Esempio n. 1
static void drawTitleOfColumn(WMBrowser * bPtr, int column)
	WMScreen *scr = bPtr->view->screen;
	int x;

	x = (column - bPtr->firstVisibleColumn) * (bPtr->columnSize.width + COLUMN_SPACING);

	XFillRectangle(scr->display, bPtr->view->window, WMColorGC(scr->darkGray), x, 0,
		       bPtr->columnSize.width, bPtr->titleHeight);
	W_DrawRelief(scr, bPtr->view->window, x, 0, bPtr->columnSize.width, bPtr->titleHeight, WRSunken);

	if (column < bPtr->usedColumnCount && bPtr->titles[column]) {
		int titleLen = strlen(bPtr->titles[column]);
		int widthC = bPtr->columnSize.width - 8;

		if (WMWidthOfString(scr->boldFont, bPtr->titles[column], titleLen)
		    > widthC) {
			char *titleBuf = createTruncatedString(scr->boldFont,
							       &titleLen, widthC);
			W_PaintText(bPtr->view, bPtr->view->window, scr->boldFont, x,
				    (bPtr->titleHeight - WMFontHeight(scr->boldFont)) / 2,
				    bPtr->columnSize.width, WACenter, scr->white, False, titleBuf, titleLen);
		} else {
			W_PaintText(bPtr->view, bPtr->view->window, scr->boldFont, x,
				    (bPtr->titleHeight - WMFontHeight(scr->boldFont)) / 2,
				    bPtr->columnSize.width, WACenter, scr->white,
				    False, bPtr->titles[column], titleLen);
Esempio n. 2
static void
paintScrollView(ScrollView *sPtr)
    W_DrawRelief(sPtr->view->screen, sPtr->view->window, 0, 0,
                 sPtr->view->size.width, sPtr->view->size.height,
Esempio n. 3
static void paintBrowser(WMBrowser * bPtr)
	int i;

	if (!bPtr->view->flags.mapped)

	W_DrawRelief(bPtr->view->screen, bPtr->view->window, 0,
		     bPtr->view->size.height - SCROLLER_WIDTH - 2, bPtr->view->size.width, 22, WRSunken);

	if (bPtr->flags.isTitled) {
		for (i = 0; i < bPtr->maxVisibleColumns; i++) {
			drawTitleOfColumn(bPtr, i + bPtr->firstVisibleColumn);
Esempio n. 4
static void paintTabView(TabView * tPtr)
	Pixmap buffer;
	WMScreen *scr = W_VIEW(tPtr)->screen;
	Display *dpy = scr->display;
	GC white = WMColorGC(scr->white);
	int i;

	if (tPtr->flags.type == WTTopTabsBevelBorder) {
		int count = tPtr->visibleTabs;
		int first = tPtr->firstVisible;
		int moreAtLeft;
		int moreAtRight;
		int selectedIsVisible;
		int ty;
		int twidth, theight;

		ty = 2;
		theight = tPtr->tabHeight;

		buffer = XCreatePixmap(dpy, W_VIEW(tPtr)->window,
				       W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.width, theight, W_VIEW(tPtr)->screen->depth);

		XFillRectangle(dpy, buffer, WMColorGC(W_VIEW(tPtr)->backColor),
			       0, 0, W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.width, tPtr->tabHeight);

		if (tPtr->flags.dontFitAll) {
			moreAtLeft = first > 0;
			moreAtRight = (first + count) < tPtr->itemCount;
			if (tPtr->selectedItem >= first && tPtr->selectedItem < first + count)
				selectedIsVisible = 1;
				selectedIsVisible = 0;
		} else {
			moreAtLeft = 0;
			moreAtRight = 0;
			selectedIsVisible = 1;

		if (moreAtRight) {
			drawTab(tPtr, buffer, positionOfTab(tPtr, first + count), 0,
				W_VIEW_WIDTH(tPtr->view), theight, False);
		for (i = first + count - 1; i >= first; i--) {
			if (!selectedIsVisible || i != tPtr->selectedItem) {
				twidth = W_TabViewItemTabWidth(tPtr->items[i]);

				drawTab(tPtr, buffer, positionOfTab(tPtr, i), 0, twidth, theight, False);
		if (moreAtLeft) {
			drawTab(tPtr, buffer, positionOfTab(tPtr, 0) - 2 * BUTTONED_SIDE_OFFSET,
				0, BUTTONED_SIDE_OFFSET * 4, theight, False);

		if (selectedIsVisible) {
			int idx = tPtr->selectedItem;

			drawTab(tPtr, buffer, positionOfTab(tPtr, idx),
				0, W_TabViewItemTabWidth(tPtr->items[idx]), theight, True);

			XDrawLine(dpy, buffer, white, 0, theight - 1, positionOfTab(tPtr, idx), theight - 1);

			XDrawLine(dpy, buffer, white,
				  positionOfTab(tPtr, idx) + W_TabViewItemTabWidth(tPtr->items[idx]),
				  tPtr->tabHeight - 1, W_VIEW_WIDTH(tPtr->view) - 1, tPtr->tabHeight - 1);
		} else {
			XDrawLine(dpy, buffer, white, 0, theight - 1, W_VIEW_WIDTH(tPtr->view), theight - 1);

		for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
			WMRect rect;

			rect.pos.x = 15 + positionOfTab(tPtr, first + i);
			rect.pos.y = ty;
			rect.size.width = W_TabViewItemTabWidth(tPtr->items[first + i]);
			rect.size.height = theight;
			W_DrawLabel(tPtr->items[first + i], buffer, rect,
				    tPtr->flags.enabled && tPtr->items[first + i]->flags.enabled);

		if (moreAtLeft) {
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, 4, 10);
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, 7, 10);
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, 10, 10);
		if (moreAtRight) {
			int x;

			x = positionOfTab(tPtr, tPtr->firstVisible + tPtr->visibleTabs);

			x = x + (W_VIEW_WIDTH(tPtr->view) - x) / 2;
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, x + 5, 10);
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, x + 8, 10);
			paintDot(tPtr, buffer, x + 11, 10);

		XCopyArea(dpy, buffer, W_VIEW(tPtr)->window, scr->copyGC, 0, 0,
			  W_VIEW_WIDTH(tPtr->view), theight, 0, 0);

		XFreePixmap(dpy, buffer);
	switch (tPtr->flags.type) {
	case WTTopTabsBevelBorder:
		drawRelief(scr, W_VIEW(tPtr)->window, 0, tPtr->tabHeight - 1,
			   W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.width, W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.height - tPtr->tabHeight + 1);

	case WTNoTabsBevelBorder:
		W_DrawRelief(scr, W_VIEW(tPtr)->window, 0, 0, W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.width,
			     W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.height, WRRaised);

	case WTNoTabsLineBorder:
		W_DrawRelief(scr, W_VIEW(tPtr)->window, 0, 0, W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.width,
			     W_VIEW(tPtr)->size.height, WRSimple);

	case WTNoTabsNoBorder:
Esempio n. 5
static void paintScroller(Scroller * sPtr)
	WMView *view = sPtr->view;
	WMScreen *scr = view->screen;
	Pixmap d;
	Drawable d = view->window;
	int length, ofs;
	float knobP, knobL;

	d = XCreatePixmap(scr->display, view->window, view->size.width, view->size.height, scr->depth);
	XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->gray), 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height);

	XDrawRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->black), 0, 0, view->size.width - 1, view->size.height - 1);
	XDrawRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->gray), 1, 1, view->size.width - 3, view->size.height - 3);

	if (sPtr->flags.horizontal)
		length = view->size.width - 4;
		length = view->size.height - 4;

	if (sPtr->flags.documentFullyVisible) {
		XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC, 2, 2, view->size.width - 4, view->size.height - 4);
	} else {
		ofs = 2;
		if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
			length -= (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;
		} else if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMinEnd) {
			ofs += (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;
			length -= (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) * 2;

		knobL = (float)knobLength(sPtr);

		knobP = sPtr->floatValue * ((float)length - knobL);

		if (sPtr->flags.horizontal) {
			/* before */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC, ofs, 2, (int)knobP, view->size.height - 4);

			/* knob */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->lightGC,
				       ofs + (int)knobP + 2, 2 + 2, (int)knobL - 4, view->size.height - 4 - 4);
			W_DrawRelief(scr, d, ofs + (int)knobP, 2, (int)knobL, view->size.height - 4, WRRaised);

			XCopyArea(scr->display, scr->scrollerDimple->pixmap, d,
				  scr->copyGC, 0, 0,
				  scr->scrollerDimple->width, scr->scrollerDimple->height,
				  ofs + (int)knobP + ((int)knobL - scr->scrollerDimple->width - 1) / 2,
				  (view->size.height - scr->scrollerDimple->height - 1) / 2);

			/* after */
			if ((int)(knobP + knobL) < length)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       ofs + (int)(knobP + knobL), 2,
					       length - (int)(knobP + knobL), view->size.height - 4);
		} else {
			/* before */
			if (knobP > 0.0)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       2, ofs, view->size.width - 4, (int)knobP);

			/* knob */
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->lightGC,
				       2 + 2, ofs + (int)knobP + 2, view->size.width - 4 - 4, (int)knobL - 4);
			XCopyArea(scr->display, scr->scrollerDimple->pixmap, d,
				  scr->copyGC, 0, 0,
				  scr->scrollerDimple->width, scr->scrollerDimple->height,
				  (view->size.width - scr->scrollerDimple->width - 1) / 2,
				  ofs + (int)knobP + ((int)knobL - scr->scrollerDimple->height - 1) / 2);

			W_DrawRelief(scr, d, 2, ofs + (int)knobP, view->size.width - 4, (int)knobL, WRRaised);

			/* after */
			if ((int)(knobP + knobL) < length)
				XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, scr->stippleGC,
					       2, ofs + (int)(knobP + knobL),
					       view->size.width - 4, length - (int)(knobP + knobL));

		if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition != WSANone) {
			paintArrow(sPtr, d, 0);
			paintArrow(sPtr, d, 1);

	XCopyArea(scr->display, d, view->window, scr->copyGC, 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height, 0, 0);
	XFreePixmap(scr->display, d);
Esempio n. 6
static void paintArrow(WMScroller * sPtr, Drawable d, int part)
 * part- 0 paints the decrement arrow, 1 the increment arrow
	WMView *view = sPtr->view;
	WMScreen *scr = view->screen;
	int ofs;
	W_Pixmap *arrow;

	GC gc = scr->lightGC;

	if (part == 0) {	/* decrement button */
		if (sPtr->flags.horizontal) {
			if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
				ofs = view->size.width - 2 * (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) - 1;
			} else {
				ofs = 2;
			if (sPtr->flags.decrDown)
				arrow = scr->hiLeftArrow;
				arrow = scr->leftArrow;

		} else {
			if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
				ofs = view->size.height - 2 * (BUTTON_SIZE + 1) - 1;
			} else {
				ofs = 2;
			if (sPtr->flags.decrDown)
				arrow = scr->hiUpArrow;
				arrow = scr->upArrow;

		if (sPtr->flags.decrDown)
			gc = WMColorGC(scr->white);
	} else {		/* increment button */
		if (sPtr->flags.horizontal) {
			if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
				ofs = view->size.width - BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3;
			} else {
				ofs = 2 + BUTTON_SIZE + 1;
			if (sPtr->flags.incrDown)
				arrow = scr->hiRightArrow;
				arrow = scr->rightArrow;
		} else {
			if (sPtr->flags.arrowsPosition == WSAMaxEnd) {
				ofs = view->size.height - BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3;
			} else {
				ofs = 2 + BUTTON_SIZE + 1;
			if (sPtr->flags.incrDown)
				arrow = scr->hiDownArrow;
				arrow = scr->downArrow;

		if (sPtr->flags.incrDown)
			gc = scr->whiteGC;

	if (sPtr->flags.horizontal) {
		/* paint button */
		XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, gc, ofs + 1, 2 + 1, BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3, BUTTON_SIZE - 3);
		if ((!part && sPtr->flags.decrDown) || (part && sPtr->flags.incrDown))
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->white),
				       ofs + 1, 2 + 1, BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3, BUTTON_SIZE - 3);
#endif				/* DOUBLE_BUFFER */
		W_DrawRelief(scr, d, ofs, 2, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WRRaised);

		/* paint arrow */
		XSetClipMask(scr->display, scr->clipGC, arrow->mask);
		XSetClipOrigin(scr->display, scr->clipGC,
			       ofs + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->width) / 2, 2 + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->height) / 2);

		XCopyArea(scr->display, arrow->pixmap, d, scr->clipGC,
			  0, 0, arrow->width, arrow->height,
			  ofs + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->width) / 2, 2 + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->height) / 2);

	} else {		/* vertical */

		/* paint button */
		XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, gc, 2 + 1, ofs + 1, BUTTON_SIZE - 3, BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3);
		if ((!part && sPtr->flags.decrDown) || (part && sPtr->flags.incrDown))
			XFillRectangle(scr->display, d, WMColorGC(scr->white),
				       2 + 1, ofs + 1, BUTTON_SIZE - 3, BUTTON_SIZE + 1 - 3);
#endif				/* DOUBLE_BUFFER */
		W_DrawRelief(scr, d, 2, ofs, BUTTON_SIZE, BUTTON_SIZE, WRRaised);

		/* paint arrow */

		XSetClipMask(scr->display, scr->clipGC, arrow->mask);
		XSetClipOrigin(scr->display, scr->clipGC,
			       2 + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->width) / 2, ofs + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->height) / 2);
		XCopyArea(scr->display, arrow->pixmap, d, scr->clipGC,
			  0, 0, arrow->width, arrow->height,
			  2 + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->width) / 2, ofs + (BUTTON_SIZE - arrow->height) / 2);
Esempio n. 7
W_PaintTextAndImage(W_View * view, int wrap, WMColor * textColor, W_Font * font,
		    WMReliefType relief, const char *text,
		    WMAlignment alignment, W_Pixmap * image,
		    WMImagePosition position, WMColor * backColor, int ofs)
	W_Screen *screen = view->screen;
	int ix, iy;
	int x, y, w, h;
	Drawable d = view->window;

	d = XCreatePixmap(screen->display, view->window, view->size.width, view->size.height, screen->depth);

	/* background */
	if (backColor) {
		XFillRectangle(screen->display, d, WMColorGC(backColor),
			       0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height);
	} else {
		XClearWindow(screen->display, d);
		XSetForeground(screen->display, screen->copyGC, view->attribs.background_pixel);
		XFillRectangle(screen->display, d, screen->copyGC, 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height);

	if (relief == WRFlat) {
		x = 0;
		y = 0;
		w = view->size.width;
		h = view->size.height;
	} else {
		x = 1;
		y = 1;
		w = view->size.width - 3;
		h = view->size.height - 3;

	/* calc. image alignment */
	if (position != WIPNoImage && image != NULL) {
		switch (position) {
		case WIPOverlaps:
		case WIPImageOnly:
			ix = (view->size.width - image->width) / 2;
			iy = (view->size.height - image->height) / 2;
			   x = 2;
			   y = 0;

		case WIPLeft:
			ix = x;
			iy = y + (h - image->height) / 2;
			x = x + image->width + 5;
			y = 0;
			w -= image->width + 5;

		case WIPRight:
			ix = view->size.width - image->width - x;
			iy = y + (h - image->height) / 2;
			w -= image->width + 5;

		case WIPBelow:
			ix = (view->size.width - image->width) / 2;
			iy = h - image->height;
			y = 0;
			h -= image->height;

		case WIPAbove:
			ix = (view->size.width - image->width) / 2;
			iy = y;
			y = image->height;
			h -= image->height;

		ix += ofs;
		iy += ofs;

		XSetClipOrigin(screen->display, screen->clipGC, ix, iy);
		XSetClipMask(screen->display, screen->clipGC, image->mask);

		if (image->depth == 1)
			XCopyPlane(screen->display, image->pixmap, d, screen->clipGC,
				   0, 0, image->width, image->height, ix, iy, 1);
			XCopyArea(screen->display, image->pixmap, d, screen->clipGC,
				  0, 0, image->width, image->height, ix, iy);

	/* draw text */
	if (position != WIPImageOnly && text != NULL) {
		int textHeight;

		textHeight = W_GetTextHeight(font, text, w - 8, wrap);
		W_PaintText(view, d, font, x + ofs + 4, y + ofs + (h - textHeight) / 2, w - 8,
			    alignment, textColor, wrap, text, strlen(text));

	/* draw relief */
	W_DrawRelief(screen, d, 0, 0, view->size.width, view->size.height, relief);

	XCopyArea(screen->display, d, view->window, screen->copyGC, 0, 0,
		  view->size.width, view->size.height, 0, 0);
	XFreePixmap(screen->display, d);