Esempio n. 1
void  Triangles::BoundAnisotropy(Real8 anisomax)
  if (verbosity > 1) 
    cout << " -- BoundAnisotropy by  " << anisomax << endl; 
  Real8 h1=1.e30,h2=1e-30,rx=0;
  Real8 coef = 1./(anisomax*anisomax);
  Real8 hn1=1.e30,hn2=1e-30,rnx =1.e-30;  
  for (Int4 i=0;i<nbv;i++)

      MatVVP2x2 Vp(vertices[i]);
      rx = Max(rx,Vp.Aniso2());
      rnx = Max(rnx,Vp.Aniso2());

      vertices[i].m = Vp;


  if (verbosity>2)
      cout << "     input :  Hmin = " << sqrt(1/h2)  << " Hmax = " << sqrt(1/h1) 
	   << " factor of anisotropy max  = " << sqrt(rx) << endl;
      cout << "     output:  Hmin = " << sqrt(1/hn2) << " Hmax = " << sqrt(1/hn1) 
	   << " factor of anisotropy max  = " << sqrt(rnx) << endl;
	Real Generalized_HullWhite::discountBondOption(Option::Type type, Real strike,
		Time maturity,
		Time bondMaturity) const {

			Real _a = a();
			Real v;
			v = std::sqrt(Vp(0, maturity, bondMaturity));
			Real f = termStructure()->discount(bondMaturity);
			Real k = termStructure()->discount(maturity)*strike;

			return blackFormula(type, k, f, v);
Esempio n. 3
void Triangles::IntersectGeomMetric(const Real8 err=1,const int iso=0)

    cout << " -- IntersectGeomMetric geometric err=" << err << (iso ? " iso " : " aniso "  ) << endl;
  Real8 ss[2]={0.00001,0.99999};
  Real8 errC = 2*sqrt(2*err);
  Real8 hmax = Gh.MaximalHmax();
  Real8 hmin = Gh.MinimalHmin();
  Real8 maxaniso = 1e6;
  if (errC > 1) errC = 1;
  for (Int4  i=0;i<nbe;i++)
    for (int j=0;j<2;j++)
	Vertex V;
	VertexOnGeom GV;
	// cerr << Number(edges[i]) << " " << ss[j] << endl;
	  GeometricalEdge * eg = GV;
	  Real8 s = GV;
	  R2 tg;
	  //	   cerr << i << " " << j << " " << Number(V) << " on = " 
	  //	<< Gh.Number(eg) << " at s = " << s << " " << endl;
	  Real8  R1= eg->R1tg(s,tg);
	  // cerr << " R = " << 1/Max(R1,1e-20) << tg << " on x " 
	  //    << V.r << errC/ Max(R1,1e-20) <<  " hold=" <<V.m(tg) << " "  << endl;
	  Real8 ht = hmax;
          if (R1>1.0e-20) 
	    {  // err relative to the length of the edge
	      ht = Min(Max(errC/R1,hmin),hmax);
	  Real8 hn = iso? ht : Min(hmax,ht*maxaniso);
	  //cerr << ht << " " << hn << "m=" << edges[i][j].m <<  endl;
	  assert(ht>0 && hn>0);
	  MatVVP2x2 Vp(1/(ht*ht),1/(hn*hn),tg);
	  //cerr << " : " ;
	  Metric MVp(Vp);
	  // cerr << " : "  << MVp  << endl;
	  //cerr << " . " << endl;

  // the problem is for the vertex on vertex 
Esempio n. 4
int main(){
	LHDlib::RhoTable rhoTable;


	size_t size = 100;
	std::vector<double> R_10(size), Z_10(size);
	std::vector<double> R_11(size), Z_11(size);
	std::vector<double> R_12(size), Z_12(size);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i){
		double theta = 2.0*myconst::pi / size*i;
		rhoTable.getRZfromRhoThetaPhi(1.0, theta, myconst::pi/10.0, R_10[i], Z_10[i]);
		rhoTable.getRZfromRhoThetaPhi(1.1, theta, myconst::pi/10.0, R_11[i], Z_11[i]);
		rhoTable.getRZfromRhoThetaPhi(1.2, theta, myconst::pi/10.0, R_12[i], Z_12[i]);
	IGORdata::write_itx(R_10, Z_10, "RZ_10.itx", "RR_10", "ZZ_10");
	IGORdata::write_itx(R_11, Z_11, "RZ_11.itx", "RR_11", "ZZ_11");
	IGORdata::write_itx(R_12, Z_12, "RZ_12.itx", "RR_12", "ZZ_12");

	size = 48;
	std::vector<double> rho(size), Vp(size), dVpdrho(size), dVdrho(size);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i){
		rho[i] = 1.2 / size*i;
		Vp[i] = rhoTable.get_Vp(0.0, rho[i]);
		dVpdrho[i] = rhoTable.get_dVpdrho(rho[i]);
		dVdrho[i] = rhoTable.get_dVdrho(rho[i]);

	IGORdata::write_itx(rho, Vp, "rho_Vp.itx", "rho", "Vp");
	IGORdata::write_itx(dVpdrho, dVdrho, "dVdrho.itx", "dVpdrho", "dVdrho");

	size_t xsize = 100, ysize(101);
	std::vector<double> xaxis(xsize), yaxis(ysize);
	std::vector<std::vector<double>> rhoM(xsize), theta(xsize), drhodx(xsize), drhody(xsize), drhodz(xsize);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < xsize; ++i)
		xaxis[i] = 2.5 + 2.5 / xsize * i;
	for (size_t i = 0; i < ysize; ++i)
		yaxis[i] = -1.0 + 2.0 / ysize * i;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < xsize; ++i){
		for (size_t j = 0; j < ysize; ++j){
			double rho_, theta_;
			double drhodx_[3];
			rhoTable.get_rho_drho(xaxis[i], yaxis[j], myconst::pi*0.1, &rho_, &theta_, drhodx_);
	IGORdata::write_edgeVector(xaxis, "xaxis.itx", "xaxis");
	IGORdata::write_edgeVector(yaxis, "yaxis.itx", "yaxis");
	IGORdata::write_itx(rhoM, "rhoMatrix.itx", "rhoMatrix");
	IGORdata::write_itx(theta, "theta.itx", "theta");
	IGORdata::write_itx(drhodx, "drhodx.itx", "drhodx");
	IGORdata::write_itx(drhody, "drhody.itx", "drhody");
	IGORdata::write_itx(drhodz, "drhodz.itx", "drhodz");
	return 0;
Esempio n. 5
void Triangles::IntersectConsMetric(const double * s,const Int4 nbsol,const int * typsols,
				    const  Real8 hmin1,const Real8 hmax1,const Real8 coef,
				    const Real8 anisomax ,const Real8 CutOff,const int NbJacobi,
				    const int DoNormalisation,const int choice)
{ //  the array of solution s is store    
  // sol0,sol1,...,soln    on vertex 0
  //  sol0,sol1,...,soln   on vertex 1
  //  etc.
  const int dim = 2;
  int sizeoftype[] = { 1, dim ,dim * (dim+1) / 2, dim * dim } ; 

  // computation of the nb of field 
  Int4 ntmp = 0;
  if (typsols)
      for (Int4 i=0;i<nbsol;i++)
	ntmp += sizeoftype[typsols[i]];
    ntmp = nbsol;

  // n is the total number of fields

  const Int4 n = ntmp;

  Int4 i,k,iA,iB,iC,iv;
  R2 O(0,0);
  int RelativeMetric = CutOff>1e-30;
  Real8 hmin = Max(hmin1,MinimalHmin());
  Real8 hmax = Min(hmax1,MaximalHmax());
  Real8 coef2 = 1/(coef*coef);

      cout << " -- Construction of Metric: Nb of sol. " << n << " nbt = " 
	   << nbt << " nbv= " << nbv 
	   << " coef = " << coef << endl
	   << "     hmin = " << hmin << " hmax=" << hmax 
	   << " anisomax = " << anisomax <<  " Nb Jacobi " << NbJacobi ;
      if (RelativeMetric)
	cout << " RelativeErr with CutOff= "  <<  CutOff << endl;
	cout << " Absolute Err" <<endl;
  double *ss=(double*)s, *ssiii = ss;

  double sA,sB,sC;

  Real8 *detT = new Real8[nbt];
  Real8 *Mmass= new Real8[nbv];
  Real8 *Mmassxx= new Real8[nbv];
  Real8 *dxdx= new Real8[nbv];
  Real8 *dxdy= new Real8[nbv];
  Real8 *dydy= new Real8[nbv];
  Real8 *workT= new Real8[nbt];
  Real8 *workV= new Real8[nbv];
  int *OnBoundary = new int[nbv];
  for (iv=0;iv<nbv;iv++)

  for (i=0;i<nbt;i++) 
    if(triangles[i].link) // the real triangles 
	const Triangle &t=triangles[i];
	// coor of 3 vertices 
	R2 A=t[0];
	R2 B=t[1];
	R2 C=t[2];

	// number of the 3 vertices
	iA = Number(t[0]);
	iB = Number(t[1]);
	iC = Number(t[2]);
	Real8 dett = ::Area2(A,B,C);
	dett /= 6;

	// construction of on boundary 
	int nbb =0;
	for(int j=0;j<3;j++)
	    Triangle *ta=t.Adj(j);
	    if ( ! ta || !ta->link) // no adj triangle => edge on boundary
	workT[i] = nbb;
	Mmass[iA] += dett;
	Mmass[iB] += dett;
	Mmass[iC] += dett;
	if((nbb==0)|| !choice)
	    Mmassxx[iA] += dett;
	    Mmassxx[iB] += dett;
	    Mmassxx[iC] += dett;

  for (Int4 kcount=0;kcount<n;kcount++,ss++)
    { //for  all solution 

      Real8 smin=ss[0],smax=ss[0];
      Real8 h1=1.e30,h2=1e-30,rx=0;
      Real8 coef = 1./(anisomax*anisomax);
      Real8 hn1=1.e30,hn2=1e-30,rnx =1.e-30;  

      for ( iv=0,k=0; iv<nbv; iv++,k+=n )
      Real8 sdelta = smax-smin;
      Real8 absmax=Max(Abs(smin),Abs(smax));
      Real8 cnorm = DoNormalisation ? coef2/sdelta : coef2;
	cout << "    Solution " << kcount <<  " Min = " << smin << " Max = " 
	     << smax << " Delta =" << sdelta << " cnorm = " << cnorm <<  endl;

      if ( sdelta < 1.0e-10*Max(absmax,1e-20) ) 
	  if (verbosity>2)
	    cout << "      Solution " << kcount << " is constant. We skip. " 
		 << " Min = " << smin << " Max = " << smax << endl;
      for (i=0;i<nbt;i++) 
	  {// for real all triangles 
	    // coor of 3 vertices 
	    R2 A=triangles[i][0];
	    R2 B=triangles[i][1];
	    R2 C=triangles[i][2];
	    // warning the normal is internal and the 
	    //   size is the length of the edge
	    R2 nAB = Orthogonal(B-A);
	    R2 nBC = Orthogonal(C-B);
	    R2 nCA = Orthogonal(A-C);
	    // remark :  nAB + nBC + nCA == 0 

	    // number of the 3 vertices
	    iA = Number(triangles[i][0]);
	    iB = Number(triangles[i][1]);
	    iC = Number(triangles[i][2]);
	    // for the test of  boundary edge
	    // the 3 adj triangles 
	    Triangle *tBC = triangles[i].TriangleAdj(OppositeEdge[0]);
	    Triangle *tCA = triangles[i].TriangleAdj(OppositeEdge[1]);
	    Triangle *tAB = triangles[i].TriangleAdj(OppositeEdge[2]);

	    // value of the P1 fonction on 3 vertices 
	    sA = ss[iA*n];
	    sB = ss[iB*n];
	    sC = ss[iC*n];

	    R2 Grads = (nAB * sC + nBC * sA + nCA * sB ) /detT[i] ;
		int nbb = 0;
		Real8 dd = detT[i];
		Real8 lla,llb,llc,llf;
		Real8  taa[3][3],bb[3];
		// construction of the trans of lin system
		for (int j=0;j<3;j++)
		    int ie = OppositeEdge[j];
		    TriangleAdjacent ta = triangles[i].Adj(ie);
		    Triangle *tt = ta;
		    if (tt && tt->link)
			Vertex &v = *ta.OppositeVertex();
			R2 V = v;
			Int4 iV = Number(v);
			Real8 lA  = ::Area2(V,B,C)/dd;
			Real8 lB  = ::Area2(A,V,C)/dd;
			Real8 lC  = ::Area2(A,B,V)/dd;
			taa[0][j] =  lB*lC;
			taa[1][j] =  lC*lA;
			taa[2][j] =  lA*lB;
			Real8 xx = V.x-V.y;
			Real8 yy = V.x + V.y;
			//cout << " iv " << ss[iV*n] << " == " << (8*xx*xx+yy*yy)
			//     << " l = " << lA << " " << lB << " " << lC 
			//     << " = " << lA+lB+lC << " " <<  V << " == " << A*lA+B*lB+C*lC << endl;
			lla = lA,llb=lB,llc=lC,llf=ss[iV*n] ;

			bb[j]     =  ss[iV*n] - ( sA*lA + sB*lB + sC*lC ) ;

		// resolution of 3x3 lineaire system transpose
		Real8 det33 =  det3x3(taa[0],taa[1],taa[2]);		
		Real8 cBC   =  det3x3(bb,taa[1],taa[2]);
		Real8 cCA   =  det3x3(taa[0],bb,taa[2]);
		Real8 cAB   =  det3x3(taa[0],taa[1],bb);
		//	det33=1;
		// verif
		//	cout << " " << (taa[0][0]*cBC +  taa[1][0]*cCA + taa[2][0] * cAB)/det33 << " == " << bb[0] ;
		//	cout << " " << (taa[0][1]*cBC +  taa[1][1]*cCA + taa[2][1] * cAB)/det33 << " == " << bb[1];
		//	cout << " " << (taa[0][2]*cBC +  taa[1][2]*cCA + taa[2][2] * cAB)/det33 << " == " << bb[2] 
		//	     << "  -- " ;
		//cout << lla*sA + llb*sB+llc*sC+ (lla*llb* cAB +  llb*llc* cBC + llc*lla*cCA)/det33 
		//   << " == " << llf <<  endl;
		// computation of the gradient in the element 
		// H( li*lj) = grad li grad lj + grad lj grad lj
		// grad li = njk  / detT ; with i j k ={A,B,C)
		Real8 Hxx = cAB * ( nBC.x*nCA.x) +  cBC * ( nCA.x*nAB.x) + cCA * (nAB.x*nBC.x);
		Real8 Hyy = cAB * ( nBC.y*nCA.y) +  cBC * ( nCA.y*nAB.y) + cCA * (nAB.y*nBC.y);
		Real8 Hxy = cAB * ( nBC.y*nCA.x) +  cBC * ( nCA.y*nAB.x) + cCA * (nAB.y*nBC.x) 
		  + cAB * ( nBC.x*nCA.y) +  cBC * ( nCA.x*nAB.y) + cCA * (nAB.x*nBC.y);
		Real8 coef = 1.0/(3*dd*det33);
		Real8 coef2 = 2*coef;
		//	cout << " H = " << Hxx << " " << Hyy << " " <<  Hxy/2 << " coef2 = " << coef2 << endl;
		Hxx *= coef2;
		Hyy *= coef2;
		Hxy *= coef2;
		//cout << i  << " H = " << 3*Hxx/dd << " " << 3*Hyy/dd << " " <<  3*Hxy/(dd*2) << " nbb = " << nbb << endl;
		    dxdx[iA] += Hxx;
		    dydy[iA] += Hyy;
		    dxdy[iA] += Hxy;
		    dxdx[iB] += Hxx;
		    dydy[iB] += Hyy;
		    dxdy[iB] += Hxy;
		    dxdx[iC] += Hxx;
		    dydy[iC] += Hyy;
		    dxdy[iC] += Hxy;
		// if edge on boundary no contribution  => normal = 0
		if ( ! tBC || ! tBC->link ) nBC = O;
		if ( ! tCA || ! tCA->link ) nCA = O;
		if ( ! tAB || ! tAB->link ) nAB = O;
		// remark we forgot a 1/2 because
		//       \int_{edge} w_i = 1/2 if i is in edge 
		//                          0  if not
		// if we don't take the  boundary 
		// dxdx[iA] += ( nCA.x + nAB.x ) *Grads.x;
		dxdx[iA] += ( nCA.x + nAB.x ) *Grads.x;
		dxdx[iB] += ( nAB.x + nBC.x ) *Grads.x;
		dxdx[iC] += ( nBC.x + nCA.x ) *Grads.x;
		// warning optimization (1) the divide by 2 is done on the metrix construction
		dxdy[iA] += (( nCA.y + nAB.y ) *Grads.x + ( nCA.x + nAB.x ) *Grads.y) ;
		dxdy[iB] += (( nAB.y + nBC.y ) *Grads.x + ( nAB.x + nBC.x ) *Grads.y) ;
		dxdy[iC] += (( nBC.y + nCA.y ) *Grads.x + ( nBC.x + nCA.x ) *Grads.y) ; 
		dydy[iA] += ( nCA.y + nAB.y ) *Grads.y;
		dydy[iB] += ( nAB.y + nBC.y ) *Grads.y;
		dydy[iC] += ( nBC.y + nCA.y ) *Grads.y;
	  } // for real all triangles 
      Int4 kk=0;
      for ( iv=0,k=0 ; iv<nbv; iv++,k+=n )
	    dxdx[iv] /= 2*Mmassxx[iv];
	    // warning optimization (1) on term dxdy[iv]*ci/2 
	    dxdy[iv] /= 4*Mmassxx[iv];
	    dydy[iv] /= 2*Mmassxx[iv];
	    // Compute the matrix with abs(eigen value)
	    Metric M(dxdx[iv], dxdy[iv], dydy[iv]);
	    MatVVP2x2 Vp(M);
	    //cout <<iv <<  "  M  = " <<  M <<  " aniso= " << Vp.Aniso() ;
	    M = Vp;
	    dxdx[iv] = M.a11;
	    dxdy[iv] = M.a21;
	    dydy[iv] = M.a22;
	    //  cout << " (abs)  iv M  = " <<  M <<  " aniso= " << Vp.Aniso() <<endl;
	else kk++;
      // correction of second derivate
      // by a laplacien

      Real8 *d2[3] = { dxdx, dxdy, dydy};
      Real8 *dd;
      for (int xy = 0;xy<3;xy++)
	  dd = d2[xy];
	  // do leat 2 iteration for boundary problem
	  for (int ijacobi=0;ijacobi<Max(NbJacobi,2);ijacobi++)
	      for (i=0;i<nbt;i++) 
		if(triangles[i].link) // the real triangles 
		    // number of the 3 vertices
		    iA = Number(triangles[i][0]);
		    iB = Number(triangles[i][1]);
		    iC = Number(triangles[i][2]);
		    Real8 cc=3;
		      cc = Max((Real8) ((Mmassxx[iA]>0)+(Mmassxx[iB]>0)+(Mmassxx[iC]>0)),1.);
		    workT[i] = (dd[iA]+dd[iB]+dd[iC])/cc;
	      for (iv=0;iv<nbv;iv++)

	      for (i=0;i<nbt;i++) 
		if(triangles[i].link) // the real triangles 
		    // number of the 3 vertices
		    iA = Number(triangles[i][0]);
		    iB = Number(triangles[i][1]);
		    iC = Number(triangles[i][2]);
		    Real8 cc =  workT[i]*detT[i];
		    workV[iA] += cc;
		    workV[iB] += cc;
		    workV[iC] += cc;

	      for (iv=0;iv<nbv;iv++)
		if( ijacobi<NbJacobi || OnBoundary[iv])
		  dd[iv] = workV[iv]/(Mmass[iv]*6);



      // constuction  of the metrix from the Hessian dxdx. dxdy,dydy

      Real8 rCutOff=CutOff*absmax;// relative cut off 

      for ( iv=0,k=0 ; iv<nbv; iv++,k+=n )
	{ // for all vertices 
	  //Metric M(dxdx[iv], dxdy[iv], dydy[iv]);
	  // MatVVP2x2 Vp(M);	  
	  //cout << " iv M="<<  M << "  Vp = " << Vp << " aniso  " << Vp.Aniso() << endl;
	  MetricIso Miso;
	  Real8 ci = RelativeMetric ? coef2/(Max(Abs(ss[k]),rCutOff)) : cnorm ;
	  Metric Miv(dxdx[iv]*ci, dxdy[iv]*ci,  dydy[iv]*ci);
	  MatVVP2x2 Vp(Miv);




	  rx = Max(rx,Vp.Aniso2());


	  rnx = Max(rnx,Vp.Aniso2());

	  Metric MVp(Vp);
	}// for all vertices 
      if (verbosity>2)
	  cout << "              Solution " << kcount << endl;
	  cout << "              before bounding :  Hmin = " << sqrt(1/h2) << " Hmax = " 
	       << sqrt(1/h1)  << " factor of anisotropy max  = " << sqrt(rx) << endl;
	  cout << "              after  bounding :  Hmin = " << sqrt(1/hn2) << " Hmax = " 
	       << sqrt(1/hn1)  << " factor of anisotropy max  = " << sqrt(rnx) << endl;
    }// end for all solution 

  delete [] detT;
  delete [] Mmass;
  delete [] dxdx;
  delete [] dxdy;
  delete [] dydy;
  delete []  workT;
  delete [] workV;
  delete [] Mmassxx;
  delete []  OnBoundary;