void main(void) { char vdata_name[MAX_NC_NAME], vdata_class[MAX_NC_NAME]; char fields[60]; int32 file_id, vdata_id, istat; int32 n_records, interlace, vdata_size, vdata_ref; int bufsz = (2 * sizeof(float32) + sizeof(char) \ + sizeof(int16)) * NRECORDS; int i; uint8 databuf[((2 * sizeof(float32)) + sizeof(char) \ + sizeof(int16)) * NRECORDS]; VOIDP fldbufptrs[4]; float32 itemp[NRECORDS], ispeed[NRECORDS]; int16 iheight[NRECORDS]; char idents[NRECORDS]; /* Open the HDF file. */ file_id = Hopen("VD_Ex4.hdf", DFACC_READ, 0); /* Initialize the Vset interface. */ istat = Vstart(file_id); /* * Get the reference number for the first Vdata in * the file. */ vdata_ref = -1; vdata_ref = VSgetid(file_id, vdata_ref); /* Attach to the first Vdata in read mode. */ vdata_id = VSattach(file_id, vdata_ref, "r"); for (i=0; i<60; i++) fields[i] = '\0'; /* Get the list of field names. */ istat =VSinquire(vdata_id, &n_records, &interlace, fields, &vdata_size, vdata_name); printf("files: %s, n_records: %d, vdata_size: %d\n", fields, n_records, vdata_size); /* Get the class. */ istat = VSgetclass(vdata_id, vdata_class); /* Determine the fields that will be read. */ istat = VSsetfields(vdata_id, fields); /* Print the Vdata information. */ printf("Current Vdata name: %s \nCurrent Vdata class: %s.\n", vdata_name, vdata_class); /* Read the data. */ istat = VSread(vdata_id, (VOIDP)databuf, n_records, FULL_INTERLACE); /* set fldbufptrs and unpack field values */ fldbufptrs[0] = &idents[0]; fldbufptrs[1] = &ispeed[0]; fldbufptrs[2] = &iheight[0]; fldbufptrs[3] = &itemp[0]; istat = VSfpack(vdata_id, _HDF_VSUNPACK, fields, databuf, bufsz, n_records, "Ident,Speed,Height,Temp", fldbufptrs); printf(" Temp Height Speed Ident\n"); for (i=0; i < n_records; i++) { printf(" %6.2f %6d %6.2f %c\n", itemp[i],iheight[i],ispeed[i],idents[i]); } /* Detach from the Vdata, close the interface and the file. */ istat = VSdetach(vdata_id); istat = Vend(file_id); istat = Hclose(file_id); }
//// [[Rcpp::export]] int binlist(int x) { int numbins = 0, *binnums = NULL; int i; int file_id,vdata_ref, vdata_id,numrecs,pvd_id; char PARAM[] = "chlor_a"; initbin(); /* Open the HDF file. */ file_id = Hopen("S1998001.L3b_DAY_CHL.main", DFACC_READ, 0); if(file_id == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: Hopen(%s,DFACC_READ,0) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,"S1998001.L3b_DAY_CHL.main"); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Initialize the Vdata interface. */ if(Vstart(file_id) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: Vstart(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Open the "BinList" Vdata. */ vdata_ref = VSfind(file_id,"BinList"); if(vdata_ref == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSfind(%d,\"BinList\") failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } vdata_id = VSattach(file_id, vdata_ref, "r"); if(vdata_id == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSattach(%d,%d,\"r\") failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id,vdata_ref); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Find out how many bins are stored in this file. */ numrecs = VSelts(vdata_id); if(numrecs == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSelts(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,vdata_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } // this doesn't seem to be necessary? /* Set up to read the fields in the BinList Vdata records. */ // if(VSsetfields(vdata_id,BLIST_FIELDS) == FAIL){ // fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSsetfields(%d,%s) failed.\n", // __FILE__,__LINE__,vdata_id,BLIST_FIELDS); // return(EXIT_FAILURE); // } /* Open the parameter-specific Vdata. */ vdata_ref = VSfind(file_id,PARAM); if(vdata_ref == 0){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSfind(%d,\"%s\") failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id,PARAM); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } pvd_id = VSattach(file_id, vdata_ref, "r"); if(pvd_id == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSattach(%d,%d,\"r\") failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id,vdata_ref); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Set up to read the fields in the parameter-specific Vdata records. */ { int len; len = 2*strlen(PARAM) + strlen("_sum,") + strlen("_sum_sq") + 1; param_fields = (char *)malloc(len); if(param_fields == NULL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: Memory allocation failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } strcpy(param_fields,PARAM); strcat(param_fields,"_sum,"); strcat(param_fields,PARAM); strcat(param_fields,"_sum_sq"); } if(VSsetfields(pvd_id,param_fields) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSsetfields(%d,%s) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,pvd_id,param_fields); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } printf(param_fields); printf("\n"); /* Output a header record to identify the fields written out below. */ printf("%80s%15.15s %15.15s\n"," ",PARAM,PARAM); printf(" bin centerlat centerlon"); printf(" north south west east"); printf(" n N sum_obs sum_squared_obs weight"); printf(" time_trend_bits l2_flag_bits sel\n"); printf("------- --------- ----------"); printf(" --------- --------- ---------- ----------"); printf(" ---- --- --------------- --------------- ---------------"); printf(" ---------------- -------------------------------- ---\n"); // for(i = 0; i < numbins; i++){ for(i = 0; i < 10; i++){ int recno; // recno = binsearch(binnums[i],vdata_id,numrecs); recno = i; if(recno >= 0){ double n,s,w,e,clat,clon; /* Read the sum and sum-of-squares for the the specified parameter for this bin. */ if(VSseek(pvd_id,recno) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSseek(%d,%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,pvd_id,recno); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(VSread(pvd_id,paramrec,1,FULL_INTERLACE) != 1){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: ",__FILE__,__LINE__); fprintf(stderr,"VSread(%d,paramrec,1,FULL_INTERLACE) failed.\n", pvd_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* VSfpack() sets the global sum and sum_sq variables via the paramptrs pointer array. */ if( VSfpack( pvd_id,_HDF_VSUNPACK,param_fields,paramrec,PREC_SIZE,1,NULL,paramptrs ) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: ",__FILE__,__LINE__); fprintf(stderr,"VSfpack(%d, ...) failed.\n", pvd_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Get the geographical coordinates associated with this bin. */ // bin2latlon(binnums[i],&clat,&clon); // bin2bounds(binnums[i],&n,&s,&w,&e); /* Output the results. */ // printf("%7d %9.5f %10.5f %9.5f %9.5f %10.5f %10.5f ", // binnums[i],clat,clon,n,s,w,e); // printf("%4d %3d ",nobs,nscenes); // printf("% .8e % .8e % .8e ",sum,sum_sq,weights); printf("% .8e % .8e % .8e ",sum,sum_sq,0.0); // printf("%.16s %.32s ",bitstr16(time_rec),bitstr32(flags_set)); // printf("%3d",sel_cat); printf("\n"); } } if(VSdetach(pvd_id) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSdetach(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,pvd_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(VSdetach(vdata_id) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: VSdetach(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,vdata_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(Vend(file_id) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: Vend(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(Hclose(file_id) == FAIL){ fprintf(stderr,"-E- %s line %d: Hclose(%d) failed.\n", __FILE__,__LINE__,file_id); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } free(param_fields); free(binnums); return 2; }