void PutPsFile(void) { Prologue(); Variables(); CurvesInit(); DoTitleAndBox(); if (multipageflag) { Key(); // print multi-page key even if there are more than 20 bands NextPage(); } Axes(); if (!multipageflag && (TWENTY != 0)) Key(); Curves(); if (!yflag) Marks(); fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n"); }
void SetToDefaultValues(RobotState* state) { for (auto& v : Variables(state->model)) { auto position = GetDefaultPosition(state->model, &v); SetVariablePosition(state, &v, position); } }
void PutPsFile() { Prologue(); Variables(); BorderOutlineBox(); if (bflag) { BigTitleOutlineBox(); BigTitleText(); } else { TitleOutlineBox(); TitleText(); } CurvesInit(); Axes(); if (TWENTY) Key(); Curves(); if (!yflag) Marks(); fprintf(psfp, "showpage\n"); }
t_data Arg(char *argv, t_data d) { int i = 0; char valor[50]; t_data data; data = d; if(isdigit(argv[0])) return d; if(argv[0] == 'S'); else { while(argv[i+2] != '\0') { valor[i] = argv[i+2]; i++; } valor[i] = '\0'; } if(argv[0] == '-' && argv[1] == 'd') { debug = 1; d_level = atoi(valor); if(d_level == 0) d_level =1; return d; } data= Variables(argv[0], valor,d); return data; }
/** * This is the the overriding virtual function that provides the expansion into * the parabolic equation. * See BasisFunction for more information. * * @param vars A vector of double values to use for the expansion. */ void Parabola::Expand(const std::vector<double> &vars) { if((int) vars.size() != Variables()) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Number of variables given (" << vars.size() << ") does not match expected (" << Variables() << ")!" << std::ends; // std::cout << msg.str << std::endl; // throw Isis::iException::Message("Isis::iException::Programmer",msg.str, // _FILEINFO_); } p_terms.clear(); p_terms.push_back(1.0); p_terms.push_back(vars[0]); p_terms.push_back(vars[0] * vars[0]); return; }
double define_name(string var, double val) //adds variable name var, value val to the table { //if variable already on the table (if is_declared() returns true) if(is_declared(var)) error(var, " declared twice"); variablesTable.push_back(Variables(var, val)); return val; }
Testee(fun::FUN* fun) : MyFUInterface(Variables()), CommandTypeSpecifier<>(fun), HasReceptor<>(), HasConnector<>(), HasDeliverer<>(), Cloneable<Testee>() { changeState(createState<ReadyForTransmission>()); }
task usercontrol(){ bLCDBacklight = true; clearLCDLine(0); clearLCDLine(1); while (true) { Variables(); Control(); } }
void Declarations() { while(strchr("lctvpf", Look)) { switch(Look) { case 'l': Labels(); case 'c': Constants(); case 't': Types(); case 'v': Variables(); case 'p': DoProcedure(); case 'f': DoFunction(); } } }
void Declarations(){ int other = 0; while(!other){ switch(Look){ case 'l' : Labels(); break; case 'c' : Constants(); break; case 't' : Types(); break; case 'v' : Variables(); break; case 'p' : DoProcedure(); break; case 'f' : DoFunction(); break; default : other = 1; } } }
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceRedact::getNext() { while (boost::optional<Document> in = pSource->getNext()) { Variables vars = Variables(*in, Value(*in), DOC("DESCEND" << descendVal << "PRUNE" << pruneVal << "KEEP" << keepVal)); if (boost::optional<Document> result = redactObject(vars)) { return result; } } return boost::none; }
boost::optional<Document> DocumentSourceProject::getNext() { pExpCtx->checkForInterrupt(); boost::optional<Document> input = pSource->getNext(); if (!input) return boost::none; /* create the result document */ const size_t sizeHint = pEO->getSizeHint(); MutableDocument out (sizeHint); /* Use the ExpressionObject to create the base result. If we're excluding fields at the top level, leave out the _id if it is found, because we took care of it above. */ pEO->addToDocument(out, *input, Variables(*input)); #if defined(_DEBUG) if (!_simpleProjection.getSpec().isEmpty()) { // Make sure we return the same results as Projection class BSONObj inputBson = input->toBson(); BSONObj outputBson = out.peek().toBson(); BSONObj projected = _simpleProjection.transform(inputBson); if (projected != outputBson) { log() << "$project applied incorrectly: " << getRaw() << endl; log() << "input: " << inputBson << endl; log() << "out: " << outputBson << endl; log() << "projected: " << projected << endl; verify(false); // exits in _DEBUG builds } } #endif return out.freeze(); }
Variables ScriptManager::callFunction(const Common::UString &name, const Variables ¶ms) { assert(!name.empty()); assert(_luaState && _regNestingLevel == 0); std::vector<Common::UString> parts; Common::UString::split(name, '.', parts); if (parts.empty()) { error("Lua call \"%s\" failed: bad name", name.c_str()); return Variables(); } const Common::UString funcName = parts.back(); parts.pop_back(); if (parts.empty()) { return getGlobalFunction(funcName).call(params); } TableRef table = getGlobalTable(parts[0]); for (uint32 i = 1; i < parts.size(); ++i) { table = table.getTableAt(parts[i]); } return table.getFunctionAt(funcName).call(params); }
Variables FunctionRef::call() const { return call(Variables()); }
Variables getVariables() const { return Variables( const_cast< System* >( this )->theVariableMap.begin(), const_cast< System* >( this )->theVariableMap.end() ); }
MCGUIComponent::MCGUIComponent(const QString &mcNamespace, const QString &name, Type type, bool parseDataBindings, const MCGUIComponent *base, const QJsonObject &object) : mcNamespace(mcNamespace), name(name), type(type) { if (base != nullptr) { this->base = base; ignored = base->ignored; bindings = base->bindings; variables = base->variables; controls = base->controls; } { Variables vars; for (auto i = object.begin(); i != object.end(); i++) { if (i.key()[0] == '$') vars.vars[i.key()] = *i; } variables.push_back(vars); } if (object["variables"].isObject()) { variables.push_back(Variables(object["variables"].toObject())); } else if (object["variables"].isArray()) { QJsonArray vars = object["variables"].toArray(); for (QJsonValue const& v : vars) { if (v.isObject()) variables.push_back(Variables(v.toObject())); } } if (parseDataBindings) { for (QJsonValue v : object["bindings"].toArray()) { if (!v.isObject()) continue; QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); MCGUIDataBinding binding; binding.name.setJSON(o["binding_name"], ""); binding.nameOverride.setJSON(o["binding_name_override"], ""); binding.type.setJSON(o["binding_type"], MCGUIDataBinding::Type::GLOBAL); bindings.push_back(binding); } } ignored.setJSON(object, "ignored", bindings); if (object["controls"].isArray()) { for (QJsonValue v : object["controls"].toArray()) { if (!v.isObject()) continue; QJsonObject o = v.toObject(); for (auto i = o.begin(); i != o.end(); i++) { QJsonObject io = i->toObject(); MCGUIVariableExtendComponent el; QString cName = i.key(); if (!cName.contains("@") && !cName.startsWith("$")) { MCGUIComponent::Type type = MCGUIComponent::getTypeFromString(io["type"].toString("")); el.name = cName; el.component = MCGUIComponent::createComponentOfType(type, mcNamespace, cName, nullptr, io); if (el.component != nullptr) controls.push_back(el); continue; } el.object = io; el.mcNamespace = mcNamespace; el.name = cName; el.name.variableName = cName; controls.push_back(el); } } } }
t_data Scan_Data(char *file, t_data d) { char c, mesg[100],arg[10], valor[10],aux[100]; FILE *fin; int lines = 0, *linea_vacia, i = 0, j = 0, error = 0; t_data data; data = d; linea_vacia = (int*) calloc (1, sizeof(int)); printf("\nOpening data file %s ...............",file); if ((fin = fopen (file, "r")) == NULL) { /* Abrimos el archivo de datos */ printf(" FAILED\n"); fprintf (stderr, "\nERROR: File ’%s’ does not exist or it can't be read......... TERMINATED\n\n", file); exit(1); } else printf(" OK\n"); printf("Reading data file %s ...............",file); fflush(stdin); fflush(stdout); while((c = getc(fin)) != EOF) { /* Leemos el archivo de datos */ if(c == '#'){ /* Si se detecta una # como primer carácter de línea... */ linea_vacia[lines] = 1; DEBUG3("Comentario Encontrado"); } if(c == '\n') { DEBUG3("Línea encontrada"); lines++; linea_vacia = (int*) realloc (linea_vacia,(lines+1)*sizeof(int)); linea_vacia[lines] = 0; } } rewind(fin); for(j = 0; j < lines; j++) { sprintf(mesg,"línea %d: vacía: %d ",j,linea_vacia[j] ); DEBUG3(mesg); if(linea_vacia[j] == 0) { DEBUG("Escaneando línea"); fscanf(fin,"%s\n",arg); if(isdigit(arg[0])) { printf("\nERROR de lectura: la línea %d tiene formato incorrecto\n",lines); error = 1; } else { i = 0; while(arg[i+2] != '\0') { valor[i] = arg[i+2]; i++; } valor[i] = '\0'; sprintf(mesg,"Valor de %c = %s",arg[0],valor); DEBUG(mesg); sprintf(mesg,"Valor de %c = %lf (convertido)\n",arg[0],atof(valor)); DEBUG(mesg); } data = Variables(arg[0],valor, d); sprintf(mesg,"data.init_dist = %d\t data.vr = %lf ",data.init_dist,data.vr ); DEBUG(mesg); d = data; sprintf(mesg,"data.init_dist = %d\t data.vr = %lf ",data.init_dist,data.vr ); DEBUG(mesg); } else { fscanf(fin," %[^\n]s",aux); } } fclose(fin); if(error == 0) printf(" OK\n"); else printf(" ERROR\n"); sprintf(mesg,"data.vr = %lf ",data.vr ); DEBUG(mesg); return data; }
Variables ScriptManager::callFunction(const Common::UString &name) { return callFunction(name, Variables()); }