Esempio n. 1
/*! \brief Enumerate the control's properties.
 * \param flags long    The control flags.
 * \return void
void wxsTreeCtrl::OnEnumWidgetProperties(cb_unused long Flags)
    static wxString     sImageNames[128];
    static const wxChar *pImageNames[128];

    int                 i, n;
    wxString            ss, tt;
    wxArrayString       aa;

    // find available image lists and store them in our local static arrays
    n = aa.GetCount();
    if(n > 127)
        n = 127;

    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        ss = aa.Item(i);
        sImageNames[i] = ss;
        pImageNames[i] = (const wxChar *) sImageNames[i];
    pImageNames[n] = NULL;

    WXS_EDITENUM(wxsTreeCtrl, m_sImageList, _("Image List"), _T("image_list"), pImageNames, _("<none>"))

    // The list of items to appear in the tree.

    WXS_IMAGETREE(wxsTreeCtrl, m_arrItems, _("Tree Items"), wxT("tree_items"));
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING(wxsTreeCtrl, m_arrItems, _("Items as Text"), wxT("items_text"), _("item2"));
    WXS_BOOL(wxsTreeCtrl, m_bExpand, _("Expand All"), _("expand_all"), false);
void wxsBitmapComboBox::OnEnumWidgetProperties(long Flags) {
static wxString         sImageNames[128];
static const wxChar    *pImageNames[128];

int                     i,n;
wxString                ss, tt;
wxArrayString           aa;

// find available image lists and store them in our local static arrays

    n = aa.GetCount();
    if (n > 127) n = 127;

    for(i=0; i<n; i++) {
        ss = aa.Item(i);
        sImageNames[i] = ss;
        pImageNames[i] = (const wxChar *) sImageNames[i];
    pImageNames[n] = NULL;

    WXS_EDITENUM(wxsBitmapComboBox, mImageList, _("Image List"), _("mImageList"), pImageNames, _("<none>"))

// the list of items to appear in the combo box


    WXS_IMAGECOMBO(wxsBitmapComboBox, mItems, _("Combo Items"), _("mItems"));
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING(wxsBitmapComboBox, mItems, _("Items as Text"), _("mItemsText"), _("item2"));
Esempio n. 3
void wxsGrid::OnEnumWidgetProperties(long Flags)
    if ( Flags & flSource )
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_ColsCount,       _("Number of columns"),    _T("cols"),            0);
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_RowsCount,       _("Number of rows"),       _T("rows"),            0);
        WXS_BOOL       ( wxsGrid, m_ReadOnly,        _("Read Only"),            _T("readonly"),       false);
        WXS_BOOL       ( wxsGrid, m_GridLines,       _("Grid Lines"),           _T("gridlines"),      true);
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_LabelRowHeight,  _("Label Row Height"),     _T("labelrowheight"), -1);
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_LabelColWidth,   _("Label Column Width"),   _T("labelcolwidth"),  -1);
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_DefaultRowSize,  _("Default Row Height"),   _T("defaultrowsize"), -1);
        WXS_LONG       ( wxsGrid, m_DefaultColSize,  _("Default Column Width"), _T("defaultcolsize"), -1);
        WXS_COLOUR     ( wxsGrid, m_LabelTextColour, _("Label Text Colour"),    _T("labeltextcolour") );
        WXS_FONT       ( wxsGrid, m_LabelFont,       _("Label Text Font"),      _T("labelfont") );
        WXS_ARRAYSTRING( wxsGrid, m_ColLabels,       _("Column Labels"),        _T("collabels"), _T("item"));
        WXS_ARRAYSTRING( wxsGrid, m_RowLabels,       _("Row Labels"),           _T("rowlabels"), _T("item"));
        WXS_ARRAYSTRING( wxsGrid, m_CellText,        _("Cell Data"),            _T("celltext"),  _T("item"));
Esempio n. 4
/*! \brief Enumerate the tool's properties.
 * \param flags long    The control flags.
 * \return void
void wxsImage::OnEnumToolProperties(cb_unused long Flags)
    // starting a new build cycle
    m_IsBuilt = false;
    m_Context = GetCoderContext();

    // details
    WXS_IMAGE(wxsImage, m_ImageData, _("Image"), _T("image"));
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING(wxsImage, m_ImageData, _("Image as Text"), _T("image_text"), _("item2"));
    WXS_BOOL(wxsImage, m_Include, _("Use Include File"), _T("use_include"), false);
Esempio n. 5
void wxsVector::OnEnumWidgetProperties(cb_unused long Flags) {
static const long    AlignValues[] = {    mpALIGN_NE,       mpALIGN_NW,       mpALIGN_SW,       mpALIGN_SE,    0};
static const wxChar* AlignNames[]  = {_T("mpALIGN_NE"), _T("mpALIGN_NW"), _T("mpALIGN_SW"), _T("mpALIGN_SE"),  0};

    WXS_SHORT_STRING(wxsVector, mLabel,      _("Label Text"),      _("mLabelText"),  _("Label"), true);
    WXS_ENUM(        wxsVector, mAlign,      _("Label Alignment"), _("mAlign"),      AlignValues, AlignNames, mpALIGN_NE);
    WXS_BOOL(        wxsVector, mContinuous, _("Continuous Line"), _("mContinuous"), true);
    WXS_COLOUR(      wxsVector, mPenColour,  _("Pen Colour"),      _("mPenColour"));
    WXS_FONT(        wxsVector, mPenFont,    _("Pen Font"),        _("mPenFont"));
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING( wxsVector, mXYData,     _("X,Y Data"),        _("mXYData"),     _("nums"));

/*! \brief Enumerate the tool's properties.
 * \param flags long    The control flags.
 * \return void
void wxsImageList::OnEnumToolProperties(long Flags)
    // starting a new build cycle
    m_IsBuilt = false;
    m_Context = GetCoderContext();

    // details for the image list
    WXS_IMAGELIST(wxsImageList, m_ImageData, _T("Image List"), _T("image_list"));
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING(wxsImageList, m_ImageData, _("Images as Text"), _T("image_text"), _T("item2"));
    WXS_LONG(wxsImageList, m_Width,   _("Image Width"),      _T("image_width"),   16);
    WXS_LONG(wxsImageList, m_Height,  _("Image Height"),     _T("image_height"),  16);
    WXS_LONG(wxsImageList, m_Count,   _("Image Count"),      _T("image_count"),   0);
    WXS_BOOL(wxsImageList, m_Include, _("Use Include File"), _T("use_include"), false);
Esempio n. 7


wxObject* wxsComboBox::OnBuildPreview(wxWindow* Parent,long Flags)
    wxComboBox* Preview = new wxComboBox(Parent,GetId(),_T(""),Pos(Parent),Size(Parent),ArrayChoices, Style());

    for ( size_t i = 0; i <  ArrayChoices.GetCount(); ++i )
        int Val = Preview->Append(ArrayChoices[i]);
        if ( (int)i == DefaultSelection )

    return SetupWindow(Preview,Flags);

void wxsComboBox::OnEnumWidgetProperties(long Flags)
void wxsMultiChoiceDialog::OnEnumToolProperties(long Flags)
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING (wxsMultiChoiceDialog,m_Content,_("Items"),  _T("content"),_T("item"));
 * \param parent wxWindow*	The parent window.
 * \param flags long				The control flags.
 * \return wxObject* 				The constructed control.
wxObject *wxsSimpleHtmlListBox::OnBuildPreview(wxWindow *Parent, long Flags)
    wxSimpleHtmlListBox *Preview = new wxSimpleHtmlListBox(Parent, GetId(), Pos(Parent), Size(Parent), 0, 0, Style());
    for(size_t i = 0; i <  ArrayChoices.GetCount(); ++i)
        int Val = Preview->Append(ArrayChoices[i]);
        if((int)i == DefaultSelection)

    return SetupWindow(Preview, Flags);

/*! \brief Enumerate the control's properties.
 * \param flags long	The control flags.
 * \return void
void wxsSimpleHtmlListBox::OnEnumWidgetProperties(long Flags)
    WXS_ARRAYSTRING(wxsSimpleHtmlListBox, ArrayChoices, _("Choices"), _T("content"), _T("item"))
    WXS_LONG(wxsSimpleHtmlListBox, DefaultSelection, _("Default"), _T("default"), 0)