Esempio n. 1
 * Check if the given tile is a valid destination. In case of for example
 *  a carry-all it checks if the unit carrying can be placed on destination.
 * In case of structures, it checks if you can walk into it.
 * Stack: 1 - An encoded tile, indicating the destination.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return ??.
uint16 Script_Unit_IsValidDestination(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	Unit *u2;
	uint16 encoded;
	uint16 index;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;
	encoded = STACK_PEEK(1);
	index = Tools_Index_Decode(encoded);

	switch (Tools_Index_GetType(encoded)) {
		case IT_TILE:
			if (!Map_IsValidPosition(index)) return 1;
			if (u->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return 1;
			u2 = Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID);
			u2->o.position = Tools_Index_GetTile(encoded);
			if (!Unit_IsTileOccupied(u2)) return 0;
			u2->o.position.tile = 0xFFFFFFFF;
			return 1;

		case IT_STRUCTURE: {
			Structure *s;

			s = Structure_Get_ByIndex(index);
			if (s->o.houseID == Unit_GetHouseID(u)) return 0;
			if (u->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return 1;
			u2 = Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID);
			return Unit_IsValidMovementIntoStructure(u2, s) != 0 ? 1 : 0;

		default: return 1;
Esempio n. 2
 * Allocate a Unit.
 * @param index The index to use, or UNIT_INDEX_INVALID to find an unused index.
 * @param typeID The type of the new Unit.
 * @param houseID The House of the new Unit.
 * @return The Unit allocated, or NULL on failure.
Unit *Unit_Allocate(uint16 index, uint8 type, uint8 houseID)
	House *h;
	Unit *u = NULL;

	if (type == 0xFF || houseID == 0xFF) return NULL;

	h = House_Get_ByIndex(houseID);
	if (h->unitCount >= h->unitCountMax) {
		if (g_table_unitInfo[type].movementType != MOVEMENT_WINGER && g_table_unitInfo[type].movementType != MOVEMENT_SLITHER) {
			if (g_var_38BC == 0x00) return NULL;

	if (index == 0 || index == UNIT_INDEX_INVALID) {
		uint16 indexStart = g_table_unitInfo[type].indexStart;
		uint16 indexEnd   = g_table_unitInfo[type].indexEnd;

		for (index = indexStart; index <= indexEnd; index++) {
			u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(index);
			if (!u->o.flags.s.used) break;
		if (index > indexEnd) return NULL;
	} else {
		u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(index);
		if (u->o.flags.s.used) return NULL;
	assert(u != NULL);


	/* Initialize the Unit */
	memset(u, 0, sizeof(Unit));
	u->o.index                   = index;
	u->o.type                    = type;
	u->o.houseID                 = houseID;
	u->o.linkedID                = 0xFF;
	u->o.flags.s.used            = true;
	u->o.flags.s.allocated       = true;
	u->o.flags.s.isUnit = true;
	u->o.script.delay      = 0;
	u->route[0]            = 0xFF;
	if (type == UNIT_SANDWORM) u->amount = 3;

	g_unitFindArray[g_unitFindCount++] = u;

	return u;
Esempio n. 3
 * Find a UnitType and make it go to the current structure. In general, type
 *  should be a Carry-All for this to make any sense.
 * Stack: 1 - An unit type.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return unknown.
uint16 Script_Structure_FindUnitByType(ScriptEngine *script)
	Structure *s;
	Unit *u;
	Unit *carryall;
	uint16 type;
	uint16 position;
	uint16 carryallIndex;

	s = g_scriptCurrentStructure;

	if (s->state != STRUCTURE_STATE_READY) return IT_NONE;
	if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return IT_NONE;

	type = STACK_PEEK(1);

	position = Structure_FindFreePosition(s, false);

	u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);

	if (g_playerHouseID == s->o.houseID && u->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER && u->targetLast.tile == 0 && position != 0) {
		return IT_NONE;

	carryall = Unit_CallUnitByType(type, s->o.houseID, Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE), position == 0);

	if (carryall == NULL) return IT_NONE;

	carryallIndex = Tools_Index_Encode(carryall->o.index, IT_UNIT);
	Object_Script_Variable4_Set(&s->o, carryallIndex);

	return carryallIndex;
Esempio n. 4
 * Recount all Units, ignoring the cache array. Also set the unitCount
 *  of all houses to zero.
void Unit_Recount()
	uint16 index;
	PoolFindStruct find = {-1, -1, -1};
	House* h = House_Find(&find);

	while (h != NULL)
		h->unitCount = 0;
		h = House_Find(&find);

	g_unitFindCount = 0;

	for (index = 0; index < UNIT_INDEX_MAX; index++)
		Unit* u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(index);
		if (!u->o.flags.s.used)

		h = House_Get_ByIndex(u->o.houseID);

		g_unitFindArray[g_unitFindCount++] = u;
Esempio n. 5
 * @brief   f__167E_00F3_001E_8CB3.
 * @details Simplified logic for IT_TILE.
uint16 Tools_Index_Encode(uint16 index, IndexType type)
	switch (type)
	case IT_TILE:
			const uint16 x = (Tile_GetPackedX(index) << 1) | 0x01;
			const uint16 y = (Tile_GetPackedY(index) << 8) | 0x80;
			return (0xC000 | y | x);

	case IT_UNIT:
			const Unit* u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(index);
			return (u->o.flags.s.allocated) ? (0x4000 | index) : 0;

		return (0x8000 | index);

	case IT_NONE:

	return 0;
Esempio n. 6
 * @brief   f__167E_0005_0013_AF0C.
 * @details Removed guard for IT_UNIT.
bool Tools_Index_IsValid(uint16 encoded)
	if (encoded == 0)
		return false;

	uint16 index = Tools_Index_Decode(encoded);
	switch (Tools_Index_GetType(encoded))
	case IT_UNIT:
			const Unit* u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(index);
			return u->o.flags.s.used && u->o.flags.s.allocated;

			const Structure* s = Structure_Get_ByIndex(index);
			return s->o.flags.s.used;

	case IT_TILE:
	case IT_NONE:
		return true;

	return false;
Esempio n. 7
 * Gives a harvester to the given house if it has a refinery and no harvesters.
 * @param houseID The index of the house to give a harvester to.
void House_EnsureHarvesterAvailable(uint8 houseID)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	Structure *s;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		s = Structure_Find(&find);
		if (s == NULL) break;
		/* ENHANCEMENT -- Dune2 checked the wrong type to skip. LinkedID is a structure for a Construction Yard */
		if (!g_dune2_enhanced && s->o.type == STRUCTURE_HEAVY_VEHICLE) continue;
		if (g_dune2_enhanced && s->o.type == STRUCTURE_CONSTRUCTION_YARD) continue;
		if (s->o.linkedID == UNIT_INVALID) continue;
		if (Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID)->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) return;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = UNIT_CARRYALL;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;
		if (u->o.linkedID == UNIT_INVALID) continue;
		if (Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID)->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) return;

	if (Unit_IsTypeOnMap(houseID, UNIT_HARVESTER)) return;

	find.houseID = houseID;
	find.type    = STRUCTURE_REFINERY;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;

	s = Structure_Find(&find);
	if (s == NULL) return;

	if (Unit_CreateWrapper(houseID, UNIT_HARVESTER, Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE)) == NULL) return;

	if (houseID != g_playerHouseID) return;

Esempio n. 8
 * Unknown function 0C5A.
 * Stack: *none*
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return unknown.
uint16 Script_Structure_Unknown0C5A(ScriptEngine *script)
	tile32 tile;
	Structure *s;
	Unit *u;
	uint16 position;


	s = g_scriptCurrentStructure;

	if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return 0;

	u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);

	if (g_table_unitInfo[u->o.type].movementType == MOVEMENT_WINGER && Unit_SetPosition(u, s->o.position)) {
		s->o.linkedID = u->o.linkedID;
		u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;

		if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE);

		if (s->o.houseID == g_playerHouseID) Sound_Output_Feedback(g_playerHouseID + 49);

		return 1;

	position = Structure_FindFreePosition(s, u->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER);
	if (position == 0) return 0;

	u->o.seenByHouses |= s->o.seenByHouses;

	tile = Tile_Center(Tile_UnpackTile(position));

	if (!Unit_SetPosition(u, tile)) return 0;

	s->o.linkedID = u->o.linkedID;
	u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;

	Unit_SetOrientation(u, Tile_GetDirection(s->o.position, u->o.position) & 0xE0, true, 0);
	Unit_SetOrientation(u, u->orientation[0].current, true, 1);

	if (u->o.houseID == g_playerHouseID && u->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) {

	if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE);

	if (s->o.houseID != g_playerHouseID) return 1;
	if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_REPAIR) return 1;

	Sound_Output_Feedback(g_playerHouseID + ((u->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) ? 68 : 30));

	return 1;
Esempio n. 9
 * Gets the amount of the unit linked to current unit, or current unit if not linked.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The amount.
uint16 Script_Unit_GetAmount(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;


	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return u->amount;

	return Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID)->amount;
Esempio n. 10
 * Get the object on the given packed tile.
 * @param packed The packed tile to get the object from.
 * @return The object.
Object* Object_GetByPackedTile(uint16 packed)
	Tile* t;

	if (Tile_IsOutOfMap(packed))
		return NULL;

	t = &g_map[packed];
	if (t->hasUnit)
		return &Unit_Get_ByIndex(t->index - 1)->o;
	if (t->hasStructure)
		return &Structure_Get_ByIndex(t->index - 1)->o;
	return NULL;
Esempio n. 11
 * Move the unit to the first available structure it can find of the required
 *  type.
 * Stack: 1 - Type of structure.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return An encoded structure index.
uint16 Script_Unit_MoveToStructure(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	PoolFindStruct find;

	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->o.linkedID != 0xFF) {
		Structure *s;

		s = Tools_Index_GetStructure(Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID)->originEncoded);

		if (s != NULL && s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE && s->o.script.variables[4] == 0) {
			uint16 encoded;

			encoded = Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE);

			Object_Script_Variable4_Link(Tools_Index_Encode(u->o.index, IT_UNIT), encoded);

			u->targetMove = u->o.script.variables[4];

			return encoded;

	find.houseID = Unit_GetHouseID(u);
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = STACK_PEEK(1);

	while (true) {
		Structure *s;
		uint16 encoded;

		s = Structure_Find(&find);
		if (s == NULL) break;

		if (s->state != STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE) continue;
		if (s->o.script.variables[4] != 0) continue;

		encoded = Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE);

		Object_Script_Variable4_Link(Tools_Index_Encode(u->o.index, IT_UNIT), encoded);

		u->targetMove = encoded;

		return encoded;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 12
 * Refine spice in the current structure.
 * Stack: *none*
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return 0 if there is no spice to refine, otherwise 1.
uint16 Script_Structure_RefineSpice(ScriptEngine *script)
	const StructureInfo *si;
	Structure *s;
	Unit *u;
	House *h;
	uint16 harvesterStep, creditsStep;


	s = g_scriptCurrentStructure;

	if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) {
		Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE);
		return 0;

	u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);
	si = &g_table_structureInfo[s->o.type];

	harvesterStep = (s->o.hitpoints * 256 / si->o.hitpoints) * 3 / 256;

	if (u->amount < harvesterStep) harvesterStep = u->amount;
	if (u->amount != 0 && harvesterStep < 1) harvesterStep = 1;
	if (harvesterStep == 0) return 0;

	creditsStep = 7;
	if (u->o.houseID != g_playerHouseID) {
		creditsStep += (Tools_Random_256() % 4) - 1;

	creditsStep *= harvesterStep;

	if (House_AreAllied(g_playerHouseID, s->o.houseID)) {
		g_scenario.harvestedAllied += creditsStep;
		if (g_scenario.harvestedAllied > 65000) g_scenario.harvestedAllied = 65000;
	} else {
		g_scenario.harvestedEnemy += creditsStep;
		if (g_scenario.harvestedEnemy > 65000) g_scenario.harvestedEnemy = 65000;

	h = House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID);
	h->credits += creditsStep;
	u->amount -= harvesterStep;

	if (u->amount == 0) u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;
	s->o.script.delay = 6;
	return 1;
Esempio n. 13
static uint32 SaveLoad_UnitActive(void *object, uint32 value, bool loading)

	if (loading) {
		if ((uint16)value != 0xFFFF && value < UNIT_INDEX_MAX) {
			g_unitActive = Unit_Get_ByIndex((uint16)value);
		} else {
			g_unitActive = NULL;
		return 0;

	if (g_unitActive != NULL) {
		return g_unitActive->o.index;
	} else {
		return 0xFFFF;
Esempio n. 14
 * Prepare the map (after loading scenario or savegame). Does some basic
 *  sanity-check and corrects stuff all over the place.
void Game_Prepare(void)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	uint16 oldSelectionType;
	Tile *t;
	int i;


	oldSelectionType = g_selectionType;
	g_selectionType = SELECTIONTYPE_MENTAT;


	t = &g_map[0];
	for (i = 0; i < 64 * 64; i++, t++) {
		Structure *s;
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Get_ByPackedTile(i);
		s = Structure_Get_ByPackedTile(i);

		if (u == NULL || !u->o.flags.s.used) t->hasUnit = false;
		if (s == NULL || !s->o.flags.s.used) t->hasStructure = false;
		if (t->isUnveiled) Map_UnveilTile(i, g_playerHouseID);

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Unit *u;

		u = Unit_Find(&find);
		if (u == NULL) break;

		if (u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) continue;

		Unit_UpdateMap(1, u);

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		Structure *s;

		s = Structure_Find(&find);
		if (s == NULL) break;
		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_SLAB_1x1 || s->o.type == STRUCTURE_SLAB_2x2 || s->o.type == STRUCTURE_WALL) continue;

		if (s->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) continue;


		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_STARPORT && s->o.linkedID != 0xFF) {
			Unit *u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);

			if (!u->o.flags.s.used || !u->o.flags.s.isNotOnMap) {
				s->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
				s->countDown = 0;
			} else {
				Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_READY);

		Script_Load(&s->o.script, s->o.type);

		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_PALACE) {
			House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition = s->o.position;

		if ((House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition.x != 0) || (House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition.y != 0)) continue;
		House_Get_ByIndex(s->o.houseID)->palacePosition = s->o.position;

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		House *h;

		h = House_Find(&find);
		if (h == NULL) break;

		h->structuresBuilt = Structure_GetStructuresBuilt(h);



	if (g_structureActiveType != 0xFFFF) {
	} else {
		Structure *s = Structure_Get_ByPackedTile(g_selectionPosition);

		if (s != NULL) Map_SetSelectionSize(g_table_structureInfo[s->o.type].layout);


	g_tickHousePowerMaintenance = max(g_timerGame + 70, g_tickHousePowerMaintenance);
	g_viewport_forceRedraw = true;
	g_playerCredits = 0xFFFF;

	g_selectionType = oldSelectionType;
Esempio n. 15
 * Delivery of transport, either to structure or to a tile.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return One if delivered, zero otherwise..
uint16 Script_Unit_TransportDeliver(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;
	Unit *u2;


	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->o.linkedID == 0xFF) return 0;
	if (Tools_Index_GetType(u->targetMove) == IT_UNIT) return 0;

	if (Tools_Index_GetType(u->targetMove) == IT_STRUCTURE) {
		const StructureInfo *si;
		Structure *s;

		s = Tools_Index_GetStructure(u->targetMove);
		si = &g_table_structureInfo[s->o.type];

		if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_STARPORT) {
			uint16 ret = 0;

			if (s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_BUSY) {
				s->o.linkedID = u->o.linkedID;
				u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
				u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;
				u->amount = 0;

				Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

				Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

				Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_READY);

				ret = 1;

			u->targetMove = 0;

			return ret;

		if ((s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE || (si->o.flags.busyStateIsIncoming && s->state == STRUCTURE_STATE_BUSY)) && s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) {
			Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

			Unit_EnterStructure(Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID), s);

			u->targetMove = 0;

			u->o.linkedID = 0xFF;
			u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;
			u->amount = 0;

			Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

			return 1;

		u->targetMove = 0;

		return 0;

	if (!Map_IsValidPosition(Tile_PackTile(Tile_Center(u->o.position)))) return 0;

	u2 = Unit_Get_ByIndex(u->o.linkedID);

	if (!Unit_SetPosition(u2, Tile_Center(u->o.position))) return 0;

	if (u2->o.houseID == g_playerHouseID) {
		Voice_PlayAtTile(24, u->o.position);

	Unit_SetOrientation(u2, u->orientation[0].current, true, 0);
	Unit_SetOrientation(u2, u->orientation[0].current, true, 1);
	Unit_SetSpeed(u2, 0);

	u->o.linkedID = u2->o.linkedID;
	u2->o.linkedID = 0xFF;

	if (u->o.linkedID != 0xFF) return 1;

	u->o.flags.s.inTransport = false;

	u->targetMove = 0;

	return 1;
Esempio n. 16
 * Loop over all houses, preforming various of tasks.
void GameLoop_House(void)
	PoolFindStruct find;
	House *h = NULL;
	bool tickHouse                = false;
	bool tickPowerMaintenance     = false;
	bool tickStarport             = false;
	bool tickReinforcement        = false;
	bool tickMissileCountdown     = false;
	bool tickStarportAvailability = false;

	if (g_debugScenario) return;

	if (s_tickHouseHouse <= g_timerGame) {
		tickHouse = true;
		s_tickHouseHouse = g_timerGame + 900;

	if (g_tickHousePowerMaintenance <= g_timerGame) {
		tickPowerMaintenance = true;
		g_tickHousePowerMaintenance = g_timerGame + 10800;

	if (s_tickHouseStarport <= g_timerGame) {
		tickStarport = true;
		s_tickHouseStarport = g_timerGame + 180;

	if (s_tickHouseReinforcement <= g_timerGame) {
		tickReinforcement = true;
		s_tickHouseReinforcement = g_timerGame + (g_debugGame ? 60 : 600);

	if (s_tickHouseMissileCountdown <= g_timerGame) {
		tickMissileCountdown = true;
		s_tickHouseMissileCountdown = g_timerGame + 60;

	if (s_tickHouseStarportAvailability <= g_timerGame) {
		tickStarportAvailability = true;
		s_tickHouseStarportAvailability = g_timerGame + 1800;

	if (tickMissileCountdown && g_houseMissileCountdown != 0) {
		Sound_Output_Feedback(g_houseMissileCountdown + 41);

		if (g_houseMissileCountdown == 0) Unit_LaunchHouseMissile(Map_FindLocationTile(4, g_playerHouseID));

	if (tickStarportAvailability) {
		uint16 type;

		/* Pick a random unit to increase starport availability */
		type = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, UNIT_MAX - 1);

		/* Increase how many of this unit is available via starport by one */
		if (g_starportAvailable[type] != 0 && g_starportAvailable[type] < 10) {
			if (g_starportAvailable[type] == -1) {
				g_starportAvailable[type] = 1;
			} else {

	if (tickReinforcement) {
		Unit *nu = NULL;
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
			uint16 locationID;
			bool deployed;
			Unit *u;

			if (g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID == UNIT_INDEX_INVALID) continue;
			if (g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft == 0) continue;
			if (--g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft != 0) continue;

			u = Unit_Get_ByIndex(g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID);

			locationID = g_scenario.reinforcement[i].locationID;
			deployed   = false;

			if (locationID >= 4) {
				if (nu == NULL) {
					nu = Unit_Create(UNIT_INDEX_INVALID, UNIT_CARRYALL, u->o.houseID, Tile_UnpackTile(Map_FindLocationTile(Tools_Random_256() & 3, u->o.houseID)), 100);

					if (nu != NULL) {
						nu->o.flags.s.byScenario = true;
						Unit_SetDestination(nu, Tools_Index_Encode(Map_FindLocationTile(locationID, u->o.houseID), IT_TILE));

				if (nu != NULL) {
					u->o.linkedID = nu->o.linkedID;
					nu->o.linkedID = (uint8)u->o.index;
					nu->o.flags.s.inTransport = true;
					g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID = UNIT_INDEX_INVALID;
					deployed = true;
				} else {
					/* Failed to create carry-all, try again in a short moment */
					g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft = 1;
			} else {
				deployed = Unit_SetPosition(u, Tile_UnpackTile(Map_FindLocationTile(locationID, u->o.houseID)));

			if (deployed && g_scenario.reinforcement[i].repeat != 0) {
				tile32 tile;
				tile.x = 0xFFFF;
				tile.y = 0xFFFF;

				u = Unit_Create(UNIT_INDEX_INVALID, u->o.type, u->o.houseID, tile, 0);

				if (u != NULL) {
					g_scenario.reinforcement[i].unitID = u->o.index;
					g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeLeft = g_scenario.reinforcement[i].timeBetween;

	find.houseID = HOUSE_INVALID;
	find.index   = 0xFFFF;
	find.type    = 0xFFFF;

	while (true) {
		h = House_Find(&find);
		if (h == NULL) break;

		if (tickHouse) {
			/* ENHANCEMENT -- Originally this code was outside the house loop, which seems very odd.
			 *  This problem is considered to be so bad, that the original code has been removed. */
			if (h->index != g_playerHouseID) {
				if (h->creditsStorage < h->credits) {
					h->credits = h->creditsStorage;
			} else {
				uint16 maxCredits = max(h->creditsStorage, g_playerCreditsNoSilo);
				if (h->credits > maxCredits) {
					h->credits = maxCredits;


			if (h->index == g_playerHouseID) {
				if (h->creditsStorage > g_playerCreditsNoSilo) {
					g_playerCreditsNoSilo = 0;

				if (g_playerCreditsNoSilo == 0 && g_campaignID > 1 && h->credits != 0) {
					if (h->creditsStorage != 0 && ((h->credits * 256 / h->creditsStorage) > 200)) {

				if (h->credits < 100 && g_playerCreditsNoSilo != 0) {

		if (tickHouse) House_EnsureHarvesterAvailable((uint8)h->index);

		if (tickStarport && h->starportLinkedID != UNIT_INDEX_INVALID) {
			Unit *u = NULL;

			if ((int16)h->starportTimeLeft < 0) h->starportTimeLeft = 0;

			if (h->starportTimeLeft == 0) {
				Structure *s;

				s = Structure_Get_ByIndex(g_structureIndex);
				if (s->o.type == STRUCTURE_STARPORT && s->o.houseID == h->index) {
					u = Unit_CreateWrapper((uint8)h->index, UNIT_FRIGATE, Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE));
				} else {
					PoolFindStruct find2;

					find2.houseID = h->index;
					find2.index   = 0xFFFF;
					find2.type    = STRUCTURE_STARPORT;

					while (true) {
						s = Structure_Find(&find2);
						if (s == NULL) break;
						if (s->o.linkedID != 0xFF) continue;

						u = Unit_CreateWrapper((uint8)h->index, UNIT_FRIGATE, Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE));

				if (u != NULL) {
					u->o.linkedID = (uint8)h->starportLinkedID;
					h->starportLinkedID = UNIT_INDEX_INVALID;
					u->o.flags.s.inTransport = true;


				h->starportTimeLeft = (u != NULL) ? g_table_houseInfo[h->index].starportDeliveryTime : 1;

		if (tickHouse) {

			if (h->timerUnitAttack != 0) h->timerUnitAttack--;
			if (h->timerSandwormAttack != 0) h->timerSandwormAttack--;
			if (h->timerStructureAttack != 0) h->timerStructureAttack--;
			if (h->harvestersIncoming > 0 && Unit_CreateWrapper((uint8)h->index, UNIT_HARVESTER, 0) != NULL) h->harvestersIncoming--;

		if (tickPowerMaintenance) {
			uint16 powerMaintenanceCost = (h->powerUsage / 32) + 1;
			h->credits -= min(h->credits, powerMaintenanceCost);
Esempio n. 17
 * Pickup a unit (either from structure or on the map). The unit that does the
 *  picking up returns the unit to his last position.
 * Stack: *none*.
 * @param script The script engine to operate on.
 * @return The value 0. Always.
uint16 Script_Unit_Pickup(ScriptEngine *script)
	Unit *u;


	u = g_scriptCurrentUnit;

	if (u->o.linkedID != 0xFF) return 0;

	switch (Tools_Index_GetType(u->targetMove)) {
		case IT_STRUCTURE: {
			Structure *s;
			Unit *u2;

			s = Tools_Index_GetStructure(u->targetMove);

			/* There was nothing to pickup here */
			if (s->state != STRUCTURE_STATE_READY) {
				u->targetMove = 0;
				return 0;

			u->o.flags.s.inTransport = true;

			u->targetMove = 0;

			u2 = Unit_Get_ByIndex(s->o.linkedID);

			/* Pickup the unit */
			u->o.linkedID = u2->o.index & 0xFF;
			s->o.linkedID = u2->o.linkedID;
			u2->o.linkedID = 0xFF;

			if (s->o.linkedID == 0xFF) Structure_SetState(s, STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE);

			/* Check if the unit has a return-to position or try to find spice in case of a harvester */
			if (u2->targetLast.tile != 0) {
				u->targetMove = Tools_Index_Encode(Tile_PackTile(u2->targetLast), IT_TILE);
			} else if (u2->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER && Unit_GetHouseID(u2) != g_playerHouseID) {
				u->targetMove = Tools_Index_Encode(Map_SearchSpice(Tile_PackTile(u->o.position), 20), IT_TILE);

			Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

			return 1;

		case IT_UNIT: {
			Unit *u2;
			Structure *s = NULL;
			PoolFindStruct find;
			int16 minDistance = 0;

			u2 = Tools_Index_GetUnit(u->targetMove);

			if (!u2->o.flags.s.allocated) return 0;

			find.houseID = Unit_GetHouseID(u);
			find.index   = 0xFFFF;
			find.type    = 0xFFFF;

			/* Find closest refinery / repair station */
			while (true) {
				Structure *s2;
				int16 distance;

				s2 = Structure_Find(&find);
				if (s2 == NULL) break;

				distance = Tile_GetDistanceRoundedUp(s2->o.position, u->o.position);

				if (u2->o.type == UNIT_HARVESTER) {
					if (s2->o.type != STRUCTURE_REFINERY || s2->state != STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE || s2->o.script.variables[4] != 0) continue;
					if (minDistance != 0 && distance >= minDistance) break;
					minDistance = distance;
					s = s2;

				if (s2->o.type != STRUCTURE_REPAIR || s2->state != STRUCTURE_STATE_IDLE || s2->o.script.variables[4] != 0) continue;

				if (minDistance != 0 && distance >= minDistance) continue;
				minDistance = distance;
				s = s2;

			if (s == NULL) return 0;

			/* Deselect the unit as it is about to be picked up */
			if (u2 == g_unitSelected) Unit_Select(NULL);

			/* Pickup the unit */
			u->o.linkedID = u2->o.index & 0xFF;
			u->o.flags.s.inTransport = true;

			Unit_UpdateMap(0, u2);


			/* Set where we are going to */
			Object_Script_Variable4_Link(Tools_Index_Encode(u->o.index, IT_UNIT), Tools_Index_Encode(s->o.index, IT_STRUCTURE));
			u->targetMove = u->o.script.variables[4];

			Unit_UpdateMap(2, u);

			if (u2->o.type != UNIT_HARVESTER) return 0;

			/* Check if we want to return to this spice field later */
			if (Map_SearchSpice(Tile_PackTile(u2->o.position), 2) == 0) {
				u2->targetPreLast.tile = 0;
				u2->targetLast.tile    = 0;

			return 0;

		default: return 0;