Esempio n. 1
void TranscodingTest(uint16_t version = bond::v1)
    T from = InitRandom<T>();
    typename Writer::Buffer output_buffer;

    Factory<Writer>::Call(output_buffer, version, boost::bind(
        bond::Marshal<bond::BuiltInProtocols, T, Writer>, from, _1));
    // Trans-marshal to Simple Protocol using runtime schema
    bond::OutputBuffer simple_buffer;
    bond::SimpleBinaryWriter<bond::OutputBuffer> simple_writer(simple_buffer, Writer::Reader::version);

        bond::InputBuffer input(output_buffer.GetBuffer());
        bond::ProtocolType proto = bond::SelectProtocolAndApply(bond::GetRuntimeSchema<T>(), input, bond::MarshalTo(simple_writer)).first;

        UT_AssertAreEqual(proto, Writer::Reader::magic);

        // Trans-marshal back to Writer using compile-time schema
        typename Writer::Buffer writer_buffer;

            bond::InputBuffer input(simple_buffer.GetBuffer());
	    Factory<Writer>::Call(writer_buffer, version, boost::bind(
                 bond::SelectProtocolAndApply<T, bond::BuiltInProtocols, bond::InputBuffer, bond::Marshaler<Writer> >, input, boost::bind(bond::MarshalTo<bond::BuiltInProtocols, Writer>, _1)));

        T to;

        bond::InputBuffer input(writer_buffer.GetBuffer());
        Unmarshal(input, to);

        UT_Compare(from, to);

        // Trans-marshal back to Writer using runtime schema
        typename Writer::Buffer writer_buffer;

            bond::InputBuffer input(simple_buffer.GetBuffer());
	    Factory<Writer>::Call(writer_buffer, version, boost::bind(
                 bond::SelectProtocolAndApply<bond::BuiltInProtocols, bond::InputBuffer, bond::Marshaler<Writer> >, bond::GetRuntimeSchema<T>(), input, boost::bind(bond::MarshalTo<bond::BuiltInProtocols, Writer>, _1)));

        T to;

        bond::InputBuffer input(writer_buffer.GetBuffer());
        Unmarshal(input, to);

        UT_Compare(from, to);
Esempio n. 2
AJ_Status AJ_UnmarshalArg(AJ_Message* msg, AJ_Arg* arg)
    AJ_Status status;
    AJ_IOBuffer* ioBuf = &msg->bus->sock.rx;
    AJ_Arg* container = msg->outer;
    uint8_t* argStart = ioBuf->readPtr;
    size_t consumed;

    if (msg->varOffset) {
         * Unmarshaling a variant - get the signature from the I/O buffer
        const char* sig = (const char*)(ioBuf->readPtr - msg->varOffset);
        msg->varOffset = 0;
        status = Unmarshal(msg, &sig, arg);
    } else if (container) {
         * Unmarshaling a component of a container use the container's signature
        if (container->typeId == AJ_ARG_ARRAY) {
            size_t len = (uint16_t)(ioBuf->readPtr - (uint8_t*)container->val.v_data);
             * Return an error status if there are no more array elements.
            if (len == container->len) {
                memset(arg, 0, sizeof(AJ_Arg));
                status = AJ_ERR_NO_MORE;
            } else {
                const char* sig = container->sigPtr;
                status = Unmarshal(msg, &sig, arg);
        } else {
            status = Unmarshal(msg, &container->sigPtr, arg);
    } else {
        const char* sig = msg->signature + msg->sigOffset;
         * Unmarshalling anything else use the message signature
        status = Unmarshal(msg, &sig, arg);
        msg->sigOffset = (uint8_t)(sig - msg->signature);
    consumed = (ioBuf->readPtr - argStart);
    if (consumed > msg->bodyBytes) {
         * Unrecoverable
        status = AJ_ERR_READ;
    } else {
        msg->bodyBytes -= (uint16_t)consumed;
    return status;
Esempio n. 3
 * Manual page at process.def
INT16 CGEN_PUBLIC CProcess::Wait()
  const SMic* pMic    = NULL;                                                   // Method invocation context of Wait()
  CFunction*  iCaller = NULL;                                                   // Function instance calling Wait()

  // Validate and initialize                                                    // ------------------------------------
  if (!((m_nState & PRC_RUNNING)|PRC_COMPLETE))                                 // Not running
    return IERROR(this,PRC_CANTWAIT,"not started",0,0);                         //   Forget it
  if (!(pMic = CDlpObject_MicGet(_this))) return -1;                            // Get method invocation context
  iCaller = (CFunction*)CDlpObject_OfKind("function",pMic->iCaller);            // Get calling CFunction
  if (!iCaller) return -1;                                                      // Must be a function!

  // Wait for job to be completed                                               // ------------------------------------
#ifdef USE_FORK
  if(!m_hThread && m_hPid){                                                     // If there is a child process by fork >>
    waitpid(m_hPid,NULL,0);                                                     //   Wait for child process
    m_nState &= ~PRC_RUNNING;                                                   //   Clear running flag
    m_nState |= PRC_COMPLETE;                                                   //   Set completed flag
  }else                                                                         // <<
  dlp_join_thread(m_hThread);                                                   // Wait for the watcher thread to end
  ReceiveData();                                                                // Receive transfer data

  // Aftermath                                                                  // ------------------------------------
  if (m_iDto)                                                                   // This job was a function call
    Unmarshal(m_iDto,iCaller);                                                  //   Unmarshal transfer data to caller
  else                                                                          // This job was a program call
    MIC_PUT_N(m_nRetVal);                                                       //   Push process return value

  return O_K;                                                                   // Ok
Esempio n. 4
// This function is deprecated, to be removed in next major release
long SDMmessage::RecvFrom(long port)
	char buf[BUFSIZE];
	long result;
	long unmarshal_result;
	if(bound == IP_SOCK_INVALID)
		bound = UDPpassive(port);
    if(bound == IP_SOCK_INVALID)
	    return bound;
	result = UDPserv_recv(bound,buf,BUFSIZE);
	if (result <= 0)
		return result;
	unmarshal_result = Unmarshal(buf);
	if (result < unmarshal_result) 
    return result;
  return unmarshal_result;
Esempio n. 5
void CMarshalled::Rebuild(BYTE* pBuffer)
	CDarkMarshalBuffer buff;

	buff.SetBuffer(pBuffer, NULL);

Esempio n. 6
AJ_Status AJ_UnmarshalMsg(AJ_BusAttachment* bus, AJ_Message* msg, uint32_t timeout)
    AJ_Status status;
    AJ_IOBuffer* ioBuf = &bus->sock.rx;
    uint8_t* endOfHeader;
    uint32_t hdrPad;
     * Clear message then set the bus
    memset(msg, 0, sizeof(AJ_Message));
    msg->msgId = AJ_INVALID_MSG_ID;
    msg->bus = bus;
     * Move any unconsumed data to the start of the I/O buffer
     * Load the message header
    while (AJ_IO_BUF_AVAIL(ioBuf) < sizeof(AJ_MsgHeader)) {
        //#pragma calls = AJ_Net_Recv
        status = ioBuf->recv(ioBuf, sizeof(AJ_MsgHeader) - AJ_IO_BUF_AVAIL(ioBuf), timeout);
        if (status != AJ_OK) {
             * If there were no messages to receive check if we have any methods call that have
             * timed-out and if so generate an internal error message to allow the application to
             * proceed.
            if ((status == AJ_ERR_TIMEOUT) && AJ_TimedOutMethodCall(msg)) {
                msg->hdr = (AJ_MsgHeader*)&internalErrorHdr;
                msg->error = AJ_ErrTimeout;
                msg->sender = AJ_GetUniqueName(msg->bus);
                msg->destination = msg->sender;
                status = AJ_OK;

            return status;
     * Header was unmarsalled directly into the rx buffer
    msg->hdr = (AJ_MsgHeader*)ioBuf->bufStart;
    ioBuf->readPtr += sizeof(AJ_MsgHeader);
     * Quick sanity check on the header - unrecoverable error if this check fails
    if ((msg->hdr->endianess != AJ_LITTLE_ENDIAN) && (msg->hdr->endianess != AJ_BIG_ENDIAN)) {
        return AJ_ERR_READ;
     * Endian swap header info - conventiently they are contiguous in the header
    EndianSwap(msg, AJ_ARG_INT32, &msg->hdr->bodyLen, 3);
    msg->bodyBytes = msg->hdr->bodyLen;
     * The header is null padded to an 8 bytes boundary
    hdrPad = (8 - msg->hdr->headerLen) & 7;
     * Load the header
    status = LoadBytes(ioBuf, msg->hdr->headerLen + hdrPad, 0);
    if (status != AJ_OK) {
        return status;
#ifndef NDEBUG
     * Check that messages are getting closed
    currentMsg = msg;
     * Assume an empty signature
    msg->signature = "";
     * We have the header in the buffer now we can unmarshal the header fields
    endOfHeader = ioBuf->bufStart + sizeof(AJ_MsgHeader) + msg->hdr->headerLen;
    while (ioBuf->readPtr < endOfHeader) {
        const char* fieldSig;
        uint8_t fieldId;
        AJ_Arg hdrVal;
         * Custom unmarshal the header field - signature is "(yv)" so starts off with STRUCT aligment.
        status = LoadBytes(ioBuf, 4, PadForType(AJ_ARG_STRUCT, ioBuf));
        if (status != AJ_OK) {
        fieldId = ioBuf->readPtr[0];
        fieldSig = (const char*)&ioBuf->readPtr[2];
        ioBuf->readPtr += 4;
         * Now unmarshal the field value
        status = Unmarshal(msg, &fieldSig, &hdrVal);
        if (status != AJ_OK) {
         * Check the field has the type we expect - we ignore fields we don't know
        if ((fieldId <= AJ_HDR_SESSION_ID) && (TypeForHdr[fieldId] != hdrVal.typeId)) {
            status = AJ_ERR_UNMARSHAL;
         * Set the field value in the message
        switch (fieldId) {
        case AJ_HDR_OBJ_PATH:
            msg->objPath = hdrVal.val.v_objPath;

        case AJ_HDR_INTERFACE:
            msg->iface = hdrVal.val.v_string;

        case AJ_HDR_MEMBER:
            msg->member = hdrVal.val.v_string;

        case AJ_HDR_ERROR_NAME:
            msg->error = hdrVal.val.v_string;

        case AJ_HDR_REPLY_SERIAL:
            msg->replySerial = *(hdrVal.val.v_uint32);

        case AJ_HDR_DESTINATION:
            msg->destination = hdrVal.val.v_string;

        case AJ_HDR_SENDER:
            msg->sender = hdrVal.val.v_string;

        case AJ_HDR_SIGNATURE:
            msg->signature = hdrVal.val.v_signature;

        case AJ_HDR_TIMESTAMP:
            msg->timestamp = *(hdrVal.val.v_uint32);

        case AJ_HDR_TIME_TO_LIVE:
            msg->ttl = *(hdrVal.val.v_uint32);

        case AJ_HDR_SESSION_ID:
            msg->sessionId = *(hdrVal.val.v_uint32);

        case AJ_HDR_HANDLES:
            /* Ignored */
    if (status == AJ_OK) {
        AJ_ASSERT(ioBuf->readPtr == endOfHeader);
         * Consume the header pad bytes.
        ioBuf->readPtr += hdrPad;
         * If the message is encrypted load the entire message body and decrypt it.
        if (msg->hdr->flags & AJ_FLAG_ENCRYPTED) {
            status = LoadBytes(ioBuf, msg->hdr->bodyLen, 0);
            if (status == AJ_OK) {
                status = DecryptMessage(msg);
         * Toggle the AUTO_START flag so in the API no flags == 0
         * Note we must do this after decrypting the message or message authentication will fail.
        msg->hdr->flags ^= AJ_FLAG_AUTO_START;
         * If the message looks good try to identify it.
        if (status == AJ_OK) {
            status = AJ_IdentifyMessage(msg);
    } else {
         * Consume entire header
        ioBuf->readPtr = endOfHeader + hdrPad;
    if (status == AJ_OK) {
        AJ_DumpMsg("RECEIVED", msg, FALSE);
    } else {
         * Silently discard message unless in debug mode
        AJ_ErrPrintf(("Discarding bad message %s\n", AJ_StatusText(status)));
        AJ_DumpMsg("DISCARDING", msg, FALSE);

    return status;