AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_BlendedMotor::MoveGroundExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	if ( move.curExpectedDist < 0.001 )
  		AIMotorMoveResult_t result = BaseClass::MoveGroundExecute( move, pTraceResult );
  		// Msg(" BaseClass::MoveGroundExecute() - remaining %.2f\n", GetMoveInterval() );
  		SetMoveScriptAnim( 0.0 );
  		return result;

	BuildMoveScript( move, pTraceResult );

	float flNewSpeed = GetCurSpeed();
	float flTotalDist = GetMoveScriptDist( flNewSpeed );

	//Assert( move.maxDist < 0.01 || flTotalDist > 0.0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	float flNewYaw = GetMoveScriptYaw( );

	// get facing based on movement yaw
	AILocalMoveGoal_t move2 = move;
	move2.facing = UTIL_YawToVector( flNewYaw );

	// turn in the direction needed
	MoveFacing( move2 );

	// reset actual "sequence" ground speed based current movement sequence, orientation

	// FIXME: this should be based on 

	GetOuter()->m_flGroundSpeed = GetSequenceGroundSpeed( GetSequence());

	if (1 || flNewSpeed > GetIdealSpeed())
		// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f (%.1f) :  %d\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, move.maxDist, move.transitionDist, GetOuter()->m_pHintNode != NULL );
		// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed() );

	SetMoveScriptAnim( flNewSpeed );

	if ((GetOuter()->m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NPC_SELECTED_BIT))
		DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f : %.2f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed(), flNewSpeed / GetIdealSpeed() );

	AIMotorMoveResult_t result = MoveGroundExecuteWalk( move, flNewSpeed, flTotalDist, pTraceResult );

	return result;

void CAI_StandoffBehavior::UpdateBattleLines()
	if ( m_UpdateBattleLinesSemaphore.EnterThink() )
		// @TODO (toml 06-19-03): This is the quick to code thing. Could use some optimization/caching to not recalc everything (up to) each think

		bool bHaveGoalPosition = ( m_vecStandoffGoalPosition != GOAL_POSITION_INVALID );

		if ( bHaveGoalPosition )
			// If we have a valid standoff goal position, it takes precendence.
			const float DIST_GOAL_PLANE = 180;
			BattleLine_t goalLine;

			if ( GetDirectionOfStandoff( &goalLine.normal ) )
				goalLine.point = GetStandoffGoalPosition() + goalLine.normal * DIST_GOAL_PLANE;
				m_BattleLines.AddToTail( goalLine );
		else if ( PlayerIsLeading() && GetEnemy() )
			if ( m_params.fPlayerIsBattleline )
				const float DIST_PLAYER_PLANE = 180;
				CBaseEntity *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( 1 );
				BattleLine_t playerLine;

				if ( GetDirectionOfStandoff( &playerLine.normal ) )
					playerLine.point = pPlayer->GetAbsOrigin() + playerLine.normal * DIST_PLAYER_PLANE;
					m_BattleLines.AddToTail( playerLine );
		CAI_BattleLine *pBattleLine = NULL;
		for (;;)
			pBattleLine = (CAI_BattleLine *)gEntList.FindEntityByClassname( pBattleLine, "ai_battle_line" );
			if ( !pBattleLine )
			if ( pBattleLine->m_fActive && (!bHaveGoalPosition || !pBattleLine->m_fStrict ) && pBattleLine->Affects( GetOuter() ) )
				BattleLine_t battleLine;
				battleLine.point = pBattleLine->GetAbsOrigin();
				battleLine.normal = UTIL_YawToVector( pBattleLine->GetAbsAngles().y );

				m_BattleLines.AddToTail( battleLine );
Esempio n. 3
// Visualization
void CAI_MoveSolver::VisualizeRegulations( const Vector& origin )
	if ( m_Regulations.Count() )
		CAI_MoveSuggestions regulations;
		regulations.AddVectorToTail( m_Regulations );
		NormalizeSuggestions( &regulations[0], (&regulations[0]) + regulations.Count() );

		Vector side1, mid, side2;
		for (int i = regulations.Count(); --i >= 0; )
			// Compute the positions of the angles...
			float flMinAngle = regulations[i] - regulations[i].arc.span * 0.5f;
			float flMaxAngle = regulations[i] + regulations[i].arc.span * 0.5f;

			side1 = UTIL_YawToVector( flMinAngle );
			side2 = UTIL_YawToVector( flMaxAngle );
			mid = UTIL_YawToVector( regulations[i] );

			// Stronger weighted ones are bigger
			if ( regulations[i].weight < 0 )
				float flLength = 10 + 40 * ( regulations[i].weight * -1.0);
				side1 *= flLength;
				side2 *= flLength;
				mid *= flLength;

				side1 += origin;
				side2 += origin;
				mid += origin;

				NDebugOverlay::Triangle(origin,	mid, side1, 255, 0, 0, 48, true, 0.1f );
				NDebugOverlay::Triangle(origin,	side2, mid, 255, 0, 0, 48, true, 0.1f );
// Эффект пыли для шагов крематора (аналогично шагам страйдера или охотника, но в меньших масштабах
void CNPC_Cremator::FootstepEffect( const Vector &origin )
	trace_t tr;
	AI_TraceLine( origin, origin - Vector(0,0,0), MASK_SOLID_BRUSHONLY, this, COLLISION_GROUP_NONE, &tr );
	float yaw = random->RandomInt(0,0);
	for ( int i = 0; i < 2; i++ )
		if ( UTIL_PointContents( tr.endpos + Vector( 0, 0, 1 ) ) & MASK_WATER )
			float flWaterZ = UTIL_FindWaterSurface( tr.endpos, tr.endpos.z, tr.endpos.z + 100.0f );

			CEffectData	data;
			data.m_fFlags = 0;
			data.m_vOrigin = tr.endpos;
			data.m_vOrigin.z = flWaterZ;
			data.m_vNormal = Vector( 0, 0, 1 );
			data.m_flScale = random->RandomFloat( 10.0, 14.0 );

			// Если крематор идет по неглубокой воде, образуются всплески.
			DispatchEffect( "watersplash", data );
			Vector dir = UTIL_YawToVector( yaw + i*180 ) * 10;
			VectorNormalize( dir );
			dir.z = 0.25;
			VectorNormalize( dir );
			g_pEffects->Dust( tr.endpos, dir, 12, 50 );

			/*g_pEffects->FootprintDecal( tr.endpos, dir, 12, 50 );

			virtual void FootprintDecal( IRecipientFilter& filer, float delay, const Vector *origin, const Vector* right, 
		int entity, int index, unsigned char materialType ) = 0;
			virtual void Dust( IRecipientFilter& filer, float delay,
				 const Vector &pos, const Vector &dir, float size, float speed ) = 0;*/
bool CAI_ScriptConditions::EvalPlayerBlockingActor( const EvalArgs_t &args )
    if ( m_fPlayerBlockingActor == TRS_NONE )
        return true;

#if 0
    CAI_BaseNPC *pNpc = args.pActor->MyNPCPointer();

    const float testDist = 30.0;

    Vector origin = args.pActor->WorldSpaceCenter();
    Vector delta  = UTIL_YawToVector( args.pActor->GetAngles().y ) * testDist;

    Vector vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs;
    args.pActor->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceAABB( &vecAbsMins, &vecAbsMaxs );
    bool intersect = IsBoxIntersectingRay( vecAbsMins, vecAbsMaxs, origin, delta );

    if ( m_fPlayerBlockingActor == TRS_FALSE )
        return true;

    return false; // for now, never say player is blocking
Esempio n. 6
AI_SuggestorResult_t CAI_PlaneSolver::GenerateObstacleSuggestion( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &goal, float yawScanCenter, 
																  float probeDist, float spanPerProbe, int probeOffset)
	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	float		  yawTest;
	float		  arcCenter;

	CalcYawsFromOffset( yawScanCenter, spanPerProbe, probeOffset, &yawTest, &arcCenter );

	Vector probeDir = UTIL_YawToVector( yawTest );
	float requiredMovement = goal.speed * GetMotor()->GetMoveInterval();

	// Probe immediate move with footing, then look further out ignoring footing
	bool fTraceClear = true;
	if ( probeDist > requiredMovement )
		if ( !MoveLimit( goal.navType, GetLocalOrigin() + probeDir * requiredMovement, !ProbeForNpcs(), true, &moveTrace ) )
			fTraceClear = false;
			moveTrace.flDistObstructed = (probeDist - requiredMovement) + moveTrace.flDistObstructed;

	if ( fTraceClear )
		fTraceClear = MoveLimit( goal.navType, GetLocalOrigin() + probeDir * probeDist, !ProbeForNpcs(), false, &moveTrace );

	if ( !fTraceClear )
		GenerateSuggestionFromTrace( goal, moveTrace, probeDist, arcCenter, spanPerProbe, probeOffset );
		return SR_OK;
	return SR_NONE;
Esempio n. 7
AIMoveResult_t CAI_LocalNavigator::MoveCalc( AILocalMoveGoal_t *pMoveGoal, bool bPreviouslyValidated )
	bool bOnlyCurThink = ( bPreviouslyValidated && !HaveObstacles() );

	AIMoveResult_t result = MoveCalcRaw( pMoveGoal, bOnlyCurThink );

	if ( pMoveGoal->curExpectedDist > pMoveGoal->maxDist )
		pMoveGoal->curExpectedDist = pMoveGoal->maxDist;

	// If success, try to dampen really fast turning movement
	if ( result == AIMR_OK)
		float interval = GetOuter()->GetMotor()->GetMoveInterval();
		float currentYaw = UTIL_AngleMod( GetLocalAngles().y );
		float goalYaw;
		float deltaYaw;
		float speed;
		float clampedYaw;

		// Clamp yaw
		goalYaw = UTIL_VecToYaw( pMoveGoal->facing );
		deltaYaw = fabs( UTIL_AngleDiff( goalYaw, currentYaw ) );
		if ( deltaYaw > 15 )
			speed = deltaYaw * 4.0; // i.e., any maneuver takes a quarter a second
			clampedYaw = AI_ClampYaw( speed, currentYaw, goalYaw, interval );

			if ( clampedYaw != goalYaw )
				pMoveGoal->facing = UTIL_YawToVector( clampedYaw );
	return result;
CAI_BaseNPC *CASW_Sentry_Top_Cannon::SelectOptimalEnemy()
	// prioritize unfrozen aliens who are going to leave the cone soon.
	// prioritize aliens less the more frozen they get.
	CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< CAI_BaseNPC *,16 > candidates;
	CUtlVectorFixedGrowable< float, 16 > candidatescores;

	// search through all npcs, any that are in LOS and have health
	CAI_BaseNPC **ppAIs = g_AI_Manager.AccessAIs();
	for ( int i = 0; i < g_AI_Manager.NumAIs(); i++ )
		if (ppAIs[i]->GetHealth() > 0 && CanSee(ppAIs[i]))
			// don't shoot marines
			if ( !asw_sentry_friendly_target.GetBool() && ppAIs[i]->Classify() == CLASS_ASW_MARINE )

			if ( ppAIs[i]->Classify() == CLASS_SCANNER )

			if ( !IsValidEnemy( ppAIs[i] ) )

			candidates.AddToTail( ppAIs[i] );

	// bail out if we don't have anyone
	if ( candidates.Count() < 1 )
		return NULL;

	else if ( candidates.Count() == 1 ) // just one candidate is an obvious result
		return candidates[0];

	// score each of the candidates
	candidatescores.EnsureCount( candidates.Count() );
	for ( int i = candidates.Count() - 1; i >= 0 ; --i )
		CAI_BaseNPC * RESTRICT pCandidate = candidates[i];

		// is the candidate moving into or out of the cone?
		Vector vCandVel = GetEnemyVelocity(pCandidate);
		Vector vMeToTarget = pCandidate->GetAbsOrigin() - GetFiringPosition();
		Vector vBaseForward = UTIL_YawToVector( m_fDeployYaw );

		// crush everything to 2d for simplicity
		vMeToTarget.z = 0.0f;
		vCandVel.z = 0.0f;
		vBaseForward.z = 0.0f;

		Vector velCross = vBaseForward.Cross(vCandVel); // this encodes also some info on perpendicularity
		Vector vAimCross = vBaseForward.Cross(vMeToTarget);
		bool bTargetHeadedOutOfCone = !vCandVel.IsZero() && velCross.z * vAimCross.z >= 0; // true if same sign
		float flConeLeavingUrgency;

		if ( bTargetHeadedOutOfCone )
			flConeLeavingUrgency = fabs( velCross.z / vCandVel.Length2D() ); 
			// just the sin; varies 0..1 where 1 means moving perpendicular to my aim
			flConeLeavingUrgency = 0; // not at threat of leaving just yet

		// the angle between my current yaw and what's needed to hit the target
		float flSwivelNeeded = fabs( UTIL_AngleDiff(  // i wish we weren't storing euler angles
			UTIL_VecToYaw( vMeToTarget ), m_fDeployYaw ) );
		flSwivelNeeded /= ASW_SENTRY_ANGLE; // normalize to 0..2

		float fBigness = 0.0f;

		int nClassify = pCandidate->Classify();
		switch( nClassify )
			fBigness = 4.0f;

			fBigness = 2.0f;

		candidatescores[i] = Vector( 3.0f, -1.5f, 4.0f ).Dot( Vector( flConeLeavingUrgency, flSwivelNeeded, fBigness ) );
	// find the highest scoring candidate
	int best = 0;
	for ( int i = 1 ; i < candidatescores.Count() ; ++i )
		if ( candidatescores[i] > candidatescores[best] )
			best = i;

	// NDebugOverlay::EntityBounds(candidates[best], 255, 255, 0, 255, 0.2f );

	return candidates[best];
Esempio n. 9
bool CAI_PlaneSolver::RunMoveSolver( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &goal, const AIMoveTrace_t &directTrace, float degreesPositiveArc, 
									 bool fDeterOscillation, Vector *pResult )
	AI_MoveSolution_t solution;
	if ( m_Solver.HaveRegulations() )
		// @TODO (toml 07-19-02): add a movement threshhold here (the target may be the same,
		// but the ai is nowhere near where the last solution was derived)
		bool fNewTarget = ( !m_fSolvedPrev || m_PrevTarget != );
		// For debugging, visualize our regulations

		AI_MoveSuggestion_t moveSuggestions[2];
		int					nSuggestions = 1;

		moveSuggestions[0].Set( AIMST_MOVE, 1, UTIL_VecToYaw( goal.dir ), degreesPositiveArc );
		moveSuggestions[0].flags |= ComputeTurnBiasFlags( goal, directTrace );

		if ( fDeterOscillation && !fNewTarget )
			moveSuggestions[nSuggestions++].Set( AIMST_OSCILLATION_DETERRANCE, 1, m_PrevSolution - 180, 180 );

		if ( m_Solver.Solve( moveSuggestions, nSuggestions, &solution ) )
			*pResult = UTIL_YawToVector( solution.dir );

			if (goal.navType == NAV_FLY)
				// FIXME: Does the z component have to occur during the goal
				// setting because it's there & only there where MoveLimit
				// will report contact with the world if we move up?
				AdjustSolutionForFliers( goal, solution.dir, pResult );
			// A crude attempt at oscillation detection: if we solved last time, and this time, and the same target is
			// involved, and we resulted in nearly a 180, we are probably oscillating
			if ( !fNewTarget )
				float delta = solution.dir - m_PrevSolution;
				if ( delta < 0 )
					delta += 360;
				if ( delta > 165 && delta < 195 )
					return false;
			m_PrevSolution = solution.dir;
			m_PrevSolutionVector = *pResult;

			Vector curVelocity = m_pNpc->GetSmoothedVelocity();
			if ( curVelocity != vec3_origin )
				VectorNormalize( curVelocity );
				if ( !fNewTarget )
					*pResult = curVelocity * 0.1 + m_PrevSolutionVector * 0.1 + *pResult * 0.8;
					*pResult = curVelocity * 0.2 + *pResult * 0.8;

			return true;
		if (goal.navType != NAV_FLY)
			*pResult = goal.dir;
			VectorSubtract(, GetLocalOrigin(), *pResult );
			VectorNormalize( *pResult );
		return true;
	return false;
AIMotorMoveResult_t CAI_BlendedMotor::MoveFlyExecute( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &move, AIMoveTrace_t *pTraceResult )
	if ( move.curExpectedDist < 0.001 )
		return BaseClass::MoveFlyExecute( move, pTraceResult );

	BuildMoveScript( move, pTraceResult );

	float flNewSpeed = GetCurSpeed();
	float flTotalDist = GetMoveScriptDist( flNewSpeed );

	Assert( move.maxDist < 0.01 || flTotalDist > 0.0 );

	// --------------------------------------------
	// turn in the direction of movement
	// --------------------------------------------
	float flNewYaw = GetMoveScriptYaw( );

	// get facing based on movement yaw
	AILocalMoveGoal_t move2 = move;
	move2.facing = UTIL_YawToVector( flNewYaw );

	// turn in the direction needed
	MoveFacing( move2 );

	GetOuter()->m_flGroundSpeed = GetSequenceGroundSpeed( GetSequence());

	SetMoveScriptAnim( flNewSpeed );

	// DevMsg( "%6.2f : Speed %.1f : %.1f\n", gpGlobals->curtime, flNewSpeed, GetIdealSpeed() );

	// reset actual "sequence" ground speed based current movement sequence, orientation

	// FIXME: the above is redundant with MoveGroundExecute, and the below is a mix of MoveGroundExecuteWalk and MoveFlyExecute

	bool bReachingLocalGoal = ( flTotalDist > move.maxDist );

	// can I move farther in this interval than I'm supposed to?
	if ( bReachingLocalGoal )
		if ( !(move.flags & AILMG_CONSUME_INTERVAL) )
			// only use a portion of the time interval
			SetMoveInterval( GetMoveInterval() * (1 - move.maxDist / flTotalDist) );
			SetMoveInterval( 0 );
		flTotalDist = move.maxDist;
		// use all the time
		SetMoveInterval( 0 );

	SetMoveVel( move.dir * flNewSpeed );

	// orig
	Vector vecStart, vecEnd;
	vecStart = GetLocalOrigin();
	VectorMA( vecStart, flTotalDist, move.dir, vecEnd );

	AIMoveTrace_t moveTrace;
	GetMoveProbe()->MoveLimit( NAV_FLY, vecStart, vecEnd, MASK_NPCSOLID, NULL, &moveTrace );
	if ( pTraceResult )
		*pTraceResult = moveTrace;
	// Check for total blockage
	if (fabs(moveTrace.flDistObstructed - flTotalDist) <= 1e-1)
		// But if we bumped into our target, then we succeeded!
		if ( move.pMoveTarget && (moveTrace.pObstruction == move.pMoveTarget) )

		return AIM_FAILED;

	// The true argument here causes it to touch all triggers
	// in the volume swept from the previous position to the current position
	UTIL_SetOrigin(GetOuter(), moveTrace.vEndPosition, true);

	return (IsMoveBlocked(moveTrace.fStatus)) ? AIM_PARTIAL_HIT_WORLD : AIM_SUCCESS;
Esempio n. 11
static int luasrc_UTIL_YawToVector (lua_State *L) {
  Vector v = UTIL_YawToVector(luaL_checknumber(L, 1));
  lua_pushvector(L, v);
  return 1;
Esempio n. 12
// Purpose :  If connected to a node returns node direction, otherwise
//			  returns local hint direction
//			  NOTE: Assumes not using multiple AI networks  
// Input   :
// Output  :
Vector CAI_Hint::GetDirection( )
	return UTIL_YawToVector( Yaw() );
// Purpose : Draw a horizontal arrow pointing in the specified direction by yaw value
void NDebugOverlay::YawArrow( const Vector &startPos, float yaw, float length, float width, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float flDuration)
	Vector forward = UTIL_YawToVector( yaw );

	HorzArrow( startPos, startPos + forward * length, width, r, g, b, a, noDepthTest, flDuration );