Esempio n. 1
static void mdlOutputs(SimStruct *S,int_T tid) {
	InputRealPtrsType uPtrs0 = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);
	InputRealPtrsType uPtrs1 = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,1);
	real_T prev = ssGetRWorkValue(S,0);
	bool dataPort = PARAM(2)[0];
	int_T i;
	rosShmData_t *shm = (rosShmData_t *)ssGetPWorkValue(S,0);
	SEM *sem = (SEM *)ssGetPWorkValue(S,1);
	char_T *msg;
	unsigned int strlen = sizeof(char_T)*(PARAM_SIZE(1)+1);

	UNUSED_ARG(tid);	 /* not used in single tasking mode */

	if (U0(0) > 0.5 && U0(0) > prev) {
		msg = (char_T *)malloc(strlen);
		mxGetString(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1), msg, strlen);
		if (dataPort) {
			for (i = 0; i < ssGetInputPortWidth(S,1); ++i) {
				asprintf(&msg, "%s %f", msg, U1(i));
		if (rt_sem_wait_if(sem) != 0) {
			memcpy(shm->msg.text, msg, MAX_LOG_MSG_SIZE);
			shm->msg.state = NEW_VALUE;
		switch ((int)PARAM(0)[0]) {
			case 1: printf("DEBUG"); break;
			case 2: printf("INFO"); break;
			case 3: printf("WARN"); break;
			case 4: printf("ERROR"); break;
			case 5: printf("FATAL"); break;
			default: printf("NONE"); break;
		printf(": %s", msg);
		if (dataPort) {
			for (i = 0; i < ssGetInputPortWidth(S,1); ++i) {
				printf(" %f", U1(i));
Esempio n. 2
void ChainStiffnessKernel::get_per_layer_dynamical_matrices(double qx,
                                                            double qy,
                                                            double_complex **D,
                                                            double *xcshift,
                                                            double *ycshift)
  if (nu_ != 1) {
		"Only works for nu == 1.");

  SquareMatrix<double_complex> U0(dim_, D[0]), U(dim_, D[1]), V(dim_, D[2]);

  U0[0][0] = 1.0;
  U0[1][1] = 1.0;
  U0[2][2] = 1.0;

  U[0][0] = 2.0;
  U[1][1] = 2.0;
  U[2][2] = 2.0;

  V[0][0] = -1.0;
  V[1][1] = -1.0;
  V[2][2] = -1.0;
Esempio n. 3
    void TriInverse(UpperTriMatrixView<T> U, ptrdiff_t nhi)
#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> U0(U);

        if (U.size() > 0) {
            if (nhi == 0) DiagMatrixViewOf(U.diag()).invertSelf();
            else if (U.iscm() || U.isrm()) DoInverse(U,nhi);
            else {
                UpperTriMatrix<T> temp = U;
                U = temp;
#ifdef XDEBUG
        Matrix<T> eye = U*U0;
        if (Norm(eye-T(1)) > 0.0001*(Norm(U0)+Norm(U))) {
            cerr<<"UpperTriMatrix Inverse:\n";
            cerr<<"U = "<<TMV_Text(U)<<"  "<<U0<<endl;
            cerr<<"Uinv = "<<U<<endl;
            cerr<<"Uinv*U = "<<U*U0<<endl;
            cerr<<"U*Uinv = "<<U0*U<<endl;
Esempio n. 4
bool ElasticBeam::initElement (const std::vector<int>& MNPC,
                               const FiniteElement& fe, const Vec3&, size_t,
                               LocalIntegral& elmInt)
  if (!this->initElement(MNPC,elmInt))
    return false;

  Vec3 e1 = fe.XC[1] - fe.XC[0]; // Initial local X-axis
  const Vector& eV = elmInt.vec.front();
  if (!eV.empty())
    // Fetch nodal displacements
    Vec3 U0(eV.ptr());
    Vec3 U1(eV.ptr()+eV.size()-npv);
    e1 += U1 - U0; // Deformed local X-axis

  // Calculate the co-rotated element coordinate system
  if (e1.normalize() <= 1.0e-8)
    std::cerr <<" *** ElasticBeam::initElement: Zero beam length"<< std::endl;
    return false;

  if (fe.Tn.size() < 2)
    std::cerr <<" *** ElasticBeam::initElement: No end rotations"<< std::endl;
    return false;

  Vec3 e2(fe.Tn[0][1]+fe.Tn[1][1]); // Sum of the nodal Y-axes
  Vec3 e3(fe.Tn[0][2]+fe.Tn[1][2]); // Sum of the nodal Z-axes
  if (e3*e1 < e2*e1)
    e2.cross(e3,e1); // Local Y-axis = e3xe1 / |e3xe1|
    e3.cross(e1,e2); // Local Z-axis = e1xe2
    e3.cross(e1,e2); // Local Z-axis = e1xe2 / |e1xe2|
    e2.cross(e3,e1); // Local Y-axis = e3xe1

  Matrix& Tlg = this->getLocalAxes(elmInt);

#if INT_DEBUG > 1
  std::cout <<"ElasticBeam: local-to-global transformation matrix:"<< Tlg
            <<"ElasticBeam: T1n\n"<< fe.Tn[0] <<"ElasticBeam: T2n\n"<< fe.Tn[1];

  return true;
Esempio n. 5
int sc_main( int sc_argc, char *sc_argv[] )
    // Elaboration
    countdown U0("U0");

    // Simulation

    // Cleanup
    return 0;
Esempio n. 6
void ConvexHull2D::GenerateHullManyCollinear ()
    // Generate a lot of nearly collinear points.
    mNumVertices = 128;
    mVertices = new1<Vector2f>(mNumVertices);

    Vector2f center(0.5f, 0.5f);
    Vector2f U0(Mathf::SymmetricRandom(), Mathf::SymmetricRandom());
    Vector2f U1 = U0.Perp();
    float e0 = 0.5f*Mathf::UnitRandom();
    float e1 = 0.5f*Mathf::UnitRandom();

    float t;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < mNumVertices/4; ++i)
        t = i/(mNumVertices/4.0f);
        mVertices[i] =
            center - e0*U0 - e1*U1 + 2.0f*e0*t*U0;
    for (i = 0; i < mNumVertices/4; i++)
        t = i/(mNumVertices/4.0f);
        mVertices[i + mNumVertices/4] =
            center + e0*U0 - e1*U1 + 2.0f*e1*t*U1;
    for (i = 0; i < mNumVertices/4; i++)
        t = i/(mNumVertices/4.0f);
        mVertices[i + mNumVertices/2] =
            center + e0*U0 + e1*U1 - 2.0f*e0*t*U0;
    for (i = 0; i < mNumVertices/4; i++)
        t = i/(mNumVertices/4.0f);
        mVertices[i + 3*mNumVertices/4] =
            center - e0*U0 + e1*U1 - 2.0f*e1*t*U1;

    assertion(mHull->GetDimension() == 2, "Incorrect dimension.\n");
Esempio n. 7
void frameSolver2d::solve()
#if defined(HAVE_PETSC)
  linearSystemPETSc<double> *lsys = new linearSystemPETSc<double>;
#elif defined(HAVE_GMM)
  linearSystemCSRGmm<double> *lsys = new linearSystemCSRGmm<double>;
  linearSystemFull<double> *lsys = new linearSystemFull<double>;

  if(pAssembler) delete pAssembler;
  pAssembler = new dofManager<double>(lsys);

  // fix dofs and create free ones

  // force vector
  std::vector<std::pair<GVertex *, std::vector<double> > >::iterator it =
  for(; it != _nodalForces.end(); ++it) {
    MVertex *v = it->first->mesh_vertices[0];
    const std::vector<double> &F = it->second;
    Dof DOFX(v->getNum(), 0);
    Dof DOFY(v->getNum(), 1);
    pAssembler->assemble(DOFX, F[0]);
    pAssembler->assemble(DOFY, F[1]);

  // stifness matrix
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _beams.size(); i++) {
    fullMatrix<double> K(6, 6);
    computeStiffnessMatrix(i, K);
    _beams[i]._stiffness = K;
    MVertex *v0 = _beams[i]._element->getVertex(0);
    MVertex *v1 = _beams[i]._element->getVertex(1);
    Dof theta0(v0->getNum(),
               Dof::createTypeWithTwoInts(2, _beams[i]._rotationTags[0]));
    Dof theta1(v1->getNum(),
               Dof::createTypeWithTwoInts(2, _beams[i]._rotationTags[1]));
    Dof U0(v0->getNum(), 0);
    Dof U1(v1->getNum(), 0);
    Dof V0(v0->getNum(), 1);
    Dof V1(v1->getNum(), 1);
    Dof DOFS[6] = {U0, V0, theta0, U1, V1, theta1};
    for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      for(int k = 0; k < 6; k++) {
        pAssembler->assemble(DOFS[j], DOFS[k], K(j, k));

  // save the solution
  for(std::size_t i = 0; i < _beams.size(); i++) {
    MVertex *v0 = _beams[i]._element->getVertex(0);
    MVertex *v1 = _beams[i]._element->getVertex(1);
    Dof theta0(v0->getNum(),
               Dof::createTypeWithTwoInts(2, _beams[i]._rotationTags[0]));
    Dof theta1(v1->getNum(),
               Dof::createTypeWithTwoInts(2, _beams[i]._rotationTags[1]));
    Dof U0(v0->getNum(), 0);
    Dof U1(v1->getNum(), 0);
    Dof V0(v0->getNum(), 1);
    Dof V1(v1->getNum(), 1);
    Dof DOFS[6] = {U0, V0, theta0, U1, V1, theta1};
    for(int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
      pAssembler->getDofValue(DOFS[j], _beams[i]._displacement[j]);
  delete lsys;
  delete pAssembler;
Esempio n. 8
void MagneticBubbleBoundary::set_bc_z0_wall(std::valarray<double> &U) const
  const int Nx = Mara->domain->get_N(1);
  const int Ny = Mara->domain->get_N(2);
  const int Ng = Mara->domain->get_Ng();

  const double r0 = rotation_radius;

  ValarrayManager M(Mara->domain->aug_shape(), Mara->domain->get_Nq());
  for (int i=0; i<Nx+2*Ng; ++i) {
    for (int j=0; j<Ny+2*Ng; ++j) {
      for (int k=0; k<Ng; ++k) {

        double x = Mara->domain->x_at(i);
        double y = Mara->domain->y_at(j);
        double r = sqrt(x*x + y*y);
        double Omega;

        switch (rotation_profile) {
        case RIGID_ROTATION:
          if (r < r0) {
            Omega = 1.0;
          else {
            Omega = 0.0;
          if (r < 0.5*r0) {
            Omega = 1.0;
          else if (r > 2*r0) {
            Omega = 0.0;
          else {
            Omega = pow(2*r/r0, -1.5);

        std::valarray<double> U1 = U[ M(i,j,2*Ng-k-1) ]; // reflected zone
        std::valarray<double> P1(8); // reflected zone primitive variables
        std::valarray<double> U0(8);
        std::valarray<double> P0(8);

        if (receive_primitive) {
          P1 = U1; // U was actually P (confusing, I know)
        else {
          int err = Mara->fluid->ConsToPrim(&U1[0], &P1[0]);
          if (err) {
              "[MagneticBubbleBoundary] unphysical boundary value\n");
              std::cerr << Mara->fluid->PrintCons(&U1[0]) << std::endl;
              std::cerr << rmhd_c2p_get_error(err) << std::endl;
            //      exit(1);

        /* not reflecting vz ensures that v < 1 in the guard zones */
        P0[0] =  P1[0];
        P0[1] =  P1[1];
        P0[2] = -y/r0 * Omega;
        P0[3] =  x/r0 * Omega;
        P0[4] =  0.0;//-P1[4];
        P0[5] = -P1[5];
        P0[6] = -P1[6];
        P0[7] =  P1[7];

        if (receive_primitive) {
          U0 = P0; // U really is P
          int err = rmhd_c2p_check_prim(&P0[0]);
          if (err) {
            std::cerr << rmhd_c2p_get_error(err) << std::endl;
        else {
          int err = Mara->fluid->PrimToCons(&P0[0], &U0[0]);
          if (err) {
            std::cerr << rmhd_c2p_get_error(err) << std::endl;
        U[ M(i,j,k) ] = U0;
Esempio n. 9
void two_phase_3d_op_explicit(double phi[M][N][P],
			      const double u0[M][N][P],
			      double curvature_motion_part[M][N][P],
			      double dt, double c1, double c2)
	double mu = TP_MU;
	double nu = TP_NU;
	double lambda1 = TP_LAMBDA1;
	double lambda2 = TP_LAMBDA2;

	double dx = 1.0;
	double dy = 1.0;
	double dz = 1.0;

	double dx2 = dx * 2.0;
	double dy2 = dy * 2.0;
	double dz2 = dz * 2.0;

	double Dx_p, Dx_m;
	double Dy_p, Dy_m;
	double Dz_p, Dz_m;
	double Dx_0, Dy_0, Dz_0;

	double Dxx, Dyy, Dzz;
	double Dxy, Dxz, Dyz;

	double Grad, K;

	double stencil[3][3][3];
#pragma AP array_partition variable=stencil complete dim=0

	double numer, denom;

	uint32_t i, j, k, l;

	for (i = 1; i < M - 1; i++) {
		for (j = 1; j < N - 1; j++) {
			for (k = 1; k < P - 1; k++) {
#pragma AP pipeline
				/* stencil code */
				stencil[0][0][0] = stencil[0][0][1];
				stencil[0][1][0] = stencil[0][1][1];
				stencil[0][2][0] = stencil[0][2][1];

				stencil[0][0][1] = stencil[0][0][2];
				stencil[0][1][1] = stencil[0][1][2];
				stencil[0][2][1] = stencil[0][2][2];

				stencil[0][0][2] = PHI(i - 1, j - 1, k + 1);
				stencil[0][1][2] = PHI(i - 1, j, k + 1);
				stencil[0][2][2] = PHI(i - 1, j + 1, k + 1);

				stencil[1][0][0] = stencil[1][0][1];
				stencil[1][1][0] = stencil[1][2][1];
				stencil[1][2][0] = stencil[1][2][1];

				stencil[1][0][1] = stencil[1][0][2];
				stencil[1][1][1] = stencil[1][1][2];
				stencil[1][2][1] = stencil[1][2][2];

				stencil[1][0][2] = PHI(i, j - 1, k + 1);
				stencil[1][1][2] = PHI(i, j, k + 1);
				stencil[1][2][2] = PHI(i, j + 1, k + 1);

				stencil[2][0][0] = stencil[2][0][1];
				stencil[2][1][0] = stencil[2][1][1];
				stencil[2][2][0] = stencil[2][2][1];

				stencil[2][0][1] = stencil[2][0][2];
				stencil[2][1][1] = stencil[2][1][2];
				stencil[2][2][1] = stencil[2][2][2];

				stencil[2][0][2] = PHI(i + 1, j - 1, k + 1);
				stencil[2][1][2] = PHI(i + 1, j, k + 1);
				stencil[2][2][2] = PHI(i + 1, j + 1, k + 1);

				/* regular calculation here */
				Dx_p =
				    (stencil[2][1][1] - stencil[1][1][1]) / dx;
				Dx_m =
				    (stencil[1][1][1] - stencil[0][1][1]) / dx;
				Dy_p =
				    (stencil[1][2][1] - stencil[1][1][1]) / dy;
				Dy_m =
				    (stencil[1][1][1] - stencil[1][0][1]) / dy;
				Dz_p =
				    (stencil[1][1][2] - stencil[1][1][1]) / dz;
				Dz_m =
				    (stencil[1][1][1] - stencil[1][1][0]) / dz;

				Dx_0 =
				    (stencil[2][1][1] - stencil[0][1][1]) / dx2;
				Dy_0 =
				    (stencil[1][2][1] - stencil[1][0][1]) / dy2;
				Dz_0 =
				    (stencil[1][1][2] - stencil[1][1][0]) / dz2;

				Dxx = (Dx_p - Dx_m) / dx;
				Dyy = (Dy_p - Dy_m) / dy;
				Dzz = (Dz_p - Dz_m) / dz;

				Dxy =
				    (stencil[2][2][1] - stencil[2][0][1] -
				     stencil[0][2][1] -
				     stencil[0][0][1]) / (4 * dx * dy);
				Dxz =
				    (stencil[2][1][2] - stencil[2][1][0] -
				     stencil[0][1][2] +
				     stencil[0][1][0]) / (4 * dx * dz);
				Dyz =
				    (stencil[1][2][2] - stencil[1][2][0] -
				     stencil[1][0][2] +
				     stencil[1][0][0]) / (4 * dy * dz);

				Grad = (SQR(Dx_0) + SQR(Dy_0) + SQR(Dz_0));
				denom = Grad;

				/* denom = denom^1.5 */
				for (l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
#pragma AP unroll
					denom *= denom;

				numer = (Dx_0 * Dx_0 * Dyy -
					 2.0 * Dx_0 * Dy_0 * Dxy +
					 Dy_0 * Dy_0 * Dxx + Dx_0 * Dx_0 * Dzz -
					 2.0 * Dx_0 * Dz_0 * Dxz +
					 Dz_0 * Dz_0 * Dxx + Dy_0 * Dy_0 * Dzz -
					 2.0 * Dy_0 * Dz_0 * Dyz +
					 Dz_0 * Dz_0 * Dyy);

				K = numer / denom;

				CMP(i, j, k) =
				    Grad * (mu * K +
					    lambda1 * (U0(i, j, k) -
						       c1) * (U0(i, j,
								 k) - c1) -
					    lambda2 * (U0(i, j, k) -
						       c2) * (U0(i, j,
								 k) - c2));


	for (k = 0; k < P; k++) {
		for (j = 0; j < N; j++) {
			for (i = 0; i < M; i++) {
#pragma AP pipeline
				PHI(i, j, k) += CMP(i, j, k) * dt;
Esempio n. 10
tmp<fvVectorMatrix> surfaceShearForce::correct(volVectorField& U)
    // local reference to film model
    const kinematicSingleLayer& film =
        static_cast<const kinematicSingleLayer&>(owner_);

    // local references to film fields
    const volScalarField& mu =;
    const volVectorField& Uw = film.Uw();
    const volScalarField& delta =;
    const volVectorField& Up = film.UPrimary();

    // film surface linear coeff to apply to velocity
    tmp<volScalarField> tCs;

    typedef compressible::turbulenceModel turbModel;
    if (film.primaryMesh().foundObject<turbModel>("turbulenceProperties"))
        // local reference to turbulence model
        const turbModel& turb =

        // calculate and store the stress on the primary region
        const volSymmTensorField primaryReff(turb.devRhoReff());

        // create stress field on film
        // - note boundary condition types (mapped)
        // - to map, the field name must be the same as the field on the
        //   primary region
        volSymmTensorField Reff

        // map stress from primary region to film region

        dimensionedScalar U0("SMALL", U.dimensions(), SMALL);
        tCs = Cf_*mag(-film.nHat() & Reff)/(mag(Up - U) + U0);
        // laminar case - employ simple coeff-based model
        const volScalarField& rho = film.rho();
        tCs = Cf_*rho*mag(Up - U);

    dimensionedScalar d0("SMALL", delta.dimensions(), SMALL);

    // linear coeffs to apply to velocity
    const volScalarField& Cs = tCs();
    volScalarField Cw("Cw", mu/(0.3333*(delta + d0)));

       - fvm::Sp(Cs, U) + Cs*Up // surface contribution
       - fvm::Sp(Cw, U) + Cw*Uw // wall contribution
Esempio n. 11
 * Function returns fac[] and D=[U0, ... V W] at this q vector  
 * Note: called each time the 'run' or 'minimize' command is called
 * Multi-atom unit cells written as single atom cells, per Appendix A.3
void FTStiffnessKernel::get_dynamical_matrices(double qx, double qy,
                                               double_complex *xU0,
                                               double_complex *xU,
                                               double_complex *xV,
                                               double_complex dU)
    // Number of atoms per surface unit cell.
    int nat = crystal_surface_->get_number_of_atoms();

    assert(dim_ == 3*nat);

    mat<double_complex> U0(dim_, xU0);
    mat<double_complex> U(dim_, xU);
    mat<double_complex> V(dim_, xV);

    // Set all matrices to zero.

    mat<double, 3> cell(crystal_surface_->get_cell());

    // Add off-site terms to U matrices.
    int nn = crystal_surface_->get_number_of_neighbors();
    const CrystalSurface::lattice_neighbor_t *neigh =
    for (int n = 0; n < nn; n++, neigh++) {
        // Get index of first atom.
        int i = neigh->indexi;

        // Get distance in number of cells. This determines the phase factor
        // below.
        double cx[3];
        crystal_surface_->cell_distance(i, *neigh, cx);

        // Compute phase.
        double_complex phase = exp(COMPLEX_NUMBER(0, cx[0]*qx+cx[1]*qy));

        // ab tells us whether it's the U(ab==0),V(ab==1),W,... matrix
        int ab = nearbyint(cx[2]);

        assert(std::abs(ab-cx[2]) < 1e-6);

        // Everything with ab < -1 and ab > 1 is ignored since those are
        // neighbors that are farther than one layer away. If the
        // interaction reaches this far the size of the unit cell should
        // be increased.
        if (ab >= -1 && ab <= 1) {
            // Get index of second atom.
            int j = neigh->indexj;

            // Get force constants.
            //force_constants_->offsite(crystal_surface_, neigh,;
            mat<double> Y(3, &D0ij_[9*n]);
            mat<double> Z(3, &D1ij_[9*n]);

            if (ab == 0) {
                // This needs to be added to the appropriate subblock of
                // U0 and U.

                for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
                        U0[3*i+ii][3*j+jj] += phase*Y[ii][jj];
                        U[3*i+ii][3*j+jj] += phase*Z[ii][jj];
            else if (ab == -1) {
                // This needs to be added to the appropriate subblock of V.

                for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
                    for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
                        V[3*i+ii][3*j+jj] += phase*Z[ii][jj];

    // Add on-site terms to U0 and U.
    for (int i = 0; i < nat; i++) {
        //force_constants_->onsite(crystal_surface_, i, 0,;
        mat<double> Y(3, &D0ii_[9*i]);

        for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
            for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
                U0[3*i+ii][3*i+jj] += Y[ii][jj];

        //force_constants_->onsite(crystal_surface_, i, -1,;
        mat<double> Z(3, &D1ii_[9*i]);

        for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ii++) {
            for (int jj = 0; jj < 3; jj++) {
                U[3*i+ii][3*i+jj] += Z[ii][jj];

    if (std::abs(qx) < 1e-6 && std::abs(qy) < 1e-6) {
        double_complex trU0 = 0.0, trU = 0.0;
        for (int i = 0; i < dim_; i++) {
            trU0 += U0[i][i];
            trU += U[i][i];
        std::cout << "USER-GFMD: DEBUG - trace[U0(q=0)] = " << creal(trU0)
                  << ", trace[U(q=0)] = " << creal(trU) << std::endl;
void baz(int i)
    if (!i) throw U0();
    else throw U1();
Esempio n. 13
vector<double> Plink::calcMantelHaenszel_IxJxK(vector<int> & X,
					       vector<int> & Y,
					       vector<int> & Z)
  if (X.size() != Y.size() || Y.size() != Z.size() || X.size() != Z.size() )
    error("Internal problem:\n  problem in calcMantelHaenszel_IxJxK()...uneven input columns");
  // Determine unique elements
  int nx=0, ny=0, nz=0;
  map<int,int> mx;
  map<int,int> my;
  map<int,int> mz;

  for (unsigned int i=0; i<X.size(); i++)
      if (mx.find(X[i]) == mx.end())

      if (my.find(Y[i]) == my.end())

      if (mz.find(Z[i]) == mz.end())

  // Generic function to calculate generalized IxJxK CMH
  // Assumes no missing data

  vector< vector<double> > N(nz);             // observed counts
  vector< vector<double> > U(nz);             // expected
  vector< vector< vector<double> > > V(nz);   // variance matrix
  vector<vector<double> > Tx(nz); // marginal totals
  vector<vector<double> > Ty(nz); // ..
  vector<double> T(nz);           // totals (per K)
  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++)
      for (int k2=0; k2<(nx-1)*(ny-1); k2++)
	  N[k][k2] = U[k][k2] = 0;
	  for (int k3=0; k3<(nx-1)*(ny-1); k3++)
	    V[k][k2][k3] = 0;

  // Consider each observation
  for (int i=0; i<X.size(); i++)
      int vx = mx.find(X[i])->second;
      int vy = my.find(Y[i])->second;
      int vz = mz.find(Z[i])->second;
      // exclude nx + ny (upper limits)
      if (vx<nx-1 && vy<ny-1)
	N[vz][ vx + vy*(nx-1) ]++;
  // Determine valid clusters (at least 2 people)
  vector<bool> validK(nk,false);
  for (int k=0; k<nk; k++)
    if (T[k]>=2) validK[k]=true;

  // Calculate expecteds
  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++)
      if (validK[k])
	  for (int ix=0; ix<nx-1; ix++)
	    for (int iy=0; iy<ny-1; iy++)
		U[k][ix+iy*(nx-1)] = ( Tx[k][ix] * Ty[k][iy] ) / T[k];
		for (int ix2=0; ix2<nx-1; ix2++)
		  for (int iy2=0; iy2<ny-1; iy2++)
		      int dx=0;
		      int dy=0;
		      if (ix==ix2) dx=1;
		      if (iy==iy2) dy=1;
		      V[k][ix + iy*(nx-1)][ix2 + iy2*(nx-1)] = ( ( Tx[k][ix] * ( dx * T[k] - Tx[k][ix2] ) 
								   * Ty[k][iy] * ( dy *T[k] - Ty[k][iy2] )  )
								 / ( T[k]*T[k]*(T[k]-1) ) );
		      if (ix==ix2 && iy==iy2) 
			V[k][ix + iy*(nx-1)][ix2 + iy2*(nx-1)] 
			  = abs(V[k][ix + iy*(nx-1)][ix2 + iy2*(nx-1)]);

  vector<vector<double> > V0((nx-1)*(ny-1));
  for (int k2=0; k2<(nx-1)*(ny-1); k2++)
  vector<double> N0((nx-1)*(ny-1));
  vector<double> U0((nx-1)*(ny-1));

  // Sum N, U and V over K
  for (int k=0; k<nz; k++)
      if (validK[k])
	  for (int i=0; i<(nx-1)*(ny-1); i++)
	      N0[i] += N[k][i];
	      U0[i] += U[k][i];
	      for (int i2=0; i2<(nx-1)*(ny-1); i2++)
		V0[i][i2] += V[k][i][i2];
  bool flag = true;
  vector<double> tmp1((nx-1)*(ny-1),0);
  vector<double> tmp2((nx-1)*(ny-1),0);
  V0 = svd_inverse(V0,flag);
  for (int i=0; i<(nx-1)*(ny-1); i++)
    tmp1[i] = N0[i] - U0[i];
  // Matrix mult -- rows by columns
  for (int i=0; i<(nx-1)*(ny-1); i++)
    for (int j=0; j<(nx-1)*(ny-1); j++)
      tmp2[j] += tmp1[i] * V0[i][j];

  vector<double> result(2);

  // CMH Chi-square
  for (int i=0; i<(nx-1)*(ny-1); i++)
    result[0] += tmp2[i] * tmp1[i];
  // DF
  result[1] = (nx-1)*(ny-1);
  return result;

Esempio n. 14
void SumProduct::accumulateEigenCounts (vguard<vguard<double> >& rootCounts, vguard<vguard<vguard<gsl_complex> > >& eigenCounts, double weight) const {
  LogThisAt(8,"Accumulating eigencounts, column " << join(gappedCol,"") << ", weight " << weight << endl);
  accumulateRootCounts (rootCounts, weight);

  const auto rootNode = columnRoot();
  const int A = model.alphabetSize();
  vguard<double> U (A), D (A);
  vguard<gsl_complex> Ubasis (A), Dbasis (A);
  vguard<double> U0 (A), D0 (A);
  for (auto node : ungappedRows)
    if (node != rootNode) {
      LogThisAt(9,"Accumulating eigencounts, column " << join(gappedCol,"") << " node " << tree.seqName(node) << endl);
      const TreeNodeIndex parent = tree.parentNode(node);
      const TreeNodeIndex sibling = tree.getSibling(node);
      for (int cpt = 0; cpt < components(); ++cpt) {
	LogThisAt(9,"Accumulating eigencounts, column " << join(gappedCol,"") << " node " << tree.seqName(node) << " component #" << cpt << endl);
	const vguard<double>& U0 = F[cpt][node];
	for (AlphTok i = 0; i < A; ++i)
	  D0[i] = G[cpt][parent][i] * E[cpt][sibling][i];
	const double maxU0 = *max_element (U0.begin(), U0.end());
	const double maxD0 = *max_element (D0.begin(), D0.end());
	const double norm = exp (colLogLike - logCptWeight[cpt] - logF[cpt][node] - logG[cpt][parent] - logE[cpt][sibling]) / (maxU0 * maxD0);

	// U[b] = U0[b] / maxU0; Ubasis[l] = sum_b U[b] * evecInv[l][b]
	for (AlphTok b = 0; b < A; ++b)
	  U[b] = U0[b] / maxU0;

	for (AlphTok l = 0; l < A; ++l) {
	  Ubasis[l] = gsl_complex_rect (0, 0);
	  for (AlphTok b = 0; b < A; ++b)
	    Ubasis[l] = gsl_complex_add
	       gsl_complex_mul_real (gsl_matrix_complex_get (eigen.evecInv[cpt], l, b),

	// D[a] = D0[a] / maxD0; Dbasis[k] = sum_a D[a] * evec[a][k]
	for (AlphTok a = 0; a < A; ++a)
	  D[a] = D0[a] / maxD0;

	for (AlphTok k = 0; k < A; ++k) {
	  Dbasis[k] = gsl_complex_rect (0, 0);
	  for (AlphTok a = 0; a < A; ++a)
	    Dbasis[k] = gsl_complex_add
	       gsl_complex_mul_real (gsl_matrix_complex_get (eigen.evec[cpt], a, k),

	// R = evec * evals * evecInv
	// exp(RT) = evec * exp(evals T) * evecInv
	// count(i,j|a,b,T) = Q / exp(RT)_ab
	// where...
	// Q = \sum_a \sum_b \int_{t=0}^T D_a exp(Rt)_ai R_ij exp(R(T-t))_jb U_b dt
	//   = \sum_a \sum_b \int_{t=0}^T D_a (\sum_k evec_ak exp(eval_k t) evecInv_ki) R_ij (\sum_l evec_jl exp(eval_l (T-t)) evecInv_lb) U_b dt
	//   = \sum_a \sum_b D_a \sum_k evec_ak evecInv_ki R_ij \sum_l evec_jl evecInv_lb U_b \int_{t=0}^T exp(eval_k t) exp(eval_l (T-t)) dt
	//   = \sum_a \sum_b D_a \sum_k evec_ak evecInv_ki R_ij \sum_l evec_jl evecInv_lb U_b eigenSubCount(k,l,T)
	//   = R_ij \sum_k evecInv_ki \sum_l evec_jl (\sum_a D_a evec_ak) (\sum_b U_b evecInv_lb) eigenSubCount(k,l,T)
	//   = R_ij \sum_k evecInv_ki \sum_l evec_jl Dbasis_k Ubasis_l eigenSubCount(k,l,T)

	// eigenCounts[k][l] += Dbasis[k] * eigenSub[k][l] * Ubasis[l] / norm
	for (AlphTok k = 0; k < A; ++k)
	  for (AlphTok l = 0; l < A; ++l)
	    eigenCounts[cpt][k][l] =
		 (gsl_matrix_complex_get (branchEigenSubCount[cpt][node], k, l),
		weight / norm));

	//	LogThisAt(9,"colLogLike=" << colLogLike << " logF[cpt][node]=" << logF[cpt][node] << " logG[cpt][parent]=" << logG[cpt][parent] << " logE[cpt][sibling]=" << logE[cpt][sibling] << " maxU0=" << maxU0 << " maxD0=" << maxD0 << endl);
	//	LogThisAt(8,"Component #" << cpt << " eigencounts matrix (norm=" << norm << "):" << endl << complexMatrixToString(eigenCounts[cpt]) << endl);