Esempio n. 1
* Code
usb_status_t USB_DeviceMscSend(usb_device_msc_struct_t *mscHandle)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Success;
    usb_device_lba_app_struct_t lba;

    lba.offset = mscHandle->currentOffset;
    /*bulkInBufferSize is the application buffer size, USB_DEVICE_MSC_MAX_SEND_TRANSFER_LENGTH is the max transfer
       length by the hardware,
       lba.size is the data pending  for transfer ,select the minimum size to transfer ,the remaining will be transfer
       next time*/
    lba.size = (mscHandle->bulkInBufferSize > USB_DEVICE_MSC_MAX_SEND_TRANSFER_LENGTH) ?
    lba.size =
        (mscHandle->transferRemaining > lba.size) ? lba.size : mscHandle->transferRemaining; /* whichever is smaller */

    lba.buffer = g_deviceComposite->mscDisk.storageDisk + lba.offset;

    if (mscHandle->currentOffset < (mscHandle->totalLogicalBlockNumber * mscHandle->lengthOfEachLba))
        error = USB_DeviceSendRequest(g_deviceComposite->deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint, lba.buffer, lba.size);
        mscHandle->needInStallFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag = 1;
        mscHandle->dataInFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->stallStatus = (uint8_t)USB_DEVICE_MSC_STALL_IN_DATA;
        USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(g_deviceComposite->deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint);
    return error;
Esempio n. 2
 * @brief Bulk IN endpoint callback function.
 * This callback function is used to notify uplayer the tranfser result of a transfer.
 * This callback pointer is passed when the Bulk IN pipe initialized.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param event          The result of the Bulk IN pipe transfer.
 * @param arg             The paramter for this callback. It is same with
 * usb_device_endpoint_callback_struct_t::callbackParam. In the class, the value is the MSC class handle.
 * @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceMscBulkIn(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
                                 usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *event,
                                 void *arg)
    usb_device_msc_csw_t *csw;
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Error;
    usb_device_msc_struct_t *mscHandle;

    mscHandle = &(g_deviceComposite->mscDisk.handle);
    if (event->length == USB_UNINITIALIZED_VAL_32)
        return error;
    if (mscHandle->transferRemaining >= event->length)
        mscHandle->transferRemaining -= event->length;

    if (mscHandle->needInStallFlag == 1)
        mscHandle->needInStallFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag = 1;
        mscHandle->dataInFlag = 0;
        USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint);
        return error;
    if ((!mscHandle->dataInFlag) && (event->length == USB_DEVICE_MSC_CSW_LENGTH))
        csw = (usb_device_msc_csw_t *)(event->buffer);

    if (mscHandle->dataInFlag)
        if (mscHandle->transferRemaining)
            mscHandle->currentOffset += event->length;
            error = USB_DeviceMscSend(mscHandle);
        if (!mscHandle->transferRemaining)
            mscHandle->dataInFlag = 0;

            /*data transfer has been done, send the csw to host */
            USB_DeviceSendRequest(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCsw,
    else if ((event->length == USB_DEVICE_MSC_CSW_LENGTH) && (csw->signature == USB_DEVICE_MSC_DCSWSIGNATURE))
        mscHandle->cbwValidFlag = 1;

        (void)USB_DeviceRecvRequest(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkOutEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCbw,
        mscHandle->cbwPrimeFlag = 1;
    return error;
Esempio n. 3
 * @brief USB configure endpoint function.
 * This function configure endpoint status.
 * @param handle The USB device handle.
 * @param ep Endpoint address.
 * @param status A flag to indicate whether to stall the endpoint. 1: stall, 0: unstall.
 * @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceConfigureEndpointStatus(usb_device_handle handle, uint8_t ep, uint8_t status)
    if (status)
        return USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(handle, ep);
        return USB_DeviceUnstallEndpoint(handle, ep);
 * @brief Send the reponse to the host.
 * This function is used to send the reponse to the host.
 * There are two cases this function will be called.
 * Case one when a setup packet is received in control endpoint callback function:
 *        1. If there is not data phase in the setup transfer, the function will prime an IN transfer with the data
 * length is zero for status phase.
 *        2. If there is an IN data phase, the function will prime an OUT transfer with the actual length to need to
 * send for data phase. And then prime an IN transfer with the data length is zero for status phase.
 *        3. If there is an OUT data phase, the function will prime an IN transfer with the actual length to want to
 * receive for data phase.
 * Case two when is not a setup packet received in control endpoint callback function:
 *        1. The function will prime an IN transfer with data length is zero for status phase.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param setup           The pointer of the setup packet.
 * @param error           The error code returned from the standard request fucntion.
 * @param stage           The stage of the control transfer.
 * @param buffer          It is an out parameter, is used to save the buffer address to response the host's request.
 * @param length          It is an out parameter, the data length.
 * @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceControlCallbackFeedback(usb_device_handle handle,
                                                      usb_setup_struct_t *setup,
                                                      usb_status_t error,
                                                      usb_device_control_read_write_sequence_t stage,
                                                      uint8_t **buffer,
                                                      uint32_t *length)
    usb_status_t errorCode = kStatus_USB_Error;
    uint8_t direction = USB_IN;

    if (kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest == error)
        /* Stall the control pipe when the request is unsupported. */
        if ((!((setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE_MASK) == USB_REQUEST_TYPE_TYPE_STANDARD)) &&
            ((setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK) == USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_OUT) && (setup->wLength) &&
            (kUSB_DeviceControlPipeSetupStage == stage))
            direction = USB_OUT;
        errorCode = USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(
            (USB_CONTROL_ENDPOINT) | (uint8_t)((uint32_t)direction << USB_DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_DIRECTION_SHIFT));
        if (*length > setup->wLength)
            *length = setup->wLength;
        errorCode = USB_DeviceSendRequest(handle, (USB_CONTROL_ENDPOINT), *buffer, *length);

        if ((kStatus_USB_Success == errorCode) &&
            (USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_IN == (setup->bmRequestType & USB_REQUEST_TYPE_DIR_MASK)))
            errorCode = USB_DeviceRecvRequest(handle, (USB_CONTROL_ENDPOINT), (uint8_t *)NULL, 0U);
    return errorCode;
 * @brief Handle set or clear device feature request.
 * This function is used to handle set or clear device feature request.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param setup           The pointer of the setup packet.
 * @param buffer          It is an out parameter, is used to save the buffer address to response the host's request.
 * @param length          It is an out parameter, the data length.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_Success              The requst is handled successfully.
 * @retval kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest       The request can not be handle in current device state,
 *                                          or, the request is unsupported.
static usb_status_t USB_DeviceCh9SetClearFeature(usb_device_common_class_struct_t *classHandle,
                                                 usb_setup_struct_t *setup,
                                                 uint8_t **buffer,
                                                 uint32_t *length)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest;
    uint8_t state;
    uint8_t isSet = 0U;

    USB_DeviceGetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusDeviceState, &state);

    if ((kUSB_DeviceStateAddress != state) && (kUSB_DeviceStateConfigured != state))
        return error;

    /* Identify the request is set or clear the feature. */
    if (USB_REQUEST_STANDARD_SET_FEATURE == setup->bRequest)
        isSet = 1U;

        /* Set or Clear the device featrue. */
            /* Set or Clear the device remote wakeup featrue. */
            error = USB_DeviceClassCallback(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceEventSetRemoteWakeup, &isSet);
            state = kUSB_DeviceStateTestMode;
            error = USB_DeviceSetStatus(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceStatusDeviceState, &state);
        /* Set or Clear the endpoint featrue. */
            if (USB_CONTROL_ENDPOINT == (setup->wIndex & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK))
                /* Set or Clear the control endpoint status(halt or not). */
                if (isSet)
                    USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(classHandle->handle, (uint8_t)setup->wIndex);
                    USB_DeviceUnstallEndpoint(classHandle->handle, (uint8_t)setup->wIndex);

            /* Set or Clear the endpoint status featrue. */
            if (isSet)
                error = USB_DeviceClassEvent(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceClassEventSetEndpointHalt, &setup->wIndex);
                error =
                    USB_DeviceClassEvent(classHandle->handle, kUSB_DeviceClassEventClearEndpointHalt, &setup->wIndex);

    return error;
Esempio n. 6
usb_status_t USB_DeviceMscDiskConfigureEndpointStatus(usb_device_handle handle, uint8_t ep, uint8_t status)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Error;
    usb_device_msc_struct_t *mscHandle;

    mscHandle = &(g_deviceComposite->mscDisk.handle);
    if (status)
        if ((USB_MSC_DISK_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT == (ep & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK)) && (ep & 0x80U))
            if (mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag == 0)
                mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag = 1;
                error = USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(handle, ep);
        else if ((USB_MSC_DISK_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT == (ep & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK)) && (ep & 0x80U))
            if (mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag == 0)
                mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag = 1;
                error = USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(handle, ep);
        if ((USB_MSC_DISK_BULK_IN_ENDPOINT == (ep & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK)) && (ep & 0x80U))
            if (mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag == 1)
                mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag = 0;
                error = USB_DeviceUnstallEndpoint(handle, ep);
        else if ((USB_MSC_DISK_BULK_OUT_ENDPOINT == (ep & USB_ENDPOINT_NUMBER_MASK)) && (ep & 0x80U))
            if (mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag == 1)
                mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag = 0;
                error = USB_DeviceUnstallEndpoint(handle, ep);
    if (((mscHandle->stallStatus == USB_DEVICE_MSC_STALL_IN_CSW) ||
         (mscHandle->stallStatus == USB_DEVICE_MSC_STALL_IN_DATA)) &&
        (mscHandle->performResetDoneFlag != 1))
        if (mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag == 1)
            USB_DeviceCancel(handle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint);
        USB_DeviceSendRequest(handle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCsw,
        mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->stallStatus = 0;
    if ((mscHandle->performResetDoneFlag == 1) && (mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag == 0) &&
        (mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag == 0))
        mscHandle->performResetDoneFlag = 0;
        if (mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag == 1)
            USB_DeviceCancel(handle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint);
        USB_DeviceRecvRequest(handle, mscHandle->bulkOutEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCbw,
        mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->stallStatus = 0;
    return error;
Esempio n. 7
 * @brief Bulk OUT endpoint callback function.
 * This callback function is used to notify uplayer the tranfser result of a transfer.
 * This callback pointer is passed when the Bulk OUT pipe initialized.
 * @param handle          The device handle. It equals the value returned from USB_DeviceInit.
 * @param message         The result of the Bulk OUT pipe transfer.
 * @param callbackParam  The paramter for this callback. It is same with
 * usb_device_endpoint_callback_struct_t::callbackParam. In the class, the value is the MSC class handle.
 * @return A USB error code or kStatus_USB_Success.
usb_status_t USB_DeviceMscBulkOut(usb_device_handle deviceHandle,
                                  usb_device_endpoint_callback_message_struct_t *event,
                                  void *arg)
    usb_status_t error = kStatus_USB_Success;
    usb_device_msc_struct_t *mscHandle;

    mscHandle = &(g_deviceComposite->mscDisk.handle);
    if (event->length == USB_UNINITIALIZED_VAL_32)
        return error;

    if (mscHandle->transferRemaining >= event->length)
        mscHandle->transferRemaining -= event->length;

    if (mscHandle->needOutStallFlag == 1)
        mscHandle->needOutStallFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag = 1;
        mscHandle->dataOutFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->cbwPrimeFlag = 0;
        USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkOutEndpoint);
        return error;

    if (mscHandle->dataOutFlag)
        if (mscHandle->transferRemaining)
            mscHandle->currentOffset += event->length;
            error = USB_DeviceMscRecv(mscHandle);

        if (!mscHandle->transferRemaining)
            mscHandle->dataOutFlag = 0;
                USB_DeviceSendRequest(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCsw,
                mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag = 1;
    else if ((mscHandle->cbwValidFlag) && (event->length == USB_DEVICE_MSC_CBW_LENGTH) &&
             (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.signature == USB_DEVICE_MSC_DCBWSIGNATURE) &&
             (!((mscHandle->g_mscCbw.logicalUnitNumber & 0xF0U) || (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.cbLength & 0xE0U))) &&
             (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.logicalUnitNumber < (mscHandle->logicalUnitNumber + 1)) &&
             ((mscHandle->g_mscCbw.cbLength >= 0x01) && (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.cbLength <= 0x10)))
        mscHandle->cbwPrimeFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->transferRemaining = 0;

        mscHandle->g_mscCsw.signature = USB_DEVICE_MSC_DCSWSIGNATURE;
        mscHandle->g_mscCsw.dataResidue = 0;
        mscHandle->g_mscCsw.tag = mscHandle->g_mscCbw.tag;

        mscHandle->cbwValidFlag = 0;

        mscHandle->g_mscCbw.dataTransferLength = USB_LONG_TO_LITTLE_ENDIAN(mscHandle->g_mscCbw.dataTransferLength);

        mscHandle->dataOutFlag = (uint8_t)(((!(mscHandle->g_mscCbw.flags & USB_DEVICE_MSC_CBW_DIRECTION_BIT)) &&
                                            (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.dataTransferLength)) ?
                                               1 :

        mscHandle->dataInFlag = (uint8_t)(((mscHandle->g_mscCbw.flags & USB_DEVICE_MSC_CBW_DIRECTION_BIT) &&
                                           (mscHandle->g_mscCbw.dataTransferLength)) ?
                                              1 :

        if ((0 != mscHandle->dataInFlag) && (0 != mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag))
            error = kStatus_USB_Error;
            return error;
        error = USB_DeviceMscProcessUfiCommand(mscHandle);
        if (error == kStatus_USB_InvalidRequest)
            if (mscHandle->dataOutFlag == 1)
                if (mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag == 0)
                    mscHandle->needOutStallFlag = 1;
                mscHandle->dataOutFlag = 0;
            else if (mscHandle->dataInFlag == 1)
                if (mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag == 0)
                    mscHandle->needInStallFlag = 1;
                mscHandle->dataInFlag = 0;
            mscHandle->stallStatus = (uint8_t)USB_DEVICE_MSC_STALL_IN_DATA;

        if (!((mscHandle->dataOutFlag) || ((mscHandle->dataInFlag) || (mscHandle->needInStallFlag))))
            USB_DeviceSendRequest(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint, (uint8_t *)&mscHandle->g_mscCsw,
            mscHandle->cswPrimeFlag = 1;
        USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkOutEndpoint);
        USB_DeviceStallEndpoint(deviceHandle, mscHandle->bulkInEndpoint);
        mscHandle->cbwValidFlag = 0;
        mscHandle->outEndpointStallFlag = 1;
        mscHandle->inEndpointStallFlag = 1;
        mscHandle->stallStatus = (uint8_t)USB_DEVICE_MSC_STALL_IN_CBW;
        mscHandle->performResetRecover = 1;
    return error;