bool FCascadeEdPreviewViewportClient::InputKey(FViewport* Viewport, int32 ControllerId, FKey Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed, bool Gamepad)
	//Update cursor 

	bool bHandled = false;
	const int32 HitX = Viewport->GetMouseX();
	const int32 HitY = Viewport->GetMouseY();

	if(Key == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
		if (Event == IE_Pressed)
			HHitProxy* HitResult = Viewport->GetHitProxy(HitX,HitY);
			if (HitResult && HitResult->IsA(HWidgetUtilProxy::StaticGetType()))
				HWidgetUtilProxy* WidgetProxy = (HWidgetUtilProxy*)HitResult;
				if (WidgetProxy->Info1 == VectorFieldHitproxyInfo)
					bManipulatingVectorField = true;
				WidgetAxis = WidgetProxy->Axis;

				// Calculate the scree-space directions for this drag.
				FSceneViewFamilyContext ViewFamily( FSceneViewFamily::ConstructionValues( Viewport, GetScene(), EngineShowFlags ));
				FSceneView* View = CalcSceneView(&ViewFamily);
				WidgetProxy->CalcVectors(View, FViewportClick(View, this, Key, Event, HitX, HitY), LocalManipulateDir, WorldManipulateDir, DragX, DragY);
				bHandled = true;
		else if (Event == IE_Released)
			if (bManipulatingVectorField)
				WidgetAxis = EAxisList::None;
				bManipulatingVectorField = false;

				bHandled = true;
	else if (Key == EKeys::SpaceBar && Event == IE_Pressed)
		if (CascadePtr.Pin()->GetSelectedModule() && CascadePtr.Pin()->GetSelectedModule()->IsA(UParticleModuleVectorFieldLocal::StaticClass()))
			bHandled = true;

			WidgetMM = (EWidgetMovementMode)((WidgetMM+1) % WMM_MAX);

	if( !bHandled )
		bHandled = FEditorViewportClient::InputKey(Viewport,ControllerId,Key,Event,AmountDepressed,Gamepad);

	return bHandled;
bool FPhATEdPreviewViewportClient::InputKey(FViewport* InViewport, int32 ControllerId, FKey Key, EInputEvent Event, float AmountDepressed, bool Gamepad)
	int32 HitX = InViewport->GetMouseX();
	int32 HitY = InViewport->GetMouseY();
	bool bCtrlDown = InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::LeftControl) || InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::RightControl);
	bool bShiftDown = InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::LeftShift) || InViewport->KeyState(EKeys::RightShift);

	bool bHandled = false;
	if (SharedData->bRunningSimulation)
		if (Key == EKeys::RightMouseButton || Key == EKeys::LeftMouseButton)
			if (Event == IE_Pressed)
				if (bShiftDown)
					bHandled = true;
					SimMousePress(InViewport, false, Key);
					bAllowedToMoveCamera = false;
				else if (bCtrlDown)
					bHandled = true;
					SimMousePress(InViewport, true, Key);
					bAllowedToMoveCamera = false;
			else if (Event == IE_Released)
				bHandled = true;
				bAllowedToMoveCamera = true;
		else if (Key == EKeys::MouseScrollUp)
			bHandled = true;
		else if (Key == EKeys::MouseScrollDown)
			bHandled = true;
		else if(IsFlightCameraActive())
			// If the flight camera is active (user is looking or moving around the scene)
			// consume the event so hotkeys don't fire.
			bHandled = true;

	if( !bHandled )
		bHandled = FEditorViewportClient::InputKey( InViewport, ControllerId, Key, Event, AmountDepressed, Gamepad );

	if( bHandled )

	return bHandled;