Esempio n. 1
void Dde_Item::Advise ( HWND Server, HWND Client, BOOL Hot ) {

   if ( Hot ) {
      // Search for a matching entry in the hot link list.  Return if found.
      for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( HotLinks[i][0] == Server ) AND ( HotLinks[i][1] == Client ) ) {
            Log ( "WARNING: Link already established." ) ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */
      // Search for an empty entry in the hot link list.  Use if not found.
      for ( i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( HotLinks[i][0] == 0 ) AND ( HotLinks[i][1] == 0 ) ) {
            HotLinks[i][0] = Server ;
            HotLinks[i][1] = Client ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */

      Log ( "  WARNING: Hot link table full." ) ;

   } else {
      // Search for a matching entry in the warm link list.  Return if found.
      for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( WarmLinks[i][0] == Server ) AND ( WarmLinks[i][1] == Client ) ) {
            Log ( "WARNING: Link already established." ) ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */
      // Search for an empty entry in the warm link list.  Use if not found.
      for ( i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
         if ( ( WarmLinks[i][0] == 0 ) AND ( WarmLinks[i][1] == 0 ) ) {
            WarmLinks[i][0] = Server ;
            WarmLinks[i][1] = Client ;
            PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
            WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
            return ;
         } /* endif */
      } /* endfor */

      Log ( "  WARNING: Warm link table full." ) ;

   } /* endif */

   // Reply with an error.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 2
MRESULT EXPENTRY clientWindowProc( HWND hwnd, USHORT msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 ) {

    WClient *client = (WClient *)WinQueryWindowPtr( hwnd, 0 );
    switch( msg ) {
    case WM_DDE_INITIATEACK: { // response from server after WinDdeInitiate()
        DDEINIT *ddei = (PDDEINIT)mp2;
        client->_serverWindow = (HWND)mp1;
        DosFreeMem( ddei );
        client->_connected = true;
        return( (MRESULT)TRUE );
    } case WM_DDE_DATA:  // reply from server
      case WM_DDE_ACK: { // negative reply from server
        DDESTRUCT *ddes = (PDDESTRUCT)mp2;
        client->reply( (HWND)mp1, ddes );
        DosFreeMem( ddes );
    } case WM_DDE_TERMINATE: {
        WinDdePostMsg( (HWND)mp1, client->_clientWindow, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, NULL, 0 );
    } default:
        return( client->_prevClientProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) );
    return( 0 );
Esempio n. 3
void WEXPORT WClient::disconnect() {

    if( _connected ) {
        WinDdePostMsg( _serverWindow, _clientWindow, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, NULL, 0 );
        _connected = false;
Esempio n. 4
static char SendData( message *msg, char send_init )
    initiate_data       *idata;
    goto_data           *gdata;
    DDESTRUCT           *dde;

    gdata = MemAlloc( sizeof( goto_data ) + strlen( msg->error ) );
    if( gdata == NULL ) {
        return( FALSE );
    if( send_init ) {
        idata = MemAlloc( sizeof( initiate_data ) +
                          strlen( CurrSession->help_library ) );
        if( idata == NULL ) {
            MemFree( gdata );
            return( FALSE );
        idata->errorcount = 1;
        idata->errors[0].errorline = msg->row;
        idata->errors[0].offset = msg->col;
        idata->errors[0].length = msg->len;
        idata->errors[0].magic = 0;
        idata->liblength = strlen( CurrSession->help_library );
        strcpy( idata->libname, CurrSession->help_library );
        dde = MakeDDEObject( CurrSession->hwnd, "Initialize", 0, DDEFMT_TEXT,
                             idata, sizeof( initiate_data ) + idata->liblength );
        WinDdePostMsg( CurrSession->hwnd, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, dde,
                       DDEPM_RETRY );
    gdata->errorline = msg->row;
    gdata->offset = msg->col;
    gdata->resourceid = msg->resourceid;
    gdata->magic = 0;
    gdata->textlength = strlen( msg->error );
    strcpy( gdata->errortext, msg->error );
    dde = MakeDDEObject( CurrSession->hwnd, "Goto", 0, DDEFMT_TEXT,
                         gdata, sizeof( goto_data ) + gdata->textlength );
    WinDdePostMsg( CurrSession->hwnd, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_EXECUTE, dde,
                   DDEPM_RETRY );
    if( send_init ) {
        MemFree( idata );
    MemFree( gdata );
    return( TRUE );
Esempio n. 5
void Dde_Item::BroadcastUpdate ( ) {

   // Send data complete to all hot links.
   for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(HotLinks)/sizeof(HotLinks[0]); i++ ) {
      if ( HotLinks[i][0] ) {
         PDDESTRUCT Message = MakeDDEObject ( HotLinks[i][1], PSZ(Name), 0, Format, Data, Size ) ;
         WinDdePostMsg ( HotLinks[i][1], HotLinks[i][0], WM_DDE_DATA, Message, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
      } /* endif */
   } /* endfor */

   // Send advisory to all warm links.
   for ( i=0; i<sizeof(WarmLinks)/sizeof(WarmLinks[0]); i++ ) {
      if ( WarmLinks[i][0] ) {
         PDDESTRUCT Message = MakeDDEObject ( WarmLinks[i][1], PSZ(Name), DDE_FNODATA, Format, 0, 0 ) ;
         WinDdePostMsg ( WarmLinks[i][1], WarmLinks[i][0], WM_DDE_DATA, Message, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
      } /* endif */
   } /* endfor */
Esempio n. 6
void Dde_Item::Unadvise ( HWND Server, HWND Client ) {

   // Cancel any links on this item for this Server/Client pair.
   Terminate ( Server, Client ) ;

   // Reply with an ACK.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_FACK, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 7
WString * WEXPORT WClient::sendMsg( const char *msg, WClientFlags ) {

    DDESTRUCT   *dde;

    if( !_connected ) return( NULL );
    dde = WDDEObject::makeDDEObject( _serverWindow, msg, 0, DDEFMT_TEXT, NULL, 0 );
    WinDdePostMsg( _serverWindow, _clientWindow, WM_DDE_REQUEST, dde, DDEPM_RETRY );
    return( NULL );
Esempio n. 8
MRESULT EXPENTRY clientProc( HWND hwnd, USHORT msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2 )
    switch( msg ) {
    case WM_DDE_INITIATE: { // editor has started
        DDEINIT *ddei = (PDDEINIT)mp2;
        if( (strcmp( "WB Editor", (char *)ddei->pszAppName ) == 0) &&
                (stricmp( CurrSession->file_name, (char *)ddei->pszTopic ) == 0) ) {
            // make sure that we are expecting a session to be started - more
            // than one application may be using the DLL (i.e. the IDE and
            // browser)
            if( StartingSessionInProgress ) {
                CurrSession->hwnd = (HWND)mp1;
                StartingSessionInProgress = FALSE;
        DosFreeMem( ddei );
        return( (MRESULT)TRUE );
    case WM_DDE_INITIATEACK: { // response from EPM after WinDdeInitiate()
        DDEINIT *ddei = (PDDEINIT)mp2;
        session *sess = FindSessionByHWND( (HWND)mp1 );
        if (sess != NULL) {
            sess->connected = TRUE;
            if( sess->msg != NULL ) {
                SendData( sess->msg, TRUE );
        DosFreeMem( ddei );
        return( (MRESULT)TRUE );
    case WM_DDE_ACK: { // acknowledgement from EPM
        DDESTRUCT *ddes = (PDDESTRUCT)mp2;
        DosFreeMem( ddes );
    case WM_DDE_DATA: { // request to send "Goto" message to EPM
        session *sess = FindSessionByHWND( (HWND)mp1 );
        if (sess != NULL)
            SendData( sess->msg, FALSE );
    case WM_DDE_TERMINATE: {
        WinDdePostMsg( (HWND)mp1, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, NULL, 0 );
        DeleteSession( (HWND)mp1 );
        return( prevClientProc( hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2 ) );
    return( 0 );
Esempio n. 9
int EDITAPI EDITDisconnect( void )
    session     *sess;

    for( sess = SessionList; sess != NULL; sess = sess->link ) {
        WinDdePostMsg( sess->hwnd, hwndDDE, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, NULL, 0 );
    if( hwndDDE != NULLHANDLE ) {
        WinDestroyWindow( hwndDDE );
        hwndDDE = NULLHANDLE;
    return( TRUE );
Esempio n. 10
void Dde_Topic::Execute ( HWND Server, HWND Client, char *ItemName, int Format, PVOID Data, int Size ) {

   // Search for the item and ask it to reply.
   Dde_Item *Item = First ;
   while ( Item ) {
      if ( !strcmpi ( ItemName, Item->QueryName() ) ) {
         Item->Execute ( Server, Client, Format, Data, Size ) ;
         return ;
      } /* endif */
      Item = Item->QueryNext() ;
   } /* endwhile */

   // Reply with an error if the topic was not found.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 11
void Dde_Topic::Terminate ( HWND Server, HWND Client, BOOL DestroyServer ) {

   // Echo the termination command to the client.
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, 0, TRUE ) ;

   // Remove the server from the list.
   for ( int i=0; i<sizeof(Servers)/sizeof(Servers[0]); i++ ) 
      if ( Servers[i] == Server ) 
         Servers[i] = 0 ;

   // Cancel any links.
   Dde_Item *Item = First ;
   while ( Item ) {
      Item->Terminate ( Server, Client ) ;
      Item = Item->QueryNext() ;
   } /* endwhile */

   // If server window not already being destroyed, destroy it now.
   if ( DestroyServer )
      WinDestroyWindow ( Server ) ;
Esempio n. 12
MRESULT EXPENTRY fnwpMain(HWND hwndFrame, ULONG msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2)
    PSZ             szData;
    PDDESTRUCT      pddeStruct;
    ULONG           mem;

    CHAR            szBuffer[200];

    switch (msg)

        // all answers to the WinDDEInitate call arrive here
        case WM_DDE_INITIATEACK:
            PDDEINIT        pddeInit;
            PSZ             szInApp, szInTopic;
            static BOOL bNetscapeAnswered = FALSE;

            pddeInit = (PDDEINIT)mp2;
            szInApp = pddeInit->pszAppName;
            szInTopic = pddeInit->pszTopic;
            G_hServerWnd = (HWND)mp1;

            ShowMessage("WM_DDE_INITIATEACK (resp to WinDDEInitiate)");
            ShowMessage("  application: \"%s\"",
            ShowMessage("  topic: \"%s\"",

            // RDP 2000-07-07 07:24:18
            // There was no check on which application responded.
            // This made NETSCDDE fail when another DDE-aware application,
            // like EPM, was running.
            // Now the handle from mp1 is only assigned if the application
            // responding is Netscape.
            // If the app is not Netscape then the handle is nullified.
            // I don't know if assigning 0 to the handle is correct but
            // is seems to solve the problem.

            // V0.9.19 (2002-03-28) [umoeller]
            // Opera fix: use stricmp instead of strcmp
            if (!stricmp(pddeInit->pszAppName,
                         G_szDDENetscape))     // V0.9.16 (2001-10-02) [umoeller]
                // ShowMessage("!! Netscape answered.");
                G_hServerWnd = (HWND)mp1;
                bNetscapeAnswered = TRUE;
                // ShowMessage("!! Other application aswered.");
                G_hServerWnd = (HWND)0;

        // all answers to DDE requests arrive here
        case WM_DDE_DATA:
            ShowMessage("!! Received data from Netscape: ");
            pddeStruct = (PDDESTRUCT) mp2;
            DosGetSharedMem(pddeStruct, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE);
            szData = (BYTE *) (pddeStruct + (pddeStruct->offabData));

        // menu item processing (in debug mode, otherwise these
        // WM_COMMAND msgs have been posted automatically)
        case WM_COMMAND:
            switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1))
                // start DDE conversation: this was posted
                // by "main" before the PM loop was entered
                // (even if we're in debug mode)
                case IDM_INITIATE:
                    // WinPostMsg(G_hwndListbox, LM_DELETEALL, 0, 0);
                    ShowMessage("Topic: \"%s\"", G_szOpenURLTopic);
                    G_context.cb = sizeof(CONVCONTEXT);
                    G_context.fsContext = 0;
                    WinDdeInitiate(hwndFrame, G_szDDENetscape,
                                   G_szOpenURLTopic, &G_context);
                    if (!G_optDebug)
                        // if we're not in debug mode, post subsequent
                        // menu commands automatically
                        WinPostMsg(hwndFrame, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_CHAIN2, 0), 0);

                // "Open URL": request data from server
                case IDM_OPENURL:
                    ShowMessage("  URL: \"%s\"", G_szURL);
                    strlcpy(szBuffer, G_szURL, sizeof(szBuffer));
                    strlcat(szBuffer, ",,0xFFFFFFFF,0x0", sizeof(szBuffer));
                    DDERequest(hwndFrame, szBuffer);

                // "Open URL in new window": request data from server,
                // but with different parameters
                case IDM_OPENURLNEW:
                    ShowMessage("  URL: \"%s\"", G_szURL);
                    strlcpy(szBuffer, G_szURL, sizeof(szBuffer));
                    strlcat(szBuffer, ",,0x0,0x0", sizeof(szBuffer));
                    DDERequest(hwndFrame, szBuffer);

                 * IDM_CHAIN2:
                 *      this is posted after DDE_INITIATE was
                 *      successful

                case IDM_CHAIN2:
                    if (G_optNewWindow)
                        WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_OPENURLNEW, 0), 0);
                        WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_OPENURL, 0), 0);
                    WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_CHAIN3, 0), 0);

                 * IDM_CHAIN3:
                 *      this is posted to close the whole thing; we just need
                 *      another msg before going for IDM_CLOSE, or some DDE
                 *      msgs might get lost

                case IDM_CHAIN3:
                    WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_CLOSE, 0), 0);

                case IDM_FULLSEQUENCE:
                    WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_INITIATE, 0), 0);
                    WinPostMsg(G_hwndDebug, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_CHAIN2, 0), 0);

                 * IDM_CLOSE:
                 *      this is posted to close the whole thing

                case IDM_CLOSE:
                    ShowMessage("DDE connection closed.");

                    if (!G_optDebug)
                        WinPostMsg(hwndFrame, WM_COMMAND, MPFROM2SHORT(IDM_DELAYEXIT, 0), 0);

                 * IDM_DELAYEXIT:
                 *      this is posted after IDM_CLOSE; we will now
                 *      check for whether the DDE conversation with
                 *      Netscape was successful and, if not, start
                 *      a new instance of Netscape according to the
                 *      command line parameters

                case IDM_DELAYEXIT:
                    if (    (!G_NetscapeFound)
                         && (G_optExecute)
                        CHAR szStart[256];
                        GetNLSString(szStart, sizeof(szStart), ID_NDSI_STARTNETSCAPE);

                        // confirm start netscape
                        if (    (!G_optConfirmStart)
                             // get rid of this hideously ugly dialog
                             || (WinMessageBox(HWND_DESKTOP,
                                               MB_YESNO | MB_MOVEABLE)
                                       == MBID_YES)
                                               /* WinCenteredDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP,
                                      == DID_OK) */
                            UCHAR           achObjBuf[256] = "";

                            CHAR            szArgs[CCHMAXPATH];

                            HWND            hwndNotify = HWND_DESKTOP;
                            PROGDETAILS     pd;
                            HAPP            happ;

                            // destroy "Contacting", create "Starting Netscape"
                            // window
                            G_hwndContacting = NULLHANDLE;

                            if (!G_optQuiet)
                                G_hwndContacting = WinLoadDlg(HWND_DESKTOP, G_hwndDebug,
                                                            G_hmodNLS, ID_NDD_STARTING,
                                WinShowWindow(G_hwndContacting, TRUE);

                            strlcpy(szArgs, G_szNetscapeParams, sizeof(szArgs));
                            strlcat(szArgs, " ", sizeof(szArgs));
                            strlcat(szArgs, G_szURL, sizeof(szArgs));

                            // now start app
                            memset(&pd, 0, sizeof(pd));
                            pd.Length = sizeof(pd);
                            pd.progt.progc = PROG_DEFAULT;
                            pd.progt.fbVisible = SHE_VISIBLE;
                            pd.pszExecutable = G_szNetscapeApp;
                            pd.pszParameters = szArgs;
                            pd.pszStartupDir = G_szStartupDir;

                            if (!(happ = WinStartApp(NULLHANDLE,
                                DisplayError("WinStartApp failed for app \"%s\", params \"%s\", startup dir \"%s\"",
                    // keep "Contacting" / "Starting" window visible for two seconds
                    G_idTimer = WinStartTimer(G_hab, hwndFrame, 1, 2000);

                // User closes the window
                case IDM_EXIT:
                    WinPostMsg(hwndFrame, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

        case WM_TIMER:
            // after two seconds, close status window
            WinStopTimer(G_hab, hwndFrame, G_idTimer);
            WinPostMsg(hwndFrame, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0);

        // Send the message to the usual WC_FRAME WndProc
            return G_SysWndProc(hwndFrame, msg, mp1, mp2);

    return FALSE;
Esempio n. 13
BOOL DDERequest(HWND hwndClient,
                PSZ pszItemString)
    ULONG           mem;
    PID             pid;
    TID             tid;
    PDDESTRUCT      pddeStruct;
    PSZ             pszDDEItemName;

    // get some sharable memory
                      sizeof(DDESTRUCT) + 1000,
                      PAG_COMMIT |
                      PAG_READ |
                      PAG_WRITE |

    // get the server's ID and give it access
    // to the shared memory
    WinQueryWindowProcess(G_hServerWnd, &pid, &tid);
    DosGiveSharedMem(&mem, pid, PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE);

    /* here is definition for DDESTRUCT, for further reference:
     * typedef struct _DDESTRUCT {
     * ULONG    cbData;
     * This is the length of data that occurs after the offabData parameter. If no
     * data exists, this field should contain a zero (0).
     * USHORT   fsStatus;       /  Status of the data exchange.
     * DDE_FACK
     * Positive acknowledgement
     * DDE_FBUSY
     * Application is busy
     * No data transfer for advise
     * Acknowledgements are requested
     * Response to WM_DDE_REQUEST
     * DDE message not understood
     * A 1-byte field of bits that are reserved for application-specific returns.
     * USHORT   usFormat;       /  Data format.
     * USHORT   offszItemName;  /  Offset to item name.
     * This is the offset to the item name from the start of this structure. Item
     * name is a null (0x00) terminated string. If no item name exists, there must
     * be a single null (0x00) character in this position. (That is, ItemName is
     * ALWAYS a null terminated string.)
     * USHORT   offabData;      /  Offset to beginning of data.
     * This is the offset to the data, from the start of this structure. This field
     * should be calculated regardless of the presence of data. If no data exists,
     * cbData must be zero (0).
     * For compatibility reasons, this data should not contain embedded pointers.
     * Offsets should be used instead.
     * --  CHAR     szItemName[]    /  offset: offszItemName
     * --  BYTE     abData[]        /  offset: offabData
     * } DDESTRUCT; */

    // setup DDE data structures
    pddeStruct = (PDDESTRUCT) mem;
    pddeStruct->fsStatus = 0;   // DDE_FACKREQ;            // Status

    pddeStruct->usFormat = DDEFMT_TEXT;     // Text format

    // go past end of data structure for the item name
    pddeStruct->offszItemName = sizeof(DDESTRUCT);

    pszDDEItemName = ((BYTE*)pddeStruct) + pddeStruct->offszItemName;
    strcpy(pszDDEItemName, pszItemString);

    // go past end of data structure
    // (plus past the name) for the data
    pddeStruct->offabData = strlen(pszDDEItemName) + 1;
    // offset to BEGINNING of data
    pddeStruct->cbData = 500;
    // length of the data

    ShowMessage(__FUNCTION__ ": sending request \"%s\"",

    // post our request to the server program
    if (G_NetscapeFound = WinDdePostMsg(G_hServerWnd,
                    // WinDdePostMsg frees the shared mem!
        ShowMessage("    --> success");
        ShowMessage("    --> failed");

    return G_NetscapeFound;
Esempio n. 14
void Dde_Item::Execute ( HWND Server, HWND Client, int, PVOID, int ) {

   // Reply with an error, as we don't support this function.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), DDE_NOTPROCESSED, DDEFMT_TEXT, 0, 0 ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_ACK, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;
Esempio n. 15
void Dde_Item::Request ( HWND Server, HWND Client ) {

   // Reply with the item data.
   PDDESTRUCT Response = MakeDDEObject ( Client, PSZ(Name), 0, Format, Data, Size ) ;
   WinDdePostMsg ( Client, Server, WM_DDE_DATA, Response, DDEPM_RETRY ) ;