virtual BOOL DlgProc(TimeValue t, IParamMap2 *map, HWND hWnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { int id = LOWORD(wParam); int code = HIWORD(wParam); IParamBlock2 *pb = map->GetParamBlock(); HWND cbox = NULL; switch (msg) { case WM_INITDIALOG: int i; for (i = 0; i < plMAXCameraLayer::kMaxUVSrc; i++) { cbox = GetDlgItem(hWnd, IDC_CAM_LAYER_UV_SRC); SendMessage(cbox, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)plMAXCameraLayer::kUVStrings[i]); } UpdateDisplay(map); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: if (id == IDC_CAM_LAYER_UV_SRC) { pb->SetValue(plMAXCameraLayer::kUVSource, t, SendMessage(GetDlgItem(hWnd, id), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0)); return TRUE; } else if (id == IDC_CAM_LAYER_EXPLICIT_CAM) { UpdateDisplay(map); return TRUE; } break; } return FALSE; }
void ProcessHexCommand(SHORT comm) { double temp; if (bShiftMode) { bShiftMode = FALSE; WinSetWindowText(hwndSmode, ""); EntryToStackHex(); bLift = TRUE; switch (comm ) { case K_BS: /* CLx */ if (bError) { UpdateDisplay(stack[0]); } else { UpdateDisplay(0.0); bLift = FALSE; } /* endif */ break; case K_DOT: /* lastx */ LiftStack(); UpdateDisplay(lastx); break; default: } } else {
/* * Function: GetTrianglePoints * Usage: GetTrianglePoints(tri) * ----------------------------------- * This function watches the user click three points on the Graphics Console. * The function notes the location of those points by loading the 'tri' array * with three pointT structs. * The function connects the dots to create a triangle on the screen. * Graphics should already be initialized. We assume working with triangles, * but the constant nPOINTS will let us see if this works for four points. */ void GetTrianglePoints(pointT tri[]) { int pt_ct = 0; while ( pt_ct < nPOINTS ) { //cout << "got to this point" << endl; WaitForMouseDown(); WaitForMouseUp(); tri[pt_ct].xp = GetMouseX(); tri[pt_ct].yp = GetMouseY(); if ( pt_ct == 0 ) { MovePen(tri[0].xp, tri[0].yp); } else { DrawLine( (tri[pt_ct].xp - tri[pt_ct - 1].xp ), (tri[pt_ct].yp - tri[pt_ct - 1].yp ) ); } UpdateDisplay(); pt_ct ++; } // Connect the third and first points of the triangle with lines DrawLine( (tri[0].xp - tri[nPOINTS - 1].xp ), (tri[0].yp - tri[nPOINTS - 1].yp ) ); UpdateDisplay(); }
/* * ProcessPin * Description: Process the entered Pin Number. * * Arguments: nextstate- expected next state * event - current event * Return: nextstate- next state assuming unverified pin. * * Input: None * Output: None * * Operation: If the pin number is complete, verify the pin number. A * verified pin number means the FSM can move on to "Home" * * Error Handling: None * * Algorithms: None * Data Strutures: None * * Shared Variables: None * * Revision History: * Apr. 23, 2013 Nnoduka Eruchalu Initial Revision */ state ProcessPin(state nextstate, eventcode event) { state result = nextstate; if (num_digits == NUM_PIN_DIGITS) { /* if pin number is complete */ /* let user know the pin is being verified */ UpdateDisplay(1, 0, " "); /* row 1, col 0 */ UpdateDisplay(2, 0, " Verifying Pin "); /* row 2, col 0 */ UpdateDisplay(3, 0, " "); /* row 3, col 0 */ /*TODO: Use DataPinValidate(uid_easycard, number) */ if (TRUE) { /* and if is verified, the */ __delay_s(0.5); /* delay to mimic verfication. TODO: remove */ result = STATE_HOME; /* nextstate is the homepage */ /* flash success message */ UpdateDisplay(2, 0, " Sucessful Pin! "); /* row 2, col 0 */ } else { /* if pin number is invalid */ result = STATE_WELCOME; /* go back to welcome page */ /* flash error message */ UpdateDisplay(2, 0, " Invalid Pin! "); /* row 2, col 0 */ } __delay_s(MSG_FLASH_TIME); /* a msg flash takes time */ ClearNumber(); /* clear pin since it was complete */ } return result; }
/* * MobileGet * Description: Function for getting mobile topup of a specific amount * * Arguments: amount: value of mobile recharge to process (in Naira) * Return: None. * * Input: None * Output: None * * Operation: Flash success message before returning home * * Error Handling: None * * Algorithms: None * Data Strutures: None * * Shared Variables: None * * Revision History: * Apr. 24, 2013 Nnoduka Eruchalu Initial Revision * Apr. 25, 2013 Nnoduka Eruchalu Added DisplayMoney */ static void MobileGet(uint32_t amount) { /* update LCD */ UpdateDisplay(1, 0, " "); /* row 1, col 0 */ UpdateDisplay(2, 0, " Successful Top-Up "); /* row 2, col 0 */ UpdateDisplay(3, 0, "+ "); /* row 3, col 0 */ DisplayMoney(3, 1, amount*100); /* show amount of topup */ balance -= amount*100; /* update balance. */ __delay_s(MSG_FLASH_TIME); /* a msg flash takes time */ }
void CEventWizardDlg::OnFilterChange() { m_bOK = false; m_Find.GetWindowText(m_Filter); m_Filter.MakeLower(); if (m_iStep == 1) { int Sel = m_List.GetSelectedItem(); CString Name = m_List.GetItemText(Sel, NULL); // Previously selected name // Clear list m_List.DeleteAllItems(); UpdateDisplay(Name); if (m_List.GetItemCount() == 1) { m_List.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); m_List.Invalidate(); UpdateButtons(); } else { // We work out which is the best possible one to select } } else if (m_iStep == 2) { int curSel = m_ACEList.GetSelectedItem(); CString name = m_ACEList.GetItemText(curSel,NULL); // Clear list m_ACEList.DeleteAllItems(); m_ACEList.RemoveAllGroups(); UpdateDisplay(name, false); m_ACEList.EnableGroups(); if (m_ACEList.GetItemCount() == 1) { m_ACEList.SetItemState(0, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); m_ACEList.Invalidate(); UpdateButtons(); } } m_Find.SetFocus(); }
void CChineseChessView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: ÔÚ´ËÌí¼ÓÏûÏ¢´¦Àí³ÌÐò´úÂëºÍ/»òµ÷ÓÃĬÈÏÖµ if (isMouseDown){ isMouseDown=false; CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); CPoint logpoint=PhysicalToLogicPoint(point); if (logpoint.x>=0){ //human move Gen(); newmove.from = LogicPointToNum(selectedPoint); newmove.dest = LogicPointToNum(logpoint); for (int i=gen_begin[ply]; i<gen_end[ply]; i++){ if (gen_dat[i].m.from==newmove.from && gen_dat[i].m.dest==newmove.dest){ if(UpdateNewMove()){ UpdateDisplay(rect); int ret; ret=MessageBox("you are really a lucky dog,dare to try again?","Game Over",MB_YESNO); if (ret==IDYES){ NewGame(true); return; }else{ exit(0); } } side = xside; xside = 1-xside; //computer move short best; best = AlphaBeta(-INFINITY, INFINITY, MAX_PLY); if(UpdateNewMove()){ UpdateDisplay(rect); int ret; ret=MessageBox("afraid?dare to try again?","Game Over",MB_YESNO); if (ret==IDYES){ NewGame(true); return; }else{ exit(0); } } side = xside; xside = 1-xside; break; } } } UpdateDisplay(rect); } CView::OnLButtonUp(nFlags, point); }
void JXSaveFileDialog::Receive ( JBroadcaster* sender, const Message& message ) { JXDirTable* fileBrowser = GetFileBrowser(); if (sender == itsFileNameInput) { if (message.Is(JXWidget::kGotFocus)) { itsSaveButton->SetLabel(kSaveLabel); UpdateDisplay(); } else if (message.Is(JXWidget::kLostFocus)) { itsSaveButton->SetLabel(kOpenLabel); UpdateDisplay(); } else if (message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextChanged) || message.Is(JTextEditor::kTextSet)) { UpdateDisplay(); } } else if (sender == fileBrowser && message.Is(JXDirTable::kFileDblClicked)) { const JXDirTable::FileDblClicked* info = dynamic_cast<const JXDirTable::FileDblClicked*>(&message); assert( info != NULL ); const JString fileName = (info->GetDirEntry()).GetName(); itsFileNameInput->SetText(fileName); itsFileNameInput->Focus(); } else { if (sender == &(fileBrowser->GetTableSelection())) { UpdateDisplay(); } else if (sender == fileBrowser && (message.Is(JXWidget::kGotFocus) || message.Is(JXWidget::kLostFocus))) { UpdateDisplay(); } JXCSFDialogBase::Receive(sender, message); } }
void CPROC tick( uintptr_t psv ) { uint32_t now = GetTickCount(); if( target_in_start ) { if( now >= target_in_start ) { if( !target_in ) { //lprintf( "Begin fading in the new image..." ); target_in = target_in_start + g.fade_in; g.currents[g.next_up] = g.current_image; g.current_image++; if( g.current_image >= g.nImages ) g.current_image = 0; //lprintf( "(!)Setting fade to..> %d", 255 - (255*(now-target_in_start))/(target_in-target_in_start) ); SetDisplayFade( g.displays[g.next_up], 255 - (255*(now-target_in_start))/(target_in-target_in_start) ); g.is_up[g.next_up] = 1; RestoreDisplay( g.displays[g.next_up] ); //ForceDisplayFront( g.displays[g.next_up] ); } else { if( target_in && now > target_in ) { //lprintf( "Fade is is complete, set alpha to 0, and hide old display..." ); SetDisplayFade( g.displays[g.next_up], 0 ); UpdateDisplay( g.displays[g.next_up] ); target_in_start = now + g.show_time; target_in = 0; g.next_up++; if( g.next_up >= 2 ) // two displayss g.next_up = 0; //lprintf( "Next up is %d", g.next_up ); // hide the old display... //lprintf( "hiding old display..." ); g.is_up[g.next_up] = 0; HideDisplay( g.displays[g.next_up] ); } else { //lprintf( "Setting fade to..> %d", 255 - (255*(now-target_in_start))/(target_in-target_in_start) ); SetDisplayFade( g.displays[g.next_up], 255 - (255*(now-target_in_start))/(target_in-target_in_start) ); UpdateDisplay( g.displays[g.next_up] ); } } } } }
void CDlgCalcDlg::DisplayXRegister() { double dblVal = m_dblStack[0]; if ((dblVal >= 1000000000000.0) || (dblVal <= -1000000000000.0)) { UpdateDisplay (CString (_T ("Overflow error"))); m_bErrorFlag = TRUE; MessageBeep (MB_ICONASTERISK); } else { m_strDisplay.Format (m_strFormat, dblVal); UpdateDisplay (m_strDisplay); } }
void DraggableListCtrl::OnChar(wxKeyEvent& event) { // Don't respond to the keyboard if the user is dragging things (else // the undo system might get slightly confused) if (HasCapture()) return; if (event.GetKeyCode() == WXK_DELETE) { long item = GetNextItem(-1, wxLIST_NEXT_ALL, wxLIST_STATE_SELECTED); if (item != -1) { AtlasWindowCommandProc::GetFromParentFrame(this)->Submit( new DeleteCommand(this, item) ); UpdateDisplay(); } } else { event.Skip(); } }
LRESULT CDlgScraperOutput::OnWinMgr(WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp) { NMWINMGR& nmw = *(NMWINMGR*)lp; RECT rect = {0}; if (nmw.code==NMWINMGR::GET_SIZEINFO) { if (wp==(WORD)GetDlgCtrlID()) { // Parent frame is requesting my size info. Report min size. m_winMgr.GetMinMaxInfo(this, nmw.sizeinfo); return true; // handled--important! } } else if (nmw.code==NMWINMGR::SIZEBAR_MOVED) { // User moved a sizer bar: call WinMgr to do it! m_winMgr.MoveRect(wp, nmw.sizebar.ptMoved, this); m_winMgr.SetWindowPositions(this); if (!in_startup) { m_Zoom.GetWindowRect(&rect); m_Zoom.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, rect.right-rect.left, 9999, SWP_NOMOVE); UpdateDisplay(); } return true; } return false; // not handled }
BOOL CdIpmDoc::ForceRefresh() { try { CTreeCtrl* pTree = m_pTreeGD->GetPTree(); CWaitCursor hourGlass; IPMUPDATEPARAMS ups; memset (&ups, 0, sizeof(ups)); ups.nType = 0; ups.pStruct = NULL; CaIpmQueryInfo queryInfo (this, OT_MON_ALL, &ups); IPM_UpdateInfo(&queryInfo); IPM_SetNormalState(this); if (IsLoadedDoc()) { UpdateDisplay(); m_bLoaded = FALSE; } return TRUE; } catch (CeIpmException e) { AfxMessageBox (e.GetReason(), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION|MB_OK); } catch (...) { TRACE0("Exception in: CdIpmDoc::ForceRefresh\n"); } return FALSE; }
BOOL CdIpmDoc::ManageMonSpecialState() { if (m_hNode != -1) { if (IPM_IsFirstAccessDataAfterLoad(this)) { CWaitCursor doWaitCursor; IPMUPDATEPARAMS ups; memset (&ups, 0, sizeof(ups)); ups.nType = 0; ups.pStruct = NULL; CaIpmQueryInfo info (this, OT_MON_ALL, &ups); IPM_UpdateInfo (&info); BOOL bFirstAccess = FALSE; IPM_SetFirstAccessDataAfterLoad(this, bFirstAccess); UpdateDisplay(); // _T("Monitor Information has been refreshed, (according to previous message when loading an environment), and the selected item may have changed."); AfxMessageBox(IDS_MONITOR_INFO); return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
/* * DisplayMoney * Description: At the specified row and column, write a monetary value * that is supplied in kobos. * Example: n = 123456 becomes N1,234.56 * n = 0 becomes N0.00 * * Arguments: row: 0-indexed LCD row * col: 0-indexed LCD column * n: monetary amount in kobos * Return: None * * Input: None * Output: None * * Operation: Write exactly 2 digits after a decimal point, and at least * 1 digit before the decimal point. To ensure you get a * digit before decimal point, use a do-while loop so that * even if the number starts out as 0, it is written at least * once. * * Error Handling: None * * Algorithms: None * Data Strutures: None * * Shared Variables: None * * Revision History: * Apr. 25, 2013 Nnoduka Eruchalu Initial Revision */ static void DisplayMoney(uint8_t row, uint8_t col, uint32_t n) { char retbuf[30]; /* allocate space for writing string */ char *p = &retbuf[sizeof(retbuf)-1];/* and prepare to start from end */ int i = 0; /* counter of chars written */ *p = '\0'; /* strings end with a null terminator */ do { /* pre-decimal point loop */ *--p = '0' + (n % 10); /* save next char in ASCII by adding '0'*/ n /= 10; /* and drop the saved char from number */ i++; /* 1 more digit written */ } while(i<2); /* write at least 2 digits b4 decimal pt*/ *--p = '.'; /* write decimal point */ i = 0; /* and reset counter for next loop */ do { /* comma insertion loop */ if ((i%3 == 0) && (i != 0)) { /* if on a 3rd digit */ *--p = ','; /* then next character is a comma */ } *--p = '0' + (n % 10); /* save next char in ASCII by adding '0'*/ n /= 10; /* and drop the saved char from number */ i++; /* 1 more digit written */ } while (n != 0); /* keep going till number is exhausted */ *--p = NAIRA_CHAR; /* throw in currency logo */ UpdateDisplay(row, col, p); /* FINALLY, update display */ }
/// Set the attributes and optionally update the display bool wxRichTextFormattingDialog::SetStyle(const wxRichTextAttr& style, bool update) { m_attributes = style; if (update) UpdateDisplay(); return true; }
void CChineseChessView::OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point) { // TODO: ÔÚ´ËÌí¼ÓÏûÏ¢´¦Àí³ÌÐò´úÂëºÍ/»òµ÷ÓÃĬÈÏÖµ if (isMouseDown){ CPoint dragPoint=pieceDragPoint+point-lastMousePoint; CRect rc; if (dragPoint.x>=pieceDragPoint.x){ rc.right=dragPoint.x+icon_len; rc.left=pieceDragPoint.x; }else{ rc.right=pieceDragPoint.x+icon_len; rc.left=dragPoint.x; } if (dragPoint.y>=pieceDragPoint.y){ rc.bottom=dragPoint.y+icon_len;; }else{ rc.bottom=pieceDragPoint.y+icon_len;; } pieceDragPoint=dragPoint; lastMousePoint=point; UpdateDisplay(rc); } CView::OnMouseMove(nFlags, point); }
void PostCounter::setTimescaleMode(RDLogLine::TimescaleMode mode) { if(mode!=post_timescale_mode) { post_timescale_mode=mode; UpdateDisplay(); } }
bool TutorialMenuHandler::PageBtnClickEvent(const CEGUI::EventArgs& e) { CEGUI::WindowEventArgs& w = (CEGUI::WindowEventArgs&)e; const CEGUI::String& windowName = w.window->getName(); if(windowName == "GeneralPage") { currentPage = &generalPages[0]; currDirectory = General; } else if(windowName == "EarthPage") { currentPage = &earthPages[0]; currDirectory = Earth; } else if(windowName == "FirePage") { currentPage = &firePages[0]; currDirectory = Fire; } else if(windowName == "WaterPage") { currentPage = &waterPages[0]; currDirectory = Water; } atEnd = currentPage->Next == NULL; UpdateDisplay(); return true; }
void CPicDLg::NextState( ) { if ( state<endState ) { ++state; } else { KillTimer( timer_next_state ) ; timer_next_state = 0; timer_change = SetTimer( ID_TIMER_SNOW_CHANGE, 500+(unsigned)rand()%3000 ,NULL); state = rand()%3; if ( isBigSnow ) { endState = state+BIG_SNOW_KINDS; } else { endState = state+SMALL_SNOW_KINDS; } } UpdateDisplay( 100 ); }
void KPstateTutorial3::HookAfterTokenMoved(KPstateContext *pContext, TokenId id, MoveToken direction, bool successfullyMoved) { actionState = ActionState::Started; if (!successfullyMoved && id == TokenId::EMPTY) { actionState = ActionState::MissedAnyToken; } else if (!successfullyMoved && id == GetEmphasizedTokenId() && direction == MoveToken::Not) { actionState = ActionState::TokenKlickedOnly; } else if (!successfullyMoved) { actionState = ActionState::TokenNotMoveable; } else if (id == GetEmphasizedTokenId()) { actionState = ActionState::RightTokenMoved; pContext->GetUserInterface().PlayAudio(KPSound::MoveToken); } else if (id != TokenId::EMPTY) { pContext->GetUserInterface().PlayAudio(KPSound::MoveToken); actionState = ActionState::WrongTokenMoved; } UpdateDisplay(pContext); }
void SjMainFrame::SetDisplayMsg(const wxString& text, long holdMs) { m_display.m_msg1 = text.BeforeFirst('\n'); m_display.m_msg2 = text.AfterFirst('\n'); m_display.m_msgCancelAtTimestamp = SjTools::GetMsTicks()+holdMs; UpdateDisplay(); }
void QtCalculator::display_selected(){ if(calc_display->Button() == LeftButton){ if(calc_display->isLit()){ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); cb->setText(calc_display->text()); selection_timer->start(100); } else{ selection_timer->stop(); } invertColors(); } else{ QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard(); CALCAMNT result; result = (CALCAMNT) cb->text().toDouble(); // printf("%Lg\n",result); last_input = PASTE; DISPLAY_AMOUNT = result; UpdateDisplay(); } }
void TextInputHandler::InsertInText(const char* toInsert) { //if text contains brackets, verify they are correctly matched if (m_menu->IsHTML()) { bool bFoundOpenBracket = false; UInt32 insertLen = strlen(toInsert); for (UInt32 i = 0; i < insertLen; i++) { char curChar = toInsert[i]; if (curChar == '<') { if (!bFoundOpenBracket) bFoundOpenBracket = true; else return; //two consecutive opening brackets = bad } else if (curChar == '>') { if (bFoundOpenBracket) bFoundOpenBracket = false; //closing bracket matches opening bracket else return; //closing bracket without opening bracket = bad } } } //brackets all match up, so go ahead and insert the text m_cursorPos = m_menu->InsertText(m_cursorPos, toInsert); //don't update display until next Update() call // actually, do update now. UpdateDisplay(); }
bool TextInputHandler::SetInputText(const std::string& text, UInt32 newCursorPos) { // script is responsible for making sure text is in an appropriate format // we make sure cursor doesn't end up outside text or inside an html tag if (newCursorPos >= text.length()) { return false; } else if (m_menu->IsHTML()) { size_t bracPos = text.find_first_of("<>", newCursorPos); if (bracPos != std::string::npos && text[bracPos] == '>') { return false; } else { bracPos = text.find_last_of("<>", newCursorPos); if (bracPos != std::string::npos && text[bracPos] == '<') { return false; } } } m_menu->SetText(text); m_cursorPos = newCursorPos; UpdateDisplay(); return true; }
void CDlgCalcDlg::OnDigit(UINT nID) { TCHAR cDigit = (char) nID; if (m_bFixPending) { m_strFormat.SetAt (3, cDigit - IDC_0 + 0x30); DisplayXRegister (); m_bFixPending = FALSE; m_bStackLiftEnabled = TRUE; m_bNewX = TRUE; return; } if (m_bNewX) { m_bNewX = FALSE; if (m_bStackLiftEnabled) { m_bStackLiftEnabled = FALSE; LiftStack (); } m_bDecimalInString = FALSE; m_strDisplay.Empty (); } int nLength = m_strDisplay.GetLength (); if ((nLength == MAXCHARS) || ((nLength == (MAXCHARS - 10)) && !m_bDecimalInString)) ::MessageBeep (MB_ICONASTERISK); else { m_strDisplay += (cDigit - IDC_0 + 0x30); UpdateDisplay (m_strDisplay); m_dblStack[0] = _tcstod (m_strDisplay.GetBuffer (0), NULL); } }
/// Get attributes from the given range bool wxRichTextFormattingDialog::GetStyle(wxRichTextCtrl* ctrl, const wxRichTextRange& range) { if (ctrl->GetFocusObject()->GetStyleForRange(range.ToInternal(), m_attributes)) return UpdateDisplay(); else return false; }
static VOID OnDisplayDeviceChanged(IN HWND hwndDlg, IN PDATA pData, IN PDISPLAY_DEVICE_ENTRY pDeviceEntry) { PSETTINGS_ENTRY Current; DWORD index; pData->CurrentDisplayDevice = pDeviceEntry; /* Update variable */ /* Fill color depths combo box */ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_BPP, CB_RESETCONTENT, 0, 0); for (Current = pDeviceEntry->Settings; Current != NULL; Current = Current->Flink) { TCHAR Buffer[64]; if (LoadString(hApplet, (2900 + Current->dmBitsPerPel), Buffer, sizeof(Buffer) / sizeof(TCHAR))) { index = (DWORD) SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_BPP, CB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)Buffer); if (index == (DWORD)CB_ERR) { index = (DWORD) SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_BPP, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)Buffer); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_BPP, CB_SETITEMDATA, index, Current->dmBitsPerPel); } } } /* Fill resolutions slider */ SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION, TBM_CLEARTICS, TRUE, 0); SendDlgItemMessage(hwndDlg, IDC_SETTINGS_RESOLUTION, TBM_SETRANGE, TRUE, MAKELONG(0, pDeviceEntry->ResolutionsCount - 1)); UpdateDisplay(hwndDlg, pData, TRUE); }
PostCounter::PostCounter(QWidget *parent,const char *name) : QPushButton(parent,name) { post_running=false; post_time_format="hh:mm:ss"; post_time=QTime(); post_offset=0; post_offset_valid=false; // // Generate Fonts // post_small_font=QFont("Helvetica",12,QFont::Normal); post_small_font.setPixelSize(12); post_large_font=QFont("Helvetica",26,QFont::Normal); post_large_font.setPixelSize(26); // // Generate Palettes // post_idle_palette=palette(); post_early_palette= QPalette(QColor(POSTPOINT_EARLY_COLOR),backgroundColor()); post_ontime_palette= QPalette(QColor(POSTPOINT_ONTIME_COLOR),backgroundColor()); post_late_palette= QPalette(QColor(POSTPOINT_LATE_COLOR),backgroundColor()); post_offset = 0; UpdateDisplay(); }
void QtCalculator::temp_stack_next(){ CALCAMNT *number; if( temp_stack.current() == temp_stack.getLast()){ KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } number =; if(number == NULL){ KNotifyClient::beep(); return; } else{ // printf("Number: %Lg\n",*number); last_input = RECALL; DISPLAY_AMOUNT = *number; UpdateDisplay(); } }