Esempio n. 1
//tone mapping with Reinhard operator done for whole scene
PixelBuff* PostProcess::AdvToneMapping(const PixelBuff *source,
	float middleGrey,float whitePoint)
	PixelBuff* dst=new PixelBuff(source->Width(),source->Height());

	float avLum=CalculateAverageLum(source);
	for(int i=0;i<source->Width();++i)
		for(int j=0;j<source->Height();++j)
	return dst;
Esempio n. 2
void Raytracer::cast_line( World world )
    Ray ray;
	Color color;	// Color computed when using multiple rays per pixel

	ray.origin = world.getCamera().eye; // All initial rays originate from the eye.
	ray.no_emitters = false;

    Vec3 G  = Unit( world.getCamera().lookat - world.getCamera().eye );	// Gaze direction.
    Vec3 U  = Unit( world.getCamera().up / G );							// Up vector.
    Vec3 R  = Unit( G ^ U );											// Right vector.
    Vec3 O  = ( world.getCamera().vpdist * G ) - R + U;					// "Origin" for the raster.
    Vec3 dU = U * ( 2.0 / ( resolutionY - 1 ) );						// Up increments.
	Vec3 dR = R * ( 2.0 / ( resolutionX - 1 ) );						// Right increments.

    if( currentLine % 10 == 0 ) cout << "line " << currentLine << endl;
    for( int i = 0; i < resolutionX; i++ )
		if( rays_pixel == 1 )
			// One ray per pixel
			ray.direction = Unit( O + i * dR - currentLine * dU  );
			color = Trace( ray, world.getScene(), tree_depth );
			// Multisampling
			for( int n = 0 ; n < rays_pixel ; n++ )
				ray.direction = Unit( O + ( i + rand( 0.0 , 1.0 ) - 0.5 ) * dR - ( currentLine + rand( 0.0 , 1.0 ) - 0.5 ) * dU  );
				color += Trace( ray, world.getScene(), tree_depth );
		(*I)( resolutionY-currentLine-1, i ) = ToneMap( color / rays_pixel ); = 0; = 0; = 0;

	if (++currentLine == resolutionY)
		// Image computation done, save it to file
		cout << "done." << endl;
	    I->Write( "Resultat.ppm" );
		isDone = true;
void PostProcessor::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, ID3D11ShaderResourceView* input,
                           ID3D11ShaderResourceView* depthBuffer, const Camera& camera,
                           ID3D11RenderTargetView* output, float deltaSeconds)
    PostProcessorBase::Render(deviceContext, input, output);

    TempRenderTarget* bloom = Bloom(input);

    // Apply tone mapping
    ToneMap(input, bloom->SRView, output);

    bloom->InUse = false;

    // Check for leaked temp render targets
    for(uint64 i = 0; i < tempRenderTargets.size(); ++i)
        Assert_(tempRenderTargets[i]->InUse == false);
void PostProcessor::Render(ID3D11DeviceContext* deviceContext, ID3D11ShaderResourceView* input,
                            ID3D11RenderTargetView* output)
    PostProcessorBase::Render(deviceContext, input, output);

    constantBuffer.SetPS(deviceContext, 1);

    // Calculate the average luminance first

    // Now do the bloom
    TempRenderTarget* bloom = NULL;
    Bloom(input, bloom);

    // Apply tone mapping
    ToneMap(input, bloom->SRView, output);

    bloom->InUse = false;

    currLumTarget = !currLumTarget;