_err)*100;
        steering_control.steering = steerController.get_steering_out_angle_error(yaw_error_cd);
    steering_control.steering = constrain_int16(steering_control.steering, -4500, 4500);