Esempio n. 1
//! This function sets one of the \b USBLIB_FEATURE_ requests.
//! \param ui32Index is the index of the USB controller to access.
//! \param ui32Feature is one of the \b USBLIB_FEATURE_ defines.
//! \param pvFeature is a pointer to the data for the \b USBLIB_FEATURE
//!        request.
//! This function sends the requested feature request to the USB library.
//! Not all features are supported by all devices so see the documentation
//! for the \b USBLIB_FEATURE_ to determine if the feature is supported.
//! \return Returns \b true if the feature was set and \b false if the feature
//! is not supported or could not be changed to the requested value.
USBOTGFeatureSet(uint32_t ui32Index, uint32_t ui32Feature, void *pvFeature)
    bool bRetCode;

    bRetCode = true;

    // Pass this on to the host and device and indicate false if
    // either fails.
    if(USBDCDFeatureSet(ui32Index, ui32Feature, pvFeature) == false)
        bRetCode = false;

    if(USBHCDFeatureSet(ui32Index, ui32Feature, pvFeature) == false)
        bRetCode = false;

// This is the main application entry function.
    uint32_t ui32TxCount, ui32RxCount, ui32Fullness, ui32SysClock, ui32PLLRate;
    tRectangle sRect;
    char pcBuffer[16];
#ifdef USE_ULPI
    uint32_t ui32Setting;

    // Set the system clock to run at 120MHz from the PLL.
    ui32SysClock = MAP_SysCtlClockFreqSet((SYSCTL_XTAL_25MHZ |
                                           SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN | SYSCTL_USE_PLL |
                                           SYSCTL_CFG_VCO_480), 120000000);

    // Configure the device pins.

#ifdef USE_ULPI
    // Switch the USB ULPI Pins over.

    // Enable USB ULPI with high speed support.
    ui32Setting = USBLIB_FEATURE_ULPI_HS;
    USBOTGFeatureSet(0, USBLIB_FEATURE_USBULPI, &ui32Setting);

    // Setting the PLL frequency to zero tells the USB library to use the
    // external USB clock.
    ui32PLLRate = 0;
    // Save the PLL rate used by this application.
    ui32PLLRate = 480000000;

    // Enable the system tick.
    ROM_SysTickPeriodSet(ui32SysClock / TICKS_PER_SECOND);

    // Not configured initially.
    g_ui32Flags = 0;

    // Initialize the display driver.

    // Initialize the graphics context.
    GrContextInit(&g_sContext, &g_sKentec320x240x16_SSD2119);

    // Draw the application frame.
    FrameDraw(&g_sContext, "usb-dev-serial");

    // Fill the top 15 rows of the screen with blue to create the banner.
    sRect.i16XMin = 0;
    sRect.i16YMin = 0;
    sRect.i16XMax = GrContextDpyWidthGet(&g_sContext) - 1;
    sRect.i16YMax = 23;
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrDarkBlue);
    GrRectFill(&g_sContext, &sRect);

    // Put a white box around the banner.
    GrContextForegroundSet(&g_sContext, ClrWhite);
    GrRectDraw(&g_sContext, &sRect);

    // Show the various static text elements on the color STN display.
    GrContextFontSet(&g_sContext, TEXT_FONT);
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Tx bytes:", -1, 8, 80, false);
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Tx buffer:", -1, 8, 105, false);
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Rx bytes:", -1, 8, 160, false);
    GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, "Rx buffer:", -1, 8, 185, false);
    DrawBufferMeter(&g_sContext, 150, 105);
    DrawBufferMeter(&g_sContext, 150, 185);

    // Enable the UART that we will be redirecting.

    // Change the UART clock to the 16 MHz PIOSC.

    // Set the default UART configuration.
                            DEFAULT_BIT_RATE, DEFAULT_UART_CONFIG);

    // Configure and enable UART interrupts.
    ROM_UARTIntClear(UART0_BASE, ROM_UARTIntStatus(UART0_BASE, false));
                      UART_INT_FE | UART_INT_RT | UART_INT_TX | UART_INT_RX));

    // Tell the user what we are up to.
    DisplayStatus(&g_sContext, " Configuring USB... ");

    // Initialize the transmit and receive buffers.

    // Set the USB stack mode to Device mode with VBUS monitoring.
    USBStackModeSet(0, eUSBModeDevice, 0);

    // Tell the USB library the CPU clock and the PLL frequency.  This is a
    // new requirement for TM4C129 devices.
    USBDCDFeatureSet(0, USBLIB_FEATURE_CPUCLK, &ui32SysClock);

    // Pass our device information to the USB library and place the device
    // on the bus.
    USBDCDCInit(0, (tUSBDCDCDevice *)&g_sCDCDevice);

    // Wait for initial configuration to complete.
    DisplayStatus(&g_sContext, " Waiting for host... ");

    // Clear our local byte counters.
    ui32RxCount = 0;
    ui32TxCount = 0;
    g_ui32UARTTxCount = 0;
    g_ui32UARTRxCount = 0;
#ifdef DEBUG
    g_ui32UARTRxErrors = 0;

    // Enable interrupts now that the application is ready to start.

    // Main application loop.
        // Have we been asked to update the status display?
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ui32Flags, FLAG_STATUS_UPDATE))
            // Clear the command flag
            HWREGBITW(&g_ui32Flags, FLAG_STATUS_UPDATE) = 0;

            DisplayStatus(&g_sContext, g_pcStatus);

        // Has there been any transmit traffic since we last checked?
        if(ui32TxCount != g_ui32UARTTxCount)
            // Take a snapshot of the latest transmit count.
            ui32TxCount = g_ui32UARTTxCount;

            // Update the display of bytes transmitted by the UART.
            usnprintf(pcBuffer, 16, "%d ", ui32TxCount);
            GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, pcBuffer, -1, 150, 80, true);

            // Update the RX buffer fullness. Remember that the buffers are
            // named relative to the USB whereas the status display is from
            // the UART's perspective. The USB's receive buffer is the UART's
            // transmit buffer.
            ui32Fullness = ((USBBufferDataAvailable(&g_sRxBuffer) * 100) /

            UpdateBufferMeter(&g_sContext, ui32Fullness, 150, 105);

        // Has there been any receive traffic since we last checked?
        if(ui32RxCount != g_ui32UARTRxCount)
            // Take a snapshot of the latest receive count.
            ui32RxCount = g_ui32UARTRxCount;

            // Update the display of bytes received by the UART.
            usnprintf(pcBuffer, 16, "%d ", ui32RxCount);
            GrStringDraw(&g_sContext, pcBuffer, -1, 150, 160, true);

            // Update the TX buffer fullness. Remember that the buffers are
            // named relative to the USB whereas the status display is from
            // the UART's perspective. The USB's transmit buffer is the UART's
            // receive buffer.
            ui32Fullness = ((USBBufferDataAvailable(&g_sTxBuffer) * 100) /

            UpdateBufferMeter(&g_sContext, ui32Fullness, 150, 185);