Esempio n. 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void Map :: LoadMap(std::string fileName)
    std::ifstream mapFile (fileName.c_str());

    int data;
    for(Tile y = 0; y < MAP_NUM_TILES_Y; y++)
        for(Tile x = 0; x < MAP_NUM_TILES_X; x++)
            mapFile >> data;

            if( (TileType)data < TILE_TYPE_BULLET_PICKUP)
                tileTypes[x][y] = (TileType)data;
                tileTypes[x][y] = TILE_TYPE_SPACE;

                if((TileType)data == TILE_TYPE_BULLET_PICKUP)
                    game->CreatePickUp(Vector2df(x * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2, y * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2), PICK_UP_TYPE_BULLETS);
                else if((TileType)data == TILE_TYPE_MINE_PICKUP)
                    game->CreatePickUp(Vector2df(x * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2, y * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2), PICK_UP_TYPE_MINES);
                else if((TileType)data == TILE_TYPE_MISSILE_PICKUP)
                    game->CreatePickUp(Vector2df(x * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2, y * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2), PICK_UP_TYPE_MISSILES);
                else if((TileType)data == TILE_TYPE_REPAIR_PICKUP)
                    game->CreatePickUp(Vector2df(x * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2, y * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2), PICK_UP_TYPE_REPAIR);
                else if((TileType)data == TILE_TYPE_SPAWN)
                    CreateSpawnPoint(Vector2df(x * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2, y * MAP_TILE_SIZE + MAP_TILE_SIZE / 2));


} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 2
bool CTrackball::DoTracking(int x, int y)
  if (!m_tracking)
    return false;

  Vector2df delta = m_start - Vector2df((float)x, (float)y);
  delta /= 2;

  Vector3df mouse(delta.x, -delta.y, 0.0f);
  Vector3df dep(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
  Vector3df axis(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

	// axis will be perpendicular to mouse and dep vectors
	// this is our rotation axis
  axis = mouse ^ dep;

	// every 100 pixels is 360 degress or rotation
  //GLfloat len = axis.Magnitude() / 100.0f;
  GLfloat len = fabs(delta.Magnitude());
	while (len > 360.0f)
		len -= 360.0f;

  ATLTRACE("delta_x : %f, delta_y: %f\n", mouse.x, mouse.y);
  ATLTRACE("axis: x:%f  y:%f  z:%f\n", axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, len);
  ATLTRACE("angle: %f\n", len);
  m_rotation_delta.CreateFromAxisAngle(axis.x, axis.y, axis.z, len);
  m_quat = m_rotation_delta * m_rotation;
  return true; // still tracking
Esempio n. 3
const GuiEvent& GUI::update() {
	// Update events

	static GuiEvent currentEvent;
	static SDL_Event event; = false;

	if(currentEvent.buttonState == BTN_PRESSED)
		currentEvent.buttonState = BTN_HOLD;
	else if(currentEvent.buttonState == BTN_RELEASED)
		currentEvent.buttonState = BTN_NONE;
		if(event.type == SDL_QUIT)
			currentEvent.quitEvent = true;
		else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONDOWN) {
			currentEvent.buttonState = BTN_PRESSED;
			currentEvent.clickStart = converter.deconvert(Vector2df(event.button.x, event.button.y));
		} else if(event.type == SDL_MOUSEBUTTONUP) {
			currentEvent.buttonState = BTN_RELEASED; = true;
			currentEvent.clickEnd = converter.deconvert(Vector2df(event.button.x, event.button.y));
			//cout << Vector2df(event.button.x, event.button.y) << '\t' << convert(currentEvent.clickEnd) << endl;
			//cout << currentEvent.clickEnd << endl;

	// Draw force vector
	/*if(currentEvent.buttonState == BTN_HOLD)
		lineRGBA(display, convert(currentEvent.clickStart).x(), convert(currentEvent.clickStart).y(), event.button.x, event.button.y,
				255, 255, 255, 255);*/
	if(currentEvent.buttonState == BTN_HOLD)
		forceMeter.drawForceVector(display, converter.convert(currentEvent.clickStart) , Vector2Df(event.button.x , event.button.y));

	// Flip the screen

	return currentEvent;
Esempio n. 4
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector2df Map :: GetRandomSpawnPointPos() const
    if(currentSpawnPoint != 0)
        int spawnPointID = rand() % currentSpawnPoint;
        return spawnPoints[spawnPointID];
        return Vector2df(0,0);
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 5
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector2df Map :: GetPosGravity(Vector2df atPos) const
    // Out of bounds positions are always considered to have 0 gravity:
    if(atPos.x < MAP_MIN_POS_X  || atPos.x >= MAP_MAX_POS_X || atPos.y < MAP_MIN_POS_Y || atPos.y >= MAP_MAX_POS_Y)
        return Vector2df();
        // This is probly fucky:
        int tileX = (atPos.x - screenPos.x) / MAP_TILE_SIZE;
        int tileY = (atPos.y - screenPos.y) / MAP_TILE_SIZE;

        return GetTileGravity(tileX, tileY);
} // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 6
 void ArenaMonster::SetDead(int herox, int heroy)
     m_IsDead = true;

     m_bmpCurrentPtr = &m_bmpSpinning;

    // Calculate the Speed - "Math-gic" by foxblock

     // Insert the desired moving speed here:
     const double speed = 25.0;

     // Position difference between monster and hero
     const Vector2df diff = Vector2df((m_X + m_bmpCurrentPtr->getWidth() / 2)-(herox + 96.0),(m_Y + m_bmpCurrentPtr->getHeight() / 2)-(heroy + 112.0));

     // Math magic
     m_DeathSpeedX = round( diff.x / sqrt( pow(diff.x,2) + pow(diff.y,2) ) * speed );
     m_DeathSpeedY = round( diff.y / sqrt( pow(diff.x,2) + pow(diff.y,2) ) * speed );
Esempio n. 7
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool ProjectileBase :: IsSolid(Vector2df atPos) const
	return type != PROJECTILE_TYPE_SMOKE && Vector2df(Pos() - atPos).Length() < radius;
} // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Esempio n. 8
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Vector2df ProjectileBase :: Heading() const
    return Vector2df(headingDeg);
} // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------