CAMLprim value PQres_isnull(value v_res) { return Val_bool(get_res(v_res) ? 0 : 1); }
CAMLprim value caml_new_lex_engine(struct lexing_table *tbl, value start_state, struct lexer_buffer *lexbuf) { int state, base, backtrk, c, pstate ; state = Int_val(start_state); if (state >= 0) { /* First entry */ lexbuf->lex_last_pos = lexbuf->lex_start_pos = lexbuf->lex_curr_pos; lexbuf->lex_last_action = Val_int(-1); } else { /* Reentry after refill */ state = -state - 1; } while(1) { /* Lookup base address or action number for current state */ base = Short(tbl->lex_base, state); if (base < 0) { int pc_off = Short(tbl->lex_base_code, state) ; run_tag(Bp_val(tbl->lex_code) + pc_off, lexbuf->lex_mem); /* fprintf(stderr,"Perform: %d\n",-base-1) ; */ return Val_int(-base-1); } /* See if it's a backtrack point */ backtrk = Short(tbl->lex_backtrk, state); if (backtrk >= 0) { int pc_off = Short(tbl->lex_backtrk_code, state); run_tag(Bp_val(tbl->lex_code) + pc_off, lexbuf->lex_mem); lexbuf->lex_last_pos = lexbuf->lex_curr_pos; lexbuf->lex_last_action = Val_int(backtrk); } /* See if we need a refill */ if (lexbuf->lex_curr_pos >= lexbuf->lex_buffer_len){ if (lexbuf->lex_eof_reached == Val_bool (0)){ return Val_int(-state - 1); }else{ c = 256; } }else{ /* Read next input char */ c = Byte_u(lexbuf->lex_buffer, Long_val(lexbuf->lex_curr_pos)); lexbuf->lex_curr_pos += 2; } /* Determine next state */ pstate=state ; if (Short(tbl->lex_check, base + c) == state) state = Short(tbl->lex_trans, base + c); else state = Short(tbl->lex_default, state); /* If no transition on this char, return to last backtrack point */ if (state < 0) { lexbuf->lex_curr_pos = lexbuf->lex_last_pos; if (lexbuf->lex_last_action == Val_int(-1)) { caml_failwith("lexing: empty token"); } else { return lexbuf->lex_last_action; } }else{ /* If some transition, get and perform memory moves */ int base_code = Short(tbl->lex_base_code, pstate) ; int pc_off ; if (Short(tbl->lex_check_code, base_code + c) == pstate) pc_off = Short(tbl->lex_trans_code, base_code + c) ; else pc_off = Short(tbl->lex_default_code, pstate) ; if (pc_off > 0) run_mem(Bp_val(tbl->lex_code) + pc_off, lexbuf->lex_mem, lexbuf->lex_curr_pos) ; /* Erase the EOF condition only if the EOF pseudo-character was consumed by the automaton (i.e. there was no backtrack above) */ if (c == 256) lexbuf->lex_eof_reached = Val_bool (0); } } }
CAMLprim value caml_ml_runtime_warnings_enabled(value unit) { CAMLassert (unit == Val_unit); return Val_bool(caml_runtime_warnings); }
/* Target.t -> bool */ CAMLprim value llvm_target_has_jit(LLVMTargetRef Target) { return Val_bool(LLVMTargetHasJIT(Target)); }
/* Target.t -> bool */ CAMLprim value llvm_target_has_asm_backend(LLVMTargetRef Target) { return Val_bool(LLVMTargetHasAsmBackend(Target)); }
/* Returns boolean indicating UTF8-support */ CAMLprim value pcre_config_utf8_stub(value __unused v_unit) { return Val_bool(pcre_config_int(PCRE_CONFIG_UTF8)); }
CAMLprim value caml_backtrace_status(value vunit) { return Val_bool(caml_backtrace_active); }
value spoc_getCudaDevice(value i) { CAMLparam1(i); CAMLlocal4(general_info, cuda_info, specific_info, gc_info); CAMLlocal3(device, maxT, maxG); int nb_devices; CUdevprop dev_infos; CUdevice dev; CUcontext ctx; CUstream queue[2]; spoc_cu_context *spoc_ctx; //CUcontext gl_ctx; char infoStr[1024]; int infoInt; size_t infoUInt; int major, minor; enum cudaError_enum cuda_error; cuDeviceGetCount (&nb_devices); if ((Int_val(i)) > nb_devices) raise_constant(*caml_named_value("no_cuda_device")) ; CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceGet(&dev, Int_val(i))); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceGetProperties(&dev_infos, dev)); general_info = caml_alloc (9, 0); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceGetName(infoStr, sizeof(infoStr), dev)); Store_field(general_info,0, copy_string(infoStr));// CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceTotalMem(&infoUInt, dev)); Store_field(general_info,1, Val_int(infoUInt));// Store_field(general_info,2, Val_int(dev_infos.sharedMemPerBlock));// Store_field(general_info,3, Val_int(dev_infos.clockRate));// Store_field(general_info,4, Val_int(dev_infos.totalConstantMemory));// CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_MULTIPROCESSOR_COUNT, dev)); Store_field(general_info,5, Val_int(infoInt));// CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_ECC_ENABLED, dev)); Store_field(general_info,6, Val_bool(infoInt));// Store_field(general_info,7, i); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuCtxCreate (&ctx, CU_CTX_SCHED_BLOCKING_SYNC | CU_CTX_MAP_HOST, dev)); spoc_ctx = malloc(sizeof(spoc_cl_context)); spoc_ctx->ctx = ctx; CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuStreamCreate(&queue[0], 0)); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuStreamCreate(&queue[1], 0)); spoc_ctx->queue[0] = queue[0]; spoc_ctx->queue[1] = queue[1]; Store_field(general_info,8, (value)spoc_ctx); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuCtxSetCurrent(ctx)); cuda_info = caml_alloc(1, 0); //0 -> Cuda specific_info = caml_alloc(18, 0); cuDeviceComputeCapability(&major, &minor, dev); Store_field(specific_info,0, Val_int(major));// Store_field(specific_info,1, Val_int(minor));// Store_field(specific_info,2, Val_int(dev_infos.regsPerBlock));// Store_field(specific_info,3, Val_int(dev_infos.SIMDWidth));// Store_field(specific_info,4, Val_int(dev_infos.memPitch));// Store_field(specific_info,5, Val_int(dev_infos.maxThreadsPerBlock));// maxT = caml_alloc(3, 0); Store_field(maxT,0, Val_int(dev_infos.maxThreadsDim[0]));// Store_field(maxT,1, Val_int(dev_infos.maxThreadsDim[1]));// Store_field(maxT,2, Val_int(dev_infos.maxThreadsDim[2]));// Store_field(specific_info,6, maxT); maxG = caml_alloc(3, 0); Store_field(maxG,0, Val_int(dev_infos.maxGridSize[0]));// Store_field(maxG,1, Val_int(dev_infos.maxGridSize[1]));// Store_field(maxG,2, Val_int(dev_infos.maxGridSize[2]));// Store_field(specific_info,7, maxG); Store_field(specific_info,8, Val_int(dev_infos.textureAlign));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_GPU_OVERLAP, dev); Store_field(specific_info,9, Val_bool(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_KERNEL_EXEC_TIMEOUT, dev); Store_field(specific_info,10, Val_bool(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_INTEGRATED, dev); Store_field(specific_info,11, Val_bool(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CAN_MAP_HOST_MEMORY, dev); Store_field(specific_info,12, Val_bool(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_COMPUTE_MODE, dev); Store_field(specific_info,13, Val_int(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_CONCURRENT_KERNELS, dev); Store_field(specific_info,14, Val_bool(infoInt));// cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_BUS_ID, dev); Store_field(specific_info,15, Val_int(infoInt)); cuDeviceGetAttribute(&infoInt, CU_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE_PCI_DEVICE_ID, dev); Store_field(specific_info,16, Val_int(infoInt)); cuDriverGetVersion(&infoInt); Store_field(specific_info, 17, Val_int(infoInt)); Store_field(cuda_info, 0, specific_info); device = caml_alloc(4, 0); Store_field(device, 0, general_info); Store_field(device, 1, cuda_info); {spoc_cuda_gc_info* gcInfo = (spoc_cuda_gc_info*)malloc(sizeof(spoc_cuda_gc_info)); CUDA_CHECK_CALL(cuMemGetInfo(&infoUInt, NULL)); infoUInt -= (32*1024*1024); Store_field(device, 2, (value)gcInfo); {cuda_event_list* events = NULL; Store_field(device, 3, (value)events); CAMLreturn(device);}} }
/* noalloc */ value bap_disasm_predicate_is_supported_stub(value d, value p) { return Val_bool(bap_disasm_predicate_is_supported(Int_val(d), Pred_val(p))); }
CAMLextern_C value caml_sfRenderWindow_isOpen(value win) { return Val_bool( SfRenderWindow_val(win)->isOpen()); }
/* unit -> bool */ CAMLprim value llvm_initialize_native_target(value Unit) { return Val_bool(LLVMInitializeNativeTarget()); }
value_t c_win32_dial ( value_t _mt, value_t _entryName, value_t phoneNumber, value_t userName, value_t password, value_t domain, value_t callback ) { char * entryName = String_val ( _entryName ); int mt = Bool_val ( _mt ); DWORD dwRet; RASDIALPARAMS rdParams; HRASCONN hRasConn; CAMLparam5 ( mt, _entryName, phoneNumber, userName, password ); CAMLxparam2 ( domain, callback ); printf ( "Callback passed = 0x%08x, deref = 0x%08x\n", (unsigned) callback, (unsigned)(*(void **)callback) ); fflush ( stdout ); hRasConn = NULL; rdParams.dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); lstrcpy(rdParams.szEntryName, entryName ); lstrcpy(rdParams.szPhoneNumber, String_val ( phoneNumber ) ); lstrcpy(rdParams.szCallbackNumber, "" ); lstrcpy(rdParams.szUserName, String_val ( userName ) ); lstrcpy(rdParams.szPassword, String_val ( password ) ); lstrcpy(rdParams.szDomain, String_val ( domain ) ); cb_info.g_status = 0; = mt; cb_info.p_closure = &callback; cb_info.entryName = entryName; textout ( mtINFO, "Dialing %s", entryName ); if (debug_print) printf ( "I am inside c_win32_dial!\n" ); if ( mt ) enter_blocking_section (); dwRet = RasDial ( NULL, NULL, &rdParams, 1L, (RASDIALFUNC) RasDialFunc1, &hRasConn ); if ( mt ) leave_blocking_section (); if ( dwRet ) { char szBuf[256]; if ( RasGetErrorString( dwRet, szBuf, 256 ) != 0 ) wsprintf( (LPSTR)szBuf, "Undefined RAS Dial Error (%ld).", dwRet ); textout ( mtERR, "Error attempting to connect: %s", szBuf ); hangup ( hRasConn ); } CAMLreturn (Val_bool ( 1 )); return 0; /* dummy, to shut down warning */ }
CAMLprim value lwt_unix_mapped(value v_bstr) { return Val_bool(Caml_ba_array_val(v_bstr)->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE); }
PREFIX value ml_elm_fileselector_button_inwin_mode_get(value v_obj) { return Val_bool(elm_fileselector_button_inwin_mode_get( Evas_Object_val(v_obj))); }
PREFIX value ml_elm_fileselector_multi_select_get(value v_obj) { return Val_bool(elm_fileselector_multi_select_get( (Evas_Object*) v_obj)); }
/* noalloc */ value bap_disasm_insn_satisfies_stub(value d, value i, value p) { return Val_bool(bap_disasm_insn_satisfies(Int_val(d), Int_val(i), Pred_val(p))); }
/* Executes a pattern match with runtime options, a regular expression, a string offset, a string length, a subject string, a number of subgroup offsets, an offset vector and an optional callout function */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub(value v_opt, value v_rex, value v_ofs, value v_subj, value v_subgroups2, value v_ovec, value v_maybe_cof) { const int ofs = Int_val(v_ofs), len = caml_string_length(v_subj); if (ofs > len || ofs < 0) caml_invalid_argument("Pcre.pcre_exec_stub: illegal offset"); { const pcre *code = (pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1); /* Compiled pattern */ const pcre_extra *extra = (pcre_extra *) Field(v_rex, 2); /* Extra info */ const char *ocaml_subj = String_val(v_subj); /* Subject string */ const int opt = Int_val(v_opt); /* Runtime options */ int subgroups2 = Int_val(v_subgroups2); const int subgroups2_1 = subgroups2 - 1; const int subgroups3 = (subgroups2 >> 1) + subgroups2; /* Special case when no callout functions specified */ if (v_maybe_cof == None) { int *ovec = (int *) &Field(v_ovec, 0); /* Performs the match */ const int ret = pcre_exec(code, extra, ocaml_subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); if (ret < 0) { switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { const int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = (long int *) ovec + subgroups2_1; /* Converts offsets from C-integers to OCaml-Integers This is a bit tricky, because there are 32- and 64-bit platforms around and OCaml chooses the larger possibility for representing integers when available (also in arrays) - not so the PCRE */ while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } } } /* There are callout functions */ else { value v_cof = Field(v_maybe_cof, 0); value v_substrings; char *subj = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(char) * len); int *ovec = caml_stat_alloc(sizeof(int) * subgroups3); int ret; struct cod cod = { (value *) NULL, (value *) NULL, (value) NULL }; struct pcre_extra new_extra = #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, 0 }; #else { PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL }; #endif memcpy(subj, ocaml_subj, len); Begin_roots3(v_rex, v_cof, v_substrings); Begin_roots2(v_subj, v_ovec); v_substrings = caml_alloc_small(2, 0); End_roots(); Field(v_substrings, 0) = v_subj; Field(v_substrings, 1) = v_ovec; cod.v_substrings_p = &v_substrings; cod.v_cof_p = &v_cof; new_extra.callout_data = &cod; if (extra == NULL) { ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } else { new_extra.flags = PCRE_EXTRA_CALLOUT_DATA | extra->flags; new_extra.study_data = extra->study_data; new_extra.match_limit = extra->match_limit; new_extra.tables = extra->tables; #ifdef PCRE_CONFIG_MATCH_LIMIT_RECURSION new_extra.match_limit_recursion = extra->match_limit_recursion; #endif ret = pcre_exec(code, &new_extra, subj, len, ofs, opt, ovec, subgroups3); } free(subj); End_roots(); if (ret < 0) { free(ovec); switch(ret) { case PCRE_ERROR_NOMATCH : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Not_found); case PCRE_ERROR_PARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_Partial); case PCRE_ERROR_MATCHLIMIT : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_MatchLimit); case PCRE_ERROR_BADPARTIAL : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadPartial); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8 : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8); case PCRE_ERROR_BADUTF8_OFFSET : caml_raise_constant(*pcre_exc_BadUTF8Offset); case PCRE_ERROR_CALLOUT : caml_raise(cod.v_exn); default : caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_exec_stub"); } } else { int *ovec_src = ovec + subgroups2_1; long int *ovec_dst = &Field(v_ovec, 0) + subgroups2_1; while (subgroups2--) { *ovec_dst = Val_int(*ovec_src); --ovec_src; --ovec_dst; } free(ovec); } } } return Val_unit; } /* Byte-code hook for pcre_exec_stub Needed, because there are more than 5 arguments */ CAMLprim value pcre_exec_stub_bc(value *argv, int __unused argn) { return pcre_exec_stub(argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); } /* Generates a new set of chartables for the current locale (see man page of PCRE */ CAMLprim value pcre_maketables_stub(value __unused v_unit) { /* GC will do a full cycle every 100 table set allocations (one table set consumes 864 bytes -> maximum of 86400 bytes unreclaimed table sets) */ const value v_res = caml_alloc_final(2, pcre_dealloc_tables, 864, 86400); Field(v_res, 1) = (value) pcre_maketables(); return v_res; } /* Wraps around the isspace-function */ CAMLprim value pcre_isspace_stub(value v_c) { return Val_bool(isspace(Int_val(v_c))); } /* Returns number of substring associated with a name */ CAMLprim value pcre_get_stringnumber_stub(value v_rex, value v_name) { const int ret = pcre_get_stringnumber((pcre *) Field(v_rex, 1), String_val(v_name)); if (ret == PCRE_ERROR_NOSUBSTRING) caml_invalid_argument("Named string not found"); return Val_int(ret); } /* Returns array of names of named substrings in a regexp */ CAMLprim value pcre_names_stub(value v_rex) { CAMLparam0(); CAMLlocal1(v_res); int name_count; int entry_size; const char *tbl_ptr; int i; int ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMECOUNT, &name_count); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMEENTRYSIZE, &entry_size); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); ret = pcre_fullinfo_stub(v_rex, PCRE_INFO_NAMETABLE, &tbl_ptr); if (ret != 0) caml_raise_with_string(*pcre_exc_InternalError, "pcre_names_stub"); v_res = caml_alloc(name_count, 0); for (i = 0; i < name_count; ++i) { value v_name = caml_copy_string(tbl_ptr + 2); Store_field(v_res, i, v_name); tbl_ptr += entry_size; } CAMLreturn(v_res); }
//bool isEmpty() const ; value ml_QObjectCleanupHandler_isEmpty_0(value self) { CAMLparam1 (self); CAMLlocal1(calling_result); calling_result = Val_bool (((QObjectCleanupHandler*)self) -> isEmpty()); CAMLreturn(calling_result); }
/* Returns boolean indicating use of stack recursion */ CAMLprim value pcre_config_stackrecurse_stub(value __unused v_unit) { return Val_bool(pcre_config_int(PCRE_CONFIG_STACKRECURSE)); }
value caml_mpi_comm_compare(value comm1, value comm2) { int res; MPI_Comm_compare(Comm_val(comm1), Comm_val(comm2), &res); return Val_bool(res); }
CAMLprim value bigstring_is_mmapped_stub(value v_bstr) { return Val_bool((Caml_ba_array_val(v_bstr)->flags & CAML_BA_MAPPED_FILE) != 0); }
CAMLprim value lwt_glib_poll(value val_fds, value val_count, value val_timeout) { gint timeout, lwt_timeout; long count; int i; GPollFD *gpollfd; gint events, revents; CAMLparam3(val_fds, val_count, val_timeout); CAMLlocal5(node, src, node_result, src_result, tmp); count = Long_val(val_count); g_main_context_dispatch(gc); g_main_context_prepare(gc, &max_priority); while (fds_count < count + (n_fds = g_main_context_query(gc, max_priority, &timeout, gpollfds, fds_count))) { free(gpollfds); fds_count = n_fds + count; gpollfds = lwt_unix_malloc(fds_count * sizeof (GPollFD)); } /* Clear all revents fields. */ for (i = 0; i < n_fds + count; i++) gpollfds[i].revents = 0; /* Add all Lwt fds. */ for (i = n_fds, node = val_fds; i < n_fds + count; i++, node = Field(node, 1)) { src = Field(node, 0); gpollfd = gpollfds + i; #if defined(LWT_ON_WINDOWS) gpollfd->fd = Handle_val(Field(src, 0)); #else gpollfd->fd = Int_val(Field(src, 0)); #endif events = 0; if (Bool_val(Field(src, 1))) events |= G_IO_IN; if (Bool_val(Field(src, 2))) events |= G_IO_OUT; gpollfd->events = events; } lwt_timeout = Int_val(val_timeout); if (timeout < 0 || (lwt_timeout >= 0 && lwt_timeout < timeout)) timeout = lwt_timeout; /* Do the blocking call. */ g_main_context_get_poll_func(gc)(gpollfds, n_fds + count, timeout); g_main_context_check(gc, max_priority, gpollfds, n_fds); /* Build the result. */ node_result = Val_int(0); for (i = n_fds, node = val_fds; i < n_fds + count; i++, node = Field(node, 1)) { src_result = caml_alloc_tuple(3); src = Field(node, 0); Field(src_result, 0) = Field(src, 0); revents = gpollfds[i].revents; Field(src_result, 1) = Val_bool(revents & G_IO_IN); Field(src_result, 2) = Val_bool(revents & G_IO_OUT); tmp = caml_alloc_tuple(2); Field(tmp, 0) = src_result; Field(tmp, 1) = node_result; node_result = tmp; } CAMLreturn(node_result); }
/* Target.t -> bool */ CAMLprim value llvm_target_has_target_machine(LLVMTargetRef Target) { return Val_bool(LLVMTargetHasTargetMachine(Target)); }
CAMLexport value unix_getsockopt_aux(char * name, enum option_type ty, int level, int option, value socket) { union option_value optval; socklen_param_type optsize; switch (ty) { case TYPE_BOOL: case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_UNIX_ERROR: optsize = sizeof(optval.i); break; case TYPE_LINGER: optsize = sizeof(optval.lg); break; case TYPE_TIMEVAL: optsize = sizeof(; break; default: unix_error(EINVAL, name, Nothing); } if (getsockopt(Int_val(socket), level, option, (void *) &optval, &optsize) == -1) uerror(name, Nothing); switch (ty) { case TYPE_BOOL: return Val_bool(optval.i); case TYPE_INT: return Val_int(optval.i); case TYPE_LINGER: if (optval.lg.l_onoff == 0) { return Val_int(0); /* None */ } else { value res = alloc_small(1, 0); /* Some */ Init_field(res, 0, Val_int(optval.lg.l_linger)); return res; } case TYPE_TIMEVAL: return copy_double((double) + (double) / 1e6); case TYPE_UNIX_ERROR: if (optval.i == 0) { return Val_int(0); /* None */ } else { value err, res; err = unix_error_of_code(optval.i); Begin_root(err); res = alloc_small(1, 0); /* Some */ Init_field(res, 0, err); End_roots(); return res; } default: unix_error(EINVAL, name, Nothing); } }
CAMLprim value win_terminate_process(value v_pid) { return (Val_bool(TerminateProcess((HANDLE) Long_val(v_pid), 0))); }
CAMLprim value stub_blk_rw(value unit) { CAMLparam1(unit); CAMLreturn(Val_bool(solo5_blk_rw())); }
CAMLprim value caml_sys_file_exists(value name) { struct stat st; return Val_bool(stat(String_val(name), &st) == 0); }
PREFIX value ml_elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_get(value v_obj) { return Val_bool(elm_fileselector_hidden_visible_get( (Evas_Object*) v_obj)); }
CAMLprim value caml_eq_float(value f, value g) { return Val_bool(Double_val(f) == Double_val(g)); }
CAMLprim value PQconn_isnull(value v_conn) { return Val_bool((get_conn(v_conn)) ? 0 : 1); }