Esempio n. 1
void UI_RegisterRowsNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "rows";
	behaviour->manager = new uiRowsNode();
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Background color for odd elements */
	UI_RegisterNodeProperty(behaviour, "color1", V_COLOR, uiNode_t, color);
	/* Background color for even elements */
	UI_RegisterNodeProperty(behaviour, "color2", V_COLOR, uiNode_t, selectedColor);
	/* Element height */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "lineheight", V_INT, rowsExtraData_t, lineHeight);
	/* Element number on the top of the list. It is used to scroll the node content. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "current", V_INT, rowsExtraData_t, current);
Esempio n. 2
void UI_RegisterSequenceNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	localBehaviour = behaviour;
	behaviour->name = "sequence";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiSequenceNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->lua_SWIG_typeinfo = UI_SWIG_TypeQuery("uiSequenceNode_t *");

	/** sequence script id */
	propertySource = UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "src", V_CVAR_OR_STRING, EXTRADATA_TYPE, source);

	/** Called when the sequence end */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onEnd", V_UI_ACTION, EXTRADATA_TYPE, onEnd);

Esempio n. 3
void UI_RegisterTextNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "text";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractscrollable";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiTextNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Current selected line  */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "lineselected", V_INT, textExtraData_t, textLineSelected);

	/* Text of the current selected line */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "textselected", V_CVAR_OR_STRING, textExtraData_t, textSelected);

	 * There are more IDs in use - see ui_data.h for an up-to-date list.
	 * Display a shared content registered by the client code.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "dataid", V_UI_DATAID, textExtraData_t, dataID);
	/* Size between two lines. Default value is 0, in this case it use a line height according to the font size. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "lineheight", V_INT, textExtraData_t, lineHeight);
	/* Bigger size of the width replacing a tab character. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "tabwidth", V_INT, textExtraData_t, tabWidth);
	/* What to do with text lines longer than node width. Default is to wordwrap them to make multiple lines.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "longlines", V_INT, textExtraData_t, longlines);

	/* Number of visible line we can display into the node height.
	 * Currently, it translate the scrollable property <code>viewSize</code>
	 * @todo For a smooth scroll we should split that
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "rows", V_INT, textExtraData_t, super.scrollY.viewSize);
	/* Number of lines contained into the node.
	 * Currently, it translate the scrollable property <code>fullSize</code>
	 * @todo For a smooth scroll we should split that
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "lines", V_INT, textExtraData_t, super.scrollY.fullSize);

	/** Highlight each node elements when the mouse move over the node.
	 * @todo delete it when its possible (need to create a textlist...)
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "mousefx", V_BOOL, textExtraData_t, mousefx);

Esempio n. 4
void UI_RegisterItemNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "item";
	behaviour->extends = "model";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiItemNode());

	/* Display an item like a container node do it */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "containerlike", V_BOOL, modelExtraData_t, containerLike);
Esempio n. 5
void UI_RegisterAbstractScrollbarNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "abstractscrollbar";
	behaviour->isAbstract = true;
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiAbstractScrollbarNode());
	behaviour->lua_SWIG_typeinfo = UI_SWIG_TypeQuery("uiAbstractScrollbarNode_t *");

	/* Current position of the scroll. Image of the <code>viewpos</code> from <code>abstractscrollable</code> node. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "current", V_INT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, pos);
	/* Image of the <code>viewsize</code> from <code>abstractscrollable</code> node. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "viewsize", V_INT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, viewsize);
	/* Image of the <code>fullsize</code> from <code>abstractscrollable</code> node. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "fullsize", V_INT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, fullsize);

	/* If true, hide the scroll when the position is 0 and can't change (when <code>viewsize</code> >= <code>fullsize</code>). */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "hidewhenunused", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, hideWhenUnused);
Esempio n. 6
void UI_RegisterCheckBoxNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "checkbox";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractvalue";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiCheckBoxNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/** Sprite used as an icon for checked state */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "iconChecked", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, iconChecked);
	/** Sprite used as an icon for unchecked state */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "iconUnchecked", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, iconUnchecked);
	/** Sprite used as an icon for indeterminate state */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "iconIndeterminate", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, iconIndeterminate);
	/** Sprite used as a background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);

	/* Call it to toggle the node status. */
	UI_RegisterNodeMethod(behaviour, "toggle", UI_CheckBoxNodeCallActivate);
Esempio n. 7
void UI_RegisterAbstractBaseNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "abstractbase";
	behaviour->isAbstract = true;
	behaviour->manager = new uiAbstractBaseNode();
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Identify the base, from a base ID, the node use. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "baseid", V_INT, baseExtraData_t, baseid);
Esempio n. 8
void UI_RegisterDataNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "data";
	behaviour->isVirtual = true;
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiDataNode());

	/* Store a string into the node.
	 * @note you should note store a cvar ref
	 * @todo use a REF_STRING when it is possible
	UI_RegisterOveridedNodeProperty(behaviour, "string");

	/* Store a float number into the node. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "number", V_FLOAT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, number);

	/* Store a integer number into the node. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "integer", V_INT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, number);
Esempio n. 9
void UI_RegisterOptionListNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "optionlist";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractoption";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiOptionListNode());
	behaviour->drawItselfChild = true;

	/* Sprite used to display the background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);
Esempio n. 10
void UI_RegisterOptionTreeNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "optiontree";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractoption";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiOptionTreeNode());
	behaviour->drawItselfChild = true;

	/* Call this to toggle the node status. */
	UI_RegisterNodeMethod(behaviour, "setselectedvalue", UI_OptionTreeSetSelectedValue);
	/* Sprite used to display the background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);
Esempio n. 11
void UI_RegisterBarNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "bar";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractvalue";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiBarNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->lua_SWIG_typeinfo = UI_SWIG_TypeQuery("uiBarNode_t *");

	 * Orientation of the bar. Default value "cr". Other available values are "uc", "lc", "cr", "cl"
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "direction", V_ALIGN, EXTRADATA_TYPE, orientation);
	 * if true, the user can't edit the content
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "readonly", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, readOnly);
	 * there is no hover effect if this is true
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "nohover", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, noHover);
Esempio n. 12
void UI_RegisterButtonNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "button";
	behaviour->draw = UI_ButtonNodeDraw;
	behaviour->loaded = UI_ButtonNodeLoaded;
	behaviour->leftClick = UI_ButtonNodeClick;
	behaviour->loading = UI_ButtonNodeLoading;
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Texture used by the button. It's a normalized texture of 128x128.
	 * Normal button start at 0x0, mouse over start at 64x0, mouse click
	 * start at 0x64 (but not yet implemented), and disabled start at 64x64.
	 * See the image to have a usable template for this node.
	 * @image html
	UI_RegisterOveridedNodeProperty(behaviour, "image");

	/* Icon used to display the node
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "icon", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, icon);
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "flipicon", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, flipIcon);
Esempio n. 13
void UI_RegisterImageNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	/** @todo rename it according to the function name when its possible */
	behaviour->name = "image";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiImageNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Do not change the image ratio. The image will be proportionally stretched. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "preventratio", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, preventRatio);
	/* Now this property do nothing. But we use it like a tag, to remember nodes we should convert into button...
	 * @todo delete it when its possible (use more button instead of image)
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "mousefx", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, mousefx);

	/* Texture high. Optional. Define the higher corner of the texture we want to display. Used with texl to crop the image. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "texh", V_POS, EXTRADATA_TYPE, texh);
	/* Texture low. Optional. Define the lower corner of the texture we want to display. Used with texh to crop the image. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "texl", V_POS, EXTRADATA_TYPE, texl);

	/* Source of the image */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "src", V_CVAR_OR_STRING, EXTRADATA_TYPE, source);
Esempio n. 14
void UI_RegisterSpinnerNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "spinner";
	behaviour->extends = "abstractvalue";
	behaviour->manager = new uiSpinnerNode();
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* The size of the widget is uneditable. Fixed to 15x19.
	UI_RegisterOveridedNodeProperty(behaviour, "size");

	 * @brief Backround used to display the spinner. It is displayed in the center of the node.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);

	 * @brief Top icon used to decorate the top button of the spinner. It is displayed in the center of the node.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "topIcon", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, topIcon);

	 * @brief Sprite used to decorate the bottom button of the spinner. It is displayed in the center of the node.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "bottomIcon", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, bottomIcon);

	 * @brief Spinner mode allow to change the input action of the spinner.
	 * SPINNER_NORMAL is the default mode. With SPINNER_ONLY_INC anywhere it click on the node
	 * it will increase the value. With SPINNER_ONLY_DEC anywhere it click on the node
	 * it will decrease the value.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "mode", V_INT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, mode);

	Com_RegisterConstInt("SPINNER_NORMAL", NORMAL);
Esempio n. 15
void UI_RegisterGeoscapeNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
    behaviour->name = "geoscape";
    behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiGeoscapeNode());
    behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

    /* Use a right padding. */
    UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "padding-right", V_FLOAT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, paddingRight);
    /* Call it to zoom out of the map */
    UI_RegisterNodeMethod(behaviour, "zoomin", UI_GeoscapeNodeZoomIn);
    /* Call it to zoom into the map */
    UI_RegisterNodeMethod(behaviour, "zoomout", UI_GeoscapeNodeZoomOut);

    Cmd_AddCommand("map_zoom", UI_GeoscapeNodeZoom_f);
    Cmd_AddCommand("map_scroll", UI_GeoscapeNodeScroll_f);

    cl_3dmap = Cvar_Get("cl_3dmap", "1", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "3D geoscape or flat geoscape");
    cl_3dmapAmbient = Cvar_Get("cl_3dmapAmbient", "0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "3D geoscape ambient lighting factor");
    cl_mapzoommax = Cvar_Get("cl_mapzoommax", "6.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Maximum geoscape zooming value");
    cl_mapzoommin = Cvar_Get("cl_mapzoommin", "1.0", CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Minimum geoscape zooming value");
Esempio n. 16
void UI_RegisterRadioButtonNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "radiobutton";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiRadioButtonNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->lua_SWIG_typeinfo = UI_SWIG_TypeQuery("uiRadioButtonNode_t *");

	/* Numerical value defining the radiobutton. Cvar is updated with this value when the radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "value", V_FLOAT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, value);
	/* String Value defining the radiobutton. Cvar is updated with this value when the radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "stringValue", V_CVAR_OR_STRING, EXTRADATA_TYPE, string);

	/* Cvar name shared with the radio button group to identify when a radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "cvar", V_UI_CVAR, EXTRADATA_TYPE, cvar);
	/* Icon used to display the node */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "icon", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, icon);
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "flipicon", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, flipIcon);
	/* Sprite used to display the background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);
void UI_RegisterRadioButtonNode (uiBehaviour_t *behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "radiobutton";
	behaviour->draw = UI_RadioButtonNodeDraw;
	behaviour->leftClick = UI_RadioButtonNodeClick;
	behaviour->activate = UI_RadioButtonNodeActivate;
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* Numerical value defining the radiobutton. Cvar is updated with this value when the radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "value", V_FLOAT, EXTRADATA_TYPE, value);
	/* String Value defining the radiobutton. Cvar is updated with this value when the radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "stringValue", V_CVAR_OR_STRING, EXTRADATA_TYPE, string);

	/* Cvar name shared with the radio button group to identify when a radio button is selected. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "cvar", V_UI_CVAR, EXTRADATA_TYPE, cvar);
	/* Icon used to display the node */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "icon", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, icon);
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "flipicon", V_BOOL, EXTRADATA_TYPE, flipIcon);
	/* Sprite used to display the background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);
Esempio n. 18
void UI_RegisterBaseInventoryNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "baseinventory";
	behaviour->extends = "container";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiBaseInventoryNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);
	behaviour->lua_SWIG_typeinfo = UI_SWIG_TypeQuery("uiBaseInventoryNode_t *");

	/* Display/hide weapons. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayweapon", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayWeapon);
	/* Display/hide ammo. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayammo", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayAmmo);
	/* Display/hide implants. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayimplant", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayImplant);
	/* Display/hide out of stock items. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayunavailableitem", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayUnavailableItem);
	/* Sort the list to display in stock items on top of the list. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayavailableontop", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayAvailableOnTop);
	/* Display/hide ammo near weapons. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayammoofweapon", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayAmmoOfWeapon);
	/* Display/hide out of stock ammo near weapons. <code>displayammoofweapon</code> must be activated first. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "displayunavailableammoofweapon", V_BOOL, baseInventoryExtraData_t, displayUnavailableAmmoOfWeapon);
	/* Custom the number of column we must use to display items. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "columns", V_INT, baseInventoryExtraData_t, columns);
	/* Filter items by a category. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "filter", V_INT, baseInventoryExtraData_t, filterEquipType);

	/* Position of the vertical view (into the full number of elements the node contain) */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "viewpos", V_INT, baseInventoryExtraData_t, scrollY.viewPos);
	/* Size of the vertical view (proportional to the number of elements the node can display without moving) */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "viewsize", V_INT, baseInventoryExtraData_t, scrollY.viewSize);
	/* Full vertical size (proportional to the number of elements the node contain) */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "fullsize", V_INT, baseInventoryExtraData_t, scrollY.fullSize);
	/* Called when one of the properties viewpos/viewsize/fullsize change */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onviewchange", V_UI_ACTION, baseInventoryExtraData_t, onViewChange);

	Com_RegisterConstInt("FILTER_S_HEAVY", FILTER_S_HEAVY);
	Com_RegisterConstInt("FILTER_S_MISC", FILTER_S_MISC);
	Com_RegisterConstInt("FILTER_DUMMY", FILTER_DUMMY);
Esempio n. 19
void UI_RegisterWindowNode (uiBehaviour_t* behaviour)
	behaviour->name = "window";
	behaviour->manager = UINodePtr(new uiWindowNode());
	behaviour->extraDataSize = sizeof(EXTRADATA_TYPE);

	/* In windows where notify messages appear (like e.g. the video options window when you have to restart the game until
	 * the settings take effects) you can define the position of those messages with this option. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "noticepos", V_POS, windowExtraData_t, noticePos);
	/* Create subnode allowing to move the window when we click on the header. Updating this attribute at runtime will change nothing. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "dragbutton", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, dragButton);
	/* Add a button on the top right the window to close it. Updating this attribute at runtime will change nothing. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "closebutton", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, closeButton);
	/* If true, the user can't select something outside the modal window. He must first close the window. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "modal", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, modal);
	/* If true, the window will be closed if the user clicks outside of the window. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "dropdown", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, dropdown);
	/* If true, the user can't use ''ESC'' key to close the window. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "preventtypingescape", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, preventTypingEscape);
	/* If true, the window is filled according to the widescreen. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "fill", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, fill);
	/* If true, the window content position is updated according to the "star" layout when the window size change.
	 * @todo Need more documentation.
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "starlayout", V_BOOL, windowExtraData_t, starLayout);

	/* Invoked when the window is added to the rendering stack. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onWindowOpened", V_UI_ACTION, windowExtraData_t, onWindowOpened);
	/* Invoked when the window is removed from the rendering stack. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onWindowClosed", V_UI_ACTION, windowExtraData_t, onWindowClosed);
	/* Called when a windows gets active again after some other window was popped from the stack. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onWindowActivate", V_UI_ACTION, windowExtraData_t, onWindowActivate);
	/* Invoked after all UI scripts are loaded. */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "onScriptLoaded", V_UI_ACTION, windowExtraData_t, onScriptLoaded);

	/* Sprite used to display the background */
	UI_RegisterExtradataNodeProperty(behaviour, "background", V_UI_SPRITEREF, EXTRADATA_TYPE, background);