Esempio n. 1
BYTEARRAY CPUBProtocol :: SendAuthAccept( string login, string pass, string key, deque<CBotData> BotList )
    BYTEARRAY packet;

    packet.push_back( PUB_HEADER_CONSTANT );		// Auth header  1 byte
    packet.push_back( PUB_AUTH_ACCEPT );           // 1 byte

    packet.push_back( 0 ); // assign later
    packet.push_back( 0 ); // assign later

    packet.push_back( login.size( ) ); // 1 byte
    UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)login.c_str( ), login.size( ) )); //

    packet.push_back( BotList.size() ); // 1 byte

    for (uint32_t i = 0; i < BotList.size(); i++)
        packet.push_back(BotList[i].bot_ip.size( ));

        UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)BotList[i].bot_ip.c_str( ), BotList[i].bot_ip.size( ) ));
        UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)(0) , false));
        UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)(BotList[i].bot_gameport) , false));

    packet.push_back( key.size( ) ); // 1 byte
    UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)key.c_str( ), key.size( ) ));


    return packet;
Esempio n. 2
BYTEARRAY CPotentialPlayer :: GetExternalIP( )
	unsigned char Zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

	if( m_Socket )
		bool local=false;
		IP=	m_Socket->GetIP( );
		if (IP.size()>=2)
			if (IP[0]==10 && IP[1]==0)
			if (IP[0]==10 && IP[1]==1)
			if (IP[0]==192 && IP[1]==168)
			if (IP[0]==169 && IP[1]==254)
			if (IP[0]==8 && IP[1]==0)
			if (IP[0]==5)
		if (local && !m_Game->m_Config->m_ExternalIP.empty())
		return IP;

	return UTIL_CreateByteArray( Zeros, 4 );
Esempio n. 3
BYTEARRAY CPotentialPlayer :: GetGarenaIP( )
    if( m_IncomingGarenaUser == NULL ) {
        return UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint32_t) 0, true );
    } else {
        return UTIL_CreateByteArray( m_IncomingGarenaUser->GetIP( ), true );
Esempio n. 4
bool CBNCSUtilInterface :: HELP_SID_AUTH_CHECK( bool TFT, string war3Path, string keyROC, string keyTFT, string valueStringFormula, string mpqFileName, BYTEARRAY clientToken, BYTEARRAY serverToken )
	// set m_EXEVersion, m_EXEVersionHash, m_EXEInfo, m_InfoROC, m_InfoTFT

	string FileWar3EXE = war3Path + "war3.exe";
	string FileStormDLL = war3Path + "Storm.dll";

	if( !UTIL_FileExists( FileStormDLL ) )
		FileStormDLL = war3Path + "storm.dll";

	string FileGameDLL = war3Path + "game.dll";
	bool ExistsWar3EXE = UTIL_FileExists( FileWar3EXE );
	bool ExistsStormDLL = UTIL_FileExists( FileStormDLL );
	bool ExistsGameDLL = UTIL_FileExists( FileGameDLL );

	if( ExistsWar3EXE && ExistsStormDLL && ExistsGameDLL )
		// todotodo: check getExeInfo return value to ensure 1024 bytes was enough

		char buf[1024];
		uint32_t EXEVersion;
		getExeInfo( FileWar3EXE.c_str( ), (char *)&buf, 1024, (uint32_t *)&EXEVersion, BNCSUTIL_PLATFORM_X86 );
		m_EXEInfo = buf;
		m_EXEVersion = UTIL_CreateByteArray( EXEVersion, false );
		uint32_t EXEVersionHash;
		checkRevisionFlat( valueStringFormula.c_str( ), FileWar3EXE.c_str( ), FileStormDLL.c_str( ), FileGameDLL.c_str( ), extractMPQNumber( mpqFileName.c_str( ) ), (unsigned long *)&EXEVersionHash );
		m_EXEVersionHash = UTIL_CreateByteArray( EXEVersionHash, false );
		m_KeyInfoROC = CreateKeyInfo( keyROC, UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( clientToken, false ), UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( serverToken, false ) );

		if( TFT )
			m_KeyInfoTFT = CreateKeyInfo( keyTFT, UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( clientToken, false ), UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt32( serverToken, false ) );

		if( m_KeyInfoROC.size( ) == 36 && ( !TFT || m_KeyInfoTFT.size( ) == 36 ) )
			return true;
			if( m_KeyInfoROC.size( ) != 36 )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to create ROC key info - invalid ROC key" );

			if( TFT && m_KeyInfoTFT.size( ) != 36 )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to create TFT key info - invalid TFT key" );
		if( !ExistsWar3EXE )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileWar3EXE + "]" );

		if( !ExistsStormDLL )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileStormDLL + "]" );

		if( !ExistsGameDLL )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNCSUI] unable to open [" + FileGameDLL + "]" );

	return false;
Esempio n. 5
void CBNLSClient :: ExtractPackets( )
	string *RecvBuffer = m_Socket->GetBytes( );
	BYTEARRAY Bytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)RecvBuffer->c_str( ), RecvBuffer->size( ) );

	while( Bytes.size( ) >= 3 )
		uint16_t Length = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt16( Bytes, false );

		if( Length >= 3 )
			if( Bytes.size( ) >= Length )
				m_Packets.push( new CCommandPacket( 0, Bytes[2], BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ), Bytes.begin( ) + Length ) ) );
				*RecvBuffer = RecvBuffer->substr( Length );
				Bytes = BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ) + Length, Bytes.end( ) );
			CONSOLE_Print( "[BNLSC: " + m_Server + ":" + UTIL_ToString( m_Port ) + ":C" + UTIL_ToString( m_WardenCookie ) + "] error - received invalid packet from BNLS server (bad length), disconnecting" );
			m_Socket->Disconnect( );
Esempio n. 6
BYTEARRAY CGameProtocol :: SEND_W3GS_MAPPART( unsigned char fromPID, unsigned char toPID, uint32_t start, string *mapData )
	unsigned char Unknown[] = { 1, 0, 0, 0 };

	BYTEARRAY packet;

	if( start < mapData->size( ) )
		packet.push_back( W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT );				// W3GS header constant
		packet.push_back( W3GS_MAPPART );						// W3GS_MAPPART
		packet.push_back( 0 );									// packet length will be assigned later
		packet.push_back( 0 );									// packet length will be assigned later
		packet.push_back( toPID );								// to PID
		packet.push_back( fromPID );							// from PID
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, Unknown, 4 );				// ???
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, start, false );			// start position

		// calculate end position (don't send more than 1442 map bytes in one packet)

		uint32_t End = start + 1442;

		if( End > mapData->size( ) )
			End = mapData->size( );

		// calculate crc
		CCRC32* m_CRC = new CCRC32( );
		m_CRC->Initialize( );

		BYTEARRAY crc32 = UTIL_CreateByteArray( m_CRC->FullCRC( (unsigned char *)mapData->c_str( ) + start, End - start ), false );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, crc32 );

		delete m_CRC;

		// map data

		BYTEARRAY Data = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)mapData->c_str( ) + start, End - start );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, Data );
		AssignLength( packet );
		CONSOLE_Print( "[GAMEPROTO] invalid parameters passed to SEND_W3GS_MAPPART" );

	// DEBUG_Print( packet );
	return packet;
Esempio n. 7
bool CPotentialPlayer :: Update( void *fd )
	if( m_DeleteMe )
		return true;

	if( !m_Socket )
		return false;

	m_Socket->DoRecv( (fd_set *)fd );
	// extract as many packets as possible from the socket's receive buffer and process them

	string *RecvBuffer = m_Socket->GetBytes( );
	BYTEARRAY Bytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)RecvBuffer->c_str( ), RecvBuffer->size( ) );

	// a packet is at least 4 bytes so loop as long as the buffer contains 4 bytes

	while( Bytes.size( ) >= 4 )
		if( Bytes[0] == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT || Bytes[0] == GPS_HEADER_CONSTANT )
			// bytes 2 and 3 contain the length of the packet

			uint16_t Length = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt16( Bytes, false, 2 );

			if( Length >= 4 )
				if( Bytes.size( ) >= Length )
                                        if( Bytes[0] == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT && Bytes[1] == CGameProtocol :: W3GS_REQJOIN )
                                                delete m_IncomingJoinPlayer;
                                                m_IncomingJoinPlayer = m_Protocol->RECEIVE_W3GS_REQJOIN( BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ), Bytes.begin( ) + Length ) );

                                                if( m_IncomingJoinPlayer )
                                                        m_Game->EventPlayerJoined( this, m_IncomingJoinPlayer );

                                                // this is the packet which interests us for now, the remaining is left for CGamePlayer

                                                *RecvBuffer = RecvBuffer->substr( Length );
                                                Bytes = BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ) + Length, Bytes.end( ) );

					*RecvBuffer = RecvBuffer->substr( Length );
					Bytes = BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ) + Length, Bytes.end( ) );

	// don't call DoSend here because some other players may not have updated yet and may generate a packet for this player
	// also m_Socket may have been set to NULL during ProcessPackets but we're banking on the fact that m_DeleteMe has been set to true as well so it'll short circuit before dereferencing

	return m_DeleteMe || !m_Socket->GetConnected( ) || m_Socket->HasError( );
bool CBNCSUtilInterface :: HELP_PvPGNPasswordHash( string userPassword )
	// set m_PvPGNPasswordHash

	char buf[20];
	hashPassword( userPassword.c_str( ), buf );
	m_PvPGNPasswordHash = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)buf, 20 );
	return true;
Esempio n. 9
BYTEARRAY CPotentialPlayer :: GetExternalIP( )
	unsigned char Zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

	if( m_Socket )
		return m_Socket->GetIP( );

	return UTIL_CreateByteArray( Zeros, 4 );
	// set m_M1

	char buf[20];
	// nls_get_M1( (nls_t *)m_nls, buf, string( serverKey.begin( ), serverKey.end( ) ).c_str( ), string( salt.begin( ), salt.end( ) ).c_str( ) );
	( (NLS *)m_NLS )->getClientSessionKey( buf, string( salt.begin( ), salt.end( ) ).c_str( ), string( serverKey.begin( ), serverKey.end( ) ).c_str( ) );
	m_M1 = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)buf, 20 );
	return true;
	// set m_ClientKey

	char buf[32];
	// nls_get_A( (nls_t *)m_nls, buf );
	( (NLS *)m_NLS )->getPublicKey( buf );
	m_ClientKey = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)buf, 32 );
	return true;
Esempio n. 12
BYTEARRAY CPUBProtocol :: SendRealName( const string login, const string& key )
    BYTEARRAY packet;

    packet.push_back( PUB_HEADER_CONSTANT );		// Auth header  1 byte
    packet.push_back( PUB_AUTH_NAME );           // 1 byte

    packet.push_back( 0 );           // 1 byte
    packet.push_back( 0 );           // 1 byte

    packet.push_back( login.size() );
    UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)login.c_str( ), login.size( ) ));

    packet.push_back( key.size() );
    UTIL_AppendByteArray(packet, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)key.c_str( ), key.size( ) ));


    return packet;
Esempio n. 13
void CTCPSocket :: DoRecv( fd_set *fd )
	if( m_Socket == INVALID_SOCKET || m_HasError || !m_Connected )

	if( FD_ISSET( m_Socket, fd ) )
		// data is waiting, receive it

		char buffer[1024];
		int c = recv( m_Socket, buffer, 1024, 0 );

		if( c == SOCKET_ERROR && GetLastError( ) != EWOULDBLOCK )
			// receive error

			m_HasError = true;
			m_Error = GetLastError( );

			if (m_isConsolePrint)
				CONSOLE_Print( "[TCPSOCKET] error (recv) - " + GetErrorString( ) );

		else if( c == 0 )
			// the other end closed the connection

			if (m_isConsolePrint)
				CONSOLE_Print( "[TCPSOCKET] closed by remote host" );

			m_Connected = false;
		else if( c > 0 )
			// success! add the received data to the buffer

			if( !m_LogFile.empty( ) )
				ofstream Log; m_LogFile.c_str( ), ios :: app );

				if( ! ) )
					Log << "					RECEIVE <<< " << UTIL_ByteArrayToHexString( UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)buffer, c ) ) << endl;
					Log.close( );

			m_RecvBuffer += string( buffer, c );
			m_LastRecv = GetTime( );
BYTEARRAY CBNCSUtilInterface :: CreateKeyInfo( string key, uint32_t clientToken, uint32_t serverToken )
	unsigned char Zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };
	CDKeyDecoder Decoder( key.c_str( ), key.size( ) );

	if( Decoder.isKeyValid( ) )
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( KeyInfo, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint32_t)key.size( ), false ) );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( KeyInfo, UTIL_CreateByteArray( Decoder.getProduct( ), false ) );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( KeyInfo, UTIL_CreateByteArray( Decoder.getVal1( ), false ) );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( KeyInfo, UTIL_CreateByteArray( Zeros, 4 ) );
		size_t Length = Decoder.calculateHash( clientToken, serverToken );
		char *buf = new char[Length];
		Length = Decoder.getHash( buf );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( KeyInfo, UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)buf, Length ) );
		delete [] buf;

	return KeyInfo;
Esempio n. 15
string sha1(const string& input)
    SHA1.Update((unsigned char *)input.c_str(), input.size());
    unsigned char uResult[20];

    BYTEARRAY MapSHA1 = UTIL_CreateByteArray( uResult, 20 );
    string sResult = UTIL_ByteArrayToHexStringWithoutSpaces(MapSHA1);

    return sResult;
Esempio n. 16
BYTEARRAY CPotentialPlayer :: GetExternalIP( )
    unsigned char Zeros[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

    if( m_Socket ) {
        if( m_IncomingGarenaUser != NULL )
            return GetGarenaIP( );
            return m_Socket->GetIP( );

    return UTIL_CreateByteArray( Zeros, 4 );
Esempio n. 17
void CGamePlayer :: ExtractPackets( )
    if( !m_Socket )

    // extract as many packets as possible from the socket's receive buffer and put them in the m_Packets queue

    string *RecvBuffer = m_Socket->GetBytes( );
    BYTEARRAY Bytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (unsigned char *)RecvBuffer->c_str( ), RecvBuffer->size( ) );

    // a packet is at least 4 bytes so loop as long as the buffer contains 4 bytes

    while( Bytes.size( ) >= 4 )
        if( Bytes[0] == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT || Bytes[0] == GPS_HEADER_CONSTANT || Bytes[0] == GCBI_HEADER_CONSTANT )
            // bytes 2 and 3 contain the length of the packet

            uint16_t Length = UTIL_ByteArrayToUInt16( Bytes, false, 2 );

            if( Length >= 4 )
                if( Bytes.size( ) >= Length )
                    m_Packets.push( new CCommandPacket( Bytes[0], Bytes[1], BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ), Bytes.begin( ) + Length ) ) );

                    if( Bytes[0] == W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT )

                    *RecvBuffer = RecvBuffer->substr( Length );
                    Bytes = BYTEARRAY( Bytes.begin( ) + Length, Bytes.end( ) );
                m_Error = true;
                m_ErrorString = "received invalid packet from player (bad length)";
            m_Error = true;
            m_ErrorString = "received invalid packet from player (bad header constant)";
Esempio n. 18
vector<string> CDotaItems::GetItems( )
	vector<string> ret;
	for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
		if (m_Items[i].value > 0)
			BYTEARRAY b = UTIL_CreateByteArray( m_Items[i].value, false );
			ret.push_back(string(b.rbegin(), b.rend()));
			ret.push_back(string( ));
//		CONSOLE_Print( "[CDotaItems:GetItem] slot["+UTIL_ToString(i)+"], item["+m_Items[i].name+"].");
	return ret;
Esempio n. 19
bool CGCBIProtocol :: AssignLength( BYTEARRAY &content )
	// insert the actual length of the content array into bytes 3 and 4 (indices 2 and 3)

	BYTEARRAY LengthBytes;

	if( content.size( ) >= 4 && content.size( ) <= 65535 )
		LengthBytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)content.size( ), false );
		content[2] = LengthBytes[0];
		content[3] = LengthBytes[1];
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 20
bool CBNLSProtocol :: AssignLength( BYTEARRAY &content )
	// insert the actual length of the content array into bytes 1 and 2 (indices 0 and 1)

	BYTEARRAY LengthBytes;

	if( content.size( ) >= 2 && content.size( ) <= 65535 )
		LengthBytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)content.size( ), false );
		content[0] = LengthBytes[0];
		content[1] = LengthBytes[1];
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 21
void CReplay :: AddChatMessage( unsigned char PID, unsigned char flags, uint32_t chatMode, string message )
	Block.push_back( REPLAY_CHATMESSAGE );
	Block.push_back( PID );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)0, false );
	Block.push_back( flags );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, chatMode, false );
	UTIL_AppendByteArrayFast( Block, message );

	// assign length

	BYTEARRAY LengthBytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)( Block.size( ) - 4 ), false );
	Block[2] = LengthBytes[0];
	Block[3] = LengthBytes[1];
	m_CompiledBlocks += string( Block.begin( ), Block.end( ) );
Esempio n. 22
BYTEARRAY CGameProtocol :: SEND_W3GS_INCOMING_ACTION2( queue<CIncomingAction *> actions )
	BYTEARRAY packet;
	packet.push_back( W3GS_HEADER_CONSTANT );				// W3GS header constant
	packet.push_back( W3GS_INCOMING_ACTION2 );				// W3GS_INCOMING_ACTION2
	packet.push_back( 0 );									// packet length will be assigned later
	packet.push_back( 0 );									// packet length will be assigned later
	packet.push_back( 0 );									// ??? (send interval?)
	packet.push_back( 0 );									// ??? (send interval?)

	// create subpacket

	if( !actions.empty( ) )
		BYTEARRAY subpacket;

		while( !actions.empty( ) )
			CIncomingAction *Action = actions.front( );
			actions.pop( );
			subpacket.push_back( Action->GetPID( ) );
			UTIL_AppendByteArray( subpacket, (uint16_t)Action->GetAction( )->size( ), false );
			UTIL_AppendByteArray( subpacket, *Action->GetAction( ) );

		// calculate crc (we only care about the first 2 bytes though)
		CCRC32* m_CRC = new CCRC32( );

		BYTEARRAY crc32 = UTIL_CreateByteArray( m_CRC->FullCRC( (unsigned char *)string( subpacket.begin( ), subpacket.end( ) ).c_str( ), subpacket.size( ) ), false );
		crc32.resize( 2 );

		delete m_CRC;

		// finish subpacket

		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, crc32 );			// crc
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( packet, subpacket );		// subpacket

	AssignLength( packet );
	// DEBUG_Print( packet );
	return packet;
Esempio n. 23
void CReplay :: AddTimeSlot2( queue<CIncomingAction *> actions )
	Block.push_back( REPLAY_TIMESLOT2 );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)0, false );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)0, false );

	while( !actions.empty( ) )
		CIncomingAction *Action = actions.front( );
		actions.pop( );
		Block.push_back( Action->GetPID( ) );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)Action->GetAction( )->size( ), false );
		UTIL_AppendByteArrayFast( Block, *Action->GetAction( ) );

	// assign length

	BYTEARRAY LengthBytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)( Block.size( ) - 3 ), false );
	Block[1] = LengthBytes[0];
	Block[2] = LengthBytes[1];
	m_CompiledBlocks += string( Block.begin( ), Block.end( ) );
Esempio n. 24
void CReplay :: AddTimeSlot( uint16_t timeIncrement, queue<CIncomingAction *> actions )
	Block.push_back( REPLAY_TIMESLOT );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)0, false );
	UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, timeIncrement, false );

	while( !actions.empty( ) )
		CIncomingAction *Action = actions.front( );
		actions.pop( );
		BYTEARRAY ActionData = Action->GetAction( );
		Block.push_back( Action->GetPID( ) );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, (uint16_t)ActionData.size( ), false );
		UTIL_AppendByteArray( Block, ActionData );

	// assign length

	BYTEARRAY LengthBytes = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)( Block.size( ) - 3 ), false );
	Block[1] = LengthBytes[0];
	Block[2] = LengthBytes[1];
	m_Blocks.push( Block );
Esempio n. 25
void CSaveGame :: ParseSaveGame( )
	m_MapPath.clear( );
	m_Slots.clear( );
	m_MagicNumber.clear( );

	istringstream ISS( m_Decompressed );

	// savegame format figured out by Varlock:
	// string		-> map path
	// 0 (string?)	-> ??? (no idea what this is)
	// string		-> original game name
	// 0 (string?)	-> ??? (maybe original game password)
	// string		-> stat string
	// 4 bytes		-> ??? (seems to be # of slots)
	// 4 bytes		-> ??? (seems to be 0x01 0x28 0x49 0x00 on both of the savegames examined)
	// 2 bytes		-> ??? (no idea what this is)
	// slot structure
	// 4 bytes		-> magic number

	string GarbageString;
	unsigned char NumSlots;
	uint32_t MagicNumber;

	getline( ISS, m_MapPath, '\0' );		// map path
	getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// ???
	getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// original game name
	getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// ???
	getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// stat string
	ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// ???
	ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// ???
	ISS.seekg( 2, ios :: cur );				// ??? (char *)&NumSlots, 1 );		// number of slots

	if( NumSlots > 12 )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] too many slots in decompressed data" );
		m_Valid = false;

	CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] found " + UTIL_ToString( NumSlots ) + " slots" );

	for( unsigned char i = 0; i < NumSlots; i++ )
		unsigned char SlotData[9]; (char *)SlotData, 9 );	// slot data
		m_Slots.push_back( CGameSlot( SlotData[0], SlotData[1], SlotData[2], SlotData[3], SlotData[4], SlotData[5], SlotData[6], SlotData[7], SlotData[8] ) );

	ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// GetTicks
	ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// GameType
	ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// number of player slots (non observer) (char *)&MagicNumber, 4 );	// magic number

	if( ) )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] failed to parse decompressed data" );
		m_Valid = false;

	m_MagicNumber = UTIL_CreateByteArray( MagicNumber, false );
	CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] found map path [" + m_MapPath + "]" );
	CONSOLE_Print( "[SAVEGAME] found magic number [" + UTIL_ToString( m_MagicNumber[0] ) + " " + UTIL_ToString( m_MagicNumber[1] ) + " " + UTIL_ToString( m_MagicNumber[2] ) + " " + UTIL_ToString( m_MagicNumber[3] ) + "]" );
Esempio n. 26
BYTEARRAY CMap :: GetMapGameFlags( )

	Speed: (mask 0x00000003) cannot be combined
		0x00000000 - Slow game speed
		0x00000001 - Normal game speed
		0x00000002 - Fast game speed
	Visibility: (mask 0x00000F00) cannot be combined
		0x00000100 - Hide terrain
		0x00000200 - Map explored
		0x00000400 - Always visible (no fog of war)
		0x00000800 - Default
	Observers/Referees: (mask 0x40003000) cannot be combined
		0x00000000 - No Observers
		0x00002000 - Observers on Defeat
		0x00003000 - Additional players as observer allowed
		0x40000000 - Referees
	Teams/Units/Hero/Race: (mask 0x07064000) can be combined
		0x00004000 - Teams Together (team members are placed at neighbored starting locations)
		0x00060000 - Fixed teams
		0x01000000 - Unit share
		0x02000000 - Random hero
		0x04000000 - Random races


	uint32_t GameFlags = 0;

	// speed

	if( m_MapSpeed == MAPSPEED_SLOW )
		GameFlags = 0x00000000;
	else if( m_MapSpeed == MAPSPEED_NORMAL )
		GameFlags = 0x00000001;
		GameFlags = 0x00000002;

	// visibility

	if( m_MapVisibility == MAPVIS_HIDETERRAIN )
		GameFlags |= 0x00000100;
	else if( m_MapVisibility == MAPVIS_EXPLORED )
		GameFlags |= 0x00000200;
	else if( m_MapVisibility == MAPVIS_ALWAYSVISIBLE )
		GameFlags |= 0x00000400;
		GameFlags |= 0x00000800;

	// observers

	if( m_MapObservers == MAPOBS_ONDEFEAT )
		GameFlags |= 0x00002000;
	else if( m_MapObservers == MAPOBS_ALLOWED )
		GameFlags |= 0x00003000;
	else if( m_MapObservers == MAPOBS_REFEREES )
		GameFlags |= 0x40000000;

	// teams/units/hero/race

		GameFlags |= 0x00004000;
	if( m_MapFlags & MAPFLAG_FIXEDTEAMS )
		GameFlags |= 0x00060000;
	if( m_MapFlags & MAPFLAG_UNITSHARE )
		GameFlags |= 0x01000000;
	if( m_MapFlags & MAPFLAG_RANDOMHERO )
		GameFlags |= 0x02000000;
		GameFlags |= 0x04000000;

	return UTIL_CreateByteArray( GameFlags, false );
Esempio n. 27
void CMap :: Load( CConfig *CFG, string nCFGFile )
	m_Valid = true;
	m_CFGFile = nCFGFile;

	// load the map data

	m_MapLocalPath = CFG->GetString( "map_localpath", string( ) );
	m_MapData.clear( );

	if( !m_MapLocalPath.empty( ) )
		m_MapData = UTIL_FileRead( m_GHost->m_MapPath + m_MapLocalPath );

	// load the map MPQ

	string MapMPQFileName = m_GHost->m_MapPath + m_MapLocalPath;
	bool MapMPQReady = false;

	if( SFileOpenArchive( MapMPQFileName.c_str( ), 0, MPQ_OPEN_FORCE_MPQ_V1, &MapMPQ ) )
		CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] loading MPQ file [" + MapMPQFileName + "]" );
		MapMPQReady = true;
		CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] warning - unable to load MPQ file [" + MapMPQFileName + "]" );

	// try to calculate map_size, map_info, map_crc, map_sha1


	if( !m_MapData.empty( ) )
		m_GHost->m_SHA->Reset( );

		// calculate map_size

		MapSize = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint32_t)m_MapData.size( ), false );
		CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_size = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapSize ) );

		// calculate map_info (this is actually the CRC)

		MapInfo = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint32_t)m_GHost->m_CRC->FullCRC( (unsigned char *)m_MapData.c_str( ), m_MapData.size( ) ), false );
		CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_info = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapInfo ) );

		// calculate map_crc (this is not the CRC) and map_sha1
		// a big thank you to Strilanc for figuring the map_crc algorithm out

		string CommonJ = UTIL_FileRead( m_GHost->m_MapCFGPath + "common.j" );

		if( CommonJ.empty( ) )
			CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] unable to calculate map_crc/sha1 - unable to read file [" + m_GHost->m_MapCFGPath + "common.j]" );
			string BlizzardJ = UTIL_FileRead( m_GHost->m_MapCFGPath + "blizzard.j" );

			if( BlizzardJ.empty( ) )
				CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] unable to calculate map_crc/sha1 - unable to read file [" + m_GHost->m_MapCFGPath + "blizzard.j]" );
				uint32_t Val = 0;

				// update: it's possible for maps to include their own copies of common.j and/or blizzard.j
				// this code now overrides the default copies if required

				bool OverrodeCommonJ = false;
				bool OverrodeBlizzardJ = false;

				if( MapMPQReady )
					HANDLE SubFile;

					// override common.j

					if( SFileOpenFileEx( MapMPQ, "Scripts\\common.j", 0, &SubFile ) )
						uint32_t FileLength = SFileGetFileSize( SubFile, NULL );

						if( FileLength > 0 && FileLength != 0xFFFFFFFF )
							char *SubFileData = new char[FileLength];
							DWORD BytesRead = 0;

							if( SFileReadFile( SubFile, SubFileData, FileLength, &BytesRead ) )
								CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] overriding default common.j with map copy while calculating map_crc/sha1" );
								OverrodeCommonJ = true;
								Val = Val ^ XORRotateLeft( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead );
								m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead );

							delete [] SubFileData;

						SFileCloseFile( SubFile );

				if( !OverrodeCommonJ )
					Val = Val ^ XORRotateLeft( (unsigned char *)CommonJ.c_str( ), CommonJ.size( ) );
					m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)CommonJ.c_str( ), CommonJ.size( ) );

				if( MapMPQReady )
					HANDLE SubFile;

					// override blizzard.j

					if( SFileOpenFileEx( MapMPQ, "Scripts\\blizzard.j", 0, &SubFile ) )
						uint32_t FileLength = SFileGetFileSize( SubFile, NULL );

						if( FileLength > 0 && FileLength != 0xFFFFFFFF )
							char *SubFileData = new char[FileLength];
							DWORD BytesRead = 0;

							if( SFileReadFile( SubFile, SubFileData, FileLength, &BytesRead ) )
								CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] overriding default blizzard.j with map copy while calculating map_crc/sha1" );
								OverrodeBlizzardJ = true;
								Val = Val ^ XORRotateLeft( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead );
								m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead );

							delete [] SubFileData;

						SFileCloseFile( SubFile );

				if( !OverrodeBlizzardJ )
					Val = Val ^ XORRotateLeft( (unsigned char *)BlizzardJ.c_str( ), BlizzardJ.size( ) );
					m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)BlizzardJ.c_str( ), BlizzardJ.size( ) );

				Val = ROTL( Val, 3 );
				Val = ROTL( Val ^ 0x03F1379E, 3 );
				m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)"\x9E\x37\xF1\x03", 4 );

				if( MapMPQReady )
					vector<string> FileList;
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.j" );
					FileList.push_back( "scripts\\war3map.j" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3e" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.wpm" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.doo" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3u" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3b" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3d" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3a" );
					FileList.push_back( "war3map.w3q" );
					bool FoundScript = false;

					for( vector<string> :: iterator i = FileList.begin( ); i != FileList.end( ); i++ )
						// don't use scripts\war3map.j if we've already used war3map.j (yes, some maps have both but only war3map.j is used)

						if( FoundScript && *i == "scripts\\war3map.j" )

						HANDLE SubFile;

						if( SFileOpenFileEx( MapMPQ, (*i).c_str( ), 0, &SubFile ) )
							uint32_t FileLength = SFileGetFileSize( SubFile, NULL );

							if( FileLength > 0 && FileLength != 0xFFFFFFFF )
								char *SubFileData = new char[FileLength];
								DWORD BytesRead = 0;

								if( SFileReadFile( SubFile, SubFileData, FileLength, &BytesRead ) )
									if( *i == "war3map.j" || *i == "scripts\\war3map.j" )
										FoundScript = true;

									Val = ROTL( Val ^ XORRotateLeft( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead ), 3 );
									m_GHost->m_SHA->Update( (unsigned char *)SubFileData, BytesRead );
									// DEBUG_Print( "*** found: " + *i );

								delete [] SubFileData;

							SFileCloseFile( SubFile );
							// DEBUG_Print( "*** not found: " + *i );

					if( !FoundScript )
						CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] couldn't find war3map.j or scripts\\war3map.j in MPQ file, calculated map_crc/sha1 is probably wrong" );

					MapCRC = UTIL_CreateByteArray( Val, false );
					CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_crc = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapCRC ) );

					m_GHost->m_SHA->Final( );
					unsigned char SHA1[20];
					memset( SHA1, 0, sizeof( unsigned char ) * 20 );
					m_GHost->m_SHA->GetHash( SHA1 );
					MapSHA1 = UTIL_CreateByteArray( SHA1, 20 );
					CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_sha1 = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapSHA1 ) );
					CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] unable to calculate map_crc/sha1 - map MPQ file not loaded" );
		CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] no map data available, using config file for map_size, map_info, map_crc, map_sha1" );

	// try to calculate map_width, map_height, map_slot<x>, map_numplayers, map_numteams

	uint32_t MapOptions = 0;
	uint32_t MapNumPlayers = 0;
	uint32_t MapNumTeams = 0;
	vector<CGameSlot> Slots;

	if( !m_MapData.empty( ) )
		if( MapMPQReady )
			HANDLE SubFile;

			if( SFileOpenFileEx( MapMPQ, "war3map.w3i", 0, &SubFile ) )
				uint32_t FileLength = SFileGetFileSize( SubFile, NULL );

				if( FileLength > 0 && FileLength != 0xFFFFFFFF )
					char *SubFileData = new char[FileLength];
					DWORD BytesRead = 0;

					if( SFileReadFile( SubFile, SubFileData, FileLength, &BytesRead ) )
						istringstream ISS( string( SubFileData, BytesRead ) );

						// war3map.w3i format found at by Zepir/PitzerMike

						string GarbageString;
						uint32_t FileFormat;
						uint32_t RawMapWidth;
						uint32_t RawMapHeight;
						uint32_t RawMapFlags;
						uint32_t RawMapNumPlayers;
						uint32_t RawMapNumTeams; (char *)&FileFormat, 4 );				// file format (18 = ROC, 25 = TFT)

						if( FileFormat == 18 || FileFormat == 25 )
							ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );					// number of saves
							ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );					// editor version
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map name
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map author
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map description
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// players recommended
							ISS.seekg( 32, ios :: cur );				// camera bounds
							ISS.seekg( 16, ios :: cur );				// camera bounds complements (char *)&RawMapWidth, 4 );		// map width (char *)&RawMapHeight, 4 );		// map height (char *)&RawMapFlags, 4 );		// flags
							ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );					// map main ground type

							if( FileFormat == 18 )
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// campaign background number
							else if( FileFormat == 25 )
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// loading screen background number
								getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// path of custom loading screen model

							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map loading screen text
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map loading screen title
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// map loading screen subtitle

							if( FileFormat == 18 )
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// map loading screen number
							else if( FileFormat == 25 )
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// used game data set
								getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// prologue screen path

							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// prologue screen text
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// prologue screen title
							getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );		// prologue screen subtitle

							if( FileFormat == 25 )
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// uses terrain fog
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// fog start z height
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// fog end z height
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// fog density
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// fog red value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// fog green value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// fog blue value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// fog alpha value
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// global weather id
								getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// custom sound environment
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// tileset id of the used custom light environment
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// custom water tinting red value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// custom water tinting green value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// custom water tinting blue value
								ISS.seekg( 1, ios :: cur );				// custom water tinting alpha value
							} (char *)&RawMapNumPlayers, 4 );	// number of players
							uint32_t ClosedSlots = 0;

							for( uint32_t i = 0; i < RawMapNumPlayers; i++ )
								CGameSlot Slot( 0, 255, SLOTSTATUS_OPEN, 0, 0, 1, SLOTRACE_RANDOM );
								uint32_t Colour;
								uint32_t Status;
								uint32_t Race; (char *)&Colour, 4 );			// colour
								Slot.SetColour( Colour ); (char *)&Status, 4 );			// status

								if( Status == 1 )
									Slot.SetSlotStatus( SLOTSTATUS_OPEN );
								else if( Status == 2 )
									Slot.SetSlotStatus( SLOTSTATUS_OCCUPIED );
									Slot.SetComputer( 1 );
									Slot.SetComputerType( SLOTCOMP_NORMAL );
									Slot.SetSlotStatus( SLOTSTATUS_CLOSED );
								} (char *)&Race, 4 );			// race

								if( Race == 1 )
									Slot.SetRace( SLOTRACE_HUMAN );
								else if( Race == 2 )
									Slot.SetRace( SLOTRACE_ORC );
								else if( Race == 3 )
									Slot.SetRace( SLOTRACE_UNDEAD );
								else if( Race == 4 )
									Slot.SetRace( SLOTRACE_NIGHTELF );
									Slot.SetRace( SLOTRACE_RANDOM );

								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// fixed start position
								getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// player name
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// start position x
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// start position y
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// ally low priorities
								ISS.seekg( 4, ios :: cur );				// ally high priorities

								if( Slot.GetSlotStatus( ) != SLOTSTATUS_CLOSED )
									Slots.push_back( Slot );
							} (char *)&RawMapNumTeams, 4 );		// number of teams

							for( uint32_t i = 0; i < RawMapNumTeams; i++ )
								uint32_t Flags;
								uint32_t PlayerMask; (char *)&Flags, 4 );			// flags (char *)&PlayerMask, 4 );		// player mask

								for( unsigned char j = 0; j < 12; j++ )
									if( PlayerMask & 1 )
										for( vector<CGameSlot> :: iterator k = Slots.begin( ); k != Slots.end( ); k++ )
											if( (*k).GetColour( ) == j )
												(*k).SetTeam( i );

									PlayerMask >>= 1;

								getline( ISS, GarbageString, '\0' );	// team name

							// the bot only cares about the following options: melee, fixed player settings, custom forces
							// let's not confuse the user by displaying erroneous map options so zero them out now

							CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_options = " + UTIL_ToString( MapOptions ) );
							MapWidth = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)RawMapWidth, false );
							CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_width = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapWidth ) );
							MapHeight = UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint16_t)RawMapHeight, false );
							CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_height = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( MapHeight ) );
							MapNumPlayers = RawMapNumPlayers - ClosedSlots;
							CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_numplayers = " + UTIL_ToString( MapNumPlayers ) );
							MapNumTeams = RawMapNumTeams;
							CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_numteams = " + UTIL_ToString( MapNumTeams ) );

							uint32_t SlotNum = 1;

							for( vector<CGameSlot> :: iterator i = Slots.begin( ); i != Slots.end( ); i++ )
								CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] calculated map_slot" + UTIL_ToString( SlotNum ) + " = " + UTIL_ByteArrayToDecString( (*i).GetByteArray( ) ) );

							if( MapOptions & MAPOPT_MELEE )
								CONSOLE_Print( "[MAP] found melee map, initializing slots" );

								// give each slot a different team and set the race to random

								unsigned char Team = 0;

								for( vector<CGameSlot> :: iterator i = Slots.begin( ); i != Slots.end( ); i++ )
									(*i).SetTeam( Team++ );
									(*i).SetRace( SLOTRACE_RANDOM );

							if( !( MapOptions & MAPOPT_FIXEDPLAYERSETTINGS ) )
								// make races selectable

								for( vector<CGameSlot> :: iterator i = Slots.begin( ); i != Slots.end( ); i++ )
									(*i).SetRace( (*i).GetRace( ) | SLOTRACE_SELECTABLE );
Esempio n. 28
BYTEARRAY CSocket :: GetPort( )
	return UTIL_CreateByteArray( m_SIN.sin_port, false );
Esempio n. 29
BYTEARRAY CSocket :: GetIP( )
	return UTIL_CreateByteArray( (uint32_t)m_SIN.sin_addr.s_addr, false );
Esempio n. 30
CBNETProtocol :: CBNETProtocol( )
	unsigned char ClientToken[] = { 220, 1, 203, 7 };
	m_ClientToken = UTIL_CreateByteArray( ClientToken, 4 );