int myrg_rkey(MYRG_INFO *info,uchar *buf,int inx, const uchar *key, key_part_map keypart_map, enum ha_rkey_function search_flag) { uchar *UNINIT_VAR(key_buff); uint UNINIT_VAR(pack_key_length); uint16 UNINIT_VAR(last_used_keyseg); MYRG_TABLE *table; MI_INFO *mi; int err; DBUG_ENTER("myrg_rkey"); if (_myrg_init_queue(info,inx,search_flag)) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); for (table=info->open_tables ; table != info->end_table ; table++) { mi=table->table; if (table == info->open_tables) { err=mi_rkey(mi, 0, inx, key, keypart_map, search_flag); /* Get the saved packed key and packed key length. */ key_buff=(uchar*) mi->lastkey+mi->s->base.max_key_length; pack_key_length=mi->pack_key_length; last_used_keyseg= mi->last_used_keyseg; } else { mi->once_flags|= USE_PACKED_KEYS; mi->last_used_keyseg= last_used_keyseg; err=mi_rkey(mi, 0, inx, key_buff, pack_key_length, search_flag); } info->last_used_table=table+1; if (err) { if (err == HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND) continue; DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("err: %d", err)); DBUG_RETURN(err); } /* adding to queue */ queue_insert(&(info->by_key),(uchar *)table); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("tables with matches: %u", info->by_key.elements)); if (!info->by_key.elements) DBUG_RETURN(HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND); mi=(info->current_table=(MYRG_TABLE *)queue_top(&(info->by_key)))->table; mi->once_flags|= RRND_PRESERVE_LASTINX; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("using table no: %d", (int) (info->current_table - info->open_tables + 1))); DBUG_DUMP("result key", (uchar*) mi->lastkey, mi->lastkey_length); DBUG_RETURN(_myrg_mi_read_record(mi,buf)); }
static uchar *rtree_pick_key(MI_INFO *info, MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo, uchar *key, uint key_length, uchar *page_buf, uint nod_flag) { double increase; double best_incr = DBL_MAX; double perimeter; double UNINIT_VAR(best_perimeter); uchar *UNINIT_VAR(best_key); uchar *k = rt_PAGE_FIRST_KEY(page_buf, nod_flag); uchar *last = rt_PAGE_END(page_buf); for (; k < last; k = rt_PAGE_NEXT_KEY(k, key_length, nod_flag)) { if ((increase = rtree_perimeter_increase(keyinfo->seg, k, key, key_length, &perimeter)) == -1) return NULL; if ((increase < best_incr)|| (increase == best_incr && perimeter < best_perimeter)) { best_key = k; best_perimeter= perimeter; best_incr = increase; } } return best_key; }
static int check_lock(struct st_lock_list *list, const char* lock_type, const char *where, my_bool same_owner, my_bool no_cond) { THR_LOCK_DATA *data,**prev; uint count=0; THR_LOCK_INFO *UNINIT_VAR(first_owner); prev= &list->data; if (list->data) { enum thr_lock_type last_lock_type=list->data->type; if (same_owner && list->data) first_owner= list->data->owner; for (data=list->data; data && count++ < MAX_LOCKS ; data=data->next) { if (data->type != last_lock_type) last_lock_type=TL_IGNORE; if (data->prev != prev) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: prev link %d didn't point at previous lock at %s: %s\n", count, lock_type, where); return 1; } if (same_owner && !thr_lock_owner_equal(data->owner, first_owner) && last_lock_type != TL_WRITE_ALLOW_WRITE) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Found locks from different threads in %s: %s\n", lock_type,where); return 1; } if (no_cond && data->cond) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Found active lock with not reset cond %s: %s\n", lock_type,where); return 1; } prev= &data->next; } if (data) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: found too many locks at %s: %s\n", lock_type,where); return 1; } } if (prev != list->last) { fprintf(stderr,"Warning: last didn't point at last lock at %s: %s\n", lock_type, where); return 1; } return 0; }
MI_INFO *mi_open(const char *name, int mode, uint open_flags) { int lock_error,kfile,open_mode,save_errno,have_rtree=0, realpath_err; uint i,j,len,errpos,head_length,base_pos,offset,info_length,keys, key_parts,unique_key_parts,base_key_parts,fulltext_keys,uniques; char name_buff[FN_REFLEN], org_name[FN_REFLEN], index_name[FN_REFLEN], data_name[FN_REFLEN]; uchar *UNINIT_VAR(disk_cache), *disk_pos, *end_pos; MI_INFO info,*UNINIT_VAR(m_info),*old_info; MYISAM_SHARE share_buff,*share; ulong *rec_per_key_part= 0; my_off_t *key_root, *key_del; ulonglong max_key_file_length, max_data_file_length; DBUG_ENTER("mi_open"); kfile= -1; lock_error=1; errpos=0; head_length=sizeof(share_buff.state.header); bzero((uchar*) &info,sizeof(info)); realpath_err= my_realpath(name_buff, fn_format(org_name,name,"",MI_NAME_IEXT,4),MYF(0)); if (my_is_symlink(org_name) && (realpath_err || (*myisam_test_invalid_symlink)(name_buff))) { my_errno= HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; DBUG_RETURN (NULL); } mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam); if (!(old_info=test_if_reopen(name_buff))) { share= &share_buff; bzero((uchar*) &share_buff,sizeof(share_buff)); share_buff.key_cache= multi_key_cache_search((uchar*) name_buff, strlen(name_buff), dflt_key_cache); DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("myisam_pretend_crashed_table_on_open", if (strstr(name, "crashed")) { my_errno= HA_ERR_CRASHED; goto err; });
int mi_create(const char *name,uint keys,MI_KEYDEF *keydefs, uint columns, MI_COLUMNDEF *recinfo, uint uniques, MI_UNIQUEDEF *uniquedefs, MI_CREATE_INFO *ci,uint flags) { register uint i,j; File UNINIT_VAR(dfile), UNINIT_VAR(file); int errpos,save_errno, create_mode= O_RDWR | O_TRUNC; myf create_flag; uint fields,length,max_key_length,packed,pointer,real_length_diff, key_length,info_length,key_segs,options,min_key_length_skip, base_pos,long_varchar_count,varchar_length, max_key_block_length,unique_key_parts,fulltext_keys,offset; uint aligned_key_start, block_length; uint internal_table= flags & HA_CREATE_INTERNAL_TABLE; ulong reclength, real_reclength,min_pack_length; char filename[FN_REFLEN],linkname[FN_REFLEN], *linkname_ptr; ulong pack_reclength; ulonglong tot_length,max_rows, tmp; enum en_fieldtype type; MYISAM_SHARE share; MI_KEYDEF *keydef,tmp_keydef; MI_UNIQUEDEF *uniquedef; HA_KEYSEG *keyseg,tmp_keyseg; MI_COLUMNDEF *rec; ulong *rec_per_key_part; my_off_t key_root[HA_MAX_POSSIBLE_KEY],key_del[MI_MAX_KEY_BLOCK_SIZE]; MI_CREATE_INFO tmp_create_info; DBUG_ENTER("mi_create"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("keys: %u columns: %u uniques: %u flags: %u", keys, columns, uniques, flags)); if (!ci) { memset(&tmp_create_info, 0, sizeof(tmp_create_info)); ci=&tmp_create_info; } if (keys + uniques > MI_MAX_KEY || columns == 0) { DBUG_RETURN(my_errno=HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION); } errpos=0; options=0; memset(&share, 0, sizeof(share)); if (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA) { if (!(ci->old_options & HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD)) options=ci->old_options & (HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD | HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA | HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM | HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE | HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE); else options=ci->old_options & (HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM | HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE | HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE); } if (ci->reloc_rows > ci->max_rows) ci->reloc_rows=ci->max_rows; /* Check if wrong parameter */ if (!(rec_per_key_part= (ulong*) my_malloc((keys + uniques)*MI_MAX_KEY_SEG*sizeof(long), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) DBUG_RETURN(my_errno); /* Start by checking fields and field-types used */ reclength=varchar_length=long_varchar_count=packed= min_pack_length=pack_reclength=0; for (rec=recinfo, fields=0 ; fields != columns ; rec++,fields++) { reclength+=rec->length; if ((type=(enum en_fieldtype) rec->type) != FIELD_NORMAL && type != FIELD_CHECK) { packed++; if (type == FIELD_BLOB) { share.base.blobs++; if (pack_reclength != INT_MAX32) { if (rec->length == 4+portable_sizeof_char_ptr) pack_reclength= INT_MAX32; else pack_reclength+=(1 << ((rec->length-portable_sizeof_char_ptr)*8)); /* Max blob length */ } } else if (type == FIELD_SKIP_PRESPACE || type == FIELD_SKIP_ENDSPACE) { if (pack_reclength != INT_MAX32) pack_reclength+= rec->length > 255 ? 2 : 1; min_pack_length++; } else if (type == FIELD_VARCHAR) { varchar_length+= rec->length-1; /* Used for min_pack_length */ packed--; pack_reclength++; min_pack_length++; /* We must test for 257 as length includes pack-length */ if (test(rec->length >= 257)) { long_varchar_count++; pack_reclength+= 2; /* May be packed on 3 bytes */ } } else if (type != FIELD_SKIP_ZERO) { min_pack_length+=rec->length; packed--; /* Not a pack record type */ } } else /* FIELD_NORMAL */ min_pack_length+=rec->length; } if ((packed & 7) == 1) { /* Bad packing, try to remove a zero-field */ while (rec != recinfo) { rec--; if (rec->type == (int) FIELD_SKIP_ZERO && rec->length == 1) { /* NOTE1: here we change a field type FIELD_SKIP_ZERO -> FIELD_NORMAL */ rec->type=(int) FIELD_NORMAL; packed--; min_pack_length++; break; } } } if (packed || (flags & HA_PACK_RECORD)) options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD; /* Must use packed records */ /* We can't use checksum with static length rows */ if (!(options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)) options&= ~HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM; if (!(options & (HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD | HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD))) min_pack_length+= varchar_length; if (flags & HA_CREATE_TMP_TABLE) { options|= HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE; create_mode|= O_EXCL | O_NOFOLLOW; } if (flags & HA_CREATE_CHECKSUM || (options & HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM)) { options|= HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM; min_pack_length++; } if (flags & HA_CREATE_DELAY_KEY_WRITE) options|= HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE; if (flags & HA_CREATE_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER) options|= HA_OPTION_RELIES_ON_SQL_LAYER; packed=(packed+7)/8; if (pack_reclength != INT_MAX32) pack_reclength+= reclength+packed + test(test_all_bits(options, HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM | HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)); min_pack_length+=packed; if (!ci->data_file_length && ci->max_rows) { if (pack_reclength == INT_MAX32 || (~(ulonglong) 0)/ci->max_rows < (ulonglong) pack_reclength) ci->data_file_length= ~(ulonglong) 0; else ci->data_file_length=(ulonglong) ci->max_rows*pack_reclength; } else if (!ci->max_rows) ci->max_rows=(ha_rows) (ci->data_file_length/(min_pack_length + ((options & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD) ? 3 : 0))); if (options & (HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD)) pointer=mi_get_pointer_length(ci->data_file_length,myisam_data_pointer_size); else pointer=mi_get_pointer_length(ci->max_rows,myisam_data_pointer_size); if (!(max_rows=(ulonglong) ci->max_rows)) max_rows= ((((ulonglong) 1 << (pointer*8)) -1) / min_pack_length); real_reclength=reclength; if (!(options & (HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD))) { if (reclength <= pointer) reclength=pointer+1; /* reserve place for delete link */ } else reclength+= long_varchar_count; /* We need space for varchar! */ max_key_length=0; tot_length=0 ; key_segs=0; fulltext_keys=0; max_key_block_length=0; share.state.rec_per_key_part=rec_per_key_part; share.state.key_root=key_root; share.state.key_del=key_del; if (uniques) { max_key_block_length= myisam_block_size; max_key_length= MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH + pointer; } for (i=0, keydef=keydefs ; i < keys ; i++ , keydef++) { share.state.key_root[i]= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; min_key_length_skip=length=real_length_diff=0; key_length=pointer; if (keydef->flag & HA_SPATIAL) { #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL /* BAR TODO to support 3D and more dimensions in the future */ uint sp_segs=SPDIMS*2; keydef->flag=HA_SPATIAL; if (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA) { /* called by myisamchk - i.e. table structure was taken from MYI file and SPATIAL key *does have* additional sp_segs keysegs. keydef->seg here points right at the GEOMETRY segment, so we only need to decrease keydef->keysegs. (see recreate_table() in mi_check.c) */ keydef->keysegs-=sp_segs-1; } for (j=0, keyseg=keydef->seg ; (int) j < keydef->keysegs ; j++, keyseg++) { if (keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY && keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1 && keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY2) { my_errno=HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; goto err_no_lock; } } keydef->keysegs+=sp_segs; key_length+=SPLEN*sp_segs; length++; /* At least one length byte */ min_key_length_skip+=SPLEN*2*SPDIMS; #else my_errno= HA_ERR_UNSUPPORTED; goto err_no_lock; #endif /*HAVE_SPATIAL*/ } else if (keydef->flag & HA_FULLTEXT) { keydef->flag=HA_FULLTEXT | HA_PACK_KEY | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY; options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; /* Using packed keys */ for (j=0, keyseg=keydef->seg ; (int) j < keydef->keysegs ; j++, keyseg++) { if (keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT && keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1 && keyseg->type != HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2) { my_errno=HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; goto err_no_lock; } if (!(keyseg->flag & HA_BLOB_PART) && (keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1 || keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2)) { /* Make a flag that this is a VARCHAR */ keyseg->flag|= HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART; /* Store in bit_start number of bytes used to pack the length */ keyseg->bit_start= ((keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1)? 1 : 2); } } fulltext_keys++; key_length+= HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN+HA_FT_WLEN; length++; /* At least one length byte */ min_key_length_skip+=HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN; real_length_diff=HA_FT_MAXBYTELEN-FT_MAX_WORD_LEN_FOR_SORT; } else { /* Test if prefix compression */ if (keydef->flag & HA_PACK_KEY) { /* Can't use space_compression on number keys */ if ((keydef->seg[0].flag & HA_SPACE_PACK) && keydef->seg[0].type == (int) HA_KEYTYPE_NUM) keydef->seg[0].flag&= ~HA_SPACE_PACK; /* Only use HA_PACK_KEY when first segment is a variable length key */ if (!(keydef->seg[0].flag & (HA_SPACE_PACK | HA_BLOB_PART | HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART))) { /* pack relative to previous key */ keydef->flag&= ~HA_PACK_KEY; keydef->flag|= HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY; } else { keydef->seg[0].flag|=HA_PACK_KEY; /* for easyer intern test */ keydef->flag|=HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY; options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; /* Using packed keys */ } } if (keydef->flag & HA_BINARY_PACK_KEY) options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; /* Using packed keys */ if (keydef->flag & HA_AUTO_KEY && ci->with_auto_increment) share.base.auto_key=i+1; for (j=0, keyseg=keydef->seg ; j < keydef->keysegs ; j++, keyseg++) { /* numbers are stored with high by first to make compression easier */ switch (keyseg->type) { case HA_KEYTYPE_SHORT_INT: case HA_KEYTYPE_LONG_INT: case HA_KEYTYPE_FLOAT: case HA_KEYTYPE_DOUBLE: case HA_KEYTYPE_USHORT_INT: case HA_KEYTYPE_ULONG_INT: case HA_KEYTYPE_LONGLONG: case HA_KEYTYPE_ULONGLONG: case HA_KEYTYPE_INT24: case HA_KEYTYPE_UINT24: case HA_KEYTYPE_INT8: keyseg->flag|= HA_SWAP_KEY; break; case HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY2: if (!(keyseg->flag & HA_BLOB_PART)) { /* Make a flag that this is a VARCHAR */ keyseg->flag|= HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART; /* Store in bit_start number of bytes used to pack the length */ keyseg->bit_start= ((keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1 || keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1) ? 1 : 2); } break; default: break; } if (keyseg->flag & HA_SPACE_PACK) { DBUG_ASSERT(!(keyseg->flag & HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART)); keydef->flag |= HA_SPACE_PACK_USED | HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY; options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; /* Using packed keys */ length++; /* At least one length byte */ min_key_length_skip+=keyseg->length; if (keyseg->length >= 255) { /* prefix may be 3 bytes */ min_key_length_skip+=2; length+=2; } } if (keyseg->flag & (HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART | HA_BLOB_PART)) { DBUG_ASSERT(!test_all_bits(keyseg->flag, (HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART | HA_BLOB_PART))); keydef->flag|=HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY; length++; /* At least one length byte */ options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; /* Using packed keys */ min_key_length_skip+=keyseg->length; if (keyseg->length >= 255) { /* prefix may be 3 bytes */ min_key_length_skip+=2; length+=2; } } key_length+= keyseg->length; if (keyseg->null_bit) { key_length++; options|=HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS; keyseg->flag|=HA_NULL_PART; keydef->flag|=HA_VAR_LENGTH_KEY | HA_NULL_PART_KEY; } } } /* if HA_FULLTEXT */ key_segs+=keydef->keysegs; if (keydef->keysegs > MI_MAX_KEY_SEG) { my_errno=HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; goto err_no_lock; } /* key_segs may be 0 in the case when we only want to be able to add on row into the table. This can happen with some DISTINCT queries in MySQL */ if ((keydef->flag & (HA_NOSAME | HA_NULL_PART_KEY)) == HA_NOSAME && key_segs) share.state.rec_per_key_part[key_segs-1]=1L; length+=key_length; /* Get block length for key, if defined by user */ block_length= (keydef->block_length ? my_round_up_to_next_power(keydef->block_length) : myisam_block_size); block_length= MY_MAX(block_length, MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH); block_length= MY_MIN(block_length, MI_MAX_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH); keydef->block_length= (uint16) MI_BLOCK_SIZE(length-real_length_diff, pointer,MI_MAX_KEYPTR_SIZE, block_length); if (keydef->block_length > MI_MAX_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH || length >= MI_MAX_KEY_BUFF) { my_errno=HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; goto err_no_lock; } set_if_bigger(max_key_block_length,keydef->block_length); keydef->keylength= (uint16) key_length; keydef->minlength= (uint16) (length-min_key_length_skip); keydef->maxlength= (uint16) length; if (length > max_key_length) max_key_length= length; tot_length+= (max_rows/(ulong) (((uint) keydef->block_length-5)/ (length*2)))* (ulong) keydef->block_length; } for (i=max_key_block_length/MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH ; i-- ; ) key_del[i]=HA_OFFSET_ERROR; unique_key_parts=0; for (i=0, uniquedef=uniquedefs ; i < uniques ; i++ , uniquedef++) { uniquedef->key=keys+i; unique_key_parts+=uniquedef->keysegs; share.state.key_root[keys+i]= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; tot_length+= (max_rows/(ulong) (((uint) myisam_block_size-5)/ ((MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH + pointer)*2)))* (ulong) myisam_block_size; } keys+=uniques; /* Each unique has 1 key */ key_segs+=uniques; /* Each unique has 1 key seg */ base_pos=(MI_STATE_INFO_SIZE + keys * MI_STATE_KEY_SIZE + max_key_block_length/MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH* MI_STATE_KEYBLOCK_SIZE+ key_segs*MI_STATE_KEYSEG_SIZE); info_length=base_pos+(uint) (MI_BASE_INFO_SIZE+ keys * MI_KEYDEF_SIZE+ uniques * MI_UNIQUEDEF_SIZE + (key_segs + unique_key_parts)*HA_KEYSEG_SIZE+ columns*MI_COLUMNDEF_SIZE); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("info_length: %u", info_length)); /* There are only 16 bits for the total header length. */ if (info_length > 65535) { my_printf_error(0, "MyISAM table '%s' has too many columns and/or " "indexes and/or unique constraints.", MYF(0), name + dirname_length(name)); my_errno= HA_WRONG_CREATE_OPTION; goto err_no_lock; } bmove(share.state.header.file_version,(uchar*) myisam_file_magic,4); ci->old_options=options| (ci->old_options & HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD ? HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_TEMP_COMPRESS_RECORD: 0); mi_int2store(share.state.header.options,ci->old_options); mi_int2store(share.state.header.header_length,info_length); mi_int2store(share.state.header.state_info_length,MI_STATE_INFO_SIZE); mi_int2store(share.state.header.base_info_length,MI_BASE_INFO_SIZE); mi_int2store(share.state.header.base_pos,base_pos); share.state.header.language= (ci->language ? ci->language : default_charset_info->number); share.state.header.max_block_size_index= max_key_block_length/MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; share.state.dellink = HA_OFFSET_ERROR; share.state.process= (ulong) getpid(); share.state.unique= (ulong) 0; share.state.update_count=(ulong) 0; share.state.version= (ulong) time((time_t*) 0); share.state.sortkey= (ushort) ~0; share.state.auto_increment=ci->auto_increment; share.options=options; share.base.rec_reflength=pointer; /* Get estimate for index file length (this may be wrong for FT keys) */ tmp= (tot_length + max_key_block_length * keys * MI_INDEX_BLOCK_MARGIN) / MI_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH; /* use maximum of key_file_length we calculated and key_file_length value we got from MYI file header (see also myisampack.c:save_state) */ share.base.key_reflength= mi_get_pointer_length(MY_MAX(ci->key_file_length, tmp), 3); share.base.keys= share.state.header.keys= keys; share.state.header.uniques= uniques; share.state.header.fulltext_keys= fulltext_keys; mi_int2store(share.state.header.key_parts,key_segs); mi_int2store(share.state.header.unique_key_parts,unique_key_parts); mi_set_all_keys_active(share.state.key_map, keys); aligned_key_start= my_round_up_to_next_power(max_key_block_length ? max_key_block_length : myisam_block_size); share.base.keystart= share.state.state.key_file_length= MY_ALIGN(info_length, aligned_key_start); share.base.max_key_block_length=max_key_block_length; share.base.max_key_length=ALIGN_SIZE(max_key_length+4); share.base.records=ci->max_rows; share.base.reloc= ci->reloc_rows; share.base.reclength=real_reclength; share.base.pack_reclength=reclength+ test(options & HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM); share.base.max_pack_length=pack_reclength; share.base.min_pack_length=min_pack_length; share.base.pack_bits=packed; share.base.fields=fields; share.base.pack_fields=packed; /* max_data_file_length and max_key_file_length are recalculated on open */ if (options & HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE) share.base.max_data_file_length=(my_off_t) ci->data_file_length; share.base.min_block_length= (share.base.pack_reclength+3 < MI_EXTEND_BLOCK_LENGTH && ! share.base.blobs) ? MY_MAX(share.base.pack_reclength, MI_MIN_BLOCK_LENGTH) : MI_EXTEND_BLOCK_LENGTH; if (! (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA)) share.state.create_time= (long) time((time_t*) 0); if (!internal_table) mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_myisam); /* NOTE: For test_if_reopen() we need a real path name. Hence we need MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH for every fn_format(filename, ...). */ if (ci->index_file_name) { char *iext= strrchr(ci->index_file_name, '.'); int have_iext= iext && !strcmp(iext, MI_NAME_IEXT); if (options & HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE) { char *path; /* chop off the table name, tempory tables use generated name */ if ((path= strrchr(ci->index_file_name, FN_LIBCHAR))) *path= '\0'; fn_format(filename, name, ci->index_file_name, MI_NAME_IEXT, MY_REPLACE_DIR | MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH | MY_APPEND_EXT); } else { fn_format(filename, ci->index_file_name, "", MI_NAME_IEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH | (have_iext ? MY_REPLACE_EXT : MY_APPEND_EXT)); } fn_format(linkname, name, "", MI_NAME_IEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_APPEND_EXT); linkname_ptr=linkname; /* Don't create the table if the link or file exists to ensure that one doesn't accidently destroy another table. */ create_flag=0; } else { char *iext= strrchr(name, '.'); int have_iext= iext && !strcmp(iext, MI_NAME_IEXT); fn_format(filename, name, "", MI_NAME_IEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_RETURN_REAL_PATH | (have_iext ? MY_REPLACE_EXT : MY_APPEND_EXT)); linkname_ptr=0; /* Replace the current file */ create_flag=(flags & HA_CREATE_KEEP_FILES) ? 0 : MY_DELETE_OLD; } /* If a MRG_MyISAM table is in use, the mapped MyISAM tables are open, but no entry is made in the table cache for them. A TRUNCATE command checks for the table in the cache only and could be fooled to believe, the table is not open. Pull the emergency brake in this situation. (Bug #8306) NOTE: The filename is compared against unique_file_name of every open table. Hence we need a real path here. */ if (!internal_table && test_if_reopen(filename)) { my_printf_error(0, "MyISAM table '%s' is in use " "(most likely by a MERGE table). Try FLUSH TABLES.", MYF(0), name + dirname_length(name)); my_errno= HA_ERR_TABLE_EXIST; goto err; } if ((file= mysql_file_create_with_symlink(mi_key_file_kfile, linkname_ptr, filename, 0, create_mode, MYF(MY_WME | create_flag))) < 0) goto err; errpos=1; if (!(flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA)) { { if (ci->data_file_name) { char *dext= strrchr(ci->data_file_name, '.'); int have_dext= dext && !strcmp(dext, MI_NAME_DEXT); if (options & HA_OPTION_TMP_TABLE) { char *path; /* chop off the table name, tempory tables use generated name */ if ((path= strrchr(ci->data_file_name, FN_LIBCHAR))) *path= '\0'; fn_format(filename, name, ci->data_file_name, MI_NAME_DEXT, MY_REPLACE_DIR | MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT); } else { fn_format(filename, ci->data_file_name, "", MI_NAME_DEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | (have_dext ? MY_REPLACE_EXT : MY_APPEND_EXT)); } fn_format(linkname, name, "",MI_NAME_DEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT); linkname_ptr=linkname; create_flag=0; } else { fn_format(filename,name,"", MI_NAME_DEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT); linkname_ptr=0; create_flag=(flags & HA_CREATE_KEEP_FILES) ? 0 : MY_DELETE_OLD; } if ((dfile= mysql_file_create_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, linkname_ptr, filename, 0, create_mode, MYF(MY_WME | create_flag))) < 0) goto err; } errpos=3; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("write state info and base info")); if (mi_state_info_write(file, &share.state, 2) || mi_base_info_write(file, &share.base)) goto err; #ifndef DBUG_OFF if ((uint) mysql_file_tell(file, MYF(0)) != base_pos + MI_BASE_INFO_SIZE) { uint pos=(uint) mysql_file_tell(file, MYF(0)); DBUG_PRINT("warning",("base_length: %d != used_length: %d", base_pos+ MI_BASE_INFO_SIZE, pos)); } #endif /* Write key and keyseg definitions */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("write key and keyseg definitions")); for (i=0 ; i < share.base.keys - uniques; i++) { uint sp_segs=(keydefs[i].flag & HA_SPATIAL) ? 2*SPDIMS : 0; if (mi_keydef_write(file, &keydefs[i])) goto err; for (j=0 ; j < keydefs[i].keysegs-sp_segs ; j++) if (mi_keyseg_write(file, &keydefs[i].seg[j])) goto err; #ifdef HAVE_SPATIAL for (j=0 ; j < sp_segs ; j++) { HA_KEYSEG sseg; sseg.type=SPTYPE; sseg.language= 7; /* Binary */ sseg.null_bit=0; sseg.bit_start=0; sseg.bit_end=0; sseg.bit_length= 0; sseg.bit_pos= 0; sseg.length=SPLEN; sseg.null_pos=0; sseg.start=j*SPLEN; sseg.flag= HA_SWAP_KEY; if (mi_keyseg_write(file, &sseg)) goto err; } #endif } /* Create extra keys for unique definitions */ offset= real_reclength - uniques * MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH; memset(&tmp_keydef, 0, sizeof(tmp_keydef)); memset(&tmp_keyseg, 0, sizeof(tmp_keyseg)); for (i=0; i < uniques ; i++) { tmp_keydef.keysegs=1; tmp_keydef.flag= HA_UNIQUE_CHECK; tmp_keydef.block_length= (uint16)myisam_block_size; tmp_keydef.keylength= MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH + pointer; tmp_keydef.minlength=tmp_keydef.maxlength=tmp_keydef.keylength; tmp_keyseg.type= MI_UNIQUE_HASH_TYPE; tmp_keyseg.length= MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH; tmp_keyseg.start= offset; offset+= MI_UNIQUE_HASH_LENGTH; if (mi_keydef_write(file,&tmp_keydef) || mi_keyseg_write(file,(&tmp_keyseg))) goto err; } /* Save unique definition */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("write unique definitions")); for (i=0 ; i < share.state.header.uniques ; i++) { HA_KEYSEG *keyseg_end; keyseg= uniquedefs[i].seg; if (mi_uniquedef_write(file, &uniquedefs[i])) goto err; for (keyseg= uniquedefs[i].seg, keyseg_end= keyseg+ uniquedefs[i].keysegs; keyseg < keyseg_end; keyseg++) { switch (keyseg->type) { case HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT2: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1: case HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY2: if (!(keyseg->flag & HA_BLOB_PART)) { keyseg->flag|= HA_VAR_LENGTH_PART; keyseg->bit_start= ((keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARTEXT1 || keyseg->type == HA_KEYTYPE_VARBINARY1) ? 1 : 2); } break; default: break; } if (mi_keyseg_write(file, keyseg)) goto err; } } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("write field definitions")); for (i=0 ; i < share.base.fields ; i++) if (mi_recinfo_write(file, &recinfo[i])) goto err; #ifndef DBUG_OFF if ((uint) mysql_file_tell(file, MYF(0)) != info_length) { uint pos= (uint) mysql_file_tell(file, MYF(0)); DBUG_PRINT("warning",("info_length: %d != used_length: %d", info_length, pos)); } #endif /* Enlarge files */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("enlarge to keystart: %lu", (ulong) share.base.keystart)); if (mysql_file_chsize(file, (ulong) share.base.keystart, 0, MYF(0))) goto err; if (! (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA)) { #ifdef USE_RELOC if (mysql_file_chsize(dfile, share.base.min_pack_length*ci->reloc_rows, 0, MYF(0))) goto err; #endif errpos=2; if (mysql_file_close(dfile, MYF(0))) goto err; } errpos=0; if (!internal_table) mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam); if (mysql_file_close(file, MYF(0))) goto err_no_lock; my_free(rec_per_key_part); DBUG_RETURN(0); err: if (!internal_table) mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_myisam); err_no_lock: save_errno=my_errno; switch (errpos) { case 3: (void) mysql_file_close(dfile, MYF(0)); /* fall through */ case 2: if (! (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA)) mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_dfile, fn_format(filename, name, "", MI_NAME_DEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT), MYF(0)); /* fall through */ case 1: (void) mysql_file_close(file, MYF(0)); if (! (flags & HA_DONT_TOUCH_DATA)) mysql_file_delete_with_symlink(mi_key_file_kfile, fn_format(filename, name, "", MI_NAME_IEXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME | MY_APPEND_EXT), MYF(0)); } my_free(rec_per_key_part); DBUG_RETURN(my_errno=save_errno); /* return the fatal errno */ }
void pack_dirname(char * to, const char *from) { int cwd_err; size_t d_length,length,UNINIT_VAR(buff_length); char * start; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; DBUG_ENTER("pack_dirname"); (void) intern_filename(to,from); /* Change to intern name */ #ifdef FN_DEVCHAR if ((start=strrchr(to,FN_DEVCHAR)) != 0) /* Skip device part */ start++; else #endif start=to; if (!(cwd_err= my_getwd(buff,FN_REFLEN,MYF(0)))) { buff_length= strlen(buff); d_length= (size_t) (start-to); if ((start == to || (buff_length == d_length && !memcmp(buff,start,d_length))) && *start != FN_LIBCHAR && *start) { /* Put current dir before */ bchange((uchar*) to, d_length, (uchar*) buff, buff_length, strlen(to)+1); } } if ((d_length= cleanup_dirname(to,to)) != 0) { length=0; if (home_dir) { length= strlen(home_dir); if (home_dir[length-1] == FN_LIBCHAR) length--; /* Don't test last '/' */ } if (length > 1 && length < d_length) { /* test if /xx/yy -> ~/yy */ if (memcmp(to,home_dir,length) == 0 && to[length] == FN_LIBCHAR) { to[0]=FN_HOMELIB; /* Filename begins with ~ */ (void) strmov_overlapp(to+1,to+length); } } if (! cwd_err) { /* Test if cwd is ~/... */ if (length > 1 && length < buff_length) { if (memcmp(buff,home_dir,length) == 0 && buff[length] == FN_LIBCHAR) { buff[0]=FN_HOMELIB; (void) strmov_overlapp(buff+1,buff+length); } } if (is_prefix(to,buff)) { length= strlen(buff); if (to[length]) (void) strmov_overlapp(to,to+length); /* Remove everything before */ else { to[0]= FN_CURLIB; /* Put ./ instead of cwd */ to[1]= FN_LIBCHAR; to[2]= '\0'; } } } } DBUG_PRINT("exit",("to: '%s'",to)); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* pack_dirname */
enum enum_mysql_timestamp_type str_to_datetime(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, ulonglong flags, int *was_cut) { uint field_length, UNINIT_VAR(year_length), digits, i, number_of_fields; uint date[MAX_DATE_PARTS], date_len[MAX_DATE_PARTS]; uint add_hours= 0, start_loop; ulong not_zero_date, allow_space; my_bool is_internal_format; const char *pos, *UNINIT_VAR(last_field_pos); const char *end=str+length; const uchar *format_position; my_bool found_delimitier= 0, found_space= 0; uint frac_pos, frac_len; DBUG_ENTER("str_to_datetime"); DBUG_PRINT("ENTER",("str: %.*s",length,str)); LINT_INIT(field_length); *was_cut= 0; /* Skip space at start */ for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str) ; str++) ; if (str == end || ! my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str)) { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); } is_internal_format= 0; /* This has to be changed if want to activate different timestamp formats */ format_position= internal_format_positions; /* Calculate number of digits in first part. If length= 8 or >= 14 then year is of format YYYY. (YYYY-MM-DD, YYYYMMDD, YYYYYMMDDHHMMSS) */ for (pos=str; pos != end && (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*pos) || *pos == 'T'); pos++) ; digits= (uint) (pos-str); start_loop= 0; /* Start of scan loop */ date_len[format_position[0]]= 0; /* Length of year field */ if (pos == end || *pos == '.') { /* Found date in internal format (only numbers like YYYYMMDD) */ year_length= (digits == 4 || digits == 8 || digits >= 14) ? 4 : 2; field_length= year_length; is_internal_format= 1; format_position= internal_format_positions; } else { if (format_position[0] >= 3) /* If year is after HHMMDD */ { /* If year is not in first part then we have to determinate if we got a date field or a datetime field. We do this by checking if there is two numbers separated by space in the input. */ while (pos < end && !my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *pos)) pos++; while (pos < end && !my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *pos)) pos++; if (pos == end) { if (flags & TIME_DATETIME_ONLY) { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); /* Can't be a full datetime */ } /* Date field. Set hour, minutes and seconds to 0 */ date[0]= date[1]= date[2]= date[3]= date[4]= 0; start_loop= 5; /* Start with first date part */ } } field_length= format_position[0] == 0 ? 4 : 2; } /* Only allow space in the first "part" of the datetime field and: - after days, part seconds - before and after AM/PM (handled by code later) 2003-03-03 20:00:20 AM 20:00:20.000000 AM 03-03-2000 */ i= max((uint) format_position[0], (uint) format_position[1]); set_if_bigger(i, (uint) format_position[2]); allow_space= ((1 << i) | (1 << format_position[6])); allow_space&= (1 | 2 | 4 | 8); not_zero_date= 0; for (i = start_loop; i < MAX_DATE_PARTS-1 && str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str); i++) { const char *start= str; ulong tmp_value= (uint) (uchar) (*str++ - '0'); /* Internal format means no delimiters; every field has a fixed width. Otherwise, we scan until we find a delimiter and discard leading zeroes -- except for the microsecond part, where leading zeroes are significant, and where we never process more than six digits. */ my_bool scan_until_delim= !is_internal_format && ((i != format_position[6])); while (str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[0]) && (scan_until_delim || --field_length)) { tmp_value=tmp_value*10 + (ulong) (uchar) (*str - '0'); str++; } date_len[i]= (uint) (str - start); if (tmp_value > 999999) /* Impossible date part */ { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); } date[i]=tmp_value; not_zero_date|= tmp_value; /* Length of next field */ field_length= format_position[i+1] == 0 ? 4 : 2; if ((last_field_pos= str) == end) { i++; /* Register last found part */ break; } /* Allow a 'T' after day to allow CCYYMMDDT type of fields */ if (i == format_position[2] && *str == 'T') { str++; /* ISO8601: CCYYMMDDThhmmss */ continue; } if (i == format_position[5]) /* Seconds */ { if (*str == '.') /* Followed by part seconds */ { str++; field_length= 6; /* 6 digits */ } continue; } while (str != end && (my_ispunct(&my_charset_latin1,*str) || my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str))) { if (my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str)) { if (!(allow_space & (1 << i))) { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); } found_space= 1; } str++; found_delimitier= 1; /* Should be a 'normal' date */ } /* Check if next position is AM/PM */ if (i == format_position[6]) /* Seconds, time for AM/PM */ { i++; /* Skip AM/PM part */ if (format_position[7] != 255) /* If using AM/PM */ { if (str+2 <= end && (str[1] == 'M' || str[1] == 'm')) { if (str[0] == 'p' || str[0] == 'P') add_hours= 12; else if (str[0] != 'a' || str[0] != 'A') continue; /* Not AM/PM */ str+= 2; /* Skip AM/PM */ /* Skip space after AM/PM */ while (str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str)) str++; } } } last_field_pos= str; } if (found_delimitier && !found_space && (flags & TIME_DATETIME_ONLY)) { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); /* Can't be a datetime */ } str= last_field_pos; number_of_fields= i - start_loop; while (i < MAX_DATE_PARTS) { date_len[i]= 0; date[i++]= 0; } if (!is_internal_format) { year_length= date_len[(uint) format_position[0]]; if (!year_length) /* Year must be specified */ { *was_cut= 1; DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_NONE); } l_time->year= date[(uint) format_position[0]]; l_time->month= date[(uint) format_position[1]]; l_time->day= date[(uint) format_position[2]]; l_time->hour= date[(uint) format_position[3]]; l_time->minute= date[(uint) format_position[4]]; l_time->second= date[(uint) format_position[5]]; frac_pos= (uint) format_position[6]; frac_len= date_len[frac_pos]; if (frac_len < 6) date[frac_pos]*= (uint) log_10_int[6 - frac_len]; l_time->second_part= date[frac_pos]; if (format_position[7] != (uchar) 255) { if (l_time->hour > 12) { *was_cut= 1; goto err; } l_time->hour= l_time->hour%12 + add_hours; } } else { l_time->year= date[0]; l_time->month= date[1]; l_time->day= date[2]; l_time->hour= date[3]; l_time->minute= date[4]; l_time->second= date[5]; if (date_len[6] < 6) date[6]*= (uint) log_10_int[6 - date_len[6]]; l_time->second_part=date[6]; } l_time->neg= 0; if (year_length == 2 && not_zero_date) l_time->year+= (l_time->year < YY_PART_YEAR ? 2000 : 1900); if (number_of_fields < 3 || l_time->year > 9999 || l_time->month > 12 || l_time->day > 31 || l_time->hour > 23 || l_time->minute > 59 || l_time->second > 59) { /* Only give warning for a zero date if there is some garbage after */ if (!not_zero_date) /* If zero date */ { for (; str != end ; str++) { if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str)) { not_zero_date= 1; /* Give warning */ break; } } } *was_cut= test(not_zero_date); goto err; } if (check_date(l_time, not_zero_date != 0, flags, was_cut)) goto err; l_time->time_type= (number_of_fields <= 3 ? MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATE : MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_DATETIME); for (; str != end ; str++) { if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str)) { *was_cut= 1; break; } } DBUG_RETURN(l_time->time_type); err: bzero((char*) l_time, sizeof(*l_time)); DBUG_RETURN(MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR); }
int myrg_attach_children(MYRG_INFO *m_info, int handle_locking, MI_INFO *(*callback)(void*), void *callback_param, my_bool *need_compat_check) { ulonglong file_offset; MI_INFO *myisam; int errpos; int save_errno; uint idx; uint child_nr; uint UNINIT_VAR(key_parts); uint min_keys; my_bool bad_children= FALSE; my_bool first_child= TRUE; DBUG_ENTER("myrg_attach_children"); DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("handle_locking: %d", handle_locking)); /* This function can be called while another thread is trying to abort locks of this MERGE table. If the processor reorders instructions or write to memory, 'children_attached' could be set before 'open_tables' has all the pointers to the children. Use of a mutex here and in ha_myisammrg::store_lock() forces consistent data. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&m_info->mutex); errpos= 0; file_offset= 0; min_keys= 0; for (child_nr= 0; child_nr < m_info->tables; child_nr++) { if (! (myisam= (*callback)(callback_param))) { if (handle_locking & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR) { /* An appropriate error should've been already pushed by callback. */ bad_children= TRUE; continue; } goto bad_children; } DBUG_PRINT("myrg", ("child_nr: %u table: '%s'", child_nr, myisam->filename)); /* Special handling when the first child is attached. */ if (first_child) { first_child= FALSE; m_info->reclength= myisam->s->base.reclength; min_keys= myisam->s->base.keys; key_parts= myisam->s->base.key_parts; if (*need_compat_check && m_info->rec_per_key_part) { my_free(m_info->rec_per_key_part); m_info->rec_per_key_part= NULL; } if (!m_info->rec_per_key_part) { if(!(m_info->rec_per_key_part= (ulong*) my_malloc(key_parts * sizeof(long), MYF(MY_WME)))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ errpos= 1; } memset(m_info->rec_per_key_part, 0, key_parts * sizeof(long)); } /* Add MyISAM table info. */ m_info->open_tables[child_nr].table= myisam; m_info->open_tables[child_nr].file_offset= (my_off_t) file_offset; file_offset+= myisam->state->data_file_length; /* Check table definition match. */ if (m_info->reclength != myisam->s->base.reclength) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("definition mismatch table: '%s' repair: %d", myisam->filename, (handle_locking & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR))); if (handle_locking & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR) { myrg_print_wrong_table(myisam->filename); bad_children= TRUE; continue; } goto bad_children; } m_info->options|= myisam->s->options; m_info->records+= myisam->state->records; m_info->del+= myisam->state->del; m_info->data_file_length+= myisam->state->data_file_length; if (min_keys > myisam->s->base.keys) min_keys= myisam->s->base.keys; /* purecov: inspected */ for (idx= 0; idx < key_parts; idx++) m_info->rec_per_key_part[idx]+= (myisam->s->state.rec_per_key_part[idx] / m_info->tables); } if (bad_children) goto bad_children; if (sizeof(my_off_t) == 4 && file_offset > (ulonglong) (ulong) ~0L) { my_errno= HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL; goto err; } /* Don't mark table readonly, for ALTER TABLE ... UNION=(...) to work */ m_info->options&= ~(HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA); m_info->keys= min_keys; m_info->last_used_table= m_info->open_tables; m_info->children_attached= TRUE; mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_info->mutex); DBUG_RETURN(0); bad_children: my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF; err: save_errno= my_errno; switch (errpos) { case 1: my_free(m_info->rec_per_key_part); m_info->rec_per_key_part= NULL; } mysql_mutex_unlock(&m_info->mutex); my_errno= save_errno; DBUG_RETURN(1); }
MYRG_INFO *myrg_open(const char *name, int mode, int handle_locking) { int save_errno,errpos=0; uint files= 0, i, dir_length, length, UNINIT_VAR(key_parts), min_keys= 0; ulonglong file_offset=0; char name_buff[FN_REFLEN*2],buff[FN_REFLEN],*end; MYRG_INFO *m_info=0; File fd; IO_CACHE file; MI_INFO *isam=0; uint found_merge_insert_method= 0; size_t name_buff_length; my_bool bad_children= FALSE; DBUG_ENTER("myrg_open"); memset(&file, 0, sizeof(file)); if ((fd= mysql_file_open(rg_key_file_MRG, fn_format(name_buff, name, "", MYRG_NAME_EXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_APPEND_EXT), O_RDONLY | O_SHARE, MYF(0))) < 0) goto err; errpos=1; if (init_io_cache(&file, fd, 4*IO_SIZE, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) goto err; errpos=2; dir_length=dirname_part(name_buff, name, &name_buff_length); while ((length=my_b_gets(&file,buff,FN_REFLEN-1))) { if ((end=buff+length)[-1] == '\n') end[-1]='\0'; if (buff[0] && buff[0] != '#') files++; } my_b_seek(&file, 0); while ((length=my_b_gets(&file,buff,FN_REFLEN-1))) { if ((end=buff+length)[-1] == '\n') *--end='\0'; if (!buff[0]) continue; /* Skip empty lines */ if (buff[0] == '#') { if (!strncmp(buff+1,"INSERT_METHOD=",14)) { /* Lookup insert method */ int tmp= find_type(buff + 15, &merge_insert_method, FIND_TYPE_BASIC); found_merge_insert_method = (uint) (tmp >= 0 ? tmp : 0); } continue; /* Skip comments */ } if (!has_path(buff)) { (void) strmake(name_buff+dir_length,buff, sizeof(name_buff)-1-dir_length); (void) cleanup_dirname(buff,name_buff); } else fn_format(buff, buff, "", "", 0); if (!(isam=mi_open(buff,mode,(handle_locking?HA_OPEN_WAIT_IF_LOCKED:0)))) { if (handle_locking & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR) { myrg_print_wrong_table(buff); bad_children= TRUE; continue; } goto bad_children; } if (!m_info) /* First file */ { key_parts=isam->s->base.key_parts; if (!(m_info= (MYRG_INFO*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYRG_INFO) + files*sizeof(MYRG_TABLE) + key_parts*sizeof(long), MYF(MY_WME|MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; DBUG_ASSERT(files); m_info->open_tables=(MYRG_TABLE *) (m_info+1); m_info->rec_per_key_part=(ulong *) (m_info->open_tables+files); m_info->tables= files; files= 0; m_info->reclength=isam->s->base.reclength; min_keys= isam->s->base.keys; errpos=3; } m_info->open_tables[files].table= isam; m_info->open_tables[files].file_offset=(my_off_t) file_offset; file_offset+=isam->state->data_file_length; files++; if (m_info->reclength != isam->s->base.reclength) { if (handle_locking & HA_OPEN_FOR_REPAIR) { myrg_print_wrong_table(buff); bad_children= TRUE; continue; } goto bad_children; } m_info->options|= isam->s->options; m_info->records+= isam->state->records; m_info->del+= isam->state->del; m_info->data_file_length+= isam->state->data_file_length; if (min_keys > isam->s->base.keys) min_keys= isam->s->base.keys; for (i=0; i < key_parts; i++) m_info->rec_per_key_part[i]+= (isam->s->state.rec_per_key_part[i] / m_info->tables); } if (bad_children) goto bad_children; if (!m_info && !(m_info= (MYRG_INFO*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYRG_INFO), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; /* Don't mark table readonly, for ALTER TABLE ... UNION=(...) to work */ m_info->options&= ~(HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD | HA_OPTION_READ_ONLY_DATA); m_info->merge_insert_method= found_merge_insert_method; if (sizeof(my_off_t) == 4 && file_offset > (ulonglong) (ulong) ~0L) { my_errno=HA_ERR_RECORD_FILE_FULL; goto err; } m_info->keys= min_keys; memset(&m_info->by_key, 0, sizeof(m_info->by_key)); /* this works ok if the table list is empty */ m_info->end_table=m_info->open_tables+files; m_info->last_used_table=m_info->open_tables; m_info->children_attached= TRUE; (void) mysql_file_close(fd, MYF(0)); end_io_cache(&file); mysql_mutex_init(rg_key_mutex_MYRG_INFO_mutex, &m_info->mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); m_info->*) m_info; mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); myrg_open_list=list_add(myrg_open_list,&m_info->open_list); mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); DBUG_RETURN(m_info); bad_children: my_errno= HA_ERR_WRONG_MRG_TABLE_DEF; err: save_errno=my_errno; switch (errpos) { case 3: while (files) (void) mi_close(m_info->open_tables[--files].table); my_free(m_info); /* Fall through */ case 2: end_io_cache(&file); /* Fall through */ case 1: (void) mysql_file_close(fd, MYF(0)); } my_errno=save_errno; DBUG_RETURN (NULL); }
MYRG_INFO *myrg_parent_open(const char *parent_name, int (*callback)(void*, const char*), void *callback_param) { MYRG_INFO *UNINIT_VAR(m_info); int rc; int errpos; int save_errno; int insert_method; uint length; uint child_count; File fd; IO_CACHE file_cache; char parent_name_buff[FN_REFLEN * 2]; char child_name_buff[FN_REFLEN]; DBUG_ENTER("myrg_parent_open"); rc= 1; errpos= 0; memset(&file_cache, 0, sizeof(file_cache)); /* Open MERGE meta file. */ if ((fd= mysql_file_open(rg_key_file_MRG, fn_format(parent_name_buff, parent_name, "", MYRG_NAME_EXT, MY_UNPACK_FILENAME|MY_APPEND_EXT), O_RDONLY | O_SHARE, MYF(0))) < 0) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ errpos= 1; if (init_io_cache(&file_cache, fd, 4 * IO_SIZE, READ_CACHE, 0, 0, MYF(MY_WME | MY_NABP))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ errpos= 2; /* Count children. Determine insert method. */ child_count= 0; insert_method= 0; while ((length= my_b_gets(&file_cache, child_name_buff, FN_REFLEN - 1))) { /* Remove line terminator. */ if (child_name_buff[length - 1] == '\n') child_name_buff[--length]= '\0'; /* Skip empty lines. */ if (!child_name_buff[0]) continue; /* purecov: inspected */ /* Skip comments, but evaluate insert method. */ if (child_name_buff[0] == '#') { if (!strncmp(child_name_buff + 1, "INSERT_METHOD=", 14)) { /* Compare buffer with global methods list: merge_insert_method. */ insert_method= find_type(child_name_buff + 15, &merge_insert_method, FIND_TYPE_BASIC); } continue; } /* Count the child. */ child_count++; } /* Allocate MERGE parent table structure. */ if (!(m_info= (MYRG_INFO*) my_malloc(sizeof(MYRG_INFO) + child_count * sizeof(MYRG_TABLE), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ errpos= 3; m_info->open_tables= (MYRG_TABLE*) (m_info + 1); m_info->tables= child_count; m_info->merge_insert_method= insert_method > 0 ? insert_method : 0; /* This works even if the table list is empty. */ m_info->end_table= m_info->open_tables + child_count; if (!child_count) { /* Do not attach/detach an empty child list. */ m_info->children_attached= TRUE; } /* Call callback for each child. */ my_b_seek(&file_cache, 0); while ((length= my_b_gets(&file_cache, child_name_buff, FN_REFLEN - 1))) { /* Remove line terminator. */ if (child_name_buff[length - 1] == '\n') child_name_buff[--length]= '\0'; /* Skip empty lines and comments. */ if (!child_name_buff[0] || (child_name_buff[0] == '#')) continue; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("child: '%s'", child_name_buff)); /* Callback registers child with handler table. */ if ((rc= (*callback)(callback_param, child_name_buff))) goto err; /* purecov: inspected */ } end_io_cache(&file_cache); (void) mysql_file_close(fd, MYF(0)); mysql_mutex_init(rg_key_mutex_MYRG_INFO_mutex, &m_info->mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); m_info-> (void*) m_info; mysql_mutex_lock(&THR_LOCK_open); myrg_open_list= list_add(myrg_open_list, &m_info->open_list); mysql_mutex_unlock(&THR_LOCK_open); DBUG_RETURN(m_info); /* purecov: begin inspected */ err: save_errno= my_errno; switch (errpos) { case 3: my_free(m_info); /* Fall through */ case 2: end_io_cache(&file_cache); /* Fall through */ case 1: (void) mysql_file_close(fd, MYF(0)); } my_errno= save_errno; DBUG_RETURN (NULL); /* purecov: end */ }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { register uint i,j; uint ant,n1,n2,n3; uint write_count,update,opt_delete,check2,dupp_keys,found_key; int error; ulong pos; unsigned long key_check; uchar record[128],record2[128],record3[128],key[10]; const char *filename,*filename2; HP_INFO *file,*file2; HP_SHARE *tmp_share; HP_KEYDEF keyinfo[MAX_KEYS]; HA_KEYSEG keyseg[MAX_KEYS*5]; HEAP_PTR UNINIT_VAR(position); HP_CREATE_INFO hp_create_info; CHARSET_INFO *cs= &my_charset_latin1; my_bool unused; MY_INIT(argv[0]); /* init my_sys library & pthreads */ filename= "test2"; filename2= "test2_2"; file=file2=0; get_options(argc,argv); bzero(&hp_create_info, sizeof(hp_create_info)); hp_create_info.max_table_size= 2*1024L*1024L; hp_create_info.keys= keys; hp_create_info.keydef= keyinfo; hp_create_info.reclength= reclength; hp_create_info.max_records= (ulong) flag*100000L; hp_create_info.min_records= (ulong) recant/2; write_count=update=opt_delete=0; key_check=0; keyinfo[0].seg=keyseg; keyinfo[0].keysegs=1; keyinfo[0].flag= 0; keyinfo[0].algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_HASH; keyinfo[0].seg[0].type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; keyinfo[0].seg[0].start=0; keyinfo[0].seg[0].length=6; keyinfo[0].seg[0].null_bit=0; keyinfo[0].seg[0].charset=cs; keyinfo[1].seg=keyseg+1; keyinfo[1].keysegs=2; keyinfo[1].flag=0; keyinfo[1].algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_HASH; keyinfo[1].seg[0].type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; keyinfo[1].seg[0].start=7; keyinfo[1].seg[0].length=6; keyinfo[1].seg[0].null_bit=0; keyinfo[1].seg[0].charset=cs; keyinfo[1].seg[1].type=HA_KEYTYPE_TEXT; keyinfo[1].seg[1].start=0; /* key in two parts */ keyinfo[1].seg[1].length=6; keyinfo[1].seg[1].null_bit=0; keyinfo[1].seg[1].charset=cs; keyinfo[2].seg=keyseg+3; keyinfo[2].keysegs=1; keyinfo[2].flag=HA_NOSAME; keyinfo[2].algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_HASH; keyinfo[2].seg[0].type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; keyinfo[2].seg[0].start=12; keyinfo[2].seg[0].length=8; keyinfo[2].seg[0].null_bit=0; keyinfo[2].seg[0].charset=cs; keyinfo[3].seg=keyseg+4; keyinfo[3].keysegs=1; keyinfo[3].flag=HA_NOSAME; keyinfo[3].algorithm= HA_KEY_ALG_HASH; keyinfo[3].seg[0].type=HA_KEYTYPE_BINARY; keyinfo[3].seg[0].start=37; keyinfo[3].seg[0].length=1; keyinfo[3].seg[0].null_bit=1; keyinfo[3].seg[0].null_pos=38; keyinfo[3].seg[0].charset=cs; bzero((char*) key1,sizeof(key1)); bzero((char*) key3,sizeof(key3)); printf("- Creating heap-file\n"); if (heap_create(filename, &hp_create_info, &tmp_share, &unused) || !(file= heap_open(filename, 2))) goto err; signal(SIGINT,endprog); printf("- Writing records:s\n"); strmov((char*) record," ..... key"); for (i=0 ; i < recant ; i++) { n1=rnd(1000); n2=rnd(100); n3=rnd(MY_MIN(recant*5,MAX_RECORDS)); make_record(record,n1,n2,n3,"Pos",write_count); if (heap_write(file,record)) { if (my_errno != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY || key3[n3] == 0) { printf("Error: %d in write at record: %d\n",my_errno,i); goto err; } if (verbose) printf(" Double key: %d\n",n3); } else { if (key3[n3] == 1) { printf("Error: Didn't get error when writing second key: '%8d'\n",n3); goto err; } write_count++; key1[n1]++; key3[n3]=1; key_check+=n1; } if (testflag == 1 && heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } } if (testflag == 1) goto end; if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } printf("- Delete\n"); for (i=0 ; i < write_count/10 ; i++) { for (j=rnd(1000)+1 ; j>0 && key1[j] == 0 ; j--) ; if (j != 0) { sprintf((char*) key,"%6d",j); if (heap_rkey(file,record,0,key,6, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { printf("can't find key1: \"%s\"\n",(char*) key); goto err; } if (heap_delete(file,record)) { printf("error: %d; can't delete record: \"%s\"\n", my_errno,(char*) record); goto err; } opt_delete++; key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; key_check-=atoi((char*) record); if (testflag == 2 && heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } } else puts("Warning: Skipping delete test because no dupplicate keys"); } if (testflag==2) goto end; if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } printf("- Update\n"); for (i=0 ; i < write_count/10 ; i++) { n1=rnd(1000); n2=rnd(100); n3=rnd(MY_MIN(recant*2,MAX_RECORDS)); make_record(record2, n1, n2, n3, "XXX", update); if (rnd(2) == 1) { if (heap_scan_init(file)) goto err; j=rnd(write_count-opt_delete); while ((error=heap_scan(file,record) == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) || (!error && j)) { if (!error) j--; } if (error) goto err; } else { for (j=rnd(1000)+1 ; j>0 && key1[j] == 0 ; j--) ; if (!key1[j]) continue; sprintf((char*) key,"%6d",j); if (heap_rkey(file,record,0,key,6, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { printf("can't find key1: \"%s\"\n",(char*) key); goto err; } } if (heap_update(file,record,record2)) { if (my_errno != HA_ERR_FOUND_DUPP_KEY || key3[n3] == 0) { printf("error: %d; can't update:\nFrom: \"%s\"\nTo: \"%s\"\n", my_errno,(char*) record, (char*) record2); goto err; } if (verbose) printf("Double key when tried to update:\nFrom: \"%s\"\nTo: \"%s\"\n", (char*) record, (char*) record2); } else { key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; key1[n1]++; key3[n3]=1; update++; key_check=key_check-atoi((char*) record)+n1; } if (testflag == 3 && heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } } if (testflag == 3) goto end; if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } for (i=999, dupp_keys=found_key=0 ; i>0 ; i--) { if (key1[i] > dupp_keys) { dupp_keys=key1[i]; found_key=i; } sprintf((char*) key,"%6d",found_key); } if (dupp_keys > 3) { if (!silent) printf("- Read first key - next - delete - next -> last\n"); DBUG_PRINT("progpos",("first - next - delete - next -> last")); if (heap_rkey(file,record,0,key,6, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) goto err; if (heap_rnext(file,record3)) goto err; if (heap_delete(file,record3)) goto err; key_check-=atoi((char*) record3); key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; opt_delete++; ant=2; while ((error=heap_rnext(file,record3)) == 0 || error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) if (! error) ant++; if (ant != dupp_keys) { printf("next: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant,dupp_keys); goto end; } dupp_keys--; if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } if (!silent) printf("- Read last key - delete - prev - prev - opt_delete - prev -> first\n"); if (heap_rprev(file,record)) goto err; if (heap_delete(file,record3)) goto err; key_check-=atoi((char*) record3); key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; opt_delete++; if (heap_rprev(file,record3) || heap_rprev(file,record3)) goto err; if (heap_delete(file,record3)) goto err; key_check-=atoi((char*) record3); key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; opt_delete++; ant=3; while ((error=heap_rprev(file,record3)) == 0 || error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) { if (! error) ant++; } if (ant != dupp_keys) { printf("next: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant,dupp_keys); goto end; } dupp_keys-=2; if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } } else puts("Warning: Not enough duplicated keys: Skipping delete key check"); if (!silent) printf("- Read (first) - next - delete - next -> last\n"); DBUG_PRINT("progpos",("first - next - delete - next -> last")); if (heap_scan_init(file)) goto err; while ((error=heap_scan(file,record3) == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED)) ; if (error) goto err; if (heap_delete(file,record3)) goto err; key_check-=atoi((char*) record3); opt_delete++; key1[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[0].seg[0].start)]--; key3[atoi((char*) record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start)]=0; ant=0; while ((error=heap_scan(file,record3)) == 0 || error == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED) if (! error) ant++; if (ant != write_count-opt_delete) { printf("next: Found: %d records of %d\n",ant,write_count-opt_delete); goto end; } if (heap_check_heap(file,0)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } puts("- Test if: Read rrnd - same - rkey - same"); DBUG_PRINT("progpos",("Read rrnd - same")); pos=rnd(write_count-opt_delete-5)+5; heap_scan_init(file); i=5; while ((error=heap_scan(file,record)) == HA_ERR_RECORD_DELETED || (error == 0 && pos)) { if (!error) pos--; if (i-- == 0) { bmove(record3,record,reclength); position=heap_position(file); } } if (error) goto err; bmove(record2,record,reclength); if (heap_rsame(file,record,-1) || heap_rsame(file,record2,2)) goto err; if (memcmp(record2,record,reclength)) { puts("heap_rsame didn't find right record"); goto end; } puts("- Test of read through position"); if (heap_rrnd(file,record,position)) goto err; if (memcmp(record3,record,reclength)) { puts("heap_frnd didn't find right record"); goto end; } printf("- heap_info\n"); { HEAPINFO info; heap_info(file,&info,0); /* We have to test with opt_delete +1 as this may be the case if the last inserted row was a duplicate key */ if (info.records != write_count-opt_delete || (info.deleted != opt_delete && info.deleted != opt_delete+1)) { puts("Wrong info from heap_info"); printf("Got: records: %ld(%d) deleted: %ld(%d)\n", info.records,write_count-opt_delete,info.deleted,opt_delete); } } #ifdef OLD_HEAP_VERSION { uint check; printf("- Read through all records with rnd\n"); if (heap_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_RESET) || heap_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_CACHE)) { puts("got error from heap_extra"); goto end; } ant=check=0; while ((error=heap_rrnd(file,record,(ulong) -1)) != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE && ant < write_count + 10) { if (!error) { ant++; check+=calc_check(record,reclength); } } if (ant != write_count-opt_delete) { printf("rrnd: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant, write_count-opt_delete); goto end; } if (heap_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE)) { puts("got error from heap_extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE)"); goto end; } } #endif printf("- Read through all records with scan\n"); if (heap_reset(file) || heap_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_CACHE)) { puts("got error from heap_extra"); goto end; } ant=check2=0; heap_scan_init(file); while ((error=heap_scan(file,record)) != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE && ant < write_count + 10) { if (!error) { ant++; check2+=calc_check(record,reclength); } } if (ant != write_count-opt_delete) { printf("scan: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant, write_count-opt_delete); goto end; } #ifdef OLD_HEAP_VERSION if (check != check2) { puts("scan: Checksum didn't match reading with rrnd"); goto end; } #endif if (heap_extra(file,HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE)) { puts("got error from heap_extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE)"); goto end; } for (i=999, dupp_keys=found_key=0 ; i>0 ; i--) { if (key1[i] > dupp_keys) { dupp_keys=key1[i]; found_key=i; } sprintf((char*) key,"%6d",found_key); } printf("- Read through all keys with first-next-last-prev\n"); ant=0; for (error=heap_rkey(file,record,0,key,6, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT); ! error ; error=heap_rnext(file,record)) ant++; if (ant != dupp_keys) { printf("first-next: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant, dupp_keys); goto end; } ant=0; for (error=heap_rprev(file,record) ; ! error ; error=heap_rprev(file,record)) { ant++; check2+=calc_check(record,reclength); } if (ant != dupp_keys) { printf("last-prev: I can only find: %d records of %d\n", ant, dupp_keys); goto end; } if (testflag == 4) goto end; printf("- Reading through all rows through keys\n"); if (!(file2=heap_open(filename, 2))) goto err; if (heap_scan_init(file)) goto err; while ((error=heap_scan(file,record)) != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { if (error == 0) { if (heap_rkey(file2,record2,2,record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start,8, HA_READ_KEY_EXACT)) { printf("can't find key3: \"%.8s\"\n", record+keyinfo[2].seg[0].start); goto err; } } } heap_close(file2); printf("- Creating output heap-file 2\n"); hp_create_info.keys= 1; hp_create_info.max_records= 0; hp_create_info.min_records= 0; if (heap_create(filename2, &hp_create_info, &tmp_share, &unused) || !(file2= heap_open_from_share_and_register(tmp_share, 2))) goto err; printf("- Copying and removing records\n"); if (heap_scan_init(file)) goto err; while ((error=heap_scan(file,record)) != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) { if (error == 0) { if (heap_write(file2,record)) goto err; key_check-=atoi((char*) record); write_count++; if (heap_delete(file,record)) goto err; opt_delete++; } pos++; } printf("- Checking heap tables\n"); if (heap_check_heap(file,1) || heap_check_heap(file2,1)) { puts("Heap keys crashed"); goto err; } if (my_errno != HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) printf("error: %d from heap_rrnd\n",my_errno); if (key_check) printf("error: Some read got wrong: check is %ld\n",(long) key_check); end: printf("\nFollowing test have been made:\n"); printf("Write records: %d\nUpdate records: %d\nDelete records: %d\n", write_count,update,opt_delete); heap_clear(file); if (heap_close(file) || (file2 && heap_close(file2))) goto err; heap_delete_table(filename2); hp_panic(HA_PANIC_CLOSE); my_end(MY_GIVE_INFO); return(0); err: printf("Got error: %d when using heap-database\n",my_errno); (void) heap_close(file); return(1); } /* main */
int bin2dec(const char *from, decimal_t *to, int precision, int scale) { int error=E_DEC_OK, intg=precision-scale, intg0=intg/DIG_PER_DEC1, frac0=scale/DIG_PER_DEC1, intg0x=intg-intg0*DIG_PER_DEC1, frac0x=scale-frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1, intg1=intg0+(intg0x>0), frac1=frac0+(frac0x>0); dec1 *buf=to->buf, mask=(*from & 0x80) ? 0 : -1; const char *stop; char *d_copy; int bin_size= decimal_bin_size(precision, scale); //sanity(to); d_copy= (char*) my_alloca(bin_size); memcpy(d_copy, from, bin_size); d_copy[0]^= 0x80; from= d_copy; FIX_INTG_FRAC_ERROR(to->len, intg1, frac1, error); if (unlikely(error)) { if (intg1 < intg0+(intg0x>0)) { from+=dig2bytes[intg0x]+sizeof(dec1)*(intg0-intg1); frac0=frac0x=intg0x=0; intg0=intg1; } else { frac0x=0; frac0=frac1; } } to->sign=(mask != 0); to->intg=intg0*DIG_PER_DEC1+intg0x; to->frac=frac0*DIG_PER_DEC1+frac0x; if (intg0x) { int i=dig2bytes[intg0x]; dec1 UNINIT_VAR(x); switch (i) { case 1: x=mi_sint1korr(from); break; case 2: x=mi_sint2korr(from); break; case 3: x=mi_sint3korr(from); break; case 4: x=mi_sint4korr(from); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } from+=i; *buf=x ^ mask; if (((ulonglong)*buf) >= (ulonglong) powers10[intg0x+1]) goto err; if (buf > to->buf || *buf != 0) buf++; else to->intg-=intg0x; } for (stop=from+intg0*sizeof(dec1); from < stop; from+=sizeof(dec1)) { DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(dec1) == 4); *buf=mi_sint4korr(from) ^ mask; if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err; if (buf > to->buf || *buf != 0) buf++; else to->intg-=DIG_PER_DEC1; } DBUG_ASSERT(to->intg >=0); for (stop=from+frac0*sizeof(dec1); from < stop; from+=sizeof(dec1)) { DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(dec1) == 4); *buf=mi_sint4korr(from) ^ mask; if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err; buf++; } if (frac0x) { int i=dig2bytes[frac0x]; dec1 UNINIT_VAR(x); switch (i) { case 1: x=mi_sint1korr(from); break; case 2: x=mi_sint2korr(from); break; case 3: x=mi_sint3korr(from); break; case 4: x=mi_sint4korr(from); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } *buf=(x ^ mask) * powers10[DIG_PER_DEC1 - frac0x]; if (((uint32)*buf) > DIG_MAX) goto err; buf++; } my_afree(d_copy); if (to->intg == 0 && to->frac == 0) decimal_make_zero(to); return error; err: my_afree(d_copy); decimal_make_zero(to); return(E_DEC_BAD_NUM); }
my_bool str_to_time(const char *str, uint length, MYSQL_TIME *l_time, ulonglong fuzzydate, MYSQL_TIME_STATUS *status) { ulong date[5]; ulonglong value; const char *end=str+length, *end_of_days; my_bool found_days,found_hours, neg= 0; uint UNINIT_VAR(state); my_time_status_init(status); for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++) length--; if (str != end && *str == '-') { neg=1; str++; length--; } if (str == end) { status->warnings|= MYSQL_TIME_WARN_TRUNCATED; goto err; } /* Check first if this is a full TIMESTAMP */ if (length >= 12) { /* Probably full timestamp */ (void) str_to_datetime(str, length, l_time, (fuzzydate & ~TIME_TIME_ONLY) | TIME_DATETIME_ONLY, status); if (l_time->time_type >= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR) return l_time->time_type == MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR; my_time_status_init(status); } l_time->neg= neg; /* Not a timestamp. Try to get this as a DAYS_TO_SECOND string */ for (value=0; str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++) value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0'); /* Skip all space after 'days' */ end_of_days= str; for (; str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, str[0]) ; str++) ; found_days=found_hours=0; if ((uint) (end-str) > 1 && str != end_of_days && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, *str)) { /* Found days part */ date[0]= (ulong) value; state= 1; /* Assume next is hours */ found_days= 1; } else if ((end-str) > 1 && *str == time_separator && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, str[1])) { date[0]= 0; /* Assume we found hours */ date[1]= (ulong) value; state=2; found_hours=1; str++; /* skip ':' */ } else { /* String given as one number; assume HHMMSS format */ date[0]= 0; date[1]= (ulong) (value/10000); date[2]= (ulong) (value/100 % 100); date[3]= (ulong) (value % 100); state=4; goto fractional; } /* Read hours, minutes and seconds */ for (;;) { for (value=0; str != end && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,*str) ; str++) value=value*10L + (long) (*str - '0'); date[state++]= (ulong) value; if (state == 4 || (end-str) < 2 || *str != time_separator || !my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1,str[1])) break; str++; /* Skip time_separator (':') */ } if (state != 4) { /* Not HH:MM:SS */ /* Fix the date to assume that seconds was given */ if (!found_hours && !found_days) { bmove_upp((uchar*) (date+4), (uchar*) (date+state), sizeof(long)*(state-1)); bzero((uchar*) date, sizeof(long)*(4-state)); } else bzero((uchar*) (date+state), sizeof(long)*(4-state)); } fractional: /* Get fractional second part */ if (!status->warnings && str < end && *str == '.') { uint number_of_fields= 0; str++; get_microseconds(&date[4], status, &number_of_fields, &str, end); } else date[4]= 0; /* Check for exponent part: E<gigit> | E<sign><digit> */ /* (may occur as result of %g formatting of time value) */ if ((end - str) > 1 && (*str == 'e' || *str == 'E') && (my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, str[1]) || ((str[1] == '-' || str[1] == '+') && (end - str) > 2 && my_isdigit(&my_charset_latin1, str[2])))) { status->warnings|= MYSQL_TIME_WARN_TRUNCATED; goto err; } if (internal_format_positions[7] != 255) { /* Read a possible AM/PM */ while (str != end && my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1, *str)) str++; if (str+2 <= end && (str[1] == 'M' || str[1] == 'm')) { if (str[0] == 'p' || str[0] == 'P') { str+= 2; date[1]= date[1]%12 + 12; } else if (str[0] == 'a' || str[0] == 'A') str+=2; } } /* Integer overflow checks */ if (date[0] > UINT_MAX || date[1] > UINT_MAX || date[2] > UINT_MAX || date[3] > UINT_MAX || date[4] > UINT_MAX) { status->warnings|= MYSQL_TIME_WARN_OUT_OF_RANGE; goto err; } l_time->year= 0; /* For protocol::store_time */ l_time->month= 0; l_time->day= 0; l_time->hour= date[1] + date[0] * 24; /* Mix days and hours */ l_time->minute= date[2]; l_time->second= date[3]; l_time->second_part= date[4]; l_time->time_type= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_TIME; /* Check if the value is valid and fits into MYSQL_TIME range */ if (check_time_range(l_time, 6, &status->warnings)) return TRUE; /* Check if there is garbage at end of the MYSQL_TIME specification */ if (str != end) { do { if (!my_isspace(&my_charset_latin1,*str)) { status->warnings|= MYSQL_TIME_WARN_TRUNCATED; break; } } while (++str != end); } return FALSE; err: bzero((char*) l_time, sizeof(*l_time)); l_time->time_type= MYSQL_TIMESTAMP_ERROR; return TRUE; }