Esempio n. 1
/* ****  PA_UnpackInput  ****
 * The input parameters/data to the ParallelAgent is given as an R vector.
 * This function unpacks the vector, putting the pieces into the appropriate
 * variables.
int PA_UnpackInput(SEXP sxInputVector, int *ipDims, double **dppA,
		double **dppB, int *ipNumProcs, int *ipFunction, int *ipSpawnFlag) {
	SEXP s;
	int iMB;
	int ipReleaseFlag;

	/* First parameter is the first matrix. --populates ipDims[0] and ipDims[1] */
	/* Second parameter is the second matrix. --populates ipDims[2] and ipDims[3] */
	/* Third Parameter is number of Process Rows  -- populates ipDims[6] = NPROWS*/
	/* Fourth Parameter is number of Process Cols -- populates ipDims[7] = NPCOLS */
	/* Fifth Parameter is Block Size -- populates ipDims[4] =ipDims [5]= MB */
	/* Sixth Parameter is function identifier  -- populates ipDims[8] = functionID */
	/* Seventh parameter --- Instruction to Release Grid or not -- populates ipDims[9]=ReleaseFlag */
	/* Eighth parameter --- Instruction to Spawn Grid or not*/

	/* First parameter is the first matrix. --populates ipDims[0] and ipDims[1] */
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[0];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != REALSXP) {
		Rprintf("1st parameter (Matrix A) is not an array of doubles.\n");
		return -1;

	if (PA_GetTwoDims(s, ipDims) > 2) {
		Rprintf("1st parameter (Matrix A) has too many dimensions.\n");
		return -2;

	/* If the object is one dimensional, set the second dimension to length 1 */
	if (ipDims[1] == 0) ipDims[1] = 1;

	/* Save a pointer to the first matrix */
	*dppA = REAL(s);

	/* Second parameter is the second matrix. --populates ipDims[2] and ipDims[3] */
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[1];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != REALSXP) {
		Rprintf("2nd parameter (Matrix B) is not an array of doubles.\n");
		return -3;

	if (PA_GetTwoDims(s, ipDims + 2) > 2) {
		Rprintf("2nd parameter (Matrix B) has too many dimensions.\n");
		return -4;

	/* If the object is one dimensional, set the second dimension to length 1,
	 * unless the length is zero (i.e, there is no second matrix).    */
	if (ipDims[3] == 0 && LENGTH(s) != 0) ipDims[3] = 1;

	/* Save a pointer to the second matrix */
	*dppB = REAL(s);

	/* Third Parameter is number of Process Rows  -- populates ipDims[6] = NPROWS*/

	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[2];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Third parameter (number of row processors) is not an integer.\n");
		return -5;
	if (LENGTH(s) != 1) {
		Rprintf("First parameter (number of row processors) is not a single number.\n");
		return -6;
	ipDims[6] = INTEGER(s)[0];

	/* Fourth Parameter is number of Process Cols -- populates ipDims[7] = NPCOLS */
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[3];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Fourth parameter (number of col processors) is not an integer.\n");
		return -7;
	if (LENGTH(s) != 1) {
		Rprintf("Fourth parameter (number of col processors) is not a single number.\n");
		return -8;
	ipDims[7] = INTEGER(s)[0];

	*ipNumProcs = ipDims[6] * ipDims[7];  /* iNumProcs = iNPRows * iNPCols  */

	/* Fifth Parameter is Block Size -- populates ipDims[4] =ipDims [5]= MB */

	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[4];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Fifth parameter (row block size of LHS matrix) is not an integer.\n");
		return -9;
	if (LENGTH(s) != 1) {
		Rprintf("Fifth parameter (row block size of LHS matrix) is not a single number.\n");
		return -10;
	iMB = INTEGER(s)[0];
	/* !!! If the block size is larger than the input size, reduce the block
	 * size down to the size of the input.  Needed for the eigen function.
	if (iMB > ipDims[0] && iMB > ipDims[1] && iMB > ipDims[2] &&
			iMB > ipDims[3])
		iMB = max(ipDims[0], max(ipDims[1], max(ipDims[2], ipDims[3])));


	/* Once upon a time, the block dimensions were taken as two inputs.  Now,
	 * the blocksize is forced to be square.
	ipDims[4] = ipDims[5] = iMB;

	/* Sixth Parameter is function identifier  -- populates ipDims[8] = functionID */
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[5];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Sixth parameter (function) is not an integer.\n");
		return -11;
	if (LENGTH(s) != 1) {
		Rprintf("Sixth parameter (function) is not a single number.\n");
		return -12;

	*ipFunction = INTEGER(s)[0];
	if (*ipFunction < 0 || *ipFunction > 7) {
		Rprintf("Error:  Unknown function ID (%d).\n", *ipFunction);
		return -13;

	ipDims[8]= *ipFunction;

	/* Seventh parameter --- Instruction to Release Grid or not -- populates ipDims[9]=ReleaseFlag */
	/* Populating ipDims array is complete ... */
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[6];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Seventh parameter (function) is not an integer.\n");
		return -11;

	ipReleaseFlag = INTEGER(s)[0];
	if(ipReleaseFlag != 0 && ipReleaseFlag != 1) {
		Rprintf ("Warning: Proper value for Release Flag= %d not used \n \t Release Flag is set to 1 \n", ipReleaseFlag );
		ipReleaseFlag = 1;  

	ipDims[9]= ipReleaseFlag;

	/* ipSpawnFlag is the information sent from R to ParallelAgent requesting
	 * it either to spawn the processes or not to spawn (use the existing ones)

	/* Eighth parameter --- Instruction to Spawn Grid or not*/
	s = VECTOR_PTR(sxInputVector)[7];
	if (TYPEOF(s) != INTSXP) {
		Rprintf("Sixth parameter (function) is not an integer.\n");
		return -11;
	*ipSpawnFlag = INTEGER(s)[0];

	D_Rprintf(("spawn flag : %d \n", *ipSpawnFlag));

	return 0;
Esempio n. 2
// [[Rcpp::register]]
SEXP* get_vector_ptr(SEXP x){ 
    return VECTOR_PTR(x) ; 
Esempio n. 3
File: RJSON.c Progetto: cran/RJSONIO
R_readFromJSON(SEXP r_input, SEXP depth, SEXP allowComments, SEXP func, SEXP data, SEXP maxChar)
    JSON_config conf;
    struct JSON_parser_struct *parser;
    SEXP ans = R_NilValue;

    int do_unprotect = 1;
    RJSONParserInfo info = {NULL, NULL, CE_NATIVE};

    conf.depth = INTEGER(depth)[0];
    conf.allow_comments = LOGICAL(allowComments)[0];

    /* Handle the callback function and data here. First the C routines and data context.*/
    if(Rf_length(data)) {
        SEXP tmp = VECTOR_ELT(data, 1);
	void *ptr;
	switch(TYPEOF(tmp)) {
	case NILSXP:
	    ptr = NULL;
	case INTSXP:
	case LGLSXP:
	    ptr = INTEGER(tmp);
	case REALSXP:
	    ptr = REAL(tmp);
	case VECSXP:
	    ptr = VECTOR_PTR(tmp);
	    ptr = NULL;
	conf.callback = (JSON_parser_callback) R_ExternalPtrAddr(VECTOR_ELT(data, 0));
	conf.callback_ctx = ptr;
	do_unprotect = 0;
    } else if(func != R_NilValue && TYPEOF(func) == CLOSXP) {
	/* we have a function*/
	SEXP e;
	PROTECT(e = allocVector(LANGSXP, 3));
	SETCAR(e, func);
	SETCAR(CDR(e), allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
	SET_NAMES(CAR(CDR(e)), info.names = NEW_CHARACTER(1));  
	SETCAR(CDR(CDR(e)), R_NilValue);
	info.func = e;
	ans = R_NilValue;
	conf.callback = R_json_basicCallback;
	conf.callback_ctx = &info;
    } else if(func == R_NilValue)
	PROTECT(ans = NEW_LIST(1));
    else { /* You what? */
	PROBLEM "unhandled type of R object as handler function %d", TYPEOF(func)

    parser = new_JSON_parser(&conf);

    if(inherits(r_input, "connection")) {
	R_json_parse_connection(r_input, maxChar, parser);
    } else {
	R_json_parse_character(r_input, maxChar, parser);
