Vector3d Polygon::velocity(const Grid &g, const Vector3d &w) const { const double SMALL = Vector3d::get_small(); Vector3d u; double d; double s = 0.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < size(); ++i) { d = (POINT(i) - w).norm(); if (d < SMALL) return VELOCITY(i); d = 1.0 / d; s += d; u += d * VELOCITY(i); } return u / s; }
static int _elitaire_card_flip_cb(void * data) { Elitaire_Card_Job * job; Evas_Object * card, * image, * shadow; Elitaire_Card * eli_card; Evas_Coord w, h; Evas_Coord im_x, im_w, im_y; Evas_Coord new_x, new_w; Evas_Coord sh_y, sh_x; Evas_Coord x; job = (Elitaire_Card_Job *) data; card = job->card; eli_card = (Elitaire_Card *) evas_object_smart_data_get(card); image = eli_card->image; shadow = eli_card->shadow; evas_object_geometry_get(card, &x, NULL, &w, &h); evas_object_geometry_get(image, &im_x, &im_y, &im_w, NULL); if (shadow) evas_object_geometry_get(shadow, &sh_x, &sh_y, NULL, NULL); new_w = im_w + job-> * (Evas_Coord) (VELOCITY(eli_card->eli) / eli_card->eli->frame_rate); if (new_w < 0) { job-> = 1; new_w = ABS(new_w); elitaire_card_reinit(card); } if (new_w >= w) { /* Job now ends */ new_w = eli_card->eli->card_w; new_x = x; evas_object_resize(image, new_w, h); evas_object_move(image, new_x, im_y); if (shadow) { sh_x += (im_w - new_w) / 2; evas_object_resize(shadow, new_w, h); evas_object_move(shadow, sh_x, sh_y); } elitaire_job_del(eli_card->jobs, data); return 0; } new_x = im_x + (im_w - new_w) / 2; evas_object_resize(image, new_w, h); evas_object_move(image, new_x, im_y); if (shadow) { sh_x += (im_w - new_w) / 2; evas_object_resize(shadow, new_w, h); evas_object_move(shadow, sh_x, sh_y); } return 1; }
static int _elitaire_card_drop_cb(void * data) { Elitaire_Card_Job * job; Evas_Object * card = NULL; Evas_Coord x, y, w, d; Evas_Coord image_x, image_y; Elitaire_Card * eli_card; job = (Elitaire_Card_Job *) data; card = job->card; eli_card = (Elitaire_Card *) evas_object_smart_data_get(card); evas_object_geometry_get(card, &x, &y, &w, NULL); evas_object_geometry_get(eli_card->image, &image_x, &image_y, NULL, NULL); d = (Evas_Coord) (VELOCITY(eli_card->eli) / eli_card->eli->frame_rate); image_x += d; image_y += d; if (image_x >= x || image_y >= y) { /* Job now ends */ evas_object_move(eli_card->image, x, y); if (eli_card->next_card) { Evas_Coord dy; dy = elitaire_card_offset_get(eli_card->eli); evas_object_move(eli_card->next_card, x, y + dy); } _elitaire_card_shadow_off(card); elitaire_stack_layer_reinit(eli_card->eli, eli_card->pcard); elitaire_job_del(eli_card->jobs, data); return 0; } evas_object_move(eli_card->image, image_x, image_y); if (eli_card->next_card) { Evas_Coord dy; dy = elitaire_card_offset_get(eli_card->eli); evas_object_move(eli_card->next_card, image_x, image_y + dy); } return 1; }
static int _elitaire_card_drag_cb(void * data) { Elitaire_Card_Job * job; Elitaire_Card * eli_card; Evas_Coord x, y, w, d; Evas_Coord image_x, image_y; Evas_Object * card = NULL; job = (Elitaire_Card_Job *) data; card = job->card; eli_card = (Elitaire_Card *) evas_object_smart_data_get(card); evas_object_geometry_get(eli_card->shadow, &x, &y, &w, NULL); evas_object_geometry_get(eli_card->image, &image_x, &image_y, NULL, NULL); d = (Evas_Coord) (VELOCITY(eli_card->eli) / (eli_card->eli->frame_rate * 2)); image_x -= d; image_y -= d; if (abs(x - image_x) >= w / 10) { /* Job now ends */ evas_object_move(eli_card->image, x - w / 10, y - w / 10); if (eli_card->next_card) { Evas_Coord dy; dy = elitaire_card_offset_get(eli_card->eli); evas_object_move(eli_card->next_card, x - w / 10, y - w / 10 + dy); } elitaire_job_del(eli_card->jobs, data); return 0; } evas_object_move(eli_card->image, image_x, image_y); if (eli_card->next_card) { Evas_Coord dy; dy = elitaire_card_offset_get(eli_card->eli); evas_object_move(eli_card->next_card, image_x, image_y + dy); } return 1; }
/* *************************************************************************** * callbacks * ***************************************************************************/ static int _elitaire_card_slide_cb(void * data) { Elitaire_Card_Job * job; Evas_Object * card; Elitaire_Card * eli_card; Evas_Coord to_x, to_y; Evas_Coord from_x, from_y; Evas_Coord new_x, new_y; double m, ft; job = (Elitaire_Card_Job *) data; card = job->card; eli_card = (Elitaire_Card *) evas_object_smart_data_get(card); ft = _elitaire_card_job_frametime_get(job); if (job->w == eli_card->eli->w) { to_x = job->; to_y = job->; } else { elitaire_card_xy_get(card, &to_x, &to_y); job->w = eli_card->eli->w; job-> = to_x; job-> = to_y; } evas_object_geometry_get(card, &from_x, &from_y, NULL, NULL); m = VELOCITY(eli_card->eli) * ft / sqrt((double) (SQR(to_x - from_x) + SQR(to_y - from_y))); new_x = (Evas_Coord) (m * (to_x - from_x)) + from_x; new_y = (Evas_Coord) (m * (to_y - from_y)) + from_y; if (ABS(new_x - from_x) >= ABS(to_x - from_x) && ABS(new_y - from_y) >= ABS(to_y - from_y)) { /* Job now ends */ evas_object_move(card, to_x, to_y); elitaire_job_del(eli_card->jobs, data); return 0; } evas_object_move(card, new_x, new_y); return 1; }
OP_ERROR aaOceanSOP::cookMySop(OP_Context &context) { if (lockInputs(context) >= UT_ERROR_ABORT) return error(); duplicateSource(0, context); setVariableOrder(3, 2, 0, 1); setCurGdh(0, myGdpHandle); setupLocalVars(); // variable declarations float now = context.getTime(); // Flag the SOP as being time dependent (i.e. cook on time changes) flags().timeDep = 1; // start pulling in SOP inputs and send to aaOcean enableEigens = (ENABLEEIGENS() != 0); if(pOcean->isChoppy() && enableEigens) enableEigens = TRUE; now = now + TIMEOFFSET(now); pOcean->input( RESOLUTION(), SEED(), OCEANSCALE(now), OCEANDEPTH(now), SURFACETENSION(now), VELOCITY(now), CUTOFF(now), WINDDIR(now), WINDALIGN(), DAMP(now), WAVESPEED(now), WAVEHEIGHT(now), CHOP(now), now, LOOPTIME(now), enableEigens, FALSE); // get the user-specified attribute that holds uv-data getUVAttributeName(UvAttribute); if(UvAttribute.length() == 0) UvAttribute = "uv"; const char* UVAttribName = (const char *)UvAttribute; uvRef = gdp->findFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, UVAttribName, 3); if(uvRef.isValid() == TRUE) { uvAttribute = uvRef.getAttribute(); uvTuple = uvRef.getAIFTuple(); } else { // uv attribute not found char msg[256]; sprintf(msg, "[aaOcean] Specified UV attribute \'%s\' not found on geometry.\ \nUV's are required for aaOcean to cook", UVAttribName); std::cout<<msg; std::cout.flush(); addError(SOP_MESSAGE, msg); unlockInputs(); return error(); } // setup local variables to output Eigens if(enableEigens) { eVecPlusRef = gdp->addFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, eVecPlusName, 3); eVecMinusRef = gdp->addFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, eVecMinusName, 3); eValuesRef = gdp->addFloatTuple(GA_ATTRIB_POINT, eValuesName, 1); eVecPlusHandle = GA_RWHandleV3(eVecPlusRef.getAttribute()); eVecMinusHandle = GA_RWHandleV3(eVecMinusRef.getAttribute()); eValuesHandle = GA_RWHandleF(eValuesRef.getAttribute()); } // inputs validated. Begin writing ocean data to output handles int npts = gdp->getNumPoints(); #pragma omp parallel for for (int pt_offset = 0; pt_offset < npts; ++pt_offset) { UT_Vector3F pos = gdp->getPos3(pt_offset); UT_Vector3F UV; uvTuple->get(uvAttribute, pt_offset,, 3); // Houdini V coord runs in opposite direction compared to Softimage/Maya // Conforming with other apps to make ocean shape consistent across apps float u = UV.x(); float v = 1.0f - (fmod(UV.y(), 1.0f)); pos.y() += pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eHEIGHTFIELD); if(pOcean->isChoppy()) { pos.x() += pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eCHOPX); pos.z() += pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eCHOPZ); } gdp->setPos3(pt_offset, pos); if(enableEigens) { UT_Vector3F eigenVectorPlusValue; UT_Vector3F eigenVectorMinusValue; float eigenValue; eigenVectorPlusValue.x() = pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eEIGENPLUSX); eigenVectorPlusValue.y() = 0.0f; eigenVectorPlusValue.z() = pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eEIGENPLUSZ); eigenVectorMinusValue.x() = pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eEIGENMINUSX); eigenVectorMinusValue.y() = 0.0f; eigenVectorMinusValue.z() = pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eEIGENMINUSZ); eigenValue = pOcean->getOceanData(u, v, aaOcean::eFOAM); eVecPlusHandle.set(pt_offset,eigenVectorPlusValue); eVecMinusHandle.set(pt_offset,eigenVectorMinusValue); eValuesHandle.set(pt_offset,eigenValue); } } unlockInputs(); return error(); }