CameraModel::CameraModel( const std::string & name, double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy, const Transform & localTransform, double Tx, const cv::Size & imageSize) : name_(name), imageSize_(imageSize), K_(cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1)), localTransform_(localTransform) { UASSERT_MSG(fx > 0.0, uFormat("fx=%f", fx).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(fy > 0.0, uFormat("fy=%f", fy).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(cx >= 0.0, uFormat("cx=%f", cx).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(cy >= 0.0, uFormat("cy=%f", cy).c_str()); UASSERT(!localTransform.isNull()); if(Tx != 0.0) { P_ = cv::Mat::eye(3, 4, CV_64FC1),<double>(0,0) = fx;<double>(1,1) = fy;<double>(0,2) = cx;<double>(1,2) = cy;<double>(0,3) = Tx; }<double>(0,0) = fx;<double>(1,1) = fy;<double>(0,2) = cx;<double>(1,2) = cy; }
CameraModel::CameraModel( const std::string & name, double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy, const Transform & localTransform, double Tx) : name_(name), K_(cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1)), D_(cv::Mat::zeros(1, 5, CV_64FC1)), R_(cv::Mat::eye(3, 3, CV_64FC1)), P_(cv::Mat::eye(3, 4, CV_64FC1)), localTransform_(localTransform) { UASSERT_MSG(fx >= 0.0, uFormat("fx=%f", fx).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(fy >= 0.0, uFormat("fy=%f", fy).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(cx >= 0.0, uFormat("cx=%f", cx).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG(cy >= 0.0, uFormat("cy=%f", cy).c_str());<double>(0,0) = fx;<double>(1,1) = fy;<double>(0,2) = cx;<double>(1,2) = cy;<double>(0,3) = Tx;<double>(0,0) = fx;<double>(1,1) = fy;<double>(0,2) = cx;<double>(1,2) = cy; }
void Signature::addLink(const Link & link) { UDEBUG("Add link %d to %d (type=%d)",, this->id(), (int)link.type()); UASSERT_MSG(link.from() == this->id(), uFormat("%d->%d for signature %d (type=%d)", link.from(),, this->id(), link.type()).c_str()); UASSERT_MSG( != this->id(), uFormat("%d->%d for signature %d (type=%d)", link.from(),, this->id(), link.type()).c_str()); std::pair<std::map<int, Link>::iterator, bool> pair = _links.insert(std::make_pair(, link)); UASSERT_MSG(pair.second, uFormat("Link %d (type=%d) already added to signature %d!",, link.type(), this->id()).c_str()); _linksModified = true; }
// generate color stereo input void generateColorStereoInput(TriclopsContext const &context, FlyCapture2::Image const &grabbedImage, ImageContainer &imageCont, TriclopsColorStereoPair &stereoPair) { Fc2Triclops::ErrorType fc2TriclopsError; TriclopsError te; TriclopsColorImage triclopsImageContainer[2]; FlyCapture2::Image *tmpImage = imageCont.tmp; FlyCapture2::Image *unprocessedImage = imageCont.unprocessed; // Convert the pixel interleaved raw data to de-interleaved and color processed data fc2TriclopsError = Fc2Triclops::unpackUnprocessedRawOrMono16Image( grabbedImage, true /*assume little endian*/, tmpImage[0], tmpImage[1]); UASSERT_MSG(fc2TriclopsError == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)fc2TriclopsError).c_str()); // preprocess color image for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { FlyCapture2::Error fc2Error; fc2Error = tmpImage[i].SetColorProcessing(FlyCapture2::HQ_LINEAR); UASSERT_MSG(fc2Error == FlyCapture2::PGRERROR_OK, fc2Error.GetDescription()); // convert preprocessed color image to BGRU format fc2Error = tmpImage[i].Convert(FlyCapture2::PIXEL_FORMAT_BGRU, &unprocessedImage[i]); UASSERT_MSG(fc2Error == FlyCapture2::PGRERROR_OK, fc2Error.GetDescription()); } // create triclops image for right and left lens for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { TriclopsColorImage *image = &triclopsImageContainer[i]; te = triclopsLoadColorImageFromBuffer( reinterpret_cast<TriclopsColorPixel *>(unprocessedImage[i].GetData()), unprocessedImage[i].GetRows(), unprocessedImage[i].GetCols(), unprocessedImage[i].GetStride(), image); UASSERT_MSG(te == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)te).c_str()); } // create stereo input from the triclops images constructed above // pack image data into a TriclopsColorStereoPair structure te = triclopsBuildColorStereoPairFromBuffers( context, &triclopsImageContainer[1], &triclopsImageContainer[0], &stereoPair); UASSERT_MSG(te == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)te).c_str()); }
void UAudioCaptureMic::mainLoopEnd() { UDEBUG(""); FMOD_RESULT result; FMOD_BOOL isRecording; result = UAudioSystem::isRecording(_driver, &isRecording); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); if(isRecording) { result = UAudioSystem::recordStop(_driver); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); } UAudioCapture::mainLoopEnd(); }
QStringList ParametersToolBox::resetPage(int index) { QStringList paramChanged; const QObjectList & children = stackedWidget_->widget(index)->children().first()->children().first()->children(); for(int j=0; j<children.size();++j) { QString key =>objectName(); // ignore working memory QString group = key.split("/").first(); if(parameters_.find(key.toStdString())!=parameters_.end()) { UASSERT_MSG(parameters_.find(key.toStdString()) != parameters_.end(), uFormat("key=%s", key.toStdString().c_str()).c_str()); std::string value = Parameters::getDefaultParameters().at(key.toStdString()); = value; if(qobject_cast<QComboBox*>( { if(((QComboBox*)>currentIndex() != QString::fromStdString(value).split(':').first().toInt()) { ((QComboBox*)>setCurrentIndex(QString::fromStdString(value).split(':').first().toInt()); paramChanged.append(key); } } else if(qobject_cast<QSpinBox*>( { if(((QSpinBox*)>value() != uStr2Int(value)) { ((QSpinBox*)>setValue(uStr2Int(value)); paramChanged.append(key); } } else if(qobject_cast<QDoubleSpinBox*>( { if(((QDoubleSpinBox*)>value() != uStr2Double(value)) { ((QDoubleSpinBox*)>setValue(uStr2Double(value)); paramChanged.append(key); } } else if(qobject_cast<QCheckBox*>( { if(((QCheckBox*)>isChecked() != uStr2Bool(value)) { ((QCheckBox*)>setChecked(uStr2Bool(value)); paramChanged.append(key); } } else if(qobject_cast<QLineEdit*>( { if(((QLineEdit*)>text().compare(QString::fromStdString(value)) != 0) { ((QLineEdit*)>setText(QString::fromStdString(value)); paramChanged.append(key); } } } } return paramChanged; }
void UAudioCaptureMic::mainLoopBegin() { _lastRecordPos = 0; if(_sound) { FMOD_RESULT result; result = UAudioSystem::recordStart(_driver, _sound, true); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); } }
std::vector<std::string> UAudioCaptureMic::getRecordDrivers() { /* Enumerate record devices */ FMOD_RESULT result; int numdrivers = 0; std::vector<std::string> listDrivers; result = UAudioSystem::getRecordNumDrivers(&numdrivers); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); for (int count=0; count < numdrivers; count++) { char name[256] = {0}; result = UAudioSystem::getRecordDriverInfo(count, name, 256, 0); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); listDrivers.push_back(name); } return listDrivers; }
void Link::setInfMatrix(const cv::Mat & infMatrix) { UASSERT(infMatrix.cols == 6 && infMatrix.rows == 6 && infMatrix.type() == CV_64FC1); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(0,0)) &&<double>(0,0)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(1,1)) &&<double>(1,1)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(2,2)) &&<double>(2,2)>0, "Transitional information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(3,3)) &&<double>(3,3)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(4,4)) &&<double>(4,4)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(<double>(5,5)) &&<double>(5,5)>0, "Rotational information should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); infMatrix_ = infMatrix; }
void ParametersToolBox::updateParameter(const std::string & key, const std::string & value) { QString group = QString::fromStdString(key).split("/").first(); if(!ignoredGroups_.contains(group)) { UASSERT_MSG(parameters_.find(key) != parameters_.end(), uFormat("key=\"%s\"", key.c_str()).c_str()); = value; QWidget * widget = this->findChild<QWidget*>(key.c_str()); QString type = QString::fromStdString(Parameters::getType(key)); if("string") == 0) { QString valueQt = QString::fromStdString(value); if(valueQt.contains(';')) { // It's a list, just change the index QStringList splitted = valueQt.split(':'); ((QComboBox*)widget)->setCurrentIndex(splitted.first().toInt()); } else { ((QLineEdit*)widget)->setText(valueQt); } } else if("int") == 0) { ((QSpinBox*)widget)->setValue(uStr2Int(value)); } else if("uint") == 0) { ((QSpinBox*)widget)->setValue(uStr2Int(value)); } else if("double") == 0) { ((QDoubleSpinBox*)widget)->setValue(uStr2Double(value)); } else if("float") == 0) { ((QDoubleSpinBox*)widget)->setValue(uStr2Float(value)); } else if("bool") == 0) { ((QCheckBox*)widget)->setChecked(uStr2Bool(value)); } } }
void UAudioCaptureMic::close() { if(_sound) { if(_fp) { // Write back the wav header now that we know its length. int channels, bits; float rate; FMOD_Sound_GetFormat(_sound, 0, 0, &channels, &bits); FMOD_Sound_GetDefaults(_sound, &rate, 0, 0, 0); UWav::writeWavHeader(_fp, _dataLength, rate, channels, bits); fclose(_fp); _fp = 0; if(_encodeToMp3) { #ifdef BUILT_WITH_LAME // Encode to mp3 UMp3Encoder mp3Encoder; // Rename the wav file std::string tempFileName = _fileName; tempFileName.append("TMP"); UFile::rename(_fileName, tempFileName); if(mp3Encoder.encode(tempFileName, _fileName) == 0) { //Erase the wav file UFile::erase(tempFileName); } #endif } } FMOD_RESULT result; result = FMOD_Sound_Release(_sound); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); _sound = 0; } if(_fp) { fclose(_fp); _fp = 0; } }
void DBDriver::loadNodeData(std::list<Signature *> & signatures, bool loadMetricData) const { // Don't look in the trash, we assume that if we want to load // data of a signature, it is not in thrash! Print an error if so. _trashesMutex.lock(); if(_trashSignatures.size()) { for(std::list<Signature *>::iterator iter=signatures.begin(); iter!=signatures.end(); ++iter) { UASSERT(*iter != 0); UASSERT_MSG(!uContains(_trashSignatures, (*iter)->id()), uFormat("Signature %d should not be used when transferred to trash!!!!", (*iter)->id()).c_str()); } } _trashesMutex.unlock(); _dbSafeAccessMutex.lock(); this->loadNodeDataQuery(signatures, loadMetricData); _dbSafeAccessMutex.unlock(); }
// Metric constructor + 2d depth SensorData::SensorData(const cv::Mat & laserScan, int laserScanMaxPts, const cv::Mat & image, const cv::Mat & depthOrRightImage, float fx, float fyOrBaseline, float cx, float cy, const Transform & localTransform, const Transform & pose, float poseRotVariance, float poseTransVariance, int id, double stamp, const std::vector<unsigned char> & userData) : _image(image), _id(id), _stamp(stamp), _depthOrRightImage(depthOrRightImage), _laserScan(laserScan), _fx(fx), _fyOrBaseline(fyOrBaseline), _cx(cx), _cy(cy), _pose(pose), _localTransform(localTransform), _poseRotVariance(poseRotVariance), _poseTransVariance(poseTransVariance), _laserScanMaxPts(laserScanMaxPts), _userData(userData) { UASSERT(_laserScan.empty() || _laserScan.type() == CV_32FC2); UASSERT(image.empty() || image.type() == CV_8UC1 || // Mono image.type() == CV_8UC3); // RGB UASSERT(depthOrRightImage.empty() || depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_32FC1 || // Depth in meter depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_16UC1 || // Depth in millimetre depthOrRightImage.type() == CV_8U); // Right stereo image UASSERT(!_localTransform.isNull()); UASSERT_MSG(uIsFinite(_poseRotVariance) && _poseRotVariance>0 && uIsFinite(_poseTransVariance) && _poseTransVariance>0, "Rotational and transitional variances should not be null! (set to 1 if unknown)"); }
cv::Mat uncompressData(const unsigned char * bytes, unsigned long size) { cv::Mat data; if(bytes && size>=3*sizeof(int)) { //last 3 int elements are matrix size and type int height = *((int*)&bytes[size-3*sizeof(int)]); int width = *((int*)&bytes[size-2*sizeof(int)]); int type = *((int*)&bytes[size-1*sizeof(int)]); // If the size is higher, it may be a wrong data format. UASSERT_MSG(height>=0 && height<10000 && width>=0 && width<10000, uFormat("size=%d, height=%d width=%d type=%d", size, height, width, type).c_str()); data = cv::Mat(height, width, type); uLongf totalUncompressed = uLongf(*uLongf(data.elemSize()); int errCode = uncompress( (Bytef*), &totalUncompressed, (const Bytef*)bytes, uLong(size)); if(errCode == Z_MEM_ERROR) { UERROR("Z_MEM_ERROR : Insufficient memory."); } else if(errCode == Z_BUF_ERROR) { UERROR("Z_BUF_ERROR : The buffer dest was not large enough to hold the uncompressed data."); } else if(errCode == Z_DATA_ERROR) { UERROR("Z_DATA_ERROR : The compressed data (referenced by source) was corrupted."); } } return data; }
void CameraThread::postUpdate(SensorData * dataPtr, CameraInfo * info) const { UASSERT(dataPtr!=0); SensorData & data = *dataPtr; if(_colorOnly && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { data.setDepthOrRightRaw(cv::Mat()); } if(_distortionModel && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { UTimer timer; if(_distortionModel->getWidth() == data.depthRaw().cols && _distortionModel->getHeight() == data.depthRaw().rows ) { cv::Mat depth = data.depthRaw().clone();// make sure we are not modifying data in cached signatures. _distortionModel->undistort(depth); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(depth); } else { UERROR("Distortion model size is %dx%d but dpeth image is %dx%d!", _distortionModel->getWidth(), _distortionModel->getHeight(), data.depthRaw().cols, data.depthRaw().rows); } if(info) info->timeUndistortDepth = timer.ticks(); } if(_bilateralFiltering && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { UTimer timer; data.setDepthOrRightRaw(util2d::fastBilateralFiltering(data.depthRaw(), _bilateralSigmaS, _bilateralSigmaR)); if(info) info->timeBilateralFiltering = timer.ticks(); } if(_imageDecimation>1 && !data.imageRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; if(!data.depthRaw().empty() && !(data.depthRaw().rows % _imageDecimation == 0 && data.depthRaw().cols % _imageDecimation == 0)) { UERROR("Decimation of depth images should be exact (decimation=%d, size=(%d,%d))! " "Images won't be resized.", _imageDecimation, data.depthRaw().cols, data.depthRaw().rows); } else { data.setImageRaw(util2d::decimate(data.imageRaw(), _imageDecimation)); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(util2d::decimate(data.depthOrRightRaw(), _imageDecimation)); std::vector<CameraModel> models = data.cameraModels(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<models.size(); ++i) { if(models[i].isValidForProjection()) { models[i] = models[i].scaled(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); } } data.setCameraModels(models); StereoCameraModel stereoModel = data.stereoCameraModel(); if(stereoModel.isValidForProjection()) { stereoModel.scale(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); data.setStereoCameraModel(stereoModel); } } if(info) info->timeImageDecimation = timer.ticks(); } if(_mirroring && !data.imageRaw().empty() && data.cameraModels().size() == 1) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; cv::Mat tmpRgb; cv::flip(data.imageRaw(), tmpRgb, 1); data.setImageRaw(tmpRgb); UASSERT_MSG(data.cameraModels().size() <= 1 && !data.stereoCameraModel().isValidForProjection(), "Only single RGBD cameras are supported for mirroring."); if(data.cameraModels().size() && data.cameraModels()[0].cx()) { CameraModel tmpModel( data.cameraModels()[0].fx(), data.cameraModels()[0].fy(), float(data.imageRaw().cols) - data.cameraModels()[0].cx(), data.cameraModels()[0].cy(), data.cameraModels()[0].localTransform()); data.setCameraModel(tmpModel); } if(!data.depthRaw().empty()) { cv::Mat tmpDepth; cv::flip(data.depthRaw(), tmpDepth, 1); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(tmpDepth); } if(info) info->timeMirroring = timer.ticks(); } if(_stereoToDepth && !data.imageRaw().empty() && data.stereoCameraModel().isValidForProjection() && !data.rightRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; cv::Mat depth = util2d::depthFromDisparity( _stereoDense->computeDisparity(data.imageRaw(), data.rightRaw()), data.stereoCameraModel().left().fx(), data.stereoCameraModel().baseline()); // set Tx for stereo bundle adjustment (when used) CameraModel model = CameraModel( data.stereoCameraModel().left().fx(), data.stereoCameraModel().left().fy(), data.stereoCameraModel().left().cx(), data.stereoCameraModel().left().cy(), data.stereoCameraModel().localTransform(), -data.stereoCameraModel().baseline()*data.stereoCameraModel().left().fx()); data.setCameraModel(model); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(depth); data.setStereoCameraModel(StereoCameraModel()); if(info) info->timeDisparity = timer.ticks(); } if(_scanFromDepth && data.cameraModels().size() && data.cameraModels().at(0).isValidForProjection() && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); if(data.laserScanRaw().empty()) { UASSERT(_scanDecimation >= 1); UTimer timer; pcl::IndicesPtr validIndices(new std::vector<int>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud = util3d::cloudFromSensorData( data, _scanDecimation, _scanMaxDepth, _scanMinDepth, validIndices.get()); float maxPoints = (data.depthRaw().rows/_scanDecimation)*(data.depthRaw().cols/_scanDecimation); cv::Mat scan; const Transform & baseToScan = data.cameraModels()[0].localTransform(); if(validIndices->size()) { if(_scanVoxelSize>0.0f) { cloud = util3d::voxelize(cloud, validIndices, _scanVoxelSize); float ratio = float(cloud->size()) / float(validIndices->size()); maxPoints = ratio * maxPoints; } else if(!cloud->is_dense) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr denseCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud, *validIndices, *denseCloud); cloud = denseCloud; } if(cloud->size()) { if(_scanNormalsK>0) { Eigen::Vector3f viewPoint(baseToScan.x(), baseToScan.y(), baseToScan.z()); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals = util3d::computeNormals(cloud, _scanNormalsK, viewPoint); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr cloudNormals(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>); pcl::concatenateFields(*cloud, *normals, *cloudNormals); scan = util3d::laserScanFromPointCloud(*cloudNormals, baseToScan.inverse()); } else { scan = util3d::laserScanFromPointCloud(*cloud, baseToScan.inverse()); } } } data.setLaserScanRaw(scan, LaserScanInfo((int)maxPoints, _scanMaxDepth, baseToScan)); if(info) info->timeScanFromDepth = timer.ticks(); } else { UWARN("Option to create laser scan from depth image is enabled, but " "there is already a laser scan in the captured sensor data. Scan from " "depth will not be created."); } } }
SensorData CameraStereoFlyCapture2::captureImage(CameraInfo * info) { SensorData data; #ifdef RTABMAP_FLYCAPTURE2 if(camera_ && triclopsCtx_ && camera_->IsConnected()) { // grab image from camera. // this image contains both right and left imagesCount FlyCapture2::Image grabbedImage; if(camera_->RetrieveBuffer(&grabbedImage) == FlyCapture2::PGRERROR_OK) { // right and left image extracted from grabbed image ImageContainer imageCont; TriclopsColorStereoPair colorStereoInput; generateColorStereoInput(triclopsCtx_, grabbedImage, imageCont, colorStereoInput); // rectify images TriclopsError triclops_status = triclopsColorRectify(triclopsCtx_, &colorStereoInput); UASSERT_MSG(triclops_status == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)triclops_status).c_str()); // get images cv::Mat left,right; TriclopsColorImage color_image; triclops_status = triclopsGetColorImage(triclopsCtx_, TriImg_RECTIFIED_COLOR, TriCam_LEFT, &color_image); UASSERT_MSG(triclops_status == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)triclops_status).c_str()); cv::cvtColor(cv::Mat(color_image.nrows, color_image.ncols, CV_8UC4,, left, CV_RGBA2RGB); triclops_status = triclopsGetColorImage(triclopsCtx_, TriImg_RECTIFIED_COLOR, TriCam_RIGHT, &color_image); UASSERT_MSG(triclops_status == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)triclops_status).c_str()); cv::cvtColor(cv::Mat(color_image.nrows, color_image.ncols, CV_8UC4,, right, CV_RGBA2GRAY); // Set calibration stuff float fx, cy, cx, baseline; triclopsGetFocalLength(triclopsCtx_, &fx); triclopsGetImageCenter(triclopsCtx_, &cy, &cx); triclopsGetBaseline(triclopsCtx_, &baseline); cx *= left.cols; cy *= left.rows; StereoCameraModel model( fx, fx, cx, cy, baseline, this->getLocalTransform(), left.size()); data = SensorData(left, right, model, this->getNextSeqID(), UTimer::now()); // Compute disparity /*triclops_status = triclopsStereo(triclopsCtx_); UASSERT_MSG(triclops_status == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)triclops_status).c_str()); TriclopsImage16 disparity_image; triclops_status = triclopsGetImage16(triclopsCtx_, TriImg16_DISPARITY, TriCam_REFERENCE, &disparity_image); UASSERT_MSG(triclops_status == Fc2Triclops::ERRORTYPE_OK, uFormat("Error: %d", (int)triclops_status).c_str()); cv::Mat depth(disparity_image.nrows, disparity_image.ncols, CV_32FC1); int pixelinc = disparity_image.rowinc / 2; float x, y; for (int i = 0, k = 0; i < disparity_image.nrows; i++) { unsigned short *row = + i * pixelinc; float *rowOut = (float *)depth.row(i).data; for (int j = 0; j < disparity_image.ncols; j++, k++) { unsigned short disparity = row[j]; // do not save invalid points if (disparity < 0xFFF0) { // convert the 16 bit disparity value to floating point x,y,z triclopsRCD16ToXYZ(triclopsCtx_, i, j, disparity, &x, &y, &rowOut[j]); } } } CameraModel model(fx, fx, cx, cy, this->getLocalTransform(), 0, left.size()); data = SensorData(left, depth, model, this->getNextSeqID(), UTimer::now()); */ } } #else UERROR("CameraStereoFlyCapture2: RTAB-Map is not built with Triclops support!"); #endif return data; }
Transform Odometry::process(SensorData & data, OdometryInfo * info) { if(_pose.isNull()) { _pose.setIdentity(); // initialized } UASSERT(!data.imageRaw().empty()); if(!data.stereoCameraModel().isValidForProjection() && (data.cameraModels().size() == 0 || !data.cameraModels()[0].isValidForProjection())) { UERROR("Rectified images required! Calibrate your camera."); return Transform(); } double dt = previousStamp_>0.0f?data.stamp() - previousStamp_:0.0; Transform guess = dt && guessFromMotion_?Transform::getIdentity():Transform(); UASSERT_MSG(dt>0.0 || (dt == 0.0 && previousVelocityTransform_.isNull()), uFormat("dt=%f previous transform=%s", dt, previousVelocityTransform_.prettyPrint().c_str()).c_str()); if(!previousVelocityTransform_.isNull()) { if(guessFromMotion_) { if(_filteringStrategy == 1) { // use Kalman predict transform float vx,vy,vz, vroll,vpitch,vyaw; predictKalmanFilter(dt, &vx,&vy,&vz,&vroll,&vpitch,&vyaw); guess = Transform(vx*dt, vy*dt, vz*dt, vroll*dt, vpitch*dt, vyaw*dt); } else { float vx,vy,vz, vroll,vpitch,vyaw; previousVelocityTransform_.getTranslationAndEulerAngles(vx,vy,vz, vroll,vpitch,vyaw); guess = Transform(vx*dt, vy*dt, vz*dt, vroll*dt, vpitch*dt, vyaw*dt); } } else if(_filteringStrategy == 1) { predictKalmanFilter(dt); } } UTimer time; Transform t; if(_imageDecimation > 1) { // Decimation of images with calibrations SensorData decimatedData = data; decimatedData.setImageRaw(util2d::decimate(decimatedData.imageRaw(), _imageDecimation)); decimatedData.setDepthOrRightRaw(util2d::decimate(decimatedData.depthOrRightRaw(), _imageDecimation)); std::vector<CameraModel> cameraModels = decimatedData.cameraModels(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<cameraModels.size(); ++i) { cameraModels[i] = cameraModels[i].scaled(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); } decimatedData.setCameraModels(cameraModels); StereoCameraModel stereoModel = decimatedData.stereoCameraModel(); if(stereoModel.isValidForProjection()) { stereoModel.scale(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); } decimatedData.setStereoCameraModel(stereoModel); // compute transform t = this->computeTransform(decimatedData, guess, info); // transform back the keypoints in the original image std::vector<cv::KeyPoint> kpts = decimatedData.keypoints(); double log2value = log(double(_imageDecimation))/log(2.0); for(unsigned int i=0; i<kpts.size(); ++i) { kpts[i].pt.x *= _imageDecimation; kpts[i].pt.y *= _imageDecimation; kpts[i].size *= _imageDecimation; kpts[i].octave += log2value; } data.setFeatures(kpts, decimatedData.descriptors()); if(info) { UASSERT(info->newCorners.size() == info->refCorners.size()); for(unsigned int i=0; i<info->newCorners.size(); ++i) { info->refCorners[i].x *= _imageDecimation; info->refCorners[i].y *= _imageDecimation; info->newCorners[i].x *= _imageDecimation; info->newCorners[i].y *= _imageDecimation; } for(std::multimap<int, cv::KeyPoint>::iterator iter=info->words.begin(); iter!=info->words.end(); ++iter) { iter-> *= _imageDecimation; iter-> *= _imageDecimation; iter->second.size *= _imageDecimation; iter->second.octave += log2value; } } } else { t = this->computeTransform(data, guess, info); } if(info) { info->timeEstimation = time.ticks(); info->lost = t.isNull(); info->stamp = data.stamp(); info->interval = dt; info->transform = t; if(!data.groundTruth().isNull()) { if(!previousGroundTruthPose_.isNull()) { info->transformGroundTruth = previousGroundTruthPose_.inverse() * data.groundTruth(); } previousGroundTruthPose_ = data.groundTruth(); } } if(!t.isNull()) { _resetCurrentCount = _resetCountdown; float vx,vy,vz, vroll,vpitch,vyaw; t.getTranslationAndEulerAngles(vx,vy,vz, vroll,vpitch,vyaw); // transform to velocity if(dt) { vx /= dt; vy /= dt; vz /= dt; vroll /= dt; vpitch /= dt; vyaw /= dt; } if(_force3DoF || !_holonomic || particleFilters_.size() || _filteringStrategy==1) { if(_filteringStrategy == 1) { if(previousVelocityTransform_.isNull()) { // reset Kalman if(dt) { initKalmanFilter(t, vx,vy,vz,vroll,vpitch,vyaw); } else { initKalmanFilter(t); } } else { // Kalman filtering updateKalmanFilter(vx,vy,vz,vroll,vpitch,vyaw); } } else if(particleFilters_.size()) { // Particle filtering UASSERT(particleFilters_.size()==6); if(previousVelocityTransform_.isNull()) { particleFilters_[0]->init(vx); particleFilters_[1]->init(vy); particleFilters_[2]->init(vz); particleFilters_[3]->init(vroll); particleFilters_[4]->init(vpitch); particleFilters_[5]->init(vyaw); } else { vx = particleFilters_[0]->filter(vx); vy = particleFilters_[1]->filter(vy); vyaw = particleFilters_[5]->filter(vyaw); if(!_holonomic) { // arc trajectory around ICR float tmpY = vyaw!=0.0f ? vx / tan((CV_PI-vyaw)/2.0f) : 0.0f; if(fabs(tmpY) < fabs(vy) || (tmpY<=0 && vy >=0) || (tmpY>=0 && vy<=0)) { vy = tmpY; } else { vyaw = (atan(vx/vy)*2.0f-CV_PI)*-1; } } if(!_force3DoF) { vz = particleFilters_[2]->filter(vz); vroll = particleFilters_[3]->filter(vroll); vpitch = particleFilters_[4]->filter(vpitch); } } if(info) { info->timeParticleFiltering = time.ticks(); } if(_force3DoF) { vz = 0.0f; vroll = 0.0f; vpitch = 0.0f; } } else if(!_holonomic) { // arc trajectory around ICR vy = vyaw!=0.0f ? vx / tan((CV_PI-vyaw)/2.0f) : 0.0f; if(_force3DoF) { vz = 0.0f; vroll = 0.0f; vpitch = 0.0f; } } if(dt) { t = Transform(vx*dt, vy*dt, vz*dt, vroll*dt, vpitch*dt, vyaw*dt); } else { t = Transform(vx, vy, vz, vroll, vpitch, vyaw); } if(info) { info->transformFiltered = t; } } previousStamp_ = data.stamp(); previousVelocityTransform_.setNull(); if(dt) { previousVelocityTransform_ = Transform(vx, vy, vz, vroll, vpitch, vyaw); } if(info) { distanceTravelled_ += t.getNorm(); info->distanceTravelled = distanceTravelled_; } return _pose *= t; // updated } else if(_resetCurrentCount > 0) { UWARN("Odometry lost! Odometry will be reset after next %d consecutive unsuccessful odometry updates...", _resetCurrentCount); --_resetCurrentCount; if(_resetCurrentCount == 0) { UWARN("Odometry automatically reset to latest pose!"); this->reset(_pose); } } previousVelocityTransform_.setNull(); previousStamp_ = 0; return Transform(); }
void CameraThread::mainLoop() { UDEBUG(""); CameraInfo info; SensorData data = _camera->takeImage(&info); if(!data.imageRaw().empty()) { if(_colorOnly && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { data.setDepthOrRightRaw(cv::Mat()); } if(_imageDecimation>1 && !data.imageRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; if(!data.depthRaw().empty() && !(data.depthRaw().rows % _imageDecimation == 0 && data.depthRaw().cols % _imageDecimation == 0)) { UERROR("Decimation of depth images should be exact (decimation=%d, size=(%d,%d))! " "Images won't be resized.", _imageDecimation, data.depthRaw().cols, data.depthRaw().rows); } else { data.setImageRaw(util2d::decimate(data.imageRaw(), _imageDecimation)); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(util2d::decimate(data.depthOrRightRaw(), _imageDecimation)); std::vector<CameraModel> models = data.cameraModels(); for(unsigned int i=0; i<models.size(); ++i) { if(models[i].isValidForProjection()) { models[i] = models[i].scaled(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); } } data.setCameraModels(models); StereoCameraModel stereoModel = data.stereoCameraModel(); if(stereoModel.isValidForProjection()) { stereoModel.scale(1.0/double(_imageDecimation)); data.setStereoCameraModel(stereoModel); } } info.timeImageDecimation = timer.ticks(); } if(_mirroring && data.cameraModels().size() == 1) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; cv::Mat tmpRgb; cv::flip(data.imageRaw(), tmpRgb, 1); data.setImageRaw(tmpRgb); UASSERT_MSG(data.cameraModels().size() <= 1 && !data.stereoCameraModel().isValidForProjection(), "Only single RGBD cameras are supported for mirroring."); if(data.cameraModels().size() && data.cameraModels()[0].cx()) { CameraModel tmpModel( data.cameraModels()[0].fx(), data.cameraModels()[0].fy(), float(data.imageRaw().cols) - data.cameraModels()[0].cx(), data.cameraModels()[0].cy(), data.cameraModels()[0].localTransform()); data.setCameraModel(tmpModel); } if(!data.depthRaw().empty()) { cv::Mat tmpDepth; cv::flip(data.depthRaw(), tmpDepth, 1); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(tmpDepth); } info.timeMirroring = timer.ticks(); } if(_stereoToDepth && data.stereoCameraModel().isValidForProjection() && !data.rightRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); UTimer timer; cv::Mat depth = util2d::depthFromDisparity( _stereoDense->computeDisparity(data.imageRaw(), data.rightRaw()), data.stereoCameraModel().left().fx(), data.stereoCameraModel().baseline()); data.setCameraModel(data.stereoCameraModel().left()); data.setDepthOrRightRaw(depth); data.setStereoCameraModel(StereoCameraModel()); info.timeDisparity = timer.ticks(); UDEBUG("Computing disparity = %f s", info.timeDisparity); } if(_scanFromDepth && data.cameraModels().size() && data.cameraModels().at(0).isValidForProjection() && !data.depthRaw().empty()) { UDEBUG(""); if(data.laserScanRaw().empty()) { UASSERT(_scanDecimation >= 1); UTimer timer; pcl::IndicesPtr validIndices(new std::vector<int>); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud = util3d::cloudFromSensorData(data, _scanDecimation, _scanMaxDepth, _scanMinDepth, validIndices.get()); float maxPoints = (data.depthRaw().rows/_scanDecimation)*(data.depthRaw().cols/_scanDecimation); if(_scanVoxelSize>0.0f) { cloud = util3d::voxelize(cloud, validIndices, _scanVoxelSize); float ratio = float(cloud->size()) / float(validIndices->size()); maxPoints = ratio * maxPoints; } else if(!cloud->is_dense) { pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr denseCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::copyPointCloud(*cloud, *validIndices, *denseCloud); cloud = denseCloud; } cv::Mat scan; if(_scanNormalsK>0) { scan = util3d::laserScanFromPointCloud(*util3d::computeNormals(cloud, _scanNormalsK)); } else { scan = util3d::laserScanFromPointCloud(*cloud); } data.setLaserScanRaw(scan, (int)maxPoints, _scanMaxDepth); info.timeScanFromDepth = timer.ticks(); UDEBUG("Computing scan from depth = %f s", info.timeScanFromDepth); } else { UWARN("Option to create laser scan from depth image is enabled, but " "there is already a laser scan in the captured sensor data. Scan from " "depth will not be created."); } } info.cameraName = _camera->getSerial(); this->post(new CameraEvent(data, info)); } else if(!this->isKilled()) { UWARN("no more images..."); this->kill(); this->post(new CameraEvent()); } }
cv::Mat BayesFilter::generatePrediction(const Memory * memory, const std::vector<int> & ids) const { if(!_fullPredictionUpdate && !_prediction.empty()) { return updatePrediction(_prediction, memory, uKeys(_posterior), ids); } UDEBUG(""); UASSERT(memory && _predictionLC.size() >= 2 && ids.size()); UTimer timer; timer.start(); UTimer timerGlobal; timerGlobal.start(); std::map<int, int> idToIndexMap; for(unsigned int i=0; i<ids.size(); ++i) { UASSERT_MSG(ids[i] != 0, "Signature id is null ?!?"); idToIndexMap.insert(idToIndexMap.end(), std::make_pair(ids[i], i)); } //int rows = prediction.rows; cv::Mat prediction = cv::Mat::zeros(ids.size(), ids.size(), CV_32FC1); int cols = prediction.cols; // Each prior is a column vector UDEBUG("_predictionLC.size()=%d",_predictionLC.size()); std::set<int> idsDone; for(unsigned int i=0; i<ids.size(); ++i) { if(idsDone.find(ids[i]) == idsDone.end()) { if(ids[i] > 0) { // Set high values (gaussians curves) to loop closure neighbors // ADD prob for each neighbors std::map<int, int> neighbors = memory->getNeighborsId(ids[i], _predictionLC.size()-1, 0); std::list<int> idsLoopMargin; //filter neighbors in STM for(std::map<int, int>::iterator iter=neighbors.begin(); iter!=neighbors.end();) { if(memory->isInSTM(iter->first)) { neighbors.erase(iter++); } else { if(iter->second == 0) { idsLoopMargin.push_back(iter->second); } ++iter; } } // should at least have 1 id in idsMarginLoop if(idsLoopMargin.size() == 0) { UFATAL("No 0 margin neighbor for signature %d !?!?", ids[i]); } // same neighbor tree for loop signatures (margin = 0) for(std::list<int>::iterator iter = idsLoopMargin.begin(); iter!=idsLoopMargin.end(); ++iter) { float sum = 0.0f; // sum values added sum += this->addNeighborProb(prediction, i, neighbors, idToIndexMap); idsDone.insert(*iter); this->normalize(prediction, i, sum, ids[0]<0); } } else { // Set the virtual place prior if(_virtualPlacePrior > 0) { if(cols>1) // The first must be the virtual place { ((float*)[i] = _virtualPlacePrior; float val = (1.0-_virtualPlacePrior)/(cols-1); for(int j=1; j<cols; j++) { ((float*)[i + j*cols] = val; } } else if(cols>0) { ((float*)[i] = 1; } } else { // Only for some tests... // when _virtualPlacePrior=0, set all priors to the same value if(cols>1) { float val = 1.0/cols; for(int j=0; j<cols; j++) { ((float*)[i + j*cols] = val; } } else if(cols>0) { ((float*)[i] = 1; } } } } } ULOGGER_DEBUG("time = %fs", timerGlobal.ticks()); return prediction; }
/********************************* Fonction RecordFichier Permet d'enregistrer un fichier WAV *********************************/ void UAudioCaptureMic::mainLoop() { if(!_sound) { UERROR("Recorder is not initialized."); this->kill(); return; } FMOD_RESULT result; void *ptr1 = 0, *ptr2 = 0; int blockLength; unsigned int len1 = 0, len2 = 0; unsigned int recordPos = 0; result = UAudioSystem::getRecordPosition(_driver, &recordPos); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); if (recordPos != _lastRecordPos) { blockLength = (int)recordPos - (int)_lastRecordPos; if (blockLength < 0) { blockLength += _soundLength; } // * exinfo.numchannels * 2 = stereo 16bit. 1 sample = 4 bytes. // Lock the sound to get access to the raw data. FMOD_Sound_Lock(_sound, _lastRecordPos * channels() * bytesPerSample(), blockLength * channels() * bytesPerSample(), &ptr1, &ptr2, &len1, &len2); { if (ptr1 && len1) // Write it to disk. { if(_fp) { //write to file _dataLength += fwrite(ptr1, 1, len1, _fp); } // push back in the frames buffer pushBackSamples(ptr1, len1); } if (ptr2 && len2) // Write it to disk. { if(_fp) { //write to file _dataLength += fwrite(ptr2, 1, len2, _fp); } // push back in the frames buffer pushBackSamples(ptr2, len2); } } //Unlock the sound to allow FMOD to use it again. FMOD_Sound_Unlock(_sound, ptr1, ptr2, len1, len2); _lastRecordPos = recordPos; } UAudioSystem::update(); uSleep(10); // If we are recording to a file, make sure to stop // when the maximum file size is reached if (_fp && _maxFileSize != 0 && int(_dataLength) + frameLength()*bytesPerSample() > _maxFileSize) { UWARN("Recording max memory reached (%d Mb)... stopped", _maxFileSize/1000000); this->kill(); } }
bool UAudioCaptureMic::init() { this->close(); bool ok = UAudioCapture::init(); if(ok) { std::string::size_type loc; if(_fileName.size()) { loc = _fileName.find( ".mp3", 0 ); if( loc != std::string::npos ) { #ifdef BUILT_WITH_LAME _encodeToMp3 = true; #else _fileName.append(".wav"); UERROR("Cannot write to a mp3, saving to a wav instead (%s)", _fileName.c_str()); #endif } _fp = fopen(_fileName.c_str(), "wb"); } FMOD_RESULT result; FMOD_BOOL isRecording = false; result = UAudioSystem::isRecording(_driver, &isRecording); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); if(isRecording) { result = UAudioSystem::recordStop(_driver); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); } _dataLength = 0; _soundLength = 0; _lastRecordPos = 0; FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO exinfo; memset(&exinfo, 0, sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO)); exinfo.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO); exinfo.numchannels = channels(); if(bytesPerSample() == 1) { exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM8; } else if(bytesPerSample() == 2) { exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16; } else if(bytesPerSample() == 3) { exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM24; } else if(bytesPerSample() == 4) { exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM32; } exinfo.defaultfrequency = (int)fs(); exinfo.length = exinfo.defaultfrequency * bytesPerSample() * exinfo.numchannels * 2; // 2 -> pour deux secondes result = UAudioSystem::createSound(0, FMOD_2D | FMOD_SOFTWARE | FMOD_OPENUSER, &exinfo, &_sound); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); if(_fp) { int channels, bits; float rate; FMOD_Sound_GetFormat(_sound, 0, 0, &channels, &bits); FMOD_Sound_GetDefaults(_sound, &rate, 0, 0, 0); UWav::writeWavHeader(_fp, _dataLength, rate, channels, bits); // Write out the wav header. La longueur sera de 0 puisqu'elle est incunnue pour l'instant. } result = FMOD_Sound_GetLength(_sound, &_soundLength, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCM); UASSERT_MSG(result==FMOD_OK, FMOD_ErrorString(result)); } return ok; }