void B020612E_Steering::CreateFeelers()
	//feeler pointing straight in front
	_pFeelers[0] = _pTank->GetCentrePosition() + _pWallDetectionFeelerLength * _pTank->GetHeading();

	//feeler to left
	Vector2D temp = _pTank->GetHeading();
	Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(temp, HalfPi * 3.5f);
	_pFeelers[1] = _pTank->GetCentrePosition() + _pWallDetectionFeelerLength / 2.0f * temp;

	//feeler to right
	temp = _pTank->GetHeading();
	Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(temp, HalfPi * 0.5f);
	_pFeelers[2] = _pTank->GetCentrePosition() + _pWallDetectionFeelerLength / 2.0f * temp;
Esempio n. 2
std::list<cocos2d::Point> Path::CreateRandomPath(int   NumWaypoints,
										   double MinX,
										   double MinY,
										   double MaxX,
										   double MaxY)

	double midX = (MaxX+MinX)/2.0;
	double midY = (MaxY+MinY)/2.0;

	double smaller = MIN(midX, midY);

	double spacing = TwoPi/(double)NumWaypoints;

	for (int i=0; i<NumWaypoints; ++i)
		double RadialDist = RandInRange(smaller*0.2f, smaller);

		cocos2d::Point temp(RadialDist, 0.0f);

		Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(temp, i*spacing);

		temp.x += midX; temp.y += midY;



	curWaypoint = m_WayPoints.begin();

	return m_WayPoints;
inline void ShotGun::ShootAt(Vector2D pos)
  if (NumRoundsRemaining() > 0 && isReadyForNextShot())
    //a shotgun cartridge contains lots of tiny metal balls called pellets. 
    //Therefore, every time the shotgun is discharged we have to calculate
    //the spread of the pellets and add one for each trajectory
    for (int b=0; b<m_iNumBallsInShell; ++b)
      //determine deviation from target using a bell curve type distribution
      double deviation = RandInRange(0, m_dSpread) + RandInRange(0, m_dSpread) - m_dSpread;

      Vector2D AdjustedTarget = pos - m_pOwner->Pos();
      //rotate the target vector by the deviation
      Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(AdjustedTarget, deviation);
      //add a pellet to the game world
      m_pOwner->GetWorld()->AddShotGunPellet(m_pOwner, AdjustedTarget + m_pOwner->Pos());




    //add a trigger to the game so that the other bots can hear this shot
    //(provided they are within range)
    m_pOwner->GetWorld()->GetMap()->AddSoundTrigger(m_pOwner, script->GetDouble("ShotGun_SoundRange"));
//---------------------------- AddNoiseToAim ----------------------------------
//  adds a random deviation to the firing angle not greater than m_dAimAccuracy 
//  rads
void Raven_WeaponSystem::AddNoiseToAim(Vector2D& AimingPos)const
	Vector2D toPos = AimingPos - m_pOwner->Pos();

	Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(toPos, RandInRange(-m_dAimAccuracy, m_dAimAccuracy));

	AimingPos = toPos + m_pOwner->Pos();
//---------------------------- AddFuzzyDeviationToAim -------------------------
//  adds a deviation to the firing angle using fuzzy logic
//-------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------
void Raven_WeaponSystem::AddFuzzyDeviationToAim(Vector2D& AimingPos)
	double distToTarget = Vec2DDistance(m_pOwner->Pos(), m_pOwner->GetTargetSys()->GetTarget()->Pos());
	double targetVelocity = m_pOwner->Speed();
	double targetVisiblePeriod = m_pOwner->GetTargetSys()->GetTimeTargetHasBeenVisible();

	/* Fuzzification */
	m_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("DistToTarget", distToTarget);
	m_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("TargetVelocity", targetVelocity);
	m_FuzzyModule.Fuzzify("TargetVisiblePeriod", targetVisiblePeriod);

	double derivation = m_FuzzyModule.DeFuzzify("Deviation", FuzzyModule::max_av);
	bool isDerivationPosition = RandBool();

	/* Deviation computing */
	Vector2D toPos = AimingPos - m_pOwner->Pos();

	if (isDerivationPosition)
		Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(toPos, derivation*m_dAimAccuracy);
		Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(toPos, -1 * derivation*m_dAimAccuracy);

	AimingPos = toPos + m_pOwner->Pos();
void Dribble::Execute(FieldPlayer* player)
  double dot = player->Team()->HomeGoal()->Facing().Dot(player->Heading());

  //if the ball is between the player and the home goal, it needs to swivel
  // the ball around by doing multiple small kicks and turns until the player 
  //is facing in the correct direction
  if (dot < 0)
    //the player's heading is going to be rotated by a small amount (Pi/4) 
    //and then the ball will be kicked in that direction
    Vector2D direction = player->Heading();

    //calculate the sign (+/-) of the angle between the player heading and the 
    //facing direction of the goal so that the player rotates around in the 
    //correct direction
    double angle = QuarterPi * -1 *

    Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(direction, angle);

    //this value works well whjen the player is attempting to control the
    //ball and turn at the same time
    const double KickingForce = 0.8;

    player->Ball()->Kick(direction, KickingForce);

  //kick the ball down the field

  //the player has kicked the ball so he must now change state to follow it
Esempio n. 7
//--------------------------- BoundsAvoidance --------------------------------
//  This returns a steering force that will keep the agent in an area
Vector2D SteeringBehavior::BoundsAvoidance()

	std::vector<Vector2D> m_Feelers(3);
	const float m_dWallDetectionFeelerLength = 20;

	//feeler pointing straight in front
	m_Feelers[0] = m_pMovingEntity->Pos() + m_dWallDetectionFeelerLength * m_pMovingEntity->Heading();

	//feeler to left
	Vector2D temp = m_pMovingEntity->Heading();
	Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(temp, HalfPi * 3.5f);
	m_Feelers[1] = m_pMovingEntity->Pos() + m_dWallDetectionFeelerLength/2.0f * temp;

	//feeler to right
	temp = m_pMovingEntity->Heading();
	Vec2DRotateAroundOrigin(temp, HalfPi * 0.5f);
	m_Feelers[2] = m_pMovingEntity->Pos() + m_dWallDetectionFeelerLength/2.0f * temp;

	float DistToThisIP    = 0.0;
	float DistToClosestIP = MaxDouble;

	Vector2D wallsv[5] = {Vector2D(m_bounds.left, m_bounds.top),
		Vector2D(m_bounds.left, m_bounds.top+m_bounds.height),
		Vector2D(m_bounds.left+m_bounds.width, m_bounds.top+m_bounds.height),
		Vector2D(m_bounds.left+m_bounds.width, m_bounds.top),
		Vector2D(m_bounds.left, m_bounds.top)

	//this will hold an index into the vector of walls
	int ClosestWall = -1;

	Vector2D SteeringForce,
		point,         //used for storing temporary info
		ClosestPoint;  //holds the closest intersection point

	//examine each feeler in turn
	for (unsigned int flr=0; flr<m_Feelers.size(); ++flr) {

		//run through each wall checking for any intersection points
		for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

			if (LineIntersection2D(m_pMovingEntity->Pos(),
				//is this the closest found so far? If so keep a record
				if (DistToThisIP < DistToClosestIP)
					DistToClosestIP = DistToThisIP;

					ClosestWall = i;

					ClosestPoint = point;
		}//next wall

		//if an intersection point has been detected, calculate a force  
		//that will direct the agent away
		if (ClosestWall != -1)
			//calculate by what distance the projected position of the agent
			//will overshoot the wall
			Vector2D OverShoot = m_Feelers[flr] - ClosestPoint;

			Vector2D temp = Vec2DNormalize(wallsv[ClosestWall] - wallsv[ClosestWall+1]);
			Vector2D normal (-temp.y,temp.x);

			//create a force in the direction of the wall normal, with a 
			//magnitude of the overshoot
			SteeringForce = normal * OverShoot.Length();

	}//next feeler

	return SteeringForce;