Esempio n. 1
void Game::spirale()
    map.resize(512, 512, 1, 3);
    m_size = 512;

    m_stateCard = 2;
    m_colorCard = 2;
    m_automate = new Triplet*[m_stateCard];
    for(int i = 0; i < m_stateCard; ++i)
        m_automate[i] = new Triplet[m_colorCard];

    m_automate[0][0] = Triplet(1, 1, 1);
    m_automate[0][1] = Triplet(1, 8, 0);
    m_automate[1][0] = Triplet(1, 2, 1);
    m_automate[1][1] = Triplet(0, 1, 0);

    m_color = new uchar*[m_colorCard];
    m_color[0] = new uchar[3];
    m_color[0][0] = 255;
    m_color[0][1] = 255;
    m_color[0][2] = 255;
    m_color[1] = new uchar[3];
    m_color[1][0] = 0;
    m_color[1][1] = 0;
    m_color[1][2] = 0;
void FastMassSpring::fillJMatrix(TripletList& triplets, Edges& edges, int edge_counts)
  for (decltype(edges.size()) i = 0; i != edges.size(); ++i)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * edges[i].first + j, 3 * (i + edge_counts) + j, 1));
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * edges[i].second + j, 3 * (i + edge_counts) + j, -1));
Esempio n. 3
void MeshGeometry::extract_faces_from_tets() {
    const VectorI& voxels = m_voxels;
    typedef std::map<Triplet, int> FaceCounter;
    FaceCounter face_counter;

    for (size_t i=0; i<voxels.size(); i+= m_vertex_per_voxel) {
        VectorI voxel = voxels.segment(i, m_vertex_per_voxel);
        // Note that the order of vertices below are predefined by MSH format,
        // each face should have normal pointing outward.
        assert(voxel.size() == 4);
        Triplet voxel_faces[4] = {
            Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[2], voxel[1]),
            Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[3]),
            Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[3], voxel[2]),
            Triplet(voxel[1], voxel[2], voxel[3])
        for (size_t j=0; j<4; j++) {
            if (face_counter.find(voxel_faces[j]) == face_counter.end()) {
                face_counter[voxel_faces[j]] = 1;
            } else {
                face_counter[voxel_faces[j]] += 1;

    std::vector<int> vertex_buffer;
    for (FaceCounter::const_iterator itr = face_counter.begin();
            itr!=face_counter.end(); itr++) {
        if (itr->second != 1 && itr->second != 2) {
            const Vector3I& triplet = itr->first.get_ori_data();
            std::stringstream err_msg;
            err_msg << "Non-manifold mesh detected!" << std::endl;
            err_msg << "Face <"
                << triplet[0] << ", "
                << triplet[1] << ", "
                << triplet[2] << "> has "
                << itr->second << " adjacent volume elements";
            throw RuntimeError(err_msg.str());
        if (itr->second == 1) {
            const VectorI& f = itr->first.get_ori_data();
            assert(f.size() == 3);

    std::copy(vertex_buffer.begin(), vertex_buffer.end(),;
    m_vertex_per_face = 3;
void FastMassSpring::fillLMatrix(TripletList& triplets, Edges& edges)
  for (auto& i : edges)
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * i.first + j, 3 * i.first + j, 1));
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * i.first + j, 3 * i.second + j, -1));
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * i.second + j, 3 * i.first + j, -1));
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(3 * i.second + j, 3 * i.second + j, 1));
Esempio n. 5
IMEXIntegrator::IMEXIntegrator(std::vector<RodEnergy*>& energies, Rod& r) :
Integrator(r, energies) {
  // Fill hess base
  std::vector<Triplet> triplets;
  for (int i=1; i < r.numEdges()-1; i++) {
    if (i > 1) {
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(i-1, i-2, -2.0*r.getCS()[i].twistCoeff()/r.restVoronoiLength(i)));
    if (i < r.numEdges()-2) {
      triplets.push_back(Triplet(i-1, i, -2.0*r.getCS()[i+1].twistCoeff()/r.restVoronoiLength(i+1)));
  hessBase = Eigen::SparseMatrix<real>(r.numEdges()-2, r.numEdges()-2);
  hessBase.setFromTriplets(triplets.begin(), triplets.end());
Esempio n. 6
 * Return the coefficients for KRON.
 * Parameters: linOp LIN with type KRON
 * Returns: vector containing the coefficient matrix for the Kronecker
std::vector<Matrix> get_kron_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == KRON);
	Matrix constant = get_constant_data(lin, false);
	int lh_rows = constant.rows();
	int lh_cols = constant.cols();
	int rh_rows =  lin.args[0]->size[0];
	int rh_cols =  lin.args[0]->size[1];

	int rows = rh_rows * rh_cols * lh_rows * lh_cols;
	int cols = rh_rows * rh_cols;
	Matrix coeffs(rows, cols);

	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(rh_rows * rh_cols * constant.nonZeros());
	for ( int k = 0; k < constant.outerSize(); ++k ) {
		for ( Matrix::InnerIterator it(constant, k); it; ++it ) {
			int row = (rh_rows * rh_cols * (lh_rows * it.col())) + (it.row() * rh_rows);
			int col = 0;
			for(int j = 0; j < rh_cols; j++){
				for(int i = 0; i < rh_rows; i++) {
					tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row + i, col, it.value()));
				row += lh_rows * rh_rows;
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 7
 * Return the coefficients for RMUL (right multiplication): a ROWS * N
 * by COLS * N matrix given by the kronecker product between the
 * transpose of the constant matrix CONSTANT and a N x N identity matrix.
 * Parameters: linOp of type RMUL
 * Returns: vector containing the corresponding coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_rmul_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == RMUL);
	Matrix constant = get_constant_data(lin, false);
	int rows = constant.rows();
	int cols = constant.cols();
	int n = lin.size[0];

	Matrix coeffs(cols * n, rows * n);
	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(n * constant.nonZeros());
	for ( int k = 0; k < constant.outerSize(); ++k ) {
		for ( Matrix::InnerIterator it(constant, k); it; ++it ) {
			double val = it.value();

			// each element of CONSTANT occupies an N x N block in the matrix
			int row_start = it.col() * n;
			int col_start = it.row() * n;
			for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
				int row_idx = row_start + i;
				int col_idx = col_start + i;
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, val));
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 8
void static calcRotEqs(const Rod& r, const VecXe& rot, const std::vector<Vec3e>& curveBinorm,
                      VecXe& grad, std::vector<Triplet>& triplets) {
  Eigen::Matrix<real, 2, 2> J;
  J << 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0;
  for (int i=1; i<r.numEdges()-1; i++) {
    Vec3e m1 = cos(rot(i)) *[i] + sin(rot(i)) *;
    Vec3e m2 = -sin(rot(i)) *[i] + cos(rot(i)) *;
    Vec2e curvePrev(curveBinorm[i-1].dot(m2), -curveBinorm[i-1].dot(m1)); // omega ^i _i
    Vec2e curveNext(curveBinorm[i].dot(m2), -curveBinorm[i].dot(m1)); // omega ^i _i+1
    real dWprev = 1.0 / r.restVoronoiLength(i) * * r.getCS()[i].bendMat() * (curvePrev - r.restCurveNext(i)));
    real dWnext = 1.0 / r.restVoronoiLength(i+1) * * r.getCS()[i+1].bendMat() * (curveNext - r.restCurvePrev(i+1)));
    real twistPrev = rot(i) - rot(i-1) +;
    real twistNext = rot(i+1) - rot(i) +;
    grad(i-1) = -(dWprev + dWnext + 2.0 * r.getCS()[i].twistCoeff() *
                  (twistPrev/r.restVoronoiLength(i) - twistNext/r.restVoronoiLength(i+1)));
    real hess = 2.0*(r.getCS()[i].twistCoeff()/r.restVoronoiLength(i) +
    hess += 1.0 / r.restVoronoiLength(i) *
      ( * r.getCS()[i].bendMat() * J * curvePrev)
       -[i].bendMat() * (curvePrev - r.restCurveNext(i))));
    hess += 1.0 /r.restVoronoiLength(i+1) *
      ( * r.getCS()[i+1].bendMat() * J * curveNext)
       -[i+1].bendMat() * (curveNext - r.restCurvePrev(i+1))));
    triplets.push_back(Triplet(i-1, i-1, hess));
Esempio n. 9
 * Return the coefficients for MUL (left multiplication): a NUM_BLOCKS * ROWS
 * by NUM_BLOCKS * COLS block diagonal matrix where each diagonal block is the
 * constant data BLOCK.
 * Parameters: linOp with type MUL
 * Returns: vector containing coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_mul_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == MUL);
	Matrix block = get_constant_data(lin, false);
	int block_rows = block.rows();
	int block_cols = block.cols();

	// Don't replicate scalars
	if(block_rows == 1 && block_cols == 1){
		return build_vector(block);

	int num_blocks = lin.size[1];
	Matrix coeffs (num_blocks * block_rows, num_blocks * block_cols);

	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(num_blocks * block.nonZeros());
	for (int curr_block = 0; curr_block < num_blocks; curr_block++) {
		int start_i = curr_block * block_rows;
		int start_j = curr_block * block_cols;
		for ( int k = 0; k < block.outerSize(); ++k ) {
			for ( Matrix::InnerIterator it(block, k); it; ++it ) {
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(start_i + it.row(), start_j + it.col(),
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 10
 * Return the coefficients for UPPER_TRI: an ENTRIES by ROWS * COLS matrix
 * where the i, j entry in the original matrix has a 1 in row COUNT and
 * corresponding column if j > i and 0 otherwise.
 * Parameters: LinOp with type UPPER_TRI.
 * Returns: vector of coefficients for upper triangular matrix linOp
std::vector<Matrix> get_upper_tri_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == UPPER_TRI);
	int rows = lin.args[0]->size[0];
	int cols = lin.args[0]->size[1];

	int entries = lin.size[0];
	Matrix coeffs(entries, rows * cols);

	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	int count = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
			if (j > i) {
				// index in the extracted vector
				int row_idx = count;
				// index in the original matrix
				int col_idx = j * rows + i;
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1.0));
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 11
Triplet rot2eularZYX(T& m)
	float rx = atan2(m[1][2], m[2][2])*DEG_PER_PI;
	float c2 = sqrt(m[0][0]*m[0][0] + m[0][1]*m[0][1]);
	float ry = atan2(-m[0][2], c2)*DEG_PER_PI;
	float rz = atan2(m[0][1], m[0][0])*DEG_PER_PI;

	return Triplet(rz, ry, rx);
Esempio n. 12
	// Calculated via MatLAB, here we only import its result.
	std::vector<Triplet> Triplet::delaunay_triangulation()
		std::vector<Triplet> result;

		for( int i = 0; i < TRIPLET_SIZE; i++ )
			result.push_back( Triplet( hrtf_triplets[ i ] ) );

		return result;
void TriMesh::buildHeatKernel(SparseMatrix& A, double timestep) const
    VectorXd diag;
    std::map< std::pair<unsigned,unsigned>, double > offdiag; 
    for (unsigned face = 0; face < numFaces(); ++face) 
        std::vector<unsigned> fVert;
        getFaceVerts(face, fVert);
        assert(fVert.size() == 3);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            unsigned vert0 = fVert[(i+1)%3];
            unsigned vert1 = fVert[(i+2)%3];
            if (vert0 > vert1) std::swap(vert0, vert1);
            std::pair<unsigned,unsigned> edge(vert0,vert1);

            double value = timestep * 0.5 * computeFaceCotan(face, i);
            diag(vert0) += value;
            diag(vert1) += value;
            if (offdiag.find(edge) == offdiag.end())
                offdiag[edge] = -value;
                offdiag[edge] -= value;

    std::vector<Triplet> triplet;
    for(unsigned i = 0; i < diag.size(); ++i)
    for(std::map< std::pair<unsigned,unsigned>, double >::const_iterator 
        it = offdiag.begin(); it != offdiag.end(); ++it)
    A.resize(numVerts(), numVerts());
Esempio n. 14
 * Return the coefficients for INDEX: a N by ROWS*COLS matrix
 * where N is the number of total elements in the slice. Element i, j
 * is 1 if element j in the vectorized matrix is the i-th element of the
 * slice and 0 otherwise.
 * Parameters: LinOp of type INDEX
 * Returns: vector containing coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_index_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == INDEX);
	int rows = lin.args[0]->size[0];
	int cols = lin.args[0]->size[1];
	Matrix coeffs (lin.size[0] * lin.size[1], rows * cols);

	/* If slice is empty, return empty matrix */
	if (coeffs.rows () == 0 ||  coeffs.cols() == 0) {
		return build_vector(coeffs);

	std::vector<std::vector<int> > slices = get_slice_data(lin, rows, cols);

	/* Row Slice Data */
	int row_start = slices[0][0];
	int row_end = slices[0][1];
	int row_step = slices[0][2];

	/* Column Slice Data */
	int col_start = slices[1][0];
	int col_end = slices[1][1];
	int col_step = slices[1][2];

	/* Set the index coefficients by looping over the column selection
	 * first to remain consistent with CVXPY. */
	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	int col = col_start;
	int counter = 0;
	while (true) {
		if (col < 0 || col >= cols) {
		int row = row_start;
		while (true) {
			if (row < 0 || row >= rows) {
			int row_idx = counter;
			int col_idx = col * rows + row;
			tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1.0));
			row += row_step;
			if ((row_step > 0 && row >= row_end) || (row_step < 0 && row <= row_end)) {
		col += col_step;
		if ((col_step > 0 && col >= col_end) || (col_step < 0 && col <= col_end)) {
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 15
bool List_Triplets(const GraphT & g, std::vector< Triplet > & vec_triplets)
  // Algorithm
  //-- For each node
  //    - list the outgoing not visited edge
  //    -  for each tuple of edge
  //       - if their end are connected
  //          Detected cyle of length 3
  //          Mark first edge as visited

  typedef typename GraphT::OutArcIt OutArcIt;
  typedef typename GraphT::NodeIt NodeIterator;
  typedef typename GraphT::template EdgeMap<bool> BoolEdgeMap;

  BoolEdgeMap map_edge(g, false); // Visited edge map

  // For each nodes
  for (NodeIterator itNode(g); itNode != INVALID; ++itNode)
    // For each edges (list the not visited outgoing edges)
    std::vector<OutArcIt> vec_edges;
    for (OutArcIt e(g, itNode); e!=INVALID; ++e)
      if (!map_edge[e]) // If not visited

    // For all tuples look of ends of edges are linked
      OutArcIt itPrev = vec_edges[0]; // For all tuple (0,Inth)
      for(size_t i=1; i < vec_edges.size(); ++i)
        // Check if the extremity is linked
        typename GraphT::Arc cycleEdge = findArc(g,,[i]));
        if (cycleEdge!= INVALID && !map_edge[cycleEdge])
          // Elementary cycle found (make value follow a monotonic ascending serie)
          int triplet[3] = {
          std::sort(&triplet[0], &triplet[3]);
      // Mark the current ref edge as visited
      map_edge[itPrev] = true;
      // remove head to list remaining tuples
  return (!vec_triplets.empty());
Esempio n. 16
void HashSparseMatrix::Add( int i, int j, double value, TripletVector & data )
	int key = i + j * 65536;
	HashMapIterator it = map_.find( key );
	if ( it == map_.end() ) {
		map_.insert( IntPair( key, data.size() ) );
		data.push_back( Triplet( i + ioffset_, j + joffset_, value ) );
	} else {
		data[ it->second ].m_value += value;
Esempio n. 17
    VectorF convert_voxel_attribute_to_face_attribute(
            Mesh& mesh, const VectorF& attribute) {
        const size_t num_faces = mesh.get_num_faces();
        const size_t num_voxels = mesh.get_num_voxels();
        const size_t attr_size = attribute.size();
        const size_t stride = attr_size / num_voxels;
        const size_t vertex_per_voxel = mesh.get_vertex_per_voxel();
        const size_t vertex_per_face = mesh.get_vertex_per_face();

        if (vertex_per_voxel != 4)
            throw NotImplementedError("Voxel type is not yet supported");
        if (vertex_per_face != 3)
            throw NotImplementedError("Face type is not yet supported");

        const VectorI& faces = mesh.get_faces();
        const VectorI& voxels = mesh.get_voxels();

        std::map<Triplet, VectorF> per_face_values;
        for (size_t i=0; i<num_voxels; i++) {
            const VectorI& voxel = voxels.segment(
                    i*vertex_per_voxel, vertex_per_voxel);
            const VectorF& value = attribute.segment(
                    i*stride, stride);
            per_face_values[Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[2])] = value;
            per_face_values[Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[1], voxel[3])] = value;
            per_face_values[Triplet(voxel[0], voxel[2], voxel[3])] = value;
            per_face_values[Triplet(voxel[1], voxel[2], voxel[3])] = value;

        VectorF result = VectorF::Zero(num_faces*stride);
        for (size_t i=0; i<num_faces; i++) {
            const VectorI& face = faces.segment(i*vertex_per_face, vertex_per_face);
            result.segment(i*stride, stride) = per_face_values[
                Triplet(face[0], face[1], face[2])];

        return result;
Esempio n. 18
Matrix sparse_reshape_to_vec(Matrix &mat) {
	int rows = mat.rows();
	int cols = mat.cols();
	Matrix out(rows * cols, 1);
	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(rows * cols);
	for ( int k = 0; k < mat.outerSize(); ++k) {
		for (Matrix::InnerIterator it(mat, k); it; ++it) {
			tripletList.push_back(Triplet(it.col() * rows + it.row(), 0,
	out.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return out;
Esempio n. 19
 * Return the coefficients for MUL_ELEM: an N x N diagonal matrix where the
 * n-th element on the diagonal corresponds to the element n = j*rows + i in
 * the data matrix CONSTANT.
 * Parameters: linOp of type MUL_ELEM
 * Returns: vector containing the coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_mul_elemwise_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == MUL_ELEM);
	Matrix constant = get_constant_data(lin, true);
	int n = constant.rows();

	// build a giant diagonal matrix
	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	for ( int k = 0; k < constant.outerSize(); ++k ) {
		for ( Matrix::InnerIterator it(constant, k); it; ++it ) {
			tripletList.push_back(Triplet(it.row(), it.row(), it.value()));
	Matrix coeffs(n, n);
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 20
 * Return the coefficients for DIAG_VEC (vector to diagonal matrix): a
 * N^2 by N matrix where each column I has a 1 in row I * N + I
 * corresponding to the diagonal entry and 0 otherwise.
 * Parameters: linOp of type DIAG_VEC
 * Returns: vector containing coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_diag_vec_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == DIAG_VEC);
	int rows = lin.size[0];

	Matrix coeffs(rows * rows, rows);
	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		// index in the diagonal matrix
		int row_idx = i * rows + i;
		//index in the original vector
		int col_idx = i;
		tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1.0));
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 21
 * Return the coefficients for TRANSPOSE: a ROWS*COLS by ROWS*COLS matrix
 * such that element ij in the vectorized matrix is mapped to ji after
 * multiplication (i.e. entry (rows * j + i, i * cols + j) = 1 and else 0)
 * Parameters: linOp of type TRANSPOSE
 * Returns: vector containing coefficient matrix COEFFS
std::vector<Matrix> get_transpose_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == TRANSPOSE);
	int rows = lin.size[0];
	int cols = lin.size[1];

	Matrix coeffs(rows * cols, rows * cols);

	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(rows * cols);
	for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) {
		for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
			int row_idx = rows * j + i;
			int col_idx = i * cols + j;
			tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1.0));
	coeffs.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(coeffs);
Esempio n. 22
CRDFTriplet CRDFNode::addEdge(const CRDFPredicate & predicate, CRDFNode * pObject)
  CRDFTriplet Failed;
  CRDFTriplet Triplet(this, predicate, pObject);

  // We do not want any duplicate triplets;
  if (mGraph.getTriplets().count(Triplet) > 0)
    return Failed;

  // If this is a bag node the only predicate allowed is rdf_li.
  if (isBagNode() && predicate != CRDFPredicate::rdf_li)
    return Failed;

  // If the predicate is rdf:li and this is not a bag node we bagify it.
  if (!isBagNode() && predicate == CRDFPredicate::rdf_li)
      // Bagify the node.
      CRDFObject Object;
      Object.setResource("", false);

      if (!mGraph.addTriplet(this->getSubject(), CRDFPredicate(CRDFPredicate::rdf_type), Object))
        return Failed;

  // We now can safely insert any edge with the predicate rdf_li
  if (predicate == CRDFPredicate::rdf_li)
      if (!addTripletToGraph(Triplet))
        return Failed;

      return Triplet;

  if (!addTripletToGraph(Triplet))
    return Failed;

  return Triplet;
Esempio n. 23
 * Builds and returns the stacked coefficient matrices for both horizontal
 * and vertical stacking linOps.
 * Constructs coefficient matrix COEFF for each argument of LIN. COEFF is
 * essentially an identity matrix with an offset to account for stacking.
 * If the stacking is vertical, the columns of the matrix for each argument
 * are interleaved with each other. Otherwise, if the stacking is horizontal,
 * the columns are laid out in the order of the arguments.
 * Parameters: linOP LIN that performs a stacking operation (HSTACK or VSTACK)
 * 						 boolean VERTICAL: True if vertical stack. False otherwise.
 * Returns: vector COEFF_MATS containing the stacked coefficient matrices
 * 					for each argument.
std::vector<Matrix> stack_matrices(LinOp &lin, bool vertical) {
	std::vector<Matrix> coeffs_mats;
	int offset = 0;
	int num_args = lin.args.size();
	for (int idx = 0; idx < num_args; idx++) {
		LinOp arg = *lin.args[idx];

		/* If VERTICAL, columns that are interleaved. Otherwise, they are
			 laid out in order. */
		int column_offset;
		int offset_increment;
		if (vertical) {
			column_offset = lin.size[0];
			offset_increment = arg.size[0];
		} else {
			column_offset = arg.size[0];
			offset_increment = arg.size[0] * arg.size[1];

		std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
		tripletList.reserve(arg.size[0] * arg.size[1]);
		for (int i = 0; i < arg.size[0]; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < arg.size[1]; j++) {
				int row_idx = i + (j * column_offset) + offset;
				int col_idx = i + (j * arg.size[0]);
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col_idx, 1));

		Matrix coeff(lin.size[0] * lin.size[1], arg.size[0] * arg.size[1]);
		coeff.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
		offset += offset_increment;
	return coeffs_mats;
Esempio n. 24
 * Return the coefficients for CONV operator. The coefficient matrix is
 * constructed by creating a toeplitz matrix with the constant vector
 * in DATA as the columns. Multiplication by this matrix is equivalent
 * to convolution.
 * Parameters: linOp LIN with type CONV. Data should should contain a
 *						 column vector that the variables are convolved with.
 * Returns: vector of coefficients for convolution linOp
std::vector<Matrix> get_conv_mat(LinOp &lin) {
	assert(lin.type == CONV);
	Matrix constant = get_constant_data(lin, false);
	int rows = lin.size[0];
	int nonzeros = constant.rows();
	int cols = lin.args[0]->size[0];

	Matrix toeplitz(rows, cols);

	std::vector<Triplet> tripletList;
	tripletList.reserve(nonzeros * cols);
	for (int col = 0; col < cols; col++) {
		int row_start = col;
		for ( int k = 0; k < constant.outerSize(); ++k ) {
			for ( Matrix::InnerIterator it(constant, k); it; ++it ) {
				int row_idx = row_start + it.row();
				tripletList.push_back(Triplet(row_idx, col, it.value()));
	toeplitz.setFromTriplets(tripletList.begin(), tripletList.end());
	return build_vector(toeplitz);
void BatchTripletLossLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(
    const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top) {
  // The forward pass computes the pairwise distances.
  const Dtype* feat_data = bottom[0]->cpu_data();
  const Dtype* label = bottom[1]->cpu_data();
  Dtype* loss_data = top[0]->mutable_cpu_data();
  Dtype* accy_data = top[1]->mutable_cpu_data();
  int num = bottom[0]->num();
  int dim = bottom[0]->count() / num;
  bool sample = this->layer_param_.triplet_loss_param().sample();

   * Computing the pairwise Euclidean distance
  Dtype* norm_data = norm_.mutable_cpu_data();
  memset(norm_data, 0, norm_.count() * sizeof(norm_data[0]));

  Dtype* dist_data = dist_.mutable_cpu_data();
  caffe_cpu_gemm<Dtype>(CblasNoTrans, CblasTrans, num, num, dim, Dtype(-2),
      feat_data, feat_data, Dtype(0), dist_data);

  for (int i=0; i<num; ++i) {
    norm_data[i] = -0.5 * dist_.data_at(i, i, 0, 0);

  for (int i=0; i<num; ++i) {
    dist_data = dist_.mutable_cpu_data() + dist_.offset(i);
    for (int j=0; j<num; ++j) {
      dist_data[j] += (norm_data[i] + norm_data[j]);

   * Find boundary of different classes.
   * A batch is composed by small groups with items belongs to the same class.
   *  e.g. gruop size is 3, batch size is 15:
   *    1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 4 4 4
  vector<int> boundary;
  Dtype prev = Dtype(-1);
  for (int i=0; i<num; ++i) {
    if (prev != label[i]) {
      prev = label[i];

   * Sampling triplets and computing the loss
  Dtype pair_loss = Dtype(0);
  Dtype rank_loss = Dtype(0);
  Dtype smp_rank_loss = Dtype(0);
  int num_tri = 0;
  int num_err = 0;
  Dtype cur_rank_loss;
  Dtype pos_dist;
  Dtype neg_dist;
  Dtype one_minus_mu = Dtype(1) - mu_;

  if (one_minus_mu > Dtype(0)) {
    // classes
    for (int c=0; c<boundary.size()-1; c++) {
      // query
      for (int i=boundary[c]; i<boundary[c+1]; ++i) {
        const Dtype * dist_data  = dist_.cpu_data() + dist_.offset(i);
        // positive
        for (int j=boundary[c]; j<boundary[c+1]; ++j) {
          if (i == j) {
          pair_loss += dist_data[j];
          pos_pairs_.push_back(make_pair<int, int>(i, j));
  int num_pair = pos_pairs_.size();
  pair_loss = num_pair > 0 ? pair_loss / num_pair : 0;

  // classes
  for (int c=0; c<boundary.size()-1; c++) {
    // query
    for (int i=boundary[c]; i<boundary[c+1]; ++i) {
      const Dtype * dist_data  = dist_.cpu_data() + dist_.offset(i);
      // positive
      for (int j=boundary[c]; j<boundary[c+1]; ++j) {
        if (i == j) {
        pos_dist = dist_data[j];

        // negative groups
        for (int m=0; m<boundary.size()-1; m++) {
          if (label[boundary[m]] == label[i]) {
          // negative
          for (int k=boundary[m]; k<boundary[m+1]; ++k) {
            neg_dist = dist_data[k];
            // DLOG(INFO) << "\t" << pos_dist << "\t" << neg_dist;
            cur_rank_loss = margin_ + pos_dist - neg_dist;
            // LOG(INFO) << cur_rank_loss;
            num_err += (pos_dist >= neg_dist);
            if (cur_rank_loss > 0) {
              rank_loss += cur_rank_loss;
              if (!sample || neg_dist > pos_dist) {
                smp_rank_loss += cur_rank_loss;
                triplets_.push_back(Triplet(i, j, k));
          } // end of negative
        } // end of negative groups
      } // end of positive
    } // end of query
  } // end of classes
  rank_loss = num_tri > 0 ? rank_loss / num_tri : 0;

  // average loss among all triplets
  loss_data[0] = rank_loss * mu_ + pair_loss * one_minus_mu;
  // average accuracy among all triplets
  accy_data[0] = Dtype(1) - (num_tri > 0 ? Dtype(num_err) / num_tri : 0);
  if (top.size() == 3) {
    int num_smp = triplets_.size();
    Dtype* debug_data = top[2]->mutable_cpu_data();

    // 0: average rank loss over sampled triplets
    debug_data[0] = num_smp > 0 ? smp_rank_loss / num_smp : 0;
    // 1: average rank loss over all triplets
    debug_data[1] = rank_loss;
    // 2: average pair loss
    debug_data[2] = pair_loss;
    // 3: number of possible triplets
    debug_data[3] = num_tri;
    // 4: number of sampled triplets
    debug_data[4] = num_smp;
Esempio n. 26
File: Mesh.cpp Progetto: tapio/Wendy
Ref<Mesh> MeshReader::read(const String& name, const Path& path)
  std::ifstream stream(, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary);
  if (
    logError("Failed to open mesh %s", name.c_str());
    return nullptr;

  String line;
  uint lineNumber = 0;

  std::vector<vec3> positions;
  std::vector<vec3> normals;
  std::vector<vec2> texcoords;
  std::vector<Triplet> triplets;

  std::vector<FaceGroup> groups;
  FaceGroup* group = nullptr;

  while (std::getline(stream, line))
    const char* text = line.c_str();

    if (!interesting(&text))

      String command = parseName(&text);

      if (command == "g")
        // Silently ignore group names
      else if (command == "o")
        // Silently ignore object names
      else if (command == "s")
        // Silently ignore smoothing
      else if (command == "v")
        vec3 vertex;

        vertex.x = parseFloat(&text);
        vertex.y = parseFloat(&text);
        vertex.z = parseFloat(&text);
      else if (command == "vt")
        vec2 texcoord;

        texcoord.x = parseFloat(&text);
        texcoord.y = parseFloat(&text);
      else if (command == "vn")
        vec3 normal;

        normal.x = parseFloat(&text);
        normal.y = parseFloat(&text);
        normal.z = parseFloat(&text);
      else if (command == "usemtl")
        String materialName = parseName(&text);

        group = nullptr;

        for (auto& g : groups)
          if ( == materialName)
            group = &g;

        if (!group)
          groups.back().name = materialName;
          group = &(groups.back());
      else if (command == "mtllib")
        // Silently ignore .mtl material files
      else if (command == "f")
        if (!group)
          throw Exception("Expected \'usemtl\' before \'f\'");


        while (*text != '\0')
          Triplet& triplet = triplets.back();

          triplet.vertex = parseInteger(&text);
          triplet.texcoord = 0;
          triplet.normal = 0;

          if (*text == '/')
            if (std::isdigit(*(++text)))
              triplet.texcoord = parseInteger(&text);

            if (*text == '/')
              if (std::isdigit(*(++text)))
                triplet.normal = parseInteger(&text);

          while (std::isspace(*text))

        for (size_t i = 2;  i < triplets.size();  i++)
          Face& face = group->faces.back();

          face.p[0] = triplets[0];
          face.p[1] = triplets[i - 1];
          face.p[2] = triplets[i];
        logWarning("Unknown command %s in mesh %s line %d",
    catch (Exception& e)
      logError("%s in mesh %s line %d",

      return nullptr;

  Ref<Mesh> mesh = new Mesh(ResourceInfo(cache, name, path));


  for (size_t i = 0;  i < positions.size();  i++)
    mesh->vertices[i].position = positions[i];

  VertexTool tool(mesh->vertices);

  for (auto& g : groups)
    MeshSection& geometry = mesh->sections.back();

    const FaceList& faces = g.faces;

    geometry.materialName =;

    for (size_t i = 0;  i < faces.size();  i++)
      const Face& face = faces[i];
      MeshTriangle& triangle = geometry.triangles[i];

      for (size_t j = 0;  j < 3;  j++)
        const Triplet& point = face.p[j];

        vec3 normal;
        if (point.normal)
          normal = normals[point.normal - 1];

        vec2 texcoord;
        if (point.texcoord)
          texcoord = texcoords[point.texcoord - 1];

        triangle.indices[j] = tool.addAttributeLayer(point.vertex - 1, normal, texcoord);

  return mesh;
Esempio n. 27
Game::Game(const char * filename)
    std::ifstream infile(filename);
    if (!infile.is_open())
        std::cout << "File not found" << std::endl;

    std::string line;
    std::vector<int>::iterator tableIt;

    bool colorsPlease = false;
    bool rulesPlease = false;
    bool ok = false;

    int cpt = 0; // count the number of color or the number of rules

    while(std::getline(infile, line))
        // comments and new lines
        if (line[0] == '\n')
        if (line[0] == '#')
        // create the game

        if(!colorsPlease && !rulesPlease)
            if(sscanf(line.c_str(), "size %d", &m_size) == 1)
                map.resize(m_size, m_size, 1, 3);
            if(sscanf(line.c_str(), "nbstates %d", &m_stateCard) == 1)
                m_automate = new Triplet*[m_stateCard];
            if(sscanf(line.c_str(), "nbcolors %d", &m_colorCard) == 1)

                for(int i = 0; i < m_stateCard; ++i)
                    m_automate[i] = new Triplet[m_colorCard];
                m_color = new uchar*[m_colorCard];
                colorsPlease = true;
        else if(colorsPlease)
            int r,g,b;
            if(sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %d %d", &r, &g, &b) == 3)
                m_color[cpt]= new uchar[3];
                m_color[cpt][0] = r;
                m_color[cpt][1] = g;
                m_color[cpt][2] = b;

            if( cpt >= m_colorCard)
                colorsPlease = false;
                rulesPlease = true;
                cpt = 0;
        else if(rulesPlease)

            int color, turn, state;
            if(sscanf(line.c_str(), "%d %d %d", &color, &turn, &state) == 3)
                int i = cpt / m_stateCard;
                int j = cpt - i * m_stateCard ;

                m_automate[i][j] = Triplet(color, turn, state);


            if( cpt >= m_colorCard*m_stateCard)
                colorsPlease = false;
                rulesPlease = false;
                ok = true;

        std::cout << "your config file is corrupted" << std::endl;
void GeodesicInHeat::initialization()
	int n = mesh.n_vertices();
	int f = mesh.n_faces();
	int count = 0;
	Laplacian.resize(n, n);
	LaplacianDirichlet.resize(n, n);
	Grad_x.resize(f, n);
	Grad_y.resize(f, n);
	Grad_z.resize(f, n);
	Div_x.resize(n, f);
	Div_y.resize(n, f);
	Div_z.resize(n, f);
	AreaMatrix.resize(n, n);

	std::vector<Triplet> Laplist;
	std::vector<Triplet> LapDList;
	std::vector<Triplet> Arealist;
	std::vector<Triplet> Grad_x_list;
	std::vector<Triplet> Grad_y_list;
	std::vector<Triplet> Grad_z_list;
	std::vector<Triplet> Div_x_list;
	std::vector<Triplet> Div_y_list;
	std::vector<Triplet> Div_z_list;

	/*              v_k (cot_theta_1)
		div_edge_2 /  \   <----triangle
				v_i     v_j (cot_theta_2)

	Vertex v_j, v_k, v_alpha, v_beta;
	Halfedge alpha_edge, beta_edge;
	Face triangle;
	Point p_i, p_j, p_k, p_alpha, face_normal, grad_edge, grad_cross, div_edge_1, div_edge_2, cot_edge_1, cot_edge_2, grad_ele;
	Scalar cot_alpha, cot_beta, cot_theta_1, cot_theta_2, div_sum, tri_area,cots,epsilon=1e-10;

	for (auto const& v_i : mesh.vertices())
		Scalar Area = 0.0;
		Scalar CotSum = 0.0;
		for (auto const& edge : mesh.halfedges(v_i))
				Halfedge edge_oppo = mesh.opposite_halfedge(edge);
				v_j = mesh.to_vertex(edge);
				avglength += (mesh.position(v_j) - mesh.position(v_i)).norm();
				if (mesh.face(edge_oppo).is_valid())
					alpha_edge = mesh.next_halfedge(mesh.opposite_halfedge(edge));
					alpha_edge = mesh.next_halfedge(edge);

				if (mesh.face(edge).is_valid())
					beta_edge = mesh.next_halfedge(edge);
					beta_edge = mesh.next_halfedge(mesh.opposite_halfedge(edge));

				// v_beta = v_k
				v_k = mesh.to_vertex(beta_edge);
				v_alpha = mesh.to_vertex(alpha_edge);

				p_i = mesh.position(v_i);
				p_j = mesh.position(v_j);
				p_k = mesh.position(v_k);
				p_alpha = mesh.position(v_alpha);

		//laplacian operator
				//compute cot alpha and cot beta and add to the list
				cot_edge_1 = (p_i - p_k);
				cot_edge_2 = (p_j - p_k);
				cot_beta = / cot_edge_1.cross(cot_edge_2).norm();
				cot_edge_1 = (p_i - p_alpha);
				cot_edge_2 = (p_j - p_alpha);
				cot_alpha = / cot_edge_1.cross(cot_edge_2).norm();

				if (!mesh.face(edge).is_valid())
					cot_beta = 0;
				if (!mesh.face(edge_oppo).is_valid())
					cot_alpha = 0;

				cots = cot_beta + cot_alpha + epsilon;

				//Dirichlet condition, if v_j is boundary, then set it zero, do not push in the Matrix.
				if (!mesh.is_boundary(v_j))
					LapDList.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), v_j.idx(), 0.5*cots));

				Laplist.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), v_j.idx(), 0.5*cots));
				CotSum += 0.5*cots;

				//Divergence operator
				if (mesh.face(edge).is_valid())
					triangle = mesh.face(edge);

					div_edge_1 = p_j - p_i;
					div_edge_2 = p_k - p_i;

					tri_area = 0.5*(div_edge_1.cross(div_edge_2)).norm();

					Area += (1 / 3.0f)*tri_area;

					face_normal = (div_edge_1.cross(div_edge_2)).normalized();

					//compute cot theta1
					cot_edge_1 = (p_j - p_k);
					cot_edge_2 = (p_i - p_k);
					cot_theta_1 = / cot_edge_1.cross(cot_edge_2).norm();

					//compute cot theta2
					cot_edge_1 = (p_k - p_j);
					cot_edge_2 = (p_i - p_j);
					cot_theta_2 = / cot_edge_1.cross(cot_edge_2).norm();

					//add to x ,y ,z list respectively
					div_sum = cot_theta_1*div_edge_1(0) + cot_theta_2*div_edge_2(0);
					Div_x_list.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), triangle.idx(), (0.5*div_sum)));
					div_sum = cot_theta_1*div_edge_1(1) + cot_theta_2*div_edge_2(1);
					Div_y_list.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), triangle.idx(), (0.5*div_sum)));
					div_sum = cot_theta_1*div_edge_1(2) + cot_theta_2*div_edge_2(2);
					Div_z_list.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), triangle.idx(), (0.5*div_sum)));

			//construct Gradient operator on triangles in x , y ,z separatly

					grad_edge = p_j - p_i;
					grad_cross = face_normal.cross(grad_edge);

					grad_ele = (1 / (2 * tri_area))*grad_cross;

					Grad_x_list.push_back(Triplet(triangle.idx(), v_k.idx(), grad_ele(0)));
					Grad_y_list.push_back(Triplet(triangle.idx(), v_k.idx(), grad_ele(1)));
					Grad_z_list.push_back(Triplet(triangle.idx(), v_k.idx(), grad_ele(2)));

		if (!mesh.is_boundary(v_i))
			LapDList.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), v_i.idx(), -CotSum));

		Arealist.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), v_i.idx(), Area));
		Laplist.push_back(Triplet(v_i.idx(), v_i.idx(),-CotSum));
	AreaMatrix.setFromTriplets(Arealist.begin(), Arealist.end());
	LaplacianDirichlet.setFromTriplets(LapDList.begin(), LapDList.end());
	Laplacian.setFromTriplets(Laplist.begin(), Laplist.end());
	Grad_x.setFromTriplets(Grad_x_list.begin(), Grad_x_list.end());
	Grad_y.setFromTriplets(Grad_y_list.begin(), Grad_y_list.end());
	Grad_z.setFromTriplets(Grad_z_list.begin(), Grad_z_list.end());
	Div_x.setFromTriplets(Div_x_list.begin(), Div_x_list.end());
	Div_y.setFromTriplets(Div_y_list.begin(), Div_y_list.end());
	Div_z.setFromTriplets(Div_z_list.begin(), Div_z_list.end());
	avglength /=float(count);
	initialized = true;