Esempio n. 1
| Load the scripts DB                                                         |
void CIRexxApp::NewScriptIndexDB()
   //<<<JAL since searching for many scripts can be slow,
   //       we draw a little indicator at the start.
   //       palm os does provide a set of progress functions,
   //       but their progress dialog is too much for something simple.
   Err err;
   RectangleType saveFrame;
   WinHandle saveWindow = 0;
   if (WinGetDrawWindow()) { // If we can't draw yet, forget it!
      const char * s = getRexxAppMessage(msgRexxIsStarting); // the text in the rectangle
      const int wFrame = 2; // the width of dialogFrame
      const int padding = 2; // padding for the text in the rectangle
      Int16 w = FntCharsWidth(s, StrLen(s)) + (padding * 2);
      Int16 h = FntCharHeight() + (padding * 2);
      RectangleType r;
      RctSetRectangle(&r, (160-w)/2, (160-h)/2, w, h);
         r.topLeft.x-wFrame, r.topLeft.y-wFrame, r.extent.x+(wFrame*2), r.extent.y+(wFrame*2));
      saveWindow = WinSaveBits(&saveFrame, &err);
      WinDrawRectangleFrame(dialogFrame, &r);
      WinDrawChars(s, StrLen(s), r.topLeft.x+padding, r.topLeft.y+padding);
   if (saveWindow) {
      WinRestoreBits(saveWindow, saveFrame.topLeft.x, saveFrame.topLeft.y);
Esempio n. 2
** TrackXferDone
static void TrackXferDone(DynamicButtonType* btn) {
  RectangleType bounds[5], frame, popFrame, popShadowFrame;
  Boolean penDown, on_button;
  Int16 x, y, clicked_on = 0;
  Int16 state = 1;
  Int16 i = 0;
  WinHandle offscreenH = NULL;
  FormType* frm = FrmGetActiveForm();
  const UInt16 listIdx = FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, XferDoneList);
  ListType* list = FrmGetObjectPtr(frm, listIdx);
  UInt16 width = 0, choices = 0;
  Err err = errNone;
  Char str[48];
  Int16 n = 0;

  /* Save the old drawing context */

  /* This should match the XferDoneButton bounds */
  FrmGetObjectBounds(frm, FrmGetObjectIndex(frm, btn->id), &bounds[0]);

  /* Invert the done button */
  SelectAndDrawButton(btn, true);

  /* Set the status of each menu pick */
  for (; i < 4; i++)
    d.xfer.status[i] = 0x00;
  if (xferGotoIsAlways)
    d.xfer.status[0] = TRACKXFERDONE_ALWAYS;
  else if (xferGotoIsNever)
    d.xfer.status[0] = TRACKXFERDONE_NEVER;
  else if (p.flags&PFLAGS_XFER_GOTO)
    d.xfer.status[0] = TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED;

  if (xferCompleteIsAlways)
    d.xfer.status[1] = TRACKXFERDONE_ALWAYS;
  else if (xferCompleteIsNever)
    d.xfer.status[1] = TRACKXFERDONE_NEVER;
  else if (d.xfer.complete)
    d.xfer.status[1] = TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED;

  if (!d.linker_available)
    d.xfer.status[2] = TRACKXFERDONE_NEVER;
  else if (p.flags&PFLAGS_XFER_BACKLINK)
    d.xfer.status[2] = TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED;
  if (p.flags&PFLAGS_XFER_DELETE)
    d.xfer.status[3] = TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED;

  for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
    if (!(d.xfer.status[i] & TRACKXFERDONE_NEVER)) {
      d.xfer.choice_map[choices] = i;

      /* calculate list width */
      SysCopyStringResource(str, XferMenuOptionsStrings + i);
      n = FntCharsWidth(str, StrLen(str));
      width = Max(width, n);

  LstSetDrawFunction(list, XferDoneListDrawFunc);
  LstSetListChoices(list, 0, choices);
  LstSetHeight(list, Min(choices, 10));
  FrmGetObjectBounds(frm, listIdx, &frame);
  frame.topLeft.y = 144 - frame.extent.y - 1; /* -1 to compensate for white border */
  frame.extent.x = width + 15 + 6;
  FrmSetObjectBounds(frm, listIdx, &frame);
  WinGetFramesRectangle(popupFrame, &frame, &popFrame);
  WinGetFramesRectangle(rectangleFrame, &popFrame, &popShadowFrame);

  for (i = 0; i < choices; ++i)
    RctSetRectangle(&bounds[i+1], frame.topLeft.x, frame.topLeft.y + 10 * i, 
		    frame.extent.x, 10);

  /* Save the bits of the whole menu */
  offscreenH = WinSaveBits(&popShadowFrame, &err);
  if (err) abort();

  /* None selected */
  LstSetSelection(list, -1);

  FrmShowObject(frm, listIdx);
  WinEraseRectangle(&popShadowFrame, 0);
  WinEraseRectangleFrame(rectangleFrame, &frame);
  WinDrawRectangleFrame(popupFrame, &frame);

  do {
    EvtGetPen(&x, &y, &penDown);
    if (!state || !RctPtInRectangle(x, y, &bounds[state-1])) {
      on_button = false;
      for (i = 1; i <= choices + 1; i++) {
	if ((state != i) && RctPtInRectangle(x, y, &bounds[i-1])) {
	  /* Invert the new state */
	  LstSetSelection(list, i - 2);
	  WinEraseRectangleFrame(rectangleFrame, &frame);
	  WinDrawRectangleFrame(popupFrame, &frame);
	  SelectAndDrawButton(btn, i == 1);
	  state = i;
	  on_button = true;

      if (state && !on_button) {
	/* Moved off the current button */
	LstSetSelection(list, -1);
	WinEraseRectangleFrame(rectangleFrame, &frame);
	WinDrawRectangleFrame(popupFrame, &frame);

	if (state == 1) 
	  SelectAndDrawButton(btn, false);
	state = 0;
  } while (penDown);

  FrmHideObject(frm, listIdx);

  /* Restore the framed rect */
  WinRestoreBits(offscreenH, popShadowFrame.topLeft.x, popShadowFrame.topLeft.y);

  /* Unselect the button */
  SelectAndDrawButton(btn, false);

  /* Finish up if we just tapped the button */
  if (RctPtInRectangle(x, y, &bounds[0])) {
    /* Restore the old draw state */

  /* Change the setting for goto or delete */
  for (i = 1; i <= choices; i++) {
    if (RctPtInRectangle(x, y, &bounds[i])) {
      clicked_on = i;

  if (clicked_on) 
    clicked_on = d.xfer.choice_map[clicked_on-1] + 1;

  switch (clicked_on) {
  case 1: /* Goto */
    if (d.xfer.status[0] & TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED)
      p.flags &= ~PFLAGS_XFER_GOTO;
    else if (!d.xfer.status[0])
      p.flags |= PFLAGS_XFER_GOTO;
  case 2: /* Complete */
    if (d.xfer.status[1] & TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED)
      d.xfer.complete = false;
    else if (!d.xfer.status[1])
      d.xfer.complete = true;
  case 3: /* BackLink */
    if (d.xfer.status[2] & TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED)
      p.flags &= ~PFLAGS_XFER_BACKLINK;
    else if (!d.xfer.status[2]) {
      p.flags |= PFLAGS_XFER_BACKLINK;
      p.flags &= ~PFLAGS_XFER_DELETE; /* No delete if backlink */
  case 4: /* Delete */
    if (d.xfer.status[3] & TRACKXFERDONE_CHECKED)
      p.flags &= ~PFLAGS_XFER_DELETE;
    else if (!d.xfer.status[3]) {
      p.flags |= PFLAGS_XFER_DELETE;
      p.flags &= ~PFLAGS_XFER_BACKLINK; /* No backlink if delete */

  /* Click and redraw the button */
  if (clicked_on) {
    if (d.xfer.status[clicked_on-1] & TRACKXFERDONE_ALWAYS)

  /* Restore the old draw state */