int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Map_info In, Out; static struct line_pnts *Points; struct line_cats *Cats; struct GModule *module; /* GRASS module for parsing arguments */ struct Option *map_in, *map_out; struct Option *method_opt, *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *abcol, *afcol, *ncol; struct Flag *add_f; int with_z; int afield, nfield, mask_type; dglGraph_s *graph; int *component, nnodes, type, i, nlines, components, max_cat; char buf[2000], *covered; char *desc; /* Attribute table */ dbString sql; dbDriver *driver; struct field_info *Fi; /* initialize GIS environment */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */ /* initialize module */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("network")); G_add_keyword(_("components")); module->description = _("Computes strongly and weakly connected components in the network."); /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */ map_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); afield_opt->key = "arc_layer"; afield_opt->answer = "1"; afield_opt->label = _("Arc layer"); afield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); nfield_opt->key = "node_layer"; nfield_opt->answer = "2"; nfield_opt->label = _("Node layer"); nfield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); afcol->key = "arc_column"; afcol->required = NO; afcol->description = _("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)"); afcol->guisection = _("Cost"); abcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); abcol->key = "arc_backward_column"; abcol->required = NO; abcol->description = _("Arc backward direction cost column (number)"); abcol->guisection = _("Cost"); ncol = G_define_option(); ncol->key = "node_column"; ncol->type = TYPE_STRING; ncol->required = NO; ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)"); ncol->guisection = _("Cost"); map_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); method_opt = G_define_option(); method_opt->key = "method"; method_opt->type = TYPE_STRING; method_opt->required = YES; method_opt->multiple = NO; method_opt->options = "weak,strong"; desc = NULL; G_asprintf(&desc, "weak;%s;strong;%s", _("Weakly connected components"), _("Strongly connected components")); method_opt->descriptions = desc; method_opt->description = _("Type of components"); add_f = G_define_flag(); add_f->key = 'a'; add_f->description = _("Add points on nodes"); /* options and flags parser */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* TODO: make an option for this */ mask_type = GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY; Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); Vect_check_input_output_name(map_in->answer, map_out->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT); Vect_set_open_level(2); if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, map_in->answer, "")) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_in->answer); with_z = Vect_is_3d(&In); if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, map_out->answer, with_z)) { Vect_close(&In); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), map_out->answer); } /* parse filter option and select appropriate lines */ afield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, afield_opt->answer); nfield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, nfield_opt->answer); if (0 != Vect_net_build_graph(&In, mask_type, afield, nfield, afcol->answer, abcol->answer, ncol->answer, 0, 2)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to build graph for vector map <%s>"), Vect_get_full_name(&In)); graph = Vect_net_get_graph(&In); nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(&In); component = (int *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(int)); covered = (char *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!component || !covered) { G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory")); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* Create table */ Fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE); Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, 1, NULL, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN, Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_init_string(&sql); driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database); if (driver == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"), Fi->database, Fi->driver); sprintf(buf, "create table %s ( cat integer, comp integer)", Fi->table); db_set_string(&sql, buf); G_debug(2, "%s", db_get_string(&sql)); if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) { db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create table: '%s'"), db_get_string(&sql)); } if (db_create_index2(driver, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN) != DB_OK) G_warning(_("Cannot create index")); if (db_grant_on_table (driver, Fi->table, DB_PRIV_SELECT, DB_GROUP | DB_PUBLIC) != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Cannot grant privileges on table <%s>"), Fi->table); db_begin_transaction(driver); if (method_opt->answer[0] == 'w') { G_message(_("Computing weakly connected components...")); components = NetA_weakly_connected_components(graph, component); } else { G_message(_("Computing strongly connected components...")); components = NetA_strongly_connected_components(graph, component); } G_debug(3, "Components: %d", components); G_message(_("Writing output...")); Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_command(&Out); nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&In); max_cat = 1; G_percent(0, nlines, 4); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { int comp, cat; G_percent(i, nlines, 4); type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, i); if (!Vect_cat_get(Cats, afield, &cat)) continue; if (type == GV_LINE || type == GV_BOUNDARY) { int node1, node2; Vect_get_line_nodes(&In, i, &node1, &node2); if (component[node1] == component[node2]) { comp = component[node1]; } else { continue; } } else if (type == GV_POINT) { int node; /* Vect_get_line_nodes(&In, i, &node, NULL); */ node = Vect_find_node(&In, Points->x[0], Points->y[0], Points->z[0], 0, 0); if (!node) continue; comp = component[node]; covered[node] = 1; } else continue; cat = max_cat++; Vect_reset_cats(Cats); Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat); Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, Cats); insert_new_record(driver, Fi, &sql, cat, comp); } /*add points on nodes not covered by any point in the network */ if (add_f->answer) { for (i = 1; i <= nnodes; i++) if (!covered[i]) { Vect_reset_cats(Cats); Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, max_cat); NetA_add_point_on_node(&In, &Out, i, Cats); insert_new_record(driver, Fi, &sql, max_cat++, component[i]); } } db_commit_transaction(driver); db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); Vect_close(&In); Vect_build(&Out); Vect_close(&Out); G_done_msg(_("Found %d components."), components); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Map_info In, Out; static struct line_pnts *Points, *PPoints; struct line_cats *Cats, *TCats; struct ilist *slist; struct GModule *module; /* GRASS module for parsing arguments */ struct Option *map_in, *map_out; struct Option *catf_opt, *fieldf_opt, *wheref_opt; struct Option *catt_opt, *fieldt_opt, *wheret_opt, *typet_opt; struct Option *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *abcol, *afcol, *ncol, *atype_opt; struct Flag *geo_f, *segments_f; int with_z, geo, segments; int atype, ttype; struct varray *varrayf, *varrayt; int flayer, tlayer; int afield, nfield; dglGraph_s *graph; struct ilist *nodest; int i, j, nnodes, nlines; int *dst, *nodes_to_features; int from_nr; /* 'from' features not reachable */ dglInt32_t **nxt; struct line_cats **on_path; char *segdir; char buf[2000]; /* Attribute table */ dbString sql; dbDriver *driver; struct field_info *Fi; /* initialize GIS environment */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */ /* initialize module */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("network")); G_add_keyword(_("shortest path")); module->label = _("Computes shortest distance via the network between " "the given sets of features."); module->description = _("Finds the shortest paths from each 'from' point to the nearest 'to' feature " "and various information about this relation are uploaded to the attribute table."); /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */ map_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); map_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); afield_opt->key = "arc_layer"; afield_opt->answer = "1"; afield_opt->label = _("Arc layer"); afield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); atype_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE); atype_opt->key = "arc_type"; atype_opt->options = "line,boundary"; atype_opt->answer = "line,boundary"; atype_opt->label = _("Arc type"); atype_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); nfield_opt->key = "node_layer"; nfield_opt->answer = "2"; nfield_opt->label = _("Node layer"); nfield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); fieldf_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); fieldf_opt->key = "from_layer"; fieldf_opt->label = _("From layer number or name"); fieldf_opt->guisection = _("From"); catf_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS); catf_opt->key = "from_cats"; catf_opt->label = _("From category values"); catf_opt->guisection = _("From"); wheref_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE); wheref_opt->key = "from_where"; wheref_opt->label = _("From WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword"); wheref_opt->guisection = _("From"); fieldt_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); fieldt_opt->key = "to_layer"; fieldt_opt->description = _("To layer number or name"); fieldt_opt->guisection = _("To"); typet_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_TYPE); typet_opt->key = "to_type"; typet_opt->options = "point,line,boundary"; typet_opt->answer = "point"; typet_opt->description = _("To feature type"); typet_opt->guisection = _("To"); catt_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS); catt_opt->key = "to_cats"; catt_opt->label = _("To category values"); catt_opt->guisection = _("To"); wheret_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE); wheret_opt->key = "to_where"; wheret_opt->label = _("To WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword"); wheret_opt->guisection = _("To"); afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); afcol->key = "arc_column"; afcol->required = NO; afcol->description = _("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)"); afcol->guisection = _("Cost"); abcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); abcol->key = "arc_backward_column"; abcol->required = NO; abcol->description = _("Arc backward direction cost column (number)"); abcol->guisection = _("Cost"); ncol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); ncol->key = "node_column"; ncol->required = NO; ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)"); ncol->guisection = _("Cost"); geo_f = G_define_flag(); geo_f->key = 'g'; geo_f->description = _("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations"); segments_f = G_define_flag(); #if 0 /* use this to sync with */ segments_f->key = 's'; segments_f->description = _("Write output as original input segments, " "not each path as one line."); #else segments_f->key = 'l'; segments_f->description = _("Write each output path as one line, " "not as original input segments."); #endif /* options and flags parser */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); atype = Vect_option_to_types(atype_opt); ttype = Vect_option_to_types(typet_opt); Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); PPoints = Vect_new_line_struct(); Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); TCats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); slist = G_new_ilist(); Vect_check_input_output_name(map_in->answer, map_out->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT); Vect_set_open_level(2); if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, map_in->answer, "")) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_in->answer); with_z = Vect_is_3d(&In); if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, map_out->answer, with_z)) { Vect_close(&In); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), map_out->answer); } if (geo_f->answer) { geo = 1; if (G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL) G_warning(_("The current projection is not longitude-latitude")); } else geo = 0; #if 0 /* use this to sync with */ segments = segments_f->answer; #else segments = !segments_f->answer; #endif nnodes = Vect_get_num_nodes(&In); nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&In); dst = (int *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(int)); nxt = (dglInt32_t **) G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(dglInt32_t *)); nodes_to_features = (int *)G_calloc(nnodes + 1, sizeof(int)); on_path = (struct line_cats **)G_calloc(nlines + 1, sizeof(struct line_cats *)); segdir = (char *)G_calloc(nlines + 1, sizeof(char)); if (!dst || !nxt || !nodes_to_features || !on_path || !segdir) G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory")); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { on_path[i] = Vect_new_cats_struct(); segdir[i] = 0; } /*initialise varrays and nodes list appropriatelly */ afield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, afield_opt->answer); nfield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, nfield_opt->answer); flayer = atoi(fieldf_opt->answer); tlayer = atoi(fieldt_opt->answer); if (NetA_initialise_varray(&In, flayer, GV_POINT, wheref_opt->answer, catf_opt->answer, &varrayf) <= 0) { G_fatal_error(_("No 'from' features selected. " "Please check options '%s', '%s', '%s'."), fieldf_opt->key, wheref_opt->key, catf_opt->key); } if (NetA_initialise_varray(&In, tlayer, ttype, wheret_opt->answer, catt_opt->answer, &varrayt) <= 0) { G_fatal_error(_("No 'to' features selected. " "Please check options '%s', '%s', '%s'."), fieldt_opt->key, wheret_opt->key, catt_opt->key); } nodest = Vect_new_list(); NetA_varray_to_nodes(&In, varrayt, nodest, nodes_to_features); if (nodest->n_values == 0) G_fatal_error(_("No 'to' features")); if (0 != Vect_net_build_graph(&In, atype, afield, nfield, afcol->answer, abcol->answer, ncol->answer, geo, 2)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to build graph for vector map <%s>"), Vect_get_full_name(&In)); graph = Vect_net_get_graph(&In); G_message(_("Distances to 'to' features ...")); NetA_distance_to_points(graph, nodest, dst, nxt); /* Create table */ Fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE); Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, 1, NULL, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN, Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_init_string(&sql); driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database); if (driver == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"), Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_set_error_handler_driver(driver); sprintf(buf, "create table %s ( cat integer, tcat integer, dist double precision)", Fi->table); db_set_string(&sql, buf); G_debug(2, "%s", db_get_string(&sql)); if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) { G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create table: '%s'"), db_get_string(&sql)); } if (db_create_index2(driver, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN) != DB_OK) G_warning(_("Cannot create index")); if (db_grant_on_table (driver, Fi->table, DB_PRIV_SELECT, DB_GROUP | DB_PUBLIC) != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Cannot grant privileges on table <%s>"), Fi->table); db_begin_transaction(driver); Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_command(&Out); G_message(_("Tracing paths from 'from' features ...")); from_nr = 0; for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { if (varrayf->c[i]) { int type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, i); int node, tcat, cat; double cost; dglInt32_t *vertex, vertex_id; if (!Vect_cat_get(Cats, flayer, &cat)) continue; if (type & GV_POINTS) { node = Vect_find_node(&In, Points->x[0], Points->y[0], Points->z[0], 0, 0); } else { Vect_get_line_nodes(&In, i, &node, NULL); } if (node < 1) continue; if (dst[node] < 0) { /* unreachable */ from_nr++; continue; } cost = dst[node] / (double)In.dgraph.cost_multip; vertex = dglGetNode(graph, node); vertex_id = node; slist->n_values = 0; while (nxt[vertex_id] != NULL) { int edge_id; edge_id = (int) dglEdgeGet_Id(graph, nxt[vertex_id]); if (segments) { Vect_cat_set(on_path[abs(edge_id)], 1, cat); if (edge_id < 0) { segdir[abs(edge_id)] = 1; } } else G_ilist_add(slist, edge_id); vertex = dglEdgeGet_Tail(graph, nxt[vertex_id]); vertex_id = dglNodeGet_Id(graph, vertex); } G_debug(3, "read line %d, vertex id %d", nodes_to_features[vertex_id], (int)vertex_id); Vect_read_line(&In, NULL, TCats, nodes_to_features[vertex_id]); if (!Vect_cat_get(TCats, tlayer, &tcat)) continue; Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, Cats); sprintf(buf, "insert into %s values (%d, %d, %f)", Fi->table, cat, tcat, cost); db_set_string(&sql, buf); G_debug(3, "%s", db_get_string(&sql)); if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) { G_fatal_error(_("Cannot insert new record: %s"), db_get_string(&sql)); }; if (!segments) { Vect_reset_line(PPoints); for (j = 0; j < slist->n_values; j++) { Vect_read_line(&In, Points, NULL, abs(slist->value[j])); if (slist->value[j] > 0) Vect_append_points(PPoints, Points, GV_FORWARD); else Vect_append_points(PPoints, Points, GV_BACKWARD); PPoints->n_points--; } PPoints->n_points++; Vect_reset_cats(Cats); Vect_cat_set(Cats, 1, cat); Vect_write_line(&Out, GV_LINE, PPoints, Cats); } } } if (segments) { for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { if (on_path[i]->n_cats > 0) { int type; if (segdir[i]) { type = Vect_read_line(&In, PPoints, NULL, i); Vect_reset_line(Points); Vect_append_points(Points, PPoints, GV_BACKWARD); } else type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, NULL, i); Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, on_path[i]); } } } db_commit_transaction(driver); db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); Vect_build(&Out); Vect_close(&In); Vect_close(&Out); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) Vect_destroy_cats_struct(on_path[i]); G_free(on_path); G_free(nodes_to_features); G_free(dst); G_free(nxt); G_free(segdir); if (from_nr) G_warning(n_("%d 'from' feature was not reachable", "%d 'from' features were not reachable", from_nr), from_nr); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Map_info In, Out; static struct line_pnts *Points; struct line_cats *Cats; struct GModule *module; /* GRASS module for parsing arguments */ struct Option *map_in, *map_out; struct Option *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *afcol, *ncol; struct Flag *geo_f; int with_z; int afield, nfield, mask_type; dglGraph_s *graph; int i, edges, geo; struct ilist *tree_list; /* initialize GIS environment */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */ /* initialize module */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("network")); G_add_keyword(_("spanning tree")); module->description = _("Computes minimum spanning tree for the network."); /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */ map_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); map_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); afield_opt->key = "alayer"; afield_opt->answer = "1"; afield_opt->label = _("Arc layer"); afield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); nfield_opt->key = "nlayer"; nfield_opt->answer = "2"; nfield_opt->label = _("Node layer"); nfield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); afcol->key = "afcolumn"; afcol->required = NO; afcol->description = _("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)"); afcol->guisection = _("Cost"); ncol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); ncol->key = "ncolumn"; ncol->required = NO; ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)"); ncol->guisection = _("Cost"); geo_f = G_define_flag(); geo_f->key = 'g'; geo_f->description = _("Use geodesic calculation for longitude-latitude locations"); /* options and flags parser */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); /* TODO: make an option for this */ mask_type = GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY; Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); Vect_check_input_output_name(map_in->answer, map_out->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT); Vect_set_open_level(2); if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, map_in->answer, "")) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_in->answer); with_z = Vect_is_3d(&In); if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, map_out->answer, with_z)) { Vect_close(&In); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), map_out->answer); } if (geo_f->answer) { geo = 1; if (G_projection() != PROJECTION_LL) G_warning(_("The current projection is not longitude-latitude")); } else geo = 0; /* parse filter option and select appropriate lines */ afield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, afield_opt->answer); nfield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, nfield_opt->answer); if (0 != Vect_net_build_graph(&In, mask_type, afield, nfield, afcol->answer, NULL, ncol->answer, geo, 0)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to build graph for vector map <%s>"), Vect_get_full_name(&In)); graph = Vect_net_get_graph(&In); Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_command(&Out); tree_list = Vect_new_list(); edges = NetA_spanning_tree(graph, tree_list); G_debug(3, "Edges: %d", edges); for (i = 0; i < edges; i++) { int type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, abs(tree_list->value[i])); Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, Cats); } Vect_destroy_list(tree_list); Vect_build(&Out); Vect_close(&In); Vect_close(&Out); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct Map_info In, Out, cut_map; static struct line_pnts *Points; struct line_cats *Cats; struct GModule *module; /* GRASS module for parsing arguments */ struct Option *map_in, *map_out, *cut_out; struct Option *afield_opt, *nfield_opt, *abcol, *afcol, *ncol; struct Option *catsource_opt, *wheresource_opt; struct Option *catsink_opt, *wheresink_opt; int with_z; int afield, nfield, mask_type; struct varray *varray_source, *varray_sink; dglGraph_s *graph; int i, nlines, *flow, total_flow; struct ilist *source_list, *sink_list, *cut; int find_cut; char buf[2000]; /* Attribute table */ dbString sql; dbDriver *driver; struct field_info *Fi; /* initialize GIS environment */ G_gisinit(argv[0]); /* reads grass env, stores program name to G_program_name() */ /* initialize module */ module = G_define_module(); G_add_keyword(_("vector")); G_add_keyword(_("network")); G_add_keyword(_("flow")); module->description = _("Computes the maximum flow between two sets of nodes in the network."); /* Define the different options as defined in gis.h */ map_in = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_INPUT); afield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); afield_opt->key = "arc_layer"; afield_opt->answer = "1"; afield_opt->label = _("Arc layer"); afield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); nfield_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_FIELD); nfield_opt->key = "node_layer"; nfield_opt->answer = "2"; nfield_opt->label = _("Node layer"); nfield_opt->guisection = _("Cost"); map_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); cut_out = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_OUTPUT); cut_out->key = "cut"; cut_out->description = _("Name for output vector map containing a minimum cut"); afcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); afcol->key = "arc_column"; afcol->required = NO; afcol->description = _("Arc forward/both direction(s) cost column (number)"); afcol->guisection = _("Cost"); abcol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); abcol->key = "arc_backward_column"; abcol->required = NO; abcol->description = _("Arc backward direction cost column (number)"); abcol->guisection = _("Cost"); ncol = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_COLUMN); ncol->key = "node_column"; ncol->required = NO; ncol->description = _("Node cost column (number)"); ncol->guisection = _("Cost"); catsource_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS); catsource_opt->key = "source_cats"; catsource_opt->label = _("Source category values"); catsource_opt->guisection = _("Source"); wheresource_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE); wheresource_opt->key = "source_where"; wheresource_opt->label = _("Source WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword"); wheresource_opt->guisection = _("Source"); catsink_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_V_CATS); catsink_opt->key = "sink_cats"; catsink_opt->label = _("Sink category values"); catsink_opt->guisection = _("Sink"); wheresink_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_DB_WHERE); wheresink_opt->key = "sink_where"; wheresink_opt->label = _("Sink WHERE conditions of SQL statement without 'where' keyword"); wheresink_opt->guisection = _("Sink"); /* options and flags parser */ if (G_parser(argc, argv)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); find_cut = (cut_out->answer[0]); /* TODO: make an option for this */ mask_type = GV_LINE | GV_BOUNDARY; Points = Vect_new_line_struct(); Cats = Vect_new_cats_struct(); Vect_check_input_output_name(map_in->answer, map_out->answer, G_FATAL_EXIT); Vect_set_open_level(2); if (1 > Vect_open_old(&In, map_in->answer, "")) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open vector map <%s>"), map_in->answer); with_z = Vect_is_3d(&In); if (0 > Vect_open_new(&Out, map_out->answer, with_z)) { Vect_close(&In); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), map_out->answer); } if (find_cut && 0 > Vect_open_new(&cut_map, cut_out->answer, with_z)) { Vect_close(&In); Vect_close(&Out); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create vector map <%s>"), cut_out->answer); } /* parse filter option and select appropriate lines */ afield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, afield_opt->answer); nfield = Vect_get_field_number(&In, nfield_opt->answer); /* Create table */ Fi = Vect_default_field_info(&Out, 1, NULL, GV_1TABLE); Vect_map_add_dblink(&Out, 1, NULL, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN, Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_init_string(&sql); driver = db_start_driver_open_database(Fi->driver, Fi->database); if (driver == NULL) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open database <%s> by driver <%s>"), Fi->database, Fi->driver); db_set_error_handler_driver(driver); sprintf(buf, "create table %s (cat integer, flow double precision)", Fi->table); db_set_string(&sql, buf); G_debug(2, "%s", db_get_string(&sql)); if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) { db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); G_fatal_error(_("Unable to create table: '%s'"), db_get_string(&sql)); } if (db_create_index2(driver, Fi->table, GV_KEY_COLUMN) != DB_OK) G_warning(_("Cannot create index")); if (db_grant_on_table (driver, Fi->table, DB_PRIV_SELECT, DB_GROUP | DB_PUBLIC) != DB_OK) G_fatal_error(_("Cannot grant privileges on table <%s>"), Fi->table); db_begin_transaction(driver); source_list = Vect_new_list(); sink_list = Vect_new_list(); if (NetA_initialise_varray (&In, nfield, GV_POINT, wheresource_opt->answer, catsource_opt->answer, &varray_source) <= 0) { G_fatal_error(_("No source features selected. " "Please check options '%s', '%s'."), catsource_opt->key, wheresource_opt->key); } if (NetA_initialise_varray (&In, nfield, GV_POINT, wheresink_opt->answer, catsink_opt->answer, &varray_sink) <= 0) { G_fatal_error(_("No sink features selected. " "Please check options '%s', '%s'."), catsink_opt->key, wheresink_opt->key); } NetA_varray_to_nodes(&In, varray_source, source_list, NULL); NetA_varray_to_nodes(&In, varray_sink, sink_list, NULL); if (source_list->n_values == 0) G_fatal_error(_("No sources")); if (sink_list->n_values == 0) G_fatal_error(_("No sinks")); Vect_copy_head_data(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_copy(&In, &Out); Vect_hist_command(&Out); if (0 != Vect_net_build_graph(&In, mask_type, afield, nfield, afcol->answer, abcol->answer, ncol->answer, 0, 0)) G_fatal_error(_("Unable to build graph for vector map <%s>"), Vect_get_full_name(&In)); graph = Vect_net_get_graph(&In); nlines = Vect_get_num_lines(&In); flow = (int *)G_calloc(nlines + 1, sizeof(int)); if (!flow) G_fatal_error(_("Out of memory")); total_flow = NetA_flow(graph, source_list, sink_list, flow); G_debug(3, "Max flow: %d", total_flow); if (find_cut) { cut = Vect_new_list(); total_flow = NetA_min_cut(graph, source_list, sink_list, flow, cut); G_debug(3, "Min cut: %d", total_flow); } G_message(_("Writing the output...")); G_percent_reset(); for (i = 1; i <= nlines; i++) { G_percent(i, nlines, 1); int type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, i); Vect_write_line(&Out, type, Points, Cats); if (type == GV_LINE) { int cat; Vect_cat_get(Cats, afield, &cat); if (cat == -1) continue; /*TODO: warning? */ sprintf(buf, "insert into %s values (%d, %f)", Fi->table, cat, flow[i] / (double)In.dgraph.cost_multip); db_set_string(&sql, buf); G_debug(3, "%s", db_get_string(&sql)); if (db_execute_immediate(driver, &sql) != DB_OK) { db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); G_fatal_error(_("Cannot insert new record: %s"), db_get_string(&sql)); }; } } if (find_cut) { for (i = 0; i < cut->n_values; i++) { int type = Vect_read_line(&In, Points, Cats, cut->value[i]); Vect_write_line(&cut_map, type, Points, Cats); } Vect_destroy_list(cut); Vect_build(&cut_map); Vect_close(&cut_map); } db_commit_transaction(driver); db_close_database_shutdown_driver(driver); G_free(flow); Vect_destroy_list(source_list); Vect_destroy_list(sink_list); Vect_build(&Out); Vect_close(&In); Vect_close(&Out); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }