static void ReCenterSequence(const std::string & _pcSequence, Vec2s & iMin, Vec2s & iMax) { Vec2s iSize = Vec2s(0, 0); iMin = Vec2s(0, 0); iMax = Vec2s(0, 0); for(size_t iI = 0; iI < _pcSequence.length(); iI++) { Vec2s es2dVector = GetSymbVector(_pcSequence[iI]); es2dVector *= symbolVecScale; iSize += es2dVector; iMin = glm::min(iMin, iSize); iMax = glm::max(iMax, iSize); } }
void FlareLine(const Vec2s & pos0, const Vec2s & pos1, Entity * io) { Vec2f tmpPos0 = Vec2f(pos0); Vec2f tmpPos1 = Vec2f(pos1); Vec2f d = tmpPos1 - tmpPos0; Vec2f ad = glm::abs(d); if(ad.x > ad.y) { if(tmpPos0.x > tmpPos1.x) { std::swap(tmpPos0, tmpPos1); } float m = d.y / d.x; long i = tmpPos0.x; while(i < tmpPos1.x) { long z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; if(!io) { z *= g_sizeRatio.y; } i += z; tmpPos0.y += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(i, tmpPos0.y), io); } } else { if(tmpPos0.y > tmpPos1.y) { std::swap(tmpPos0, tmpPos1); } float m = d.x / d.y; long i = tmpPos0.y; while(i < tmpPos1.y) { long z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; if(!io) { z *= g_sizeRatio.y; } i += z; tmpPos0.x += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(tmpPos0.x, i), io); } } }
static Vec2s GetSymbVector(char c) { switch(c) { case '1': return Vec2s(-1, 1); case '2': return Vec2s( 0, 1); case '3': return Vec2s( 1, 1); case '4': return Vec2s(-1, 0); case '6': return Vec2s( 1, 0); case '7': return Vec2s(-1, -1); case '8': return Vec2s( 0, -1); case '9': return Vec2s( 1, -1); default : return Vec2s( 0, 0); } }
MenuCursor::MenuCursor() : m_size(Vec2s(64, 64)) { exited = true; bMouseOver=false; m_currentFrame=0; lFrameDiff = PlatformDuration_ZERO; }
MaterialLayerBase::MaterialLayerBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfMaterial (NULL), _sfColor (Color4f(1.0f,1.0f,1.0f,1.0f)), _sfScale (UInt32(MaterialLayer::SCALE_STRETCH)), _sfScaleAbsoluteSize (Vec2s(1,1)), _sfVerticalAlignment (Real32(0.5)), _sfHorizontalAlignment (Real32(0.5)) { }
MenuCursor::MenuCursor() : m_size(Vec2s(64, 64)) { exited = true; bMouseOver = false; m_currentFrame = 0; lFrameDiff = 0; }
bool Input::init(Window * window) { arx_assert(backend == NULL); backend = window->getInputBackend(); int x, y; backend->getAbsoluteMouseCoords(x, y); m_lastMousePosition = Vec2s(x, y); return (backend != NULL); }
void MenuCursor::update() { bool inWindow = GInput->isMouseInWindow(); if(inWindow && exited) { // Mouse is re-entering the window - reset the cursor trail reset(); } exited = !inWindow; Vec2s iDiff = m_size / Vec2s(2); trail.add(g_platformTime.lastFrameDuration(), GInput->getMousePosition() + iDiff); }
void MenuCursor::update(PlatformDuration time) { bool inWindow = GInput->isMouseInWindow(); if(inWindow && exited) { // Mouse is re-entering the window - reset the cursor trail reset(); } exited = !inWindow; Vec2s iDiff = m_size / Vec2s(2); trail.add(time, GInput->getMousePosAbs() + iDiff); }
CubeMapGeneratorBase::CubeMapGeneratorBase(void) : Inherited(), _sfRoot (NULL), _mfExclude (), _sfTexture (NULL), _sfTextureSize (Vec2s(0, 0)), _sfTextureFormat (GLenum(GL_NONE)), _sfBeacon (NULL), _sfOrigin (Pnt3f(0.f,0.f,0.f)), _sfOriginMode (UInt32(CubeMapGenerator::UseCurrentVolumeCenter)), _sfTexUnit (UInt32(0)), _sfSetupMode (UInt32(CubeMapGenerator::SetupAll)), _sfBackground (NULL), _sfCamera (NULL) { }
/*! * \brief Returns true if xx,yy is a position in player inventory */ bool PlayerInventoryHud::containsPos(const Vec2s & pos) { Vec2f anchorPos = anchorPosition(); Vec2s iPos = Vec2s(anchorPos); if(player.Interface & INTER_INVENTORY) { Vec2s t = pos - iPos; return InPlayerInventoryBag(t); } else if(player.Interface & INTER_INVENTORYALL) { float fBag = (player.bag - 1) * (-121 * m_scale); short iY = checked_range_cast<short>(fBag); if( pos.x >= iPos.x && pos.x <= iPos.x + INVENTORY_X * (32 * m_scale) && pos.y >= iPos.y + iY && pos.y <= g_size.height() ) { return true; } for(int i = 0; i < player.bag; i++) { Vec2s t = pos - iPos; t.y -= iY; if(InPlayerInventoryBag(t)) return true; float fRatio = (121 * m_scale); iY = checked_range_cast<short>(iY + fRatio); } } return false; }
static void drawDebugMaterials() { if(!ACTIVEBKG || !ACTIVEBKG->exist) { return; } PolyType skip = POLY_NODRAW | POLY_HIDE; if(GInput->isKeyPressed(Keyboard::Key_LeftShift)) { skip |= POLY_TRANS | POLY_WATER; } Vec2f point(DANAEMouse); Entity * owner = GetFirstInterAtPos(Vec2s(point)); TextureContainer * material = NULL; size_t count = 0; Vec2f pp[4]; Vec2f puv[4]; PolyType flags; float minz = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); for(size_t k = 1; k < entities.size(); k++) { EntityHandle h = EntityHandle(k); if(!entities[h] || !entities[h]->obj) { continue; } Entity * entity = entities[h]; if((entity->ioflags & IO_CAMERA) || (entity->ioflags & IO_MARKER)) continue; if(!(entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_ISINTREATZONE)) continue; if((entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_INVISIBILITY)) continue; if((entity->gameFlags & GFLAG_MEGAHIDE)) continue; switch(entity->show) { case SHOW_FLAG_DESTROYED: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_IN_INVENTORY: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_ON_PLAYER: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_LINKED: break; case SHOW_FLAG_NOT_DRAWN: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_HIDDEN: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_MEGAHIDE: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_KILLED: continue; case SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE: break; case SHOW_FLAG_TELEPORTING: break; } if(!entity->bbox2D.valid()) { continue; } for(size_t j = 0; j < entity->obj->facelist.size(); j++) { const EERIE_FACE & face = entity->obj->facelist[j]; if(face.facetype & skip) { continue; } bool valid = true; bool bvalid = false; Vec3f p[3]; Vec2f uv[3]; for(size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) { unsigned short v = face.vid[i]; valid = valid && v < entity->obj->vertexlist3.size(); if(valid) { if(entity->animlayer[0].cur_anim) { p[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist3[v].vert.p; uv[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist3[v].vert.uv; } else { p[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist[v].vert.p; uv[i] = entity->obj->vertexlist[v].vert.uv; } valid = valid && (p[i].z > 0.000001f); bvalid = bvalid || (p[i].x >= g_size.left && p[i].x < g_size.right && p[i].y >= && p[i].y < g_size.bottom); } } if(!valid || !bvalid) { continue; } float z = pointInTriangle(point, p[0], p[1], p[2]); if(z > 0 && z <= minz) { count = 3; for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { pp[i] = Vec2f(p[i].x, p[i].y); puv[i] = uv[i]; } if(face.texid >= 0 && size_t(face.texid) < entity->obj->texturecontainer.size()) { material = entity->obj->texturecontainer[face.texid]; } else { material = NULL; } owner = entity; minz = z; flags = face.facetype & ~(POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA); } } } for(short z = 0; z < ACTIVEBKG->Zsize; z++) for(short x = 0; x < ACTIVEBKG->Xsize; x++) { const EERIE_BKG_INFO & feg = ACTIVEBKG->fastdata[x][z]; if(!feg.treat) { continue; } for(long l = 0; l < feg.nbpolyin; l++) { EERIEPOLY * ep = feg.polyin[l]; if(!ep) { continue; } if(ep->type & skip) { continue; } bool valid = true; bool bvalid = false; Vec3f p[4]; for(size_t i = 0; i < ((ep->type & POLY_QUAD) ? 4u : 3u); i++) { TexturedVertex tv; tv.p = EE_RT(ep->v[i].p); valid = valid && (tv.p.z > 0.000001f); EE_P(tv.p, tv); bvalid = bvalid || (tv.p.x >= g_size.left && tv.p.x < g_size.right && tv.p.y >= && tv.p.y < g_size.bottom); p[i] = tv.p; } if(!valid || !bvalid) { continue; } float z = pointInTriangle(point, p[0], p[1], p[2]); if(z <= 0 && (ep->type & POLY_QUAD)) { z = pointInTriangle(point, p[1], p[3], p[2]); } if(z > 0 && z <= minz) { count = ((ep->type & POLY_QUAD) ? 4 : 3); for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { pp[i] = Vec2f(p[i].x, p[i].y); puv[i] = ep->v[i].uv; } material = ep->tex; owner = NULL; minz = z; flags = ep->type; } } } if(count) { GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthTest, false); drawLine2D(pp[0], pp[1], 0.1f, Color::magenta); drawLine2D(pp[2], pp[0], 0.1f, Color::magenta); if(count == 4) { drawLine2D(pp[2], pp[3], 0.1f, Color::magenta); drawLine2D(pp[3], pp[1], 0.1f, Color::magenta); } else { drawLine2D(pp[1], pp[2], 0.1f, Color::magenta); } Vec2f c = Vec2f(0.f); float miny = std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); float maxy = std::numeric_limits<float>::min(); for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { c += pp[i]; miny = std::min(miny, pp[i].y); maxy = std::max(maxy, pp[i].y); } c *= 1.f / count; Vec2f textpos(c.x, miny - 2 * hFontDebug->getLineHeight()); std::ostringstream oss; if(owner) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(material && material->m_pTexture) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if((flags & (POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA)) && enviro && enviro->m_pTexture) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(textpos.y < + 5) { textpos.y = maxy + 2 * hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(owner) { drawTextCentered(hFontDebug, textpos, owner->idString(), Color::cyan); textpos.y += hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(material && material->m_pTexture) { drawDebugMaterialTexture(textpos, "Diffuse: ", *material->m_pTexture, Color::green); } if((flags & (POLY_WATER | POLY_LAVA)) && enviro && enviro->m_pTexture) { oss.str(std::string()); oss << "Animation: "; oss << ((flags & (POLY_LAVA)) ? "lava" : "water"); if(flags & POLY_FALL) { oss << " (flowing)"; } drawDebugMaterialTexture(textpos, oss.str(), *enviro->m_pTexture, Color::yellow); } (void)textpos; for(size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { oss.str(std::string()); oss.setf(std::ios_base::fixed, std::ios_base::floatfield); oss.precision(2); oss << '(' << puv[i].x << ',' << puv[i].y << ')'; std::string text = oss.str(); Vec2f textpos = pp[i]; if(pp[i].y < c.y) { textpos.y -= hFontDebug->getLineHeight(); } if(pp[i].x < c.x) { Vec2i size = hFontDebug->getTextSize(text); textpos.x -= size.x; } hFontDebug->draw(textpos.x, textpos.y, text, Color::gray(0.7f)); } GRenderer->SetRenderState(Renderer::DepthTest, true); } }
Entity::Entity(const res::path & classPath, EntityInstance instance) : mainevent(SM_MAIN) , m_index(size_t(-1)) , m_id(classPath, instance) , m_classPath(classPath) { m_index = entities.add(this); ioflags = 0; lastpos = Vec3f_ZERO; pos = Vec3f_ZERO; move = Vec3f_ZERO; lastmove = Vec3f_ZERO; forcedmove = Vec3f_ZERO; angle = Anglef::ZERO; physics = IO_PHYSICS(); room = -1; requestRoomUpdate = true; original_height = 0.f; original_radius = 0.f; m_icon = NULL; obj = NULL; std::fill_n(anims, MAX_ANIMS, (ANIM_HANDLE *)NULL); for(size_t l = 0; l < MAX_ANIM_LAYERS; l++) { animlayer[l] = AnimLayer(); } animBlend.m_active = false; animBlend.lastanimtime = 0; std::memset(&bbox3D, 0, sizeof(EERIE_3D_BBOX)); // TODO use constructor bbox2D.min = Vec2f(-1.f, -1.f); bbox2D.max = Vec2f(-1.f, -1.f); tweaky = NULL; sound = audio::INVALID_ID; type_flags = 0; scriptload = 0; target = Vec3f_ZERO; targetinfo = EntityHandle(TARGET_NONE); _itemdata = NULL; _fixdata = NULL; _npcdata = NULL; _camdata = NULL; inventory = NULL; show = SHOW_FLAG_IN_SCENE; collision = 0; infracolor = Color3f::blue; changeanim = -1; weight = 1.f; gameFlags = GFLAG_NEEDINIT | GFLAG_INTERACTIVITY; fall = 0.f; initpos = Vec3f_ZERO; initangle = Anglef::ZERO; scale = 1.f; usepath = NULL; symboldraw = NULL; dynlight = LightHandle(); lastspeechflag = 2; inzone = NULL; halo = IO_HALO(); halo_native = IO_HALO(); halo_native.color = Color3f(0.2f, 0.5f, 1.f); halo_native.radius = 45.f; halo_native.flags = 0; ARX_HALO_SetToNative(this); for(size_t j = 0; j < MAX_SCRIPTTIMERS; j++) { m_scriptTimers[j] = 0; } m_disabledEvents = 0; stat_count = 0; stat_sent = 0; tweakerinfo = NULL; material = MATERIAL_NONE; m_inventorySize = Vec2s(1, 1); soundtime = 0; soundcount = 0; sfx_time = 0; collide_door_time = 0; ouch_time = 0; dmg_sum = 0.f; spellcast_data = IO_SPELLCAST_DATA(); flarecount = 0; no_collide = EntityHandle(); invisibility = 0.f; basespeed = 1.f; speed_modif = 0.f; rubber = BASE_RUBBER; max_durability = durability = 100.f; poisonous = 0; poisonous_count = 0; ignition = 0.f; ignit_light = LightHandle(); ignit_sound = audio::INVALID_ID; head_rot = 0.f; damager_damages = 0; damager_type = 0; sfx_flag = 0; secretvalue = -1; shop_multiply = 1.f; isHit = false; inzone_show = 0; summoner = EntityHandle(); spark_n_blood = 0; special_color = Color3f::white; highlightColor = Color3f::black; }
// Initialize GLUT & OpenSG and set up the scene int main(int argc, char **argv) { // OSG init osgInit(argc,argv); // Set up Window TutorialWindowEventProducer = createDefaultWindowEventProducer(); WindowPtr MainWindow = TutorialWindowEventProducer->initWindow(); TutorialWindowEventProducer->setDisplayCallback(display); TutorialWindowEventProducer->setReshapeCallback(reshape); //Add Window Listener TutorialKeyListener TheKeyListener; TutorialWindowEventProducer->addKeyListener(&TheKeyListener); TutorialMouseListener TheTutorialMouseListener; TutorialMouseMotionListener TheTutorialMouseMotionListener; TutorialWindowEventProducer->addMouseListener(&TheTutorialMouseListener); TutorialWindowEventProducer->addMouseMotionListener(&TheTutorialMouseMotionListener); // Create the SimpleSceneManager helper mgr = new SimpleSceneManager; // Tell the Manager what to manage mgr->setWindow(TutorialWindowEventProducer->getWindow()); //Make a SphereNode for the point light LambertMaterialPtr TheLightMat = LambertMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(TheLightMat, LambertMaterial::IncandescenceFieldMask); TheLightMat->setIncandescence(Color3f(1.0,1.0,1.0)); endEditCP(TheLightMat, LambertMaterial::IncandescenceFieldMask); GeometryPtr LightSphereGeo = makeSphereGeo(2,2.0); beginEditCP(LightSphereGeo, Geometry::MaterialFieldMask); LightSphereGeo->setMaterial(TheLightMat); endEditCP (LightSphereGeo, Geometry::MaterialFieldMask); NodePtr LightSphereNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(LightSphereNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); LightSphereNode->setCore(LightSphereGeo); endEditCP (LightSphereNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); //Create the beacon for the Point Light Matrix ThePointLightMat; ThePointLightMat.setTranslate(Vec3f(0.0,100.0,0.0)); ThePointLightBeaconTransform = Transform::create(); beginEditCP(ThePointLightBeaconTransform); ThePointLightBeaconTransform->setMatrix(ThePointLightMat); endEditCP(ThePointLightBeaconTransform); NodePtr ThePointLightBeaconNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(ThePointLightBeaconNode); ThePointLightBeaconNode->setCore(ThePointLightBeaconTransform); ThePointLightBeaconNode->addChild(LightSphereNode); endEditCP(ThePointLightBeaconNode); //Set the light properties desired PointLightPtr ThePointLight = PointLight::create(); beginEditCP(ThePointLight); ThePointLight->setAmbient(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3); ThePointLight->setDiffuse(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); ThePointLight->setSpecular(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); ThePointLight->setBeacon(ThePointLightBeaconNode); endEditCP(ThePointLight); NodePtr ThePointLightNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(ThePointLightNode); ThePointLightNode->setCore(ThePointLight); endEditCP(ThePointLightNode); //Set the light properties desired SpotLightPtr TheSpotLight = SpotLight::create(); beginEditCP(TheSpotLight); TheSpotLight->setAmbient(0.3,0.3,0.3,0.3); TheSpotLight->setDiffuse(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); TheSpotLight->setSpecular(1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0); TheSpotLight->setBeacon(ThePointLightBeaconNode); TheSpotLight->setDirection(Vec3f(0.0,-1.0,0.0)); TheSpotLight->setSpotExponent(5.0); TheSpotLight->setSpotCutOff(1.1); endEditCP(TheSpotLight); NodePtr TheSpotLightNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(TheSpotLightNode); TheSpotLightNode->setCore(TheSpotLight); endEditCP(TheSpotLightNode); //Load in the Heightmap Image ImagePtr PerlinNoiseImage = createPerlinImage(Vec2s(256,256), Vec2f(10.0f,10.0f),0.5f,1.0f,Vec2f(0.0f,0.0f),0.25f,6,PERLIN_INTERPOLATE_COSINE,false,Image::OSG_L_PF, Image::OSG_UINT8_IMAGEDATA); TextureChunkPtr TheTextureChunk = TextureChunk::create(); beginEditCP(TheTextureChunk); TheTextureChunk->setImage(PerlinNoiseImage); endEditCP(TheTextureChunk); //Lambert Material LambertMaterialPtr TheLambertMat = LambertMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(TheLambertMat, LambertMaterial::ColorFieldMask | LambertMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | LambertMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | LambertMaterial::NumLightsFieldMask | LambertMaterial::DiffuseTextureFieldMask); TheLambertMat->setColor(Color3f(0.0,1.0,0.0)); TheLambertMat->setAmbientColor(Color3f(1.0,0.0,0.0)); TheLambertMat->setDiffuse(0.5); TheLambertMat->setNumLights(1); endEditCP(TheLambertMat, LambertMaterial::ColorFieldMask | LambertMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | LambertMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | LambertMaterial::NumLightsFieldMask | LambertMaterial::DiffuseTextureFieldMask); //Blinn Material TheBlinnMat = BlinnMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(TheBlinnMat, BlinnMaterial::ColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularEccentricityFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularRolloffFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::DiffuseTextureFieldMask); TheBlinnMat->setColor(Color3f(1.0,0.0,0.0)); TheBlinnMat->setAmbientColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); TheBlinnMat->setSpecularColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,1.0)); TheBlinnMat->setSpecularEccentricity(0.35); TheBlinnMat->setSpecularRolloff(0.85); TheBlinnMat->setDiffuse(0.65); TheBlinnMat->setDiffuseTexture(TheTextureChunk); endEditCP(TheBlinnMat, BlinnMaterial::ColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularColorFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularEccentricityFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::SpecularRolloffFieldMask | BlinnMaterial::DiffuseTextureFieldMask); //Phong Material Phong2MaterialPtr ThePhongMat = Phong2Material::create(); beginEditCP(ThePhongMat, Phong2Material::ColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::AmbientColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::DiffuseFieldMask | Phong2Material::SpecularColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::SpecularCosinePowerFieldMask); ThePhongMat->setColor(Color3f(1.0,0.0,0.0)); ThePhongMat->setAmbientColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); ThePhongMat->setSpecularColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,1.0)); ThePhongMat->setSpecularCosinePower(50.0); ThePhongMat->setDiffuse(0.65); endEditCP(ThePhongMat, Phong2Material::ColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::AmbientColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::DiffuseFieldMask | Phong2Material::SpecularColorFieldMask | Phong2Material::SpecularCosinePowerFieldMask); //Anisotropic Material AnisotropicMaterialPtr TheAnisotropicMat = AnisotropicMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(TheAnisotropicMat, AnisotropicMaterial::ColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularRoughnessFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularFresnelIndexFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularSpreadXFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularSpreadYFieldMask); TheAnisotropicMat->setColor(Color3f(1.0,0.0,0.0)); TheAnisotropicMat->setAmbientColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); TheAnisotropicMat->setDiffuse(0.65); TheAnisotropicMat->setSpecularColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,1.0)); TheAnisotropicMat->setSpecularRoughness(32.0); TheAnisotropicMat->setSpecularFresnelIndex(0.85); TheAnisotropicMat->setSpecularSpreadX(1.0); TheAnisotropicMat->setSpecularSpreadY(1.0); endEditCP(TheAnisotropicMat, AnisotropicMaterial::ColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::AmbientColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::DiffuseFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularColorFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularRoughnessFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularFresnelIndexFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularSpreadXFieldMask | AnisotropicMaterial::SpecularSpreadYFieldMask); PointChunkPtr TempChunk = PointChunk::create(); //addRefCP(TempChunk); //Anisotropic Material TheRampMat = RampMaterial::create(); beginEditCP(TheRampMat); //Color TheRampMat->setRampSource(RampMaterial::RAMP_SOURCE_FACING_ANGLE); TheRampMat->getColors().push_back(Color3f(1.0,0.0,0.0)); TheRampMat->getColorPositions().push_back(0.4); TheRampMat->getColorInterpolations().push_back(RampMaterial::RAMP_INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH); TheRampMat->getColors().push_back(Color3f(0.0,1.0,0.0)); TheRampMat->getColorPositions().push_back(1.0); //Transparency TheRampMat->getTransparencies().push_back(Color3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); TheRampMat->getTransparencyPositions().push_back(0.83); TheRampMat->getTransparencyInterpolations().push_back(RampMaterial::RAMP_INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH); TheRampMat->getTransparencies().push_back(Color3f(1.0,1.0,1.0)); TheRampMat->getTransparencyPositions().push_back(1.0); TheRampMat->setAmbientColor(Color3f(0.0,0.0,0.0)); TheRampMat->setSpecularity(1.0); TheRampMat->setSpecularEccentricity(0.8); TheRampMat->getSpecularColors().push_back(Color3f(1.0,1.0,1.0)); TheRampMat->getSpecularColorPositions().push_back(0.95); TheRampMat->getSpecularColorInterpolations().push_back(RampMaterial::RAMP_INTERPOLATION_SMOOTH); TheRampMat->getSpecularColors().push_back(Color3f(0.0,0.0,1.0)); TheRampMat->getSpecularColorPositions().push_back(1.0); TheRampMat->getSpecularRolloffs().push_back(1.0); TheRampMat->getExtraChunks().push_back(TempChunk); endEditCP(TheRampMat); //Make the Heightmap Geometry HeightmapGeometryPtr TutorialHeightmapGeo = HeightmapGeometry::create(); beginEditCP(TutorialHeightmapGeo, HeightmapGeometry::HeightImageFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::DimensionsFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::SegmentsFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::ScaleFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::OffsetFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::MaterialFieldMask); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setHeightImage(PerlinNoiseImage); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setDimensions(Vec2f(200.0,200.0)); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setSegments(Vec2f(150.0,150.0)); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setScale(30.0); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setOffset(0.0); TutorialHeightmapGeo->setMaterial( TheBlinnMat ); endEditCP(TutorialHeightmapGeo, HeightmapGeometry::HeightImageFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::DimensionsFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::SegmentsFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::ScaleFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::OffsetFieldMask | HeightmapGeometry::MaterialFieldMask); calcVertexNormals(TutorialHeightmapGeo); calcVertexTangents(TutorialHeightmapGeo,0,Geometry::TexCoords7FieldId, Geometry::TexCoords6FieldId); //Make the Heightmap Node NodePtr TutorialHeightmapNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(TutorialHeightmapNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); TutorialHeightmapNode->setCore(TutorialHeightmapGeo); endEditCP (TutorialHeightmapNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); //Make a SphereNode GeometryPtr SphereGeo = makeSphereGeo(2,50.0); //GeometryPtr SphereGeo = makeCylinderGeo(50,20.0, 16,true,true,true); beginEditCP(SphereGeo, Geometry::MaterialFieldMask); SphereGeo->setMaterial(TheLambertMat); endEditCP (SphereGeo, Geometry::MaterialFieldMask); calcVertexNormals(SphereGeo); calcVertexTangents(SphereGeo,0,Geometry::TexCoords7FieldId, Geometry::TexCoords6FieldId); NodePtr SphereNode = Node::create(); beginEditCP(SphereNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); SphereNode->setCore(SphereGeo); endEditCP (SphereNode, Node::CoreFieldMask); //Make Main Scene Node NodePtr scene = Node::create(); beginEditCP(scene, Node::CoreFieldMask | Node::ChildrenFieldMask); scene->setCore(Group::create()); // add the torus as a child scene->addChild(TutorialHeightmapNode); //scene->addChild(SphereNode); scene->addChild(ThePointLightBeaconNode); endEditCP (scene, Node::CoreFieldMask | Node::ChildrenFieldMask); //Add the scene to the Light Nodes //beginEditCP(ThePointLightNode, Node::ChildrenFieldMask); //ThePointLightNode->addChild(scene); //endEditCP(ThePointLightNode, Node::ChildrenFieldMask); //// tell the manager what to manage //mgr->setRoot (ThePointLightNode); beginEditCP(TheSpotLightNode, Node::ChildrenFieldMask); TheSpotLightNode->addChild(scene); endEditCP(TheSpotLightNode, Node::ChildrenFieldMask); // tell the manager what to manage mgr->setRoot (TheSpotLightNode); mgr->turnHeadlightOff(); // show the whole scene mgr->showAll(); //Open Window Vec2f WinSize(TutorialWindowEventProducer->getDesktopSize() * 0.85f); Pnt2f WinPos((TutorialWindowEventProducer->getDesktopSize() - WinSize) *0.5); TutorialWindowEventProducer->openWindow(WinPos, WinSize, "06Heightmap"); //Main Loop TutorialWindowEventProducer->mainLoop(); osgExit(); return 0; }
void Input::update() { int iDTime; backend->update(); bool keyJustPressed = false; iKeyId = -1; int modifier = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Keyboard::KeyCount; i++) { if(isKeyPressed(i)) { switch(i) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: modifier = i; break; } if(keysStates[i] < 2) { keysStates[i]++; } if(!keyJustPressed) { if(keysStates[i] == 1) { iKeyId = i; keyJustPressed = true; } else { iKeyId = i; } } } else { if(keysStates[i] > 0) { keysStates[i]--; } } } if(modifier != 0 && iKeyId != modifier) { iKeyId |= (modifier << 16); } if(iKeyId >= 0) { //keys priority switch(iKeyId) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: { bool bFound=false; for(int i = 0; i < Keyboard::KeyCount; i++) { if(bFound) { break; } switch(i & 0xFFFF) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: continue; default: { if(keysStates[i]) { bFound=true; iKeyId&=~0xFFFF; iKeyId|=i; } } break; } } } } } const int iArxTime = checked_range_cast<int>(arxtime.get_updated(false)); for(int buttonId = Mouse::ButtonBase; buttonId < Mouse::ButtonMax; buttonId++) { int i = buttonId - Mouse::ButtonBase; int iNumClick; int iNumUnClick; backend->getMouseButtonClickCount(buttonId, iNumClick, iNumUnClick); iOldNumClick[i]+=iNumClick+iNumUnClick; if(!bMouseButton[i] && iOldNumClick[i] == iNumUnClick) { iOldNumClick[i]=0; } bOldMouseButton[i]=bMouseButton[i]; if(bMouseButton[i]) { if(iOldNumClick[i]) { bMouseButton[i]=false; } } else { if(iOldNumClick[i]) { bMouseButton[i]=true; } } if(iOldNumClick[i]) iOldNumClick[i]--; backend->isMouseButtonPressed(buttonId,iDTime); if(iDTime) { iMouseTime[i]=iDTime; iMouseTimeSet[i]=2; } else { if(iMouseTimeSet[i] > 0 && (arxtime.get_updated(false)-iMouseTime[i]) > 300) { iMouseTime[i]=0; iMouseTimeSet[i]=0; } if(getMouseButtonNowPressed(buttonId)) { switch(iMouseTimeSet[i]) { case 0: iMouseTime[i] = iArxTime; iMouseTimeSet[i]++; break; case 1: iMouseTime[i] = iArxTime - iMouseTime[i]; iMouseTimeSet[i]++; break; } } } } // Get the new coordinates int absX, absY; mouseInWindow = backend->getAbsoluteMouseCoords(absX, absY); Vec2i wndSize = mainApp->getWindow()->getSize(); if(absX >= 0 && absX < wndSize.x && absY >= 0 && absY < wndSize.y) { // Use the absolute mouse position reported by the backend, as is iMouseA = Vec2s((short)absX, (short)absY); int relX, relY; backend->getRelativeMouseCoords(relX, relY, iWheelDir); // Use the sensitivity config value to adjust relative mouse mouvements float fSensMax = 1.f / 6.f; float fSensMin = 2.f; float fSens = ( ( fSensMax - fSensMin ) * ( (float)iSensibility ) / 10.f ) + fSensMin; fSens = std::pow(0.7f, fSens) * 2.f; iMouseR.x = relX * fSens; iMouseR.y = relY * fSens; } else { mouseInWindow = false; } }
void FlareLine(const Vec2s & pos0, const Vec2s & pos1, Entity * io) { float m; long i; long z; float x0 = pos0.x; float x1 = pos1.x; float y0 = pos0.y; float y1 = pos1.y; float dx = (x1 - x0); float adx = glm::abs(dx); float dy = (y1 - y0); float ady = glm::abs(dy); if(adx > ady) { if(x0 > x1) { z = x1; x1 = x0; x0 = z; z = y1; y0 = z; } if(x0 < x1) { m = dy / dx; i = x0; while(i < x1) { z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; i += z; y0 += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(i, y0), io); } } else { m = dy / dx; i = x1; while(i < x0) { z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; i += z; y0 += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(i, y0), io); } } } else { if(y0 > y1) { z = x1; x0 = z; z = y1; y1 = y0; y0 = z; } if(y0 < y1) { m = dx / dy; i = y0; while(i < y1) { z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; i += z; x0 += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(x0, i), io); } } else { m = dx / dy; i = y1; while(i < y0) { z = rnd() * FLARELINERND; z += FLARELINESTEP; i += z; x0 += m * z; AddLFlare(Vec2s(x0, i), io); } } } }
void Input::centerMouse() { setMousePosAbs(Vec2s(mainApp->getWindow()->getSize() / s32(2))); }
void levelInit() { arx_assert(entities.player()); LogDebug("Initializing level ..."); ARX_PARTICLES_FirstInit(); g_renderBatcher.reset(); progressBarAdvance(2.f); LoadLevelScreen(); g_particleManager.Clear(); if(GMOD_RESET) ARX_GLOBALMODS_Reset(); GMOD_RESET = true; STARTDRAG = Vec2s(0); DANAEMouse = Vec2s(0); PolyBoomClear(); ARX_DAMAGES_Reset(); ARX_MISSILES_ClearAll(); spells.clearAll(); ARX_SPELLS_ClearAllSymbolDraw(); ARX_PARTICLES_ClearAll(); ParticleSparkClear(); if(LOAD_N_ERASE) { CleanScriptLoadedIO(); RestoreInitialIOStatus(); DRAGINTER = NULL; } ARX_SPELLS_ResetRecognition(); eyeball.exist = 0; resetDynLights(); if(LOAD_N_ERASE) { CleanInventory(); ARX_SCRIPT_Timer_ClearAll(); UnlinkAllLinkedObjects(); ARX_SCRIPT_ResetAll(false); } SecondaryInventory = NULL; TSecondaryInventory = NULL; ARX_FOGS_Render(); if(LOAD_N_ERASE) { if(!DONT_ERASE_PLAYER) ARX_PLAYER_InitPlayer(); g_hudRoot.playerInterfaceFader.resetSlid(); player.lifePool.current = player.lifePool.max; player.manaPool.current = player.manaPool.max; if(!DONT_ERASE_PLAYER) { ARX_PLAYER_MakeFreshHero(); } } InitSnapShot(fs::getUserDir() / "snapshot"); progressBarAdvance(4.f); LoadLevelScreen(); if(player.torch) { player.torch_loop = ARX_SOUND_PlaySFX_loop(g_snd.TORCH_LOOP, NULL, 1.0F); } g_playerCamera.m_pos = g_moveto = player.pos; g_playerCamera.angle = player.angle; RestoreLastLoadedLightning(*ACTIVEBKG); progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); if(LOAD_N_ERASE) { SetEditMode(); ARX_SOUND_MixerStop(ARX_SOUND_MixerGame); ARX_SCRIPT_ResetAll(true); EERIE_ANIMMANAGER_PurgeUnused(); } progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); LOAD_N_ERASE = true; DONT_ERASE_PLAYER = false; progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); PrepareIOTreatZone(1); progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); if(DONT_WANT_PLAYER_INZONE) { player.inzone = NULL; DONT_WANT_PLAYER_INZONE = 0; } progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); player.desiredangle.setPitch(0.f); player.angle.setPitch(0.f); ARX_PLAYER_RectifyPosition(); entities.player()->_npcdata->vvpos = -99999; SendMsgToAllIO(NULL, SM_GAME_READY); PLAYER_MOUSELOOK_ON = false; g_note.clear(); EntityHandle t = entities.getById("seat_stool1_0012"); if(ValidIONum(t)) { entities[t]->ioflags |= IO_FORCEDRAW; } ARX_NPC_RestoreCuts(); ResetVVPos(entities.player()); progressBarAdvance(); LoadLevelScreen(); LoadLevelScreen(-2); if(!CheckInPoly(player.pos) && LastValidPlayerPos.x != 0.f && LastValidPlayerPos.y != 0.f && LastValidPlayerPos.z != 0.f) { player.pos = LastValidPlayerPos; } LastValidPlayerPos = player.pos; g_platformTime.updateFrame(); g_gameTime.resume(GameTime::PauseInitial | GameTime::PauseMenu); }
void Input::update() { backend->update(); bool keyJustPressed = false; iKeyId = -1; int modifier = 0; for(int i = 0; i < Keyboard::KeyCount; i++) { if(isKeyPressed(i)) { switch(i) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: modifier = i; break; } if(keysStates[i] < 2) { keysStates[i]++; } if(!keyJustPressed) { if(keysStates[i] == 1) { iKeyId = i; keyJustPressed = true; } else { iKeyId = i; } } } else { if(keysStates[i] > 0) { keysStates[i]--; } } } if(modifier != 0 && iKeyId != modifier) { iKeyId |= (modifier << 16); } if(iKeyId >= 0) { //keys priority switch(iKeyId) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: { bool bFound=false; for(int i = 0; i < Keyboard::KeyCount; i++) { if(bFound) { break; } switch(i & 0xFFFF) { case Keyboard::Key_LeftShift: case Keyboard::Key_RightShift: case Keyboard::Key_LeftCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_RightCtrl: case Keyboard::Key_LeftAlt: case Keyboard::Key_RightAlt: continue; default: { if(keysStates[i]) { bFound=true; iKeyId&=~0xFFFF; iKeyId|=i; } } break; } } } } } const s64 now = platform::getTimeMs(); for(int buttonId = Mouse::ButtonBase; buttonId < Mouse::ButtonMax; buttonId++) { int i = buttonId - Mouse::ButtonBase; int iNumClick; int iNumUnClick; backend->getMouseButtonClickCount(buttonId, iNumClick, iNumUnClick); iOldNumClick[i] += iNumClick + iNumUnClick; if(!bMouseButton[i] && iOldNumClick[i] == iNumUnClick) { iOldNumClick[i] = 0; } bOldMouseButton[i] = bMouseButton[i]; if(bMouseButton[i]) { if(iOldNumClick[i]) { bMouseButton[i] = false; } } else { if(iOldNumClick[i]) { bMouseButton[i] = true; } } if(iOldNumClick[i]) iOldNumClick[i]--; int iDTime; backend->isMouseButtonPressed(buttonId, iDTime); if(iDTime) { iMouseTime[i] = iDTime; iMouseTimeSet[i] = 2; } else { if(iMouseTimeSet[i] > 0 && (now - iMouseTime[i]) > 300) { iMouseTime[i] = 0; iMouseTimeSet[i] = 0; } if(getMouseButtonNowPressed(buttonId)) { switch(iMouseTimeSet[i]) { case 0: iMouseTime[i] = now; iMouseTimeSet[i]++; break; case 1: iMouseTime[i] = now - iMouseTime[i]; iMouseTimeSet[i]++; break; } } } } // Get the new coordinates int absX, absY; mouseInWindow = backend->getAbsoluteMouseCoords(absX, absY); Vec2s newMousePosition(absX, absY); Vec2i wndSize = mainApp->getWindow()->getSize(); if(absX >= 0 && absX < wndSize.x && absY >= 0 && absY < wndSize.y) { // Use the absolute mouse position reported by the backend, as is if(m_mouseMode == Mouse::Absolute) { iMouseA = newMousePosition; } else { iMouseA = wndSize / s32(2); } } else { mouseInWindow = false; } int relX, relY; backend->getRelativeMouseCoords(relX, relY, iWheelDir); if(m_mouseMode == Mouse::Relative) { if(m_useRawMouseInput) { iMouseR = Vec2s(relX * 2, relY * 2); } else { iMouseR = newMousePosition - m_lastMousePosition; m_lastMousePosition = newMousePosition; if(iMouseR != Vec2s_ZERO) { centerMouse(); } } // Use the sensitivity config value to adjust relative mouse mouvements float fSensMax = 1.f / 6.f; float fSensMin = 2.f; float fSens = ( ( fSensMax - fSensMin ) * ( (float)iSensibility ) / 10.f ) + fSensMin; fSens = std::pow(0.7f, fSens) * 2.f; iMouseR *= fSens; if(!mouseInWindow) { LogWarning << "Cursor escaped the window while in relative input mode"; centerMouse(); } } else { iMouseR = Vec2s_ZERO; m_lastMousePosition = newMousePosition; } }