Esempio n. 1
//! Initializes bulk device operation for a given USB controller.
//! \param ulIndex is the index of the USB controller which is to be
//! initialized for bulk device operation.
//! \param psDevice points to a structure containing parameters customizing
//! the operation of the bulk device.
//! An application wishing to make use of a USB bulk communication channel
//! must call this function to initialize the USB controller and attach the
//! device to the USB bus.  This function performs all required USB
//! initialization.
//! On successful completion, this function will return the \e psDevice pointer
//! passed to it.  This must be passed on all future calls to the device driver
//! related to this device.
//! The USBDBulk interface offers packet-based transmit and receive operation.
//! If the application would rather use block based communication with
//! transmit and receive buffers, USB buffers may be used above the bulk
//! transmit and receive channels to offer this functionality.
//! Transmit Operation:
//! Calls to USBDBulkPacketWrite must send no more than 64 bytes of data at a
//! time and may only be made when no other transmission is currently
//! outstanding.
//! Once a packet of data has been acknowledged by the USB host, a
//! USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE event is sent to the application callback to inform
//! it that another packet may be transmitted.
//! Receive Operation:
//! An incoming USB data packet will result in a call to the application
//! callback with event USBD_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE.  The application must then
//! call USBDBulkPacketRead(), passing a buffer capable of holding 64 bytes, to
//! retrieve the data and acknowledge reception to the USB host.
//! \note The application must not make any calls to the low level USB Device
//! API if interacting with USB via the USB bulk device class API.  Doing so
//! will cause unpredictable (though almost certainly unpleasant) behavior.
//! \return Returns NULL on failure or the psDevice pointer on success.
void *
USBDBulkInit(unsigned int ulIndex, const tUSBDBulkDevice *psDevice)
    void *pvInstance;

    // Check parameter validity.
    ASSERT(ulIndex == 0);

    pvInstance = USBDBulkCompositeInit(ulIndex, psDevice);

        // All is well so now pass the descriptors to the lower layer and put
        // the bulk device on the bus.
        USBDCDInit(ulIndex, psDevice->psPrivateBulkData->psDevInfo);

    // Return the pointer to the instance indicating that everything went well.
Esempio n. 2
//! This function should be called once for the audio class device to
//! initialized basic operation and prepare for enumeration.
//! \param ui32Index is the index of the USB controller to initialize for
//! audio class device operation.
//! \param psAudioDevice points to a structure containing parameters
//! customizing the operation of the audio device.
//! In order for an application to initialize the USB audio device class, it
//! must first call this function with the a valid audio device class structure
//! in the \e psAudioDevice parameter.  This allows this function to initialize
//! the USB controller and device code to be prepared to enumerate and function
//! as a USB audio device.
//! This function returns a void pointer that must be passed in to all other
//! APIs used by the audio class.
//! See the documentation on the tUSBDAudioDevice structure for more
//! information on how to properly fill the structure members.
//! \return Returns 0 on failure or a non-zero void pointer on success.
void *
USBDAudioInit(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDAudioDevice *psAudioDevice)
    tConfigDescriptor *psConfigDesc;
    tDeviceDescriptor *psDevDesc;

    // Check parameter validity.
    ASSERT(ui32Index == 0);

    // Composite Init handles all initialization that is not specific to a
    // multiple instance device.
    USBDAudioCompositeInit(ui32Index, psAudioDevice, 0);

    // Fix up the device descriptor with the client-supplied values.
    psDevDesc = (tDeviceDescriptor *)g_pui8AudioDeviceDescriptor;
    writeusb16_t(&(psDevDesc->idVendor), psAudioDevice->ui16VID);
    writeusb16_t(&(psDevDesc->idProduct), psAudioDevice->ui16PID);

    // Fix up the configuration descriptor with client-supplied values.
    psConfigDesc = (tConfigDescriptor *)g_pui8AudioDescriptor;
    psConfigDesc->bmAttributes = psAudioDevice->ui8PwrAttributes;
    psConfigDesc->bMaxPower = (uint8_t)(psAudioDevice->ui16MaxPowermA / 2);

    // All is well so now pass the descriptors to the lower layer and put
    // the bulk device on the bus.
    USBDCDInit(ui32Index, &psAudioDevice->sPrivateData.sDevInfo,
               (void *)psAudioDevice);

    // Configure the DMA for the OUT endpoint.
    psAudioDevice->sPrivateData.ui8OUTDMA =
                                 USB_DMA_EP_RX | USB_DMA_EP_TYPE_ISOC |

                         psAudioDevice->sPrivateData.ui8OUTDMA, 32);
                        psAudioDevice->sPrivateData.ui8OUTDMA, 16);

    // Return the pointer to the instance indicating that everything went well.
    return((void *)psAudioDevice);
Esempio n. 3
//! Initializes bulk device operation for a given USB controller.
//! \param ui32Index is the index of the USB controller which is to be
//! initialized for bulk device operation.
//! \param psBulkDevice points to a structure containing parameters customizing
//! the operation of the bulk device.
//! An application wishing to make use of a USB bulk communication channel
//! must call this function to initialize the USB controller and attach the
//! device to the USB bus.  This function performs all required USB
//! initialization.
//! On successful completion, this function will return the \e psBulkDevice
//! pointer passed to it.  This must be passed on all future calls to the
//! device driver related to this device.
//! The USBDBulk interface offers packet-based transmit and receive operation.
//! If the application would rather use block based communication with
//! transmit and receive buffers, USB buffers may be used above the bulk
//! transmit and receive channels to offer this functionality.
//! Transmit Operation:
//! Calls to USBDBulkPacketWrite must send no more than 64 bytes of data at a
//! time and may only be made when no other transmission is currently
//! outstanding.
//! Once a packet of data has been acknowledged by the USB host, a
//! \b USB_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE event is sent to the application callback to
//! inform it that another packet may be transmitted.
//! Receive Operation:
//! An incoming USB data packet will result in a call to the application
//! callback with event \b USBD_EVENT_RX_AVAILABLE.  The application must then
//! call USBDBulkPacketRead(), passing a buffer capable of holding 64 bytes, to
//! retrieve the data and acknowledge reception to the USB host.
//! \note The application must not make any calls to the low level USB Device
//! API if interacting with USB via the USB bulk device class API.  Doing so
//! will cause unpredictable (though almost certainly unpleasant) behavior.
//! \return Returns NULL on failure or void pointer that should be used with
//! the remaining USB bulk class APSs.
void *
USBDBulkInit(uint32_t ui32Index, tUSBDBulkDevice *psBulkDevice)
    void *pvBulkDevice;
    tDeviceDescriptor *psDevDesc;
    tConfigDescriptor *psConfigDesc;

    // Check parameter validity.
    ASSERT(ui32Index == 0);

    pvBulkDevice = USBDBulkCompositeInit(ui32Index, psBulkDevice, 0);

        // Fix up the device descriptor with the client-supplied values.
        psDevDesc = (tDeviceDescriptor *)g_pui8BulkDeviceDescriptor;
        psDevDesc->idVendor = psBulkDevice->ui16VID;
        psDevDesc->idProduct = psBulkDevice->ui16PID;

        // Fix up the configuration descriptor with client-supplied values.
        psConfigDesc = (tConfigDescriptor *)g_pui8BulkDescriptor;
        psConfigDesc->bmAttributes = psBulkDevice->ui8PwrAttributes;
        psConfigDesc->bMaxPower = (uint8_t)(psBulkDevice->ui16MaxPowermA / 2);

        // All is well so now pass the descriptors to the lower layer and put
        // the bulk device on the bus.
        USBDCDInit(ui32Index, &psBulkDevice->sPrivateData.sDevInfo,
                   (void *)psBulkDevice);

    // Return the pointer to the instance indicating that everything went well.
Esempio n. 4
//! This function should be called once for the composite class device to
//! initialize basic operation and prepare for enumeration.
//! \param ulIndex is the index of the USB controller to initialize for
//! composite device operation.
//! \param psDevice points to a structure containing parameters customizing
//! the operation of the composite device.
//! \param ulSize is the size in bytes of the data pointed to by the
//! \e pucData parameter.
//! \param pucData is the data area that the composite class can use to build
//! up descriptors.
//! In order for an application to initialize the USB composite device class,
//! it must first call this function with the a valid composite device class
//! structure in the \e psDevice parameter.  This allows this function to
//! initialize the USB controller and device code to be prepared to enumerate
//! and function as a USB composite device.  The \e ulSize and \e pucData
//! parameters should be large enough to hold all of the class instances
//! passed in via the psDevice structure.  This is typically the full size of
//! the configuration descriptor for a device minus its configuration
//! header(9 bytes).
//! This function returns a void pointer that must be passed in to all other
//! APIs used by the composite class.
//! See the documentation on the tUSBDCompositeDevice structure for more
//! information on how to properly fill the structure members.
//! \return This function returns 0 on failure or a non-zero void pointer on
//! success.
void *
USBDCompositeInit(unsigned long ulIndex, tUSBDCompositeDevice *psDevice,
        unsigned long ulSize, unsigned char *pucData)
    tCompositeInstance *psInst;
    long lIdx;
    unsigned char *pucTemp;

    // Check parameter validity.
    ASSERT(ulIndex == 0);

    // Initialize the work space in the passed instance structure.
    psInst = psDevice->psPrivateData;
    psInst->ulDataSize = ulSize;
    psInst->pucData = pucData;

    // Save the base address of the USB controller.
    psInst->ulUSBBase = USB_INDEX_TO_BASE(ulIndex);

    // No device is currently transfering data on EP0.
    psInst->ulEP0Owner = INVALID_DEVICE_INDEX;

    // Set the device information for the composite device.
    psInst->psDevInfo = &g_sCompositeDeviceInfo;

    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0] = &psInst->sCompConfigHeader;
    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0]->ucNumSections = 0;
    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0]->psSections =
      (const tConfigSection * const *)psDevice->psPrivateData->ppsCompSections;

    // Create a byte pointer to use with the copy.
    pucTemp = (unsigned char *)&psInst->sConfigDescriptor;

    // Copy the default configuration descriptor into the instance data.
    for(lIdx = 0; lIdx < g_pCompConfigDescriptor[0]; lIdx++)
        pucTemp[lIdx] = g_pCompConfigDescriptor[lIdx];

    // Create a byte pointer to use with the copy.
    pucTemp = (unsigned char *)&psInst->sDeviceDescriptor;

    // Copy the default configuration descriptor into the instance data.
    for(lIdx = 0; lIdx < g_pCompDeviceDescriptor[0]; lIdx++)
        pucTemp[lIdx] = g_pCompDeviceDescriptor[lIdx];

    // Fix up the device descriptor with the client-supplied values.
    psInst->sDeviceDescriptor.idVendor = psDevice->usVID;
    psInst->sDeviceDescriptor.idProduct = psDevice->usPID;

    // Fix up the configuration descriptor with client-supplied values.
    psInst->sConfigDescriptor.bmAttributes = psDevice->ucPwrAttributes;
    psInst->sConfigDescriptor.bMaxPower =
        (unsigned char)(psDevice->usMaxPowermA>>1);

    g_sCompositeDeviceInfo.pDeviceDescriptor =
        (const unsigned char *)&psInst->sDeviceDescriptor;

    // Plug in the client's string table to the device information
    // structure.
    psInst->psDevInfo->ppStringDescriptors = psDevice->ppStringDescriptors;
    psInst->psDevInfo->ulNumStringDescriptors =

    // Enable Clocking to the USB controller so that changes to the USB
    // controller can be made in the BuildCompositeDescriptor() function.

    // Create the combined descriptors.

    // Set the instance data for this device.
    psInst->psDevInfo->pvInstance = (void *)psDevice;

    // All is well so now pass the descriptors to the lower layer and put
    // the bulk device on the bus.
    USBDCDInit(ulIndex, psInst->psDevInfo);

    // Return the pointer to the instance indicating that everything went
    // well.
    return((void *)psDevice);
Esempio n. 5
// This function is called by the USB library to inform us of the mode that
// we are operating in, USB_MODE_DEVICE or USB_MODE_HOST.
ScopeUSBModeCallback(unsigned long ulIndex, tUSBMode eMode)
    // What is the new operating mode?
        // We are switching to USB device mode.
        case USB_MODE_DEVICE:
            // Perform additional setup required for operation as a USB
            // device.

            // Pass our device information to the USB library.
            USBDCDInit(0, &g_sScopeDeviceInfo);

            // Clear the flag used by other modules in the application to
            // indicate which mode we are in.
            g_bUSBModeIsHost = false;

        // We are switching to USB host mode.
        case USB_MODE_HOST:
            // Register the host class drivers.
            USBHCDRegisterDrivers(0, g_ppHostClassDrivers,

            // Set our Mass Storage Class driver callback.
            g_ulMSCInstance = USBHMSCDriveOpen(0, MSCCallback);

            // Initialize the host controller and give it the memory we have
            // set aside for it to use for descriptor storage.
            USBHCDInit(0, g_pcUSBHostHeap, USB_HOST_HEAP_SIZE);

            // Set the flag used by other modules in the application to
            // indicate which mode we are in.
            g_bUSBModeIsHost = true;

            // This callback will only ever be called to tell us we are
            // operating as a host or a device.  Any other value indicates
            // something has gone horribly wrong.
//! This function should be called once for the composite class device to
//! initialized basic operation and prepare for enumeration.
//! \param ulIndex is the index of the USB controller to initialize for
//! composite device operation.
//! \param psDevice points to a structure containing parameters customizing
//! the operation of the composite device.
//! \param ulSize is the size in bytes of the data pointed to by the
//! \e pucData parameter.
//! \param pucData is the data area that the composite class can use to build
//! up descriptors.
//! In order for an application to initialize the USB composite device class,
//! it must first call this function with the a valid composite device class
//! structure in the \e psDevice parameter.  This allows this function to
//! initialize the USB controller and device code to be prepared to enumerate
//! and function as a USB composite device.  The \e ulSize and \e pucData
//! parameters should be large enough to hold all of the class instances
//! passed in via the psDevice structure.  This is typically the full size of
//! the configuration descriptor for a device minus its configuration
//! header(9 bytes).
//! This function returns a void pointer that must be passed in to all other
//! APIs used by the composite class.
//! See the documentation on the tUSBDCompositeDevice structure for more
//! information on how to properly fill the structure members.
//! \return This function returns 0 on failure or a non-zero void pointer on
//! success.
void *
USBDCompositeInit(unsigned int ulIndex, tUSBDCompositeDevice *psDevice,
        unsigned int ulSize, unsigned char *pucData)
    tCompositeInstance *psInst;
    int iIdx;
    unsigned char *pucTemp;

    // Check parameter validity.
    ASSERT(ulIndex == 0);

    // Initialize the work space in the passed instance structure.
    psInst = psDevice->psPrivateData;
    psInst->ulDataSize = ulSize;
    psInst->pucData = pucData;

    // Set the device information for the composite device.
    psInst->psDevInfo = &g_sCompositeDeviceInfo;

    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0] = &psInst->sCompConfigHeader;
    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0]->ucNumSections = 0;
    g_pCompConfigDescriptors[0]->psSections =
      (const tConfigSection * const *)psDevice->psPrivateData->ppsCompSections;

    // Create a byte pointer to use with the copy.
    pucTemp = (unsigned char *)&psInst->sConfigDescriptor;

    // Copy the default configuration descriptor into the instance data.
    for(iIdx = 0; iIdx < g_pCompConfigDescriptor[0]; iIdx++)
        pucTemp[iIdx] = g_pCompConfigDescriptor[iIdx];

    // Create a byte pointer to use with the copy.
    pucTemp = (unsigned char *)&psInst->sDeviceDescriptor;

    // Copy the default configuration descriptor into the instance data.
    for(iIdx = 0; iIdx < g_pCompDeviceDescriptor[0]; iIdx++)
        pucTemp[iIdx] = g_pCompDeviceDescriptor[iIdx];

    // Fix up the device descriptor with the client-supplied values.
    psInst->sDeviceDescriptor.idVendor = psDevice->usVID;
    psInst->sDeviceDescriptor.idProduct = psDevice->usPID;

    // Fix up the configuration descriptor with client-supplied values.
    psInst->sConfigDescriptor.bmAttributes = psDevice->ucPwrAttributes;
    psInst->sConfigDescriptor.bMaxPower =
        (unsigned char)(psDevice->usMaxPowermA>>1);

    g_sCompositeDeviceInfo.pDeviceDescriptor =
        (const unsigned char *)&psInst->sDeviceDescriptor;

    // Plug in the client's string stable to the device information
    // structure.
    psInst->psDevInfo->ppStringDescriptors = psDevice->ppStringDescriptors;
    psInst->psDevInfo->ulNumStringDescriptors =

    // Create the combined descriptors.

    // Set the instance data for this device.
    psInst->psDevInfo->pvInstance = (void *)psDevice;

    // All is well so now pass the descriptors to the lower layer and put
    // the bulk device on the bus.
    USBDCDInit(ulIndex, psInst->psDevInfo);

    // Return the pointer to the instance indicating that everything went
    // well.
    return ((void *)psDevice);