Esempio n. 1
float RadiusFromBounds (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs)
	vec3_t m1, m2;
	VectorMultiply(mins, mins, m1);
	VectorMultiply(maxs, maxs, m2);
	return sqrt(max(m1[0], m2[0]) + max(m1[1], m2[1]) + max(m1[2], m2[2]));
Esempio n. 2
float RadiusFromBoundsAndOrigin (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t origin)
	vec3_t m1, m2;
	VectorSubtract(mins, origin, m1);VectorMultiply(m1, m1, m1);
	VectorSubtract(maxs, origin, m2);VectorMultiply(m2, m2, m2);
	return sqrt(max(m1[0], m2[0]) + max(m1[1], m2[1]) + max(m1[2], m2[2]));
Esempio n. 3
const bool Test_Matrix_RotationMatrix()
	const TVector3d kAxis_d = Normalize(TVector3d(), TVector3d{1.0, 1.0, 1.0});
	const double kdAngle = s_kdTau / 8.0;
	const TVector4d kQuatOrient_d = AxisAngleQuaternion(TVector4d(), kAxis_d, kdAngle);
	const TMatrix4d kOrientation_d = RotationMatrix(TMatrix4d(), kQuatOrient_d);

	const TVector4d kTransformedA_d = VectorMultiply(TVector4d(), kOrientation_d, TVector4d{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0});
	const TVector3d kTransformedB_d{kTransformedA_d.m_dX, kTransformedA_d.m_dY, kTransformedA_d.m_dZ};
	const TVector3d kTransformedC_d = QuaternionRotate(TVector3d(), TVector3d{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, kQuatOrient_d);

	const bool kbPass_d = Equal(kTransformedB_d, kTransformedC_d, s_kdEpsilon);

	const TVector3f kAxis_f = Normalize(TVector3f(), TVector3f{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
	const float kfAngle = s_kfTau / 8.0f;
	const TVector4f kQuatOrient_f = AxisAngleQuaternion(TVector4f(), kAxis_f, kfAngle);
	const TMatrix4f kOrientation_f = RotationMatrix(TMatrix4f(), kQuatOrient_f);

	const TVector4f kTransformedA_f = VectorMultiply(TVector4f(), kOrientation_f, TVector4f{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f});
	const TVector3f kTransformedB_f{kTransformedA_f.m_fX, kTransformedA_f.m_fY, kTransformedA_f.m_fZ};
	const TVector3f kTransformedC_f = QuaternionRotate(TVector3f(), TVector3f{1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f}, kQuatOrient_f);

	const bool kbPass_f = Equal(kTransformedB_f, kTransformedC_f, s_kfEpsilon);

	return(kbPass_d && kbPass_f);
Esempio n. 4
static FORCEINLINE bool IntersectBoxWithPermutedPlanes(
	const FConvexVolume::FPermutedPlaneArray& PermutedPlanes,
	const VectorRegister BoxOrigin,
	const VectorRegister BoxExtent )
	bool Result = true;

	checkSlow(PermutedPlanes.Num() % 4 == 0);

	// Splat origin into 3 vectors
	VectorRegister OrigX = VectorReplicate(BoxOrigin, 0);
	VectorRegister OrigY = VectorReplicate(BoxOrigin, 1);
	VectorRegister OrigZ = VectorReplicate(BoxOrigin, 2);
	// Splat extent into 3 vectors
	VectorRegister ExtentX = VectorReplicate(BoxExtent, 0);
	VectorRegister ExtentY = VectorReplicate(BoxExtent, 1);
	VectorRegister ExtentZ = VectorReplicate(BoxExtent, 2);
	// Splat the abs for the pushout calculation
	VectorRegister AbsExt = VectorAbs(BoxExtent);
	VectorRegister AbsExtentX = VectorReplicate(AbsExt, 0);
	VectorRegister AbsExtentY = VectorReplicate(AbsExt, 1);
	VectorRegister AbsExtentZ = VectorReplicate(AbsExt, 2);
	// Since we are moving straight through get a pointer to the data
	const FPlane* RESTRICT PermutedPlanePtr = (FPlane*)PermutedPlanes.GetData();
	// Process four planes at a time until we have < 4 left
	for ( int32 Count = 0, Num = PermutedPlanes.Num(); Count < Num; Count += 4 )
		// Load 4 planes that are already all Xs, Ys, ...
		VectorRegister PlanesX = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesY = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesZ = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesW = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		// Calculate the distance (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z) - w
		VectorRegister DistX = VectorMultiply(OrigX,PlanesX);
		VectorRegister DistY = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigY,PlanesY,DistX);
		VectorRegister DistZ = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigZ,PlanesZ,DistY);
		VectorRegister Distance = VectorSubtract(DistZ,PlanesW);
		// Now do the push out FMath::Abs(x * x) + FMath::Abs(y * y) + FMath::Abs(z * z)
		VectorRegister PushX = VectorMultiply(AbsExtentX,VectorAbs(PlanesX));
		VectorRegister PushY = VectorMultiplyAdd(AbsExtentY,VectorAbs(PlanesY),PushX);
		VectorRegister PushOut = VectorMultiplyAdd(AbsExtentZ,VectorAbs(PlanesZ),PushY);

		// Check for completely outside
		if ( VectorAnyGreaterThan(Distance,PushOut) )
			Result = false;
	return Result;
Esempio n. 5
const bool Test_Matrix_ScalingMatrix()
	const TMatrix4d kScaleMatrix_d = ScalingMatrix(TMatrix4d(), 1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
	const TVector4d kTransformedPoint_d = VectorMultiply(TVector4d(), kScaleMatrix_d, TVector4d{1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0});
	const bool kbPass_d = Equal(kTransformedPoint_d, TVector4d{1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 1.0}, s_kdEpsilon);

	const TMatrix4f kScaleMatrix_f = ScalingMatrix(TMatrix4f(), 1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
	const TVector4f kTransformedPoint_f = VectorMultiply(TVector4f(), kScaleMatrix_f, TVector4f{1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f});
	const bool kbPass_f = Equal(kTransformedPoint_f, TVector4f{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f, 1.0f}, s_kfEpsilon);

	return(kbPass_d && kbPass_f);
Esempio n. 6
void Luce(double x, double y, double z,double dimensione,float r,float g,float b,float iox,float ioy,float ioz,int Tex)
	Vector Position;
	Vector MyPosition;
	Position.x = x;
	Position.y = y;
	Position.z = z;

	Vector sight = VectorDiff(MyPosition, Position);

	Vector cz;
	cz.x = 0;
	cz.y = 0;
	cz.z = 1;

	Vector cross1 = VectorMultiply( sight, cz );
	Vector cross2 = VectorMultiply( sight, cross1 );

	cross1 = VectorNormalize(cross1);
	cross2 = VectorNormalize(cross2);

	cross1 = VectorScalarMultiply(cross1, dimensione);
	cross2 = VectorScalarMultiply(cross2, dimensione);

	glEnable (GL_BLEND);
	glBlendFunc( (1,1,1,1), (1,1,1,1));
	glDepthMask (GL_FALSE);

	glBindTexture( GL_TEXTURE_2D, texture[Tex] );
		glTexCoord2d( 0.0, 0.0 );
		glVertex3d( Position.x + cross1.x, Position.y + cross1.y, Position.z + cross1.z);
		glTexCoord2d( 1.0, 0.0 );
		glVertex3d( Position.x - cross2.x, Position.y - cross2.y, Position.z - cross2.z);
		glTexCoord2d( 1.0, 1.0 );
		glVertex3d( Position.x - cross1.x, Position.y - cross1.y, Position.z - cross1.z);
		glTexCoord2d( 0.0, 1.0 );
		glVertex3d( Position.x + cross2.x, Position.y + cross2.y, Position.z + cross2.z);

	glDisable (GL_BLEND);
	glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
Esempio n. 7
// Compute world center of a prop
static void ComputeWorldCenter( DetailObjectLump_t& prop, Vector& center, Vector& normal )
	// Transform the offset into world space
	Vector forward, right;
	AngleVectors( prop.m_Angles, &forward, &right, &normal );
	VectorCopy( prop.m_Origin, center );

	// FIXME: Take orientation into account?
	switch (prop.m_Type )
		VectorMA( center, g_ModelCenterOffset[prop.m_DetailModel].x, forward, center );
		VectorMA( center, -g_ModelCenterOffset[prop.m_DetailModel].y, right, center );
		VectorMA( center, g_ModelCenterOffset[prop.m_DetailModel].z, normal, center );

		Vector vecOffset;
		VectorMultiply( g_SpriteCenterOffset[prop.m_DetailModel], prop.m_flScale, vecOffset );
		VectorMA( center, vecOffset.x, forward, center );
		VectorMA( center, -vecOffset.y, right, center );
		VectorMA( center, vecOffset.z, normal, center );
Esempio n. 8
// Purpose: 
void CPropAPC::FireRocket( void )
	if ( m_flRocketTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	// If we're still firing the salvo, fire quickly
	if ( m_iRocketSalvoLeft > 0 )
		m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime + ROCKET_DELAY_TIME;
		// Reload the salvo
		m_iRocketSalvoLeft = ROCKET_SALVO_SIZE;
		m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( ROCKET_MIN_BURST_PAUSE_TIME, ROCKET_MAX_BURST_PAUSE_TIME );

	Vector vecRocketOrigin;
	GetRocketShootPosition(	&vecRocketOrigin );

	static float s_pSide[] = { 0.966, 0.866, 0.5, -0.5, -0.866, -0.966 };

	Vector forward;
	GetVectors( &forward, NULL, NULL );

	Vector vecDir;
	CrossProduct( Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), forward, vecDir );
	vecDir.z = 1.0f;
	vecDir.x *= s_pSide[m_nRocketSide];
	vecDir.y *= s_pSide[m_nRocketSide];
	if ( ++m_nRocketSide >= 6 )
		m_nRocketSide = 0;

	VectorNormalize( vecDir );

	Vector vecVelocity;
	VectorMultiply( vecDir, ROCKET_SPEED, vecVelocity );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecDir, angles );

	CAPCMissile *pRocket = (CAPCMissile *)CAPCMissile::Create( vecRocketOrigin, angles, vecVelocity, this );

	if ( m_hSpecificRocketTarget )
		pRocket->AimAtSpecificTarget( m_hSpecificRocketTarget );
		m_hSpecificRocketTarget = NULL;
	else if ( m_strMissileHint != NULL_STRING )
		pRocket->SetGuidanceHint( STRING( m_strMissileHint ) );

	EmitSound( "PropAPC.FireRocket" );
	m_OnFiredMissile.FireOutput( this, this );
void CMapData_Server::GetMapOrigin( Vector &vecOrigin )
	Vector vecMins, vecMaxs;
	GetMapBounds( vecMins, vecMaxs );
	VectorAdd( vecMins, vecMaxs, vecOrigin );
	VectorMultiply( vecOrigin, 0.5f, vecOrigin );
Esempio n. 10
const bool Test_Matrix_TranslationMatrix()
	const TVector3d kTranslate_d{1.0, 2.0, 3.0};
	const TMatrix4d kTranslationMatrix_d = TranslationMatrix(TMatrix4d(), kTranslate_d);
	const TVector4d kTranslatedPointA_d = VectorMultiply(TVector4d(), kTranslationMatrix_d, TVector4d{0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0});
	const TVector3d kTranslatedPointB_d{kTranslatedPointA_d.m_dX, kTranslatedPointA_d.m_dY, kTranslatedPointA_d.m_dZ};
	const bool kbPass_d = Equal(kTranslate_d, kTranslatedPointB_d, s_kdEpsilon);

	const TVector3f kTranslate_f{1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f};
	const TMatrix4f kTranslationMatrix_f = TranslationMatrix(TMatrix4f(), kTranslate_f);
	const TVector4f kTranslatedPointA_f = VectorMultiply(TVector4f(), kTranslationMatrix_f, TVector4f{0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f});
	const TVector3f kTranslatedPointB_f{kTranslatedPointA_f.m_fX, kTranslatedPointA_f.m_fY, kTranslatedPointA_f.m_fZ};
	const bool kbPass_f = Equal(kTranslate_f, kTranslatedPointB_f, s_kfEpsilon);

	return(kbPass_d && kbPass_f);
Esempio n. 11
void CClientLeafSystem::ProjectShadow( ClientLeafShadowHandle_t handle, const Vector& origin, 
					const Vector& dir, const Vector2D& size, float maxDist )
	// Remove the shadow from any leaves it current exists in
	RemoveShadowFromLeaves( handle );
	RemoveShadowFromRenderables( handle );


	// This will help us to avoid adding the shadow multiple times to a renderable

	// Create a ray starting at the origin, with a boxsize == to the
	// maximum size, and cast it along the direction of the shadow
	// Then mark each leaf that the ray hits with the shadow
	Ray_t ray;
	VectorCopy( origin, ray.m_Start );
	VectorMultiply( dir, maxDist, ray.m_Delta );
	ray.m_StartOffset.Init( 0, 0, 0 );

	float maxsize = max( size.x, size.y ) * 0.5f;
	ray.m_Extents.Init( maxsize, maxsize, maxsize );
	ray.m_IsRay = false;
	ray.m_IsSwept = true;

	CShadowLeafEnum leafEnum;
	ISpatialQuery* pQuery = engine->GetBSPTreeQuery();
	pQuery->EnumerateLeavesAlongRay( ray, &leafEnum, handle );
Esempio n. 12
void CMultiplyProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity )
	Assert( m_pSrc1 && m_pSrc2 && m_pResult );

	MaterialVarType_t resultType;
	int vecSize;
	ComputeResultType( resultType, vecSize );

	switch( resultType )
			Vector a, b, c;
			m_pSrc1->GetVecValue( a.Base(), vecSize ); 
			m_pSrc2->GetVecValue( b.Base(), vecSize ); 
			VectorMultiply( a, b, c );
			m_pResult->SetVecValue( c.Base(), vecSize );

		SetFloatResult( m_pSrc1->GetFloatValue() * m_pSrc2->GetFloatValue() );

		m_pResult->SetFloatValue( m_pSrc1->GetIntValue() * m_pSrc2->GetIntValue() );

	if ( ToolsEnabled() )
		ToolFramework_RecordMaterialParams( GetMaterial() );
Esempio n. 13
// Compute ambient lighting component at specified position.
static void ComputeAmbientLightingAtPoint( int iThread, const Vector &origin, Vector radcolor[NUMVERTEXNORMALS], Vector color[MAX_LIGHTSTYLES] )
	// NOTE: I'm not dealing with shadow-casting static props here
	// This is for speed, although we can add it if it turns out to
	// be important

	// sample world by casting N rays distributed across a sphere
	Vector upend;

	int j;
	for ( j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; ++j)
		color[j].Init( 0,0,0 );

	for (int i = 0; i < NUMVERTEXNORMALS; i++)
		VectorMA( origin, COORD_EXTENT * 1.74, g_anorms[i], upend );

		// Now that we've got a ray, see what surface we've hit
		CalcRayAmbientLighting( iThread, origin, upend, tanTheta, color );

//		DumpRayToGlView( ray, surfEnum.m_HitFrac, &color[0], "test.out" );

	for ( j = 0; j < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES; ++j)
		VectorMultiply( color[j], 255.0f / (float)NUMVERTEXNORMALS, color[j] );
Esempio n. 14
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransform(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FTransform Result;
	if (Other.IsRotationNormalized() == false)
		return FTransform::Identity;
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	static ScalarRegister STolerance(SMALL_NUMBER);
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D = VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Other.Scale3D, STolerance));

	VectorRegister VScale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);

	//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
	VectorRegister VQTranslation =  VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, Other.Translation));

	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	VectorRegister VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(Other.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseRot, VQTranslation);
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, Other.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VTranslation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)	
	VectorRegister VRotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseRot, Rotation );

	Result.Scale3D = VScale3D;
	Result.Translation = VTranslation;
	Result.Rotation = VRotation;	

	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());

	return Result;
// Computes the position of the canister
void CEnvHeadcrabCanisterShared::GetPositionAtTime( float flTime, Vector &vecPosition, QAngle &vecAngles )
	float flDeltaTime = flTime - m_flLaunchTime;
	if ( flDeltaTime > m_flFlightTime )
		flDeltaTime = m_flFlightTime;

	VMatrix initToWorld;
	if ( m_bLaunchedFromWithinWorld || m_bInSkybox )
		VectorMA( m_vecStartPosition, flDeltaTime * m_flHorizSpeed, m_vecParabolaDirection, vecPosition );
		vecPosition.z += m_flInitialZSpeed * flDeltaTime + 0.5f * m_flZAcceleration * flDeltaTime * flDeltaTime;

		Vector vecLeft;
		CrossProduct( m_vecParabolaDirection, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), vecLeft );

		Vector vecForward;
		VectorMultiply( m_vecParabolaDirection, -1.0f, vecForward );
		vecForward.z = -(m_flInitialZSpeed + m_flZAcceleration * flDeltaTime) / m_flHorizSpeed;	// This is -dz/dx.
		VectorNormalize( vecForward );

		Vector vecUp;
		CrossProduct( vecForward, vecLeft, vecUp );
		initToWorld.SetBasisVectors( vecForward, vecLeft, vecUp );
		flDeltaTime -= m_flWorldEnterTime;
		Vector vecVelocity;
		VectorMultiply( m_vecDirection, m_flFlightSpeed, vecVelocity );
		VectorMA( m_vecEnterWorldPosition, flDeltaTime, vecVelocity, vecPosition );

		MatrixFromAngles( m_vecStartAngles.Get(), initToWorld );

	VMatrix rotation;
	MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rotation, Vector( 1, 0, 0 ), flDeltaTime * ROTATION_SPEED );

	VMatrix newAngles;
	MatrixMultiply( initToWorld, rotation, newAngles );
	MatrixToAngles( newAngles, vecAngles );
// Purpose: 
void CHarpoon::HarpoonTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	// If we've stuck something, freeze. Make sure we hit it along our velocity.
	if ( pOther->GetCollisionGroup() != TFCOLLISION_GROUP_SHIELD )
		// Perform the collision response...
		const trace_t &tr = CBaseEntity::GetTouchTrace( );

		Vector vecNewVelocity;
		PhysicsClipVelocity (GetAbsVelocity(), tr.plane.normal, vecNewVelocity, 2.0 - GetFriction());
		SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );
		// Move away from the shield...
		// Fling it out a little extra along the plane normal
		Vector vecCenter;
		AngleVectors( pOther->GetAbsAngles(), &vecCenter );

		Vector vecNewVelocity;
		VectorMultiply( vecCenter, 400.0f, vecNewVelocity );
		SetAbsVelocity( vecNewVelocity );

	if ( !pOther->IsBSPModel() && !pOther->GetBaseAnimating() )

	// At this point, it shouldn't affect player movement

	// Remove myself soon
	SetThink( SUB_Remove );
	SetNextThink( gpGlobals->curtime + 30.0 );

	m_hImpaledTarget = pOther;

	// Should I impale something?
	if ( pOther->GetBaseAnimating() )

		if ( pOther->GetMoveType() != MOVETYPE_NONE )
			ImpaleTarget( pOther );


	EmitSound( "Harpoon.Impact" );

	// Stop moving
	SetMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
Esempio n. 17
bool FConvexVolume::IntersectSphere(const FVector& Origin,const float& Radius, bool& bOutFullyContained) const
	bool Result = true;

	//Assume fully contained
	bOutFullyContained = true;

	checkSlow(PermutedPlanes.Num() % 4 == 0);

	// Load the origin & radius
	VectorRegister Orig = VectorLoadFloat3(&Origin);
	VectorRegister VRadius = VectorLoadFloat1(&Radius);
	VectorRegister NegativeVRadius = VectorNegate(VRadius);
	// Splat origin into 3 vectors
	VectorRegister OrigX = VectorReplicate(Orig, 0);
	VectorRegister OrigY = VectorReplicate(Orig, 1);
	VectorRegister OrigZ = VectorReplicate(Orig, 2);
	// Since we are moving straight through get a pointer to the data
	const FPlane* RESTRICT PermutedPlanePtr = (FPlane*)PermutedPlanes.GetData();
	// Process four planes at a time until we have < 4 left
	for (int32 Count = 0; Count < PermutedPlanes.Num(); Count += 4)
		// Load 4 planes that are already all Xs, Ys, ...
		VectorRegister PlanesX = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesY = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesZ = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesW = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		// Calculate the distance (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z) - w
		VectorRegister DistX = VectorMultiply(OrigX,PlanesX);
		VectorRegister DistY = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigY,PlanesY,DistX);
		VectorRegister DistZ = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigZ,PlanesZ,DistY);
		VectorRegister Distance = VectorSubtract(DistZ,PlanesW);

		// Check for completely outside
		int32 Mask = VectorAnyGreaterThan(Distance,VRadius);
		if (Mask)
			Result = false;
			bOutFullyContained = false;

		//the sphere is definitely inside the frustums, but let's check if it's FULLY contained by checking the NEGATIVE radius (on the inside of each frustum plane)
		Mask = VectorAnyGreaterThan(Distance,NegativeVRadius);
		if (Mask)
			bOutFullyContained = false;
	return Result;
Esempio n. 18
FTransform FTransform::GetRelativeTransformReverse(const FTransform& Other) const
	// A (-1) * B = VQS(B)(VQS (A)(-1))
	// Scale = S(B)/S(A)
	// Rotation = Q(B) * Q(A)(-1)
	// Translation = T(B)-S(B)/S(A) *[Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]
	// where A = this, and B = Other
	FTransform Result;

	// Scale = S(B)/S(A)	
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D	= VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(Scale3D));
	VectorRegister VScale3D = VectorMultiply(Other.Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
	// Rotation = Q(B) * Q(A)(-1)	
	VectorRegister VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(Rotation);
	VectorRegister VRotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(Other.Rotation, VInverseRot );
	// [Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]	
	VInverseRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(VRotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VRotation, Translation);	
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, VInverseRot);

	// Translation = T(B)-S(B)/S(A) *[Q(B)*Q(A)(-1)*T(A)*Q(A)*Q(B)(-1)]	
	VectorRegister VTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Other.Translation, VectorMultiply(VScale3D, VR)));

	Result.Scale3D = VScale3D;	
	Result.Translation = VTranslation;
	Result.Rotation = VRotation;

	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = Other.ToMatrixWithScale();

	Result.DebugEqualMatrix(AM.InverseFast() *  BM);

	return Result;
/** Determines whether two bounding spheres intersect. */
FORCEINLINE bool AreSpheresNotIntersecting(
	const VectorRegister& A_XYZ,
	const VectorRegister& A_Radius,
	const VectorRegister& B_XYZ,
	const VectorRegister& B_Radius
	const VectorRegister DeltaVector = VectorSubtract(A_XYZ,B_XYZ);
	const VectorRegister DistanceSquared = VectorDot3(DeltaVector,DeltaVector);
	const VectorRegister MaxDistance = VectorAdd(A_Radius,B_Radius);
	const VectorRegister MaxDistanceSquared = VectorMultiply(MaxDistance,MaxDistance);
	return !!VectorAnyGreaterThan(DistanceSquared,MaxDistanceSquared);
Esempio n. 20
const bool Test_Matrix_VectorMultiply()
	const TMatrix4d kA4d{	2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 3.0, 0.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 0.0, 4.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 5.0};

	const TVector4d kB4d{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
	const TVector4d kC4d{ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 };

	const TMatrix4f kA4f{	2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 5.0f};

	const TVector4f kB4f{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	const TVector4f kC4f{ 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f, 5.0f };

	const TMatrix3d kA3d{	2.0, 0.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 3.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 0.0, 4.0};

	const TVector3d kB3d{ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
	const TVector3d kC3d{ 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 };

	const TMatrix3f kA3f{	2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 3.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 0.0f, 4.0f};

	const TVector3f kB3f{ 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
	const TVector3f kC3f{ 2.0f, 3.0f, 4.0f };

	const TMatrix2d kA2d{	2.0, 0.0,
							0.0, 3.0};

	const TVector2d kB2d{ 1.0, 1.0 };
	const TVector2d kC2d{ 2.0, 3.0 };

	const TMatrix2f kA2f{	2.0f, 0.0f,
							0.0f, 3.0f};

	const TVector2f kB2f{ 1.0f, 1.0f };
	const TVector2f kC2f{ 2.0f, 3.0f };

	const bool kbPass4d = Equal(kC4d, VectorMultiply(TVector4d(), kA4d, kB4d), s_kdEpsilon);
	const bool kbPass4f = Equal(kC4f, VectorMultiply(TVector4f(), kA4f, kB4f), s_kfEpsilon);
	const bool kbPass3d = Equal(kC3d, VectorMultiply(TVector3d(), kA3d, kB3d), s_kdEpsilon);
	const bool kbPass3f = Equal(kC3f, VectorMultiply(TVector3f(), kA3f, kB3f), s_kfEpsilon);
	const bool kbPass2d = Equal(kC2d, VectorMultiply(TVector2d(), kA2d, kB2d), s_kdEpsilon);
	const bool kbPass2f = Equal(kC2f, VectorMultiply(TVector2f(), kA2f, kB2f), s_kfEpsilon);

	return(		kbPass4d
			&&	kbPass4f
			&&	kbPass3d
			&&	kbPass3f
			&&	kbPass2d
			&&	kbPass2f);
Esempio n. 21
 * Set current transform and the relative to ParentTransform.
 * Equates to This = This->GetRelativeTransform(Parent), but saves the intermediate FTransform storage and copy.
void FTransform::SetToRelativeTransform(const FTransform& ParentTransform)
	// A * B(-1) = VQS(B)(-1) (VQS (A))
	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)
	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)
	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	// where A = this, B = Other
	FMatrix AM = ToMatrixWithScale();
	FMatrix BM = ParentTransform.ToMatrixWithScale();

	// Scale = S(A)/S(B)	
	VectorRegister VSafeScale3D	= VectorSet_W0(GetSafeScaleReciprocal(ParentTransform.Scale3D));
	Scale3D = VectorMultiply(Scale3D, VSafeScale3D);
	//VQTranslation = (  ( T(A).X - T(B).X ),  ( T(A).Y - T(B).Y ), ( T(A).Z - T(B).Z), 0.f );
	VectorRegister VQTranslation = VectorSet_W0(VectorSubtract(Translation, ParentTransform.Translation));

	// Translation = 1/S(B) *[Q(B)(-1)*(T(A)-T(B))*Q(B)]
	VectorRegister VInverseParentRot = VectorQuaternionInverse(ParentTransform.Rotation);
	VectorRegister VQT = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, VQTranslation);
	VectorRegister VR = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VQT, ParentTransform.Rotation);
	Translation = VectorMultiply(VR, VSafeScale3D);

	// Rotation = Q(B)(-1) * Q(A)	
	Rotation = VectorQuaternionMultiply2(VInverseParentRot, Rotation );


	DebugEqualMatrix(AM *  BM.InverseFast());
// Purpose: 
void CNPC_Bug_Warrior::MeleeAttack( float distance, float damage, QAngle& viewPunch, Vector& shove )
	if ( GetEnemy() == NULL )

	// Trace directly at my target
	Vector vStart = GetAbsOrigin();
	vStart.z += WorldAlignSize().z * 0.5;
	Vector vecForward = (GetEnemy()->EyePosition() - vStart);
	VectorNormalize( vecForward );
	Vector vEnd = vStart + (vecForward * distance );

	// Use half the size of my target for the box 
	Vector vecHalfTraceBox = (GetEnemy()->WorldAlignMaxs() - GetEnemy()->WorldAlignMins()) * 0.25;
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( vStart, -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 0,255,0,20,1.0);
	//NDebugOverlay::Box( GetEnemy()->EyePosition(), -Vector(10,10,10), Vector(10,10,10), 255,255,255,20,1.0);
	CBaseEntity *pHurt = CheckTraceHullAttack( vStart, vEnd, -vecHalfTraceBox, vecHalfTraceBox, damage, DMG_SLASH );
	if ( pHurt )
		CBasePlayer *pPlayer = ToBasePlayer( pHurt );

		if ( pPlayer )
			//Kick the player angles
			pPlayer->ViewPunch( viewPunch );	

			Vector	dir = pHurt->GetAbsOrigin() - GetAbsOrigin();

			QAngle angles;
			VectorAngles( dir, angles );
			Vector forward, right;
			AngleVectors( angles, &forward, &right, NULL );

			// Push the target back
			Vector vecImpulse;
			VectorMultiply( right, -shove[1], vecImpulse );
			VectorMA( vecImpulse, -shove[0], forward, vecImpulse );
			pHurt->ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse( vecImpulse );

		// Play a random attack hit sound
		EmitSound( "NPC_Bug_Warrior.AttackHit" );
Esempio n. 23
static void PerformNewCustomEffects( const Vector &vecOrigin, trace_t &tr, const Vector &shotDir, int iMaterial, int iScale, int nFlags )
    bool bNoFlecks = !r_drawflecks.GetBool();
    if ( !bNoFlecks )
        bNoFlecks = ( ( nFlags & FLAGS_CUSTIOM_EFFECTS_NOFLECKS ) != 0  );

    // Compute the impact effect name
    const ImpactEffect_t &effect = s_pImpactEffect[ iMaterial - 'A' ];
    const char *pImpactName = effect.m_pName;
    if ( bNoFlecks && effect.m_pNameNoFlecks )
        pImpactName = effect.m_pNameNoFlecks;
    if ( !pImpactName )

    CSmartPtr<CNewParticleEffect> pEffect = CNewParticleEffect::Create( NULL, pImpactName );
    if ( !pEffect->IsValid() )

    Vector	vecReflect;
    float	flDot = DotProduct( shotDir, tr.plane.normal );
    VectorMA( shotDir, -2.0f * flDot, tr.plane.normal, vecReflect );

    Vector vecShotBackward;
    VectorMultiply( shotDir, -1.0f, vecShotBackward );

    Vector vecImpactPoint = ( tr.fraction != 1.0f ) ? tr.endpos : vecOrigin;
    // Other games round m_vOrigin to nearest integer, so I guess we can afford skipping this check.
    Assert( VectorsAreEqual( vecOrigin, tr.endpos, 1e-1 ) );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 0, vecImpactPoint, tr.plane.normal, tr.m_pEnt );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 1, vecImpactPoint, vecReflect,		tr.m_pEnt );
    SetImpactControlPoint( pEffect.GetObject(), 2, vecImpactPoint, vecShotBackward,	tr.m_pEnt );
    pEffect->SetControlPoint( 3, Vector( iScale, iScale, iScale ) );
    if ( pEffect->m_pDef->ReadsControlPoint( 4 ) )
        Vector vecColor;
        GetColorForSurface( &tr, &vecColor );
        pEffect->SetControlPoint( 4, vecColor );
Esempio n. 24
// Figure out where we enter the world
void CEnvHeadcrabCanister::ComputeWorldEntryPoint( Vector *pStartPosition, QAngle *pStartAngles, Vector *pStartDirection )

	Vector vecForward;
	GetVectors( &vecForward, NULL, NULL );

	// Raycast up to the place where we should start from (start raycast slightly off the ground,
	// since it'll be buried in the ground oftentimes)
	trace_t tr;
	CTraceFilterWorldOnly filter;
	UTIL_TraceLine( GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 100, GetAbsOrigin() + vecForward * 10000,
		CONTENTS_SOLID, &filter, &tr );

	*pStartPosition = tr.endpos;
	*pStartAngles = GetAbsAngles();
	VectorMultiply( vecForward, -1.0f, *pStartDirection );
void CPlayerPositionProxy::OnBind( void *pC_BaseEntity )
	// Find the player speed....
	C_BaseEntity* pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if (!pPlayer)

	// This is actually a vector...
	Assert( m_pResult );
	Vector res;
	VectorMultiply( pPlayer->WorldSpaceCenter(), m_Factor, res ); 
	m_pResult->SetVecValue( res.Base(), 3 );

	if ( ToolsEnabled() )
		ToolFramework_RecordMaterialParams( GetMaterial() );
Esempio n. 26
bool FConvexVolume::IntersectSphere(const FVector& Origin,const float& Radius) const
	bool Result = true;

	checkSlow(PermutedPlanes.Num() % 4 == 0);

	// Load the origin & radius
	VectorRegister Orig = VectorLoadFloat3(&Origin);
	VectorRegister VRadius = VectorLoadFloat1(&Radius);
	// Splat origin into 3 vectors
	VectorRegister OrigX = VectorReplicate(Orig, 0);
	VectorRegister OrigY = VectorReplicate(Orig, 1);
	VectorRegister OrigZ = VectorReplicate(Orig, 2);
	// Since we are moving straight through get a pointer to the data
	const FPlane* RESTRICT PermutedPlanePtr = (FPlane*)PermutedPlanes.GetData();
	// Process four planes at a time until we have < 4 left
	for (int32 Count = 0; Count < PermutedPlanes.Num(); Count += 4)
		// Load 4 planes that are already all Xs, Ys, ...
		VectorRegister PlanesX = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesY = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesZ = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		VectorRegister PlanesW = VectorLoadAligned(PermutedPlanePtr);
		// Calculate the distance (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z) - w
		VectorRegister DistX = VectorMultiply(OrigX,PlanesX);
		VectorRegister DistY = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigY,PlanesY,DistX);
		VectorRegister DistZ = VectorMultiplyAdd(OrigZ,PlanesZ,DistY);
		VectorRegister Distance = VectorSubtract(DistZ,PlanesW);

		// Check for completely outside
		if (VectorAnyGreaterThan(Distance,VRadius))
			Result = false;
	return Result;
Esempio n. 27
void particleInterpolate(int i, float t, float *v) {

    particle_t *p1;
    particle_t *p2;

    p1 = state.particleHistory + state.particleCount * state.currentFrame + i;

    if (state.currentFrame == state.historyFrames || state.historyFrames == 0 || state.mode & SM_RECORD) {
        VectorCopy(p1->pos, v);

    p2 = state.particleHistory + state.particleCount * (state.currentFrame+1) + i;

    VectorSub(p1->pos, p2->pos, moo);
    VectorMultiply(moo, t, moo);
    VectorAdd(p1->pos, moo, v);

Esempio n. 28
// Death volley 
void CPropAPC::FireDying( )
	if ( m_flRocketTime > gpGlobals->curtime )

	Vector vecRocketOrigin;
	GetRocketShootPosition(	&vecRocketOrigin );

	Vector vecDir;
	vecDir.Random( -1.0f, 1.0f );
	if ( vecDir.z < 0.0f )
		vecDir.z *= -1.0f;

	VectorNormalize( vecDir );

	Vector vecVelocity;
	VectorMultiply( vecDir, ROCKET_SPEED * random->RandomFloat( 0.75f, 1.25f ), vecVelocity );

	QAngle angles;
	VectorAngles( vecDir, angles );

	CAPCMissile *pRocket = (CAPCMissile *) CAPCMissile::Create( vecRocketOrigin, angles, vecVelocity, this );
	float flDeathTime = random->RandomFloat( 0.3f, 0.5f );
	if ( random->RandomFloat( 0.0f, 1.0f ) < 0.3f )
		pRocket->ExplodeDelay( flDeathTime );
		pRocket->AugerDelay( flDeathTime );

	// Make erratic firing
	m_flRocketTime = gpGlobals->curtime + random->RandomFloat( DEATH_VOLLEY_MIN_FIRE_TIME, DEATH_VOLLEY_MAX_FIRE_TIME );
	if ( --m_iRocketSalvoLeft <= 0 )
void CBaseHelicopter::DoWashPushOnAirboat( CBaseEntity *pAirboat, 
	const Vector &vecWashToAirboat, float flWashAmount )
	// For the airboat, simply produce a small roll and a push outwards.
	// But don't produce a roll if we're too rolled in that direction already.
	// Get the actual up direction vector
	Vector vecUp;
	pAirboat->GetVectors( NULL, NULL, &vecUp );

	// Compute roll direction so that we get pushed down on the side where the rotor wash is.
	Vector vecRollNormal;
	CrossProduct( vecWashToAirboat, Vector( 0, 0, 1 ), vecRollNormal );

	// Project it into the plane of the roll normal
	VectorMA( vecUp, -DotProduct( vecUp, vecRollNormal ), vecRollNormal, vecUp );
	VectorNormalize( vecUp );

	// Compute a vector which is the max direction we can roll given the roll constraint
	Vector vecExtremeUp;
	VMatrix rot;
	MatrixBuildRotationAboutAxis( rot, vecRollNormal, MAX_AIRBOAT_ROLL_ANGLE );
	MatrixGetColumn( rot, 2, &vecExtremeUp );

	// Find the angle between how vertical we are and how vertical we should be
	float flCosDelta = DotProduct( vecExtremeUp, vecUp );
	float flDelta = acos(flCosDelta) * 180.0f / M_PI;
	flDelta = clamp( flDelta, 0.0f, MAX_AIRBOAT_ROLL_ANGLE );
	flDelta = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flDelta, 0.0f, MAX_AIRBOAT_ROLL_ANGLE, 0.0f, 1.0f );

	float flForce = 12.0f * flWashAmount * flDelta;

	Vector vecWashOrigin;
	Vector vecForce;
	VectorMultiply( Vector( 0, 0, -1 ), flForce, vecForce );
	VectorMA( pAirboat->GetAbsOrigin(), -200.0f, vecWashToAirboat, vecWashOrigin );

	pAirboat->VPhysicsTakeDamage( CTakeDamageInfo( this, this, vecForce, vecWashOrigin, flWashAmount, DMG_BLAST ) );
Esempio n. 30
static void ComputeAmbientFromSurface( dface_t* pFace, directlight_t* pSkylight, 
									   Vector& radcolor )
	texinfo_t* pTex = &texinfo[pFace->texinfo];
	if (pTex)
		// If we hit the sky, use the sky ambient
		if (pTex->flags & SURF_SKY)
			if (pSkylight)
				// add in sky ambient
				VectorDivide( pSkylight->light.intensity, 255.0f, radcolor ); 
			VectorMultiply( radcolor, dtexdata[pTex->texdata].reflectivity, radcolor );