Esempio n. 1
 * deleteNodeData - delete the bitmaps, check for multiple icons, and free memory.
static void deleteNodeData( img_node *node )
    img_node    *next_icon;

    node->next = NULL;
    next_icon = node->nexticon;

    while( node != NULL ) {
        _wpi_deletebitmap( node->hxorbitmap );
        _wpi_deletebitmap( node->handbitmap );
        node->nexticon = NULL;
        node->hwnd = NULL;
        node->viewhwnd = NULL;
        node->num_of_images = 0;
        if( node->wrinfo != NULL ) {
            WRFreeWRInfo( node->wrinfo );
        MemFree( node );

        node = next_icon;
        if( node != NULL ) {
            next_icon = node->nexticon;

} /* deleteNodeData */
Esempio n. 2
// We really should not reread the file but, alas, time demands
// something a little less pristine.
int WRRelinkInfo( WRInfo *info )
    char        fn_path[_MAX_PATH];
    WRInfo      *tinfo;
    int         ok;

    tinfo = NULL;

    ok = (info != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        if( info->internal_filename != NULL ) {
            WRGetInternalRESName( info->save_name, fn_path );
        } else {
            strcpy( fn_path, info->save_name );
        ok = WRCopyFileToTemp( info, fn_path );

    if( ok ) {
        tinfo = WRLoadResource( fn_path, info->save_type );
        ok = (tinfo != NULL);

    if( ok ) {
        ok = WRRelinkDir( info->dir, tinfo->dir );

    if( tinfo != NULL ) {
        WRFreeWRInfo( tinfo );

    return( ok );
Esempio n. 3
void WREFreeResInfo ( WREResInfo *info )
    if ( info ) {
        if ( ( info->info_win != NULL ) && IsWindow ( info->info_win ) ) {
            DestroyWindow ( info->info_win );
        if ( ( info->res_win != NULL ) && IsWindow ( info->res_win ) ) {
            WREDestroyMDIWindow ( info->res_win );
        if ( info->info ) {
            WRFreeWRInfo ( info->info );
        if( info->symbol_table ) {
            WRFreeHashTable( info->symbol_table );
        if( info->symbol_file ) {
            WREMemFree( info->symbol_file );
        WREMemFree ( info );
Esempio n. 4
int PASCAL WinMain( HINSTANCE hinstCurrent, HINSTANCE hinstPrevious,
                    LPSTR lpszCmdLine, int nCmdShow )
    int                 ret;
    int                 i;
    int                 ltype;
    int                 stype;
    bool                backup;
    WRInfo              *info;
    WRFileType          ftype;
    uint_16             mflags;
    WRSelectImageInfo   *sii;
#if 0
    bool                dup;
    char                *data;
    WResID              type;
    WResID              name;

    hinstCurrent = hinstCurrent;
    hinstPrevious = hinstPrevious;
    lpszCmdLine = lpszCmdLine;
    nCmdShow = nCmdShow;

    info = NULL;
    ret = TRUE;

    if( _argc == 6 ) {
        ltype = atoi( _argv[2] );
        stype = atoi( _argv[4] );
        backup = (atoi( _argv[5] ) != 0);
        if( stype != 0 ) {
            info = WRLoadResource( _argv[1], ltype );
            if( info != NULL ) {
                info->save_name = _argv[3];
                info->save_type = stype;
                ret = WRSaveResource( info, backup );
            } else {
                ret = FALSE;
#if 0
    } else if( _argc == 2 ) {
        ret = FALSE;
        data = WRMemAlloc( 32 );
        if( data != NULL ) {
            for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
                data[i] = i;
            type.IsName = name.IsName = FALSE;
            type.ID.Num = 10;
            name.ID.Num = 200;
            ret = WRSaveObjectAs( _argv[1], WR_WIN16M_RES, &type, &name, data, 32, 0 );
            WRMemFree( data );
    } else if( _argc == 3 ) {
        ret = FALSE;
        data = WRMemAlloc( 32 );
        if( data != NULL ) {
            for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
                data[i] = i;
            type.IsName = name.IsName = FALSE;
            type.ID.Num = 10;
            name.ID.Num = 100;
            ret = WRSaveObjectInto( _argv[1], &type, &name, data, 32, 0, &dup );
            WRMemFree( data );
    } else {
        for( i = 1; i < _argc; i++ ) {
            WRSelectFileType( HWND_DESKTOP, _argv[i], FALSE, i % 2, NULL );
            ftype = WRIdentifyFile( _argv[i] );
        ret = TRUE;

    WRChangeMemFlags( HWND_DESKTOP, "test", &mflags, NULL );

    if( info != NULL ) {
        info->save_name = NULL;
        WRFreeWRInfo( info );

    info = WRLoadResource( _argv[1], WR_DONT_KNOW );
    sii = WRSelectImage( HWND_DESKTOP, info, NULL );
    if( sii != NULL ) {
        WRFreeSelectImageInfo( sii );
    WRFreeWRInfo( info );

    if( !ret ) {
        MessageBox( (HWND)NULL, "Error occurred!", "TEST WR",
                    MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK | MB_APPLMODAL );


    return( ret );