Esempio n. 1
/* This compares two variants for equality */
static int com_objects_compare(zval *object1, zval *object2)
	php_com_dotnet_object *obja, *objb;
	int ret;
	/* strange header bug problem here... the headers define the proto without the
	 * flags parameter.  However, the MSDN docs state that there is a flags parameter,
	 * and my VC6 won't link unless the code uses the version with 4 parameters.
	 * So, we have this declaration here to fix it */
	STDAPI VarCmp(LPVARIANT pvarLeft, LPVARIANT pvarRight, LCID lcid, DWORD flags);

	obja = CDNO_FETCH(object1);
	objb = CDNO_FETCH(object2);

	switch (VarCmp(&obja->v, &objb->v, LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0)) {
		case VARCMP_LT:
			ret = -1;
		case VARCMP_GT:
			ret = 1;
		case VARCMP_EQ:
			ret = 0;
			/* either or both operands are NULL...
			 * not 100% sure how to handle this */
			ret = -2;

	return ret;
HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE TextAreaTextRange::FindAttribute(_In_ TEXTATTRIBUTEID textAttributeId, _In_ VARIANT val, _In_ BOOL searchBackward, _Outptr_result_maybenull_ ITextRangeProvider **retVal)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    *retVal = NULL;

    EndPoint start = searchBackward ? _range.end : _range.begin;
    EndPoint finish   = searchBackward ? _range.begin : _range.end;
    EndPoint current = start;

    // This will loop until 'current' passes or is equal to the end
    while (QuickCompareEndpoints(searchBackward ? finish : current, searchBackward ? current : finish) < 0)
        int walked;
        EndPoint next = Walk(current, !searchBackward, TextUnit_Format, textAttributeId, 1, &walked);
        VARIANT curValue = _control->GetAttributeAtPoint(searchBackward ? current : next, textAttributeId);

        hr = VarCmp(&val, &curValue, LOCALE_NEUTRAL);

        if (hr == VARCMP_EQ)
            Range found;
            found.begin = searchBackward ? next : current;

            // For line based attributes, the start character will be the end of the previous line
            // bump it up one to make it an even line
            for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(lineVariableAttributes); i++)
                if (textAttributeId == lineVariableAttributes[i])
                    if (found.begin.character > 0)
                        found.begin.character = 0;

            // If next is past the end of the current range, end at the end of the current range instead
            if (QuickCompareEndpoints(searchBackward ? finish : next, searchBackward ? next : finish) > 0)
                found.end = finish;
                found.end = searchBackward ? current : next;
            *retVal = new TextAreaTextRange(_hwnd, _control, found);
            if (*retVal == NULL)
                hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY;

        current = next;
    return hr;
int CXTPReportRecordItemVariant::Compare(CXTPReportColumn*, CXTPReportRecordItem* pItem)
	if (GetSortPriority() != -1 || pItem->GetSortPriority() != -1)
		return GetSortPriority() - pItem->GetSortPriority();

	CXTPReportRecordItemVariant* pItemVariant = DYNAMIC_DOWNCAST(CXTPReportRecordItemVariant, pItem);
	if (!pItemVariant)
		return 0;

	ULONG dwFlags = m_pRecord->GetRecords()->IsCaseSensitive() ? 0 : NORM_IGNORECASE;

	LCID lcidnSortLocale = m_nSortLocale;
	if (lcidnSortLocale == LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT)
		lcidnSortLocale = CXTPReportControlLocale::GetActiveLCID();
	return VarCmp(m_oleValue, pItemVariant->m_oleValue, lcidnSortLocale, dwFlags) - VARCMP_EQ;
bool TextAreaTextRange::CheckEndPointIsUnitEndpoint(_In_ EndPoint check, _In_ TextUnit unit, _In_ TEXTATTRIBUTEID specificAttribute)
    if (unit == TextUnit_Character)
        return true;

    EndPoint next;
    EndPoint prev;
    if (!_control->StepCharacter(check, true, &next) ||
        !_control->StepCharacter(check, false, &prev))
        // If we're at the beginning or end, we're at an endpoint
        return true;

    else if (unit == TextUnit_Word)
        if (IsWhiteSpace(prev) && !IsWhiteSpace(check))
            return true;
        return false;

    else if (unit == TextUnit_Line || unit == TextUnit_Paragraph)
        return check.line != next.line;

    // TextUnit_Page and TextUnit_Document are covered by the initial beginning/end check
    else if (unit == TextUnit_Page || unit == TextUnit_Document)
        return false;

    else if (unit == TextUnit_Format)
        bool matching = true;
        bool checkedLineBoundary = false;
        // There are limited attributes that vary in this control
        // If its not one of those attributes, then it is not an Endpoint
        // unless it's the document start or end, which is checked above
        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(lineVariableAttributes); i++)
            if (specificAttribute == 0 || specificAttribute == lineVariableAttributes[i])
                if (!checkedLineBoundary)
                    if (!CheckEndPointIsUnitEndpoint(check, TextUnit_Paragraph, 0))
                    checkedLineBoundary = true;

                VARIANT varC = _control->GetAttributeAtPoint(check, lineVariableAttributes[i]);
                VARIANT varN = _control->GetAttributeAtPoint(next, lineVariableAttributes[i]);
                HRESULT hr = VarCmp(&varC, &varN, LOCALE_NEUTRAL);
                if (hr != VARCMP_EQ)
                    matching = false;

        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(charVariableAttributes); i++)
            if (specificAttribute == 0 || specificAttribute == charVariableAttributes[i])
                int *annotationIds;
                int annotationCount;
                if (GetAnnotationsAtPoint(check, &annotationIds, &annotationCount))
                    int *prevAnnotationIds;
                    int prevAnnotationCount;
                    if (GetAnnotationsAtPoint(prev, &prevAnnotationIds, &prevAnnotationCount))
                        if (annotationCount != prevAnnotationCount)
                            matching = false;
                        // Since all our annotations are the same type, if the number matches,
                        // then the UIA_AnnotationTypesAttributeId all match
                        else if (charVariableAttributes[i] == UIA_AnnotationObjectsAttributeId)
                            for (int j = 0; j < annotationCount; j++)
                                if (annotationIds[j] != prevAnnotationIds[j])
                                    matching = false;
                        delete [] prevAnnotationIds;
                    delete [] annotationIds;
        return !matching;

    return false;