void DoStart (GPtr globals) { ValidateParameters (globals); /* if stuff hasn't been initialized that we need, do it, then go check if we've got scripting commands to override our settings */ // update our parameters with the scripting parameters, if available ReadScriptParams (globals); // always reset the global document descriptor for safety gDocDesc = gDocInfo; if (gQueryForParameters) { DoUI (globals); // Show the UI gQueryForParameters = FALSE; } // Delete the memory we used for the Proxy view ReleaseProxyMemory(globals); if (gResult != noErr) return; // Do the actual filtering operation on the original image DoEffect(globals); }
void InitGlobals (Ptr globalPtr) { // create "globals" as a our struct global pointer so that any // macros work: GPtr globals = (GPtr)globalPtr; gProxyRect.top = 0; gProxyRect.bottom = 0; gProxyRect.left = 0; gProxyRect.right = 0; gViewAllLayerData = FALSE; gViewLayerIndex = 0; gDocDesc = gDocInfo; gScaleFactor = 1; gChannelData = NULL; gMaskData = NULL; gSelectionData = NULL; gOverlayData = NULL; if (gStuff->sSPBasic->AcquireSuite( kPSChannelPortsSuite, kPSChannelPortsSuiteVersion3, (const void **)&gPSChannelPortsSuite)) gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient; if (gStuff->sSPBasic->AcquireSuite( kPSBufferSuite, kPSBufferSuiteVersion2, (const void **)&gPSBufferSuite64)) gResult = errPlugInHostInsufficient; // Initialize global variables: ValidateParameters (globals); } // end InitGlobals
void DoParameters (GPtr globals) { ValidateParameters (globals); gQueryForParameters = TRUE; /* If we're here, that means we're being called for the first time. */ }
void EncryptionModeLRW::DecryptSectorsCurrentThread (byte *data, uint64 sectorIndex, uint64 sectorCount, size_t sectorSize) const { if_debug (ValidateState ()); if_debug (ValidateParameters (data, sectorCount, sectorSize)); DecryptBuffer (data, sectorCount * sectorSize, SectorToBlockIndex (sectorIndex)); }
void InitGlobals (Ptr globalPtr) { // create "globals" as a our struct global pointer so that any // macros work: GPtr globals = (GPtr)globalPtr; // Initialize global variables: ValidateParameters (globals); } // end InitGlobals
void UAnimNotifyState_TimedParticleEffect::NotifyBegin(USkeletalMeshComponent * MeshComp, class UAnimSequenceBase * Animation, float TotalDuration) { // Only spawn if we've got valid params if(ValidateParameters(MeshComp)) { UParticleSystemComponent* NewComponent = UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAttached(PSTemplate, MeshComp, SocketName, LocationOffset, RotationOffset); } Received_NotifyBegin(MeshComp, Animation, TotalDuration); }
void USceneCapturer::SetInitialState( int32 InStartFrame, int32 InEndFrame, FStereoCaptureDoneDelegate& InStereoCaptureDoneDelegate ) { if( bIsTicking ) { UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Warning, TEXT( "Already capturing a scene; concurrent captures are not allowed" ) ); return; } CapturePlayerController = UGameplayStatics::GetPlayerController( GWorld, 0 ); CaptureGameMode = UGameplayStatics::GetGameMode( GWorld ); if( CaptureGameMode == NULL || CapturePlayerController == NULL ) { UE_LOG( LogStereoPanorama, Warning, TEXT( "Missing GameMode or PlayerController" ) ); return; } // Calculate the steps and validate they will produce good results ValidateParameters(); // Setup starting criteria StartFrame = InStartFrame; EndFrame = InEndFrame; CurrentFrameCount = 0; CurrentStep = 0; CaptureStep = ECaptureStep::Unpause; Timestamp = FString::Printf( TEXT( "%s" ), *FDateTime::Now().ToString() ); //SetStartPosition(); // Create storage for atlas textures check( UnprojectedAtlasWidth * UnprojectedAtlasHeight <= MAX_int32 ); UnprojectedLeftEyeAtlas.AddUninitialized( UnprojectedAtlasWidth * UnprojectedAtlasHeight ); UnprojectedRightEyeAtlas.AddUninitialized( UnprojectedAtlasWidth * UnprojectedAtlasHeight ); StartTime = FDateTime::UtcNow(); OverallStartTime = StartTime; bIsTicking = true; StereoCaptureDoneDelegate = InStereoCaptureDoneDelegate; }
void DoStart (GPtr globals) { if (!WarnAdvanceStateAvailable ()) { gResult = userCanceledErr; // exit gracefully goto done; } if (!WarnColorServicesAvailable()) { gResult = userCanceledErr; // exit gracefully goto done; } ValidateParameters (globals); /* if stuff hasn't been initialized that we need, do it, then go check if we've got scripting commands to override our settings */ gQueryForParameters = ReadScriptParams (globals); // update our parameters with the scripting parameters, if available if (gQueryForParameters) { gQueryForParameters = FALSE; if (!DoUI (globals)) goto done; // canceled } if (gResult != noErr) goto done; done: // if one screws with the outData with a proxy, reset that here PISetRect (&gStuff->inRect, 0, 0, 0, 0); PISetRect (&gStuff->outRect, 0, 0, 0, 0); PISetRect (&gStuff->maskRect, 0, 0, 0, 0); }
BOOL ROBOT_IssueCommand(ArmId Arm, ArmAction Action, ArmRotate Rotate) { // Only accept a command if we aren't doing something already if(!Robot.Busy) { RobotCommand cmd; // Make sure the values make sense if(ValidateParameters(Arm, Action, Rotate)) { // Save values cmd.Arm = Arm; cmd.Rotate = Rotate; switch(Action) { case FACE_CW : cmd.Action = CW; GenerateSequenceFace(cmd); break; case FACE_CCW : cmd.Action = CCW; GenerateSequenceFace(cmd); break; case CUBE_CW : cmd.Action = CW; GenerateSequenceCube(cmd); break; case CUBE_CCW : cmd.Action = CCW; GenerateSequenceCube(cmd); break; } // Set robot as busy Robot.Busy = TRUE; return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
int set_machine_sid_main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { DWORD dwError = 0; PSTR pszMachineSid = NULL; size_t dwErrorBufferSize = 0; BOOLEAN bPrintOrigError = TRUE; if (geteuid() != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "This program requires super-user privileges.\n"); dwError = LW_ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; BAIL_ON_LSA_ERROR(dwError); } dwError = ParseArgs(argc, argv, &pszMachineSid); BAIL_ON_LSA_ERROR(dwError); dwError = ValidateParameters(pszMachineSid); BAIL_ON_LSA_ERROR(dwError); dwError = SetMachineSid(pszMachineSid); BAIL_ON_LSA_ERROR(dwError); cleanup: if (pszMachineSid) { LW_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pszMachineSid); } return dwError; error: dwError = MapErrorCode(dwError); dwErrorBufferSize = LwGetErrorString(dwError, NULL, 0); if (dwErrorBufferSize > 0) { DWORD dwError2 = 0; PSTR pszErrorBuffer = NULL; dwError2 = LwAllocateMemory( dwErrorBufferSize, (PVOID*)&pszErrorBuffer); if (!dwError2) { DWORD dwLen = 0; dwLen = LwGetErrorString(dwError, pszErrorBuffer, dwErrorBufferSize); if ((dwLen == dwErrorBufferSize) && !LW_IS_NULL_OR_EMPTY_STR(pszErrorBuffer)) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify SID. Error code %u (%s).\n%s\n", dwError, LW_PRINTF_STRING(LwWin32ExtErrorToName(dwError)), pszErrorBuffer); bPrintOrigError = FALSE; } } LW_SAFE_FREE_STRING(pszErrorBuffer); } if (bPrintOrigError) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to modify SID. Error code %u (%s).\n", dwError, LW_PRINTF_STRING(LwWin32ExtErrorToName(dwError))); } goto cleanup; }
void _CLASS_GEN(Algorithm)::run(CContextDataStore *dataStore, std::function<void (CContextDataStore *)> callback){ if(!IsBusy() && mSettings != nullptr && mLogger != nullptr && ValidateParameters(mSettings)){ executeAlgorithm(dataStore); callback(dataStore); } }
void RunCommandLineSystem(int argc, char** argv){ string algorithmToRun=""; if(argc > ALGORITHM_NAME) algorithmToRun = argv[ALGORITHM_NAME]; else { cerr<<"Error: System went into command line system with no content.\n Switching to menu system.\n"; //return RunMenuSystem(); } DilutionAlgorithms algorithm = GetDilutionAlgorithm(algorithmToRun); DagGen * dag = NULL; vector<string> parameters; for(int i = ALGORITHM_ARGS_START; i< argc; ++i) parameters.push_back(argv[i]); string errorMessage; if(!ValidateParameters(algorithm,parameters,errorMessage)){ cerr<<"Arguments for " << algorithmToRun << " invalid\n"<< errorMessage<<endl; return; } if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Validated Parameters"<<endl; switch(algorithm){ case MINMIX: /* Concentration Values, 7 7 5 5 3 3 2*/ if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running MINMIX"<<endl; dag = MinMix::RunMinMix(parameters); break; case REMIA: /*numerator denominator, 131 256*/ if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running Remia"<<endl; dag = Remia::RunRemia(parameters); break; case WARA: /*Single input and multi input, 27 59 223 256*/ //Broken needs to be re written. //cout<<"Running Wara"<<endl; //Wara::Run_Wara(dag,parameters); break; case GORMA: /*numerator denominator 121 256*/ //partially broken Needs branch and Bound if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running Gorma: This algorithm takes a while"<<endl; dag= new DagGen(); Gorma::RunGorma(parameters,dag); break; case GDA: //char * a[] = {"blah", "0", "1", ".5", "5"}; //GDA::RunGDA(5, a,dag); break; case CODOS: /* {"7","7", "5", "5", "3","3","2" };*/ if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running CODOS"<<endl; dag = CoDOS::RunCoDOS(parameters); break; case NRT_ISI: /*45 23 67 93*/ /*char * a[] = {"blah", "3", "6", "9" };*/ if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running NRT_ISI"<<endl; dag = NRT_ISI::RunNRT_ISI(parameters); break; case IDMA://numops tolerance desiredconcentratin /*10 .0078125 0.1015625*/ dag = new DagGen(); if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<< "Running IDMA"<<endl; IDMA::RunIDMA(parameters, dag); break; case ISINCKU:/* numerator differnceBetweenSamples n^2(denominator) numSample {11 10 6 5 }*/ dag = new DagGen(); if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout << "Running NCKU"<<endl; ISI_NCKU::RUN_NCKU(parameters, dag); break; case GRIFFITH: //numops tolerance desiredconcentratin /*10 .0078125 0.1015625*/ dag = new DagGen(); if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Running Griffith"<<endl; GriffDilute::RunGriffith(parameters, dag); break; case DMRW: //numops tolerance desiredconcentratin /*10 .0078125 0.1015625*/ dag = new DagGen(); if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<< "Running DMRW"<<endl; RoyDilute::RunDMRW(parameters,dag); break; case MTC:/*filename denominator numerators ... {test 16 10 12 13 14}*/ if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Runnig MTC"<<endl; parameters.insert(parameters.begin(),argv[FILE_NAME_POSITION]); dag = new DagGen(); MTC::RunMTC(parameters, dag); break; case ALGORITHM_NOT_FOUND: default: cerr<<"ERROR: algorithm " << algorithmToRun << " not recognized." << endl; return; } if(!SILENCE_OUTPUT) cout<<"Success"<<endl; string output = argv[OUTPUT_TYPE_POSITION]; string fileName = argv[FILE_NAME_POSITION]; if(fileName == "CONSOLE") fileName = ""; OutputDag(dag, output, fileName); delete dag; }
void DoPrepare (GPtr globals) { ValidateParameters (globals); }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { unsigned int* __restrict address; unsigned int* __restrict memory; unsigned int i, j; unsigned int t=0; unsigned int numberOfMemoryLocation; dictionary *programInput; double startTime; double elapsedTime = 0, totalElapsedTime = 0; double initializationTime, experimentTime; programInput = ParseInput(argc, argv); ValidateParameters(); // Initialize memory manager MMMasterInitialize(0, 0, FALSE, NULL); numberOfMemoryLocation = MemorySize / sizeof(int); // Allocate memory address = MMUnitAllocate((NumberOfAccess + 8) * sizeof(unsigned int)); memory = MMUnitAllocate((numberOfMemoryLocation + 32) * sizeof(unsigned int)); // Set random seed r250_init(getRandomSeed()); // Set start time startTime = setStartTime(); printf("Initialize memory pointers with random values.."); for (i=0; i<numberOfMemoryLocation + 32; i++) { memory[i] = r250(); } // Initialize address and memory for (i=0; i<NumberOfAccess + 8; i++) { address[i] = (r250() % numberOfMemoryLocation) / 4 * 4; } printf("finished.\n"); elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime; totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime; initializationTime = elapsedTime; // Test memory speed for read if (ReadWrite[0] == 'R' || ReadWrite[0] == 'r') { for (i=0; i<NumberOfIteration; i++) { for (j=0; j<NumberOfAccess; j++) { t += memory[address[j]]; } } } // Test memory speed for write if (ReadWrite[0] == 'W' || ReadWrite[0] == 'w') { for (i=0; i<NumberOfIteration; i++) { for (j=0; j<NumberOfAccess; j++) { memory[address[j]] += address[j]; } } } elapsedTime = getElapsedTime(startTime) - totalElapsedTime; totalElapsedTime += elapsedTime; experimentTime = elapsedTime; // So that compiler does not remove code for variables t and r if (t==0) { printf("\n"); } printf("Experiment completed.\n"); printf("Initialization time = "); printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 2, initializationTime); printf("Experiment time = "); printElapsedTime(stdout, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, 2, experimentTime); MMUnitFree(address, (NumberOfAccess + 8) * sizeof(unsigned int)); MMUnitFree(memory, (numberOfMemoryLocation + 32) * sizeof(unsigned int)); iniparser_freedict(programInput); return 0; }