Esempio n. 1
double* FunctionAST::get_scaling_coeff(double* scaling_coeff, double* wavelet_coeff, int n, int l)
    int         i, k;
    double*     d;
    double*     s;
    double      is_odd;

    k   = this->func->k;
    d   = Vector_initialize(NULL, 0, 2 * k);

    for (i=0; i<k; i++)
        d[i]    = scaling_coeff[i];
        d[i+k]  = wavelet_coeff[i];
    is_odd  = l - 2*(l/2); 

    // apply the two scale relationship to get difference coeff
    // in 1d this is O(k^2) floops (in 3d this is O(k^4) flops)
    if (!is_odd)
        s   = Multiply_Vector_Matrix(d, k * 2, this->func->hg0, k * 2, k);
        s   = Multiply_Vector_Matrix(d, k * 2, this->func->hg1, k * 2, k);

    return s;
Esempio n. 2
double* FunctionAST::diff_coefficients(double* left, double* center, double* right, int n)
    int         i, k;
    double*     resultVector;
    double*     tempRpLeft;
    double*     tempR0Center;
    double*     tempRmRight;

    k               = this->func->k;
    resultVector    = Vector_initialize(NULL, 0, k+ADD_K);
    tempRpLeft      = Multiply_Matrix_Vector(this->func->rp, k+ADD_K, k+ADD_K, left, k+ADD_K);
    tempR0Center    = Multiply_Matrix_Vector(this->func->r0, k+ADD_K, k+ADD_K, center, k+ADD_K);
    tempRmRight     = Multiply_Matrix_Vector(this->func->rm, k+ADD_K, k+ADD_K, right, k+ADD_K);

    for (i=0; i<k+ADD_K; i++) 
        resultVector[i] = tempRpLeft[i] + tempR0Center[i] + tempRmRight[i];

    Vector_scale(resultVector, this->func->k+ADD_K, pow(2.0, n));

    return resultVector;    
Esempio n. 3
AST* FunctionAST::non_ready_operands(AST* evaluated_operands_list, AST* ready_operand_indices, int n, int l)
    int         i;
    int         j, i1, i2;
    int         le;
    int         lr;
    double*     coeff;
    double*     result_coeff;
    AST*        result_node;
    AST*        target_node;
    AST*        temp;
    le              = ast_len(evaluated_operands_list);
    lr              = ast_len(ready_operand_indices);
    result_coeff    = Vector_initialize(0, 0, this->k);

    int lenIndices = ast_len(ready_operand_indices);
    for (j=0; j<lenIndices; j++)
        evaluated_operands_list = ast_delete_item(evaluated_operands_list, 
						  ast_get_item(ready_operand_indices, j)->intVal); 

    // not implemented yet
    result_node = ast_create_item(0, this->create_node(NULL, result_coeff, n, l, 1), NULL);

    // if all the operands are available for computing
    // then the operation is complete. Just replace the 
    // operation node wiht the result node
    if (le == lr)
        if (n == this->max_level) result_node->nodeVal->is_ready = 1;
        printf ("(1)\n");
        return result_node;
    // the operation is not complete yet. Some operands
    // are still at internal nodes
        AST*    op = ast_create_item(NON_OPERATOR, NULL, NULL);

        printf ("===============\n");
        ast_print_tree(op, 0, 0);
        printf ("\n");
        ast_print_tree(evaluated_operands_list, 0, 0);
        printf ("\n");
        ast_print_tree(result_node, 0, 0);
        printf ("\n");

        evaluated_operands_list = ast_put_item(op, evaluated_operands_list);
        evaluated_operands_list = ast_insert_item(result_node, evaluated_operands_list);

        ast_print_tree(evaluated_operands_list, 0, 0);
        printf ("\n");
        printf ("(2)\n");
        return evaluated_operands_list;
Esempio n. 4
double* FunctionAST::add_coefficients(double* coeff1, double* coeff2)
    double*     temp;
    temp    = Vector_initialize(coeff1, 0, this->func->k);
    Vector_gaxpy(temp, 1.0, coeff2, 1.0, this->func->k);

    return temp;
Esempio n. 5
double* FunctionAST::inner_coefficients(double* coeff1, double* coeff2, double* inheritedResult)
#ifdef DEBUG
    printf ("[%s]\n", __func__);
    double* result;

    if (coeff1 == NULL || coeff2 == NULL) {
        return Vector_initialize(NULL, 0, this->func->k+ADD_K);
	printf("this should never happen");
    result	= Vector_initialize(NULL, 0, this->func->k+ADD_K);
    result[0]	= Vector_inner(coeff1, coeff2, this->func->k+ADD_K);
    *inheritedResult        += result[0];
    this->func->tempInner   += result[0];
    //printf ("%12.8f:%12.8f\n", result[0], *inheritedResult);
    return result;
Esempio n. 6
// for co-ordinates at box nn, ll, evaluates the value using
// coefficients at box n, l
// this function assumes that x is Vector.
double* FunctionAST::evaluate_at_box(int k, double* coeff, int n, int l, int nn, int ll, double* x)
    int         i;
    double*     p;
    double      coordinate;
    double      temp;
    double*     returnVector;

    returnVector    = Vector_initialize(NULL, 0, this->func->k+ADD_K);
    for (i=0; i<this->func->k; i++)
        coordinate          = ((x[i] + ll) * (pow(2.0, n - nn))) - l;
        p                   = Vector_initialize(phi(coordinate, this->func->k), 0, this->func->k);
        temp                = Vector_inner(coeff, p, this->func->k);
        returnVector[i]     = temp * sqrt(pow(2.0, n));

    return returnVector;
Esempio n. 7
Vector Vector_scalar_add(const Vector vec, const double c)
    return Vector_initialize(c + vec.x, c + vec.y);
Esempio n. 8
Vector Vector_scalar_mult(const Vector vec, const double c)
    return Vector_initialize(c * vec.x, c * vec.y);
Esempio n. 9
Vector Vector_negate(const Vector vec) 
    return Vector_initialize(-vec.x, -vec.y);
Esempio n. 10
Vector Vector_mult(const Vector vec0, const Vector vec1) 
    return Vector_initialize(vec0.x * vec1.x, vec0.y * vec1.y);
Esempio n. 11
Vector Vector_sub(const Vector vec0, const Vector vec1) 
    return Vector_initialize(vec0.x - vec1.x, vec0.y - vec1.y);
Esempio n. 12
Vector Vector_add(const Vector vec0, const Vector vec1) 
    return Vector_initialize(vec0.x + vec1.x, vec0.y + vec1.y);
Esempio n. 13
Vector Vector_zero()
    return Vector_initialize(0.0, 0.0);
Esempio n. 14
VectorPointer Vector_create(const double x, const double y)
    VectorPointer rtn = (VectorPointer) malloc(sizeof(Vector));
    *rtn = Vector_initialize(x, y);
    return rtn;
Esempio n. 15
static ParseResult parse_vertex_data(
        json_value *vertex, 
        int *o_id,
        VectorPointer o_pos,
        char *o_label,
        int *o_fixed
        ParseResult result;
        unsigned int fields = vertex->u.object.length; 
        if (fields != 3)  {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_LENGTH_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Each vertex specified in the input file needs to have exactly 3 fields";
            return result;

        char *fst_fieldname, *snd_fieldname, *thrd_fieldname;
        json_value *ident, *position, *label;
        fst_fieldname  = vertex->u.object.values[0].name;
        snd_fieldname  = vertex->u.object.values[1].name;
        thrd_fieldname = vertex->u.object.values[2].name;
        ident          = vertex->u.object.values[0].value;
        position       = vertex->u.object.values[1].value;
        label          = vertex->u.object.values[2].value;

        if (strcmp(fst_fieldname, "id")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "First field of a vertex needs to be named 'id'"; 
            return result;
        } else if (strcmp(snd_fieldname, "fixed")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Second field of a vertex needs to be named 'fixed'"; 
            return result;
        } else if (strcmp(thrd_fieldname, "label")) {
            result.status = PS_NAME_SPELL_ERR;
            result.emsg = "Third field of a vertex needs to be named 'label'"; 
            return result;

        int id, fixed;
        id = -99;

        if (ident->type == json_integer) {
            id = ident->u.integer;
        } else {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "Field id does not have an integer as value"; 
            return result;

        *o_id = id;
        fixed = 0;
        Vector pos;
        pos = Vector_zero();

        if (position->type == json_array) {
            fixed = 1; 
            int length;
            length = position->u.array.length;

            if (length != 2) {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_LENGTH_ERR;
                result.emsg = "Position coordinates != 2"; 
                return result;

            json_value *j_x, *j_y;
            j_x = position->u.array.values[0];
            j_y = position->u.array.values[1];

            double fixed_x, fixed_y;
            fixed_x = fixed_y = 0;

            if (j_x->type == json_double) {
                if (Util_in_range(0, 1, (double) j_x->u.dbl)) {
                    fixed_x = (double) j_x->u.dbl;
                } else {
                    result.status = PS_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR;
                    result.emsg = "X-coordinate must lie in range (0, 1)";
                    return result;
            } else {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
                result.emsg = "X-coordinate be of type double";
                return result;

            if (j_y->type == json_double) {
                if (Util_in_range(0, 1, (double) j_y->u.dbl)) {
                    fixed_y = (double) j_y->u.dbl;
                } else {
                    result.status = PS_VALUE_RANGE_ERROR;
                    result.emsg = "Y-coordinate must lie in range (0, 1)";
                    return result;
            } else {
                result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
                result.emsg = "Y-coordinate be of type double";
                return result;

            pos = Vector_initialize(fixed_x, fixed_y);
        } else if (position->type != json_null) {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "The value fixed must be an array with 2 elements or null";
            return result;

        *o_pos = pos;
        *o_fixed = fixed;

        char vertex_label[MAX_LABEL_LENGTH];

        if (label->type == json_string) {
            strcpy(vertex_label, label->u.string.ptr);
        } else if (label->type == json_null) {
            vertex_label[0] = 0;
        } else {
            result.status = PS_VALUE_TYPE_ERROR;
            result.emsg = "Label must be of type string";
            return result;

        strcpy(o_label, vertex_label);
        result.status = PS_SUCCESS;
        result.emsg = NULL; 
        return result; 