void Uart_Uclk_En(int ch,int baud) { /* int ch, baud; Uart_Printf("\nSelect UART channel[0:UART0/1:UART1/2:UART2]:\n"); ch=Uart_GetIntNum(); Uart_Printf("\nSelect baud rate :\n"); baud=Uart_GetIntNum(); */ if(ch == 0) { Uart_Select(0); rUCON0|=0x400; // Select UCLK rUBRDIV0=( (int)(UCLK/16./baud) -1 ); //Baud rate divisior register Uart_Printf("UCLK is enabled by UART0.\n"); } else if(ch==1){ Uart_Select(1); rUCON1|=0x400; // Select UCLK rUBRDIV1=( (int)(UCLK/16./baud) -1 ); //Baud rate divisior register Uart_Select(0); Uart_Printf("UCLK is enabled by UART1.\n"); } else { Uart_Select(2); rUCON2|=0x400; // Select UCLK rUBRDIV2=( (int)(UCLK/16./baud) -1 ); //Baud rate divisior register Uart_Select(0); Uart_Printf("UCLK is enabled by UART2.\n"); } //for(i=0;i<100;i++); // For the satble operation }
void Test_Uart0_AfcRx(void) { unsigned int i; rx_cnt=0; rx_end=0; afc_err=0; rxdataCk=(volatile U8 *)UARTBUFFER; rxdataPt=(volatile U8 *)UARTBUFFER; Uart_Port_Set(); Uart_Select(0); Uart_Printf("[Uart channel 0 AFC Rx Test]\n"); Uart_Printf("This test should be configured two boards.\n"); Uart_Printf("Connect Tx and Rx Board with twitsted(rx/tx, nCTS/nRTS) cable .\n"); Uart_Printf("\nConnect PC[COM1 or COM2] and UART1 of SMDK2410 with a serial cable!!! \n"); Uart_Printf("Then, press any key........\n"); Uart_Select(1); // Change the uart port Uart_Getch(); Uart_Printf("Press any key to start Rx and then Star Tx....\n"); Uart_Getch(); pISR_UART0=(unsigned) Uart0_AfcRxOrErr; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (1<<9)|(1<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1); //Clock,Tx:Lev,Rx:Lev,Rx timeout:o,Rx error int:o,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:o,Rx:o rUFCON0=(1<<6)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:4byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO on rUMCON0=0x10; // Enable Uart0 AFC rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); while(!rx_end); rINTSUBMSK|=(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rUFCON0=(3<<6)|(2<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:12byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO off Uart_Printf("\nEnd Rx, receive data count=%d\n",rx_cnt); for(i=0;i<AFC_BUFLEN;i++) if(i-(*rxdataCk++)) { Uart_Printf("i=%d\n",i); afc_err++; } if(afc_err) Uart_Printf("AFC test fail!! Error count=%d\n",afc_err); else Uart_Printf("AFC test is good!!\n"); Uart_Printf("\nConnect PC[COM1 or COM2] and UART0 of SMDK2410 with a serial cable!!! \n"); Uart_Printf("Then, press any key........\n"); Uart_Select(0); Uart_Getch(); Uart_Port_Return(); }
void Camera_Test(void) { int i; SetSysFclk(FCLK_220M); //设置系统时钟 220M ChangeClockDivider(1, 1); //设置分频 1:2:4 CalcBusClk(); //计算总线频 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Init(0, 115200); Uart_Printf("\nCamera Preview Test\n"); CamReset(); // Initializing camif rCLKCON |= (1<<19); // enable camclk CamPortSet(); ChangeUPllValue(56, 2, 1); // UPLL clock = 96MHz, PLL input 12MHz rCLKDIVN|=(1<<3); // UCLK 48MHz setting for UPLL 96MHz // 0:48MHz, 1:24MHz, 2:16MHz, 3:12MHz... // Camera clock = UPLL/[(CAMCLK_DIV+1)X2] SetCAMClockDivider(CAMCLK24000000); //Set Camera Clock 24MHz s5x532, OV9650 i = Test_OV9650(); if( i ) { Uart_Printf("\nTest is failed!!!\n"); return ; } Uart_Printf("Initializing end...\n"); Test_CamPreview() ; Uart_Printf("\nCamera Preview Test End\n"); rCLKCON &= ~(1<<19); // disable camclk TFT_Init(); SetSysFclk(FCLK_400M); //设置系统时钟 400M ChangeClockDivider(2, 1); //设置分频 1:4:8 CalcBusClk(); //计算总线频 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Init(0, 115200); }
void Test_Uart0_AfcTx(void) { int i; tx_cnt=0; tx_end=0; txdataFl=(volatile U8 *)UARTBUFFER; txdataPt=(volatile U8 *)UARTBUFFER; for(i=0;i<AFC_BUFLEN;i++) *txdataFl++=i; // Initialize the AFC data Uart_Port_Set(); Uart_Select(0); Uart_Printf("[Uart channel 0 AFC Tx Test]\n"); Uart_Printf("This test should be configured two boards.\n"); Uart_Printf("Connect Tx and Rx Board with twitsted(rx/tx, nCTS/nRTS) cable .\n"); Uart_Printf("\nConnect PC[COM1 or COM2] and UART1 of SMDK2410 with a serial cable!!! \n"); Uart_Printf("Then, press any key........\n"); Uart_Select(1); // Change the uart port Uart_Getch(); Uart_Printf("Start Rx first and then press any key to start Tx.....\n"); Uart_Getch(); pISR_UART0=(unsigned) Uart0_AfcTx; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (1<<9)|(1<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1); //Clock,Tx:Lev,Rx:Lev,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:x,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:int rUFCON0=(1<<6)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:4byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO on rUMCON0=0x10; // Enable Uart0 AFC rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); while(!tx_end); rINTSUBMSK|=(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rUFCON0=(3<<6)|(2<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:12byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO off Uart_Printf("\nEnd Tx, transfer data count=%d\n",tx_cnt); Uart_Printf("\nConnect PC[COM1 or COM2] and UART0 of SMDK2410 with a serial cable!!! \n"); Uart_Printf("Then, press any key........\n"); Uart_Select(0); Uart_Getch(); Uart_Port_Return(); }
void TargetInit(void) { int i; U8 key; U32 mpll_val=0; #if ADS10 __rt_lib_init(0,0); //for ADS 1.0 #endif i = 2 ; //use 400M! switch ( i ) { case 0: //200 key = 12; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(4<<4)|(1); break; case 1: //300 key = 14; mpll_val = (67<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 2: //400 key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 3: //440!!! key = 14; mpll_val = (102<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; default: key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; } //init FCLK=400M ChangeClockDivider(key, 12); ChangeMPllValue((mpll_val>>12)&0xff, (mpll_val>>4)&0x3f, mpll_val&3); //MMU_EnableICache(); //MMU_EnableDCache(); MMU_DisableICache(); MMU_DisableDCache(); Port_Init(); MMU_Init(); Delay(0); Uart_Init(0,115200); Uart_Select(0); Uart_SendString("Board init complete.\n"); }
void Main(void) { //硬件初始化 var_Init();//初始化定时器相关的参数 Port_Init();//IO端口初始化 Isr_Init();//中断初始化 Uart_Init(0,115200);//串口初始化 Uart_Select(0); _init_alloc(0x32500000,0x333fffff);//初始化堆地址:15M,使能malloc等存储分配函数 setlocale(LC_ALL,"C");//使能本地函数,如sprintf等 Timer4_Init(); lcdTest(); }
void Main(void) { Port_Init(); //IO端口初始化 Isr_Init(); //中断初始化 Uart_Init(0,115200);//串口初始化 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Printf("\n\nDM2410 Experiment System (ADS) Ver1.10\n") ;//打印系统信息 Test_SDI(); }
void Main(void) { memcpy((unsigned char *)0x0,(unsigned char *)0x30000000,0x1000); SetSysFclk(FCLK_400M); //设置系统时钟 400M ChangeClockDivider(2, 1); //设置分频 1:4:8 CalcBusClk(); //计算总线频 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Init(0, 115200); Test_Nand(); while(1); }
void Test_Uart0_Int(void) { Uart_Port_Set(); Uart_Select(0); /*********** UART0 Tx test with interrupt ***********/ isTxInt=1; uart0TxStr="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890->UART0 Tx interrupt test is good!!!!\r\n"; Uart_Printf("[Uart channel 0 Tx Interrupt Test]\n"); pISR_UART0=(unsigned)Uart0_TxInt; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:x,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:int Uart_TxEmpty(0); //wait until tx buffer is empty. rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_TXD0); while(isTxInt); /*********** UART0 Rx test with interrupt ***********/ isRxInt=1; uart0RxStr=(char *)UARTBUFFER; Uart_Printf("\n[Uart channel 0 Rx Interrupt Test]:\n"); Uart_Printf("After typing ENTER key, you will see the characters which was typed by you."); Uart_Printf("\nTo quit, press ENTER key.!!!\n"); Uart_TxEmpty(0); //wait until tx buffer is empty. pISR_UART0 =(unsigned)Uart0_RxIntOrErr; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(1<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1); //Clock,Tx:pulse,Rx:pulse,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:o,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:int // Clear Int Pending and Unmask ClearPending(BIT_UART0); rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rSUBSRCPND=(BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); while(isRxInt); rINTSUBMSK|=(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rINTMSK|=(BIT_UART0); Uart_Printf("%s\n",(char *)UARTBUFFER); Uart_Port_Return(); }
void TargetInit(void) { int i; U8 key; U32 mpll_val=0; i = 2 ; //use 400M! switch ( i ) { case 0: //200 key = 12; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(4<<4)|(1); break; case 1: //300 key = 14; mpll_val = (67<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 2: //400 key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 3: //440!!! key = 14; mpll_val = (102<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; default: key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; } //init FCLK=400M, so change MPLL first ChangeMPllValue((mpll_val>>12)&0xff, (mpll_val>>4)&0x3f, mpll_val&3); ChangeClockDivider(key, 12); MMU_DisableICache(); MMU_DisableDCache(); Port_Init(); MMU_Init(); _init_alloc(0x17fe000, 0x17ff000);/*分配堆的起始地址和结束地址,4k的空间*/ Delay(0); Uart_Init(0,115200); Uart_Select(0); Uart_SendString("Board init complete.\n"); }
/******************************************************************** // 语法格式 : void Main(void) // 功能描述 : DMA操作实验主程序 // 实现功能: // 实现DMA方式内存到内存的拷贝动作,修改DMA设置 // 并比较其工作效率,实验包括:DMA0-DMA3 // 入口参数 : 无 // 出口参数 : 无 *********************************************************************/ void Main(void) { memcpy((U8 *)0x0,(U8 *)0x30000000,0x1000); SetSysFclk(FCLK_400M); //设置系统时钟 400M ChangeClockDivider(2,1); //设置分频 1:4:8 CalcBusClk(); //计算总线频 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Init(0,115200); Uart_Printf("\n---DMA操作实验主程序---\n"); Test_DMA(); Uart_Printf("\nDMA测试结束\n"); while(1); }
char Uart() { char id[20]={}; char nz[]={0x37,0x34,0x39}; char sj; char x,xx; char y=0; int data; Uart_Init(0,9600); Uart_Select(1); bz=0; if(rUTRSTAT1 & 0x1) { for(y=0;y<8;y++) { sj=Uart_Getch(); id[y]=sj; } } if(id[2]==nz[1]) { bz=1; } else bz=0; if(id[0]!=0) { x = id[1]; xx=id[2]; } return bz; }
//==================================================== // 语法格式:void Main(void) // 功能描述: 主函数 // 入口参数: 无 // 出口参数: 无 //==================================================== void Main(void) { memcpy((unsigned char *)0x0,(unsigned char *)0x30000000,0x1000); SetSysFclk(FCLK_400M); //设置系统时钟 400M ChangeClockDivider(2, 1); //设置分频 1:4:8 CalcBusClk(); //计算总线频 Uart_Select(0); Uart_Init(0, 115200); //设置端口 波特率115200 无数据流检测 数据位= 8位 Select_Device(IrDA); IrDA_Port_Set(); Uart_Printf("\2440 IrDA Test start\n"); while(1) { Test_IrDA_Tx(); } }
void TargetInit(void) { int i; U8 key; U32 mpll_val=0; #if ADS10 //_rt_lib_init(0,0); //for ADS 1.0 #endif i = 2 ; //use 400M! switch ( i ) { case 0: //200 key = 12; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(4<<4)|(1); break; case 1: //300 key = 14; mpll_val = (67<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 2: //400 key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; case 3: //440!!! key = 14; mpll_val = (102<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; default: key = 14; mpll_val = (92<<12)|(1<<4)|(1); break; } //init FCLK=400M, so change MPLL first ChangeMPllValue((mpll_val>>12)&0xff, (mpll_val>>4)&0x3f, mpll_val&3); ChangeClockDivider(key, 12); //MMU_EnableICache(); //MMU_EnableDCache(); MMU_DisableICache(); MMU_DisableDCache(); Port_Init(); MMU_Init(); Touch_init(); Delay(0); Uart_Init(0,115200); Uart_Select(1); //Uart_SendString("hello,FriendlyARM\n"); /*若使用printf语句,将使目标代码增加很多*/ // Uart_Printf("hello,qq2440, printf\n"); rGPBCON = 0x00555555; rGPBDAT = 0x0000; // rGPBDAT = 0x07ff; rGPFDAT = 0x00; rGPFDAT = 0x00; // Delay(0); }
void Test_Uart0_Fifo(void) { Uart_Port_Set(); Uart_Select(0); /******* UART0 Tx FIFO test with interrupt ********/ Uart_Printf("[Uart channel 0 Tx FIFO Interrupt Test]\n"); Uart_TxEmpty(0); //wait until tx buffer is empty. /* <Tx Trigger Level:8Byte> */ uart0TxStr="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890->UART0 Tx FIFO interrupt(8byte) test is good!!!!\r\n"; pISR_UART0=(U32)Uart0_TxFifo; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(0); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:x,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:x rUFCON0=(2<<6)|(1<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:8byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO on rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_TXD0); Delay(500); rUFCON0=(2<<6)|(1<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:8byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO off /* <Tx Trigger Level:12Byte> */ uart0TxStr="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890->UART0 Tx FIFO interrupt(12byte) test is good!!!!\r\n"; pISR_UART0=(unsigned)Uart0_TxFifo; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(0); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:x,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:x rUFCON0=(3<<6)|(2<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:12byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO on rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); Delay(500); rUFCON0=(3<<6)|(2<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:12byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO off /******* UART0 Rx FIFO test with interrupt ********/ rx_dncs=0; rx_point=0; rx_isdone=1; rx_filesize=0; rx_checksum=0; Uart_Printf("[Uart channel 0 Rx FIFO Interrupt Test]\n"); //---------------------------------------------------- pISR_UART0=(unsigned)Uart0_RxFifoOrErr; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(1<<7)|(1<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:o,Rx error int:o,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:int rUFCON0=(1<<6)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(1); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:4byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO on // Clear Int Pending and Unmask ClearPending(BIT_UART0); rINTMSK=~(BIT_UART0); rSUBSRCPND=(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); Uart_Printf("Download the target file[*.bin] by Uart0\n"); while(rx_isdone); rINTMSK |= (BIT_UART0); rINTSUBMSK|=(BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rUFCON0=(3<<6)|(2<<4)|(1<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //Tx and Rx FIFO Trigger Level:12byte,Tx and Rx FIFO Reset,FIFO off if(rx_dncs==(rx_checksum&0xffff)) Uart_Printf("\nDownload test OK!!!\n"); else Uart_Printf("\nError!!!\n"); Uart_Port_Return(); }
void Test_Uart0_Dma(void) { Uart_Port_Set(); Uart_Select(0); /*********** UART0 Tx test with DMA0 ***********/ isDone=1; uart0TxStr="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890->UART0 Tx Test by DMA0 is good!!!!\r\n"; Uart_Printf("\n[Uart channel 0 DMA0 Tx Test]\n"); Uart_TxEmpty(0); pISR_DMA0 =(unsigned)Uart0_TxDmaDone; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(0<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(2<<2)|(0); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:x,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:dma0,Rx:x /***DMA0 init***/ rDISRC0=(U32)uart0TxStr; // Start address rDISRCC0=(0<<1)|(0); // AHB,Increment rDIDST0=(U32)UTXH0; // Memory buffer Address rDIDSTC0=(1<<1)|(1); // APB,Fixed rDCON0=(1<<31)|(0<<30)|(1<<29)|(0<<28)|(0<<27)|(1<<24)|(1<<23)|(1<<22)|(0<<20)|strlen((char*)uart0TxStr); //handshake, sync PCLK, TC int, single tx, single service, Uart0, H/W request,auto-reload off, Byte size Tx, Tx count value rINTMSK=~(BIT_DMA0); rDMASKTRIG0=(0<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //no-stop, DMA0 channel on, no-SW trigger while(isDone); /*********** UART0 Rx test with DMA0 ***********/ isDone=1; uart0RxStr=(char *)UARTBUFFER; Uart_Printf("\n[Uart channel 0 DMA0 Rx Test]\n"); Uart_Printf("Type any five keys!!!\n"); Uart_Printf("Then you will see what you typed.\n"); pISR_DMA0=(unsigned)Uart0_RxDmaDone; pISR_UART0=(unsigned)Uart0_RxDmaOrErr; rULCON0=(0<<6)|(0<<3)|(0<<2)|(3); // Normal,No parity,One stop bit, 8bit rUCON0 &= 0x400; // For the PCLK <-> UCLK fuction rUCON0 |= (TX_INTTYPE<<9)|(RX_INTTYPE<<8)|(0<<7)|(1<<6)|(0<<5)|(0<<4)|(1<<2)|(2); //Clock,Tx:Def,Rx:Def,Rx timeout:x,Rx error int:o,Loop-back:x,Send break:x,Tx:int,Rx:dma0 /***DMA0 init***/ rDISRC0=(U32)URXH0; // Start address rDISRCC0=(1<<1)|(1); // APB,Fixed rDIDST0=(U32)uart0RxStr; // Memory buffer Address rDIDSTC0= (0<<1)|(0); // AHB,Increment rDCON0=(1<<31)|(0<<30)|(1<<29)|(0<<28)|(0<<27)|(1<<24)|(1<<23)|(1<<22)|(0<<20)|(5); //handshake, sync PCLK, TC int, single tx, single service, Uart0, H/W request,auto-reload off, Byte size Tx, Tx count value // Clear Int Pending and Unmask ClearPending(BIT_UART0); rINTMSK=~(BIT_DMA0|BIT_UART0); rSUBSRCPND=(BIT_SUB_TXD0|BIT_SUB_RXD0|BIT_SUB_ERR0); rINTSUBMSK=~(BIT_SUB_ERR0); rDMASKTRIG0=(0<<2)|(1<<1)|(0); //no-stop, DMA0 channel on, no-SW trigger while(isDone); Uart_Printf("%s\n",uart0RxStr); Uart_Port_Return(); }