Esempio n. 1
Point Triangle::Sample(float u1, float u2, Normal *Ns) const {
    float b1, b2;
    UniformSampleTriangle(u1, u2, &b1, &b2);
    // Get triangle vertices in _p1_, _p2_, and _p3_
    const Point &p1 = mesh->p[v[0]];
    const Point &p2 = mesh->p[v[1]];
    const Point &p3 = mesh->p[v[2]];
    Point p = b1 * p1 + b2 * p2 + (1.f - b1 - b2) * p3;
    Normal n = Normal(Cross(p2-p1, p3-p1));
    *Ns = Normalize(n);
    if (ReverseOrientation) *Ns *= -1.f;
    return p;
Esempio n. 2
Interaction Triangle::Sample(const Point2f &u) const {
    Point2f b = UniformSampleTriangle(u);
    // Get triangle vertices in _p0_, _p1_, and _p2_
    const Point3f &p0 = mesh->p[v[0]];
    const Point3f &p1 = mesh->p[v[1]];
    const Point3f &p2 = mesh->p[v[2]];
    Interaction it;
    it.p = b[0] * p0 + b[1] * p1 + (1 - b[0] - b[1]) * p2;
    // Compute surface normal for sampled point on triangle
    if (mesh->n)
        it.n = Normalize(b[0] * mesh->n[v[0]] + b[1] * mesh->n[v[1]] +
                         (1 - b[0] - b[1]) * mesh->n[v[2]]);
        it.n = Normalize(Normal3f(Cross(p1 - p0, p2 - p0)));
    if (reverseOrientation) it.n *= -1;

    // Compute error bounds for sampled point on triangle
    Point3f pAbsSum =
        Abs(b[0] * p0) + Abs(b[1] * p1) + Abs((1 - b[0] - b[1]) * p2);
    it.pError = gamma(6) * Vector3f(pAbsSum.x, pAbsSum.y, pAbsSum.z);
    return it;