Esempio n. 1
void PackWcle::pack(OutputFile *fo)

    if (ih.byte_order || ih.word_order
        || ih.exe_format_level
        || ih.cpu_type < 2 || ih.cpu_type > 5
        || ih.target_os != 1
        || ih.module_type != 0x200
        || ih.object_iterate_data_map_offset
        || ih.resource_entries
        || ih.module_directives_entries
        || ih.imported_modules_count
        || ih.object_table_entries > 255)
        throwCantPack("watcom/le: unexpected value in header");


//    if (find_le32(iimage,20,get_le32("UPX ")) >= 0)
    if (find_le32(iimage,UPX_MIN(soimage,256u),UPX_MAGIC_LE32) >= 0)

    if (ih.init_ss_object != objects)
        throwCantPack("the stack is not in the last object");


    const unsigned text_size = IOT(ih.init_cs_object-1,npages) * mps;
    const unsigned text_vaddr = IOT(ih.init_cs_object-1,my_base_address);

    // attach some useful data at the end of preprocessed fixups
    ifixups[sofixups++] = (unsigned char) (ih.automatic_data_object & 0xff);
    unsigned ic = objects*sizeof(*iobject_table);

    sofixups += ic;
    set_le32(ifixups+sofixups,ih.init_esp_offset+IOT(ih.init_ss_object-1,my_base_address)); // old stack pointer
    set_le32(ifixups+sofixups+4,ih.init_eip_offset+text_vaddr); // real entry point
    set_le32(ifixups+sofixups+8,mps*pages); // virtual address of unpacked relocations
    ifixups[sofixups+12] = (unsigned char) (unsigned) objects;
    sofixups += 13;

    // prepare filter
    Filter ft(ph.level);
    ft.buf_len = text_size;
    ft.addvalue = text_vaddr;
    // compress

    const unsigned lsize = getLoaderSize();
    neweip = getLoaderSection("WCLEMAIN");
    int e_len = getLoaderSectionStart("WCLECUTP");
    const unsigned d_len = lsize - e_len;
    assert(e_len > 0 && e_len < RESERVED);

    soimage += lsize;

    opages = (soimage+mps-1)/mps;
    oh.bytes_on_last_page = soimage%mps;



    // patch loader
    ic = (OOT(0,virtual_size) - d_len) &~ 15;
    assert(ic > ((ph.u_len + ph.overlap_overhead + 31) &~ 15));

    linker->defineSymbol("WCLECUTP", ic);

    linker->defineSymbol("original_entry", ih.init_eip_offset + text_vaddr);
    linker->defineSymbol("original_stack", ih.init_esp_offset +
                         IOT(ih.init_ss_object - 1, my_base_address));
    linker->defineSymbol("start_of_relocs", mps*pages);
    linker->defineSymbol("filter_buffer_start", text_vaddr);

    unsigned jpos = (((ph.c_len + 3) &~ 3) + d_len + 3) / 4;
    linker->defineSymbol("words_to_copy", jpos);
    linker->defineSymbol("copy_dest", ((ic + d_len + 3) &~ 3) - 4);
    linker->defineSymbol("copy_source", e_len + jpos * 4 - 4);


    MemBuffer loader(lsize);
    memcpy(loader, getLoader(), lsize);
    patchPackHeader(loader, lsize);

    memcpy(oimage, loader, e_len);
    memcpy(oimage + soimage - d_len, loader + e_len, d_len);

    writeFile(fo, opt->watcom_le.le);

    // verify
    verifyOverlappingDecompression(oimage + e_len, oimage.getSize() - e_len);

    // copy the overlay
    const unsigned overlaystart = ih.data_pages_offset + exe_offset
        + getImageSize();
    const unsigned overlay = file_size - overlaystart - ih.non_resident_name_table_length;
    copyOverlay(fo, overlay, &oimage);

    // finally check the compression ratio
    if (!checkFinalCompressionRatio(fo))
Esempio n. 2
int PackUnix::pack2(OutputFile *fo, Filter &ft)
    // compress blocks
    unsigned total_in = 0;
    unsigned total_out = 0;

// FIXME: ui_total_passes is not correct with multiple blocks...
//    ui_total_passes = (file_size + blocksize - 1) / blocksize;
//    if (ui_total_passes == 1)
//        ui_total_passes = 0;

    unsigned remaining = file_size;
    unsigned n_block = 0;
    while (remaining > 0)
        // FIXME: disable filters if we have more than one block.
        // FIXME: There is only 1 un-filter in the stub [as of 2002-11-10].
        // So the next block really has no choice!
        // This merely prevents an assert() in compressWithFilters(),
        // which assumes it has free choice on each call [block].
        // And if the choices aren't the same on each block,
        // then un-filtering will give incorrect results.
        int filter_strategy = getStrategy(ft);
        if (file_size > (off_t)blocksize)
            filter_strategy = -3;      // no filters

        int l = fi->readx(ibuf, UPX_MIN(blocksize, remaining));
        remaining -= l;

        // Note: compression for a block can fail if the
        //       file is e.g. blocksize + 1 bytes long

        // compress
        ph.overlap_overhead = 0;
        ph.c_len = ph.u_len = l;
        ft.buf_len = l;

        // compressWithFilters() updates u_adler _inside_ compress();
        // that is, AFTER filtering.  We want BEFORE filtering,
        // so that decompression checks the end-to-end checksum.
        unsigned const end_u_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.u_adler);
        compressWithFilters(&ft, OVERHEAD, NULL_cconf, filter_strategy,
            !!n_block++);  // check compression ratio only on first block

        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            const upx_bytep tbuf = NULL;
            if ( == 0) tbuf = ibuf;
            ph.overlap_overhead = OVERHEAD;
            if (!testOverlappingDecompression(obuf, tbuf, ph.overlap_overhead)) {
                // not in-place compressible
                ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
        if (ph.c_len >= ph.u_len) {
            // block is not compressible
            ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
            // must manually update checksum of compressed data
            ph.c_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.saved_c_adler);

        // write block header
        b_info blk_info;
        memset(&blk_info, 0, sizeof(blk_info));
        set_te32(&blk_info.sz_unc, ph.u_len);
        set_te32(&blk_info.sz_cpr, ph.c_len);
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            blk_info.b_method = (unsigned char) ph.method;
            blk_info.b_ftid = (unsigned char) ph.filter;
            blk_info.b_cto8 = (unsigned char) ph.filter_cto;
        fo->write(&blk_info, sizeof(blk_info));
        b_len += sizeof(b_info);

        // write compressed data
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            fo->write(obuf, ph.c_len);
            verifyOverlappingDecompression();  // uses ph.u_adler
        else {
            fo->write(ibuf, ph.u_len);
        ph.u_adler = end_u_adler;

        total_in += ph.u_len;
        total_out += ph.c_len;

    // update header with totals
    ph.u_len = total_in;
    ph.c_len = total_out;

    if ((off_t)total_in != file_size) {

    return 1;  // default: write end-of-compression bhdr next
Esempio n. 3
void PackUnix::packExtent(
    const Extent &x,
    unsigned &total_in,
    unsigned &total_out,
    Filter *ft,
    OutputFile *fo,
    unsigned hdr_u_len
    unsigned const init_u_adler = ph.u_adler;
    unsigned const init_c_adler = ph.c_adler;
    MemBuffer hdr_ibuf;
    if (hdr_u_len) {
        fi->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
        int l = fi->readx(hdr_ibuf, hdr_u_len);
    fi->seek(x.offset, SEEK_SET);
    for (off_t rest = x.size; 0 != rest; ) {
        int const filter_strategy = ft ? getStrategy(*ft) : 0;
        int l = fi->readx(ibuf, UPX_MIN(rest, (off_t)blocksize));
        if (l == 0) {
        rest -= l;

        // Note: compression for a block can fail if the
        //       file is e.g. blocksize + 1 bytes long

        // compress
        ph.c_len = ph.u_len = l;
        ph.overlap_overhead = 0;
        unsigned end_u_adler = 0;
        if (ft) {
            // compressWithFilters() updates u_adler _inside_ compress();
            // that is, AFTER filtering.  We want BEFORE filtering,
            // so that decompression checks the end-to-end checksum.
            end_u_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.u_adler);
            ft->buf_len = l;

                // compressWithFilters() requirements?
            ph.filter = 0;
            ph.filter_cto = 0;
            ft->id = 0;
            ft->cto = 0;

            compressWithFilters(ft, OVERHEAD, NULL_cconf, filter_strategy,
                                0, 0, 0, hdr_ibuf, hdr_u_len);
        else {
            (void) compress(ibuf, ph.u_len, obuf);    // ignore return value

        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            const upx_bytep tbuf = NULL;
            if (ft == NULL || ft->id == 0) tbuf = ibuf;
            ph.overlap_overhead = OVERHEAD;
            if (!testOverlappingDecompression(obuf, tbuf, ph.overlap_overhead)) {
                // not in-place compressible
                ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
        if (ph.c_len >= ph.u_len) {
            // block is not compressible
            ph.c_len = ph.u_len;
            memcpy(obuf, ibuf, ph.c_len);
            // must update checksum of compressed data
            ph.c_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.saved_c_adler);

        // write block sizes
        b_info tmp;
        if (hdr_u_len) {
            unsigned hdr_c_len = 0;
            MemBuffer hdr_obuf;
            int r = upx_compress(hdr_ibuf, hdr_u_len, hdr_obuf, &hdr_c_len, 0,
                ph.method, 10, NULL, NULL);
            if (r != UPX_E_OK)
                throwInternalError("header compression failed");
            if (hdr_c_len >= hdr_u_len)
                throwInternalError("header compression size increase");
            ph.saved_u_adler = upx_adler32(hdr_ibuf, hdr_u_len, init_u_adler);
            ph.saved_c_adler = upx_adler32(hdr_obuf, hdr_c_len, init_c_adler);
            ph.u_adler = upx_adler32(ibuf, ph.u_len, ph.saved_u_adler);
            ph.c_adler = upx_adler32(obuf, ph.c_len, ph.saved_c_adler);
            end_u_adler = ph.u_adler;
            memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
            set_te32(&tmp.sz_unc, hdr_u_len);
            set_te32(&tmp.sz_cpr, hdr_c_len);
            tmp.b_method = (unsigned char) ph.method;
            fo->write(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
            b_len += sizeof(b_info);
            fo->write(hdr_obuf, hdr_c_len);
            total_out += hdr_c_len;
            total_in  += hdr_u_len;
            hdr_u_len = 0;  // compress hdr one time only
        memset(&tmp, 0, sizeof(tmp));
        set_te32(&tmp.sz_unc, ph.u_len);
        set_te32(&tmp.sz_cpr, ph.c_len);
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            tmp.b_method = (unsigned char) ph.method;
            if (ft) {
                tmp.b_ftid = (unsigned char) ft->id;
                tmp.b_cto8 = ft->cto;
        fo->write(&tmp, sizeof(tmp));
        b_len += sizeof(b_info);

        if (ft) {
            ph.u_adler = end_u_adler;
        // write compressed data
        if (ph.c_len < ph.u_len) {
            fo->write(obuf, ph.c_len);
            // Checks ph.u_adler after decompression, after unfiltering
        else {
            fo->write(ibuf, ph.u_len);

        total_in += ph.u_len;
        total_out += ph.c_len;
Esempio n. 4
// read full kernel into obuf[], gzip-decompress into ibuf[],
// return decompressed size
int PackVmlinuzI386::decompressKernel()
    // read whole kernel image
    fi->seek(0, SEEK_SET);
    fi->readx(obuf, file_size);

    const upx_byte *base = NULL;
    unsigned relocated = 0;

    // See startup_32: in linux/arch/i386/boot/compressed/head.S
    const upx_byte *p = &obuf[setup_size];
    unsigned cpa_0 = 0;
    unsigned cpa_1 = 0;
    int j;
    if (0x205<=h.version) {
        cpa_0 = h.kernel_alignment;
        cpa_1 = 0u - cpa_0;
    } else
    for ((p = &obuf[setup_size]), (j= 0); j < 0x200; ++j, ++p) {
        if (0==memcmp("\x89\xeb\x81\xc3", p, 4)
        &&  0==memcmp("\x81\xe3",      8+ p, 2)) {
            // movl %ebp,%ebx
            // addl $imm.w,%ebx
            // andl $imm.w,%ebx
            cpa_0 = 1+ get_te32( 4+ p);
            cpa_1 =    get_te32(10+ p);
    for ((p = &obuf[setup_size]), (j= 0); j < 0x200; ++j, ++p) {
        if (0==memcmp("\x8d\x83",    p, 2)  // leal d32(%ebx),%eax
        &&  0==memcmp("\xff\xe0", 6+ p, 2)  // jmp *%eax
        ) {
            relocated = get_te32(2+ p);
        if (0==memcmp("\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x5D", p, 6)) {
            // "call 1f; 1f: pop %ebp"  determines actual execution address.
            // linux-2.6.21 (spring 2007) and later; upx stub needs work
            // unless LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR is known.
            // Allowed code is:  linux-2.6.23/arch/x86/head_32.S  2008-01-01
            //      call 1f
            //  1:  popl %ebp
            //      subl $1b, %ebp  # 32-bit immediate
            //      movl $LOAD_PHYSICAL_ADDR, %ebx
            if (0==memcmp("\x81\xed", 6+  p, 2)      // subl $imm.w,%ebp
            &&  0==memcmp("\xbb",     12+ p, 1) ) {  // movl $imm.w,%ebx
                physical_start = get_te32(13+ p);
            } else
            if (0==memcmp("\x81\xed", 6+  p, 2)  // subl $imm.w,%ebp
            &&  is_pow2(cpa_0) && (0u-cpa_0)==cpa_1) {
                base = (5+ p) - get_te32(8+ p);
                config_physical_align = cpa_0;
            else {
                throwCantPack("Unrecognized relocatable kernel");
        // Find "ljmp $__BOOT_CS,$__PHYSICAL_START" if any.
        if (0==memcmp("\xEA\x00\x00", p, 3) && 0==(0xf & p[3]) && 0==p[4]) {
            /* whole megabyte < 16 MiB */
            physical_start = get_te32(1+ p);
    if (base && relocated) {
        p = base + relocated;
        for (j = 0; j < 0x200; ++j, ++p) {
            if (0==memcmp("\x01\x9c\x0b", p, 3)  // addl %ebx,d32(%ebx,%ecx)
            ) {
                page_offset = 0u - get_te32(3+ p);
            if (0==memcmp("\x89\xeb",    p, 2)  // movl %ebp,%ebx
            &&  0==memcmp("\x81\xeb", 2+ p, 2)  // subl $imm32,%ebx
            ) {
                physical_start = get_te32(4+ p);

    checkAlreadyPacked(obuf + setup_size, UPX_MIN(file_size - setup_size, (off_t)1024));

    int gzoff = setup_size;
    if (0x208<=h.version) {
        gzoff += h.payload_offset;
    for (; gzoff < file_size; gzoff++)
        // find gzip header (2 bytes magic + 1 byte method "deflated")
        int off = find(obuf + gzoff, file_size - gzoff, "\x1F\x8B\x08", 3);
        if (off < 0)
        gzoff += off;
        const int gzlen = (h.version < 0x208) ? (file_size - gzoff) : h.payload_length;
        if (gzlen < 256)
        // check gzip flag byte
        unsigned char flags = obuf[gzoff + 3];
        if ((flags & 0xe0) != 0)        // reserved bits set
        //printf("found gzip header at offset %d\n", gzoff);

        // try to decompress
        int klen;
        int fd;
        off_t fd_pos;
        for (;;)
            klen = -1;
            fd = -1;
            fd_pos = -1;
            // open
            fi->seek(gzoff, SEEK_SET);
            fd = dup(fi->getFd());
            if (fd < 0)
            gzFile zf = gzdopen(fd, "rb");
            if (zf == NULL)
            // estimate gzip-decompressed kernel size & alloc buffer
            if (ibuf.getSize() == 0)
                ibuf.alloc(gzlen * 3);
            // decompress
            klen = gzread(zf, ibuf, ibuf.getSize());
            fd_pos = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
            fd = -1;
            if (klen != (int)ibuf.getSize())
            // realloc and try again
            unsigned s = ibuf.getSize();
            ibuf.alloc(3 * s / 2);
        if (fd >= 0)
            (void) close(fd);
        if (klen <= 0)

        if (klen <= gzlen)

        if (0x208<=h.version && 0==memcmp("\177ELF", ibuf, 4)) {
            // Full ELF in theory; for now, try to handle as .bin at physical_start.
            // Check for PT_LOAD.p_paddr being ascending and adjacent.
            Elf_LE32_Ehdr const *const ehdr = (Elf_LE32_Ehdr const *)(void const *)ibuf;
            Elf_LE32_Phdr const *phdr = (Elf_LE32_Phdr const *)(ehdr->e_phoff + (char const *)ehdr);
            Elf_LE32_Shdr const *shdr = (Elf_LE32_Shdr const *)(ehdr->e_shoff + (char const *)ehdr);
            unsigned hi_paddr = 0, lo_paddr = 0;
            unsigned delta_off = 0;
            for (unsigned j=0; j < ehdr->e_phnum; ++j, ++phdr) {
                if (phdr->PT_LOAD==phdr->p_type) {
                    unsigned step = (hi_paddr + phdr->p_align - 1) & ~(phdr->p_align - 1);
                    if (0==hi_paddr) { // first PT_LOAD
                        if (physical_start!=phdr->p_paddr) {
                            return 0;
                        delta_off = phdr->p_paddr - phdr->p_offset;
                        lo_paddr = phdr->p_paddr;
                        hi_paddr = phdr->p_filesz + phdr->p_paddr;
                    else if (step==phdr->p_paddr
                        && delta_off==(phdr->p_paddr - phdr->p_offset)) {
                        hi_paddr = phdr->p_filesz + phdr->p_paddr;
                    else {
                        return 0;  // Not equivalent to a .bin.  Too complex for now.
            // FIXME: ascending order is only a convention; might need sorting.
            for (unsigned j=1; j < ehdr->e_shnum; ++j) {
                if (shdr->SHT_PROGBITS==shdr->sh_type) { // SHT_REL might be intermixed
                    if (shdr->SHF_EXECINSTR & shdr[j].sh_flags) {
                        filter_len += shdr[j].sh_size;  // FIXME: include sh_addralign
                    else {
            memmove(ibuf, (lo_paddr - delta_off) + ibuf, hi_paddr - lo_paddr);  // FIXME: set_size
            // FIXME: .bss ?  Apparently handled by head.S

        if (opt->force > 0)
            return klen;

        // some checks
        if (fd_pos != file_size)
            //printf("fd_pos: %ld, file_size: %ld\n", (long)fd_pos, (long)file_size);

            // linux-
            // puts .data.compressed ahead of .text, .rodata, etc;
            // so piggy.o need not be last in bzImage.  Alas.
            //throwCantPack("trailing bytes after kernel image; use option '-f' to force packing");

        // see /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/kernel/head.S
        // 2.4.x: [cli;] cld; mov $...,%eax
        if (memcmp(ibuf,     "\xFC\xB8", 2) == 0) goto head_ok;
        if (memcmp(ibuf, "\xFA\xFC\xB8", 3) == 0) goto head_ok;
        // CONFIG_PARAVIRT  mov %cs,%eax; test $3,%eax; jne ...;
        if (memcmp(ibuf, "\x8c\xc8\xa9\x03\x00\x00\x00\x0f\x85", 9) == 0) goto head_ok;
        if (memcmp(ibuf, "\x8c\xc8\xa8\x03\x0f\x85", 6) == 0) goto head_ok;
        // 2.6.x: [cli;] cld; lgdt ...
        if (memcmp(ibuf,     "\xFC\x0F\x01", 3) == 0) goto head_ok;
        if (memcmp(ibuf, "\xFA\xFC\x0F\x01", 4) == 0) goto head_ok;
        // 2.6.x+grsecurity+strongswan+openwall+trustix: ljmp $0x10,...
        if (ibuf[0] == 0xEA && memcmp(ibuf+5, "\x10\x00", 2) == 0) goto head_ok;
        // x86_64 2.6.x
        if (0xB8==ibuf[0]  // mov $...,%eax
        &&  0x8E==ibuf[5] && 0xD8==ibuf[6]  // mov %eax,%ds
        &&  0x0F==ibuf[7] && 0x01==ibuf[8] && 020==(070 & ibuf[9]) // lgdtl
        &&  0xB8==ibuf[14]  // mov $...,%eax
        &&  0x0F==ibuf[19] && 0xA2==ibuf[20]  // cpuid
        ) goto head_ok;

        // cmpw   $0x207,0x206(%esi)  Debian vmlinuz-2.6.24-12-generic
        if (0==memcmp("\x66\x81\xbe\x06\x02\x00\x00\x07\x02", ibuf, 9)) goto head_ok;

        // testb  $0x40,0x211(%esi)  Fedora vmlinuz-2.6.25-0.218.rc8.git7.fc9.i686
        if (0==memcmp("\xf6\x86\x11\x02\x00\x00\x40", ibuf, 7)) goto head_ok;

        // rex.W prefix for x86_64
        if (0x48==ibuf[0]) throwCantPack("x86_64 bzImage is not yet supported");

        throwCantPack("unrecognized kernel architecture; use option '-f' to force packing");

        // FIXME: more checks for special magic bytes in ibuf ???
        // FIXME: more checks for kernel architecture ???

        return klen;

    return 0;