Esempio n. 1
bool link_load_parent( const char * modname, const Vector3f& pos )
    if ( !VALID_CSTR( modname ) ) return false;

    // Push this module onto the stack so we can count the heroes.
    if ( !link_push_module() ) return false;

    // Grab the stored data
    link_stack_entry_t *pentry = link_stack + ( link_stack_count - 1 );

    // Determine how you would have to shift the heroes so that they fall on top of the spawn point.
	Vector3f pos_diff = pos * Info<float>::Grid::Size() - pentry->hero[0].pos_stt;

    // Adjust all the hero spawn points.
    for (int i = 0; i < pentry->hero_count; ++i)
        hero_spawn_data_t * phero = pentry->hero + i;

        phero->pos_stt += pos_diff;

        phero->pos = phero->pos_stt;

    // copy the module name
    strncpy( pentry->modname, modname, SDL_arraysize( pentry->modname ) );

    // now pop this "fake" module reference off the stack
    return link_pop_module();
Esempio n. 2
bool link_follow_modname( const char * modname, bool push_current_module )
//ZF> TODO: not implemented
    return false;
#if 0

    /// @author BB
    /// @details This causes the game to follow a link, given the module name

    bool retval;
    int old_link_stack_count = link_stack_count;

    if ( !VALID_CSTR( modname ) ) return false;

    // can this module be loaded?
    if ( !link_test_module( modname ) ) return false;

    // push the link BEFORE you change the module data
    // otherwise you won't save the correct data!
    if ( push_current_module )

    // export all the local and remote characters and
    // quit the old module

    // try to load the new module
    //retval = game_begin_module(modname);
    retval = false; //ZF> TODO: not implemented

    if ( !retval )
        // if the module linking fails, make sure to remove any bad info from the stack
        link_stack_count = old_link_stack_count;
        pickedmodule_index         = -1;
        pickedmodule_path[0]       = CSTR_END;
        pickedmodule_name[0]       = CSTR_END;
        pickedmodule_write_path[0] = CSTR_END;

        pickedmodule_index = mnu_get_mod_number( modname );
        if ( -1 != pickedmodule_index )
            strncpy( pickedmodule_path,       mnu_ModList_get_vfs_path( pickedmodule_index ), SDL_arraysize( pickedmodule_path ) );
            strncpy( pickedmodule_name,       mnu_ModList_get_name( pickedmodule_index ), SDL_arraysize( pickedmodule_name ) );
            strncpy( pickedmodule_write_path, mnu_ModList_get_dest_path( pickedmodule_index ), SDL_arraysize( pickedmodule_write_path ) );

    return retval;
Esempio n. 3
File: mad.c Progetto: wangeek/Egoboo
void load_action_names_vfs( const char* loadname )
    /// @details ZZ@> This function loads all of the 2 letter action names

    vfs_FILE* fileread;
    int cnt;

    char first = CSTR_END, second = CSTR_END;
    STRING comment;
    bool_t found;

    fileread = vfs_openRead( loadname );
    if ( !fileread ) return;

    for ( cnt = 0; cnt < ACTION_COUNT; cnt++ )
        comment[0] = CSTR_END;

        found = bfalse;
        if ( goto_colon( NULL, fileread, bfalse ) )
            if ( vfs_scanf( fileread, " %c%c %s", &first, &second, &comment ) >= 2 )
                found = btrue;

        if ( found )
            cActionName[cnt][0] = first;
            cActionName[cnt][1] = second;
            cActionComent[cnt][0] = CSTR_END;

            if ( VALID_CSTR( comment ) )
                strncpy( cActionComent[cnt], comment, SDL_arraysize( cActionComent[cnt] ) );
                cActionComent[cnt][255] = CSTR_END;
            cActionName[cnt][0] = CSTR_END;
            cActionComent[cnt][0] = CSTR_END;

    vfs_close( fileread );
Esempio n. 4
bool link_build_vfs( const char * fname, Link_t list[] )
    if (!VALID_CSTR(fname)) return false;

    ReadContext ctxt(fname);
    if (!ctxt.ensureOpen()) return false;

    size_t i = 0;
    while (ctxt.skipToColon(true) && i < LINK_COUNT)
        vfs_read_string_lit( ctxt, list[i].modname, SDL_arraysize( list[i].modname ) );
        list[i].valid = true;

    return i > 0;
Esempio n. 5
bool link_test_module( const char * modname )
    if ( !VALID_CSTR( modname ) ) return false;

    //ZF> Not supported yet, needs porting
    bool retval = false;

    LoadPlayer_list_t tmp_loadplayer = LOADPLAYER_LIST_INIT;

    // generate a temporary list of loadplayers
    LoadPlayer_list_from_players( &tmp_loadplayer );

    // test the given module
    retval = mnu_test_module_by_name( &tmp_loadplayer, modname );

    // blank out the list (not necessary since the list is local, but just in case)
    LoadPlayer_list_init( &tmp_loadplayer );

    return retval;
Esempio n. 6
File: mad.c Progetto: wangeek/Egoboo
mad_t * mad_get_framefx( mad_t * pmad, const char * cFrameName, int frame )
    /// @details ZZ@> This function figures out the IFrame invulnerability, and Attack, Grab, and
    ///               Drop timings
    ///          BB@> made a bit more sturdy parser that is not going to confuse strings like "LCRA"
    ///               which would not crop up if the convention of L or R going first was applied universally.
    ///               However, there are existing (and common) models which use the opposite convention, leading
    ///               to the possibility that an fx string "LARC" could be interpreted as ACTLEFT, CHARRIGHT, *and*
    ///               ACTRIGHT.

    BIT_FIELD fx = 0;
    char name_action[16], name_fx[16];
    int name_count;
    int fields;
    int cnt;

    static int token_count = -1;
    static const char * tokens[] = { "I", "S", "F", "P", "A", "G", "D", "C",          /* the normal command tokens */
                                     "LA", "LG", "LD", "LC", "RA", "RG", "RD", "RC", NULL
                                   }; /* the "bad" token aliases */

    const char * ptmp, * ptmp_end;
    char *paction, *paction_end;

    MD2_Model_t * md2;
    MD2_Frame_t * pframe;

    if ( NULL == pmad ) return pmad;

    md2 = pmad->md2_ptr;
    if ( NULL == md2 ) return pmad;

    // check for a valid frame number
    if ( frame >= md2_get_numFrames( md2 ) ) return pmad;
    pframe = ( MD2_Frame_t * )md2_get_Frames( md2 );
    pframe = pframe + frame;

    // this should only be initializwd the first time through
    if ( token_count < 0 )
        token_count = 0;
        for ( cnt = 0; NULL != tokens[token_count] && cnt < 256; cnt++ ) token_count++;

    // set the default values
    fx = 0;
    pframe->framefx = fx;

    // check for a non-trivial frame name
    if ( !VALID_CSTR( cFrameName ) ) return pmad;

    // skip over whitespace
    ptmp     = cFrameName;
    ptmp_end = cFrameName + 16;
    for ( /* nothing */; ptmp < ptmp_end && isspace( *ptmp ); ptmp++ ) {};

    // copy non-numerical text
    paction     = name_action;
    paction_end = name_action + 16;
    for ( /* nothing */; ptmp < ptmp_end && paction < paction_end && !isspace( *ptmp ); ptmp++, paction++ )
        if ( isdigit( *ptmp ) ) break;
        *paction = *ptmp;
    if ( paction < paction_end ) *paction = CSTR_END;

    name_fx[0] = CSTR_END;
    fields = sscanf( ptmp, "%d %15s", &name_count, name_fx );
    name_action[15] = CSTR_END;
    name_fx[15] = CSTR_END;

    // check for a non-trivial fx command
    if ( !VALID_CSTR( name_fx ) ) return pmad;

    // scan the fx string for valid commands
    ptmp     = name_fx;
    ptmp_end = name_fx + 15;
    while ( CSTR_END != *ptmp && ptmp < ptmp_end )
        size_t len;
        int token_index = -1;
        for ( cnt = 0; cnt < token_count; cnt++ )
            len = strlen( tokens[cnt] );
            if ( 0 == strncmp( tokens[cnt], ptmp, len ) )
                ptmp += len;
                token_index = cnt;

        if ( -1 == token_index )
            //log_debug( "Model %s, frame %d, frame name \"%s\" has unknown frame effects command \"%s\"\n", szModelName, frame, cFrameName, ptmp );
            bool_t bad_form = bfalse;
            switch ( token_index )
                case  0: // "I" == invulnerable
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_INVICTUS );

                case  1: // "S" == stop
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_STOP );

                case  2: // "F" == footfall
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_FOOTFALL );

                case  3: // "P" == poof
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_POOF );

                case  4: // "A" == action

                    // get any modifiers
                    while (( CSTR_END != *ptmp && ptmp < ptmp_end ) && ( 'R' == *ptmp || 'L' == *ptmp ) )
                        SET_BIT( fx, ( 'L' == *ptmp ) ? MADFX_ACTLEFT : MADFX_ACTRIGHT );

                case  5: // "G" == grab

                    // get any modifiers
                    while (( CSTR_END != *ptmp && ptmp < ptmp_end ) && ( 'R' == *ptmp || 'L' == *ptmp ) )
                        SET_BIT( fx, ( 'L' == *ptmp ) ? MADFX_GRABLEFT : MADFX_GRABRIGHT );

                case  6: // "D" == drop

                    // get any modifiers
                    while (( CSTR_END != *ptmp && ptmp < ptmp_end ) && ( 'R' == *ptmp || 'L' == *ptmp ) )
                        fx |= ( 'L' == *ptmp ) ? MADFX_DROPLEFT : MADFX_DROPRIGHT;

                case  7: // "C" == grab a character

                    // get any modifiers
                    while (( CSTR_END != *ptmp && ptmp < ptmp_end ) && ( 'R' == *ptmp || 'L' == *ptmp ) )
                        SET_BIT( fx, ( 'L' == *ptmp ) ? MADFX_CHARLEFT : MADFX_CHARRIGHT );

                case  8: // "LA"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_ACTLEFT );

                case  9: // "LG"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_GRABLEFT );

                case 10: // "LD"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_DROPLEFT );

                case 11: // "LC"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_CHARLEFT );

                case 12: // "RA"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_ACTRIGHT );

                case 13: // "RG"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_GRABRIGHT );

                case 14: // "RD"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_DROPRIGHT );

                case 15: // "RC"
                    bad_form = btrue;
                    SET_BIT( fx, MADFX_CHARRIGHT );

            if ( bad_form && -1 != token_index )
                log_warning( "Model %s, frame %d, frame name \"%s\" has a frame effects command in an improper configuration \"%s\"\n", szModelName, frame, cFrameName, tokens[token_index] );

    pframe->framefx = fx;

    return pmad;
Esempio n. 7
bool tile_dictionary_load_vfs( const char * filename, tile_dictionary_t * pdict, int max_dict_size )
    /// @author ZZ
    /// @details This function loads fan types for the terrain

    Uint32 cnt, entry, vertices, commandsize;
    int fantype_count, fantype_offset, fantype;
    int command_count, command;
    int definition_count;
    int itmp;
    float ftmp;

    if ( NULL == pdict ) return false;

    // "delete" the old list
    *pdict = tile_dictionary_t();

    if ( !VALID_CSTR( filename ) ) return false;

    // handle default parameters
    if ( max_dict_size < 0 )
        max_dict_size = MAP_FAN_TYPE_MAX;

    // Try to open a context.
    ReadContext ctxt(filename);
    if (!ctxt.ensureOpen()) {
		Log::get().error("unable to load tile definitions file `%s`\n", filename);
        return false;

    fantype_count    = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);
    fantype_offset   = 2 * std::pow( 2.0f, std::floor( std::log( fantype_count ) / std::log( 2.0f ) ) );
    definition_count = 2 * fantype_offset;

    if ( definition_count > MAP_FAN_TYPE_MAX )
		Log::get().error( "%s - tile dictionary has too many tile definitions (%d/%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, definition_count, MAP_FAN_TYPE_MAX );
        return false;
    else if ( definition_count > max_dict_size )
		Log::get().error( "%s - the number of tile difinitions has exceeded the requested number (%d/%d).\n", __FUNCTION__, definition_count, max_dict_size );
        return false;

    pdict->offset    = fantype_offset;
    pdict->def_count = definition_count;

    for ( fantype = 0; fantype < fantype_count; fantype++ )
        tile_definition_t& pdef_sml = pdict->def_lst[fantype];
        tile_definition_t& pdef_big = pdict->def_lst[fantype + fantype_offset];

        vertices = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);

        pdef_sml.numvertices = vertices;
        pdef_big.numvertices = vertices;  // Dupe

        for ( cnt = 0; cnt < vertices; cnt++ )
            itmp = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);
            pdef_sml.ref[cnt]    = itmp;
            pdef_sml.grid_ix[cnt] = itmp & 3;
            pdef_sml.grid_iy[cnt] = ( itmp >> 2 ) & 3;

            ftmp = vfs_get_next_float(ctxt);
            pdef_sml.u[cnt] = ftmp;

            ftmp = vfs_get_next_float(ctxt);
            pdef_sml.v[cnt] = ftmp;

            // Dupe
            pdef_big.ref[cnt]    = pdef_sml.ref[cnt];
            pdef_big.grid_ix[cnt] = pdef_sml.grid_ix[cnt];
            pdef_big.grid_iy[cnt] = pdef_sml.grid_iy[cnt];
            pdef_big.u[cnt]      = pdef_sml.u[cnt];
            pdef_big.v[cnt]      = pdef_sml.v[cnt];

        command_count = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);
        pdef_sml.command_count = command_count;
        pdef_big.command_count = command_count;  // Dupe

        for ( entry = 0, command = 0; command < command_count; command++ )
            commandsize = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);
            pdef_sml.command_entries[command] = commandsize;
            pdef_big.command_entries[command] = commandsize;  // Dupe

            for ( cnt = 0; cnt < commandsize; cnt++ )
                itmp = vfs_get_next_int(ctxt);
                pdef_sml.command_verts[entry] = itmp;
                pdef_big.command_verts[entry] = itmp;  // Dupe


    pdict->loaded = true;

    tile_dictionary_finalize( pdict );

    return true;