Esempio n. 1
gui_make_popup(char_u *path_name, int mouse_pos)
    vimmenu_T	*menu = gui_find_menu(path_name);

    if (menu != NULL)
	/* Find the position of the current cursor */
	DWORD	temp_p;
	temp_p = GetDCOrg(s_hdc);
	p.x = LOWORD(temp_p);
	p.y = HIWORD(temp_p);
	if (mouse_pos)
	    int	mx, my;

	    gui_mch_getmouse(&mx, &my);
	    p.x += mx;
	    p.y += my;
	else if (curwin != NULL)
	    p.x += TEXT_X(W_WINCOL(curwin) + curwin->w_wcol + 1);
	    p.y += TEXT_Y(W_WINROW(curwin) + curwin->w_wrow + 1);
	msg_scroll = FALSE;
	gui_mch_show_popupmenu_at(menu, (int)p.x, (int)p.y);
Esempio n. 2
/// Show the popup menu with items "array[size]".
/// "array" must remain valid until pum_undisplay() is called!
/// When possible the leftmost character is aligned with screen column "col".
/// The menu appears above the screen line "row" or at "row" + "height" - 1.
/// @param array
/// @param size
/// @param selected index of initially selected item, none if out of range
void pum_display(pumitem_T *array, int size, int selected)
  int w;
  int def_width;
  int max_width;
  int kind_width;
  int extra_width;
  int i;
  int top_clear;
  int row;
  int context_lines;
  int col;
  int above_row = cmdline_row;
  int redo_count = 0;

  def_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;
  max_width = 0;
  kind_width = 0;
  extra_width = 0;

  // Pretend the pum is already there to avoid that must_redraw is set when
  // 'cuc' is on.
  pum_array = (pumitem_T *)1;
  pum_array = NULL;

  row = curwin->w_wrow + W_WINROW(curwin);

  if (firstwin->w_p_pvw) {
    top_clear = firstwin->w_height;
  } else {
    top_clear = 0;

  // When the preview window is at the bottom stop just above it.  Also
  // avoid drawing over the status line so that it's clear there is a window
  // boundary.
  if (lastwin->w_p_pvw) {
    above_row -= lastwin->w_height + lastwin->w_status_height + 1;

  // Figure out the size and position of the pum.
  if (size < PUM_DEF_HEIGHT) {
    pum_height = size;
  } else {
    pum_height = PUM_DEF_HEIGHT;

  if ((p_ph > 0) && (pum_height > p_ph)) {
    pum_height = p_ph;

  // Put the pum below "row" if possible.  If there are few lines decide on
  // where there is more room.
  if ((row  + 2 >= above_row - pum_height)
      && (row > (above_row - top_clear) / 2)) {
    // pum above "row"

    // Leave two lines of context if possible
    if (curwin->w_wrow - curwin->w_cline_row >= 2) {
      context_lines = 2;
    } else {
      context_lines = curwin->w_wrow - curwin->w_cline_row;

    if (row >= size + context_lines) {
      pum_row = row - size - context_lines;
      pum_height = size;
    } else {
      pum_row = 0;
      pum_height = row - context_lines;

    if ((p_ph > 0) && (pum_height > p_ph)) {
      pum_row += pum_height - p_ph;
      pum_height = p_ph;
  } else {
    // pum below "row"

    // Leave two lines of context if possible
    if (curwin->w_cline_row + curwin->w_cline_height - curwin->w_wrow >= 3) {
      context_lines = 3;
    } else {
      context_lines = curwin->w_cline_row
                      + curwin->w_cline_height - curwin->w_wrow;

    pum_row = row + context_lines;
    if (size > above_row - pum_row) {
      pum_height = above_row - pum_row;
    } else {
      pum_height = size;

    if ((p_ph > 0) && (pum_height > p_ph)) {
      pum_height = p_ph;

  // don't display when we only have room for one line
  if ((pum_height < 1) || ((pum_height == 1) && (size > 1))) {

  // If there is a preview window at the top avoid drawing over it.
  if (firstwin->w_p_pvw
      && (pum_row < firstwin->w_height)
      && (pum_height > firstwin->w_height + 4)) {
    pum_row += firstwin->w_height;
    pum_height -= firstwin->w_height;

  // Compute the width of the widest match and the widest extra.
  for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_text);

    if (max_width < w) {
      max_width = w;

    if (array[i].pum_kind != NULL) {
      w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_kind) + 1;

      if (kind_width < w) {
        kind_width = w;

    if (array[i].pum_extra != NULL) {
      w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_extra) + 1;

      if (extra_width < w) {
        extra_width = w;
  pum_base_width = max_width;
  pum_kind_width = kind_width;

  // Calculate column
  if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
    col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + W_WIDTH(curwin) - curwin->w_wcol - 1;
  } else {
    col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + curwin->w_wcol;

  // if there are more items than room we need a scrollbar
  if (pum_height < size) {
    pum_scrollbar = 1;
  } else {
    pum_scrollbar = 0;

  if (def_width < max_width) {
    def_width = max_width;

  if ((((col < Columns - PUM_DEF_WIDTH) || (col < Columns - max_width))
       && !curwin->w_p_rl)
      || (curwin->w_p_rl && ((col > PUM_DEF_WIDTH) || (col > max_width)))) {
    // align pum column with "col"
    pum_col = col;
    if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
      pum_width = pum_col - pum_scrollbar + 1;
    } else {
      pum_width = Columns - pum_col - pum_scrollbar;

    if ((pum_width > max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1)
        && (pum_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)) {
      pum_width = max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1;

      if (pum_width < PUM_DEF_WIDTH) {
        pum_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;
  } else if (Columns < def_width) {
    // not enough room, will use what we have
    if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
      pum_col = Columns - 1;
    } else {
      pum_col = 0;
    pum_width = Columns - 1;
  } else {
    if (max_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH) {
      // truncate
      max_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;

    if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
      pum_col = max_width - 1;
    } else {
      pum_col = Columns - max_width;
    pum_width = max_width - pum_scrollbar;

  pum_array = array;
  pum_size = size;

  // Set selected item and redraw.  If the window size changed need to redo
  // the positioning.  Limit this to two times, when there is not much
  // room the window size will keep changing.
  if (pum_set_selected(selected, redo_count) && (++redo_count <= 2)) {
    goto redo;
Esempio n. 3
/// Redraw the popup menu, using "pum_first" and "pum_selected".
void pum_redraw(void)
  int row = pum_row;
  int col;
  int attr_norm = highlight_attr[HLF_PNI];
  int attr_select = highlight_attr[HLF_PSI];
  int attr_scroll = highlight_attr[HLF_PSB];
  int attr_thumb = highlight_attr[HLF_PST];
  int attr;
  int i;
  int idx;
  char_u *s;
  char_u *p = NULL;
  int totwidth, width, w;
  int thumb_pos = 0;
  int thumb_heigth = 1;
  int round;
  int n;

  // Never display more than we have
  if (pum_first > pum_size - pum_height) {
    pum_first = pum_size - pum_height;

  if (pum_scrollbar) {
    thumb_heigth = pum_height * pum_height / pum_size;
    if (thumb_heigth == 0) {
      thumb_heigth = 1;
    thumb_pos = (pum_first * (pum_height - thumb_heigth)
                 + (pum_size - pum_height) / 2)
                / (pum_size - pum_height);

  for (i = 0; i < pum_height; ++i) {
    idx = i + pum_first;
    attr = (idx == pum_selected) ? attr_select : attr_norm;

    // prepend a space if there is room
    if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
      if (pum_col < W_WINCOL(curwin) + W_WIDTH(curwin) - 1) {
        screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col + 1, attr);
    } else if (pum_col > 0) {
      screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col - 1, attr);

    // Display each entry, use two spaces for a Tab.
    // Do this 3 times: For the main text, kind and extra info
    col = pum_col;
    totwidth = 0;

    for (round = 1; round <= 3; ++round) {
      width = 0;
      s = NULL;

      switch (round) {
        case 1:
          p = pum_array[idx].pum_text;

        case 2:
          p = pum_array[idx].pum_kind;

        case 3:
          p = pum_array[idx].pum_extra;

      if (p != NULL) {
        for (;; mb_ptr_adv(p)) {
          if (s == NULL) {
            s = p;
          w = ptr2cells(p);

          if ((*p == NUL) || (*p == TAB) || (totwidth + w > pum_width)) {
            // Display the text that fits or comes before a Tab.
            // First convert it to printable characters.
            char_u *st;
            int saved = *p;

            *p = NUL;
            st = transstr(s);
            *p = saved;

            if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
              if (st != NULL) {
                char_u  *rt = reverse_text(st);

                if (rt != NULL) {
                  char_u *rt_start = rt;
                  int size;

                  size = vim_strsize(rt);

                  if (size > pum_width) {
                    do {
                      size -= has_mbyte ? (*mb_ptr2cells)(rt) : 1;
                    } while (size > pum_width);

                    if (size < pum_width) {
                      // Most left character requires 2-cells but only 1 cell
                      // is available on screen.  Put a '<' on the left of the 
                      // pum item
                      *(--rt) = '<';
                  screen_puts_len(rt, (int)STRLEN(rt), row, col - size + 1,
              col -= width;
            } else {
              if (st != NULL) {
                screen_puts_len(st, (int)STRLEN(st), row, col, attr);
              col += width;

            if (*p != TAB) {

            // Display two spaces for a Tab.
            if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
              screen_puts_len((char_u *)"  ", 2, row, col - 1, attr);
              col -= 2;
            } else {
              screen_puts_len((char_u *)"  ", 2, row, col, attr);
              col += 2;
            totwidth += 2;
            // start text at next char
            s = NULL;
            width = 0;
          } else {
            width += w;

      if (round > 1) {
        n = pum_kind_width + 1;
      } else {
        n = 1;

      // Stop when there is nothing more to display.
      if ((round == 3)
          || ((round == 2)
              && (pum_array[idx].pum_extra == NULL))
          || ((round == 1)
              && (pum_array[idx].pum_kind == NULL)
              && (pum_array[idx].pum_extra == NULL))
          || (pum_base_width + n >= pum_width)) {

      if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
        screen_fill(row, row + 1, pum_col - pum_base_width - n + 1,
                    col + 1, ' ', ' ', attr);
        col = pum_col - pum_base_width - n + 1;
      } else {
        screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_base_width + n,
                    ' ', ' ', attr);
        col = pum_col + pum_base_width + n;
      totwidth = pum_base_width + n;

    if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
      screen_fill(row, row + 1, pum_col - pum_width + 1, col + 1, ' ', ' ',
    } else {
      screen_fill(row, row + 1, col, pum_col + pum_width, ' ', ' ', attr);

    if (pum_scrollbar > 0) {
      if (curwin->w_p_rl) {
        screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col - pum_width,
                       i >= thumb_pos && i < thumb_pos + thumb_heigth
                       ? attr_thumb : attr_scroll);
      } else {
        screen_putchar(' ', row, pum_col + pum_width,
                       i >= thumb_pos && i < thumb_pos + thumb_heigth
                       ? attr_thumb : attr_scroll);
Esempio n. 4
 * Show the popup menu with items "array[size]".
 * "array" must remain valid until pum_undisplay() is called!
 * When possible the leftmost character is aligned with screen column "col".
 * The menu appears above the screen line "row" or at "row" + "height" - 1.
pum_display (
    pumitem_T *array,
    int size,
    int selected                   /* index of initially selected item, none if
                                   out of range */
    int w;
    int def_width;
    int max_width;
    int kind_width;
    int extra_width;
    int i;
    int top_clear;
    int row;
    int context_lines;
    int col;
    int above_row = cmdline_row;
    int redo_count = 0;

    def_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;
    max_width = 0;
    kind_width = 0;
    extra_width = 0;

    /* Pretend the pum is already there to avoid that must_redraw is set when
     * 'cuc' is on. */
    pum_array = (pumitem_T *)1;
    pum_array = NULL;

    row = curwin->w_wrow + W_WINROW(curwin);

    if (firstwin->w_p_pvw)
        top_clear = firstwin->w_height;
        top_clear = 0;

    /* When the preview window is at the bottom stop just above it.  Also
     * avoid drawing over the status line so that it's clear there is a window
     * boundary. */
    if (lastwin->w_p_pvw)
        above_row -= lastwin->w_height + lastwin->w_status_height + 1;

     * Figure out the size and position of the pum.
    if (size < PUM_DEF_HEIGHT)
        pum_height = size;
        pum_height = PUM_DEF_HEIGHT;
    if (p_ph > 0 && pum_height > p_ph)
        pum_height = p_ph;

    /* Put the pum below "row" if possible.  If there are few lines decide on
     * where there is more room. */
    if (row  + 2 >= above_row - pum_height
            && row > (above_row - top_clear) / 2) {
        /* pum above "row" */

        /* Leave two lines of context if possible */
        if (curwin->w_wrow - curwin->w_cline_row >= 2)
            context_lines = 2;
            context_lines = curwin->w_wrow - curwin->w_cline_row;

        if (row >= size + context_lines) {
            pum_row = row - size - context_lines;
            pum_height = size;
        } else   {
            pum_row = 0;
            pum_height = row - context_lines;
        if (p_ph > 0 && pum_height > p_ph) {
            pum_row += pum_height - p_ph;
            pum_height = p_ph;
    } else   {
        /* pum below "row" */

        /* Leave two lines of context if possible */
        if (curwin->w_cline_row + curwin->w_cline_height - curwin->w_wrow >= 3)
            context_lines = 3;
            context_lines = curwin->w_cline_row
                            + curwin->w_cline_height - curwin->w_wrow;

        pum_row = row + context_lines;
        if (size > above_row - pum_row)
            pum_height = above_row - pum_row;
            pum_height = size;
        if (p_ph > 0 && pum_height > p_ph)
            pum_height = p_ph;

    /* don't display when we only have room for one line */
    if (pum_height < 1 || (pum_height == 1 && size > 1))

    /* If there is a preview window at the top avoid drawing over it. */
    if (firstwin->w_p_pvw
            && pum_row < firstwin->w_height
            && pum_height > firstwin->w_height + 4) {
        pum_row += firstwin->w_height;
        pum_height -= firstwin->w_height;

    /* Compute the width of the widest match and the widest extra. */
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_text);
        if (max_width < w)
            max_width = w;
        if (array[i].pum_kind != NULL) {
            w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_kind) + 1;
            if (kind_width < w)
                kind_width = w;
        if (array[i].pum_extra != NULL) {
            w = vim_strsize(array[i].pum_extra) + 1;
            if (extra_width < w)
                extra_width = w;
    pum_base_width = max_width;
    pum_kind_width = kind_width;

    /* Calculate column */
    if (curwin->w_p_rl)
        col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + W_WIDTH(curwin) - curwin->w_wcol - 1;
        col = W_WINCOL(curwin) + curwin->w_wcol;

    /* if there are more items than room we need a scrollbar */
    if (pum_height < size) {
        pum_scrollbar = 1;
    } else
        pum_scrollbar = 0;

    if (def_width < max_width)
        def_width = max_width;

    if (((col < Columns - PUM_DEF_WIDTH || col < Columns - max_width)
            && !curwin->w_p_rl)
            || (curwin->w_p_rl && (col > PUM_DEF_WIDTH || col > max_width)
               )) {
        /* align pum column with "col" */
        pum_col = col;

        if (curwin->w_p_rl)
            pum_width = pum_col - pum_scrollbar + 1;
            pum_width = Columns - pum_col - pum_scrollbar;

        if (pum_width > max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1
                && pum_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH) {
            pum_width = max_width + kind_width + extra_width + 1;
            if (pum_width < PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
                pum_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;
    } else if (Columns < def_width)   {
        /* not enough room, will use what we have */
        if (curwin->w_p_rl)
            pum_col = Columns - 1;
            pum_col = 0;
        pum_width = Columns - 1;
    } else   {
        if (max_width > PUM_DEF_WIDTH)
            max_width = PUM_DEF_WIDTH;        /* truncate */
        if (curwin->w_p_rl)
            pum_col = max_width - 1;
            pum_col = Columns - max_width;
        pum_width = max_width - pum_scrollbar;

    pum_array = array;
    pum_size = size;

    /* Set selected item and redraw.  If the window size changed need to redo
     * the positioning.  Limit this to two times, when there is not much
     * room the window size will keep changing. */
    if (pum_set_selected(selected, redo_count) && ++redo_count <= 2)
        goto redo;